blob: 8f1fc63b0c9a46704d2790290f7e6d6a9a74b072 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../model/appengine/commit.dart';
import '../model/appengine/github_build_status_update.dart';
import '../model/appengine/stage.dart';
import '../model/appengine/task.dart';
import 'datastore.dart';
/// Function signature for a [BuildStatusService] provider.
typedef BuildStatusServiceProvider = BuildStatusService Function(DatastoreService datastoreService);
/// Branches that are used to calculate the tree status.
const Set<String> defaultBranches = <String>{'refs/heads/main', 'refs/heads/master'};
/// Class that calculates the current build status.
class BuildStatusService {
const BuildStatusService(this.datastoreService);
final DatastoreService datastoreService;
/// Creates and returns a [DatastoreService] using [db] and [maxEntityGroups].
static BuildStatusService defaultProvider(DatastoreService datastoreService) {
return BuildStatusService(datastoreService);
static const int numberOfCommitsToReferenceForTreeStatus = 20;
/// Calculates and returns the "overall" status of the Flutter build.
/// This calculation operates by looking for the most recent success or
/// failure for every (non-flaky) task in the manifest.
/// Take the example build dashboard below:
/// ✔ = passed, ✖ = failed, ☐ = new, ░ = in progress, s = skipped
/// +---+---+---+---+
/// | A | B | C | D |
/// +---+---+---+---+
/// | ✔ | ☐ | ░ | s |
/// +---+---+---+---+
/// | ✔ | ░ | ✔ | ✖ |
/// +---+---+---+---+
/// | ✔ | ✖ | ✔ | ✔ |
/// +---+---+---+---+
/// This build will fail because of Task B only. Task D is not included in
/// the latest commit status, so it does not impact the build status.
/// Task B fails because its last known status was to be failing, even though
/// there is currently a newer version that is in progress.
/// Tree status is only for [defaultBranches].
Future<BuildStatus?> calculateCumulativeStatus(RepositorySlug slug) async {
final List<CommitStatus> statuses = await retrieveCommitStatus(
limit: numberOfCommitsToReferenceForTreeStatus,
slug: slug,
if (statuses.isEmpty) {
return BuildStatus.failure();
final Map<String, bool> tasksInProgress = _findTasksRelevantToLatestStatus(statuses);
if (tasksInProgress.isEmpty) {
return BuildStatus.failure();
final List<String> failedTasks = <String>[];
for (CommitStatus status in statuses) {
for (Stage stage in status.stages) {
for (Task task in stage.tasks) {
/// If a task [isRelevantToLatestStatus] but has not run yet, we look
/// for a previous run of the task from the previous commit.
final bool isRelevantToLatestStatus = tasksInProgress.containsKey(;
/// Tasks that are not relevant to the latest status will have a
/// null value in the map.
final bool taskInProgress = tasksInProgress[] ?? true;
if (isRelevantToLatestStatus && taskInProgress) {
if (task.isFlaky! || _isSuccessful(task)) {
/// This task no longer needs to be checked to see if it causing
/// the build status to fail.
tasksInProgress[!] = false;
} else if (_isFailed(task) || _isRerunning(task)) {
/// This task no longer needs to be checked to see if its causing
/// the build status to fail since its been
/// added to the failedTasks list.
tasksInProgress[!] = false;
return failedTasks.isNotEmpty ? BuildStatus.failure(failedTasks) : BuildStatus.success();
/// Creates a map of the tasks that need to be checked for the build status.
/// This is based on the most recent [CommitStatus] and all of its tasks.
Map<String, bool> _findTasksRelevantToLatestStatus(List<CommitStatus> statuses) {
final Map<String, bool> tasks = <String, bool>{};
for (Stage stage in statuses.first.stages) {
for (Task task in stage.tasks) {
tasks[!] = true;
return tasks;
/// Retrieves the comprehensive status of every task that runs per commit.
/// The returned stream will be ordered by most recent commit first, then
/// the next newest, and so on.
Stream<CommitStatus> retrieveCommitStatus({
required int limit,
int? timestamp,
String? branch,
required RepositorySlug slug,
}) async* {
await for (Commit commit in datastoreService.queryRecentCommits(
limit: limit,
timestamp: timestamp,
branch: branch,
slug: slug,
)) {
final List<Stage> stages = await datastoreService.queryTasksGroupedByStage(commit);
yield CommitStatus(commit, stages);
bool _isFailed(Task task) {
return task.status == Task.statusFailed ||
task.status == Task.statusInfraFailure ||
task.status == Task.statusCancelled;
bool _isSuccessful(Task task) {
return task.status == Task.statusSucceeded;
bool _isRerunning(Task task) {
return task.attempts! > 1 && (task.status == Task.statusInProgress || task.status == Task.statusNew);
/// Class that holds the status for all tasks corresponding to a particular
/// commit.
/// Tasks may still be running, and thus their status is subject to change.
/// Put another way, this class holds information that is a snapshot in time.
class CommitStatus {
/// Creates a new [CommitStatus].
const CommitStatus(this.commit, this.stages);
/// The commit against which all the tasks in [stages] are run.
final Commit commit;
/// The partitioned stages, each of which holds a bucket of tasks that
/// belong in the stage.
final List<Stage> stages;
class BuildStatus {
const BuildStatus._(this.value, [this.failedTasks = const <String>[]])
: assert(value == GithubBuildStatusUpdate.statusSuccess || value == GithubBuildStatusUpdate.statusFailure);
factory BuildStatus.success() => const BuildStatus._(GithubBuildStatusUpdate.statusSuccess);
factory BuildStatus.failure([List<String> failedTasks = const <String>[]]) =>
BuildStatus._(GithubBuildStatusUpdate.statusFailure, failedTasks);
final String value;
final List<String> failedTasks;
bool get succeeded {
return value == GithubBuildStatusUpdate.statusSuccess;
String get githubStatus => value;
int get hashCode {
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 31 + value.hashCode;
hash = hash * 31 + failedTasks.hashCode;
return hash;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is BuildStatus) {
if (value != other.value) {
return false;
if (other.failedTasks.length != failedTasks.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < failedTasks.length; ++i) {
if (failedTasks[i] != other.failedTasks[i]) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
String toString() => '$value $failedTasks';