blob: 326c3b1aaa7c940aa9d11d8609da545608579861 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import '../logic/brooks.dart';
import '../model/build_status_response.pb.dart';
import '../model/commit.pb.dart';
import '../model/commit_status.pb.dart';
import '../model/key.pb.dart';
import '../model/task.pb.dart';
import '../service/cocoon.dart';
import '../service/google_authentication.dart';
/// State for the Flutter Build Dashboard.
class BuildState extends ChangeNotifier {
@required this.cocoonService,
@required this.authService,
}) {
/// Cocoon backend service that retrieves the data needed for this state.
final CocoonService cocoonService;
/// Authentication service for managing Google Sign In.
final GoogleSignInService authService;
/// Git branches from flutter/flutter for managing Flutter releases.
List<String> get branches => _branches;
List<String> _branches = <String>['master'];
/// The current flutter/flutter git branch to show data from.
String get currentBranch => _currentBranch;
String _currentBranch = 'master';
/// The current status of the commits loaded.
List<CommitStatus> get statuses => _statuses;
List<CommitStatus> _statuses = <CommitStatus>[];
/// Whether or not flutter/flutter currently passes tests.
bool get isTreeBuilding => _isTreeBuilding;
bool _isTreeBuilding;
List<String> get failingTasks => _failingTasks;
List<String> _failingTasks = <String>[];
/// Whether more [List<CommitStatus>] can be loaded from Cocoon.
/// If [fetchMoreCommitStatuses] returns no data, it is assumed the last
/// [CommitStatus] has been loaded.
bool get moreStatusesExist => _moreStatusesExist;
bool _moreStatusesExist = true;
/// A [Brook] that reports when errors occur that relate to this [BuildState].
Brook<String> get errors => _errors;
final ErrorSink _errors = ErrorSink();
static const String errorMessageFetchingStatuses = 'An error occurred fetching build statuses from Cocoon';
static const String errorMessageFetchingTreeStatus = 'An error occurred fetching tree status from Cocoon';
static const String errorMessageFetchingFailingTasks =
'An error occurred fetching the list of failing tasks from Cocoon';
static const String errorMessageFetchingBranches =
'An error occurred fetching branches from flutter/flutter on Cocoon.';
/// How often to query the Cocoon backend for the current build state.
final Duration refreshRate = const Duration(seconds: 30);
/// Timer that calls [_fetchStatusUpdates] on a set interval.
Timer refreshTimer;
// There's no way to cancel futures in the standard library so instead we just track
// if we've been disposed, and if so, we drop everything on the floor.
bool _active = true;
void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (!hasListeners) {
assert(refreshTimer != null);
void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (!hasListeners) {
refreshTimer = null;
/// Start a fixed interval loop that fetches build state updates based on [refreshRate].
void _startFetchingStatusUpdates() {
assert(refreshTimer == null);
refreshTimer = Timer.periodic(refreshRate, _fetchStatusUpdates);
/// Request the latest [statuses] and [isTreeBuilding] from [CocoonService].
/// If fetched [statuses] is not on the current branch it will be discarded.
Future<void> _fetchStatusUpdates([Timer timer]) async {
await Future.wait<void>(<Future<void>>[
() async {
final CocoonResponse<List<String>> response = await cocoonService.fetchFlutterBranches();
if (!_active) {
return null;
if (response.error != null) {
_errors.send('$errorMessageFetchingBranches: ${response.error}');
} else {
_branches =;
() async {
final CocoonResponse<List<CommitStatus>> response =
await cocoonService.fetchCommitStatuses(branch: _currentBranch);
if (!_active) {
return null;
if (response.error != null) {
_errors.send('$errorMessageFetchingStatuses: ${response.error}');
} else {
() async {
final CocoonResponse<BuildStatusResponse> response =
await cocoonService.fetchTreeBuildStatus(branch: _currentBranch);
if (!_active) {
return null;
if (response.error != null) {
_errors.send('$errorMessageFetchingTreeStatus: ${response.error}');
} else {
_isTreeBuilding = == EnumBuildStatus.success;
_failingTasks =;
/// Update build state to be on [branch] and erase previous branch data.
Future<void> updateCurrentBranch(String branch) {
if (_currentBranch == branch) {
// Do nothing if the branch hasn't changed.
return Future<void>.value();
_currentBranch = branch;
_moreStatusesExist = true;
_isTreeBuilding = null;
_failingTasks = <String>[];
_statuses = <CommitStatus>[];
/// Clear previous branch data from the widgets
/// To prevent delays, make an immediate request for dashboard data.
return _fetchStatusUpdates();
/// Handle merging status updates with the current data in [statuses].
/// [recentStatuses] is expected to be sorted from newest commit to oldest
/// commit. This is the same order as [statuses].
