blob: e5b7cc71f9c90f069041fa037ab835f5f149cca5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import '../../request_handling/body.dart';
part 'commit.g.dart';
/// Representation of a commit on Gerrit.
/// See more:
/// *
class GerritCommit extends JsonBody {
const GerritCommit({
static GerritCommit fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$GerritCommitFromJson(json);
final String? commit;
final String? tree;
final GerritUser? author;
final GerritUser? committer;
final String? message;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$GerritCommitToJson(this);
String toString() => jsonEncode(toJson());
/// Gerrit info containing the author/comitter of a commit.
/// See more:
/// *
class GerritUser extends JsonBody {
const GerritUser({,,
static GerritUser fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$GerritUserFromJson(json);
final String? name;
final String? email;
@JsonKey(fromJson: _dateTimeFromGerritTime)
final DateTime? time;
/// Gerrit uses a non ISO-8601 time format, which requires manual translation.
/// Example: `Tue Jul 12 17:21:25 2022 +0000`
static DateTime _dateTimeFromGerritTime(String date) {
final List<String> parts = date.split(' ');
final int day = int.parse(parts[2]);
final int year = int.parse(parts[4]);
final String monthStr = parts[1].toLowerCase();
final Map<String, int> monthLookup = <String, int>{
'jan': 1,
'feb': 2,
'mar': 3,
'apr': 4,
'may': 5,
'jun': 6,
'jul': 7,
'aug': 8,
'sep': 9,
'oct': 10,
'nov': 11,
'dec': 12,
final int month = monthLookup[monthStr]!;
final List<String> timeParts = parts[3].split(':');
final int hours = int.parse(timeParts[0]);
final int minutes = int.parse(timeParts[1]);
final int seconds = int.parse(timeParts[2]);
// Gerrit timezones are in +0000 which is UTC time.
return DateTime.utc(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$GerritUserToJson(this);
String toString() => jsonEncode(toJson());