| // Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:math' as math; |
| |
| import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; |
| import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart'; |
| |
| import 'box.dart'; |
| import 'debug.dart'; |
| import 'object.dart'; |
| import 'viewport.dart'; |
| import 'viewport_offset.dart'; |
| |
| // The RenderSliver base class and its helper types. |
| |
| /// The direction in which a sliver's contents are ordered, relative to the |
| /// scroll offset axis. |
| /// |
| /// For example, a vertical alphabetical list that is going [AxisDirection.down] |
| /// with a [GrowthDirection.forward] would have the A at the top and the Z at |
| /// the bottom, with the A adjacent to the origin, as would such a list going |
| /// [AxisDirection.up] with a [GrowthDirection.reverse]. On the other hand, a |
| /// vertical alphabetical list that is going [AxisDirection.down] with a |
| /// [GrowthDirection.reverse] would have the Z at the top (at scroll offset |
| /// zero) and the A below it. |
| /// |
| /// The direction in which the scroll offset increases is given by |
| /// [applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection]. |
| enum GrowthDirection { |
| /// This sliver's contents are ordered in the same direction as the |
| /// [AxisDirection]. |
| forward, |
| |
| /// This sliver's contents are ordered in the opposite direction of the |
| /// [AxisDirection]. |
| reverse, |
| } |
| |
| /// Flips the [AxisDirection] if the [GrowthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.reverse]. |
| /// |
| /// Specifically, returns `axisDirection` if `growthDirection` is |
| /// [GrowthDirection.forward], otherwise returns [flipAxisDirection] applied to |
| /// `axisDirection`. |
| /// |
| /// This function is useful in [RenderSliver] subclasses that are given both an |
| /// [AxisDirection] and a [GrowthDirection] and wish to compute the |
| /// [AxisDirection] in which growth will occur. |
| AxisDirection applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(AxisDirection axisDirection, GrowthDirection growthDirection) { |
| assert(axisDirection != null); |
| assert(growthDirection != null); |
| switch (growthDirection) { |
| case GrowthDirection.forward: |
| return axisDirection; |
| case GrowthDirection.reverse: |
| return flipAxisDirection(axisDirection); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Flips the [ScrollDirection] if the [GrowthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.reverse]. |
| /// |
| /// Specifically, returns `scrollDirection` if `scrollDirection` is |
| /// [GrowthDirection.forward], otherwise returns [flipScrollDirection] applied to |
| /// `scrollDirection`. |
| /// |
| /// This function is useful in [RenderSliver] subclasses that are given both an |
| /// [ScrollDirection] and a [GrowthDirection] and wish to compute the |
| /// [ScrollDirection] in which growth will occur. |
| ScrollDirection applyGrowthDirectionToScrollDirection(ScrollDirection scrollDirection, GrowthDirection growthDirection) { |
| assert(scrollDirection != null); |
| assert(growthDirection != null); |
| switch (growthDirection) { |
| case GrowthDirection.forward: |
| return scrollDirection; |
| case GrowthDirection.reverse: |
| return flipScrollDirection(scrollDirection); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Immutable layout constraints for [RenderSliver] layout. |
| /// |
| /// The [SliverConstraints] describe the current scroll state of the viewport |
| /// from the point of view of the sliver receiving the constraints. For example, |
| /// a [scrollOffset] of zero means that the leading edge of the sliver is |
| /// visible in the viewport, not that the viewport itself has a zero scroll |
| /// offset. |
| class SliverConstraints extends Constraints { |
| /// Creates sliver constraints with the given information. |
| /// |
| /// All of the argument must not be null. |
| const SliverConstraints({ |
| required this.axisDirection, |
| required this.growthDirection, |
| required this.userScrollDirection, |
| required this.scrollOffset, |
| required this.precedingScrollExtent, |
| required this.overlap, |
| required this.remainingPaintExtent, |
| required this.crossAxisExtent, |
| required this.crossAxisDirection, |
| required this.viewportMainAxisExtent, |
| required this.remainingCacheExtent, |
| required this.cacheOrigin, |
| }) : assert(axisDirection != null), |
| assert(growthDirection != null), |
| assert(userScrollDirection != null), |
| assert(scrollOffset != null), |
| assert(precedingScrollExtent != null), |
| assert(overlap != null), |
| assert(remainingPaintExtent != null), |
| assert(crossAxisExtent != null), |
| assert(crossAxisDirection != null), |
| assert(viewportMainAxisExtent != null), |
| assert(remainingCacheExtent != null), |
| assert(cacheOrigin != null); |
| |
| /// Creates a copy of this object but with the given fields replaced with the |
| /// new values. |
| SliverConstraints copyWith({ |
| AxisDirection? axisDirection, |
| GrowthDirection? growthDirection, |
| ScrollDirection? userScrollDirection, |
| double? scrollOffset, |
| double? precedingScrollExtent, |
| double? overlap, |
| double? remainingPaintExtent, |
| double? crossAxisExtent, |
| AxisDirection? crossAxisDirection, |
| double? viewportMainAxisExtent, |
| double? remainingCacheExtent, |
| double? cacheOrigin, |
| }) { |
| return SliverConstraints( |
| axisDirection: axisDirection ?? this.axisDirection, |
| growthDirection: growthDirection ?? this.growthDirection, |
| userScrollDirection: userScrollDirection ?? this.userScrollDirection, |
| scrollOffset: scrollOffset ?? this.scrollOffset, |
| precedingScrollExtent: precedingScrollExtent ?? this.precedingScrollExtent, |
| overlap: overlap ?? this.overlap, |
| remainingPaintExtent: remainingPaintExtent ?? this.remainingPaintExtent, |
| crossAxisExtent: crossAxisExtent ?? this.crossAxisExtent, |
| crossAxisDirection: crossAxisDirection ?? this.crossAxisDirection, |
| viewportMainAxisExtent: viewportMainAxisExtent ?? this.viewportMainAxisExtent, |
| remainingCacheExtent: remainingCacheExtent ?? this.remainingCacheExtent, |
| cacheOrigin: cacheOrigin ?? this.cacheOrigin, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// The direction in which the [scrollOffset] and [remainingPaintExtent] |
| /// increase. |
| final AxisDirection axisDirection; |
| |
| /// The direction in which the contents of slivers are ordered, relative to |
| /// the [axisDirection]. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if the [axisDirection] is [AxisDirection.up], and the |
| /// [growthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.forward], then an alphabetical list |
| /// will have A at the bottom, then B, then C, and so forth, with Z at the |
| /// top, with the bottom of the A at scroll offset zero, and the top of the Z |
| /// at the highest scroll offset. |
| /// |
| /// If a viewport has an overall [AxisDirection] of [AxisDirection.down], then |
| /// slivers above the absolute zero offset will have an axis of |
| /// [AxisDirection.up] and a growth direction of [GrowthDirection.reverse], |
| /// while slivers below the absolute zero offset will have the same axis |
| /// direction as the viewport and a growth direction of |
| /// [GrowthDirection.forward]. (The slivers with a reverse growth direction |
| /// still see only positive scroll offsets; the scroll offsets are reversed as |
| /// well, with zero at the absolute zero point, and positive numbers going |
| /// away from there.) |
| /// |
| /// Normally, the absolute zero offset is determined by the viewport's |
| /// [RenderViewport.center] and [RenderViewport.anchor] properties. |
| final GrowthDirection growthDirection; |
| |
| /// The direction in which the user is attempting to scroll, relative to the |
| /// [axisDirection] and [growthDirection]. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if [growthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.reverse] and |
| /// [axisDirection] is [AxisDirection.down], then a |
| /// [ScrollDirection.forward] means that the user is scrolling up, in the |
| /// positive [scrollOffset] direction. |
| /// |
| /// If the _user_ is not scrolling, this will return [ScrollDirection.idle] |
| /// even if there is (for example) a [ScrollActivity] currently animating the |
| /// position. |
| /// |
| /// This is used by some slivers to determine how to react to a change in |
| /// scroll offset. For example, [RenderSliverFloatingPersistentHeader] will |
| /// only expand a floating app bar when the [userScrollDirection] is in the |
| /// positive scroll offset direction. |
| final ScrollDirection userScrollDirection; |
| |
| /// The scroll offset, in this sliver's coordinate system, that corresponds to |
| /// the earliest visible part of this sliver in the [AxisDirection] if |
| /// [growthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.forward] or in the opposite |
