tree: 01c879dc484e65ae92ff619325aa67c69648056f [path history] [tgz]
  1. bin/
  2. lib/
  3. test/
  4. pubspec.yaml


A tool to check that C++ header guards are used consistently in the engine.

# Assuming you are in the `flutter` root of the engine repo.
dart ./tools/header_guard_check/bin/main.dart

The tool checks all header files for the following pattern:

// path/to/file.h

#ifndef PATH_TO_FILE_H_
#define PATH_TO_FILE_H_
#endif  // PATH_TO_FILE_H_

If the header file does not follow this pattern, the tool will print an error message and exit with a non-zero exit code. For more information about why we use this pattern, see the Google C++ style guide.

Automatic fixes

The tool can automatically fix header files that do not follow the pattern:

dart ./tools/header_guard_check/bin/main.dart --fix

Advanced usage

Restricting the files to check

By default, the tool checks all header files in the engine. You can restrict the files to check by passing a relative (to the engine/src/flutter root) paths to include:

dart ./tools/header_guard_check/bin/main.dart --include impeller