blob: d1f2b58e363997ebf756729566c3e909c37995b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:cocoon_service/ci_yaml.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import '../../protos.dart' as pb;
import '../foundation/utils.dart';
import '../request_handling/api_request_handler.dart';
import '../request_handling/body.dart';
import '../service/bigquery.dart';
import '../service/config.dart';
import '../service/github_service.dart';
import 'flaky_handler_utils.dart';
/// This handler updates existing open flaky issues with the latest build
/// statistics.
/// The query parameter kThresholdKey is required in order for the handler to
/// properly adjusts the priority labels.
class UpdateExistingFlakyIssue extends ApiRequestHandler<Body> {
const UpdateExistingFlakyIssue({
required super.config,
required super.authenticationProvider,
@visibleForTesting this.ciYaml,
static const String kThresholdKey = 'threshold';
static const int kFreshPeriodForOpenFlake = 7; // days
final CiYaml? ciYaml;
Future<Body> get() async {
final RepositorySlug slug = Config.flutterSlug;
final GithubService gitHub = config.createGithubServiceWithToken(await config.githubOAuthToken);
final BigqueryService bigquery = await config.createBigQueryService();
CiYaml? localCiYaml = ciYaml;
if (localCiYaml == null) {
final YamlMap? ci = loadYaml(
await gitHub.getFileContent(
) as YamlMap?;
final pb.SchedulerConfig unCheckedSchedulerConfig = pb.SchedulerConfig()..mergeFromProto3Json(ci);
localCiYaml = CiYaml(
slug: slug,
branch: Config.defaultBranch(slug),
config: unCheckedSchedulerConfig,
final List<BuilderStatistic> prodBuilderStatisticList =
await bigquery.listBuilderStatistic(kBigQueryProjectId, bucket: 'prod');
final List<BuilderStatistic> stagingBuilderStatisticList =
await bigquery.listBuilderStatistic(kBigQueryProjectId, bucket: 'staging');
final Map<String?, Issue> nameToExistingIssue = await getExistingIssues(gitHub, slug, state: 'open');
await _updateExistingFlakyIssue(
prodBuilderStatisticList: prodBuilderStatisticList,
stagingBuilderStatisticList: stagingBuilderStatisticList,
nameToExistingIssue: nameToExistingIssue,
return Body.forJson(const <String, dynamic>{
'Status': 'success',
double get _threshold => double.parse(request!.uri.queryParameters[kThresholdKey]!);
/// Adds an update comment and adjusts the labels of the existing issue based
/// on the latest statistics.
/// This method skips issues that are created within kFreshPeriodForOpenFlake
/// days.
Future<void> _addCommentToExistingIssue(
GithubService gitHub,
RepositorySlug slug, {
required Bucket bucket,
required BuilderStatistic statistic,
required Issue existingIssue,
required CiYaml ciYaml,
}) async {
if (!) < const Duration(days: kFreshPeriodForOpenFlake)) {
final IssueUpdateBuilder updateBuilder =
IssueUpdateBuilder(statistic: statistic, threshold: _threshold, existingIssue: existingIssue, bucket: bucket);
await gitHub.createComment(slug, issueNumber: existingIssue.number, body: updateBuilder.issueUpdateComment);
await gitHub.replaceLabelsForIssue(slug, issueNumber: existingIssue.number, labels: updateBuilder.issueLabels);
if (existingIssue.assignee == null && !updateBuilder.isBelow) {
final String testOwnerContent = await gitHub.getFileContent(
final pb.SchedulerConfig schedulerConfig = ciYaml.config;
final List<pb.Target> targets = schedulerConfig.targets;
final String? testOwner = getTestOwnership(
targets.singleWhere((element) => ==,
getTypeForBuilder(, ciYaml),
if (testOwner != null) {
await gitHub.assignIssue(slug, issueNumber: existingIssue.number, assignee: testOwner);
/// Updates existing flaky issues based on corrresponding builder stats.
Future<void> _updateExistingFlakyIssue(
GithubService gitHub,
RepositorySlug slug,
CiYaml ciYaml, {
required List<BuilderStatistic> prodBuilderStatisticList,
required List<BuilderStatistic> stagingBuilderStatisticList,
required Map<String?, Issue> nameToExistingIssue,
}) async {
final Map<String, bool> builderFlakyMap = <String, bool>{};
final Map<String, bool> ignoreFlakyMap = <String, bool>{};
for (Target target in ciYaml.postsubmitTargets) {
builderFlakyMap[] = target.value.bringup;
if (target.getIgnoreFlakiness()) {
ignoreFlakyMap[] = true;
// Update an existing flaky bug with only prod stats if the builder is with `bringup: false`, such as a shard builder.
// Update an existing flaky bug with both prod and staging stats if the builder is with `bringup: true`. When a builder
// is newly identified as flaky, there is a gap between the builder is marked as `bringup: true` and the flaky bug is filed.
// For this case, there will be builds still running in `prod` pool, and we need to append `prod` stats as well.
for (final BuilderStatistic statistic in prodBuilderStatisticList) {
// ignore: iterable_contains_unrelated_type
if (nameToExistingIssue.containsKey( &&
builderFlakyMap.containsKey( &&
// ignore: iterable_contains_unrelated_type
!ignoreFlakyMap.containsKey( {
await _addCommentToExistingIssue(
statistic: statistic,
existingIssue: nameToExistingIssue[]!,
ciYaml: ciYaml,
// For all staging builder stats, updates any existing flaky bug.
for (final BuilderStatistic statistic in stagingBuilderStatisticList) {
if (nameToExistingIssue.containsKey( &&
builderFlakyMap[] == true &&
// ignore: iterable_contains_unrelated_type
!ignoreFlakyMap.containsKey( {
await _addCommentToExistingIssue(
bucket: Bucket.staging,
statistic: statistic,
existingIssue: nameToExistingIssue[]!,
ciYaml: ciYaml,