Roll engine ff49ca1c6e5b..be4c8338a6ab (61 commits) (#38495)

flutter/engine@be4c8338a Roll src/third_party/dart 20407e28db..45f892df68 (2 commits)
flutter/engine@da352d0f7 Revert "Track detailed LibTxt metrics with LineMetrics(flutter/engine#10127)" (flutter/engine#10982)
flutter/engine@23700fc1e Roll src/third_party/dart b9217efc77..20407e28db (6 commits)
flutter/engine@07f2cfa0e Roll src/third_party/skia 6e1b7bb2b5df..cd8b6d5c1cb8 (10 commits) (flutter/engine#10980)
flutter/engine@7711efbf0 Return an empty mapping for an empty file asset (flutter/engine#10815)
flutter/engine@663f9a9e1 Roll src/third_party/skia 6ef31815a694..6e1b7bb2b5df (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10979)
flutter/engine@0a0a14202 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from z99ul... to j8BvV... (flutter/engine#10978)
flutter/engine@e13df85ce Roll src/third_party/dart 9aea1f3489..b9217efc77 (7 commits)
flutter/engine@d0698f275 Roll src/third_party/skia f99631100372..6ef31815a694 (3 commits) (flutter/engine#10976)
flutter/engine@7dfdfc6fa Roll src/third_party/skia b875cc709c7f..f99631100372 (2 commits) (flutter/engine#10974)
flutter/engine@274659564 Roll src/third_party/dart 06509e333d..9aea1f3489 (8 commits)
flutter/engine@e22893966 Expose isolateId for engine (flutter/engine#10823)
flutter/engine@a18fa3722 Roll src/third_party/dart baebba06af..06509e333d (7 commits)
flutter/engine@5909cf930 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from u8FN9... to z99ul... (flutter/engine#10972)
flutter/engine@144007da5 Roll src/third_party/skia ef0406f04761..b875cc709c7f (4 commits) (flutter/engine#10970)
flutter/engine@6a4dfa7aa include zx::clock from new location to fix Fuchsia autoroll. (flutter/engine#10968)
flutter/engine@ed88d0a44 Change SemanticsNode#children lists to be non-null (flutter/engine#10952)
flutter/engine@853464e36 Roll src/third_party/dart b31df28d72..baebba06af (5 commits)
flutter/engine@fb317b085 Roll src/third_party/dart 896c053803..b31df28d72 (10 commits)
flutter/engine@20b7ea234 Increase the license block scan from 5k to 6k (flutter/engine#10956)
flutter/engine@a438469aa Fix format (flutter/engine#10955)
flutter/engine@70dd606ba Roll src/third_party/skia 8d1b0bceedd6..ef0406f04761 (8 commits) (flutter/engine#10954)
flutter/engine@cff3f3d66 Roll src/third_party/dart 32b70ce2a5..896c053803 (1 commits)
flutter/engine@b5c198b69 Fix iOS references to PostPrerollResult (flutter/engine#10949)
flutter/engine@971a63915 Allow for dynamic thread merging on IOS for embedded view mutations (flutter/engine#9819)
flutter/engine@c92a0d992 Report JUnit test failures (flutter/engine#10941)
flutter/engine@e95125aad Fix iOS keyboard crash (flutter/engine#10656)
flutter/engine@a50ec07d5 Bump local podspec's iOS deployment target from 7.0 to 8.0 (flutter/engine#10662)
flutter/engine@0ce28b100 Roll src/third_party/skia c2da70fbef53..8d1b0bceedd6 (2 commits) (flutter/engine#10937)
flutter/engine@07ee128c2 Roll src/third_party/dart 9adf3c119e..32b70ce2a5 (3 commits)
flutter/engine@79c50123a iOS JIT support and enhancements for scenarios app (flutter/engine#10820)
flutter/engine@d3be62888 Roll src/third_party/dart 261fd6266b..9adf3c119e (2 commits)
flutter/engine@68b749624 Roll src/third_party/skia da037b85352e..c2da70fbef53 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10924)
flutter/engine@d3523b9b7 Roll src/third_party/skia a47c48ef6bce..da037b85352e (3 commits) (flutter/engine#10909)
flutter/engine@b39019d57 Roll src/third_party/dart e29d6d0ecb..261fd6266b (2 commits)
flutter/engine@19f564acf Roll src/third_party/skia 9c23a9e790b2..a47c48ef6bce (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10896)
flutter/engine@4099cb146 Roll src/third_party/skia 5e7271a4598e..9c23a9e790b2 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10838)
flutter/engine@a3fa41b3b Roll src/third_party/skia 3e7fa79f2c79..5e7271a4598e (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10827)
flutter/engine@99355b086 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from bvUCO... to xqsy5... (flutter/engine#10826)
flutter/engine@8a068a1bd Roll src/third_party/skia 89e43889afd9..3e7fa79f2c79 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10825)
flutter/engine@ee6267d04 Roll src/third_party/skia fe19203eb7d7..89e43889afd9 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10824)
flutter/engine@7ad538dcc Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from HsuAH... to bvUCO... (flutter/engine#10822)
flutter/engine@cbc2fe6e1 Roll src/third_party/dart ffefa124a7..e29d6d0ecb (4 commits)
flutter/engine@0afba6b1f Roll src/third_party/skia af89d3972e0b..fe19203eb7d7 (5 commits) (flutter/engine#10819)
flutter/engine@6c678bfca Roll src/third_party/dart 15a3bf82cb..ffefa124a7 (11 commits)
flutter/engine@03caa67ac Roll Dart SDK 78ce916d82..15a3bf82cb (flutter/engine#10810)
flutter/engine@e096f7830 Roll src/third_party/skia b7b0b3ad538c..af89d3972e0b (7 commits) (flutter/engine#10812)
flutter/engine@cb1628986 Revert "Remove flutter_kernel_sdk dart script (flutter/engine#10808)" (flutter/engine#10811)
flutter/engine@42afb1abb [dart:zircon] Porting Cache re-usable handle wait objects (flutter/engine#10809)
flutter/engine@1b287524e Remove flutter_kernel_sdk dart script (flutter/engine#10808)
flutter/engine@58f4f27a4 change add part to add child (flutter/engine#10787)
flutter/engine@708fc625d rename stub_ui to web_ui (flutter/engine#10776)
flutter/engine@70de3ec2c [fuchsia] Migrate from custom FuchsiaFontManager to SkFontMgr_fuchsia (flutter/engine#10700)
flutter/engine@e0beaff61 Roll src/third_party/skia 26cedb4c603b..b7b0b3ad538c (11 commits) (flutter/engine#10807)
flutter/engine@83b640d4b Rename flutter_java.jar and flutter_engine.jar so they match the Maven comvention (flutter/engine#10797)
flutter/engine@c5d3c90d9 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from 9xVXx... to HsuAH... (flutter/engine#10806)
flutter/engine@97326b242 Roll src/third_party/dart 3d9a356f6e..78ce916d82 (7 commits)
flutter/engine@086c0d50e Roll src/third_party/skia b2151310068b..26cedb4c603b (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10804)
flutter/engine@1c75ee7c0 Roll src/third_party/skia 059bf776c184..b2151310068b (3 commits) (flutter/engine#10803)
flutter/engine@2611a6eef Roll src/third_party/dart f29f41f1a5..3d9a356f6e (65 commits)
flutter/engine@09a05f8b9 Roll src/third_party/skia 4d557e3df433..059bf776c184 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#10801)
1 file changed
tree: c17c242817b357d13061f31f23b8ff6612b2f7fc
  1. .github/
  2. bin/
  3. dev/
  4. examples/
  5. packages/
  6. .cirrus.yml
  7. .codecov.yml
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. analysis_options.yaml
  15. dartdoc_options.yaml
  16. flutter_console.bat

