blob: 4b3f42f3c08a7da1a2ab77e2674bc89a3d4a3431 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# 1.0.12
- Adding dependencies for resultdb.
# 1.0.11
- Add resultsDb protos to the lib.
# 1.0.10
- Expose Builder_Item and Builder_Metadata.
# 1.0.9
- Pin versions due to
# 1.0.8
- Update dependencies.
# 1.0.7
- Expose the google.protobuf dependency objects.
# 1.0.6
- Expose all objects in build, builds_service and builder_service.
# 1.0.5
- Expose build bucket clients and supporting fields like StringPair.
# 1.0.4
- Expose status enums and related status fields from the Build proto.
# 1.0.1
- Update required Dart revisions for sound null safety.
- Add the notification proto for buildbucket v2.
# 1.0.0
- Initial version generating dart code for Buildbucket protos.