blob: 3a65302a2d1e19d03a1a95d4b25dcbf9afef52ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui';
import 'message_codecs.dart';
import 'platform_channel.dart';
export 'platform_channel.dart' show BasicMessageChannel, MethodChannel;
/// Platform channels used by the Flutter system.
abstract final class SystemChannels {
/// A JSON [MethodChannel] for navigation.
/// The following incoming methods are defined for this channel (registered
/// using [MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler]):
/// * `popRoute`, which is called when the system wants the current route to
/// be removed (e.g. if the user hits a system-level back button).
/// * `pushRoute`, which is called with a single string argument when the
/// operating system instructs the application to open a particular page.
/// * `pushRouteInformation`, which is called with a map, which contains a
/// location string and a state object, when the operating system instructs
/// the application to open a particular page. These parameters are stored
/// under the key `location` and `state` in the map.
/// The following methods are used for the opposite direction data flow. The
/// framework notifies the engine about the route changes.
/// * `selectSingleEntryHistory`, which enables a single-entry history mode.
/// * `selectMultiEntryHistory`, which enables a multiple-entry history mode.
/// * `routeInformationUpdated`, which is called when the application
/// navigates to a new location, and which takes two arguments, `location`
/// (a URL) and `state` (an object).
/// * `routeUpdated`, a deprecated API which can be called in the same
/// situations as `routeInformationUpdated` but whose arguments are
/// `routeName` (a URL) and `previousRouteName` (which is ignored).
/// These APIs are exposed by the [SystemNavigator] class.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver.didPopRoute] and
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver.didPushRoute], which expose this channel's
/// methods.
/// * [Navigator] which manages transitions from one page to another.
/// [Navigator.push], [Navigator.pushReplacement], [Navigator.pop] and
/// [Navigator.replace], utilize this channel's methods to send route
/// change information from framework to engine.
static const MethodChannel navigation = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A JSON [MethodChannel] for invoking miscellaneous platform methods.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `Clipboard.setData`: Places the data from the `text` entry of the
/// argument, which must be a [Map], onto the system clipboard. See
/// [Clipboard.setData].
/// * `Clipboard.getData`: Returns the data that has the format specified in
/// the argument, a [String], from the system clipboard. The only format
/// currently supported is `text/plain` ([Clipboard.kTextPlain]). The
/// result is a [Map] with a single key, `text`. See [Clipboard.getData].
/// * `HapticFeedback.vibrate`: Triggers a system-default haptic response.
/// See [HapticFeedback.vibrate].
/// * ``: Triggers a system audio effect. The argument must
/// be a [String] describing the desired effect; currently only `click` is
/// supported. See [].
/// * `SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations`: Informs the operating system
/// of the desired orientation of the display. The argument is a [List] of
/// values which are string representations of values of the
/// [DeviceOrientation] enum. See [SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations].
/// * `SystemChrome.setApplicationSwitcherDescription`: Informs the operating
/// system of the desired label and color to be used to describe the
/// application in any system-level application lists (e.g. application
/// switchers). The argument is a [Map] with two keys, `label` giving a
/// [String] description, and `primaryColor` giving a 32 bit integer value
/// (the lower eight bits being the blue channel, the next eight bits being
/// the green channel, the next eight bits being the red channel, and the
/// high eight bits being set, as from [Color.value] for an opaque color).
/// The `primaryColor` can also be zero to indicate that the system default
/// should be used. See [SystemChrome.setApplicationSwitcherDescription].
/// * `SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays`: Specifies the set of system
/// overlays to have visible when the application is running. The argument
/// is a [List] of values which are string representations of values of the
/// [SystemUiOverlay] enum. See [SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode].
/// [SystemUiOverlay]s can only be configured individually when using
/// [SystemUiMode.manual].
/// * `SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode`: Specifies the [SystemUiMode] for
/// the application. The optional `overlays` argument is a [List] of values
/// which are string representations of values of the [SystemUiOverlay]
/// enum when using [SystemUiMode.manual]. See
/// [SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode].
/// * `SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle`: Specifies whether system
/// overlays (e.g. the status bar on Android or iOS) should be `light` or
/// `dark`. The argument is one of those two strings. See
/// [SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle].
/// * `SystemNavigator.pop`: Tells the operating system to close the
/// application, or the closest equivalent. See [SystemNavigator.pop].
