blob: 77d1d7b81ae94f6b04c081cbc47b47b3fccb1b23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'base/error_handling_io.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'build_info.dart';
import 'bundle.dart' as bundle;
import 'flutter_plugins.dart';
import 'globals.dart' as globals;
import 'ios/code_signing.dart';
import 'ios/plist_parser.dart';
import 'ios/xcode_build_settings.dart' as xcode;
import 'ios/xcodeproj.dart';
import 'platform_plugins.dart';
import 'project.dart';
import 'template.dart';
/// Represents an Xcode-based sub-project.
/// This defines interfaces common to iOS and macOS projects.
abstract class XcodeBasedProject extends FlutterProjectPlatform {
static const String _hostAppProjectName = 'Runner';
/// The parent of this project.
FlutterProject get parent;
Directory get hostAppRoot;
/// The default 'Info.plist' file of the host app. The developer can change this location in Xcode.
File get defaultHostInfoPlist => hostAppRoot.childDirectory(_hostAppProjectName).childFile('Info.plist');
/// The Xcode project (.xcodeproj directory) of the host app.
Directory get xcodeProject => hostAppRoot.childDirectory('$_hostAppProjectName.xcodeproj');
/// The 'project.pbxproj' file of [xcodeProject].
File get xcodeProjectInfoFile => xcodeProject.childFile('project.pbxproj');
/// The 'Runner.xcscheme' file of [xcodeProject].
File get xcodeProjectSchemeFile =>
File get xcodeProjectWorkspaceData =>
/// The Xcode workspace (.xcworkspace directory) of the host app.
Directory get xcodeWorkspace => hostAppRoot.childDirectory('$_hostAppProjectName.xcworkspace');
/// Xcode workspace shared data directory for the host app.
Directory get xcodeWorkspaceSharedData => xcodeWorkspace.childDirectory('xcshareddata');
/// Xcode workspace shared workspace settings file for the host app.
File get xcodeWorkspaceSharedSettings => xcodeWorkspaceSharedData.childFile('WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings');
/// Contains definitions for FLUTTER_ROOT, LOCAL_ENGINE, and more flags for
/// the Xcode build.
File get generatedXcodePropertiesFile;
/// The Flutter-managed Xcode config file for [mode].
File xcodeConfigFor(String mode);
/// The script that exports environment variables needed for Flutter tools.
/// Can be run first in a Xcode Script build phase to make FLUTTER_ROOT,
/// LOCAL_ENGINE, and other Flutter variables available to any flutter
/// tooling (`flutter build`, etc) to convert into flags.
File get generatedEnvironmentVariableExportScript;
/// The CocoaPods 'Podfile'.
File get podfile => hostAppRoot.childFile('Podfile');
/// The CocoaPods 'Podfile.lock'.
File get podfileLock => hostAppRoot.childFile('Podfile.lock');
/// The CocoaPods 'Manifest.lock'.
File get podManifestLock => hostAppRoot.childDirectory('Pods').childFile('Manifest.lock');
/// Represents the iOS sub-project of a Flutter project.
/// Instances will reflect the contents of the `ios/` sub-folder of
/// Flutter applications and the `.ios/` sub-folder of Flutter module projects.
class IosProject extends XcodeBasedProject {
final FlutterProject parent;
String get pluginConfigKey => IOSPlugin.kConfigKey;
static final RegExp _productBundleIdPattern = RegExp(r'''^\s*PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER\s*=\s*(["']?)(.*?)\1;\s*$''');
static const String _productBundleIdVariable = r'$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)';
Directory get ephemeralModuleDirectory =>'.ios');
Directory get _editableDirectory =>'ios');
/// This parent folder of `Runner.xcodeproj`.
Directory get hostAppRoot {
if (!isModule || _editableDirectory.existsSync()) {
return _editableDirectory;
return ephemeralModuleDirectory;
/// The root directory of the iOS wrapping of Flutter and plugins. This is the
/// parent of the `Flutter/` folder into which Flutter artifacts are written
/// during build.
/// This is the same as [hostAppRoot] except when the project is
/// a Flutter module with an editable host app.
Directory get _flutterLibRoot => isModule ? ephemeralModuleDirectory : _editableDirectory;
/// True, if the parent Flutter project is a module project.
bool get isModule => parent.isModule;
/// Whether the Flutter application has an iOS project.
bool get exists => hostAppRoot.existsSync();
/// Put generated files here.
