tree: bb8b599ec5b1a4ef2bff42a5572fecac65cc2709 [path history] [tgz]
  1. BogusFontTextTest.m
  2. golden_bogus_font_text_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  3. golden_non_full_screen_flutter_view_platform_view_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  4. golden_platform_view_clippath_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  5. golden_platform_view_cliprect_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  6. golden_platform_view_cliprrect_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  7. golden_platform_view_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  8. golden_platform_view_multiple_background_foreground_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  9. golden_platform_view_multiple_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  10. golden_platform_view_opacity_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  11. golden_platform_view_rotate_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  12. golden_platform_view_transform_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  13. golden_platform_view_with_other_backdrop_filter_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  14. golden_spawn_engine_works_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  15. golden_two_platform_views_with_other_backdrop_filter_iPhone 8_13.0_simulator.png
  16. GoldenImage.h
  17. GoldenImage.m
  18. GoldenPlatformViewTests.h
  19. GoldenPlatformViewTests.m
  20. GoldenTestManager.h
  21. GoldenTestManager.m
  22. Info.plist
  23. iPadGestureTests.m
  24. LocalizationInitializationTest.m
  25. PlatformViewGestureRecognizerTests.m
  26. PlatformViewUITests.m
  28. RenderingSelectionTest.m
  29. SpawnEngineTest.m
  30. StatusBarTest.h
  31. StatusBarTest.m
  32. UnobstructedPlatformViewTests.m

Golden UI Tests

This folder contains golden image tests. It renders UI (for instance, a platform view) and does a screen shot comparison against a known good configuration.

The screen shots are named golden_[scenario name]_[MODEL], with _simulator appended for simulators. The model numbers for physical devices correspond to the hw.model sys call, and will represent the model numbers. Simulator names are taken from the environment.

New devices require running the test on the device, gathering the attachment from the test result and verifying it manually. Then adding an appropriately named file to this folder.

If the test is attempted on a new device, the log will contain a message indicating the file name it expected to find. The test will continue and fail, but will contain an attachment with the expected screen shot. If the screen shot looks good, add it with the correct name to the project and run the test again - it should pass this time.