tree: 86df9e02210ea5fab337b92f73a2fca89ffe2ca6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. android/
  2. ios/
  3. lib/
  4. money_asset_manifest.json
  5. pubspec.yaml


To run these benchmarks on a device, first run flutter logs in one window to see the device logs, then, in a different window, run:

flutter run -d $DEVICE_ID --profile lib/benchmark_collection.dart

To run a subset of tests:

flutter run -d $DEVICE_ID --profile lib/benchmark_collection.dart --dart-define=tests=foundation/change_notifier_bench.dart,language/sync_star_bench.dart

To specify a seed value for shuffling tests:

flutter run -d $DEVICE_ID --profile lib/benchmark_collection.dart --dart-define=seed=12345

The results should be in the device logs.

Avoid changing names of the benchmarks

Each microbenchmark is identified by a name, for example, “catmullrom_transform_iteration”. Changing the name passed to BenchmarkResultPrinter.addResult will effectively remove the old benchmark and create a new one, losing the historical data associated with the old benchmark in the process.