| // Mocks generated by Mockito 5.4.2 from annotations |
| // in cocoon_service/test/src/utilities/mocks.dart. |
| // Do not manually edit this file. |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes |
| import 'dart:async' as _i19; |
| import 'dart:convert' as _i22; |
| import 'dart:io' as _i21; |
| import 'dart:typed_data' as _i35; |
| |
| import 'package:appengine/appengine.dart' as _i10; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/cocoon_service.dart' as _i23; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/foundation/github_checks_util.dart' as _i20; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/branch.dart' as _i30; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/commit.dart' as _i31; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/github_build_status_update.dart' as _i17; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/github_gold_status_update.dart' as _i18; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/key_helper.dart' as _i12; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/stage.dart' as _i33; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/appengine/task.dart' as _i32; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/ci_yaml/target.dart' as _i37; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/github/checks.dart' as _i38; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/luci/buildbucket.dart' as _i8; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/luci/push_message.dart' as _i36; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/access_client_provider.dart' as _i5; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/access_token_provider.dart' as _i25; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/bigquery.dart' as _i15; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/commit_service.dart' as _i28; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/config.dart' as _i3; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/datastore.dart' as _i9; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/gerrit_service.dart' as _i7; |
| import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/github_service.dart' as _i16; |
| import 'package:gcloud/db.dart' as _i11; |
| import 'package:github/github.dart' as _i13; |
| import 'package:github/hooks.dart' as _i29; |
| import 'package:googleapis/bigquery/v2.dart' as _i6; |
| import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart' as _i4; |
| import 'package:graphql/client.dart' as _i14; |
| import 'package:http/http.dart' as _i2; |
| import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1; |
| import 'package:mockito/src/dummies.dart' as _i27; |
| import 'package:neat_cache/neat_cache.dart' as _i24; |
| import 'package:process/src/interface/process_manager.dart' as _i39; |
| import 'package:retry/retry.dart' as _i26; |
| |
| import '../../service/cache_service_test.dart' as _i34; |
| import 'mocks.dart' as _i40; |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: type=lint |
| // ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values |
| // ignore_for_file: avoid_setters_without_getters |
| // ignore_for_file: comment_references |
| // ignore_for_file: implementation_imports |
| // ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis |
| // ignore_for_file: camel_case_types |
| // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class |
| |
| class _FakeClient_0 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Client { |
| _FakeClient_0( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeConfig_1 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i3.Config { |
| _FakeConfig_1( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeAccessToken_2 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i4.AccessToken { |
| _FakeAccessToken_2( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeAccessClientProvider_3 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i5.AccessClientProvider { |
| _FakeAccessClientProvider_3( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeTabledataResource_4 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.TabledataResource { |
| _FakeTabledataResource_4( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeJobsResource_5 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.JobsResource { |
| _FakeJobsResource_5( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGerritService_6 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i7.GerritService { |
| _FakeGerritService_6( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeBuild_7 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i8.Build { |
| _FakeBuild_7( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeSearchBuildsResponse_8 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i8.SearchBuildsResponse { |
| _FakeSearchBuildsResponse_8( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeBatchResponse_9 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i8.BatchResponse { |
| _FakeBatchResponse_9( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeListBuildersResponse_10 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i8.ListBuildersResponse { |
| _FakeListBuildersResponse_10( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeDatastoreService_11 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i9.DatastoreService { |
| _FakeDatastoreService_11( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeLogging_12 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i10.Logging { |
| _FakeLogging_12( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeDatastoreDB_13 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i11.DatastoreDB { |
| _FakeDatastoreDB_13( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeKeyHelper_14 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i12.KeyHelper { |
| _FakeKeyHelper_14( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeDuration_15 extends _i1.SmartFake implements Duration { |
| _FakeDuration_15( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitHub_16 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitHub { |
| _FakeGitHub_16( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGraphQLClient_17 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i14.GraphQLClient { |
| _FakeGraphQLClient_17( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeBigqueryService_18 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i15.BigqueryService { |
| _FakeBigqueryService_18( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGithubService_19 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i16.GithubService { |
| _FakeGithubService_19( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGithubBuildStatusUpdate_20 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i17.GithubBuildStatusUpdate { |
| _FakeGithubBuildStatusUpdate_20( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGithubGoldStatusUpdate_21 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i18.GithubGoldStatusUpdate { |
| _FakeGithubGoldStatusUpdate_21( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeFuture_22<T1> extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i19.Future<T1> { |
| _FakeFuture_22( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeIssue_23 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.Issue { |
| _FakeIssue_23( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeIssueComment_24 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.IssueComment { |
| _FakeIssueComment_24( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeIssueLabel_25 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.IssueLabel { |
| _FakeIssueLabel_25( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeMilestone_26 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.Milestone { |
| _FakeMilestone_26( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGithubChecksUtil_27 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i20.GithubChecksUtil { |
| _FakeGithubChecksUtil_27( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCheckRunConclusion_28 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.CheckRunConclusion { |
| _FakeCheckRunConclusion_28( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCheckRunStatus_29 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.CheckRunStatus { |
| _FakeCheckRunStatus_29( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCheckSuite_30 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.CheckSuite { |
| _FakeCheckSuite_30( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCheckRun_31 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.CheckRun { |
| _FakeCheckRun_31( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePullRequest_32 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.PullRequest { |
| _FakePullRequest_32( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitReference_33 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitReference { |
| _FakeGitReference_33( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRateLimit_34 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.RateLimit { |
| _FakeRateLimit_34( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitBlob_35 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitBlob { |
