blob: a5f31df814795250fe36b9da033befbbbf6cb1ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core';
import 'package:cocoon_service/ci_yaml.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/request_handlers/test_ownership.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import '../service/bigquery.dart';
import '../service/github_service.dart';
import '../../protos.dart' as pb;
// String constants.
const String kFlakeLabel = 'c: flake';
const String kFrameworkLabel = 'team-framework';
const String kToolLabel = 'team-tool';
const String kEngineLabel = 'team-engine';
const String kWebLabel = 'team-web';
const String kInfraLabel = 'team-infra';
const String kAndroidLabel = 'team-android';
const String kIosLabel = 'team-ios';
const String kReleaseLabel = 'team-release';
const String kEcosystemLabel = 'team-ecosystem';
const String kP0Label = 'P0';
const String kP1Label = 'P1';
const String kP2Label = 'P2';
const String kP3Label = 'P3';
const String kBigQueryProjectId = 'flutter-dashboard';
const String kCiYamlTargetsKey = 'targets';
const String kCiYamlTargetNameKey = 'name';
const String kCiYamlTargetIgnoreFlakiness = 'ignore_flakiness';
const String kCiYamlTargetIsFlakyKey = 'bringup';
const String kCiYamlPropertiesKey = 'properties';
const String kCiYamlTargetTagsKey = 'tags';
const String kCiYamlTargetTagsShard = 'shard';
const String kCiYamlTargetTagsFirebaselab = 'firebaselab';
const String kCiYamlTargetTagsDevicelab = 'devicelab';
const String kCiYamlTargetTagsFramework = 'framework';
const String kCiYamlTargetTagsHostonly = 'hostonly';
const String kMasterRefs = 'heads/master';
const String kModifyMode = '100644'; // This is equivalent to mode: `-rw-r--r--`.
const String kModifyType = 'blob';
const int kSuccessBuildNumberLimit = 3;
const int kFlayRatioBuildNumberList = 10;
const double kDefaultFlakyRatioThreshold = 0.02;
const int kGracePeriodForClosedFlake = 15; // days
const String _commitPrefix = '';
const String _buildDashboardPrefix = '';
const String _prodBuildPrefix = '';
const String _stagingBuildPrefix = '';
const String _flakeRecordPrefix =
/// A builder to build a new issue for a flake.
class IssueBuilder {
required this.statistic,
required this.ownership,
required this.threshold,
this.bringup = false,
final BuilderStatistic statistic;
final TestOwnership ownership;
final double threshold;
final bool bringup;
Bucket get buildBucket {
return bringup ? Bucket.staging :;
String get issueTitle {
return '${} is ${_formatRate(statistic.flakyRate)}% flaky';
String? get issueAssignee {
return ownership.owner;
/// Return `kSuccessBuildNumberLimit` successful builds if there are more. Otherwise return what's available.
int numberOfSuccessBuilds(int numberOfAvailableSuccessBuilds) {
return numberOfAvailableSuccessBuilds >= kSuccessBuildNumberLimit
? kSuccessBuildNumberLimit
: numberOfAvailableSuccessBuilds;
String get issueBody {
return '''
${_issueSummary(statistic, threshold, bringup)}
One recent flaky example for a same commit: ${_issueBuildLink(builder:, build: statistic.flakyBuildOfRecentCommit, bucket: buildBucket)}
Commit: $_commitPrefix${statistic.recentCommit}
Flaky builds:
${_issueBuildLinks(builder:, builds: statistic.flakyBuilds!, bucket: buildBucket)}
Recent test runs:
Please follow to fix the flakiness and enable the test back after validating the fix (internal dashboard to validate: go/flutter_test_flakiness).
List<String> get issueLabels {
final List<String> labels = <String>[
final String? teamLabel = getTeamLabelFromTeam(;
if (teamLabel != null && teamLabel.isNotEmpty == true) {
return labels;
/// A builder to build the update comment and labels for an existing open flaky
/// issue.
class IssueUpdateBuilder {
required this.statistic,
required this.threshold,
required this.existingIssue,
required this.bucket,
final BuilderStatistic statistic;
final double threshold;
final Issue existingIssue;
final Bucket bucket;
bool get isBelow => statistic.flakyRate < threshold;
String get bucketString => bucket.toString().split('.').last;
List<String> get issueLabels {
final List<String> existingLabels =<String>((IssueLabel label) =>;
// Update the priority.
