blob: 2ef592848052d95dbdbaf857102c1f68a40ad3ad [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Updates the pinned version of lucicfg to the latest available.
# Usage: $
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
function main {
cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.."
# Look at the latest version of lucicfg, pull all the git revisions, pick the
# one that comes last alphabetically (to minimize churn since many revisions
# might refer to the same package), and write that to the lucicfg_version
# file.
cipd describe "infra/tools/luci/lucicfg/\${platform}" -version latest |
grep git_revision |
sort |
tail -n1)
new_version="${new_version// /}" # Trim whitespace.
# Update pinned version in the ensure file. Assumes that the ensure file is
# valid and holds only a single pinned package.
in_place_sed "s/git_revision:.\{40\}/$new_version/" "$ensure_file"
# Install the new version of lucicfg so we can run `lucicfg version` to get
# the lucicfg tool's semantic version and update the minimum version set by
# `lucicfg.check_version()` in the Starlark code.
"$lucicfg" version |
head -n1 |
sed "s/lucicfg v//"
in_place_sed "s/LUCICFG_VERSION = \".*\"/LUCICFG_VERSION = \"$semver\"/" "$version_file"
function in_place_sed {
local directive="$1"
local file="$2"
# Unfortunately, it's impossible to do an in-place sed that works on both Mac
# and Linux without creating a backup file.
sed -i.bak "$directive" "$file"
rm "$file.bak"
main "$@"