| _FakeGitBlob_35( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitCommit_36 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitCommit { |
| _FakeGitCommit_36( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitTag_37 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitTag { |
| _FakeGitTag_37( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitTree_38 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitTree { |
| _FakeGitTree_38( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeDefaultPolicies_39 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i14.DefaultPolicies { |
| _FakeDefaultPolicies_39( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeLink_40 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i14.Link { |
| _FakeLink_40( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGraphQLCache_41 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i14.GraphQLCache { |
| _FakeGraphQLCache_41( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeQueryManager_42 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i14.QueryManager { |
| _FakeQueryManager_42( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeObservableQuery_43<TParsed1> extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i14.ObservableQuery<TParsed1> { |
| _FakeObservableQuery_43( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeQueryResult_44<TParsed1 extends Object?> extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i14.QueryResult<TParsed1> { |
| _FakeQueryResult_44( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeHttpClientRequest_45 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i21.HttpClientRequest { |
| _FakeHttpClientRequest_45( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeUri_46 extends _i1.SmartFake implements Uri { |
| _FakeUri_46( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeHttpHeaders_47 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i21.HttpHeaders { |
| _FakeHttpHeaders_47( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeHttpClientResponse_48 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i21.HttpClientResponse { |
| _FakeHttpClientResponse_48( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeEncoding_49 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i22.Encoding { |
| _FakeEncoding_49( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeSocket_50 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i21.Socket { |
| _FakeSocket_50( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeStreamSubscription_51<T> extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i19.StreamSubscription<T> { |
| _FakeStreamSubscription_51( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeJobCancelResponse_52 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.JobCancelResponse { |
| _FakeJobCancelResponse_52( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeJob_53 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.Job { |
| _FakeJob_53( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGetQueryResultsResponse_54 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.GetQueryResultsResponse { |
| _FakeGetQueryResultsResponse_54( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeJobList_55 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.JobList { |
| _FakeJobList_55( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeQueryResponse_56 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.QueryResponse { |
| _FakeQueryResponse_56( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeBuildBucketClient_57 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i23.BuildBucketClient { |
| _FakeBuildBucketClient_57( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCacheService_58 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i23.CacheService { |
| _FakeCacheService_58( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePubSub_59 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i23.PubSub { |
| _FakePubSub_59( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeProcess_60 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i21.Process { |
| _FakeProcess_60( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePullRequestMerge_61 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.PullRequestMerge { |
| _FakePullRequestMerge_61( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePullRequestComment_62 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.PullRequestComment { |
| _FakePullRequestComment_62( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePullRequestReview_63 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.PullRequestReview { |
| _FakePullRequestReview_63( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRepository_64 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.Repository { |
| _FakeRepository_64( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeLicenseDetails_65 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.LicenseDetails { |
| _FakeLicenseDetails_65( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeLanguageBreakdown_66 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.LanguageBreakdown { |
| _FakeLanguageBreakdown_66( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeBranch_67 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.Branch { |
| _FakeBranch_67( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCommitComment_68 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.CommitComment { |
| _FakeCommitComment_68( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRepositoryCommit_69 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.RepositoryCommit { |
| _FakeRepositoryCommit_69( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitHubComparison_70 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitHubComparison { |
| _FakeGitHubComparison_70( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitHubFile_71 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitHubFile { |
| _FakeGitHubFile_71( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRepositoryContents_72 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.RepositoryContents { |
| _FakeRepositoryContents_72( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeContentCreation_73 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.ContentCreation { |
| _FakeContentCreation_73( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeHook_74 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.Hook { |
| _FakeHook_74( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePublicKey_75 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.PublicKey { |
| _FakePublicKey_75( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRepositoryPages_76 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.RepositoryPages { |
| _FakeRepositoryPages_76( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePageBuild_77 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.PageBuild { |
| _FakePageBuild_77( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRelease_78 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.Release { |
| _FakeRelease_78( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeReleaseAsset_79 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.ReleaseAsset { |
| _FakeReleaseAsset_79( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeContributorParticipation_80 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.ContributorParticipation { |
| _FakeContributorParticipation_80( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRepositoryStatus_81 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.RepositoryStatus { |
| _FakeRepositoryStatus_81( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCombinedRepositoryStatus_82 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.CombinedRepositoryStatus { |
| _FakeCombinedRepositoryStatus_82( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeReleaseNotes_83 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.ReleaseNotes { |
| _FakeReleaseNotes_83( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeTableDataInsertAllResponse_84 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.TableDataInsertAllResponse { |
| _FakeTableDataInsertAllResponse_84( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeTableDataList_85 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i6.TableDataList { |
| _FakeTableDataList_85( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeUser_86 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.User { |
| _FakeUser_86( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCurrentUser_87 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.CurrentUser { |
| _FakeCurrentUser_87( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeEntry_88<T> extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i24.Entry<T> { |
| _FakeEntry_88( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeCache_89<T> extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i24.Cache<T> { |
| _FakeCache_89( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeAuthentication_90 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.Authentication { |