| /// [AxisDirection] direction if [growthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.reverse]. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if [AxisDirection] is [AxisDirection.down] and [growthDirection] |
| /// is [GrowthDirection.forward], then scroll offset is the amount the top of |
| /// the sliver has been scrolled past the top of the viewport. |
| /// |
| /// This value is typically used to compute whether this sliver should still |
| /// protrude into the viewport via [SliverGeometry.paintExtent] and |
| /// [SliverGeometry.layoutExtent] considering how far the beginning of the |
| /// sliver is above the beginning of the viewport. |
| /// |
| /// For slivers whose top is not past the top of the viewport, the |
| /// [scrollOffset] is `0` when [AxisDirection] is [AxisDirection.down] and |
| /// [growthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.forward]. The set of slivers with |
| /// [scrollOffset] `0` includes all the slivers that are below the bottom of the |
| /// viewport. |
| /// |
| /// [SliverConstraints.remainingPaintExtent] is typically used to accomplish |
| /// the same goal of computing whether scrolled out slivers should still |
| /// partially 'protrude in' from the bottom of the viewport. |
| /// |
| /// Whether this corresponds to the beginning or the end of the sliver's |
| /// contents depends on the [growthDirection]. |
| final double scrollOffset; |
| |
| /// The scroll distance that has been consumed by all [RenderSliver]s that |
| /// came before this [RenderSliver]. |
| /// |
| /// # Edge Cases |
| /// |
| /// [RenderSliver]s often lazily create their internal content as layout |
| /// occurs, e.g., [SliverList]. In this case, when [RenderSliver]s exceed the |
| /// viewport, their children are built lazily, and the [RenderSliver] does not |
| /// have enough information to estimate its total extent, |
| /// [precedingScrollExtent] will be [double.infinity] for all [RenderSliver]s |
| /// that appear after the lazily constructed child. This is because a total |
| /// [SliverGeometry.scrollExtent] cannot be calculated unless all inner |
| /// children have been created and sized, or the number of children and |
| /// estimated extents are provided. The infinite [SliverGeometry.scrollExtent] |
| /// will become finite as soon as enough information is available to estimate |
| /// the overall extent of all children within the given [RenderSliver]. |
| /// |
| /// [RenderSliver]s may legitimately be infinite, meaning that they can scroll |
| /// content forever without reaching the end. For any [RenderSliver]s that |
| /// appear after the infinite [RenderSliver], the [precedingScrollExtent] will |
| /// be [double.infinity]. |
| final double precedingScrollExtent; |
| |
| /// The number of pixels from where the pixels corresponding to the |
| /// [scrollOffset] will be painted up to the first pixel that has not yet been |
| /// painted on by an earlier sliver, in the [axisDirection]. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if the previous sliver had a [SliverGeometry.paintExtent] of |
| /// 100.0 pixels but a [SliverGeometry.layoutExtent] of only 50.0 pixels, |
| /// then the [overlap] of this sliver will be 50.0. |
| /// |
| /// This is typically ignored unless the sliver is itself going to be pinned |
| /// or floating and wants to avoid doing so under the previous sliver. |
| final double overlap; |
| |
| /// The number of pixels of content that the sliver should consider providing. |
| /// (Providing more pixels than this is inefficient.) |
| /// |
| /// The actual number of pixels provided should be specified in the |
| /// [RenderSliver.geometry] as [SliverGeometry.paintExtent]. |
| /// |
| /// This value may be infinite, for example if the viewport is an |
| /// unconstrained [RenderShrinkWrappingViewport]. |
| /// |
| /// This value may be 0.0, for example if the sliver is scrolled off the |
| /// bottom of a downwards vertical viewport. |
| final double remainingPaintExtent; |
| |
| /// The number of pixels in the cross-axis. |
| /// |
| /// For a vertical list, this is the width of the sliver. |
| final double crossAxisExtent; |
| |
| /// The direction in which children should be placed in the cross axis. |
| /// |
| /// Typically used in vertical lists to describe whether the ambient |
| /// [TextDirection] is [TextDirection.rtl] or [TextDirection.ltr]. |
| final AxisDirection crossAxisDirection; |
| |
| /// The number of pixels the viewport can display in the main axis. |
| /// |
| /// For a vertical list, this is the height of the viewport. |
| final double viewportMainAxisExtent; |
| |
| /// Where the cache area starts relative to the [scrollOffset]. |
| /// |
| /// Slivers that fall into the cache area located before the leading edge and |
| /// after the trailing edge of the viewport should still render content |
| /// because they are about to become visible when the user scrolls. |
| /// |
| /// The [cacheOrigin] describes where the [remainingCacheExtent] starts relative |
| /// to the [scrollOffset]. A cache origin of 0 means that the sliver does not |
| /// have to provide any content before the current [scrollOffset]. A |
| /// [cacheOrigin] of -250.0 means that even though the first visible part of |
| /// the sliver will be at the provided [scrollOffset], the sliver should |
| /// render content starting 250.0 before the [scrollOffset] to fill the |
| /// cache area of the viewport. |
| /// |
| /// The [cacheOrigin] is always negative or zero and will never exceed |
| /// -[scrollOffset]. In other words, a sliver is never asked to provide |
| /// content before its zero [scrollOffset]. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [RenderViewport.cacheExtent] for a description of a viewport's cache area. |
| final double cacheOrigin; |
| |
| |
| /// Describes how much content the sliver should provide starting from the |
| /// [cacheOrigin]. |
| /// |
| /// Not all content in the [remainingCacheExtent] will be visible as some |
| /// of it might fall into the cache area of the viewport. |
| /// |
| /// Each sliver should start laying out content at the [cacheOrigin] and |
| /// try to provide as much content as the [remainingCacheExtent] allows. |
| /// |
| /// The [remainingCacheExtent] is always larger or equal to the |
| /// [remainingPaintExtent]. Content, that falls in the [remainingCacheExtent], |
| /// but is outside of the [remainingPaintExtent] is currently not visible |
| /// in the viewport. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [RenderViewport.cacheExtent] for a description of a viewport's cache area. |
| final double remainingCacheExtent; |
| |
| /// The axis along which the [scrollOffset] and [remainingPaintExtent] are measured. |
| Axis get axis => axisDirectionToAxis(axisDirection); |
| |
| /// Return what the [growthDirection] would be if the [axisDirection] was |
| /// either [AxisDirection.down] or [AxisDirection.right]. |
| /// |
| /// This is the same as [growthDirection] unless the [axisDirection] is either |
| /// [AxisDirection.up] or [AxisDirection.left], in which case it is the |
| /// opposite growth direction. |
| /// |
| /// This can be useful in combination with [axis] to view the [axisDirection] |
| /// and [growthDirection] in different terms. |
| GrowthDirection get normalizedGrowthDirection { |
| assert(axisDirection != null); |
| switch (axisDirection) { |
| case AxisDirection.down: |
| case AxisDirection.right: |
| return growthDirection; |
| case AxisDirection.up: |
| case AxisDirection.left: |
| switch (growthDirection) { |
| case GrowthDirection.forward: |
| return GrowthDirection.reverse; |
| case GrowthDirection.reverse: |
| return GrowthDirection.forward; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| bool get isTight => false; |
| |
| @override |
| bool get isNormalized { |
| return scrollOffset >= 0.0 |
| && crossAxisExtent >= 0.0 |
| && axisDirectionToAxis(axisDirection) != axisDirectionToAxis(crossAxisDirection) |
| && viewportMainAxisExtent >= 0.0 |
| && remainingPaintExtent >= 0.0; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns [BoxConstraints] that reflects the sliver constraints. |
| /// |
| /// The `minExtent` and `maxExtent` are used as the constraints in the main |
| /// axis. If non-null, the given `crossAxisExtent` is used as a tight |
| /// constraint in the cross axis. Otherwise, the [crossAxisExtent] from this |
| /// object is used as a constraint in the cross axis. |
| /// |
| /// Useful for slivers that have [RenderBox] children. |
| BoxConstraints asBoxConstraints({ |
| double minExtent = 0.0, |
| double maxExtent = double.infinity, |
| double? crossAxisExtent, |
| }) { |
| crossAxisExtent ??= this.crossAxisExtent; |
| switch (axis) { |
| case Axis.horizontal: |
| return BoxConstraints( |
| minHeight: crossAxisExtent, |
| maxHeight: crossAxisExtent, |
| minWidth: minExtent, |
| maxWidth: maxExtent, |
| ); |
| case Axis.vertical: |
| return BoxConstraints( |
| minWidth: crossAxisExtent, |
| maxWidth: crossAxisExtent, |
| minHeight: minExtent, |
