tree: e4ec86c764d0a41dc8c8b7bba765a5d298961c8c [path history] [tgz]
  1. android/
  2. assets/
  3. ios/
  4. lib/
  5. test/
  6. web/
  7. .gitignore
  8. .metadata
  9. analysis_options.yaml
  10. pubspec.lock
  11. pubspec.yaml

Build Dashboard v2 Frontend

Design Doc

Running for web locally

flutter run -d chrome --web-port=8080

Must run on port 8080 for Google Sign In to work since that is the only enabled port for localhost.


File organization

The lib directory is organized in subdirectories as follows:

  • lib/: main.dart and top-level widgets (e.g. the build dashboard widget). Can import anything.

  • lib/widgets/: Custom widgets used in this project. The files in this directory should import either the Flutter widgets package or the Flutter material package, and may import any local files except those that are directly in the top-level lib/ directory (i.e. importing from lib/logic/ et al is fine).

  • lib/state/: States, objects that interface between widgets and the services. Files in this directory should not import any Flutter packages other than foundation, and should not import local files that relate to UI (e.g. those in widgets/).

  • lib/service/: Services, objects that interface with the network. Files in this directory should not import any Flutter packages other than foundation, and should not import any local files from other directories.

  • lib/logic/: Other code, mainly non-UI utility methods and data models. Files in this directory should not import any Flutter packages other than foundation, and should not import any local files from other directories.

The test directory should follow the same structure, with files testing code from files in lib being in the parallel equivalent directories.


Imports in Dart files in this project should be split into five groups separated by blank lines:

  1. dart: imports
  2. package: imports other than cocoon_service and app_flutter
  3. package:cocoon_service imports
  4. package:app_flutter imports (only applicable to tests)
  5. local imports

Each section should be sorted lexically.