blob: 3d5fb4e8ddbefec33181c009f03bbb941bfcb40a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import { browserEnvironment } from './browser_environment.js';
import { FlutterEntrypointLoader } from './entrypoint_loader.js';
import { FlutterServiceWorkerLoader } from './service_worker_loader.js';
import { FlutterTrustedTypesPolicy } from './trusted_types.js';
import { loadCanvasKit } from './canvaskit_loader.js';
import { loadSkwasm } from './skwasm_loader.js';
* The public interface of _flutter.loader. Exposes two methods:
* * loadEntrypoint (which coordinates the default Flutter web loading procedure)
* * didCreateEngineInitializer (which is called by Flutter to notify that its
* Engine is ready to be initialized)
export class FlutterLoader {
* @deprecated Use `load` instead.
* Initializes the Flutter web app.
* @param {*} options
* @returns {Promise?} a (Deprecated) Promise that will eventually resolve
* with an EngineInitializer, or will be rejected with
* any error caused by the loader. Or Null, if the user
* supplies an `onEntrypointLoaded` Function as an option.
async loadEntrypoint(options) {
const { serviceWorker, ...entrypoint } = options || {};
// A Trusted Types policy that is going to be used by the loader.
const flutterTT = new FlutterTrustedTypesPolicy();
// The FlutterServiceWorkerLoader instance could be injected as a dependency
// (and dynamically imported from a module if not present).
const serviceWorkerLoader = new FlutterServiceWorkerLoader();
await serviceWorkerLoader.loadServiceWorker(serviceWorker).catch(e => {
// Regardless of what happens with the injection of the SW, the show must go on
console.warn("Exception while loading service worker:", e);
// The FlutterEntrypointLoader instance could be injected as a dependency
// (and dynamically imported from a module if not present).
const entrypointLoader = new FlutterEntrypointLoader();
// Install the `didCreateEngineInitializer` listener where Flutter web expects it to be.
this.didCreateEngineInitializer =
return entrypointLoader.loadEntrypoint(entrypoint);
* Loads and initializes a flutter application.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {import("/.types".ServiceWorkerSettings?)} options.serviceWorkerSettings
* Settings for the service worker to be loaded. Can pass `undefined` or
* `null` to not launch a service worker at all.
* @param {import("/.types".OnEntryPointLoadedCallback)} options.onEntrypointLoaded
* An optional callback to invoke
* @param {string} options.nonce
* A nonce to be applied to the main JS script when loading it, which may
* be required by the sites Content-Security-Policy.
* For more details, see {@link here}.
* @param {import("./types".FlutterConfiguration)} arg.config
async load({
} = {}) {
config ??= {};
/** @type {import("./types").BuildConfig} */
const buildConfig = _flutter.buildConfig;
if (!buildConfig) {
throw "FlutterLoader.load requires _flutter.buildConfig to be set";
const rendererIsCompatible = (renderer) => {
switch (renderer) {
case "skwasm":
return browserEnvironment.crossOriginIsolated
&& browserEnvironment.hasChromiumBreakIterators
&& browserEnvironment.hasImageCodecs
&& browserEnvironment.supportsWasmGC;
return true;
const buildIsCompatible = (build) => {
if (build.compileTarget === "dart2wasm" && !browserEnvironment.supportsWasmGC) {
return false;
if (config.renderer && config.renderer != build.renderer) {
return false;
return rendererIsCompatible(build.renderer);
const build = buildConfig.builds.find(buildIsCompatible);
if (!build) {
throw "FlutterLoader could not find a build compatible with configuration and environment.";
const deps = {};
deps.flutterTT = new FlutterTrustedTypesPolicy();
if (serviceWorkerSettings) {
deps.serviceWorkerLoader = new FlutterServiceWorkerLoader();
await deps.serviceWorkerLoader.loadServiceWorker(serviceWorkerSettings).catch(e => {
// Regardless of what happens with the injection of the SW, the show must go on
console.warn("Exception while loading service worker:", e);
if (build.renderer === "canvaskit") {
deps.canvasKit = loadCanvasKit(deps, config, browserEnvironment, buildConfig.engineRevision);
} else if (build.renderer === "skwasm") {
deps.skwasm = loadSkwasm(deps, config, browserEnvironment, buildConfig.engineRevision);
// The FlutterEntrypointLoader instance could be injected as a dependency
// (and dynamically imported from a module if not present).
const entrypointLoader = new FlutterEntrypointLoader();
// Install the `didCreateEngineInitializer` listener where Flutter web expects it to be.
this.didCreateEngineInitializer =
return entrypointLoader.load(build, deps, config, nonce, onEntrypointLoaded);