Directory get ephemeralDirectory => _flutterLibRoot.childDirectory('Flutter').childDirectory('ephemeral');
File xcodeConfigFor(String mode) => _flutterLibRoot.childDirectory('Flutter').childFile('$mode.xcconfig');
File get generatedEnvironmentVariableExportScript => _flutterLibRoot.childDirectory('Flutter').childFile('');
File get appFrameworkInfoPlist => _flutterLibRoot.childDirectory('Flutter').childFile('AppFrameworkInfo.plist');
Directory get symlinks => _flutterLibRoot.childDirectory('.symlinks');
/// True, if the app project is using swift.
bool get isSwift {
final File appDelegateSwift = _editableDirectory.childDirectory('Runner').childFile('AppDelegate.swift');
return appDelegateSwift.existsSync();
/// Do all plugins support arm64 simulators to run natively on an ARM Mac?
Future<bool> pluginsSupportArmSimulator() async {
final Directory podXcodeProject = hostAppRoot
if (!podXcodeProject.existsSync()) {
// No plugins.
return true;
final XcodeProjectInterpreter? xcodeProjectInterpreter = globals.xcodeProjectInterpreter;
if (xcodeProjectInterpreter == null) {
// Xcode isn't installed, don't try to check.
return false;
final String? buildSettings = await xcodeProjectInterpreter.pluginsBuildSettingsOutput(podXcodeProject);
// See if any plugins or their dependencies exclude arm64 simulators
// as a valid architecture, usually because a binary is missing that slice.
// Example: EXCLUDED_ARCHS = arm64 i386
return buildSettings != null && !buildSettings.contains(RegExp('EXCLUDED_ARCHS.*arm64'));
bool existsSync() {
return parent.isModule || _editableDirectory.existsSync();
/// The product bundle identifier of the host app, or null if not set or if
/// iOS tooling needed to read it is not installed.
Future<String?> productBundleIdentifier(BuildInfo? buildInfo) async {
if (!existsSync()) {
return null;
return _productBundleIdentifier ??= await _parseProductBundleIdentifier(buildInfo);
String? _productBundleIdentifier;
Future<String?> _parseProductBundleIdentifier(BuildInfo? buildInfo) async {
String? fromPlist;
final File defaultInfoPlist = defaultHostInfoPlist;
// Users can change the location of the Info.plist.
// Try parsing the default, first.
if (defaultInfoPlist.existsSync()) {
try {
fromPlist = globals.plistParser.getStringValueFromFile(
} on FileNotFoundException {
// iOS tooling not found; likely not running OSX; let [fromPlist] be null
if (fromPlist != null && !fromPlist.contains(r'$')) {
// Info.plist has no build variables in product bundle ID.
return fromPlist;
final Map<String, String>? allBuildSettings = await buildSettingsForBuildInfo(buildInfo);
if (allBuildSettings != null) {
if (fromPlist != null) {
// Perform variable substitution using build settings.
return substituteXcodeVariables(fromPlist, allBuildSettings);
return allBuildSettings['PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER'];
// On non-macOS platforms, parse the first PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER from
// the project file. This can return the wrong bundle identifier if additional
// bundles have been added to the project and are found first, like frameworks
// or companion watchOS projects. However, on non-macOS platforms this is
// only used for display purposes and to regenerate organization names, so
// best-effort is probably fine.
final String? fromPbxproj = firstMatchInFile(xcodeProjectInfoFile, _productBundleIdPattern)?.group(2);
if (fromPbxproj != null && (fromPlist == null || fromPlist == _productBundleIdVariable)) {
return fromPbxproj;
return null;
/// The bundle name of the host app, `My`.
Future<String?> hostAppBundleName(BuildInfo? buildInfo) async {
if (!existsSync()) {
return null;
return _hostAppBundleName ??= await _parseHostAppBundleName(buildInfo);
String? _hostAppBundleName;
Future<String> _parseHostAppBundleName(BuildInfo? buildInfo) async {
// The product name and bundle name are derived from the display name, which the user
// is instructed to change in Xcode as part of deploying to the App Store.
// The only source of truth for the name is Xcode's interpretation of the build settings.
String? productName;
if (globals.xcodeProjectInterpreter?.isInstalled ?? false) {
final Map<String, String>? xcodeBuildSettings = await buildSettingsForBuildInfo(buildInfo);
if (xcodeBuildSettings != null) {
productName = xcodeBuildSettings['FULL_PRODUCT_NAME'];
if (productName == null) {
globals.printTrace('FULL_PRODUCT_NAME not present, defaulting to ${XcodeBasedProject._hostAppProjectName}');
return productName ?? '${XcodeBasedProject._hostAppProjectName}.app';
/// The build settings for the host app of this project, as a detached map.
/// Returns null, if iOS tooling is unavailable.
