blob: 254bb4e4ea738f1f878fc24cbf33c3fa3a987f81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import '../logic/qualified_task.dart';
import '../model/commit_status.pb.dart';
import '../widgets/filter_property_sheet.dart';
/// A filter object for controlling which entries are visible in the Build dashboard grid
/// of tasks. This filter object can filter on a number of properties of the tasks including
/// the name of the task, information on the commit that generated the tasks, and platform
/// stage type toggles.
class TaskGridFilter extends FilterPropertySource {
factory TaskGridFilter.fromMap(Map<String, String>? valueMap) => TaskGridFilter()..applyMap(valueMap);
/// True iff all of the properties of the filter are set to their default values.
bool get isDefault =>
_allProperties.values.toList().every((ValueFilterProperty<dynamic> element) => element.isDefault);
/// Sets all properties of this filter to their default values.
void reset() {
for (final ValueFilterProperty<dynamic> property in _allProperties.values) {
/// Modifies this filter based on the values in the map. If the map is null, no changes are
/// made. All keys in the [valueMap] must match one of the field names of the filter properties.
void applyMap(Map<String, String>? valueMap) {
if (valueMap != null) {
for (final MapEntry<String, String> mapEntry in valueMap.entries) {
if (_allProperties.containsKey(mapEntry.key)) {
_allProperties[mapEntry.key]!.stringValue = mapEntry.value;
final RegExpFilterProperty _taskProperty =
RegExpFilterProperty(fieldName: 'taskFilter', label: 'Task Name', caseSensitive: false);
final RegExpFilterProperty _authorProperty =
RegExpFilterProperty(fieldName: 'authorFilter', label: 'Commit Author', caseSensitive: false);
final RegExpFilterProperty _messageProperty =
RegExpFilterProperty(fieldName: 'messageFilter', label: 'Commit Message', caseSensitive: false);
final RegExpFilterProperty _hashProperty = RegExpFilterProperty(fieldName: 'hashFilter', label: 'Commit Hash');
final BoolFilterProperty _macProperty = BoolFilterProperty(fieldName: 'showMac', label: 'Mac');
final BoolFilterProperty _windowsPorperty = BoolFilterProperty(fieldName: 'showWindows', label: 'Windows');
final BoolFilterProperty _iosProperty = BoolFilterProperty(fieldName: 'showiOS', label: 'iOS');
final BoolFilterProperty _linuxPorperty = BoolFilterProperty(fieldName: 'showLinux', label: 'Linux');
final BoolFilterProperty _androidProperty = BoolFilterProperty(fieldName: 'showAndroid', label: 'Android');
final BoolFilterProperty _stagingProperty =
BoolFilterProperty(fieldName: 'showStaging', label: 'Staging', value: false);
// [_allProperties] is a LinkedHashMap so we can trust its iteration order
LinkedHashMap<String, ValueFilterProperty<dynamic>>? _allPropertiesMap;
LinkedHashMap<String, ValueFilterProperty<dynamic>> get _allProperties =>
(_allPropertiesMap ??= (<String, ValueFilterProperty<dynamic>>{}
..[_taskProperty.fieldName] = _taskProperty
..[_authorProperty.fieldName] = _authorProperty
..[_messageProperty.fieldName] = _messageProperty
..[_hashProperty.fieldName] = _hashProperty
..[_macProperty.fieldName] = _macProperty
..[_windowsPorperty.fieldName] = _windowsPorperty
..[_iosProperty.fieldName] = _iosProperty
..[_linuxPorperty.fieldName] = _linuxPorperty
..[_androidProperty.fieldName] = _androidProperty
..[_stagingProperty.fieldName] = _stagingProperty) as LinkedHashMap<String, ValueFilterProperty<dynamic>>?)!;
/// The [taskFilter] property is a regular expression that must match the name of the
/// task in the grid. This property will filter out columns on the build dashboard.
RegExp? get taskFilter => _taskProperty.regExp;
set taskFilter(RegExp? regExp) => _taskProperty.regExp = regExp;
/// The [authorFilter] property is a regular expression that must match the name of the
/// author of the task's commit. This property will filter out rows on the build dashboard.
RegExp? get authorFilter => _authorProperty.regExp;
set authorFilter(RegExp? regExp) => _authorProperty.regExp = regExp;
/// The [messageFilter] property is a regular expression that must match the commit message
/// of the task's commit. This property will filter out rows on the build dashboard.
RegExp? get messageFilter => _messageProperty.regExp;
set messageFilter(RegExp? regExp) => _messageProperty.regExp = regExp;
/// The [hashFilter] property is a regular expression that must match the hash of the
/// task's commit. This property will filter out rows on the build dashboard.
RegExp? get hashFilter => _hashProperty.regExp;
set hashFilter(RegExp? regExp) => _hashProperty.regExp = regExp;
/// The [showWindows] property is a boolean
/// it indicates whether to display tasks produced by a Windows stage in the devicelab.
