
For each commit to flutter/engine the Chromebots generate treemaps illustrating the sizes of the individual components within release builds of The treemap is uploaded to Google Cloud Storage and linked from the LUCI console: Select a “Linux aot” build and search for “Open Treemap”.

Alternatively, a link to a treemap can be constructed as follows:<REVISION>/<VARIANT>/sizes/index.html where:

  • <REVISION> is the git hash from flutter/engine for which you want the treemap, and
  • <VARIANT> can be any android release build, e.g. android-arm-release or android-arm64-release.


In devicelab we run various benchmarks to track the APK/IPA sizes and various (engine) artifacts contained within. These benchmarks run for every commit to flutter/flutter and are visible on our build dashboard. The most relevant benchmarks for engine size are:

  • APK/IPA size of Flutter Gallery
    • Android: flutter_gallery_android__compile/release_size_bytes
    • iOS: flutter_gallery_ios__compile/release_size_bytes
  • APK/IPA size of minimal hello_world app
    • Android: hello_world_android__compile/release_size_bytes
    • iOS: hello_world_ios__compile/release_size_bytes
  • Size of bundled icudtl.dat
    • Compressed in APK: hello_world_android__compile/icudtl_compressed_bytes
    • Uncompressed: hello_world_android__compile/icudtl_uncompressed_bytes
  • Size of bundled (release mode)
    • Compressed in APK: hello_world_android__compile/libflutter_compressed_bytes
    • Uncompressed: hello_world_android__compile/libflutter_uncompressed_bytes
  • Size of VM & isolate snapshots (data and instructions)
    • Compressed in APK: hello_world_android__compile/snapshot_compressed_bytes
    • Uncompressed: hello_world_android__compile/snapshot_uncompressed_bytes

Comparing AOT Snapshot Sizes

A detailed comparison of AOT snapshot sizes can be performed using the instructions documented here.