blob: 6763936d6a663e1b1988755c50dbd4e9c809e0fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/dl_blend_mode.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/dl_canvas.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/dl_op_flags.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/dl_op_receiver.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/dl_paint.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/dl_sampling_options.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/effects/dl_path_effect.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/geometry/dl_geometry_types.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/image/dl_image.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/utils/dl_accumulation_rect.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/utils/dl_comparable.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/utils/dl_matrix_clip_tracker.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
namespace flutter {
// The primary class used to build a display list. The list of methods
// here matches the list of methods invoked on a |DlOpReceiver| combined
// with the list of methods invoked on a |DlCanvas|.
class DisplayListBuilder final : public virtual DlCanvas,
public SkRefCnt,
virtual DlOpReceiver,
DisplayListOpFlags {
static constexpr SkRect kMaxCullRect =
SkRect::MakeLTRB(-1E9F, -1E9F, 1E9F, 1E9F);
explicit DisplayListBuilder(bool prepare_rtree)
: DisplayListBuilder(kMaxCullRect, prepare_rtree) {}
explicit DisplayListBuilder(const SkRect& cull_rect = kMaxCullRect,
bool prepare_rtree = false);
// |DlCanvas|
SkISize GetBaseLayerSize() const override;
// |DlCanvas|
SkImageInfo GetImageInfo() const override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Save() override;
// |DlCanvas|
void SaveLayer(const SkRect* bounds,
const DlPaint* paint = nullptr,
const DlImageFilter* backdrop = nullptr) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Restore() override;
// |DlCanvas|
int GetSaveCount() const override { return save_stack_.size(); }
// |DlCanvas|
void RestoreToCount(int restore_count) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Translate(SkScalar tx, SkScalar ty) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Rotate(SkScalar degrees) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Skew(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) override;
// clang-format off
// 2x3 2D affine subset of a 4x4 transform in row major order
// |DlCanvas|
void Transform2DAffine(SkScalar mxx, SkScalar mxy, SkScalar mxt,
SkScalar myx, SkScalar myy, SkScalar myt) override;
// full 4x4 transform in row major order
// |DlCanvas|
void TransformFullPerspective(
SkScalar mxx, SkScalar mxy, SkScalar mxz, SkScalar mxt,
SkScalar myx, SkScalar myy, SkScalar myz, SkScalar myt,
SkScalar mzx, SkScalar mzy, SkScalar mzz, SkScalar mzt,
SkScalar mwx, SkScalar mwy, SkScalar mwz, SkScalar mwt) override;
// clang-format on
// |DlCanvas|
void TransformReset() override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Transform(const SkMatrix* matrix) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Transform(const SkM44* matrix44) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void SetTransform(const SkMatrix* matrix) override {
// |DlCanvas|
void SetTransform(const SkM44* matrix44) override {
using DlCanvas::Transform;
/// Returns the 4x4 full perspective transform representing all transform
/// operations executed so far in this DisplayList within the enclosing
/// save stack.
// |DlCanvas|
SkM44 GetTransformFullPerspective() const override {
return global_state().matrix_4x4();
/// Returns the 3x3 partial perspective transform representing all transform
/// operations executed so far in this DisplayList within the enclosing
/// save stack.
// |DlCanvas|
SkMatrix GetTransform() const override { return global_state().matrix_3x3(); }
// |DlCanvas|
void ClipRect(const SkRect& rect,
ClipOp clip_op = ClipOp::kIntersect,
bool is_aa = false) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void ClipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect,
ClipOp clip_op = ClipOp::kIntersect,
bool is_aa = false) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void ClipPath(const SkPath& path,
ClipOp clip_op = ClipOp::kIntersect,
bool is_aa = false) override;
/// Conservative estimate of the bounds of all outstanding clip operations
/// measured in the coordinate space within which this DisplayList will
/// be rendered.
// |DlCanvas|
SkRect GetDestinationClipBounds() const override {
return global_state().device_cull_rect();
/// Conservative estimate of the bounds of all outstanding clip operations
/// transformed into the local coordinate space in which currently
/// recorded rendering operations are interpreted.