| _FakeAuthentication_90( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeActivityService_91 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.ActivityService { |
| _FakeActivityService_91( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeAuthorizationsService_92 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.AuthorizationsService { |
| _FakeAuthorizationsService_92( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGistsService_93 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GistsService { |
| _FakeGistsService_93( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeGitService_94 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.GitService { |
| _FakeGitService_94( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeIssuesService_95 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.IssuesService { |
| _FakeIssuesService_95( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeMiscService_96 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.MiscService { |
| _FakeMiscService_96( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeOrganizationsService_97 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.OrganizationsService { |
| _FakeOrganizationsService_97( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakePullRequestsService_98 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.PullRequestsService { |
| _FakePullRequestsService_98( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeRepositoriesService_99 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.RepositoriesService { |
| _FakeRepositoriesService_99( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeSearchService_100 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.SearchService { |
| _FakeSearchService_100( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeUrlShortenerService_101 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.UrlShortenerService { |
| _FakeUrlShortenerService_101( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeUsersService_102 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.UsersService { |
| _FakeUsersService_102( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeChecksService_103 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i13.ChecksService { |
| _FakeChecksService_103( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeResponse_104 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Response { |
| _FakeResponse_104( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [AccessClientProvider]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockAccessClientProvider extends _i1.Mock implements _i5.AccessClientProvider { |
| MockAccessClientProvider() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i2.Client> createAccessClient( |
| {List<String>? scopes = const [r'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform']}) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createAccessClient, |
| [], |
| {#scopes: scopes}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i2.Client>.value(_FakeClient_0( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createAccessClient, |
| [], |
| {#scopes: scopes}, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i2.Client>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [AccessTokenService]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockAccessTokenService extends _i1.Mock implements _i25.AccessTokenService { |
| MockAccessTokenService() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Config get config => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#config), |
| returnValue: _FakeConfig_1( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#config), |
| ), |
| ) as _i3.Config); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i4.AccessToken> createAccessToken() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createAccessToken, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i4.AccessToken>.value(_FakeAccessToken_2( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createAccessToken, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i4.AccessToken>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [BigqueryService]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockBigqueryService extends _i1.Mock implements _i15.BigqueryService { |
| MockBigqueryService() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i5.AccessClientProvider get accessClientProvider => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#accessClientProvider), |
| returnValue: _FakeAccessClientProvider_3( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#accessClientProvider), |
| ), |
| ) as _i5.AccessClientProvider); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i6.TabledataResource> defaultTabledata() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #defaultTabledata, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i6.TabledataResource>.value(_FakeTabledataResource_4( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #defaultTabledata, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i6.TabledataResource>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i6.JobsResource> defaultJobs() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #defaultJobs, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i6.JobsResource>.value(_FakeJobsResource_5( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #defaultJobs, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i6.JobsResource>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<_i15.BuilderStatistic>> listBuilderStatistic( |
| String? projectId, { |
| int? limit = 100, |
| String? bucket = r'prod', |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listBuilderStatistic, |
| [projectId], |
| { |
| #limit: limit, |
| #bucket: bucket, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<_i15.BuilderStatistic>>.value(<_i15.BuilderStatistic>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<_i15.BuilderStatistic>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<_i15.BuilderRecord>> listRecentBuildRecordsForBuilder( |
| String? projectId, { |
| String? builder, |
| int? limit, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listRecentBuildRecordsForBuilder, |
| [projectId], |
| { |
| #builder: builder, |
| #limit: limit, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<_i15.BuilderRecord>>.value(<_i15.BuilderRecord>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<_i15.BuilderRecord>>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [BranchService]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockBranchService extends _i1.Mock implements _i23.BranchService { |
| MockBranchService() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Config get config => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#config), |
| returnValue: _FakeConfig_1( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#config), |
| ), |
| ) as _i3.Config); |
| @override |
| _i7.GerritService get gerritService => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#gerritService), |
| returnValue: _FakeGerritService_6( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#gerritService), |
| ), |
| ) as _i7.GerritService); |
| @override |
| _i26.RetryOptions get retryOptions => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#retryOptions), |
| returnValue: _i27.dummyValue<_i26.RetryOptions>( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#retryOptions), |
| ), |
| ) as _i26.RetryOptions); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> branchFlutterRecipes( |
| String? branch, |
| String? engineSha, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #branchFlutterRecipes, |
| [ |
| branch, |
| engineSha, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<Map<String, String>>> getReleaseBranches({ |
| required _i16.GithubService? githubService, |
| required _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getReleaseBranches, |
| [], |
| { |
| #githubService: githubService, |
| #slug: slug, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<Map<String, String>>>.value(<Map<String, String>>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<Map<String, String>>>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [BuildBucketClient]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| // ignore: must_be_immutable |
| class MockBuildBucketClient extends _i1.Mock implements _i23.BuildBucketClient { |
| MockBuildBucketClient() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String get buildBucketBuildUri => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#buildBucketBuildUri), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get buildBucketBuilderUri => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#buildBucketBuilderUri), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| _i2.Client get httpClient => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#httpClient), |
| returnValue: _FakeClient_0( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#httpClient), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Client); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i8.Build> scheduleBuild( |
| _i8.ScheduleBuildRequest? request, { |
