Frame Capture with RenderDoc

RenderDoc is a graphics debugger that can be used to capture frames. With Impeller starting to support OpenGL ES and Vulkan backends, RenderDoc can provide insights into the application's frames.

  1. First step is to set up RenderDoc. Follow the quickstart instructions. For the purposes of this guide it is assumed that you are able to get RenderDoc running.

  2. The next step would be to run the application you wish the capture the frames of. Typically these would be one of the playground tests. To build these, do:

    # In your $ENGINE_SRC folder, do:
    ./flutter/tools/gn --unopt
    ninja -C out/host_debug_unopt/

    Building a “debug_unopt” build ensures that you have tracing enabled. Without this, RenderDoc will not have much to show.

  3. Start RenderDoc, and click the “Launch Application” button.

    Launch App

  4. Fill out the following parameters, and click launch:

    • executable: $ENGINE_SRC/out/host_debug_impeller_vulkan/impeller_unittests (expand ENGINE_SRC).
    • args: --gtest_filter="*CanDrawRect/Vulkan*" --enable_playground
    • working dir: $ENGINE_SRC (expand ENGINE_SRC)
  5. For the frame you wish to capture, press F12, you will now be able to see the frame capture and inspect the state.

    Renderdoc Capture