blob: 99690718159845a0193d6d765294a235fa46643a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'asset_bundle.dart';
import 'binary_messenger.dart';
import 'hardware_keyboard.dart';
import 'message_codec.dart';
import 'restoration.dart';
import 'service_extensions.dart';
import 'system_channels.dart';
import 'text_input.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show ChannelBuffers, RootIsolateToken;
export 'binary_messenger.dart' show BinaryMessenger;
export 'hardware_keyboard.dart' show HardwareKeyboard, KeyEventManager;
export 'restoration.dart' show RestorationManager;
/// Listens for platform messages and directs them to the [defaultBinaryMessenger].
/// The [ServicesBinding] also registers a [LicenseEntryCollector] that exposes
/// the licenses found in the `LICENSE` file stored at the root of the asset
/// bundle, and implements the `ext.flutter.evict` service extension (see
/// [evict]).
mixin ServicesBinding on BindingBase, SchedulerBinding {
void initInstances() {
_instance = this;
_defaultBinaryMessenger = createBinaryMessenger();
_restorationManager = createRestorationManager();
SystemChannels.system.setMessageHandler((dynamic message) => handleSystemMessage(message as Object));
/// The current [ServicesBinding], if one has been created.
/// Provides access to the features exposed by this mixin. The binding must
/// be initialized before using this getter; this is typically done by calling
/// [runApp] or [WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized].
static ServicesBinding get instance => BindingBase.checkInstance(_instance);
static ServicesBinding? _instance;
/// The global singleton instance of [HardwareKeyboard], which can be used to
/// query keyboard states.
HardwareKeyboard get keyboard => _keyboard;
late final HardwareKeyboard _keyboard;
/// The global singleton instance of [KeyEventManager], which is used
/// internally to dispatch key messages.
KeyEventManager get keyEventManager => _keyEventManager;
late final KeyEventManager _keyEventManager;
void _initKeyboard() {
_keyboard = HardwareKeyboard();
_keyEventManager = KeyEventManager(_keyboard, RawKeyboard.instance);
_keyboard.syncKeyboardState().then((_) {
platformDispatcher.onKeyData = _keyEventManager.handleKeyData;
/// The default instance of [BinaryMessenger].
/// This is used to send messages from the application to the platform, and
/// keeps track of which handlers have been registered on each channel so
/// it may dispatch incoming messages to the registered handler.
/// The default implementation returns a [BinaryMessenger] that delivers the
/// messages in the same order in which they are sent.
BinaryMessenger get defaultBinaryMessenger => _defaultBinaryMessenger;
late final BinaryMessenger _defaultBinaryMessenger;
/// A token that represents the root isolate, used for coordinating with background
/// isolates.
/// This property is primarily intended for use with
/// [BackgroundIsolateBinaryMessenger.ensureInitialized], which takes a
/// [RootIsolateToken] as its argument. The value `null` is returned when
/// executed from background isolates.
static ui.RootIsolateToken? get rootIsolateToken => ui.RootIsolateToken.instance;
/// The low level buffering and dispatch mechanism for messages sent by
/// plugins on the engine side to their corresponding plugin code on
/// the framework side.
/// This exposes the [dart:ui.channelBuffers] object. Bindings can override
/// this getter to intercept calls to the [ChannelBuffers] mechanism (for
/// example, for tests).
/// In production, direct access to this object should not be necessary.
/// Messages are received and dispatched by the [defaultBinaryMessenger]. This
/// object is primarily used to send mock messages in tests, via the
/// [ChannelBuffers.push] method (simulating a plugin sending a message to the
/// framework).
/// See also:
/// * [PlatformDispatcher.sendPlatformMessage], which is used for sending
/// messages to plugins from the framework (the opposite of
/// [channelBuffers]).
/// * [platformDispatcher], the [PlatformDispatcher] singleton.
ui.ChannelBuffers get channelBuffers => ui.channelBuffers;
/// Creates a default [BinaryMessenger] instance that can be used for sending
/// platform messages.
/// Many Flutter framework components that communicate with the platform
/// assume messages are received by the platform in the same order in which
/// they are sent. When overriding this method, be sure the [BinaryMessenger]
/// implementation guarantees FIFO delivery.
BinaryMessenger createBinaryMessenger() {
return const _DefaultBinaryMessenger._();
/// Called when the operating system notifies the application of a memory
/// pressure situation.
