blob: 92cd3104beb32c0db2d42683c81abd444b917179 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show utf8;
import 'package:cocoon_service/cocoon_service.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/request_handling/exceptions.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../src/datastore/fake_config.dart';
import '../src/request_handling/request_handler_tester.dart';
void main() {
group('StaticFileHandler', () {
late RequestHandlerTester tester;
late FileSystem fs;
final FakeConfig config = FakeConfig();
const String indexFileName = 'index.html';
const String indexFileContent = 'some html';
const String dartMapFileName = '';
const String assetManifestSmcbin = 'AssetManifest.smcbin';
setUp(() {
tester = RequestHandlerTester();
fs = MemoryFileSystem();
fs.file('build/web/$indexFileName').createSync(recursive: true);
Future<String> decodeHandlerBody(Body body) {
return utf8.decoder.bind(body.serialize() as Stream<List<int>>).first;
test('returns 404 response when file does not exist', () async {
final StaticFileHandler staticFileHandler = StaticFileHandler('i do not exist as a file', config: config, fs: fs);
expect(tester.get(staticFileHandler), throwsA(const TypeMatcher<NotFoundException>()));
test('returns body when file does exist', () async {
final StaticFileHandler staticFileHandler = StaticFileHandler('/$indexFileName', config: config, fs: fs);
final Body body = await tester.get(staticFileHandler);
expect(body, isNotNull);
final String response = await decodeHandlerBody(body);
expect(response, indexFileContent);
test('DartMap file does not raise exception', () async {
final StaticFileHandler staticFileHandler = StaticFileHandler('/$dartMapFileName', config: config, fs: fs);
final Body body = await tester.get(staticFileHandler);
expect(body, isNotNull);
final String response = await decodeHandlerBody(body);
expect(response, '[{}]');
test('smcbin file extension is handled correctly', () async {
final StaticFileHandler staticFileHandler = StaticFileHandler('/$assetManifestSmcbin', config: config, fs: fs);
final Body body = await tester.get(staticFileHandler);
expect(body, isNotNull);
final String response = await decodeHandlerBody(body);
expect(response, assetManifestSmcbin);
test('No extension files default to plain text', () async {
final StaticFileHandler staticFileHandler = StaticFileHandler('/NOTICE', config: config, fs: fs);
final Body body = await tester.get(staticFileHandler);
expect(body, isNotNull);
final String response = await decodeHandlerBody(body);
expect(response, 'abc');