| maxHeight: maxExtent, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| bool debugAssertIsValid({ |
| bool isAppliedConstraint = false, |
| InformationCollector? informationCollector, |
| }) { |
| assert(() { |
| bool hasErrors = false; |
| final StringBuffer errorMessage = StringBuffer('\n'); |
| void verify(bool check, String message) { |
| if (check) |
| return; |
| hasErrors = true; |
| errorMessage.writeln(' $message'); |
| } |
| void verifyDouble(double property, String name, {bool mustBePositive = false, bool mustBeNegative = false}) { |
| verify(property != null, 'The "$name" is null.'); |
| if (property.isNaN) { |
| String additional = '.'; |
| if (mustBePositive) { |
| additional = ', expected greater than or equal to zero.'; |
| } else if (mustBeNegative) { |
| additional = ', expected less than or equal to zero.'; |
| } |
| verify(false, 'The "$name" is NaN$additional'); |
| } else if (mustBePositive) { |
| verify(property >= 0.0, 'The "$name" is negative.'); |
| } else if (mustBeNegative) { |
| verify(property <= 0.0, 'The "$name" is positive.'); |
| } |
| } |
| verify(axis != null, 'The "axis" is null.'); |
| verify(growthDirection != null, 'The "growthDirection" is null.'); |
| verifyDouble(scrollOffset, 'scrollOffset'); |
| verifyDouble(overlap, 'overlap'); |
| verifyDouble(crossAxisExtent, 'crossAxisExtent'); |
| verifyDouble(scrollOffset, 'scrollOffset', mustBePositive: true); |
| verify(crossAxisDirection != null, 'The "crossAxisDirection" is null.'); |
| verify(axisDirectionToAxis(axisDirection) != axisDirectionToAxis(crossAxisDirection), 'The "axisDirection" and the "crossAxisDirection" are along the same axis.'); |
| verifyDouble(viewportMainAxisExtent, 'viewportMainAxisExtent', mustBePositive: true); |
| verifyDouble(remainingPaintExtent, 'remainingPaintExtent', mustBePositive: true); |
| verifyDouble(remainingCacheExtent, 'remainingCacheExtent', mustBePositive: true); |
| verifyDouble(cacheOrigin, 'cacheOrigin', mustBeNegative: true); |
| verifyDouble(precedingScrollExtent, 'precedingScrollExtent', mustBePositive: true); |
| verify(isNormalized, 'The constraints are not normalized.'); // should be redundant with earlier checks |
| if (hasErrors) { |
| throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ |
| ErrorSummary('$runtimeType is not valid: $errorMessage'), |
| if (informationCollector != null) |
| ...informationCollector(), |
| DiagnosticsProperty<SliverConstraints>('The offending constraints were', this, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty), |
| ]); |
| } |
| return true; |
| }()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| bool operator ==(Object other) { |
| if (identical(this, other)) |
| return true; |
| if (other is! SliverConstraints) |
| return false; |
| assert(other.debugAssertIsValid()); |
| return other.axisDirection == axisDirection |
| && other.growthDirection == growthDirection |
| && other.scrollOffset == scrollOffset |
| && other.overlap == overlap |
| && other.remainingPaintExtent == remainingPaintExtent |
| && other.crossAxisExtent == crossAxisExtent |
| && other.crossAxisDirection == crossAxisDirection |
| && other.viewportMainAxisExtent == viewportMainAxisExtent |
| && other.remainingCacheExtent == remainingCacheExtent |
| && other.cacheOrigin == cacheOrigin; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| int get hashCode => Object.hash( |
| axisDirection, |
| growthDirection, |
| scrollOffset, |
| overlap, |
| remainingPaintExtent, |
| crossAxisExtent, |
| crossAxisDirection, |
| viewportMainAxisExtent, |
| remainingCacheExtent, |
| cacheOrigin, |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() { |
| final List<String> properties = <String>[ |
| '$axisDirection', |
| '$growthDirection', |
| '$userScrollDirection', |
| 'scrollOffset: ${scrollOffset.toStringAsFixed(1)}', |
| 'remainingPaintExtent: ${remainingPaintExtent.toStringAsFixed(1)}', |
| if (overlap != 0.0) 'overlap: ${overlap.toStringAsFixed(1)}', |
| 'crossAxisExtent: ${crossAxisExtent.toStringAsFixed(1)}', |
| 'crossAxisDirection: $crossAxisDirection', |
| 'viewportMainAxisExtent: ${viewportMainAxisExtent.toStringAsFixed(1)}', |
| 'remainingCacheExtent: ${remainingCacheExtent.toStringAsFixed(1)}', |
| 'cacheOrigin: ${cacheOrigin.toStringAsFixed(1)}', |
| ]; |
| return 'SliverConstraints(${properties.join(', ')})'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Describes the amount of space occupied by a [RenderSliver]. |
| /// |
| /// A sliver can occupy space in several different ways, which is why this class |
| /// contains multiple values. |
| @immutable |
| class SliverGeometry with Diagnosticable { |
| /// Creates an object that describes the amount of space occupied by a sliver. |
| /// |
| /// If the [layoutExtent] argument is null, [layoutExtent] defaults to the |
| /// [paintExtent]. If the [hitTestExtent] argument is null, [hitTestExtent] |
| /// defaults to the [paintExtent]. If [visible] is null, [visible] defaults to |
| /// whether [paintExtent] is greater than zero. |
| /// |
| /// The other arguments must not be null. |
| const SliverGeometry({ |
| this.scrollExtent = 0.0, |
| this.paintExtent = 0.0, |
| this.paintOrigin = 0.0, |
| double? layoutExtent, |
| this.maxPaintExtent = 0.0, |
| this.maxScrollObstructionExtent = 0.0, |
| double? hitTestExtent, |
| bool? visible, |
| this.hasVisualOverflow = false, |
| this.scrollOffsetCorrection, |
| double? cacheExtent, |
| }) : assert(scrollExtent != null), |
| assert(paintExtent != null), |
| assert(paintOrigin != null), |
| assert(maxPaintExtent != null), |
| assert(hasVisualOverflow != null), |
| assert(scrollOffsetCorrection != 0.0), |
| layoutExtent = layoutExtent ?? paintExtent, |
| hitTestExtent = hitTestExtent ?? paintExtent, |
| cacheExtent = cacheExtent ?? layoutExtent ?? paintExtent, |
| visible = visible ?? paintExtent > 0.0; |
| |
| /// A sliver that occupies no space at all. |
| static const SliverGeometry zero = SliverGeometry(); |
| |
| /// The (estimated) total scrollable extent that this sliver has content for. |
| /// |
| /// This is the amount of scrolling the user needs to do to get from the |
| /// beginning of this sliver to the end of this sliver. |
| /// |
| /// The value is used to calculate the [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset] of |
| /// all slivers in the scrollable and thus should be provided whether the |
| /// sliver is currently in the viewport or not. |
| /// |
| /// In a typical scrolling scenario, the [scrollExtent] is constant for a |
| /// sliver throughout the scrolling while [paintExtent] and [layoutExtent] |
| /// will progress from `0` when offscreen to between `0` and [scrollExtent] |
| /// as the sliver scrolls partially into and out of the screen and is |
| /// equal to [scrollExtent] while the sliver is entirely on screen. However, |
| /// these relationships can be customized to achieve more special effects. |
| /// |
| /// This value must be accurate if the [paintExtent] is less than the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.remainingPaintExtent] provided during layout. |
| final double scrollExtent; |
| |
| /// The visual location of the first visible part of this sliver relative to |
| /// its layout position. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if the sliver wishes to paint visually before its layout |
| /// position, the [paintOrigin] is negative. The coordinate system this sliver |
| /// uses for painting is relative to this [paintOrigin]. In other words, |
| /// when [RenderSliver.paint] is called, the (0, 0) position of the [Offset] |
| /// given to it is at this [paintOrigin]. |
| /// |
| /// The coordinate system used for the [paintOrigin] itself is relative |
| /// to the start of this sliver's layout position rather than relative to |
| /// its current position on the viewport. In other words, in a typical |
| /// scrolling scenario, [paintOrigin] remains constant at 0.0 rather than |
| /// tracking from 0.0 to [SliverConstraints.viewportMainAxisExtent] as the |
| /// sliver scrolls past the viewport. |
| /// |
| /// This value does not affect the layout of subsequent slivers. The next |
| /// sliver is still placed at [layoutExtent] after this sliver's layout |
| /// position. This value does affect where the [paintExtent] extent is |
| /// measured from when computing the [SliverConstraints.overlap] for the next |
| /// sliver. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to 0.0, which means slivers start painting at their layout |
| /// position by default. |
| final double paintOrigin; |
| |
| /// The amount of currently visible visual space that was taken by the sliver |
| /// to render the subset of the sliver that covers all or part of the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.remainingPaintExtent] in the current viewport. |
| /// |
| /// This value does not affect how the next sliver is positioned. In other |
| /// words, if this value was 100 and [layoutExtent] was 0, typical slivers |
