blob: 41d64ba5371adfc0d341b9d3c4ff1b14bda2b98d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:cocoon_service/ci_yaml.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../../protos.dart' as pb;
import '../foundation/utils.dart';
import '../request_handling/api_request_handler.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../service/bigquery.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
import '../service/github_service.dart';
import 'flaky_handler_utils.dart';
/// A handler to deflake builders if the builders are no longer flaky.
/// This handler gets flaky builders from ci.yaml in flutter/flutter and check
/// the following conditions:
/// 1. The builder is not in [ignoredBuilders].
/// 2. The flaky issue of the builder is closed if there is one.
/// 3. Does not have any existing pr against the target.
/// 4. The builder has been passing for most recent [kRecordNumber] consecutive
/// runs.
/// 5. The builder is not marked with ignore_flakiness.
/// If all the conditions are true, this handler will file a pull request to
/// make the builder unflaky.
class CheckFlakyBuilders extends ApiRequestHandler<Body> {
const CheckFlakyBuilders({
required super.config,
required super.authenticationProvider,
static int kRecordNumber = 50;
static final RegExp _issueLinkRegex = RegExp(r'<id>[0-9]+)');
/// Builders that are purposefully marked flaky and should be ignored by this
/// handler.
static const Set<String> ignoredBuilders = <String>{
'Mac_ios32 flutter_gallery__transition_perf_e2e_ios32',
'Mac_ios32 native_ui_tests_ios',
Future<Body> get() async {
final RepositorySlug slug = Config.flutterSlug;
final GithubService gitHub = config.createGithubServiceWithToken(await config.githubOAuthToken);
final BigqueryService bigquery = await config.createBigQueryService();
final String ciContent = await gitHub.getFileContent(
final YamlMap? ci = loadYaml(ciContent) as YamlMap?;
final pb.SchedulerConfig unCheckedSchedulerConfig = pb.SchedulerConfig()..mergeFromProto3Json(ci);
final CiYaml ciYaml = CiYaml(
slug: slug,
branch: Config.defaultBranch(slug),
config: unCheckedSchedulerConfig,
final pb.SchedulerConfig schedulerConfig = ciYaml.config;
final List<pb.Target> targets = schedulerConfig.targets;
final List<_BuilderInfo> eligibleBuilders =
await _getEligibleFlakyBuilders(gitHub, slug, content: ciContent, ciYaml: ciYaml);
final String testOwnerContent = await gitHub.getFileContent(
for (final _BuilderInfo info in eligibleBuilders) {
final BuilderType type = getTypeForBuilder(, ciYaml);
final TestOwnership testOwnership = getTestOwnership(
targets.singleWhere((element) => ==!),
final List<BuilderRecord> builderRecords =
await bigquery.listRecentBuildRecordsForBuilder(kBigQueryProjectId, builder:, limit: kRecordNumber);
if (_shouldDeflake(builderRecords)) {
await _deflakyPullRequest(gitHub, slug, info: info, ciContent: ciContent, testOwnership: testOwnership);
// Manually add a 1s delay between consecutive GitHub requests to deal with secondary rate limit error.
await Future.delayed(config.githubRequestDelay);
return Body.forJson(const <String, dynamic>{
'Status': 'success',
/// A builder should be deflaked if satisfying three conditions.
/// 1) There are enough data records.
/// 2) There is no flake
/// 3) There is no failure
bool _shouldDeflake(List<BuilderRecord> builderRecords) {
return builderRecords.length >= kRecordNumber &&
builderRecords.every((BuilderRecord record) => !record.isFlaky && !record.isFailed);
/// Gets the builders that match conditions:
/// 1. The builder's ignoreFlakiness is false.
/// 2. The builder is flaky
/// 3. The builder is not in [ignoredBuilders].
/// 4. The flaky issue of the builder is closed if there is one.
/// 5. Does not have any existing pr against the builder.