if (!existingLabels.contains(kP0Label) && !isBelow) {
return existingLabels;
String get issueUpdateComment {
String result =
'[$bucketString pool] flaky ratio for the past (up to) 100 commits between ${statistic.fromDate} and ${statistic.toDate} is ${_formatRate(statistic.flakyRate)}%. Flaky number: ${statistic.flakyNumber}; total number: ${statistic.totalNumber}.\n';
if (statistic.flakyRate > 0.0) {
result += '''
One recent flaky example for a same commit: ${_issueBuildLink(builder:, build: statistic.flakyBuildOfRecentCommit, bucket: bucket)}
Commit: $_commitPrefix${statistic.recentCommit}
Flaky builds:
${_issueBuildLinks(builder:, builds: statistic.flakyBuilds!, bucket: bucket)}
Recent test runs:
return result;
/// A builder to build the pull request title and body for marking test flaky
class PullRequestBuilder {
required this.statistic,
required this.ownership,
required this.issue,
final BuilderStatistic statistic;
final TestOwnership ownership;
final Issue issue;
String get pullRequestTitle => 'Marks ${} to be flaky';
String get pullRequestBody => '${_buildHiddenMetaTags(name:}Issue link: ${issue.htmlUrl}\n';
String? get pullRequestReviewer => ownership.owner;
/// A builder to build the pull request title and body for marking test unflaky
class DeflakePullRequestBuilder {
required this.recordNumber,
required this.ownership,
final String? name;
final Issue? issue;
final TestOwnership ownership;
final int recordNumber;
String get pullRequestTitle => 'Marks $name to be unflaky';
String get pullRequestBody {
String body = _buildHiddenMetaTags(name: name);
if (issue != null) {
body +=
'The issue ${issue!.htmlUrl} has been closed, and the test has been passing for [$recordNumber consecutive runs](${Uri.encodeFull('$_flakeRecordPrefix"$name"')}).\n';
} else {
body +=
'The test has been passing for [$recordNumber consecutive runs](${Uri.encodeFull('$_flakeRecordPrefix"$name"')}).\n';
body += 'This test can be marked as unflaky.\n';
return body;
String? get pullRequestReviewer => ownership.owner;
const String kOwnerGroupName = 'owners';
final RegExp devicelabTestOwners =
RegExp('## Linux Android DeviceLab tests\n(?<$kOwnerGroupName>.+)## Host only framework tests', dotAll: true);
final RegExp frameworkHostOnlyTestOwners =
RegExp('## Host only framework tests\n(?<$kOwnerGroupName>.+)## Firebase tests', dotAll: true);
final RegExp firebaselabTestOwners = RegExp('## Firebase tests\n(?<$kOwnerGroupName>.+)## Shards tests', dotAll: true);
final RegExp shardTestOwners = RegExp('## Shards tests\n(?<$kOwnerGroupName>.+)', dotAll: true);
// Utils methods
/// Gets the existing flaky issues.
/// The state can be 'open', 'closed', or 'all'.
Future<Map<String?, Issue>> getExistingIssues(GithubService gitHub, RepositorySlug slug, {String state = 'all'}) async {
final Map<String?, Issue> nameToExistingIssue = <String?, Issue>{};
for (final Issue issue in await gitHub.listIssues(slug, state: state, labels: <String>[kFlakeLabel])) {
if (issue.htmlUrl.contains('pull') == true) {
// For some reason, this github api may also return pull requests.
final Map<String, dynamic>? metaTags = retrieveMetaTagsFromContent(issue.body);
if (metaTags != null) {
final String? name = metaTags['name'] as String?;
if (!nameToExistingIssue.containsKey(name) || _isOtherIssueMoreImportant(nameToExistingIssue[name]!, issue)) {
nameToExistingIssue[name] = issue;
return nameToExistingIssue;
/// Gets the existing open pull requests that make tests flaky.
Future<Map<String?, PullRequest>> getExistingPRs(GithubService gitHub, RepositorySlug slug) async {
final Map<String?, PullRequest> nameToExistingPRs = <String?, PullRequest>{};
for (final PullRequest pr in await gitHub.listPullRequests(slug, null)) {
try {
if (pr.body == null) {
final Map<String, dynamic>? metaTags = retrieveMetaTagsFromContent(pr.body!);
if (metaTags != null) {
nameToExistingPRs[metaTags['name'] as String] = pr;
} catch (e) {
throw 'Unable to parse body of ${pr.htmlUrl}\n$e';
return nameToExistingPRs;
/// File a GitHub flaky issue based on builder details in recent prod/staging runs.
Future<Issue> fileFlakyIssue({
required BuilderDetail builderDetail,
required GithubService gitHub,
required RepositorySlug slug,
double threshold = kDefaultFlakyRatioThreshold,
bool bringup = false,
}) async {
final IssueBuilder issueBuilder = IssueBuilder(
statistic: builderDetail.statistic,
ownership: builderDetail.ownership,
threshold: kDefaultFlakyRatioThreshold,
bringup: bringup,
return gitHub.createIssue(
title: issueBuilder.issueTitle,
body: issueBuilder.issueBody,
labels: issueBuilder.issueLabels,
assignee: issueBuilder.issueAssignee,
/// Looks up the owner of a builder in TESTOWNERS file.
TestOwnership getTestOwnership(pb.Target target, BuilderType type, String testOwnersContent) {
final TestOwner testOwner = TestOwner(type);
return testOwner.getTestOwnership(target, testOwnersContent);
/// Gets the [BuilderType] of the builder by looking up the information in the
/// ci.yaml.