Future<Map<String, String>?> buildSettingsForBuildInfo(
BuildInfo? buildInfo, {
EnvironmentType environmentType = EnvironmentType.physical,
String? deviceId,
}) async {
if (!existsSync()) {
return null;
final XcodeProjectInfo? info = await projectInfo();
if (info == null) {
return null;
final String? scheme = info.schemeFor(buildInfo);
if (scheme == null) {
final String? configuration = (await projectInfo())?.buildConfigurationFor(
final XcodeProjectBuildContext buildContext = XcodeProjectBuildContext(
environmentType: environmentType,
scheme: scheme,
configuration: configuration,
deviceId: deviceId,
final Map<String, String>? currentBuildSettings = _buildSettingsByBuildContext[buildContext];
if (currentBuildSettings == null) {
final Map<String, String>? calculatedBuildSettings = await _xcodeProjectBuildSettings(buildContext);
if (calculatedBuildSettings != null) {
_buildSettingsByBuildContext[buildContext] = calculatedBuildSettings;
return _buildSettingsByBuildContext[buildContext];
final Map<XcodeProjectBuildContext, Map<String, String>> _buildSettingsByBuildContext = <XcodeProjectBuildContext, Map<String, String>>{};
Future<XcodeProjectInfo?> projectInfo() async {
final XcodeProjectInterpreter? xcodeProjectInterpreter = globals.xcodeProjectInterpreter;
if (!xcodeProject.existsSync() || xcodeProjectInterpreter == null || !xcodeProjectInterpreter.isInstalled) {
return null;
return _projectInfo ??= await xcodeProjectInterpreter.getInfo(hostAppRoot.path);
XcodeProjectInfo? _projectInfo;
Future<Map<String, String>?> _xcodeProjectBuildSettings(XcodeProjectBuildContext buildContext) async {
final XcodeProjectInterpreter? xcodeProjectInterpreter = globals.xcodeProjectInterpreter;
if (xcodeProjectInterpreter == null || !xcodeProjectInterpreter.isInstalled) {
return null;
final Map<String, String> buildSettings = await xcodeProjectInterpreter.getBuildSettings(
buildContext: buildContext,
if (buildSettings != null && buildSettings.isNotEmpty) {
// No timeouts, flakes, or errors.
return buildSettings;
return null;
Future<void> ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling() async {
await _regenerateFromTemplateIfNeeded();
if (!_flutterLibRoot.existsSync()) {
await _updateGeneratedXcodeConfigIfNeeded();
/// Check if one the [targets] of the project is a watchOS companion app target.
Future<bool> containsWatchCompanion(List<String> targets, BuildInfo buildInfo, String? deviceId) async {
final String? bundleIdentifier = await productBundleIdentifier(buildInfo);
// A bundle identifier is required for a companion app.
if (bundleIdentifier == null) {
return false;
for (final String target in targets) {
// Create Info.plist file of the target.
final File infoFile = hostAppRoot.childDirectory(target).childFile('Info.plist');
// The Info.plist file of a target contains the key WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier,
// if it is a watchOS companion app.
if (infoFile.existsSync()) {
final String? fromPlist = globals.plistParser.getStringValueFromFile(infoFile.path, 'WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier');
if (bundleIdentifier == fromPlist) {
return true;
// The key WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier might contain an xcode variable
// that needs to be substituted before comparing it with bundle id
if (fromPlist != null && fromPlist.contains(r'$')) {
final Map<String, String>? allBuildSettings = await buildSettingsForBuildInfo(buildInfo, deviceId: deviceId);
if (allBuildSettings != null) {
final String substitutedVariable = substituteXcodeVariables(fromPlist, allBuildSettings);
if (substitutedVariable == bundleIdentifier) {
return true;
return false;
Future<void> _updateGeneratedXcodeConfigIfNeeded() async {
if (globals.cache.isOlderThanToolsStamp(generatedXcodePropertiesFile)) {
await xcode.updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
project: parent,
buildInfo: BuildInfo.debug,
targetOverride: bundle.defaultMainPath,
Future<void> _regenerateFromTemplateIfNeeded() async {
if (!isModule) {
final bool pubspecChanged = globals.fsUtils.isOlderThanReference(
entity: ephemeralModuleDirectory,
referenceFile: parent.pubspecFile,
final bool toolingChanged = globals.cache.isOlderThanToolsStamp(ephemeralModuleDirectory);
if (!pubspecChanged && !toolingChanged) {
ErrorHandlingFileSystem.deleteIfExists(ephemeralModuleDirectory, recursive: true);
await _overwriteFromTemplate(
globals.fs.path.join('module', 'ios', 'library'),
// Add ephemeral host app, if a editable host app does not already exist.
if (!_editableDirectory.existsSync()) {
await _overwriteFromTemplate(
globals.fs.path.join('module', 'ios', 'host_app_ephemeral'),
if (hasPlugins(parent)) {
await _overwriteFromTemplate(
globals.fs.path.join('module', 'ios', 'host_app_ephemeral_cocoapods'),
File get generatedXcodePropertiesFile => _flutterLibRoot
/// No longer compiled to this location.