| String? buildBucketUri = r'https://cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/prpc/buildbucket.v2.Builds', |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scheduleBuild, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i8.Build>.value(_FakeBuild_7( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #scheduleBuild, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i8.Build>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i8.SearchBuildsResponse> searchBuilds( |
| _i8.SearchBuildsRequest? request, { |
| String? buildBucketUri = r'https://cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/prpc/buildbucket.v2.Builds', |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #searchBuilds, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i8.SearchBuildsResponse>.value(_FakeSearchBuildsResponse_8( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #searchBuilds, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i8.SearchBuildsResponse>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i8.BatchResponse> batch( |
| _i8.BatchRequest? request, { |
| String? buildBucketUri = r'https://cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/prpc/buildbucket.v2.Builds', |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #batch, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i8.BatchResponse>.value(_FakeBatchResponse_9( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #batch, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i8.BatchResponse>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i8.Build> cancelBuild( |
| _i8.CancelBuildRequest? request, { |
| String? buildBucketUri = r'https://cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/prpc/buildbucket.v2.Builds', |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #cancelBuild, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i8.Build>.value(_FakeBuild_7( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #cancelBuild, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i8.Build>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i8.Build> getBuild( |
| _i8.GetBuildRequest? request, { |
| String? buildBucketUri = r'https://cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/prpc/buildbucket.v2.Builds', |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getBuild, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i8.Build>.value(_FakeBuild_7( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getBuild, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i8.Build>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i8.ListBuildersResponse> listBuilders( |
| _i8.ListBuildersRequest? request, { |
| String? buildBucketUri = r'https://cr-buildbucket.appspot.com/prpc/buildbucket.v2.Builders', |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listBuilders, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i8.ListBuildersResponse>.value(_FakeListBuildersResponse_10( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listBuilders, |
| [request], |
| {#buildBucketUri: buildBucketUri}, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i8.ListBuildersResponse>); |
| @override |
| void close() => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #close, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [CommitService]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockCommitService extends _i1.Mock implements _i28.CommitService { |
| MockCommitService() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Config get config => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#config), |
| returnValue: _FakeConfig_1( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#config), |
| ), |
| ) as _i3.Config); |
| @override |
| _i9.DatastoreServiceProvider get datastoreProvider => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#datastoreProvider), |
| returnValue: (_i11.DatastoreDB db) => _FakeDatastoreService_11( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#datastoreProvider), |
| ), |
| ) as _i9.DatastoreServiceProvider); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> handleCreateGithubRequest(_i29.CreateEvent? createEvent) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #handleCreateGithubRequest, |
| [createEvent], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> handlePushGithubRequest(Map<String, dynamic>? pushEvent) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #handlePushGithubRequest, |
| [pushEvent], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [Config]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockConfig extends _i1.Mock implements _i3.Config { |
| MockConfig() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| Set<_i13.RepositorySlug> get supportedRepos => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#supportedRepos), |
| returnValue: <_i13.RepositorySlug>{}, |
| ) as Set<_i13.RepositorySlug>); |
| @override |
| Set<_i13.RepositorySlug> get postsubmitSupportedRepos => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#postsubmitSupportedRepos), |
| returnValue: <_i13.RepositorySlug>{}, |
| ) as Set<_i13.RepositorySlug>); |
| @override |
| String get autosubmitBot => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#autosubmitBot), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| _i10.Logging get loggingService => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#loggingService), |
| returnValue: _FakeLogging_12( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#loggingService), |
| ), |
| ) as _i10.Logging); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> get githubPrivateKey => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#githubPrivateKey), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> get overrideTreeStatusLabel => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#overrideTreeStatusLabel), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> get githubPublicKey => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#githubPublicKey), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> get githubAppId => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#githubAppId), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<Map<String, dynamic>> get githubAppInstallations => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#githubAppInstallations), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{}), |
| ) as _i19.Future<Map<String, dynamic>>); |
| @override |
| String get defaultRecipeBundleRef => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#defaultRecipeBundleRef), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| _i11.DatastoreDB get db => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#db), |
| returnValue: _FakeDatastoreDB_13( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#db), |
| ), |
| ) as _i11.DatastoreDB); |
| @override |
| int get schedulingShardSize => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#schedulingShardSize), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| int get batchSize => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#batchSize), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| int get backfillerTargetLimit => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#backfillerTargetLimit), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| int get backfillerCommitLimit => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#backfillerCommitLimit), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| int get issueAndPRLimit => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#issueAndPRLimit), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<String>> get releaseAccounts => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#releaseAccounts), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<String>>.value(<String>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<String>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> get oauthClientId => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#oauthClientId), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> get frobWebhookKey => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#frobWebhookKey), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> get githubOAuthToken => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#githubOAuthToken), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| String get wrongBaseBranchPullRequestMessage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#wrongBaseBranchPullRequestMessage), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get releaseBranchPullRequestMessage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#releaseBranchPullRequestMessage), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> get webhookKey => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#webhookKey), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| String get mergeConflictPullRequestMessage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#mergeConflictPullRequestMessage), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get missingTestsPullRequestMessage => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#missingTestsPullRequestMessage), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get flutterGoldPending => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#flutterGoldPending), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get flutterGoldSuccess => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#flutterGoldSuccess), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get flutterGoldChanges => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#flutterGoldChanges), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get flutterGoldStalePR => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#flutterGoldStalePR), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get flutterGoldDraftChange => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#flutterGoldDraftChange), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| int get maxTaskRetries => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#maxTaskRetries), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| int get maxLuciTaskRetries => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#maxLuciTaskRetries), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| int get commitNumber => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#commitNumber), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| _i12.KeyHelper get keyHelper => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#keyHelper), |