// |DlCanvas|
SkRect GetLocalClipBounds() const override {
return global_state().local_cull_rect();
/// Return true iff the supplied bounds are easily shown to be outside
/// of the current clip bounds. This method may conservatively return
/// false if it cannot make the determination.
// |DlCanvas|
bool QuickReject(const SkRect& bounds) const override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawPaint(const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawColor(DlColor color, DlBlendMode mode) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawLine(const SkPoint& p0,
const SkPoint& p1,
const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawRect(const SkRect& rect, const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawOval(const SkRect& bounds, const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawCircle(const SkPoint& center,
SkScalar radius,
const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer,
const SkRRect& inner,
const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawPath(const SkPath& path, const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawArc(const SkRect& bounds,
SkScalar start,
SkScalar sweep,
bool useCenter,
const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawPoints(PointMode mode,
uint32_t count,
const SkPoint pts[],
const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawVertices(const DlVertices* vertices,
DlBlendMode mode,
const DlPaint& paint) override;
using DlCanvas::DrawVertices;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawImage(const sk_sp<DlImage>& image,
const SkPoint point,
DlImageSampling sampling,
const DlPaint* paint = nullptr) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawImageRect(
const sk_sp<DlImage>& image,
const SkRect& src,
const SkRect& dst,
DlImageSampling sampling,
const DlPaint* paint = nullptr,
SrcRectConstraint constraint = SrcRectConstraint::kFast) override;
using DlCanvas::DrawImageRect;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawImageNine(const sk_sp<DlImage>& image,
const SkIRect& center,
const SkRect& dst,
DlFilterMode filter,
const DlPaint* paint = nullptr) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawAtlas(const sk_sp<DlImage>& atlas,
const SkRSXform xform[],
const SkRect tex[],
const DlColor colors[],
int count,
DlBlendMode mode,
DlImageSampling sampling,
const SkRect* cullRect,
const DlPaint* paint = nullptr) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawDisplayList(const sk_sp<DisplayList> display_list,
SkScalar opacity = SK_Scalar1) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawTextBlob(const sk_sp<SkTextBlob>& blob,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
const DlPaint& paint) override;
void drawTextFrame(const std::shared_ptr<impeller::TextFrame>& text_frame,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y) override;
void DrawTextFrame(const std::shared_ptr<impeller::TextFrame>& text_frame,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
const DlPaint& paint) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void DrawShadow(const SkPath& path,
const DlColor color,
const SkScalar elevation,
bool transparent_occluder,
SkScalar dpr) override;
// |DlCanvas|
void Flush() override {}
sk_sp<DisplayList> Build();
// This method exposes the internal stateful DlOpReceiver implementation
// of the DisplayListBuilder, primarily for testing purposes. Its use
// is obsolete and forbidden in every other case and is only shared to a
// pair of "friend" accessors in the benchmark/unittest files.