/// Used only for "flutter clean" to remove old references.
Directory get deprecatedCompiledDartFramework => _flutterLibRoot
/// No longer copied to this location.
/// Used only for "flutter clean" to remove old references.
Directory get deprecatedProjectFlutterFramework => _flutterLibRoot
/// Used only for "flutter clean" to remove old references.
File get flutterPodspec => _flutterLibRoot
Directory get pluginRegistrantHost {
return isModule
? _flutterLibRoot
: hostAppRoot.childDirectory(XcodeBasedProject._hostAppProjectName);
File get pluginRegistrantHeader {
final Directory registryDirectory = isModule ? pluginRegistrantHost.childDirectory('Classes') : pluginRegistrantHost;
return registryDirectory.childFile('GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h');
File get pluginRegistrantImplementation {
final Directory registryDirectory = isModule ? pluginRegistrantHost.childDirectory('Classes') : pluginRegistrantHost;
return registryDirectory.childFile('GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m');
Future<void> _overwriteFromTemplate(String path, Directory target) async {
final Template template = await Template.fromName(
fileSystem: globals.fs,
templateManifest: null,
logger: globals.logger,
templateRenderer: globals.templateRenderer,
final String iosBundleIdentifier = parent.manifest.iosBundleIdentifier ?? 'com.example.${parent.manifest.appName}';
final String? iosDevelopmentTeam = await getCodeSigningIdentityDevelopmentTeam(
processManager: globals.processManager,
platform: globals.platform,
logger: globals.logger,
config: globals.config,
terminal: globals.terminal,
final String projectName = parent.manifest.appName;
// The dart project_name is in snake_case, this variable is the Title Case of the Project Name.
final String titleCaseProjectName = snakeCaseToTitleCase(projectName);
<String, Object>{
'ios': true,
'projectName': projectName,
'titleCaseProjectName': titleCaseProjectName,
'iosIdentifier': iosBundleIdentifier,
'hasIosDevelopmentTeam': iosDevelopmentTeam != null && iosDevelopmentTeam.isNotEmpty,
'iosDevelopmentTeam': iosDevelopmentTeam ?? '',
printStatusWhenWriting: false,
/// The macOS sub project.
class MacOSProject extends XcodeBasedProject {
final FlutterProject parent;
String get pluginConfigKey => MacOSPlugin.kConfigKey;
bool existsSync() => hostAppRoot.existsSync();
Directory get hostAppRoot =>'macos');
/// The directory in the project that is managed by Flutter. As much as
/// possible, files that are edited by Flutter tooling after initial project
/// creation should live here.
Directory get managedDirectory => hostAppRoot.childDirectory('Flutter');
/// The subdirectory of [managedDirectory] that contains files that are
/// generated on the fly. All generated files that are not intended to be
/// checked in should live here.
Directory get ephemeralDirectory => managedDirectory.childDirectory('ephemeral');
/// The xcfilelist used to track the inputs for the Flutter script phase in
/// the Xcode build.
File get inputFileList => ephemeralDirectory.childFile('FlutterInputs.xcfilelist');
/// The xcfilelist used to track the outputs for the Flutter script phase in
/// the Xcode build.
File get outputFileList => ephemeralDirectory.childFile('FlutterOutputs.xcfilelist');
File get generatedXcodePropertiesFile => ephemeralDirectory.childFile('Flutter-Generated.xcconfig');
File get pluginRegistrantImplementation => managedDirectory.childFile('GeneratedPluginRegistrant.swift');
File xcodeConfigFor(String mode) => managedDirectory.childFile('Flutter-$mode.xcconfig');
File get generatedEnvironmentVariableExportScript => ephemeralDirectory.childFile('');
/// The file where the Xcode build will write the name of the built app.
/// Ideally this will be replaced in the future with inspection of the Runner
/// scheme's target.
File get nameFile => ephemeralDirectory.childFile('.app_filename');
Future<void> ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling() async {
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Add create-from-template logic here.
await _updateGeneratedXcodeConfigIfNeeded();
Future<void> _updateGeneratedXcodeConfigIfNeeded() async {
if (globals.cache.isOlderThanToolsStamp(generatedXcodePropertiesFile)) {
await xcode.updateGeneratedXcodeProperties(
project: parent,
buildInfo: BuildInfo.debug,
useMacOSConfig: true,