| returnValue: _FakeKeyHelper_14( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#keyHelper), |
| ), |
| ) as _i12.KeyHelper); |
| @override |
| int get maxRecords => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#maxRecords), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| Duration get githubRequestDelay => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#githubRequestDelay), |
| returnValue: _FakeDuration_15( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#githubRequestDelay), |
| ), |
| ) as Duration); |
| @override |
| String get flutterBuild => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#flutterBuild), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get flutterBuildDescription => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#flutterBuildDescription), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String get waitingForTreeToGoGreenLabelName => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#waitingForTreeToGoGreenLabelName), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| Set<String> get rollerAccounts => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#rollerAccounts), |
| returnValue: <String>{}, |
| ) as Set<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<Iterable<_i30.Branch>> getBranches(_i13.RepositorySlug? slug) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getBranches, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<Iterable<_i30.Branch>>.value(<_i30.Branch>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<Iterable<_i30.Branch>>); |
| @override |
| String wrongHeadBranchPullRequestMessage(String? branch) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #wrongHeadBranchPullRequestMessage, |
| [branch], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String flutterGoldInitialAlert(String? url) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #flutterGoldInitialAlert, |
| [url], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String flutterGoldFollowUpAlert(String? url) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #flutterGoldFollowUpAlert, |
| [url], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String flutterGoldAlertConstant(_i13.RepositorySlug? slug) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #flutterGoldAlertConstant, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String flutterGoldCommentID(_i13.PullRequest? pr) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #flutterGoldCommentID, |
| [pr], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> generateJsonWebToken() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #generateJsonWebToken, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<String> generateGithubToken(_i13.RepositorySlug? slug) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #generateGithubToken, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<String>.value(''), |
| ) as _i19.Future<String>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.GitHub> createGitHubClient({ |
| _i13.PullRequest? pullRequest, |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGitHubClient, |
| [], |
| { |
| #pullRequest: pullRequest, |
| #slug: slug, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.GitHub>.value(_FakeGitHub_16( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGitHubClient, |
| [], |
| { |
| #pullRequest: pullRequest, |
| #slug: slug, |
| }, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.GitHub>); |
| @override |
| _i13.GitHub createGitHubClientWithToken(String? token) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGitHubClientWithToken, |
| [token], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeGitHub_16( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGitHubClientWithToken, |
| [token], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i13.GitHub); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i14.GraphQLClient> createGitHubGraphQLClient() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGitHubGraphQLClient, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i14.GraphQLClient>.value(_FakeGraphQLClient_17( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGitHubGraphQLClient, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i14.GraphQLClient>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i15.BigqueryService> createBigQueryService() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createBigQueryService, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i15.BigqueryService>.value(_FakeBigqueryService_18( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createBigQueryService, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i15.BigqueryService>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i6.TabledataResource> createTabledataResourceApi() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createTabledataResourceApi, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i6.TabledataResource>.value(_FakeTabledataResource_4( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createTabledataResourceApi, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i6.TabledataResource>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i16.GithubService> createDefaultGitHubService() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createDefaultGitHubService, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i16.GithubService>.value(_FakeGithubService_19( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createDefaultGitHubService, |
| [], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i16.GithubService>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i16.GithubService> createGithubService(_i13.RepositorySlug? slug) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGithubService, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i16.GithubService>.value(_FakeGithubService_19( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGithubService, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i16.GithubService>); |
| @override |
| _i16.GithubService createGithubServiceWithToken(String? token) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGithubServiceWithToken, |
| [token], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeGithubService_19( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createGithubServiceWithToken, |
| [token], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i16.GithubService); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [DatastoreService]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| // ignore: must_be_immutable |
| class MockDatastoreService extends _i1.Mock implements _i9.DatastoreService { |
| MockDatastoreService() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| int get maxEntityGroups => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#maxEntityGroups), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| _i11.DatastoreDB get db => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#db), |
| returnValue: _FakeDatastoreDB_13( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#db), |
| ), |
| ) as _i11.DatastoreDB); |
| @override |
| _i26.RetryOptions get retryOptions => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#retryOptions), |
| returnValue: _i27.dummyValue<_i26.RetryOptions>( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#retryOptions), |
| ), |
| ) as _i26.RetryOptions); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i31.Commit> queryRecentCommits({ |
| int? limit = 100, |
| int? timestamp, |
| String? branch, |
| required _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryRecentCommits, |
| [], |
| { |
| #limit: limit, |
| #timestamp: timestamp, |
| #branch: branch, |
| #slug: slug, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i31.Commit>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i31.Commit>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i30.Branch> queryBranches() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryBranches, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i30.Branch>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i30.Branch>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i32.Task> queryRecentTasksByName({ |
