This package allows to create a Skia gold client in the engine repo.
The client uses the goldctl
tool on LUCI builders to upload screenshots, and verify if a new screenshot matches the baseline screenshot.
The web UI is available on
, ensure that the task has a dependency on goldctl
:dependencies: [{"dependency": "goldctl"}]
:dependencies: skia_gold_client: path: <relative-path>/testing/skia_gold_client
import 'package:skia_gold_client/skia_gold_client.dart'; Future<void> main() { final Directory tmpDirectory = Directory.current.createTempSync('skia_gold_wd'); final SkiaGoldClient client = SkiaGoldClient( tmpDirectory, dimensions: <String, String> {'<attribute-name>': '<attribute-value>'}, ); try { if (isSkiaGoldClientAvailable) { await client.auth(); await client.addImg( '<file-name>', File('gold-file.png'), screenshotSize: 1024, ); } } catch (error) { // Failed to authenticate or compare pixels. stderr.write(error.toString()); rethrow; } finally { tmpDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true); } }