DlOpReceiver& asReceiver() { return *this; }
friend DlOpReceiver& DisplayListBuilderBenchmarkAccessor(
DisplayListBuilder& builder);
friend DlOpReceiver& DisplayListBuilderTestingAccessor(
DisplayListBuilder& builder);
friend DlPaint DisplayListBuilderTestingAttributes(
DisplayListBuilder& builder);
friend int DisplayListBuilderTestingLastOpIndex(DisplayListBuilder& builder);
void SetAttributesFromPaint(const DlPaint& paint,
const DisplayListAttributeFlags flags);
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setAntiAlias(bool aa) override {
if (current_.isAntiAlias() != aa) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setInvertColors(bool invert) override {
if (current_.isInvertColors() != invert) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setStrokeCap(DlStrokeCap cap) override {
if (current_.getStrokeCap() != cap) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setStrokeJoin(DlStrokeJoin join) override {
if (current_.getStrokeJoin() != join) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setDrawStyle(DlDrawStyle style) override {
if (current_.getDrawStyle() != style) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setStrokeWidth(float width) override {
if (current_.getStrokeWidth() != width) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setStrokeMiter(float limit) override {
if (current_.getStrokeMiter() != limit) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setColor(DlColor color) override {
if (current_.getColor() != color) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setBlendMode(DlBlendMode mode) override {
if (current_.getBlendMode() != mode) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setColorSource(const DlColorSource* source) override {
if (NotEquals(current_.getColorSource(), source)) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setImageFilter(const DlImageFilter* filter) override {
if (NotEquals(current_.getImageFilter(), filter)) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setColorFilter(const DlColorFilter* filter) override {
if (NotEquals(current_.getColorFilter(), filter)) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setPathEffect(const DlPathEffect* effect) override {
if (NotEquals(current_.getPathEffect(), effect)) {
// |DlOpReceiver|
void setMaskFilter(const DlMaskFilter* filter) override {
if (NotEquals(current_.getMaskFilter(), filter)) {
DlPaint CurrentAttributes() const { return current_; }
int LastOpIndex() const { return op_index_ - 1; }
// |DlOpReceiver|
void save() override { Save(); }
// Only the |renders_with_attributes()| option will be accepted here. Any
// other flags will be ignored and calculated anew as the DisplayList is
// built. Alternatively, use the |saveLayer(SkRect, bool)| method.
// |DlOpReceiver|
void saveLayer(const SkRect& bounds,
const SaveLayerOptions options,
const DlImageFilter* backdrop) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void restore() override { Restore(); }
// |DlOpReceiver|
void translate(SkScalar tx, SkScalar ty) override { Translate(tx, ty); }
// |DlOpReceiver|
void scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) override { Scale(sx, sy); }
// |DlOpReceiver|
void rotate(SkScalar degrees) override { Rotate(degrees); }
// |DlOpReceiver|
void skew(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) override { Skew(sx, sy); }
// clang-format off
// |DlOpReceiver|
void transform2DAffine(SkScalar mxx, SkScalar mxy, SkScalar mxt,
SkScalar myx, SkScalar myy, SkScalar myt) override {
Transform2DAffine(mxx, mxy, mxt, myx, myy, myt);
// |DlOpReceiver|
void transformFullPerspective(
SkScalar mxx, SkScalar mxy, SkScalar mxz, SkScalar mxt,
SkScalar myx, SkScalar myy, SkScalar myz, SkScalar myt,
SkScalar mzx, SkScalar mzy, SkScalar mzz, SkScalar mzt,
SkScalar mwx, SkScalar mwy, SkScalar mwz, SkScalar mwt) override {
TransformFullPerspective(mxx, mxy, mxz, mxt,
myx, myy, myz, myt,
mzx, mzy, mzz, mzt,
mwx, mwy, mwz, mwt);
// clang-format off
// |DlOpReceiver|
void transformReset() override { TransformReset(); }
// |DlOpReceiver|
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, ClipOp clip_op, bool is_aa) override {
ClipRect(rect, clip_op, is_aa);
// |DlOpReceiver|
void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, ClipOp clip_op, bool is_aa) override {
ClipRRect(rrect, clip_op, is_aa);
// |DlOpReceiver|
void clipPath(const SkPath& path, ClipOp clip_op, bool is_aa) override {
ClipPath(path, clip_op, is_aa);
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawPaint() override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawColor(DlColor color, DlBlendMode mode) override {
DrawColor(color, mode);