| /// placed after it would end up drawing in the same 100 pixel space while |
| /// painting. |
| /// |
| /// This must be between zero and [SliverConstraints.remainingPaintExtent]. |
| /// |
| /// This value is typically 0 when outside of the viewport and grows or |
| /// shrinks from 0 or to 0 as the sliver is being scrolled into and out of the |
| /// viewport unless the sliver wants to achieve a special effect and paint |
| /// even when scrolled away. |
| /// |
| /// This contributes to the calculation for the next sliver's |
| /// [SliverConstraints.overlap]. |
| final double paintExtent; |
| |
| /// The distance from the first visible part of this sliver to the first |
| /// visible part of the next sliver, assuming the next sliver's |
| /// [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset] is zero. |
| /// |
| /// This must be between zero and [paintExtent]. It defaults to [paintExtent]. |
| /// |
| /// This value is typically 0 when outside of the viewport and grows or |
| /// shrinks from 0 or to 0 as the sliver is being scrolled into and out of the |
| /// viewport unless the sliver wants to achieve a special effect and push |
| /// down the layout start position of subsequent slivers before the sliver is |
| /// even scrolled into the viewport. |
| final double layoutExtent; |
| |
| /// The (estimated) total paint extent that this sliver would be able to |
| /// provide if the [SliverConstraints.remainingPaintExtent] was infinite. |
| /// |
| /// This is used by viewports that implement shrink-wrapping. |
| /// |
| /// By definition, this cannot be less than [paintExtent]. |
| final double maxPaintExtent; |
| |
| /// The maximum extent by which this sliver can reduce the area in which |
| /// content can scroll if the sliver were pinned at the edge. |
| /// |
| /// Slivers that never get pinned at the edge, should return zero. |
| /// |
| /// A pinned app bar is an example for a sliver that would use this setting: |
| /// When the app bar is pinned to the top, the area in which content can |
| /// actually scroll is reduced by the height of the app bar. |
| final double maxScrollObstructionExtent; |
| |
| /// The distance from where this sliver started painting to the bottom of |
| /// where it should accept hits. |
| /// |
| /// This must be between zero and [paintExtent]. It defaults to [paintExtent]. |
| final double hitTestExtent; |
| |
| /// Whether this sliver should be painted. |
| /// |
| /// By default, this is true if [paintExtent] is greater than zero, and |
| /// false if [paintExtent] is zero. |
| final bool visible; |
| |
| /// Whether this sliver has visual overflow. |
| /// |
| /// By default, this is false, which means the viewport does not need to clip |
| /// its children. If any slivers have visual overflow, the viewport will apply |
| /// a clip to its children. |
| final bool hasVisualOverflow; |
| |
| /// If this is non-zero after [RenderSliver.performLayout] returns, the scroll |
| /// offset will be adjusted by the parent and then the entire layout of the |
| /// parent will be rerun. |
| /// |
| /// When the value is non-zero, the [RenderSliver] does not need to compute |
| /// the rest of the values when constructing the [SliverGeometry] or call |
| /// [RenderObject.layout] on its children since [RenderSliver.performLayout] |
| /// will be called again on this sliver in the same frame after the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset] correction has been applied, when the |
| /// proper [SliverGeometry] and layout of its children can be computed. |
| /// |
| /// If the parent is also a [RenderSliver], it must propagate this value |
| /// in its own [RenderSliver.geometry] property until a viewport which adjusts |
| /// its offset based on this value. |
| final double? scrollOffsetCorrection; |
| |
| /// How many pixels the sliver has consumed in the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.remainingCacheExtent]. |
| /// |
| /// This value should be equal to or larger than the [layoutExtent] because |
| /// the sliver always consumes at least the [layoutExtent] from the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.remainingCacheExtent] and possibly more if it falls |
| /// into the cache area of the viewport. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [RenderViewport.cacheExtent] for a description of a viewport's cache area. |
| final double cacheExtent; |
| |
| /// Asserts that this geometry is internally consistent. |
| /// |
| /// Does nothing if asserts are disabled. Always returns true. |
| bool debugAssertIsValid({ |
| InformationCollector? informationCollector, |
| }) { |
| assert(() { |
| void verify(bool check, String summary, {List<DiagnosticsNode>? details}) { |
| if (check) |
| return; |
| throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ |
| ErrorSummary('${objectRuntimeType(this, 'SliverGeometry')} is not valid: $summary'), |
| ...?details, |
| if (informationCollector != null) |
| ...informationCollector(), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| verify(scrollExtent != null, 'The "scrollExtent" is null.'); |
| verify(scrollExtent >= 0.0, 'The "scrollExtent" is negative.'); |
| verify(paintExtent != null, 'The "paintExtent" is null.'); |
| verify(paintExtent >= 0.0, 'The "paintExtent" is negative.'); |
| verify(paintOrigin != null, 'The "paintOrigin" is null.'); |
| verify(layoutExtent != null, 'The "layoutExtent" is null.'); |
| verify(layoutExtent >= 0.0, 'The "layoutExtent" is negative.'); |
| verify(cacheExtent >= 0.0, 'The "cacheExtent" is negative.'); |
| if (layoutExtent > paintExtent) { |
| verify(false, |
| 'The "layoutExtent" exceeds the "paintExtent".', |
| details: _debugCompareFloats('paintExtent', paintExtent, 'layoutExtent', layoutExtent), |
| ); |
| } |
| verify(maxPaintExtent != null, 'The "maxPaintExtent" is null.'); |
| // If the paintExtent is slightly more than the maxPaintExtent, but the difference is still less |
| // than precisionErrorTolerance, we will not throw the assert below. |
| if (paintExtent - maxPaintExtent > precisionErrorTolerance) { |
| verify(false, |
| 'The "maxPaintExtent" is less than the "paintExtent".', |
| details: |
| _debugCompareFloats('maxPaintExtent', maxPaintExtent, 'paintExtent', paintExtent) |
| ..add(ErrorDescription("By definition, a sliver can't paint more than the maximum that it can paint!")), |
| ); |
| } |
| verify(hitTestExtent != null, 'The "hitTestExtent" is null.'); |
| verify(hitTestExtent >= 0.0, 'The "hitTestExtent" is negative.'); |
| verify(visible != null, 'The "visible" property is null.'); |
| verify(hasVisualOverflow != null, 'The "hasVisualOverflow" is null.'); |
| verify(scrollOffsetCorrection != 0.0, 'The "scrollOffsetCorrection" is zero.'); |
| return true; |
| }()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String toStringShort() => objectRuntimeType(this, 'SliverGeometry'); |
| |
| @override |
| void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { |
| super.debugFillProperties(properties); |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('scrollExtent', scrollExtent)); |
| if (paintExtent > 0.0) { |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('paintExtent', paintExtent, unit : visible ? null : ' but not painting')); |
| } else if (paintExtent == 0.0) { |
| if (visible) { |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('paintExtent', paintExtent, unit: visible ? null : ' but visible')); |
| } |
| properties.add(FlagProperty('visible', value: visible, ifFalse: 'hidden')); |
| } else { |
| // Negative paintExtent! |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('paintExtent', paintExtent, tooltip: '!')); |
| } |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('paintOrigin', paintOrigin, defaultValue: 0.0)); |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('layoutExtent', layoutExtent, defaultValue: paintExtent)); |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('maxPaintExtent', maxPaintExtent)); |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('hitTestExtent', hitTestExtent, defaultValue: paintExtent)); |
| properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<bool>('hasVisualOverflow', hasVisualOverflow, defaultValue: false)); |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('scrollOffsetCorrection', scrollOffsetCorrection, defaultValue: null)); |
| properties.add(DoubleProperty('cacheExtent', cacheExtent, defaultValue: 0.0)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Method signature for hit testing a [RenderSliver]. |
| /// |
| /// Used by [SliverHitTestResult.addWithAxisOffset] to hit test [RenderSliver] |
| /// children. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [RenderSliver.hitTest], which documents more details around hit testing |
| /// [RenderSliver]s. |
| typedef SliverHitTest = bool Function(SliverHitTestResult result, { required double mainAxisPosition, required double crossAxisPosition }); |
| |
| /// The result of performing a hit test on [RenderSliver]s. |