/// This method exposes the `memoryPressure` notification from
/// [SystemChannels.system].
void handleMemoryPressure() {
/// Handler called for messages received on the [SystemChannels.system]
/// message channel.
/// Other bindings may override this to respond to incoming system messages.
Future<void> handleSystemMessage(Object systemMessage) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> message = systemMessage as Map<String, dynamic>;
final String type = message['type'] as String;
switch (type) {
case 'memoryPressure':
/// Adds relevant licenses to the [LicenseRegistry].
/// By default, the [ServicesBinding]'s implementation of [initLicenses] adds
/// all the licenses collected by the `flutter` tool during compilation.
void initLicenses() {
Stream<LicenseEntry> _addLicenses() {
late final StreamController<LicenseEntry> controller;
controller = StreamController<LicenseEntry>(
onListen: () async {
late final String rawLicenses;
if (kIsWeb) {
// NOTICES for web isn't compressed since we don't have access to
// dart:io on the client side and it's already compressed between
// the server and client.
rawLicenses = await rootBundle.loadString('NOTICES', cache: false);
} else {
// The compressed version doesn't have a more common .gz extension
// because gradle for Android non-transparently manipulates .gz files.
final ByteData licenseBytes = await rootBundle.load('NOTICES.Z');
final List<int> unzippedBytes = await compute<List<int>, List<int>>(gzip.decode, licenseBytes.buffer.asUint8List(), debugLabel: 'decompressLicenses');
rawLicenses = await compute<List<int>, String>(utf8.decode, unzippedBytes, debugLabel: 'utf8DecodeLicenses');
final List<LicenseEntry> licenses = await compute<String, List<LicenseEntry>>(_parseLicenses, rawLicenses, debugLabel: 'parseLicenses');
await controller.close();
// This is run in another isolate created by _addLicenses above.
static List<LicenseEntry> _parseLicenses(String rawLicenses) {
final String licenseSeparator = '\n${'-' * 80}\n';
final List<LicenseEntry> result = <LicenseEntry>[];
final List<String> licenses = rawLicenses.split(licenseSeparator);
for (final String license in licenses) {
final int split = license.indexOf('\n\n');
if (split >= 0) {
license.substring(0, split).split('\n'),
license.substring(split + 2),
} else {
result.add(LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(const <String>[], license));
return result;
void initServiceExtensions() {
assert(() {
getter: () async => '',
setter: (String value) async {
return true;
/// Called in response to the `ext.flutter.evict` service extension.
/// This is used by the `flutter` tool during hot reload so that any images
/// that have changed on disk get cleared from caches.
void evict(String asset) {
// App life cycle
/// Initializes the [lifecycleState] with the
/// [dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.initialLifecycleState].
/// Once the [lifecycleState] is populated through any means (including this
/// method), this method will do nothing. This is because the
/// [dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.initialLifecycleState] may already be stale
/// and it no longer makes sense to use the initial state at dart vm startup
/// as the current state anymore.
/// The latest state should be obtained by subscribing to
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver.didChangeAppLifecycleState].
void readInitialLifecycleStateFromNativeWindow() {
if (lifecycleState != null || platformDispatcher.initialLifecycleState.isEmpty) {
Future<String?> _handleLifecycleMessage(String? message) async {
final AppLifecycleState? state = _parseAppLifecycleMessage(message!);
final List<AppLifecycleState> generated = _generateStateTransitions(lifecycleState, state!);
return null;
List<AppLifecycleState> _generateStateTransitions(AppLifecycleState? previousState, AppLifecycleState state) {
if (previousState == state) {
return const <AppLifecycleState>[];
if (previousState == AppLifecycleState.paused && state == AppLifecycleState.detached) {
// Handle the wrap-around from paused to detached
return const <AppLifecycleState>[
final List<AppLifecycleState> stateChanges = <AppLifecycleState>[];
if (previousState == null) {
// If there was no previous state, just jump directly to the new state.
