blob: e2e4ce242736fb3c3d0ce033ed5c52fafeec83fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'events.dart';
export 'events.dart' show PointerSignalEvent;
/// The callback to register with a [PointerSignalResolver] to express
/// interest in a pointer signal event.
typedef PointerSignalResolvedCallback = void Function(PointerSignalEvent event);
bool _isSameEvent(PointerSignalEvent event1, PointerSignalEvent event2) {
return (event1.original ?? event1) == (event2.original ?? event2);
/// Mediates disputes over which listener should handle pointer signal events
/// when multiple listeners wish to handle those events.
/// Pointer signals (such as [PointerScrollEvent]) are immediate, so unlike
/// events that participate in the gesture arena, pointer signals always
/// resolve at the end of event dispatch. Yet if objects interested in handling
/// these signal events were to handle them directly, it would cause issues
/// such as multiple [Scrollable] widgets in the widget hierarchy responding
/// to the same mouse wheel event. Using this class, these events will only
/// be dispatched to the first registered handler, which will in turn
/// correspond to the widget that's deepest in the widget hierarchy.
/// To use this class, objects should register their event handler like so:
/// ```dart
/// void handleSignalEvent(PointerSignalEvent event) {
/// GestureBinding.instance.pointerSignalResolver.register(event, (PointerSignalEvent event) {
/// // handle the event...
/// });
/// }
/// ```
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// Here is an example that demonstrates the effect of not using the resolver
/// versus using it.
/// When this example is set to _not_ use the resolver, then triggering the
/// mouse wheel over the outer box will cause only the outer box to change
/// color, but triggering the mouse wheel over the inner box will cause _both_
/// the outer and the inner boxes to change color (because they're both
/// receiving the event).
/// When this example is set to _use_ the resolver, then only the box located
/// directly under the cursor will change color when the mouse wheel is
/// triggered.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/gestures/pointer_signal_resolver/pointer_signal_resolver.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
class PointerSignalResolver {
PointerSignalResolvedCallback? _firstRegisteredCallback;
PointerSignalEvent? _currentEvent;
/// Registers interest in handling [event].
/// This method may be called multiple times (typically from different parts of the
/// widget hierarchy) for the same `event`, with differenet `callback`s, as the event
/// is being dispatched across the tree. Once the dispatching is complete, the
/// [GestureBinding] calls [resolve], and the first registered callback is called.
/// The `callback` is invoked with one argument, the `event`.
/// Once the [register] method has been called with a particular `event`, it must
/// not be called for other `event`s until after [resolve] has been called. Only one
/// event disambiguation can be in flight at a time. In normal use this is achieved
/// by only registering callbacks for an event as it is actively being dispatched
/// (for example, in [Listener.onPointerSignal]).
/// See the documentation for the [PointerSignalResolver] class for an example of
/// using this method.
void register(PointerSignalEvent event, PointerSignalResolvedCallback callback) {
assert(_currentEvent == null || _isSameEvent(_currentEvent!, event));
if (_firstRegisteredCallback != null) {
_currentEvent = event;
_firstRegisteredCallback = callback;
/// Resolves the event, calling the first registered callback if there was
/// one.
/// This is called by the [GestureBinding] after the framework has finished
/// dispatching the pointer signal event.
void resolve(PointerSignalEvent event) {
if (_firstRegisteredCallback == null) {
assert(_currentEvent == null);
assert(_isSameEvent(_currentEvent!, event));
try {
} catch (exception, stack) {
InformationCollector? collector;
assert(() {
collector = () => <DiagnosticsNode>[
DiagnosticsProperty<PointerSignalEvent>('Event', event, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
return true;
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'gesture library',
context: ErrorDescription('while resolving a PointerSignalEvent'),
informationCollector: collector,
_firstRegisteredCallback = null;
_currentEvent = null;