| int? limit = 100, |
| required String? name, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryRecentTasksByName, |
| [], |
| { |
| #limit: limit, |
| #name: name, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i32.Task>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i32.Task>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i32.FullTask> queryRecentTasks({ |
| String? taskName, |
| int? commitLimit = 20, |
| String? branch, |
| required _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryRecentTasks, |
| [], |
| { |
| #taskName: taskName, |
| #commitLimit: commitLimit, |
| #branch: branch, |
| #slug: slug, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i32.FullTask>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i32.FullTask>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<_i33.Stage>> queryTasksGroupedByStage(_i31.Commit? commit) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryTasksGroupedByStage, |
| [commit], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<_i33.Stage>>.value(<_i33.Stage>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<_i33.Stage>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i17.GithubBuildStatusUpdate> queryLastStatusUpdate( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| _i13.PullRequest? pr, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryLastStatusUpdate, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| pr, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i17.GithubBuildStatusUpdate>.value(_FakeGithubBuildStatusUpdate_20( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryLastStatusUpdate, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| pr, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i17.GithubBuildStatusUpdate>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i18.GithubGoldStatusUpdate> queryLastGoldUpdate( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| _i13.PullRequest? pr, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryLastGoldUpdate, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| pr, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i18.GithubGoldStatusUpdate>.value(_FakeGithubGoldStatusUpdate_21( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #queryLastGoldUpdate, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| pr, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i18.GithubGoldStatusUpdate>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<List<_i11.Model<dynamic>>>> shard(List<_i11.Model<dynamic>>? rows) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #shard, |
| [rows], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<List<_i11.Model<dynamic>>>>.value(<List<_i11.Model<dynamic>>>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<List<_i11.Model<dynamic>>>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> insert(List<_i11.Model<dynamic>>? rows) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #insert, |
| [rows], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<T?>> lookupByKey<T extends _i11.Model<dynamic>>(List<_i11.Key<dynamic>>? keys) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #lookupByKey, |
| [keys], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<T?>>.value(<T?>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<T?>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<T> lookupByValue<T extends _i11.Model<dynamic>>( |
| _i11.Key<dynamic>? key, { |
| T Function()? orElse, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #lookupByValue, |
| [key], |
| {#orElse: orElse}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i27.ifNotNull( |
| _i27.dummyValueOrNull<T>( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #lookupByValue, |
| [key], |
| {#orElse: orElse}, |
| ), |
| ), |
| (T v) => _i19.Future<T>.value(v), |
| ) ?? |
| _FakeFuture_22<T>( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #lookupByValue, |
| [key], |
| {#orElse: orElse}, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i19.Future<T>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<T?> withTransaction<T>(_i19.Future<T> Function(_i11.Transaction)? handler) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #withTransaction, |
| [handler], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<T?>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<T?>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i32.Task?> getTaskFromBuildbucketBuild( |
| _i8.Build? build, { |
| String? customName, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getTaskFromBuildbucketBuild, |
| [build], |
| {#customName: customName}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i32.Task?>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i32.Task?>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [FakeEntry]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockFakeEntry extends _i1.Mock implements _i34.FakeEntry { |
| MockFakeEntry() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i35.Uint8List get value => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#value), |
| returnValue: _i35.Uint8List(0), |
| ) as _i35.Uint8List); |
| @override |
| set value(_i35.Uint8List? _value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #value, |
| _value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i35.Uint8List> get([ |
| _i19.Future<_i35.Uint8List?> Function()? create, |
| Duration? ttl, |
| ]) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #get, |
| [ |
| create, |
| ttl, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i35.Uint8List>.value(_i35.Uint8List(0)), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i35.Uint8List>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> purge({int? retries = 0}) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #purge, |
| [], |
| {#retries: retries}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i35.Uint8List?> set( |
| _i35.Uint8List? value, [ |
| Duration? ttl, |
| ]) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #set, |
| [ |
| value, |
| ttl, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i35.Uint8List?>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i35.Uint8List?>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [IssuesService]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockIssuesService extends _i1.Mock implements _i13.IssuesService { |
| MockIssuesService() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i13.GitHub get github => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#github), |
| returnValue: _FakeGitHub_16( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#github), |
| ), |
| ) as _i13.GitHub); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue> listAll({ |
| int? milestoneNumber, |
| String? state, |
| String? direction, |
| String? sort, |
| DateTime? since, |
| int? perPage, |
| List<String>? labels, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listAll, |
| [], |
| { |
| #milestoneNumber: milestoneNumber, |
| #state: state, |
| #direction: direction, |
| #sort: sort, |
| #since: since, |
| #perPage: perPage, |
| #labels: labels, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue> listByUser({ |
| int? milestoneNumber, |
| String? state, |
| String? direction, |
| String? sort, |
| DateTime? since, |
| int? perPage, |
| List<String>? labels, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listByUser, |
| [], |
| { |
| #milestoneNumber: milestoneNumber, |
| #state: state, |
| #direction: direction, |
| #sort: sort, |
| #since: since, |
| #perPage: perPage, |
| #labels: labels, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue> listByOrg( |
| String? org, { |
| int? milestoneNumber, |
| String? state, |
| String? direction, |
| String? sort, |
| DateTime? since, |
| int? perPage, |
| List<String>? labels, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listByOrg, |
| [org], |
| { |
| #milestoneNumber: milestoneNumber, |
| #state: state, |
| #direction: direction, |
| #sort: sort, |
| #since: since, |
| #perPage: perPage, |
| #labels: labels, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue> listByRepo( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, { |
| int? milestoneNumber, |
| String? state, |
| String? direction, |
| String? sort, |
| DateTime? since, |
| int? perPage, |
| List<String>? labels, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listByRepo, |
| [slug], |
| { |
| #milestoneNumber: milestoneNumber, |
| #state: state, |
| #direction: direction, |
| #sort: sort, |
| #since: since, |
| #perPage: perPage, |
| #labels: labels, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.Issue>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.Reaction> listReactions( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, { |
| _i13.ReactionType? content, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listReactions, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| ], |
