blob: 9b11808bf121e553521f99a32dc731023d7d29a8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2023 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
# This script is used to verify provenance of our artifacts using slsa-verifier.
# If slsa-verifier is unable to ensure the provenance of the artifact is
# legitimate, then the script will exit with a non-zero exit code.
# Download the jq binary in order to obtain the artifact registry url from the
# docker image provenance.
echo "Installing jq using apt..."
apt update && apt install jq -y
# Download slsa-verifier in order to validate the docker image provenance.
# This takes the version of slsa-verifier defined in tooling/go.mod.
echo "Installing slsa-verifier using go..."
mkdir -p tooling
pushd tooling
go install
jq -r .image_summary.fully_qualified_digest)
# This command uses slsa-verifier to ensure the provenance has the correct
# source location and builder.
# "source-uri" is the original location of the source code
# "builder-id" is where the artifact was built (Note: GoogleHostedWorker is
# a GCP Cloud Build instance)
# Note: jq is used in order to obtain the full artifact registry url from
# the provenance metadata.
echo "Verifying the provenance is valid and correct..."
echo "Checking for source-uri of $SOURCE_URI"
slsa-verifier verify-image $FULLY_QUALIFIED_DIGEST \
--source-uri $SOURCE_URI \
--builder-id=$BUILDER_ID \
--provenance-path $PROVENANCE_PATH