Updating the Embedding Dependencies


  1. Gradle. If you don't have Gradle installed, you can get it on https://gradle.org/install/#manually.
  2. Depot tools.


To update the embedding dependencies, just cd into this directory, modify the dependencies in build.gradle and run gradle updateDependencies.

Once you have updated the dependencies, you can upload a new version by running cipd create --pkg-def cipd.yaml. For more, see the Chromium instructions on “Updating a CIPD dependency” for how to upload a package update to CIPD.

Once you‘ve uploaded the new version, also make sure to tag it with the updated timestamp and robolectric version (most likely still 3.8, unless you’ve migrated all the packages to 4+).

$ cipd set-tag flutter/android/embedding_bundle --version=<new_version_hash> -tag=last_updated:<timestamp>

Example of a last-updated timestamp: 2019-07-29T15:27:42-0700

You can generate the same date format with date +%Y-%m-%dT%T%z.

You can run cipd describe flutter/android/embedding_bundle --version=<new_version_hash> to verify. You should see:

Package:       flutter/android/embedding_bundle
Instance ID:   <new_version_hash>

Then update the DEPS file (located at /src/flutter/DEPS) to use the new version by pointing to your new last_updated_at tag.

  'src/third_party/android_embedding_dependencies': {
     'packages': [
        'package': 'flutter/android/embedding_bundle',
        'version': 'last_updated:<timestamp>'
     'condition': 'download_android_deps',
     'dep_type': 'cipd',

You can now re-run gclient sync to fetch the latest package version.