| {#content: content}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.Reaction>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.Reaction>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.Issue> edit( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| _i13.IssueRequest? issue, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #edit, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| issue, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.Issue>.value(_FakeIssue_23( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #edit, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| issue, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.Issue>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.Issue> get( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #get, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.Issue>.value(_FakeIssue_23( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #get, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.Issue>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.Issue> create( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| _i13.IssueRequest? issue, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issue, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.Issue>.value(_FakeIssue_23( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #create, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issue, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.Issue>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.User> listAssignees(_i13.RepositorySlug? slug) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listAssignees, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.User>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.User>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<bool> isAssignee( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| String? repoName, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #isAssignee, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| repoName, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i19.Future<bool>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueComment> listCommentsByIssue( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listCommentsByIssue, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueComment>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueComment>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueComment> listCommentsByRepo(_i13.RepositorySlug? slug) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listCommentsByRepo, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueComment>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueComment>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment> getComment( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? id, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getComment, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| id, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment>.value(_FakeIssueComment_24( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getComment, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| id, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment> createComment( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| String? body, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createComment, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| body, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment>.value(_FakeIssueComment_24( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createComment, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| body, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment> updateComment( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? id, |
| String? body, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #updateComment, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| id, |
| body, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment>.value(_FakeIssueComment_24( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #updateComment, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| id, |
| body, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.IssueComment>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<bool> deleteComment( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? id, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #deleteComment, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| id, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i19.Future<bool>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueLabel> listLabels(_i13.RepositorySlug? slug) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listLabels, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueLabel>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueLabel>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel> getLabel( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| String? name, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel>.value(_FakeIssueLabel_25( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel> createLabel( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| String? name, { |
| String? color, |
| String? description, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| ], |
| { |
| #color: color, |
| #description: description, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel>.value(_FakeIssueLabel_25( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| ], |
| { |
| #color: color, |
| #description: description, |
| }, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel> editLabel( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| String? name, |
| String? color, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #editLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| color, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel>.value(_FakeIssueLabel_25( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #editLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| color, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel> updateLabel( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| String? name, { |
| String? newName, |
| String? color, |
| String? description, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #updateLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| ], |
| { |
| #newName: newName, |
| #color: color, |
| #description: description, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel>.value(_FakeIssueLabel_25( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #updateLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| ], |
| { |
| #newName: newName, |
| #color: color, |
| #description: description, |
| }, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.IssueLabel>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<bool> deleteLabel( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| String? name, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #deleteLabel, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| name, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i19.Future<bool>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueLabel> listLabelsByIssue( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listLabelsByIssue, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueLabel>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.IssueLabel>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<_i13.IssueLabel>> addLabelsToIssue( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| List<String>? labels, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #addLabelsToIssue, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| labels, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<_i13.IssueLabel>>.value(<_i13.IssueLabel>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<_i13.IssueLabel>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<_i13.IssueLabel>> replaceLabelsForIssue( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| List<String>? labels, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #replaceLabelsForIssue, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| labels, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<_i13.IssueLabel>>.value(<_i13.IssueLabel>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<_i13.IssueLabel>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<bool> removeLabelForIssue( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| String? label, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #removeLabelForIssue, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| label, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i19.Future<bool>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<bool> removeAllLabelsForIssue( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #removeAllLabelsForIssue, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i19.Future<bool>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.Milestone> listMilestones(_i13.RepositorySlug? slug) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listMilestones, |