| /// |
| /// An instance of this class is provided to [RenderSliver.hitTest] to record |
| /// the result of the hit test. |
| class SliverHitTestResult extends HitTestResult { |
| /// Creates an empty hit test result for hit testing on [RenderSliver]. |
| SliverHitTestResult() : super(); |
| |
| /// Wraps `result` to create a [HitTestResult] that implements the |
| /// [SliverHitTestResult] protocol for hit testing on [RenderSliver]s. |
| /// |
| /// This method is used by [RenderObject]s that adapt between the |
| /// [RenderSliver]-world and the non-[RenderSliver]-world to convert a |
| /// (subtype of) [HitTestResult] to a [SliverHitTestResult] for hit testing on |
| /// [RenderSliver]s. |
| /// |
| /// The [HitTestEntry] instances added to the returned [SliverHitTestResult] |
| /// are also added to the wrapped `result` (both share the same underlying |
| /// data structure to store [HitTestEntry] instances). |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [HitTestResult.wrap], which turns a [SliverHitTestResult] back into a |
| /// generic [HitTestResult]. |
| /// * [BoxHitTestResult.wrap], which turns a [SliverHitTestResult] into a |
| /// [BoxHitTestResult] for hit testing on [RenderBox] children. |
| SliverHitTestResult.wrap(super.result) : super.wrap(); |
| |
| /// Transforms `mainAxisPosition` and `crossAxisPosition` to the local |
| /// coordinate system of a child for hit-testing the child. |
| /// |
| /// The actual hit testing of the child needs to be implemented in the |
| /// provided `hitTest` callback, which is invoked with the transformed |
| /// `position` as argument. |
| /// |
| /// For the transform `mainAxisOffset` is subtracted from `mainAxisPosition` |
| /// and `crossAxisOffset` is subtracted from `crossAxisPosition`. |
| /// |
| /// The `paintOffset` describes how the paint position of a point painted at |
| /// the provided `mainAxisPosition` and `crossAxisPosition` would change after |
| /// `mainAxisOffset` and `crossAxisOffset` have been applied. This |
| /// `paintOffset` is used to properly convert [PointerEvent]s to the local |
| /// coordinate system of the event receiver. |
| /// |
| /// The `paintOffset` may be null if `mainAxisOffset` and `crossAxisOffset` are |
| /// both zero. |
| /// |
| /// The function returns the return value of `hitTest`. |
| bool addWithAxisOffset({ |
| required Offset? paintOffset, |
| required double mainAxisOffset, |
| required double crossAxisOffset, |
| required double mainAxisPosition, |
| required double crossAxisPosition, |
| required SliverHitTest hitTest, |
| }) { |
| assert(mainAxisOffset != null); |
| assert(crossAxisOffset != null); |
| assert(mainAxisPosition != null); |
| assert(crossAxisPosition != null); |
| assert(hitTest != null); |
| if (paintOffset != null) { |
| pushOffset(-paintOffset); |
| } |
| final bool isHit = hitTest( |
| this, |
| mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition - mainAxisOffset, |
| crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition - crossAxisOffset, |
| ); |
| if (paintOffset != null) { |
| popTransform(); |
| } |
| return isHit; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// A hit test entry used by [RenderSliver]. |
| /// |
| /// The coordinate system used by this hit test entry is relative to the |
| /// [AxisDirection] of the target sliver. |
| class SliverHitTestEntry extends HitTestEntry<RenderSliver> { |
| /// Creates a sliver hit test entry. |
| /// |
| /// The [mainAxisPosition] and [crossAxisPosition] arguments must not be null. |
| SliverHitTestEntry( |
| super.target, { |
| required this.mainAxisPosition, |
| required this.crossAxisPosition, |
| }) : assert(mainAxisPosition != null), |
| assert(crossAxisPosition != null); |
| |
| /// The distance in the [AxisDirection] from the edge of the sliver's painted |
| /// area (as given by the [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset]) to the hit point. |
| /// This can be an unusual direction, for example in the [AxisDirection.up] |
| /// case this is a distance from the _bottom_ of the sliver's painted area. |
| final double mainAxisPosition; |
| |
| /// The distance to the hit point in the axis opposite the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.axis]. |
| /// |
| /// If the cross axis is horizontal (i.e. the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.axisDirection] is either [AxisDirection.down] or |
| /// [AxisDirection.up]), then the `crossAxisPosition` is a distance from the |
| /// left edge of the sliver. If the cross axis is vertical (i.e. the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.axisDirection] is either [AxisDirection.right] or |
| /// [AxisDirection.left]), then the `crossAxisPosition` is a distance from the |
| /// top edge of the sliver. |
| /// |
| /// This is always a distance from the left or top of the parent, never a |
| /// distance from the right or bottom. |
| final double crossAxisPosition; |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() => '${target.runtimeType}@(mainAxis: $mainAxisPosition, crossAxis: $crossAxisPosition)'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parent data structure used by parents of slivers that position their |
| /// children using layout offsets. |
| /// |
| /// This data structure is optimized for fast layout. It is best used by parents |
| /// that expect to have many children whose relative positions don't change even |
| /// when the scroll offset does. |
| class SliverLogicalParentData extends ParentData { |
| /// The position of the child relative to the zero scroll offset. |
| /// |
| /// The number of pixels from the zero scroll offset of the parent sliver |
| /// (the line at which its [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset] is zero) to the |
| /// side of the child closest to that offset. A [layoutOffset] can be null |
| /// when it cannot be determined. The value will be set after layout. |
| /// |
| /// In a typical list, this does not change as the parent is scrolled. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to null. |
| double? layoutOffset; |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() => 'layoutOffset=${layoutOffset == null ? 'None': layoutOffset!.toStringAsFixed(1)}'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parent data for slivers that have multiple children and that position their |
| /// children using layout offsets. |
| class SliverLogicalContainerParentData extends SliverLogicalParentData with ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderSliver> { } |
| |
| /// Parent data structure used by parents of slivers that position their |
| /// children using absolute coordinates. |
| /// |
| /// For example, used by [RenderViewport]. |
| /// |
| /// This data structure is optimized for fast painting, at the cost of requiring |
| /// additional work during layout when the children change their offsets. It is |
| /// best used by parents that expect to have few children, especially if those |
| /// children will themselves be very tall relative to the parent. |
| class SliverPhysicalParentData extends ParentData { |
| /// The position of the child relative to the parent. |
| /// |
| /// This is the distance from the top left visible corner of the parent to the |
| /// top left visible corner of the sliver. |
| Offset paintOffset = Offset.zero; |
| |
| /// Apply the [paintOffset] to the given [transform]. |
| /// |
| /// Used to implement [RenderObject.applyPaintTransform] by slivers that use |
| /// [SliverPhysicalParentData]. |
| void applyPaintTransform(Matrix4 transform) { |
| // Hit test logic relies on this always providing an invertible matrix. |
| transform.translate(paintOffset.dx, paintOffset.dy); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() => 'paintOffset=$paintOffset'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parent data for slivers that have multiple children and that position their |
| /// children using absolute coordinates. |
| class SliverPhysicalContainerParentData extends SliverPhysicalParentData with ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderSliver> { } |
| |
| List<DiagnosticsNode> _debugCompareFloats(String labelA, double valueA, String labelB, double valueB) { |
| return <DiagnosticsNode>[ |
| if (valueA.toStringAsFixed(1) != valueB.toStringAsFixed(1)) |
| ErrorDescription( |
| 'The $labelA is ${valueA.toStringAsFixed(1)}, but ' |
| 'the $labelB is ${valueB.toStringAsFixed(1)}.', |
| ) |
| else ...<DiagnosticsNode>[ |
| ErrorDescription('The $labelA is $valueA, but the $labelB is $valueB.'), |
| ErrorHint( |
| 'Maybe you have fallen prey to floating point rounding errors, and should explicitly ' |
| 'apply the min() or max() functions, or the clamp() method, to the $labelB?', |
| ), |
| ], |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| /// Base class for the render objects that implement scroll effects in viewports. |
| /// |
| /// A [RenderViewport] has a list of child slivers. Each sliver — literally a |
