blob: a7fa83811565b77bf358b622177ca14b582070bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/model/auto_submit_query_result.dart';
const String oid = '6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e';
const String title = 'some_title';
/// Helper for Github statuses.
class StatusHelper {
const StatusHelper(, this.state);
static const StatusHelper flutterBuildSuccess = StatusHelper('luci-flutter', 'SUCCESS');
static const StatusHelper flutterBuildFailure = StatusHelper('luci-flutter', 'FAILURE');
static const StatusHelper otherStatusFailure = StatusHelper('other status', 'FAILURE');
final String name;
final String state;
/// Helper to generate Github pull requests.
class PullRequestHelper {
PullRequestHelper({ = 'author1',
this.prNumber = 0,
this.repo = 'flutter',
this.authorAssociation = 'MEMBER',
this.title = 'some_title', = const <PullRequestReviewHelper>[
PullRequestReviewHelper(authorName: 'member', state: ReviewState.APPROVED, memberType: MemberType.MEMBER)
this.lastCommitHash = 'oid',
this.lastCommitStatuses = const <StatusHelper>[StatusHelper.flutterBuildSuccess],
this.lastCommitMessage = '',
final int prNumber;
final String repo;
final String author;
final String authorAssociation;
final List<PullRequestReviewHelper> reviews;
final String lastCommitHash;
List<StatusHelper>? lastCommitStatuses;
final String? lastCommitMessage;
final DateTime? dateTime;
final String title;
RepositorySlug get slug => RepositorySlug('flutter', repo);
Map<String, dynamic> toEntry() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'author': <String, dynamic>{'login': author},
'authorAssociation': authorAssociation,
'id': prNumber.toString(),
'title': title,
'reviews': <String, dynamic>{
'nodes': review) {
return <String, dynamic>{
'author': <String, dynamic>{'login': review.authorName},
'authorAssociation': review.memberType.toString().replaceFirst('MemberType.', ''),
'state': review.state.toString().replaceFirst('ReviewState.', ''),
'commits': <String, dynamic>{
'nodes': <dynamic>[
<String, dynamic>{
'commit': <String, dynamic>{
'oid': lastCommitHash,
'pushedDate': (dateTime ?? Duration(hours: -2))).toUtc().toIso8601String(),
'message': lastCommitMessage,
'status': <String, dynamic>{
'contexts': lastCommitStatuses != null
? lastCommitStatuses!.map((StatusHelper status) {
return <String, dynamic>{
'state': status.state,
'targetUrl': 'https://${}',
: <dynamic>[]
/// Generate `QueryResult` model as in auto submit.
QueryResult createQueryResult(PullRequestHelper pullRequest) {
return QueryResult.fromJson(<String, dynamic>{
'repository': <String, dynamic>{
'pullRequest': pullRequest.toEntry().cast<String, dynamic>(),
/// List of review state from a github pull request.
enum ReviewState {
/// List of member type of a github pull request author/reviewer.
enum MemberType {
/// Details of a github pull request review.
class PullRequestReviewHelper {
const PullRequestReviewHelper({
required this.authorName,
required this.state,
required this.memberType,
final String authorName;
final ReviewState state;
final MemberType memberType;