Future<List<_BuilderInfo>> _getEligibleFlakyBuilders(
GithubService gitHub,
RepositorySlug slug, {
required String content,
required CiYaml ciYaml,
}) async {
final YamlMap ci = loadYaml(content) as YamlMap;
final YamlList targets = ci[kCiYamlTargetsKey] as YamlList;
final List<YamlMap?> flakyTargets = targets
.where((dynamic target) => target[kCiYamlTargetIsFlakyKey] == true)
.map<YamlMap?>((dynamic target) => target as YamlMap?)
final List<_BuilderInfo> result = <_BuilderInfo>[];
final List<String> lines = content.split('\n');
final Map<String?, PullRequest> nameToExistingPRs = await getExistingPRs(gitHub, slug);
for (final YamlMap? flakyTarget in flakyTargets) {
final String? builder = flakyTarget![kCiYamlTargetNameKey] as String?;
// If target specified ignore_flakiness, then skip.
if (getIgnoreFlakiness(builder, ciYaml)) {
if (ignoredBuilders.contains(builder)) {
// Skip the flaky target if the issue or pr for the flaky target is still
// open.
if (nameToExistingPRs.containsKey(builder)) {
//TODO (ricardoamador): Refactor this so we don't need to parse the entire yaml looking for commented issues,
int builderLineNumber = lines.indexWhere((String line) => line.contains('name: $builder')) + 1;
while (builderLineNumber < lines.length && !lines[builderLineNumber].contains('name:')) {
if (lines[builderLineNumber].contains('$kCiYamlTargetIsFlakyKey:')) {
final RegExpMatch? match = _issueLinkRegex.firstMatch(lines[builderLineNumber]);
if (match == null) {
result.add(_BuilderInfo(name: builder));
final Issue issue = await gitHub.getIssue(slug, issueNumber: int.parse(match.namedGroup('id')!))!;
if (issue.isClosed) {
result.add(_BuilderInfo(name: builder, existingIssue: issue));
builderLineNumber += 1;
return result;
static bool getIgnoreFlakiness(String? builderName, CiYaml ciYaml) {
final Target? target =
ciYaml.postsubmitTargets.singleWhereOrNull((Target target) => == builderName);
return target == null ? false : target.getIgnoreFlakiness();
Future<void> _deflakyPullRequest(
GithubService gitHub,
RepositorySlug slug, {
required _BuilderInfo info,
required String ciContent,
required TestOwnership testOwnership,
}) async {
final String modifiedContent = _deflakeBuilderInContent(ciContent,;
final GitReference masterRef = await gitHub.getReference(slug, kMasterRefs);
final DeflakePullRequestBuilder prBuilder = DeflakePullRequestBuilder(
recordNumber: kRecordNumber,
ownership: testOwnership,
issue: info.existingIssue,
final PullRequest pullRequest = await gitHub.createPullRequest(
title: prBuilder.pullRequestTitle,
body: prBuilder.pullRequestBody,
commitMessage: prBuilder.pullRequestTitle,
baseRef: masterRef,
entries: <CreateGitTreeEntry>[
content: modifiedContent,
await gitHub.assignReviewer(slug, reviewer: prBuilder.pullRequestReviewer, pullRequestNumber: pullRequest.number);
/// Removes the `bringup: true` for the builder in the ci.yaml.
String _deflakeBuilderInContent(String content, String? builder) {
final List<String> lines = content.split('\n');
final int builderLineNumber = lines.indexWhere((String line) => line.contains('name: $builder'));
int nextLine = builderLineNumber + 1;
while (nextLine < lines.length && !lines[nextLine].contains('name:')) {
if (lines[nextLine].contains('$kCiYamlTargetIsFlakyKey:')) {
return lines.join('\n');
nextLine += 1;
throw 'Cannot find the flaky flag, is the test really marked flaky?';
/// The info of the builder's name and if there is any existing issue opened
/// for the builder.
class _BuilderInfo {
_BuilderInfo({, this.existingIssue});
final String? name;
final Issue? existingIssue;