| /// slice of the viewport's contents — is laid out in turn, covering the |
| /// viewport in the process. (Every sliver is laid out each time, including |
| /// those that have zero extent because they are "scrolled off" or are beyond |
| /// the end of the viewport.) |
| /// |
| /// Slivers participate in the _sliver protocol_, wherein during [layout] each |
| /// sliver receives a [SliverConstraints] object and computes a corresponding |
| /// [SliverGeometry] that describes where it fits in the viewport. This is |
| /// analogous to the box protocol used by [RenderBox], which gets a |
| /// [BoxConstraints] as input and computes a [Size]. |
| /// |
| /// Slivers have a leading edge, which is where the position described by |
| /// [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset] for this sliver begins. Slivers have |
| /// several dimensions, the primary of which is [SliverGeometry.paintExtent], |
| /// which describes the extent of the sliver along the main axis, starting from |
| /// the leading edge, reaching either the end of the viewport or the end of the |
| /// sliver, whichever comes first. |
| /// |
| /// Slivers can change dimensions based on the changing constraints in a |
| /// non-linear fashion, to achieve various scroll effects. For example, the |
| /// various [RenderSliverPersistentHeader] subclasses, on which [SliverAppBar] |
| /// is based, achieve effects such as staying visible despite the scroll offset, |
| /// or reappearing at different offsets based on the user's scroll direction |
| /// ([SliverConstraints.userScrollDirection]). |
| /// |
| /// {@youtube 560 315 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz3kHQxBjGg} |
| /// |
| /// ## Writing a RenderSliver subclass |
| /// |
| /// Slivers can have sliver children, or children from another coordinate |
| /// system, typically box children. (For details on the box protocol, see |
| /// [RenderBox].) Slivers can also have different child models, typically having |
| /// either one child, or a list of children. |
| /// |
| /// ### Examples of slivers |
| /// |
| /// A good example of a sliver with a single child that is also itself a sliver |
| /// is [RenderSliverPadding], which indents its child. A sliver-to-sliver render |
| /// object such as this must construct a [SliverConstraints] object for its |
| /// child, then must take its child's [SliverGeometry] and use it to form its |
| /// own [geometry]. |
| /// |
| /// The other common kind of one-child sliver is a sliver that has a single |
| /// [RenderBox] child. An example of that would be [RenderSliverToBoxAdapter], |
| /// which lays out a single box and sizes itself around the box. Such a sliver |
| /// must use its [SliverConstraints] to create a [BoxConstraints] for the |
| /// child, lay the child out (using the child's [layout] method), and then use |
| /// the child's [RenderBox.size] to generate the sliver's [SliverGeometry]. |
| /// |
| /// The most common kind of sliver though is one with multiple children. The |
| /// most straight-forward example of this is [RenderSliverList], which arranges |
| /// its children one after the other in the main axis direction. As with the |
| /// one-box-child sliver case, it uses its [constraints] to create a |
| /// [BoxConstraints] for the children, and then it uses the aggregate |
| /// information from all its children to generate its [geometry]. Unlike the |
| /// one-child cases, however, it is judicious in which children it actually lays |
| /// out (and later paints). If the scroll offset is 1000 pixels, and it |
| /// previously determined that the first three children are each 400 pixels |
| /// tall, then it will skip the first two and start the layout with its third |
| /// child. |
| /// |
| /// ### Layout |
| /// |
| /// As they are laid out, slivers decide their [geometry], which includes their |
| /// size ([SliverGeometry.paintExtent]) and the position of the next sliver |
| /// ([SliverGeometry.layoutExtent]), as well as the position of each of their |
| /// children, based on the input [constraints] from the viewport such as the |
| /// scroll offset ([SliverConstraints.scrollOffset]). |
| /// |
| /// For example, a sliver that just paints a box 100 pixels high would say its |
| /// [SliverGeometry.paintExtent] was 100 pixels when the scroll offset was zero, |
| /// but would say its [SliverGeometry.paintExtent] was 25 pixels when the scroll |
| /// offset was 75 pixels, and would say it was zero when the scroll offset was |
| /// 100 pixels or more. (This is assuming that |
| /// [SliverConstraints.remainingPaintExtent] was more than 100 pixels.) |
| /// |
| /// The various dimensions that are provided as input to this system are in the |
| /// [constraints]. They are described in detail in the documentation for the |
| /// [SliverConstraints] class. |
| /// |
| /// The [performLayout] function must take these [constraints] and create a |
| /// [SliverGeometry] object that it must then assign to the [geometry] property. |
| /// The different dimensions of the geometry that can be configured are |
| /// described in detail in the documentation for the [SliverGeometry] class. |
| /// |
| /// ### Painting |
| /// |
| /// In addition to implementing layout, a sliver must also implement painting. |
| /// This is achieved by overriding the [paint] method. |
| /// |
| /// The [paint] method is called with an [Offset] from the [Canvas] origin to |
| /// the top-left corner of the sliver, _regardless of the axis direction_. |
| /// |
| /// Subclasses should also override [applyPaintTransform] to provide the |
| /// [Matrix4] describing the position of each child relative to the sliver. |
| /// (This is used by, among other things, the accessibility layer, to determine |
| /// the bounds of the child.) |
| /// |
| /// ### Hit testing |
| /// |
| /// To implement hit testing, either override the [hitTestSelf] and |
| /// [hitTestChildren] methods, or, for more complex cases, instead override the |
| /// [hitTest] method directly. |
| /// |
| /// To actually react to pointer events, the [handleEvent] method may be |
| /// implemented. By default it does nothing. (Typically gestures are handled by |
| /// widgets in the box protocol, not by slivers directly.) |
| /// |
| /// ### Helper methods |
| /// |
| /// There are a number of methods that a sliver should implement which will make |
| /// the other methods easier to implement. Each method listed below has detailed |
| /// documentation. In addition, the [RenderSliverHelpers] class can be used to |
| /// mix in some helpful methods. |
| /// |
| /// #### childScrollOffset |
| /// |
| /// If the subclass positions children anywhere other than at scroll offset |
| /// zero, it should override [childScrollOffset]. For example, |
| /// [RenderSliverList] and [RenderSliverGrid] override this method, but |
| /// [RenderSliverToBoxAdapter] does not. |
| /// |
| /// This is used by, among other things, [Scrollable.ensureVisible]. |
| /// |
| /// #### childMainAxisPosition |
| /// |
| /// Subclasses should implement [childMainAxisPosition] to describe where their |
| /// children are positioned. |
| /// |
| /// #### childCrossAxisPosition |
| /// |
| /// If the subclass positions children in the cross-axis at a position other |
| /// than zero, then it should override [childCrossAxisPosition]. For example |
| /// [RenderSliverGrid] overrides this method. |
| abstract class RenderSliver extends RenderObject { |
| // layout input |
| @override |
| SliverConstraints get constraints => super.constraints as SliverConstraints; |
| |
| /// The amount of space this sliver occupies. |
| /// |
| /// This value is stale whenever this object is marked as needing layout. |
| /// During [performLayout], do not read the [geometry] of a child unless you |
| /// pass true for parentUsesSize when calling the child's [layout] function. |
| /// |
| /// The geometry of a sliver should be set only during the sliver's |
| /// [performLayout] or [performResize] functions. If you wish to change the |
| /// geometry of a sliver outside of those functions, call [markNeedsLayout] |
| /// instead to schedule a layout of the sliver. |
| SliverGeometry? get geometry => _geometry; |
| SliverGeometry? _geometry; |
| set geometry(SliverGeometry? value) { |
| assert(!(debugDoingThisResize && debugDoingThisLayout)); |
| assert(sizedByParent || !debugDoingThisResize); |
| assert(() { |
| if ((sizedByParent && debugDoingThisResize) || |
| (!sizedByParent && debugDoingThisLayout)) |
| return true; |
| assert(!debugDoingThisResize); |
| DiagnosticsNode? contract, violation, hint; |
| if (debugDoingThisLayout) { |
| assert(sizedByParent); |
| violation = ErrorDescription('It appears that the geometry setter was called from performLayout().'); |
| } else { |
| violation = ErrorDescription('The geometry setter was called from outside layout (neither performResize() nor performLayout() were being run for this object).'); |
| if (owner != null && owner!.debugDoingLayout) |