} else {
final int previousStateIndex = AppLifecycleState.values.indexOf(previousState);
final int stateIndex = AppLifecycleState.values.indexOf(state);
assert(previousStateIndex != -1, 'State $previousState missing in stateOrder array');
assert(stateIndex != -1, 'State $state missing in stateOrder array');
if (previousStateIndex > stateIndex) {
for (int i = stateIndex; i < previousStateIndex; ++i) {
stateChanges.insert(0, AppLifecycleState.values[i]);
} else {
for (int i = previousStateIndex + 1; i <= stateIndex; ++i) {
AppLifecycleState? starting = previousState;
for (final AppLifecycleState ending in stateChanges) {
if (!_debugVerifyLifecycleChange(starting, ending)) {
return false;
starting = ending;
return true;
}(), 'Invalid lifecycle state transition generated from $previousState to $state (generated $stateChanges)');
return stateChanges;
static bool _debugVerifyLifecycleChange(AppLifecycleState? starting, AppLifecycleState ending) {
if (starting == null) {
// Any transition from null is fine, since it is initializing the state.
return true;
if (starting == ending) {
// Any transition to itself shouldn't happen.
return false;
switch (starting) {
case AppLifecycleState.detached:
if (ending == AppLifecycleState.resumed || ending == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
return true;
case AppLifecycleState.resumed:
// Can't go from resumed to detached directly (must go through paused).
if (ending == AppLifecycleState.inactive) {
return true;
case AppLifecycleState.inactive:
if (ending == AppLifecycleState.resumed || ending == AppLifecycleState.hidden) {
return true;
case AppLifecycleState.hidden:
if (ending == AppLifecycleState.inactive || ending == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
return true;
case AppLifecycleState.paused:
if (ending == AppLifecycleState.hidden || ending == AppLifecycleState.detached) {
return true;
return false;
Future<dynamic> _handlePlatformMessage(MethodCall methodCall) async {
final String method = methodCall.method;
assert(method == 'SystemChrome.systemUIChange' || method == 'System.requestAppExit');
switch (method) {
case 'SystemChrome.systemUIChange':
final List<dynamic> args = methodCall.arguments as List<dynamic>;
if (_systemUiChangeCallback != null) {
await _systemUiChangeCallback!(args[0] as bool);
case 'System.requestAppExit':
return <String, dynamic>{'response': (await handleRequestAppExit()).name};
static AppLifecycleState? _parseAppLifecycleMessage(String message) {
switch (message) {
case 'AppLifecycleState.resumed':
return AppLifecycleState.resumed;
case 'AppLifecycleState.inactive':
return AppLifecycleState.inactive;
case 'AppLifecycleState.hidden':
return AppLifecycleState.hidden;
case 'AppLifecycleState.paused':
return AppLifecycleState.paused;
case 'AppLifecycleState.detached':
return AppLifecycleState.detached;
return null;
/// Handles any requests for application exit that may be received on the
/// [SystemChannels.platform] method channel.
/// By default, returns [ui.AppExitResponse.exit].
/// {@template}
/// Not all exits are cancelable, so not all exits will call this function. Do
/// not rely on this function as a place to save critical data, because you
/// will be disappointed. There are a number of ways that the application can
/// exit without letting the application know first: power can be unplugged,
/// the battery removed, the application can be killed in a task manager or
/// command line, or the device could have a rapid unplanned disassembly (i.e.
/// it could explode). In all of those cases (and probably others), no
/// notification will be given to the application that it is about to exit.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@tool sample}
/// This examples shows how an application can cancel (or not) OS requests for
/// quitting an application. Currently this is only supported on macOS and
/// Linux.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/services/binding/handle_request_app_exit.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver.didRequestAppExit], which can be overridden to
/// respond to this message.
/// * [WidgetsBinding.handleRequestAppExit] which overrides this method to
/// notify its observers.
Future<ui.AppExitResponse> handleRequestAppExit() async {
return ui.AppExitResponse.exit;
/// Exits the application by calling the native application API method for
/// exiting an application cleanly.
/// This differs from calling `dart:io`'s [exit] function in that it gives the
/// engine a chance to clean up resources so that it doesn't crash on exit, so
/// calling this is always preferred over calling [exit]. It also optionally
/// gives handlers of [handleRequestAppExit] a chance to cancel the
/// application exit.
/// The [exitType] indicates what kind of exit to perform. For
/// [ui.AppExitType.cancelable] exits, the application is queried through a
/// call to [handleRequestAppExit], where the application can optionally
/// cancel the request for exit. If the [exitType] is
/// [ui.AppExitType.required], then the application exits immediately without
/// querying the application.
/// For [ui.AppExitType.cancelable] exits, the returned response value is the
/// response obtained from the application as to whether the exit was canceled
/// or not. Practically, the response will never be [ui.AppExitResponse.exit],
/// since the application will have already exited by the time the result
/// would have been received.