/// If the current list of statuses is empty, [recentStatuses] is set
/// to be the current [statuses].
/// Otherwise, follow this algorithm:
/// 1. Create a new [List<CommitStatus>] that is from [recentStatuses].
/// 2. Find where [recentStatuses] does not have [CommitStatus] that
/// [statuses] has. This is called the [lastKnownIndex].
/// 3. Append the range of [statuses] from ([lastKnownIndex] to the end of
/// statuses) to [recentStatuses]. This is the merged [statuses].
void _mergeRecentCommitStatusesWithStoredStatuses(
List<CommitStatus> recentStatuses,
) {
if (!_statusesMatchCurrentBranch(recentStatuses)) {
// Do not merge statuses if they are not from the current branch.
// Happens in delayed network requests after switching branches.
/// If the current statuses is empty, no merge logic is necessary.
/// This is used on the first call for statuses.
if (_statuses.isEmpty) {
_statuses = recentStatuses;
final List<CommitStatus> mergedStatuses = List<CommitStatus>.from(recentStatuses);
/// Bisect statuses to find the set that doesn't exist in [recentStatuses].
final CommitStatus lastRecentStatus = recentStatuses.last;
final int lastKnownIndex = _findCommitStatusIndex(_statuses, lastRecentStatus);
/// If this assertion error occurs, the Cocoon backend needs to be updated
/// to return more commit statuses. This error will only occur if there
/// is a gap between [recentStatuses] and [statuses].
assert(lastKnownIndex != -1);
final int firstIndex = lastKnownIndex + 1;
final int lastIndex = _statuses.length;
/// If the current statuses has the same statuses as [recentStatuses],
/// there will be no subset of remaining statuses. Instead, it will give
/// a list with a null generated [CommitStatus]. Therefore we manually
/// return an empty list.
final List<CommitStatus> remainingStatuses = (firstIndex < lastIndex)
? _statuses
: <CommitStatus>[];
_statuses = mergedStatuses;
/// Find the index in [statuses] that has [statusToFind] based on the key.
/// Return -1 if it does not exist.
/// The rest of the data in the [CommitStatus] can be different.
int _findCommitStatusIndex(
List<CommitStatus> statuses,
CommitStatus statusToFind,
) {
for (int index = 0; index < statuses.length; index += 1) {
final CommitStatus current = _statuses[index];
if (current.commit.key == statusToFind.commit.key) {
return index;
return -1;
Future<void> _moreStatuses;
/// When the user reaches the end of [statuses], we load more from Cocoon
/// to create an infinite scroll effect.
/// This method is idempotent (calling it when it's already running will
/// just return the same Future without kicking off more work).
Future<void> fetchMoreCommitStatuses() {
if (_moreStatuses != null) {
return _moreStatuses;
_moreStatuses = _fetchMoreCommitStatusesInternal();
_moreStatuses.whenComplete(() {
_moreStatuses = null;
return _moreStatuses;
Future<void> _fetchMoreCommitStatusesInternal() async {
final CocoonResponse<List<CommitStatus>> response = await cocoonService.fetchCommitStatuses(
lastCommitStatus: _statuses.last,
branch: _currentBranch,
if (!_active) {
if (response.error != null) {
_errors.send('$errorMessageFetchingStatuses: ${response.error}');
final List<CommitStatus> newStatuses =;
/// Handle the case where release branches only have a few commits.
if (newStatuses.isEmpty) {
_moreStatusesExist = false;
/// The [List<CommitStatus>] returned is the statuses that come at the end
/// of our current list and can just be appended.
Future<bool> refreshGitHubCommits() async => cocoonService.vacuumGitHubCommits(await authService.idToken);
Future<bool> rerunTask(Task task) async {
return cocoonService.rerunTask(task, await authService.idToken);
/// Assert that [statuses] is ordered from newest commit to oldest.
bool _statusesInOrder(List<CommitStatus> statuses) {
for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length - 1; i++) {
final Commit current = statuses[i].commit;
final Commit next = statuses[i + 1].commit;
if (current.timestamp < next.timestamp) {
return false;
return true;
/// Assert that there are no duplicate commits in [statuses].
bool _statusesAreUnique(List<CommitStatus> statuses) {
final Set<RootKey> uniqueStatuses = <RootKey>{};
for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length; i += 1) {
final Commit current = statuses[i].commit;
if (uniqueStatuses.contains(current.key)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Check if the latest [List<CommitStatus>] matches the current branch.
/// When switching branches, there is potential for the previous branch data
/// to come in. In that case, the dashboard should ignore that data.
/// Returns true if [List<CommitStatus>] is data from the current branch.
bool _statusesMatchCurrentBranch(List<CommitStatus> statuses) {
final CommitStatus exampleStatus = statuses.first;
return exampleStatus.branch == _currentBranch;
void dispose() {
_active = false;