| hint = ErrorDescription('Only the object itself can set its geometry. It is a contract violation for other objects to set it.'); |
| } |
| if (sizedByParent) |
| contract = ErrorDescription('Because this RenderSliver has sizedByParent set to true, it must set its geometry in performResize().'); |
| else |
| contract = ErrorDescription('Because this RenderSliver has sizedByParent set to false, it must set its geometry in performLayout().'); |
| |
| final List<DiagnosticsNode> information = <DiagnosticsNode>[ |
| ErrorSummary('RenderSliver geometry setter called incorrectly.'), |
| violation, |
| if (hint != null) hint, |
| contract, |
| describeForError('The RenderSliver in question is'), |
| ]; |
| throw FlutterError.fromParts(information); |
| }()); |
| _geometry = value; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| Rect get semanticBounds => paintBounds; |
| |
| @override |
| Rect get paintBounds { |
| assert(constraints.axis != null); |
| switch (constraints.axis) { |
| case Axis.horizontal: |
| return Rect.fromLTWH( |
| 0.0, 0.0, |
| geometry!.paintExtent, |
| constraints.crossAxisExtent, |
| ); |
| case Axis.vertical: |
| return Rect.fromLTWH( |
| 0.0, 0.0, |
| constraints.crossAxisExtent, |
| geometry!.paintExtent, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void debugResetSize() { } |
| |
| @override |
| void debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints() { |
| assert(geometry!.debugAssertIsValid( |
| informationCollector: () => <DiagnosticsNode>[ |
| describeForError('The RenderSliver that returned the offending geometry was'), |
| ], |
| )); |
| assert(() { |
| if (geometry!.paintOrigin + geometry!.paintExtent > constraints.remainingPaintExtent) { |
| throw FlutterError.fromParts(<DiagnosticsNode>[ |
| ErrorSummary('SliverGeometry has a paintOffset that exceeds the remainingPaintExtent from the constraints.'), |
| describeForError('The render object whose geometry violates the constraints is the following'), |
| ..._debugCompareFloats( |
| 'remainingPaintExtent', constraints.remainingPaintExtent, |
| 'paintOrigin + paintExtent', geometry!.paintOrigin + geometry!.paintExtent, |
| ), |
| ErrorDescription( |
| 'The paintOrigin and paintExtent must cause the child sliver to paint ' |
| 'within the viewport, and so cannot exceed the remainingPaintExtent.', |
| ), |
| ]); |
| } |
| return true; |
| }()); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void performResize() { |
| assert(false); |
| } |
| |
| /// For a center sliver, the distance before the absolute zero scroll offset |
| /// that this sliver can cover. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if an [AxisDirection.down] viewport with an |
| /// [RenderViewport.anchor] of 0.5 has a single sliver with a height of 100.0 |
| /// and its [centerOffsetAdjustment] returns 50.0, then the sliver will be |
| /// centered in the viewport when the scroll offset is 0.0. |
| /// |
| /// The distance here is in the opposite direction of the |
| /// [RenderViewport.axisDirection], so values will typically be positive. |
| double get centerOffsetAdjustment => 0.0; |
| |
| /// Determines the set of render objects located at the given position. |
| /// |
| /// Returns true if the given point is contained in this render object or one |
| /// of its descendants. Adds any render objects that contain the point to the |
| /// given hit test result. |
| /// |
| /// The caller is responsible for providing the position in the local |
| /// coordinate space of the callee. The callee is responsible for checking |
| /// whether the given position is within its bounds. |
| /// |
| /// Hit testing requires layout to be up-to-date but does not require painting |
| /// to be up-to-date. That means a render object can rely upon [performLayout] |
| /// having been called in [hitTest] but cannot rely upon [paint] having been |
| /// called. For example, a render object might be a child of a [RenderOpacity] |
| /// object, which calls [hitTest] on its children when its opacity is zero |
| /// even through it does not [paint] its children. |
| /// |
| /// ## Coordinates for RenderSliver objects |
| /// |
| /// The `mainAxisPosition` is the distance in the [AxisDirection] (after |
| /// applying the [GrowthDirection]) from the edge of the sliver's painted |
| /// area. This can be an unusual direction, for example in the |
| /// [AxisDirection.up] case this is a distance from the _bottom_ of the |
| /// sliver's painted area. |
| /// |
| /// The `crossAxisPosition` is the distance in the other axis. If the cross |
| /// axis is horizontal (i.e. the [SliverConstraints.axisDirection] is either |
| /// [AxisDirection.down] or [AxisDirection.up]), then the `crossAxisPosition` |
| /// is a distance from the left edge of the sliver. If the cross axis is |
| /// vertical (i.e. the [SliverConstraints.axisDirection] is either |
| /// [AxisDirection.right] or [AxisDirection.left]), then the |
| /// `crossAxisPosition` is a distance from the top edge of the sliver. |
| /// |
| /// ## Implementing hit testing for slivers |
| /// |
| /// The most straight-forward way to implement hit testing for a new sliver |
| /// render object is to override its [hitTestSelf] and [hitTestChildren] |
| /// methods. |
| bool hitTest(SliverHitTestResult result, { required double mainAxisPosition, required double crossAxisPosition }) { |
| if (mainAxisPosition >= 0.0 && mainAxisPosition < geometry!.hitTestExtent && |
| crossAxisPosition >= 0.0 && crossAxisPosition < constraints.crossAxisExtent) { |
| if (hitTestChildren(result, mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition) || |
| hitTestSelf(mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition)) { |
| result.add(SliverHitTestEntry( |
| this, |
| mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, |
| crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition, |
| )); |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| /// Override this method if this render object can be hit even if its |
| /// children were not hit. |
| /// |
| /// Used by [hitTest]. If you override [hitTest] and do not call this |
| /// function, then you don't need to implement this function. |
| /// |
| /// For a discussion of the semantics of the arguments, see [hitTest]. |
| @protected |
| bool hitTestSelf({ required double mainAxisPosition, required double crossAxisPosition }) => false; |
| |
| /// Override this method to check whether any children are located at the |
| /// given position. |
| /// |
| /// Typically children should be hit-tested in reverse paint order so that |
| /// hit tests at locations where children overlap hit the child that is |
| /// visually "on top" (i.e., paints later). |
| /// |
| /// Used by [hitTest]. If you override [hitTest] and do not call this |
| /// function, then you don't need to implement this function. |
| /// |
| /// For a discussion of the semantics of the arguments, see [hitTest]. |
| @protected |
| bool hitTestChildren(SliverHitTestResult result, { required double mainAxisPosition, required double crossAxisPosition }) => false; |
| |
| /// Computes the portion of the region from `from` to `to` that is visible, |
| /// assuming that only the region from the [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset] |
| /// that is [SliverConstraints.remainingPaintExtent] high is visible, and that |
| /// the relationship between scroll offsets and paint offsets is linear. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if the constraints have a scroll offset of 100 and a |
| /// remaining paint extent of 100, and the arguments to this method describe |
| /// the region 50..150, then the returned value would be 50 (from scroll |
| /// offset 100 to scroll offset 150). |
| /// |
| /// This method is not useful if there is not a 1:1 relationship between |
| /// consumed scroll offset and consumed paint extent. For example, if the |
| /// sliver always paints the same amount but consumes a scroll offset extent |
| /// that is proportional to the [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset], then this |
| /// function's results will not be consistent. |
| // This could be a static method but isn't, because it would be less convenient |
| // to call it from subclasses if it was. |
| double calculatePaintOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, { required double from, required double to }) { |
| assert(from <= to); |
| final double a = constraints.scrollOffset; |
| final double b = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.remainingPaintExtent; |
| // the clamp on the next line is to avoid floating point rounding errors |
| return (to.clamp(a, b) - from.clamp(a, b)).clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingPaintExtent); |
| } |
| |
| /// Computes the portion of the region from `from` to `to` that is within |
| /// the cache extent of the viewport, assuming that only the region from the |
| /// [SliverConstraints.cacheOrigin] that is |