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawLine(const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawRect(const SkRect& rect) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawOval(const SkRect& bounds) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawCircle(const SkPoint& center, SkScalar radius) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawPath(const SkPath& path) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawArc(const SkRect& bounds,
SkScalar start,
SkScalar sweep,
bool useCenter) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawPoints(PointMode mode, uint32_t count, const SkPoint pts[]) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawVertices(const DlVertices* vertices, DlBlendMode mode) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawImage(const sk_sp<DlImage> image,
const SkPoint point,
DlImageSampling sampling,
bool render_with_attributes) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawImageRect(
const sk_sp<DlImage> image,
const SkRect& src,
const SkRect& dst,
DlImageSampling sampling,
bool render_with_attributes,
SrcRectConstraint constraint = SrcRectConstraint::kFast) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawImageNine(const sk_sp<DlImage> image,
const SkIRect& center,
const SkRect& dst,
DlFilterMode filter,
bool render_with_attributes) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawAtlas(const sk_sp<DlImage> atlas,
const SkRSXform xform[],
const SkRect tex[],
const DlColor colors[],
int count,
DlBlendMode mode,
DlImageSampling sampling,
const SkRect* cullRect,
bool render_with_attributes) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawDisplayList(const sk_sp<DisplayList> display_list,
SkScalar opacity) override {
DrawDisplayList(display_list, opacity);
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawTextBlob(const sk_sp<SkTextBlob> blob,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y) override;
// |DlOpReceiver|
void drawShadow(const SkPath& path,
const DlColor color,
const SkScalar elevation,
bool transparent_occluder,
SkScalar dpr) override {
DrawShadow(path, color, elevation, transparent_occluder, dpr);
void checkForDeferredSave();
DisplayListStorage storage_;
size_t used_ = 0u;
size_t allocated_ = 0u;
uint32_t render_op_count_ = 0u;
uint32_t depth_ = 0u;
// Most rendering ops will use 1 depth value, but some attributes may
// require an additional depth value (due to implicit saveLayers)
uint32_t render_op_depth_cost_ = 1u;
int op_index_ = 0;
// bytes and ops from |drawPicture| and |drawDisplayList|
size_t nested_bytes_ = 0;
uint32_t nested_op_count_ = 0;
bool is_ui_thread_safe_ = true;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void* Push(size_t extra, Args&&... args);
struct RTreeData {
std::vector<SkRect> rects;
std::vector<int> indices;
// The SaveInfo class stores internal data for both Save and SaveLayer calls
class SaveInfo {
// For vector reallocation calls to copy vector data
SaveInfo(const SaveInfo& copy) = default;
SaveInfo(SaveInfo&& copy) = default;
// For constructor (root layer) initialization
explicit SaveInfo(const DlRect& cull_rect)
: is_root_layer(true),
layer_local_accumulator(new AccumulationRect()) {}
// For regular save calls:
// Passing a pointer to the parent_info so as to distinguish this
// call from the copy constructor used above in vector reallocations
explicit SaveInfo(const SaveInfo* parent_info)
: is_root_layer(false),
layer_local_accumulator(parent_info->layer_local_accumulator) {}
// For saveLayer calls:
explicit SaveInfo(const SaveInfo* parent_info,
const std::shared_ptr<const DlImageFilter>& filter,
int rtree_rect_index)
: is_root_layer(false),
layer_local_accumulator(new AccumulationRect()),
filter(filter) {}
bool is_group_opacity_compatible() const {
return !opacity_incompatible_op_detected &&
// Records the given bounds after transforming by the global and
// layer matrices.
bool AccumulateBoundsLocal(const SkRect& bounds);
// Simply transfers the local bounds to the parent
void TransferBoundsToParent(const SaveInfo& parent);
const bool is_root_layer;
const bool is_save_layer;
bool has_deferred_save_op = false;
bool is_nop = false;
bool opacity_incompatible_op_detected = false;
bool is_unbounded = false;
bool affects_transparent_layer = false;
// The offset into the buffer where the associated save op is recorded
// (which is not necessarily the same as when the Save() method is called)
size_t save_offset = 0;
// The depth when the save call is recorded, used to compute the total
// depth of its content when the associated restore is called.
uint32_t save_depth = 0;
// The index of the rtree rects when the saveLayer was called, used
// only in the case that the saveLayer has a filter so that the
// accumulated rects can be updated in the corresponding restore call.
const size_t rtree_rects_start_index = 0;
// The transform and clip accumulated since the root of the DisplayList
DisplayListMatrixClipState global_state;
// The transform and clip accumulated since the most recent saveLayer,
// used to compute and update its bounds when the restore is called.