/// This property will filter out columns on the build dashboard.
bool? get showWindows => _windowsPorperty.value;
set showWindows(bool? value) => _windowsPorperty.value = value;
/// The [showMac] property is a boolean
/// it indicates whether to display tasks produced by a Mac stage in the devicelab.
/// This property will filter out columns on the build dashboard.
bool? get showMac => _macProperty.value;
set showMac(bool? value) => _macProperty.value = value;
/// The [showiOS] property is a boolean
/// it indicates whether to display tasks produced by an iOS stage in the devicelab.
/// This property will filter out columns on the build dashboard.
bool? get showiOS => _iosProperty.value;
set showiOS(bool? value) => _iosProperty.value = value;
/// The [showLinux] property is a boolean
/// it indicates whether to display tasks produced by a Linux stage in the devicelab.
/// This property will filter out columns on the build dashboard.
bool? get showLinux => _linuxPorperty.value;
set showLinux(bool? value) => _linuxPorperty.value = value;
/// The [showAndroid] property is a boolean
/// it indicates whether to display tasks produced by an Android stage in the devicelab.
/// This property will filter out columns on the build dashboard.
bool? get showAndroid => _androidProperty.value;
set showAndroid(bool? value) => _androidProperty.value = value;
/// The [showStaging] property is a boolean
/// it indicates whether to display staging tasks (tasks with name prefixed
/// with linux_staging_build).
/// This property will filter out columns on the build dashboard.
bool? get showStaging => _stagingProperty.value;
set showStaging(bool? value) => _stagingProperty.value = value;
/// Check the values in the [CommitStatus] for compatibility with the properties of this
/// filter and return [true] iff the commit row should be displayed.
bool matchesCommit(CommitStatus commitStatus) {
if (!_authorProperty.matches( {
return false;
if (!_messageProperty.matches(commitStatus.commit.message)) {
return false;
if (!_hashProperty.matches(commitStatus.commit.sha)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Check the values in the [QualifiedTask] for compatibility with the
/// properties of this filter and return [true] iff the commit column should be displayed.
bool matchesTask(QualifiedTask qualifiedTask) {
if (!_taskProperty.matches(qualifiedTask.task!)) {
return false;
if ((!_allProperties['showStaging']?.value) && qualifiedTask.task!.toLowerCase().startsWith('staging_build_')) {
return false;
final LinkedHashMap<String, bool> orderedOSFilter = LinkedHashMap<String, bool>.of({
'ios': _allProperties['showiOS']?.value ?? false,
'android': _allProperties['showAndroid']?.value ?? false,
'mac': _allProperties['showMac']?.value ?? false,
'windows': _allProperties['showWindows']?.value ?? false,
'linux': _allProperties['showLinux']?.value ?? false,
return orderedOSFilter.entries
.firstWhereOrNull((MapEntry<String, bool> os) => qualifiedTask.task!.toLowerCase().contains(os.key))
?.value ??
true; // Unrecognized stages always pass.
/// Convert the filter into a String map (with or without default values populated) that
/// can be used to reconstruct the filter using the [fromMap] constructor and/or inject
/// its data into a JSON file or URL query parameter list.
Map<String, String> toMap() => Map<String, String>.fromEntries(
(MapEntry<String, ValueFilterProperty<dynamic>> element) => !element.value.isDefault,
(MapEntry<String, ValueFilterProperty<dynamic>> e) =>
MapEntry<String, String>(e.key, e.value.stringValue),
/// A string useful for including in a URL as query parameters. The returned string will
/// include only non-default filter values separated by the URL parameter separator (`&`).
/// The string will not include the leading `?` character used to introduce URL parameters
/// in case this string must be mixed with other query parameters.
String get queryParameters =>
toMap()<String>((MapEntry<String?, String> e) => '${e.key}=${e.value}').join('&');
List<FilterPropertyNode>? _layout;
/// Return the list of properties of this filter in a form that can be used by a
/// [FilterPropertySheet] to display the fields to a user and allow them to edit the values.
List<FilterPropertyNode> get sheetLayout => _layout ??= <FilterPropertyNode>[
label: 'Stages',
members: <BoolFilterProperty>[
// [_allProperties] is a LinkedHashMap so we can trust its iteration order
String get _values => _allProperties.values
.where((ValueFilterProperty<dynamic> element) => !element.isDefault)
.map((ValueFilterProperty<dynamic> e) => e.stringValue)
.join(', ');
String toString() => 'TaskGridFilter($_values)';
// [_allProperties] is a LinkedHashMap so we can trust its iteration order
int get hashCode => Object.hashAll(<dynamic> e) => e.value));
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is TaskGridFilter &&
(ValueFilterProperty<dynamic> element) => element.value == other._allProperties[element.fieldName]!.value,
List<VoidCallback>? _listeners;
void notifyListeners() {
if (_listeners != null) {
for (final VoidCallback listener in _listeners!) {
void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (_listeners == null) {
_listeners = <VoidCallback>[];
for (final ValueFilterProperty<dynamic> property in _allProperties.values) {
void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {