blob: 7eea7d15aa72440edd51f900a9e269cd882f4f54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:auto_submit/exception/configuration_exception.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// The RepositoryConfiguration stores the pertinent information that autosubmit
/// will need when submiting and validating pull requests for a particular
/// repository.
class RepositoryConfiguration {
// Autosubmit configuration keys as found in the both the global and local
// yaml configuraiton files.
static const String allowConfigOverrideKey = 'allow_config_override';
static const String defaultBranchKey = 'default_branch';
static const String autoApprovalAccountsKey = 'auto_approval_accounts';
static const String approvingReviewsKey = 'approving_reviews';
static const String approvalGroupKey = 'approval_group';
static const String runCiKey = 'run_ci';
static const String supportNoReviewRevertKey = 'support_no_review_revert';
static const String requiredCheckRunsOnRevertKey = 'required_checkruns_on_revert';
static const String defaultBranchStr = 'default';
}) : allowConfigOverride = allowConfigOverride ?? false,
defaultBranch = defaultBranch ?? defaultBranchStr,
autoApprovalAccounts = autoApprovalAccounts ?? <String>{},
approvingReviews = approvingReviews ?? 2,
approvalGroup = approvalGroup ?? 'flutter-hackers',
runCi = runCi ?? true,
supportNoReviewReverts = supportNoReviewReverts ?? true,
requiredCheckRunsOnRevert = requiredCheckRunsOnRevert ?? <String>{};
/// This flag allows the repository to override the org level configuration.
bool allowConfigOverride;
/// The default branch that pull requests will be merged into.
String defaultBranch;
/// The accounts that have auto approval on their pull requests.
Set<String> autoApprovalAccounts;
/// The number of reviews needed for a pull request. If the reviewer is part
/// of the approval group they will need ([approvingReviews] - 1) number of
/// reviews in order to merge the pull request, if they are not part of the
/// approval group the will need [approvingReviews] number of reviews.
int approvingReviews;
/// The group that the pull request author will need pull requests from.
String approvalGroup;
/// Flag to determine whether or not to wait for all the ci checks to finish
/// before allowing a merge of the pull request.
bool runCi;
/// Flag that determines if reverts are allowed without a review.
bool supportNoReviewReverts;
/// Set of checkruns that must complete before a revert pull request can be
/// merged.
Set<String> requiredCheckRunsOnRevert;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer stringBuffer = StringBuffer();
stringBuffer.writeln('$allowConfigOverrideKey: $allowConfigOverride');
stringBuffer.writeln('$defaultBranchKey: $defaultBranch');
for (String account in autoApprovalAccounts) {
stringBuffer.writeln(' - $account');
stringBuffer.writeln('$approvingReviewsKey: $approvingReviews');
stringBuffer.writeln('$approvalGroupKey: $approvalGroup');
stringBuffer.writeln('$runCiKey: $runCi');
stringBuffer.writeln('$supportNoReviewRevertKey: $supportNoReviewReverts');
for (String checkrun in requiredCheckRunsOnRevert) {
stringBuffer.writeln(' - $checkrun');
return stringBuffer.toString();
static RepositoryConfiguration fromYaml(String yaml) {
final dynamic yamlDoc = loadYaml(yaml);
final Set<String> autoApprovalAccounts = <String>{};
final YamlList? yamlAutoApprovalAccounts = yamlDoc[autoApprovalAccountsKey];
if (yamlAutoApprovalAccounts != null) {
for (YamlNode element in yamlAutoApprovalAccounts.nodes) {
autoApprovalAccounts.add(element.value as String);
if (yamlDoc[approvalGroupKey] == null) {
throw ConfigurationException('The approval group is a required field.');
final Set<String> requiredCheckRunsOnRevert = <String>{};
final YamlList? yamlRequiredCheckRuns = yamlDoc[requiredCheckRunsOnRevertKey];
if (yamlRequiredCheckRuns != null) {
for (YamlNode element in yamlRequiredCheckRuns.nodes) {
requiredCheckRunsOnRevert.add(element.value as String);
return RepositoryConfiguration(
allowConfigOverride: yamlDoc[allowConfigOverrideKey],
defaultBranch: yamlDoc[defaultBranchKey],
autoApprovalAccounts: autoApprovalAccounts,
approvingReviews: yamlDoc[approvingReviewsKey],
approvalGroup: yamlDoc[approvalGroupKey],
runCi: yamlDoc[runCiKey],
supportNoReviewReverts: yamlDoc[supportNoReviewRevertKey],
requiredCheckRunsOnRevert: requiredCheckRunsOnRevert,