/// * `System.exitApplication`: Tells the engine to send a request back to
/// the application to request an application exit (using
/// `System.requestAppExit` below), and if it is not canceled, to terminate
/// the application using the platform UI toolkit's termination API.
/// The following incoming methods are defined for this channel (registered
/// using [MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler]):
/// * `SystemChrome.systemUIChange`: The user has changed the visibility of
/// the system overlays. This is relevant when using [SystemUiMode]s
/// through [SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode]. See
/// [SystemChrome.setSystemUIChangeCallback] to respond to this change in
/// application state.
/// * `System.requestAppExit`: The application has requested that it be
/// terminated. See [ServicesBinding.exitApplication].
/// * `System.initializationComplete`: Indicate to the engine the
/// initialization of a binding that may, among other tasks, register a
/// handler for application exit attempts.
/// Calls to methods that are not implemented on the shell side are ignored
/// (so it is safe to call methods when the relevant plugin might be missing).
static const MethodChannel platform = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A JSON [MethodChannel] for handling text input.
/// This channel exposes a system text input control for interacting with IMEs
/// (input method editors, for example on-screen keyboards). There is one
/// control, and at any time it can have one active transaction. Transactions
/// are represented by an integer. New Transactions are started by
/// `TextInput.setClient`. Messages that are sent are assumed to be for the
/// current transaction (the last "client" set by `TextInput.setClient`).
/// Messages received from the shell side specify the transaction to which
/// they apply, so that stale messages referencing past transactions can be
/// ignored.
/// In debug builds, messages sent with a client ID of -1 are always accepted.
/// This allows tests to smuggle messages without having to mock the engine's
/// text handling (for example, allowing the engine to still handle the text
/// input messages in an integration test).
/// The methods described below are wrapped in a more convenient form by the
/// [TextInput] and [TextInputConnection] class.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `TextInput.setClient`: Establishes a new transaction. The arguments is
/// a [List] whose first value is an integer representing a previously
/// unused transaction identifier, and the second is a [String] with a
/// JSON-encoded object with five keys, as obtained from
/// [TextInputConfiguration.toJson]. This method must be invoked before any
/// others (except `TextInput.hide`). See [TextInput.attach].
/// * ``: Show the keyboard. See [].
/// * `TextInput.setEditingState`: Update the value in the text editing
/// control. The argument is a [String] with a JSON-encoded object with
/// seven keys, as obtained from [TextEditingValue.toJSON]. See
/// [TextInputConnection.setEditingState].
/// * `TextInput.clearClient`: End the current transaction. The next method
/// called must be `TextInput.setClient` (or `TextInput.hide`). See
/// [TextInputConnection.close].
/// * `TextInput.hide`: Hide the keyboard. Unlike the other methods, this can
/// be called at any time. See [TextInputConnection.close].
/// The following incoming methods are defined for this channel (registered
/// using [MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler]). In each case, the first argument
/// is a transaction identifier. Calls for stale transactions should be ignored.
/// * `TextInputClient.updateEditingState`: The user has changed the contents
/// of the text control. The second argument is an object with seven keys,
/// in the form expected by [TextEditingValue.fromJSON].
/// * `TextInputClient.updateEditingStateWithTag`: One or more text controls
/// were autofilled by the platform's autofill service. The first argument
/// (the client ID) is ignored, the second argument is a map of tags to
/// objects in the form expected by [TextEditingValue.fromJSON]. See
/// [AutofillScope.getAutofillClient] for details on the interpretation of
/// the tag.
/// * `TextInputClient.performAction`: The user has triggered an action. The
/// second argument is a [String] consisting of the stringification of one
/// of the values of the [TextInputAction] enum.
/// * `TextInputClient.requestExistingInputState`: The embedding may have
/// lost its internal state about the current editing client, if there is
/// one. The framework should call `TextInput.setClient` and
/// `TextInput.setEditingState` again with its most recent information. If
/// there is no existing state on the framework side, the call should
/// fizzle. (This call is made without a client ID; indeed, without any
/// arguments at all.)
/// * `TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed`: The text input connection closed
/// on the platform side. For example the application is moved to
/// background or used closed the virtual keyboard. This method informs
/// [TextInputClient] to clear connection and finalize editing.
/// `TextInput.clearClient` and `TextInput.hide` is not called after
/// clearing the connection since on the platform side the connection is
/// already finalized.
/// Calls to methods that are not implemented on the shell side are ignored
/// (so it is safe to call methods when the relevant plugin might be missing).
static const MethodChannel textInput = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A [MethodChannel] for handling spell check for text input.
/// This channel exposes the spell check framework for supported platforms.
/// Currently supported on Android and iOS only.
/// Spell check requests are initiated by `SpellCheck.initiateSpellCheck`.
/// These requests may either be completed or canceled. If the request is
/// completed, the shell side will respond with the results of the request.
/// Otherwise, the shell side will respond with null.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked by
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `SpellCheck.initiateSpellCheck`: Sends request for specified text to be
/// spell checked and returns the result, either a [List<SuggestionSpan>]
/// representing the spell check results of the text or null if the request
/// was canceled. The arguments are the [String] to be spell checked
/// and the [Locale] for the text to be spell checked with.
static const MethodChannel spellCheck = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A JSON [MethodChannel] for handling undo events.
static const MethodChannel undoManager = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A JSON [BasicMessageChannel] for keyboard events.
/// Each incoming message received on this channel (registered using
/// [BasicMessageChannel.setMessageHandler]) consists of a [Map] with
/// platform-specific data, plus a `type` field which is either `keydown`, or
/// `keyup`.
/// On Android, the available fields are those described by
/// [RawKeyEventDataAndroid]'s properties.
/// On Fuchsia, the available fields are those described by
/// [RawKeyEventDataFuchsia]'s properties.
/// No messages are sent on other platforms currently.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyboard], which uses this channel to expose key data.
/// * [RawKeyEvent.fromMessage], which can decode this data into the [RawKeyEvent]
/// subclasses mentioned above.
static const BasicMessageChannel<Object?> keyEvent = BasicMessageChannel<Object?>(
/// A string [BasicMessageChannel] for lifecycle events.
/// Valid messages are string representations of the values of the
/// [AppLifecycleState] enumeration. A handler can be registered using
/// [BasicMessageChannel.setMessageHandler].
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver.didChangeAppLifecycleState], which triggers
/// whenever a message is received on this channel.
static const BasicMessageChannel<String?> lifecycle = BasicMessageChannel<String?>(
/// A JSON [BasicMessageChannel] for system events.
/// Events are exposed as [Map]s with string keys. The `type` key specifies
/// the type of the event; the currently supported system event types are
/// those listed below. A handler can be registered using
/// [BasicMessageChannel.setMessageHandler].
/// * `memoryPressure`: Indicates that the operating system would like
/// applications to release caches to free up more memory. See
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver.didHaveMemoryPressure], which triggers whenever
/// a message is received on this channel.
static const BasicMessageChannel<Object?> system = BasicMessageChannel<Object?>(
/// A [BasicMessageChannel] for accessibility events.
/// See also:
/// * [SemanticsEvent] and its subclasses for a list of valid accessibility
/// events that can be sent over this channel.
/// * [SemanticsNode.sendEvent], which uses this channel to dispatch events.
static const BasicMessageChannel<Object?> accessibility = BasicMessageChannel<Object?>(
/// A [MethodChannel] for controlling platform views.
/// See also:
/// * [PlatformViewsService] for the available operations on this channel.
static const MethodChannel platform_views = MethodChannel(
/// A [MethodChannel] for configuring the Skia graphics library.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `Skia.setResourceCacheMaxBytes`: Set the maximum number of bytes that
/// can be held in the GPU resource cache.
static const MethodChannel skia = MethodChannel(
/// A [MethodChannel] for configuring mouse cursors.
/// All outgoing methods defined for this channel uses a `Map<String, Object?>`
/// to contain multiple parameters, including the following methods (invoked
/// using [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `activateSystemCursor`: Request to set the cursor of a pointer
/// device to a system cursor. The parameters are
/// integer `device`, and string `kind`.
static const MethodChannel mouseCursor = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A [MethodChannel] for synchronizing restoration data with the engine.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `get`: Retrieves the current restoration information (e.g. provided by
/// the operating system) from the engine. The method returns a map
/// containing an `enabled` boolean to indicate whether collecting
/// restoration data is supported by the embedder. If `enabled` is true,
/// the map may also contain restoration data stored under the `data` key
/// from which the state of the framework may be restored. The restoration
/// data is encoded as [Uint8List].
/// * `put`: Sends the current restoration data to the engine. Takes the
/// restoration data encoded as [Uint8List] as argument.
/// The following incoming methods are defined for this channel (registered
/// using [MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler]).
/// * `push`: Called by the engine to send newly provided restoration
/// information to the framework. The argument given to this method has
/// the same format as the object that the `get` method returns.
/// See also:
/// * [RestorationManager], which uses this channel and also describes how
/// restoration data is used in Flutter.
static const MethodChannel restoration = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A [MethodChannel] for installing and managing deferred components.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `installDeferredComponent`: Requests that a deferred component identified by
/// the provided loadingUnitId or componentName be downloaded and installed.
/// Providing a loadingUnitId with null componentName will install a component that
/// includes the desired loading unit. If a componentName is provided, then the
/// deferred component with the componentName will be installed. This method
/// returns a future that will not be completed until the feature is fully installed
/// and ready to use. When an error occurs, the future will complete an error.
/// Calling `loadLibrary()` on a deferred imported library is equivalent to calling
/// this method with a loadingUnitId and null componentName.
/// * `uninstallDeferredComponent`: Requests that a deferred component identified by
/// the provided loadingUnitId or componentName be uninstalled. Since
/// uninstallation typically requires significant disk i/o, this method only
/// signals the intent to uninstall. Actual uninstallation (eg, removal of
/// assets and files) may occur at a later time. However, once uninstallation
/// is requested, the deferred component should not be used anymore until
/// `installDeferredComponent` or `loadLibrary` is called again.
static const MethodChannel deferredComponent = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A JSON [MethodChannel] for localization.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `Localization.getStringResource`: Obtains the native string resource
/// for a specific locale. The argument is a [Map] with two keys, `key`
/// giving a [String] which the resource is defined with, and an optional
/// `locale` which is a [String] containing the BCP47 locale identifier of
/// the locale requested. See [Locale.toLanguageTag]. When `locale` is not
/// specified, the current system locale is used instead.
static const MethodChannel localization = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A [MethodChannel] for platform menu specification and control.
/// The following outgoing method is defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `Menu.setMenus`: sends the configuration of the platform menu, including
/// labels, enable/disable information, and unique integer identifiers for
/// each menu item. The configuration is sent as a `Map<String, Object?>`
/// encoding the list of top level menu items in window "0", which each
/// have a hierarchy of `Map<String, Object?>` containing the required
/// data, sent via a [StandardMessageCodec]. It is typically generated from
/// a list of [PlatformMenuItem]s, and ends up looking like this example:
/// ```dart
/// Map<String, Object?> menu = <String, Object?>{
/// '0': <Map<String, Object?>>[
/// <String, Object?>{
/// 'id': 1,
/// 'label': 'First Menu Label',
/// 'enabled': true,
/// 'children': <Map<String, Object?>>[
/// <String, Object?>{
/// 'id': 2,
/// 'label': 'Sub Menu Label',
/// 'enabled': true,
/// },
/// ],
/// },
/// ],
/// };
/// ```
/// The following incoming methods are defined for this channel (registered
/// using [MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler]).
/// * `Menu.selectedCallback`: Called when a menu item is selected, along
/// with the unique ID of the menu item selected.
/// * `Menu.opened`: Called when a submenu is opened, along with the unique
/// ID of the submenu.
/// * `Menu.closed`: Called when a submenu is closed, along with the unique
/// ID of the submenu.
/// See also:
/// * [DefaultPlatformMenuDelegate], which uses this channel.
static const MethodChannel menu = OptionalMethodChannel('flutter/menu');
/// A [MethodChannel] for configuring the browser's context menu on web.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `enableContextMenu`: enables the browser's context menu. When a Flutter
/// app starts, the browser's context menu is already enabled.
/// * `disableContextMenu`: disables the browser's context menu.
static const MethodChannel contextMenu = OptionalMethodChannel(
/// A [MethodChannel] for retrieving keyboard pressed keys from the engine.
/// The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using
/// [OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod]):
/// * `getKeyboardState`: Obtains keyboard pressed keys from the engine.
/// The keyboard state is sent as a `Map<int, int>?` where each entry
/// represents a pressed keyboard key. The entry key is the physical
/// key ID and the entry value is the logical key ID.
/// See also:
/// * [HardwareKeyboard.syncKeyboardState], which uses this channel to synchronize
/// the `HardwareKeyboard` pressed state.
static const MethodChannel keyboard = OptionalMethodChannel(