DisplayListMatrixClipState layer_state;
// Not every layer needs its own accumulator(s). In particular, the
// global accumulator is only used if we are not construting an rtree.
// Regular save calls will share both accumulators with their parent.
// Additionally, a saveLayer will separate its global accumulator from
// its parent (if not constructing an rtree) when it has a filter which
// requires it to post-adjust the bounds accumulated while recording
// its content. Finally, every saveLayer has its own local accumulator.
// All accumulations could occur in the local layer space, and then be
// transformed and accumulated into the parent as each layer is restored,
// but that technique would compound the bounds errors that happen when
// a list of transforms is performed serially on a rectangle (mainly
// when multiple rotation or skew transforms are involved).
// The bounds accumulator for the entire DisplayList, relative to its root
std::shared_ptr<AccumulationRect> global_space_accumulator;
// The bounds accumulator to set/verify the bounds of the most recently
// invoked saveLayer call, relative to the root of that saveLayer
std::shared_ptr<AccumulationRect> layer_local_accumulator;
// The filter that will be applied to the contents of the saveLayer
// when it is restored into the parent layer.
const std::shared_ptr<const DlImageFilter> filter;
const DlRect original_cull_rect_;
std::vector<SaveInfo> save_stack_;
std::optional<RTreeData> rtree_data_;
DlPaint current_;
// Returns a reference to the SaveInfo structure at the top of the current
// save_stack state. Note that the clip and matrix state can be accessed
// more directly through global_state() and layer_state().
SaveInfo& current_info() { return save_stack_.back(); }
const SaveInfo& current_info() const { return save_stack_.back(); }
// Returns a reference to the SaveInfo structure just below the top
// of the current save_stack state.
SaveInfo& parent_info() { return *std::prev(save_stack_.end(), 2); }
const SaveInfo& parent_info() const {
return *std::prev(save_stack_.end(), 2);
// Returns a reference to the matrix and clip state for the entire
// DisplayList. The initial transform of this state is identity and
// the initial cull_rect is the root original_cull_rect supplied
// in the constructor. It is a summary of all transform and clip
// calls that have happened since the DisplayList was created
// (and have not yet been removed by a restore() call).
DisplayListMatrixClipState& global_state() {
return current_info().global_state;
const DisplayListMatrixClipState& global_state() const {
return current_info().global_state;
// Returns a reference to the matrix and clip state relative to the
// current layer, whether that is defined by the most recent saveLayer
// call, or by the initial root state of the entire DisplayList for
// calls not surrounded by a saveLayer/restore pair. It is a summary
// of only those transform and clip calls that have happened since
// the creation of the DisplayList or since the most recent saveLayer
// (and have not yet been removed by a restore() call).
DisplayListMatrixClipState& layer_local_state() {
return current_info().layer_state;
const DisplayListMatrixClipState& layer_local_state() const {
return current_info().layer_state;
void RestoreLayer(const SaveInfo& current_info,
SaveInfo& parent_info,
void* base_op);
void TransferLayerBounds(const SaveInfo& current_info,
SaveInfo& parent_info,
const SkRect& content_bounds);
bool AdjustRTreeRects(RTreeData& data,
const DlImageFilter& filter,
const SkMatrix& matrix,
const SkRect& clip,
size_t rect_index);
// This flag indicates whether or not the current rendering attributes
// are compatible with rendering ops applying an inherited opacity.
bool current_opacity_compatibility_ = true;
// Returns the compatibility of a given blend mode for applying an
// inherited opacity value to modulate the visibility of the op.
// For now we only accept SrcOver blend modes but this could be expanded
// in the future to include other (rarely used) modes that also modulate
// the opacity of a rendering operation at the cost of a switch statement
// or lookup table.
static bool IsOpacityCompatible(DlBlendMode mode) {
return (mode == DlBlendMode::kSrcOver);
void UpdateCurrentOpacityCompatibility() {
current_opacity_compatibility_ = //
current_.getColorFilter() == nullptr && //
!current_.isInvertColors() && //
// Update the opacity compatibility flags of the current layer for an op
// that has determined its compatibility as indicated by |compatible|.
void UpdateLayerOpacityCompatibility(bool compatible) {
if (!compatible) {
current_info().opacity_incompatible_op_detected = true;
// Check for opacity compatibility for an op that may or may not use the
// current rendering attributes as indicated by |uses_blend_attribute|.