BuilderType getTypeForBuilder(String? targetName, CiYaml ciYaml, {bool unfilteredTargets = false}) {
final List<String>? tags = _getTags(targetName, ciYaml, unfilteredTargets: unfilteredTargets);
if (tags == null || tags.isEmpty) {
return BuilderType.unknown;
bool hasFrameworkTag = false;
bool hasHostOnlyTag = false;
// If tags contain 'shard', it must be a shard test.
// If tags contain 'devicelab', it must be a devicelab test.
// If tags contain 'firebaselab`, it must be a firebase tests.
// Otherwise, it is framework host only test if its tags contain both
// 'framework' and 'hostonly'.
for (String tag in tags) {
if (tag == kCiYamlTargetTagsFirebaselab) {
return BuilderType.firebaselab;
} else if (tag == kCiYamlTargetTagsShard) {
return BuilderType.shard;
} else if (tag == kCiYamlTargetTagsDevicelab) {
return BuilderType.devicelab;
} else if (tag == kCiYamlTargetTagsFramework) {
hasFrameworkTag = true;
} else if (tag == kCiYamlTargetTagsHostonly) {
hasHostOnlyTag = true;
return hasFrameworkTag && hasHostOnlyTag ? BuilderType.frameworkHostOnly : BuilderType.unknown;
List<String>? _getTags(String? targetName, CiYaml ciYaml, {bool unfilteredTargets = false}) {
final Set<Target> allUniqueTargets = {};
if (!unfilteredTargets) {
} else {
final Target? target = allUniqueTargets.firstWhereOrNull((element) => == targetName);
return target?.tags;
bool _isOtherIssueMoreImportant(Issue original, Issue other) {
// Open issues are always more important than closed issues. If both issue
// are closed, the one that is most recently created is more important.
if (original.isOpen && other.isOpen) {
throw 'There should not be two open issues for the same test';
} else if (original.isOpen && other.isClosed) {
return false;
} else if (original.isClosed && other.isOpen) {
return true;
} else {
return other.createdAt!.isAfter(original.createdAt!);
String _buildHiddenMetaTags({String? name}) {
return '''<!-- meta-tags: To be used by the automation script only, DO NOT MODIFY.
"name": "$name"
final RegExp _issueHiddenMetaTagsRegex =
RegExp(r'<!-- meta-tags: To be used by the automation script only, DO NOT MODIFY\.(?<meta>.+)-->', dotAll: true);
/// Checks whether the github content contains meta tags and returns the meta
/// tags if it does.
/// The script generated contents for issue bodies or pull request bodies
/// contain the meta tags. Using this method is a reliable way to check whether
/// a issue or pull request is generated by this script.
Map<String, dynamic>? retrieveMetaTagsFromContent(String content) {
final RegExpMatch? match = _issueHiddenMetaTagsRegex.firstMatch(content);
if (match == null) {
return null;
return jsonDecode(match.namedGroup('meta')!) as Map<String, dynamic>?;
String _formatRate(double rate) => (rate * 100).toStringAsFixed(2);
String _issueBuildLinks({String? builder, required List<String> builds, Bucket bucket =}) {
return build) => _issueBuildLink(builder: builder, build: build, bucket: bucket)).join('\n');
String _issueSummary(BuilderStatistic statistic, double threshold, bool bringup) {
final String summary;
if (bringup) {
summary =
'The post-submit test builder `${}`, which has been marked `bringup: true`, had ${statistic.flakyNumber} flakes over past ${statistic.totalNumber} commits.';
} else {
summary =
'The post-submit test builder `${}` had a flaky ratio ${_formatRate(statistic.flakyRate)}% for the past (up to) 100 commits, which is above our ${_formatRate(threshold)}% threshold.';
return summary;
String _issueBuildLink({String? builder, String? build, Bucket bucket =}) {
final String buildPrefix = bucket == Bucket.staging ? _stagingBuildPrefix : _prodBuildPrefix;
return Uri.encodeFull('$buildPrefix$builder/$build');
String _issueBuilderLink(String? builder) {
return Uri.encodeFull('$_buildDashboardPrefix?taskFilter=$builder');
String? getTeamLabelFromTeam(Team? team) {
return switch (team) {
Team.framework => kFrameworkLabel,
Team.engine => kEngineLabel,
Team.tool => kToolLabel,
Team.web => kWebLabel,
Team.infra => kInfraLabel, => kAndroidLabel,
Team.ios => kIosLabel,
Team.release => kReleaseLabel,
Team.plugins => kEcosystemLabel,
Team.unknown || null => null,
enum BuilderType {
enum Bucket {
enum Team {
class TestOwnership {
String? owner;
Team? team;
class BuilderDetail {
const BuilderDetail({
required this.statistic,
required this.existingIssue,
required this.existingPullRequest,
required this.isMarkedFlaky,
required this.ownership,
required this.type,
final BuilderStatistic statistic;
final Issue? existingIssue;
final PullRequest? existingPullRequest;
final TestOwnership ownership;
final bool isMarkedFlaky;
final BuilderType type;