/// The optional [exitCode] argument will be used as the application exit code
/// on platforms where an exit code is supported. On other platforms it may be
/// ignored. It defaults to zero.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver.didRequestAppExit] for a handler you can
/// override on a [WidgetsBindingObserver] to receive exit requests.
Future<ui.AppExitResponse> exitApplication(ui.AppExitType exitType, [int exitCode = 0]) async {
final Map<String, Object?>? result = await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod<Map<String, Object?>>(
<String, Object?>{'type':, 'exitCode': exitCode},
if (result == null ) {
return ui.AppExitResponse.cancel;
switch (result['response']) {
case 'cancel':
return ui.AppExitResponse.cancel;
case 'exit':
// In practice, this will never get returned, because the application
// will have exited before it returns.
return ui.AppExitResponse.exit;
/// The [RestorationManager] synchronizes the restoration data between
/// engine and framework.
/// See the docs for [RestorationManager] for a discussion of restoration
/// state and how it is organized in Flutter.
/// To use a different [RestorationManager] subclasses can override
/// [createRestorationManager], which is called to create the instance
/// returned by this getter.
RestorationManager get restorationManager => _restorationManager;
late RestorationManager _restorationManager;
/// Creates the [RestorationManager] instance available via
/// [restorationManager].
/// Can be overridden in subclasses to create a different [RestorationManager].
RestorationManager createRestorationManager() {
return RestorationManager();
SystemUiChangeCallback? _systemUiChangeCallback;
/// Sets the callback for the `SystemChrome.systemUIChange` method call
/// received on the [SystemChannels.platform] channel.
/// This is typically not called directly. System UI changes that this method
/// responds to are associated with [SystemUiMode]s, which are configured
/// using [SystemChrome]. Use [SystemChrome.setSystemUIChangeCallback] to configure
/// along with other SystemChrome settings.
/// See also:
/// * [SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode], which specifies the
/// [SystemUiMode] to have visible when the application is running.
// ignore: use_setters_to_change_properties, (API predates enforcing the lint)
void setSystemUiChangeCallback(SystemUiChangeCallback? callback) {
_systemUiChangeCallback = callback;
/// Alert the engine that the binding is registered. This instructs the engine to
/// register its top level window handler on Windows. This signals that the app
/// is able to process "System.requestAppExit" signals from the engine.
Future<void> initializationComplete() async {
await SystemChannels.platform.invokeMethod('System.initializationComplete');
/// Signature for listening to changes in the [SystemUiMode].
/// Set by [SystemChrome.setSystemUIChangeCallback].
typedef SystemUiChangeCallback = Future<void> Function(bool systemOverlaysAreVisible);
/// The default implementation of [BinaryMessenger].
/// This messenger sends messages from the app-side to the platform-side and
/// dispatches incoming messages from the platform-side to the appropriate
/// handler.
class _DefaultBinaryMessenger extends BinaryMessenger {
const _DefaultBinaryMessenger._();
Future<void> handlePlatformMessage(
String channel,
ByteData? message,
ui.PlatformMessageResponseCallback? callback,
) async {
ui.channelBuffers.push(channel, message, (ByteData? data) {
if (callback != null) {
Future<ByteData?> send(String channel, ByteData? message) {
final Completer<ByteData?> completer = Completer<ByteData?>();
// ui.PlatformDispatcher.instance is accessed directly instead of using
// ServicesBinding.instance.platformDispatcher because this method might be
// invoked before any binding is initialized. This issue was reported in
// #27541. It is not ideal to statically access
// ui.PlatformDispatcher.instance because the PlatformDispatcher may be
// dependency injected elsewhere with a different instance. However, static
// access at this location seems to be the least bad option.
// TODO(ianh): Use ServicesBinding.instance once we have better diagnostics
// on that getter.
ui.PlatformDispatcher.instance.sendPlatformMessage(channel, message, (ByteData? reply) {
try {
} catch (exception, stack) {
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'services library',
context: ErrorDescription('during a platform message response callback'),
return completer.future;
void setMessageHandler(String channel, MessageHandler? handler) {
if (handler == null) {
} else {
ui.channelBuffers.setListener(channel, (ByteData? data, ui.PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) async {
ByteData? response;
try {
response = await handler(data);
} catch (exception, stack) {
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'services library',
context: ErrorDescription('during a platform message callback'),
} finally {