This directory is for Flutter Web engine integration tests that does not need a specific configuration. If an e2e test needs specialized app configuration (e.g. PWA vs non-PWA packaging), please create another directory under e2etests/web. Otherwise tests such as text_editing, history, scrolling, pointer events... should all go under this package. Tests can be run on both 'release' and 'profile' modes. However 'release' mode will shorten the error. Use 'profile' mode for trouble-shooting purposes where you can also see the full stack trace. # To run the application under test for trouble shooting purposes. flutter run -d web-server lib/text_editing_main.dart --local-engine=host_debug_unopt # To run the Text Editing test and use the developer tools in the browser. flutter run --target=test_driver/text_editing_e2e.dart -d web-server --web-port=8080 --profile --local-engine=host_debug_unopt # To test the Text Editing test with driver you either of the following: flutter drive -v --target=test_driver/text_editing_e2e.dart -d web-server --profile --browser-name=chrome --local-engine=host_debug_unopt flutter drive -v --target=test_driver/text_editing_e2e.dart -d web-server --release --browser-name=chrome --local-engine=host_debug_unopt