Roll dart, zlib, emscripten, tweak license script for rolled zlib (#41299)

Changes since last dart roll
1f224df52be Version
3c284a0c95c Revert "Reland "[VM] Begin supporting Perfetto file recorder""
754aca00499 Bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.11 to 2.2.12
7c8e61104f6 Bump actions/checkout from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2
f9f1030959d (origin/base) [infra] DEPS and test dart-lang/native packages
b04b0844067 [vm/win7] Dynamically load functions for unwinding instructions.
a6ebd6fa8e9 Bump tools to 545d7e1c73ce21b8c91f638021f9d487d324a501
c4795a75508 [vm, compiler] Don't do safepoint transitions in generated code under TSAN.
2fcf9754032 Version
393b1016292 Version
39fc15a0b4c (origin/lkgr) [analysis_server] Add missing declaration semantic token modifier on classes/constructors
609db33dc7a Issue 51985. Quick fix to add missing pattern case to switch expression/pattern.
8fa08ae80b6 Add 'Convert to if-case statement' quick assist.
17d92f90d0b offer wildcard suggestions for destructured record fields
3149f813bbf [dartdev] Update --enable-analytics to re-enable unified analytics
eee509140dd Add dependency overrides for pkg/analyzer
3069c4f3e2b [analysis_server] Add missing "constructor" semantic token modifiers on constructor declarations
9834f87c542 [dart2js] Fix noSuchMethod override handling.
639a6f06ef9 Simplify several non-terminals to use regex-like grammar operators
f88e3bd77c5 Issue 51903. Test fixes for ParserErrorCode.VAR_AND_TYPE
f4d42303ad2 [analysis_server] Handle completion in whitespace after string values
70762f0de0e [ANTLR] Transform recursive definition of onParts to use iteration ...
453647022f6 [analysis_server] Don't fail on invalid/complex setters in LSP code completion
a565638b910 Issue 51689. Report when 'super' is used as a standalone expression, not as a receiver of an invocation.
b78d89ce0c7 Fix DynamicTypeImpl to InterfaceTypeImpl cast exception in AddTypeAnnotation, when ambiguous SetOrMapLiteral.
bd9c7a46e2b Roll zlib to 14dd4c4455602c9b71a1a89b5cafd1f4030d2e3f
18b5ecdfc99 [vm] Cleanup dead code around TypeArgumentClassFinder
9d4d48949c0 Add a top-level variable strict-inference test case
8df1b888771 [VM/Service] Create JSONBase64String class
b4aa83b0b7f [VM/Service] Rename JSONStream::AppendSerializedObject to JSONStream::AppendBytes
4cd9c9c6666 Reland "[VM] Begin supporting Perfetto file recorder"
fa3a72fa7e5 [cfe/ffi] Error on compound constructors
8 files changed
tree: 6cf656c14b7b40f0adc8cd0f0808fbe8fb68d168
  1. .github/
  2. assets/
  3. benchmarking/
  4. build/
  5. ci/
  6. common/
  7. display_list/
  8. docs/
  9. examples/
  10. flow/
  11. flutter_frontend_server/
  12. flutter_vma/
  13. fml/
  14. impeller/
  15. lib/
  16. runtime/
  17. shell/
  18. sky/
  19. testing/
  20. third_party/
  21. tools/
  22. vulkan/
  23. wasm/
  24. web_sdk/
  25. .ci.yaml
  26. .clang-format
  27. .clang-tidy
  28. .gitattributes
  29. .gitignore
  30. .pylintrc
  31. .style.yapf
  32. analysis_options.yaml
  37. DEPS
  38. Doxyfile

Flutter Engine

OpenSSF Scorecard

Flutter is Google's SDK for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.

The Flutter Engine is a portable runtime for hosting Flutter applications. It implements Flutter's core libraries, including animation and graphics, file and network I/O, accessibility support, plugin architecture, and a Dart runtime and compile toolchain. Most developers will interact with Flutter via the Flutter Framework, which provides a modern, reactive framework, and a rich set of platform, layout and foundation widgets.

If you want to run/contribute to Flutter Web engine, more tooling can be found at felt. This is a tool written to make web engine development experience easy.

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