tree: 63ae2f011133abfdf1a7b983fe69fd36b5703545 [path history] [tgz]
  1. canvas_curves_golden_test.dart
  2. canvas_lines_golden_test.dart
  3. canvas_test.dart
  4. color_test.dart
  5. fragment_shader_test.dart
  6. gradient_golden_test.dart
  7. gradient_test.dart
  8. paragraph_builder_test.dart
  9. path_metrics_test.dart
  10. path_test.dart
  11. picture_test.dart
  13. rect_test.dart
  14. rrect_test.dart
  15. scene_builder_test.dart
  16. shadow_test.dart
  17. utils.dart

UI Tests

These tests are intended to be renderer-agnostic. These tests should not use APIs which only exist in either the HTML or CanvasKit renderers.

In practice, this means these tests should only use dart:ui APIs or dart:_engine APIs which are not renderer-specific.


These tests should call setUpUiTest() at the top level to initialize the renderer they are expected to run.