blob: 733786bc99b2448db0afb98592a0d2c980d03e60 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Script to build a self contained ruby cipd packages.
set -e
set -x
# Get the directory of this script.
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# Get versions from config files.
RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION=$(cat $DIR/../ruby_metadata.txt | cut -d ',' -f 1)
RUBY_FILE_NAME=$(cat $DIR/../ruby_metadata.txt | cut -d ',' -f 2)
# Create the package structure.
rm -rf $DIR/../build && mkdir -p $DIR/../build
mkdir -p $DIR/../build/tools
# Copy files to build directory.
cp $DIR/../third_party/ruby_ship/auto_relink_dylibs.rb $DIR/../build/tools/auto_relink_dylibs.rb
cp $DIR/../third_party/ruby_ship/ $DIR/
cp $DIR/../LICENSE $DIR/../build/LICENSE
# Download ruby.
mkdir -p $DIR/../cleanup
# Install brew dependencies
brew install curl
brew install openldap
brew reinstall --build-from-source gdbm
brew reinstall --build-from-source gmp
brew reinstall --build-from-source libffi
brew reinstall libyaml
brew reinstall --build-from-source readline
brew reinstall --build-from-source openssl@3
brew reinstall --build-from-source m4
bash -e $DIR/ $DIR/../cleanup/$RUBY_FILE_NAME
# Copy certificates bundle for mac x64.
if [ -f /usr/local/etc/ca-certificates/cert.pem ]; then
cp /usr/local/etc/ca-certificates/cert.pem $DIR/../build/bin/darwin_ruby/
# Copy certificates bundle for mac x64.
if [ -f /opt/homebrew/etc/openssl@3/cert.pem ]; then
cp /opt/homebrew/etc/openssl@3/cert.pem $DIR/../build/bin/darwin_ruby/
# Update wrapper scripts to make them use libraries from new location.
sed -i'' -e 's/bindir="\${0%\/\*}"/&\nSSL_CERTS="\$( cd -- "\$(dirname "\$0")" >\/dev\/null 2>\&1 ; pwd -P )\/..\/cert.pem"\nLIBSPATH="\$( cd -- "\$(dirname "\$0")" >\/dev\/null 2>\&1 ; pwd -P )\/..\/dylibs"\nexport DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LIBSPATH:\$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH\nexport SSL_CERT_FILE="\${SSL_CERTS}"/' $DIR/../build/bin/darwin_ruby/bin/gem
sed -i'' -e 's/bindir="\${0%\/\*}"/&\nSSL_CERTS="\$( cd -- "\$(dirname "\$0")" >\/dev\/null 2>\&1 ; pwd -P )\/..\/cert.pem"\nLIBSPATH="\$( cd -- "\$(dirname "\$0")" >\/dev\/null 2>\&1 ; pwd -P )\/..\/dylibs"\nexport DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LIBSPATH:\$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH\nexport SSL_CERT_FILE="\${SSL_CERTS}"/' $DIR/../build/bin/darwin_ruby/bin/bundler
sed -i'' -e 's/bindir="\${0%\/\*}"/&\nSSL_CERTS="\$( cd -- "\$(dirname "\$0")" >\/dev\/null 2>\&1 ; pwd -P )\/..\/cert.pem"\nLIBSPATH="\$( cd -- "\$(dirname "\$0")" >\/dev\/null 2>\&1 ; pwd -P )\/..\/dylibs"\nexport DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LIBSPATH:\$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH\nexport SSL_CERT_FILE="\${SSL_CERTS}"/' $DIR/../build/bin/darwin_ruby/bin/bundle
sed -i'' -e 's/bindir="\${0%\/\*}"/&\nSSL_CERTS="\$( cd -- "\$(dirname "\$0")" >\/dev\/null 2>\&1 ; pwd -P )\/..\/cert.pem"\nLIBSPATH="\$( cd -- "\$(dirname "\$0")" >\/dev\/null 2>\&1 ; pwd -P )\/..\/dylibs"\nexport DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LIBSPATH:\$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH\nexport SSL_CERT_FILE="\${SSL_CERTS}"/' $DIR/../build/bin/darwin_ruby/bin/pod
# Patch FFI to find libc.dylib in the standard location.
find $DIR/../build -name library.rb -exec sed -i'' -e 's/LIBC = FFI\:\:Platform\:\:LIBC/LIBC = \x27\/usr\/lib\/libc.dylib\x27/' {} \;
# Ensure all the command are working properly
$DIR/../build/bin/bundle --version
$DIR/../build/bin/bundler --version
$DIR/../build/bin/gem --version
$DIR/../build/bin/pod --version