blob: 61289dabb8ea38c28506d9fbe8afceb32ccc7ac4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/commit.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/config.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/github_service.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:truncate/truncate.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/datastore.dart';
import 'package:gcloud/db.dart';
import 'package:github/hooks.dart';
/// A class for doing various actions related to Github commits.
class CommitService {
required this.config,
@visibleForTesting this.datastoreProvider = DatastoreService.defaultProvider,
final Config config;
final DatastoreServiceProvider datastoreProvider;
/// Add a commit based on a [CreateEvent] to the Datastore.
Future<void> handleCreateGithubRequest(CreateEvent createEvent) async {
final DatastoreService datastore = datastoreProvider(config.db);
final RepositorySlug slug = RepositorySlug.full(createEvent.repository!.fullName);
final String branch = createEvent.ref!;'Creating commit object for branch $branch in repository ${slug.fullName}');
final Commit commit = await _createCommitFromBranchEvent(datastore, slug, branch);
await _insertCommitIntoDatastore(datastore, commit);
/// Add a commit based on a Push event to the Datastore.
Future<void> handlePushGithubRequest(Map<String, dynamic> pushEvent) async {
final DatastoreService datastore = datastoreProvider(config.db);
final RepositorySlug slug = RepositorySlug.full(pushEvent['repository']['full_name']);
final String sha = pushEvent['head_commit']['id'];
final String branch = pushEvent['ref'].split('/')[2];
final String id = '${slug.fullName}/$branch/$sha';
final Key<String> key = datastore.db.emptyKey.append<String>(Commit, id: id);
final Commit commit = Commit(
key: key,
timestamp: DateTime.parse(pushEvent['head_commit']['timestamp']).millisecondsSinceEpoch,
repository: slug.fullName,
sha: sha,
author: pushEvent['sender']['login'],
authorAvatarUrl: pushEvent['sender']['avatar_url'],
// The field has a size of 1500 we need to ensure the commit message
// is at most 1500 chars long.
message: truncate(pushEvent['head_commit']['message'], 1490, omission: '...'),
branch: branch,
await _insertCommitIntoDatastore(datastore, commit);
Future<Commit> _createCommitFromBranchEvent(DatastoreService datastore, RepositorySlug slug, String branch) async {
final GithubService githubService = await config.createDefaultGitHubService();
final GitReference gitRef = await githubService.getReference(slug, 'heads/$branch');
final String sha = gitRef.object!.sha!;
final RepositoryCommit commit = await githubService.github.repositories.getCommit(slug, sha);
final String id = '${slug.fullName}/$branch/$sha';
final Key<String> key = datastore.db.emptyKey.append<String>(Commit, id: id);
return Commit(
key: key,
repository: slug.fullName,
sha: commit.sha,
// The field has a size of 1500 we need to ensure the commit message
// is at most 1500 chars long.
message: truncate(commit.commit!.message!, 1490, omission: '...'),
branch: branch,
Future<void> _insertCommitIntoDatastore(DatastoreService datastore, Commit commit) async {
final DatastoreService datastore = datastoreProvider(config.db);
try {'Checking for existing commit in the datastore');
await datastore.lookupByValue<Commit>(commit.key);
} on KeyNotFoundException {'Commit does not exist in datastore, inserting into datastore');
await datastore.insert(<Commit>[commit]);