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About Flutter

We think Flutter will help you create beautiful, fast apps, with a productive, extensible and open development model.

Beautiful apps

We want to enable designers to deliver their full creative vision without being forced to water it down due to limitations of the underlying framework. Flutter's layered architecture gives you control over every pixel on the screen, and its powerful compositing capabilities let you overlay and animate graphics, video, text and controls without limitation. Flutter includes a full set of widgets that deliver pixel-perfect experiences on both iOS and Android.

Reflectly hero image

Fast apps

Flutter is fast. It's powered by the same hardware-accelerated Skia 2D graphics library that underpins Chrome and Android. We architected Flutter to support glitch-free, jank-free graphics at the native speed of your device. Flutter code is powered by the world-class Dart platform, which enables compilation to native 32-bit and 64-bit ARM code for iOS and Android.

Productive development

Flutter offers stateful hot reload, allowing you to make changes to your code and see the results instantly without restarting your app or losing its state.

Hot reload animation

Extensible and open model

Flutter works with any development tool, but includes editor plug-ins for both Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ / Android Studio. Flutter provides thousands of packages to speed your development, regardless of your target platform. And accessing platform features is easy. Here is a snippet from our interop example:

Future<void> getBatteryLevel() async {
  var batteryLevel = 'unknown';
  try {
    int result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod('getBatteryLevel');
    batteryLevel = 'Battery level: $result%';
  } on PlatformException {
    batteryLevel = 'Failed to get battery level.';
  setState(() {
    _batteryLevel = batteryLevel;

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