blob: 322c352d7c4a940d95691f0c5056ee2418691939 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:auto_submit/configuration/repository_configuration.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/model/auto_submit_query_result.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/model/pull_request_data_types.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/request_handling/pubsub.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/approver_service.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/validation_service.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/config.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/github_service.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/log.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/service/process_method.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/validations/validation.dart';
import 'package:auto_submit/validations/validation_filter.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart' as github;
import 'package:retry/retry.dart';
class PullRequestValidationService extends ValidationService {
PullRequestValidationService(Config config, {RetryOptions? retryOptions})
: super(config, retryOptions: retryOptions) {
/// Validates a PR marked with the reverts label.
approverService = ApproverService(config);
ApproverService? approverService;
/// Processes a pub/sub message associated with PullRequest event.
Future<void> processMessage(github.PullRequest messagePullRequest, String ackId, PubSub pubsub) async {
if (await shouldProcess(messagePullRequest)) {
await processPullRequest(
config: config,
result: await getNewestPullRequestInfo(config, messagePullRequest),
messagePullRequest: messagePullRequest,
ackId: ackId,
pubsub: pubsub,
} else {'Should not process ${messagePullRequest.toJson()}, and ack the message.');
await pubsub.acknowledge('auto-submit-queue-sub', ackId);
Future<bool> shouldProcess(github.PullRequest pullRequest) async {
final (currentPullRequest, labelNames) = await getPrWithLabels(pullRequest);
return (currentPullRequest.state == 'open' && labelNames.contains(Config.kAutosubmitLabel));
/// Processes a PullRequest running several validations to decide whether to
/// land the commit or remove the autosubmit label.
Future<void> processPullRequest({
required Config config,
required QueryResult result,
required github.PullRequest messagePullRequest,
required String ackId,
required PubSub pubsub,
}) async {
final github.RepositorySlug slug = messagePullRequest.base!.repo!.slug();
final int prNumber = messagePullRequest.number!;
// If a pull request is currently in the merge queue do not touch it. Let
// the merge queue merge it, or kick it out of the merge queue.
if (messagePullRequest.isMergeQueueEnabled) {
if (result.repository!.pullRequest!.isInMergeQueue) {
'${slug.fullName}/$prNumber is already in the merge queue. Skipping.',
await pubsub.acknowledge(config.pubsubRevertRequestSubscription, ackId);
final RepositoryConfiguration repositoryConfiguration = await config.getRepositoryConfiguration(slug);
// filter out validations here
final ValidationFilter validationFilter = ValidationFilter(
config: config,
processMethod: ProcessMethod.processAutosubmit,
repositoryConfiguration: repositoryConfiguration,
final Set<Validation> validations = validationFilter.getValidations();
final Map<String, ValidationResult> validationsMap = <String, ValidationResult>{};
final GithubService githubService = await config.createGithubService(slug);
// get the labels before validation so that we can detect all labels.
// TODO ( remove this after graphql is removed.
final github.PullRequest updatedPullRequest = await githubService.getPullRequest(slug, messagePullRequest.number!);
/// Runs all the validation defined in the service.
/// If the runCi flag is false then we need a way to not run the ciSuccessful validation.
for (Validation validation in validations) {'${slug.fullName}/$prNumber running validation ${}');
final ValidationResult validationResult = await validation.validate(
validationsMap[] = validationResult;
/// If there is at least one action that requires to remove label do so and add comments for all the failures.
bool shouldReturn = false;
for (MapEntry<String, ValidationResult> result in validationsMap.entries) {
if (!result.value.result && result.value.action == Action.REMOVE_LABEL) {
final String commmentMessage = result.value.message.isEmpty ? 'Validations Fail.' : result.value.message;
final String message = 'auto label is removed for ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber, due to $commmentMessage';
await githubService.removeLabel(slug, prNumber, Config.kAutosubmitLabel);
await githubService.createComment(slug, prNumber, message);;
shouldReturn = true;
if (shouldReturn) {
'The pr ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber with message: $ackId should be acknowledged due to validation failure.',
await pubsub.acknowledge('auto-submit-queue-sub', ackId);'The pr ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber is not feasible for merge and message: $ackId is acknowledged.');
// If PR has some failures to ignore temporarily do nothing and continue.
for (MapEntry<String, ValidationResult> result in validationsMap.entries) {
if (!result.value.result && result.value.action == Action.IGNORE_TEMPORARILY) {
'Temporarily ignoring processing of ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber due to ${result.key} failing validation.',
// If we got to this point it means we are ready to submit the PR.
final MergeResult processed = await submitPullRequest(
config: config,
messagePullRequest: messagePullRequest,
if (!processed.result) {
final String message = 'auto label is removed for ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber, ${processed.message}.';
await githubService.removeLabel(slug, prNumber, Config.kAutosubmitLabel);
await githubService.createComment(slug, prNumber, message);;
} else {'Pull Request ${slug.fullName}/$prNumber was ${processed.method.pastTenseLabel} successfully!');'Attempting to insert a pull request record into the database for $prNumber');
await insertPullRequestRecord(
config: config,
pullRequest: messagePullRequest,
pullRequestType: PullRequestChangeType.change,
}'Ack the processed message : $ackId.');
await pubsub.acknowledge('auto-submit-queue-sub', ackId);