Everything in this doc and linked from this doc is experimental. These details WILL change. Do not use these instructions or APIs in production code because we will break you.

Add a Flutter View

Flutter can be added to an Android app as a single View in an Activity's View hierarchy.

Before adding Flutter as a single View, you should consider if it is possible to add Flutter as a Fragment to reduce your development burden.

If you really need to add Flutter as a single View then do the following.

How to use FlutterView

Create and start a FlutterEngine

Create and start a FlutterEngine by following the appropriate instructions. See the FlutterEngine page

Create a FlutterView and add to layout

// Instantiate a new FlutterView.
FlutterView flutterView = new FlutterView(this);

// Add your FlutterView wherever you'd like. In this case we add
// the FlutterView to a FrameLayout.
FrameLayout frameLayout = findViewById(R.id.framelayout);

Your FlutterView will not render anything at this point because it is not backed by any particular Flutter app.

Attach your FlutterView to your FlutterEngine


At this point you should see your Flutter UI rendering to your FlutterView, and touch interaction should work.

Create and configure platform plugin

TODO(mattcarroll): update this info about the platform plugin

Fundamental communication between the Android platform and your Flutter app takes place over a MethodChannel with the name "flutter/platform". For example, Android's onPostResume() call must be forwarded over the flutterPlatformChannel with the message "AppLifecycleState.resumed".

  platformPlugin = new PlatformPlugin(activity);
  MethodChannel flutterPlatformChannel = new MethodChannel(

Add accessibility support


Add support for plugins


Handling orientation change