// If the flag is false then the rendering op will be able to substitute
// a default Paint object with the opacity applied using the default SrcOver
// blend mode which is always compatible with applying an inherited opacity.
void CheckLayerOpacityCompatibility(bool uses_blend_attribute = true) {
UpdateLayerOpacityCompatibility(!uses_blend_attribute ||
void CheckLayerOpacityHairlineCompatibility() {
current_opacity_compatibility_ &&
(current_.getDrawStyle() == DlDrawStyle::kFill ||
current_.getStrokeWidth() > 0));
// Check for opacity compatibility for an op that ignores the current
// attributes and uses the indicated blend |mode| to render to the layer.
// This is only used by |drawColor| currently.
void CheckLayerOpacityCompatibility(DlBlendMode mode) {
void onSetAntiAlias(bool aa);
void onSetInvertColors(bool invert);
void onSetStrokeCap(DlStrokeCap cap);
void onSetStrokeJoin(DlStrokeJoin join);
void onSetDrawStyle(DlDrawStyle style);
void onSetStrokeWidth(SkScalar width);
void onSetStrokeMiter(SkScalar limit);
void onSetColor(DlColor color);
void onSetBlendMode(DlBlendMode mode);
void onSetColorSource(const DlColorSource* source);
void onSetImageFilter(const DlImageFilter* filter);
void onSetColorFilter(const DlColorFilter* filter);
void onSetPathEffect(const DlPathEffect* effect);
void onSetMaskFilter(const DlMaskFilter* filter);
static DisplayListAttributeFlags FlagsForPointMode(PointMode mode);
enum class OpResult {
bool paint_nops_on_transparency();
OpResult PaintResult(const DlPaint& paint,
DisplayListAttributeFlags flags = kDrawPaintFlags);
void UpdateLayerResult(OpResult result) {
switch (result) {
case OpResult::kNoEffect:
case OpResult::kPreservesTransparency:
case OpResult::kAffectsAll:
current_info().affects_transparent_layer = true;
// kAnyColor is a non-opaque and non-transparent color that will not
// trigger any short-circuit tests about the results of a blend.
static constexpr DlColor kAnyColor = DlColor::kMidGrey().withAlpha(0x80);
static DlColor GetEffectiveColor(const DlPaint& paint,
DisplayListAttributeFlags flags);
// Adjusts the indicated bounds for the given flags and returns true if
// the calculation was possible, or false if it could not be estimated.
bool AdjustBoundsForPaint(SkRect& bounds, DisplayListAttributeFlags flags);
// Records the fact that we encountered an op that either could not
// estimate its bounds or that fills all of the destination space.
bool AccumulateUnbounded(SaveInfo& layer);
bool AccumulateUnbounded() {
return AccumulateUnbounded(current_info());
// Records the bounds for an op after modifying them according to the
// supplied attribute flags and transforming by the current matrix.
bool AccumulateOpBounds(const SkRect& bounds,
DisplayListAttributeFlags flags) {
SkRect safe_bounds = bounds;
return AccumulateOpBounds(safe_bounds, flags);
// Records the bounds for an op after modifying them according to the
// supplied attribute flags and transforming by the current matrix
// and clipping against the current clip.
bool AccumulateOpBounds(SkRect& bounds, DisplayListAttributeFlags flags);
// Records the given bounds after transforming by the current matrix
// and clipping against the current clip.
bool AccumulateBounds(const SkRect& bounds, SaveInfo& layer, int id);
bool AccumulateBounds(const SkRect& bounds) {
return AccumulateBounds(bounds, current_info(), op_index_);
} // namespace flutter