blob: ce1bafb86b1f95e716808ef4f072aecb24e8f0bc [file] [log] [blame] [view] [edit]
# Contributing to Homebrew
First time contributing to Homebrew? Read our [Code of Conduct](
### To report a bug
* run `brew update` (twice)
* run and read `brew doctor`
* read [the Troubleshooting Checklist](
* open an issue on the formula's repository
### To submit a version upgrade for the `foo` formula
* check if the same upgrade has been already submitted by [searching the open pull requests for `foo`](✓&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+foo).
* `brew bump-formula-pr --strict foo` with `--url=...` and `--sha256=...` or `--tag=...` and `--revision=...` arguments.
### To add a new formula for `foo` version `2.3.4` from `$URL`
* read [the Formula Cookbook]( or: `brew create $URL` and make edits
* `brew install --build-from-source foo`
* `brew audit --new-formula foo`
* `git commit` with message formatted `foo 2.3.4 (new formula)`
* [open a pull request]( and fix any failing tests
### To contribute a fix to the `foo` formula
If you are already well versed in the use of `git`, then you can find the local
copy of the `homebrew-core` repository in this directory
(`$(brew --prefix)/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/`), modify the formula there
leaving the section `bottle do ... end` unchanged, and prepare a pull request
as you usually do. Before submitting your pull request, be sure to test it
with these commands:
brew uninstall --force foo
brew install --build-from-source foo
brew test foo
brew audit --strict foo
After testing, if you think it is needed to force the corresponding bottles to be
rebuilt and redistributed, add a line of the form `revision 1` to the formula,
or add 1 to the revision number already present.
If you are not already well versed in the use of `git`, then you may learn
about it from the introduction at and then proceed as
* run `brew edit foo` and make edits
* leave the section `bottle do ... end` unchanged
* test your changes using the commands listed above
* run `git commit` with message formatted `foo <insert new version number>` or `foo: <insert details>`
* open a pull request as described in the introduction linked to above, wait for the automated test results, and fix any failing tests