Support custom entrypoints in public Windows API (#35285)

This adds a dart_entrypoint field to FlutterDesktopEngineProperties in
the public C Windows API, which mirrors that in the embedder API.

When a null or empty entrypoint is specified, a default entrypoint of
'main' is assumed. Otherwise, the app is launched at the top-level
function specified, which must be annotated with
@pragma('vm:entry-point') in the Dart source.

This change is backward-compatible for existing users of the Windows C API
and the C++ client wrapper API. To avoid breaking backward compatibility,
this patch preserves the entry_point parameter to FlutterDesktopEngineRun
in the public Windows C API as well as in the FlutterEngine::Run method
in the C++ client wrapper API. The entrypoint can be specified in either
the engine properties struct or via the parameter, but if conflicting
non-empty values are specified, the engine launch will intentionally fail
with an error message.

This change has no effect on existing Flutter Windows desktop apps and no
migration is required, because our app templates never specify a custom
entrypoint, nor was the option to specify one via the old method particularly
feasible, because the FlutterViewController class constructor immediately
invokes FlutterViewControllerCreate which immediately launches the engine
passed to it with a null entrypoint argument, so long as the engine is not
already running. However, running the engine without a view controller
previously resulted in errors due to failure to create a rendering surface.

This is a followup patch to
which added support for running Dart fixture tests with a live Windows
embedder engine.

18 files changed
tree: 8690bf82d96bd814d95d4daa129528ce28c21737
  1. .github/
  2. assets/
  3. benchmarking/
  4. build/
  5. ci/
  6. common/
  7. display_list/
  8. docs/
  9. examples/
  10. flow/
  11. flutter_frontend_server/
  12. fml/
  13. impeller/
  14. lib/
  15. runtime/
  16. shell/
  17. sky/
  18. testing/
  19. third_party/
  20. tools/
  21. vulkan/
  22. web_sdk/
  23. .ci.yaml
  24. .clang-format
  25. .clang-tidy
  26. .gitattributes
  27. .gitignore
  28. .pylintrc
  29. .style.yapf
  30. analysis_options.yaml
  34. DEPS
  35. Doxyfile

Flutter Engine

Build Status - Cirrus

Flutter is Google's SDK for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.

The Flutter Engine is a portable runtime for hosting Flutter applications. It implements Flutter's core libraries, including animation and graphics, file and network I/O, accessibility support, plugin architecture, and a Dart runtime and compile toolchain. Most developers will interact with Flutter via the Flutter Framework, which provides a modern, reactive framework, and a rich set of platform, layout and foundation widgets.

If you want to run/contribute to Flutter Web engine, more tooling can be found at felt. This is a tool written to make web engine development experience easy.

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