blob: 6273bc703f70f797e84d25b8c36a09b467141598 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
namespace flutter {
// These templates implement deep pointer comparisons that compare not
// just the pointers to the objects, but also their contents (provided
// that the <T> class implements the == operator override).
// Any combination of shared_ptr<T> or T* are supported and null pointers
// are not equal to anything but another null pointer.
template <class T>
bool Equals(const T* a, const T* b) {
if (a == b) {
return true;
if (!a || !b) {
return false;
return *a == *b;
template <class T>
bool Equals(std::shared_ptr<const T> a, const T* b) {
return Equals(a.get(), b);
template <class T>
bool Equals(std::shared_ptr<T> a, const T* b) {
return Equals(a.get(), b);
template <class T>
bool Equals(const T* a, std::shared_ptr<const T> b) {
return Equals(a, b.get());
template <class T>
bool Equals(const T* a, std::shared_ptr<T> b) {
return Equals(a, b.get());
template <class T>
bool Equals(std::shared_ptr<const T> a, std::shared_ptr<const T> b) {
return Equals(a.get(), b.get());
template <class T>
bool Equals(std::shared_ptr<T> a, std::shared_ptr<const T> b) {
return Equals(a.get(), b.get());
template <class T>
bool Equals(std::shared_ptr<const T> a, std::shared_ptr<T> b) {
return Equals(a.get(), b.get());
template <class T>
bool Equals(std::shared_ptr<T> a, std::shared_ptr<T> b) {
return Equals(a.get(), b.get());
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(const T* a, const T* b) {
return !Equals<T>(a, b);
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(std::shared_ptr<const T> a, const T* b) {
return !Equals(a.get(), b);
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(std::shared_ptr<T> a, const T* b) {
return !Equals(a.get(), b);
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(const T* a, std::shared_ptr<const T> b) {
return !Equals(a, b.get());
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(const T* a, std::shared_ptr<T> b) {
return !Equals(a, b.get());
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(std::shared_ptr<const T> a, std::shared_ptr<const T> b) {
return !Equals(a.get(), b.get());
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(std::shared_ptr<T> a, std::shared_ptr<const T> b) {
return !Equals(a.get(), b.get());
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(std::shared_ptr<const T> a, std::shared_ptr<T> b) {
return !Equals(a.get(), b.get());
template <class T>
bool NotEquals(std::shared_ptr<T> a, std::shared_ptr<T> b) {
return !Equals(a.get(), b.get());
} // namespace flutter