| [slug], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.Milestone>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.Milestone>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.Milestone> createMilestone( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| _i13.CreateMilestone? request, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createMilestone, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| request, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.Milestone>.value(_FakeMilestone_26( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createMilestone, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| request, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.Milestone>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<bool> deleteMilestone( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? number, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #deleteMilestone, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| number, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i19.Future<bool>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Stream<_i13.TimelineEvent> listTimeline( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? issueNumber, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listTimeline, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| issueNumber, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Stream<_i13.TimelineEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i19.Stream<_i13.TimelineEvent>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> lock( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? number, { |
| String? lockReason, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #lock, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| number, |
| ], |
| {#lockReason: lockReason}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> unlock( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? number, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #unlock, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| number, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [GithubChecksService]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockGithubChecksService extends _i1.Mock implements _i23.GithubChecksService { |
| MockGithubChecksService() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i3.Config get config => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#config), |
| returnValue: _FakeConfig_1( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#config), |
| ), |
| ) as _i3.Config); |
| @override |
| set config(_i3.Config? _config) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #config, |
| _config, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| _i20.GithubChecksUtil get githubChecksUtil => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#githubChecksUtil), |
| returnValue: _FakeGithubChecksUtil_27( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#githubChecksUtil), |
| ), |
| ) as _i20.GithubChecksUtil); |
| @override |
| set githubChecksUtil(_i20.GithubChecksUtil? _githubChecksUtil) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #githubChecksUtil, |
| _githubChecksUtil, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> handleCheckSuite( |
| _i13.PullRequest? pullRequest, |
| _i29.CheckSuiteEvent? checkSuiteEvent, |
| _i23.Scheduler? scheduler, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #handleCheckSuite, |
| [ |
| pullRequest, |
| checkSuiteEvent, |
| scheduler, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<bool> updateCheckStatus( |
| _i36.BuildPushMessage? buildPushMessage, |
| _i23.LuciBuildService? luciBuildService, |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, { |
| bool? rescheduled = false, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #updateCheckStatus, |
| [ |
| buildPushMessage, |
| luciBuildService, |
| slug, |
| ], |
| {#rescheduled: rescheduled}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<bool>.value(false), |
| ) as _i19.Future<bool>); |
| @override |
| bool taskFailed(_i36.BuildPushMessage? buildPushMessage) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #taskFailed, |
| [buildPushMessage], |
| ), |
| returnValue: false, |
| ) as bool); |
| @override |
| int currentAttempt(_i36.BuildPushMessage? buildPushMessage) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #currentAttempt, |
| [buildPushMessage], |
| ), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| String getGithubSummary(String? summary) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getGithubSummary, |
| [summary], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| _i13.CheckRunConclusion conclusionForResult(_i36.Result? result) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #conclusionForResult, |
| [result], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeCheckRunConclusion_28( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #conclusionForResult, |
| [result], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i13.CheckRunConclusion); |
| @override |
| _i13.CheckRunStatus statusForResult(_i36.Status? status) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #statusForResult, |
| [status], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _FakeCheckRunStatus_29( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #statusForResult, |
| [status], |
| ), |
| ), |
| ) as _i13.CheckRunStatus); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.PullRequest?> findMatchingPullRequest( |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| String? headSha, |
| int? checkSuiteId, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #findMatchingPullRequest, |
| [ |
| slug, |
| headSha, |
| checkSuiteId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.PullRequest?>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.PullRequest?>); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [GithubChecksUtil]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockGithubChecksUtil extends _i1.Mock implements _i20.GithubChecksUtil { |
| MockGithubChecksUtil() { |
| _i1.throwOnMissingStub(this); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<Map<String, _i13.CheckRun>> allCheckRuns( |
| _i13.GitHub? gitHubClient, |
| _i29.CheckSuiteEvent? checkSuiteEvent, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #allCheckRuns, |
| [ |
| gitHubClient, |
| checkSuiteEvent, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<Map<String, _i13.CheckRun>>.value(<String, _i13.CheckRun>{}), |
| ) as _i19.Future<Map<String, _i13.CheckRun>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.CheckSuite> getCheckSuite( |
| _i13.GitHub? gitHubClient, |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? checkSuiteId, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getCheckSuite, |
| [ |
| gitHubClient, |
| slug, |
| checkSuiteId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.CheckSuite>.value(_FakeCheckSuite_30( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getCheckSuite, |
| [ |
| gitHubClient, |
| slug, |
| checkSuiteId, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.CheckSuite>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<List<_i13.CheckSuite>> listCheckSuitesForRef( |
| _i13.GitHub? gitHubClient, |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, { |
| required String? ref, |
| int? appId, |
| String? checkName, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #listCheckSuitesForRef, |
| [ |
| gitHubClient, |
| slug, |
| ], |
| { |
| #ref: ref, |
| #appId: appId, |
| #checkName: checkName, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<List<_i13.CheckSuite>>.value(<_i13.CheckSuite>[]), |
| ) as _i19.Future<List<_i13.CheckSuite>>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<void> updateCheckRun( |
| _i3.Config? config, |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| _i13.CheckRun? checkRun, { |
| _i13.CheckRunStatus? status = _i13.CheckRunStatus.queued, |
| _i13.CheckRunConclusion? conclusion, |
| String? detailsUrl, |
| _i13.CheckRunOutput? output, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #updateCheckRun, |
| [ |
| config, |
| slug, |
| checkRun, |
| ], |
| { |
| #status: status, |
| #conclusion: conclusion, |
| #detailsUrl: detailsUrl, |
| #output: output, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i19.Future<void>.value(), |
| ) as _i19.Future<void>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.CheckRun> getCheckRun( |
| _i3.Config? config, |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| int? id, |
| ) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getCheckRun, |
| [ |
| config, |
| slug, |
| id, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.CheckRun>.value(_FakeCheckRun_31( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getCheckRun, |
| [ |
| config, |
| slug, |
| id, |
| ], |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i19.Future<_i13.CheckRun>); |
| @override |
| _i19.Future<_i13.CheckRun> createCheckRun( |
| _i3.Config? config, |
| _i13.RepositorySlug? slug, |
| String? sha, |
| String? name, { |
| _i13.CheckRunOutput? output, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #createCheckRun, |
| [ |
| config, |
| slug, |
| sha, |
| name, |
| ], |
| {#output: output}, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i19.Future<_i13.CheckRun>.value(_FakeCheckRun_31( |
| this, |