| /// [SliverConstraints.remainingCacheExtent] high is visible, and that |
| /// the relationship between scroll offsets and paint offsets is linear. |
| /// |
| /// This method is not useful if there is not a 1:1 relationship between |
| /// consumed scroll offset and consumed cache extent. |
| double calculateCacheOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, { required double from, required double to }) { |
| assert(from <= to); |
| final double a = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.cacheOrigin; |
| final double b = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.remainingCacheExtent; |
| // the clamp on the next line is to avoid floating point rounding errors |
| return (to.clamp(a, b) - from.clamp(a, b)).clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingCacheExtent); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the distance from the leading _visible_ edge of the sliver to the |
| /// side of the given child closest to that edge. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if the [constraints] describe this sliver as having an axis |
| /// direction of [AxisDirection.down], then this is the distance from the top |
| /// of the visible portion of the sliver to the top of the child. On the other |
| /// hand, if the [constraints] describe this sliver as having an axis |
| /// direction of [AxisDirection.up], then this is the distance from the bottom |
| /// of the visible portion of the sliver to the bottom of the child. In both |
| /// cases, this is the direction of increasing |
| /// [SliverConstraints.scrollOffset] and |
| /// [SliverLogicalParentData.layoutOffset]. |
| /// |
| /// For children that are [RenderSliver]s, the leading edge of the _child_ |
| /// will be the leading _visible_ edge of the child, not the part of the child |
| /// that would locally be a scroll offset 0.0. For children that are not |
| /// [RenderSliver]s, for example a [RenderBox] child, it's the actual distance |
| /// to the edge of the box, since those boxes do not know how to handle being |
| /// scrolled. |
| /// |
| /// This method differs from [childScrollOffset] in that |
| /// [childMainAxisPosition] gives the distance from the leading _visible_ edge |
| /// of the sliver whereas [childScrollOffset] gives the distance from the |
| /// sliver's zero scroll offset. |
| /// |
| /// Calling this for a child that is not visible is not valid. |
| @protected |
| double childMainAxisPosition(covariant RenderObject child) { |
| assert(() { |
| throw FlutterError('${objectRuntimeType(this, 'RenderSliver')} does not implement childPosition.'); |
| }()); |
| return 0.0; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the distance along the cross axis from the zero of the cross axis |
| /// in this sliver's [paint] coordinate space to the nearest side of the given |
| /// child. |
| /// |
| /// For example, if the [constraints] describe this sliver as having an axis |
| /// direction of [AxisDirection.down], then this is the distance from the left |
| /// of the sliver to the left of the child. Similarly, if the [constraints] |
| /// describe this sliver as having an axis direction of [AxisDirection.up], |
| /// then this is value is the same. If the axis direction is |
| /// [AxisDirection.left] or [AxisDirection.right], then it is the distance |
| /// from the top of the sliver to the top of the child. |
| /// |
| /// Calling this for a child that is not visible is not valid. |
| @protected |
| double childCrossAxisPosition(covariant RenderObject child) => 0.0; |
| |
| /// Returns the scroll offset for the leading edge of the given child. |
| /// |
| /// The `child` must be a child of this sliver. |
| /// |
| /// This method differs from [childMainAxisPosition] in that |
| /// [childMainAxisPosition] gives the distance from the leading _visible_ edge |
| /// of the sliver whereas [childScrollOffset] gives the distance from sliver's |
| /// zero scroll offset. |
| double? childScrollOffset(covariant RenderObject child) { |
| assert(child.parent == this); |
| return 0.0; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) { |
| assert(() { |
| throw FlutterError('${objectRuntimeType(this, 'RenderSliver')} does not implement applyPaintTransform.'); |
| }()); |
| } |
| |
| /// This returns a [Size] with dimensions relative to the leading edge of the |
| /// sliver, specifically the same offset that is given to the [paint] method. |
| /// This means that the dimensions may be negative. |
| /// |
| /// This is only valid after [layout] has completed. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [getAbsoluteSize], which returns absolute size. |
| @protected |
| Size getAbsoluteSizeRelativeToOrigin() { |
| assert(geometry != null); |
| assert(!debugNeedsLayout); |
| switch (applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(constraints.axisDirection, constraints.growthDirection)) { |
| case AxisDirection.up: |
| return Size(constraints.crossAxisExtent, -geometry!.paintExtent); |
| case AxisDirection.right: |
| return Size(geometry!.paintExtent, constraints.crossAxisExtent); |
| case AxisDirection.down: |
| return Size(constraints.crossAxisExtent, geometry!.paintExtent); |
| case AxisDirection.left: |
| return Size(-geometry!.paintExtent, constraints.crossAxisExtent); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// This returns the absolute [Size] of the sliver. |
| /// |
| /// The dimensions are always positive and calling this is only valid after |
| /// [layout] has completed. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [getAbsoluteSizeRelativeToOrigin], which returns the size relative to |
| /// the leading edge of the sliver. |
| @protected |
| Size getAbsoluteSize() { |
| assert(geometry != null); |
| assert(!debugNeedsLayout); |
| switch (constraints.axisDirection) { |
| case AxisDirection.up: |
| case AxisDirection.down: |
| return Size(constraints.crossAxisExtent, geometry!.paintExtent); |
| case AxisDirection.right: |
| case AxisDirection.left: |
| return Size(geometry!.paintExtent, constraints.crossAxisExtent); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _debugDrawArrow(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, Offset p0, Offset p1, GrowthDirection direction) { |
| assert(() { |
| if (p0 == p1) |
| return true; |
| assert(p0.dx == p1.dx || p0.dy == p1.dy); // must be axis-aligned |
| final double d = (p1 - p0).distance * 0.2; |
| final Offset temp; |
| double dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2; |
| switch (direction) { |
| case GrowthDirection.forward: |
| dx1 = dx2 = dy1 = dy2 = d; |
| break; |
| case GrowthDirection.reverse: |
| temp = p0; |
| p0 = p1; |
| p1 = temp; |
| dx1 = dx2 = dy1 = dy2 = -d; |
| break; |
| } |
| if (p0.dx == p1.dx) { |
| dx2 = -dx2; |
| } else { |
| dy2 = -dy2; |
| } |
| canvas.drawPath( |
| Path() |
| ..moveTo(p0.dx, p0.dy) |
| ..lineTo(p1.dx, p1.dy) |
| ..moveTo(p1.dx - dx1, p1.dy - dy1) |
| ..lineTo(p1.dx, p1.dy) |
| ..lineTo(p1.dx - dx2, p1.dy - dy2), |
| paint, |
| ); |
| return true; |
| }()); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void debugPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { |
| assert(() { |
| if (debugPaintSizeEnabled) { |
| final double strokeWidth = math.min(4.0, geometry!.paintExtent / 30.0); |
| final Paint paint = Paint() |
| ..color = const Color(0xFF33CC33) |
| ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth |
| ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke |
| ..maskFilter = MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.solid, strokeWidth); |
| final double arrowExtent = geometry!.paintExtent; |
| final double padding = math.max(2.0, strokeWidth); |
| final Canvas canvas = context.canvas; |
| canvas.drawCircle( |
| offset.translate(padding, padding), |
| padding * 0.5, |
| paint, |
| ); |
| switch (constraints.axis) { |
| case Axis.vertical: |
| canvas.drawLine( |
| offset, |
| offset.translate(constraints.crossAxisExtent, 0.0), |
| paint, |
| ); |
| _debugDrawArrow( |
| canvas, |
| paint, |
| offset.translate(constraints.crossAxisExtent * 1.0 / 4.0, padding), |
| offset.translate(constraints.crossAxisExtent * 1.0 / 4.0, arrowExtent - padding), |
| constraints.normalizedGrowthDirection, |
| ); |
| _debugDrawArrow( |
| canvas, |
| paint, |
| offset.translate(constraints.crossAxisExtent * 3.0 / 4.0, padding), |
| offset.translate(constraints.crossAxisExtent * 3.0 / 4.0, arrowExtent - padding), |
| constraints.normalizedGrowthDirection, |
| ); |
| break; |
| case Axis.horizontal: |
| canvas.drawLine( |
| offset, |
| offset.translate(0.0, constraints.crossAxisExtent), |
| paint, |
| ); |
| _debugDrawArrow( |
| canvas, |
| paint, |
| offset.translate(padding, constraints.crossAxisExtent * 1.0 / 4.0), |
| offset.translate(arrowExtent - padding, constraints.crossAxisExtent * 1.0 / 4.0), |
| constraints.normalizedGrowthDirection, |
| ); |
| _debugDrawArrow( |
| canvas, |
| paint, |
| offset.translate(padding, constraints.crossAxisExtent * 3.0 / 4.0), |
| offset.translate(arrowExtent - padding, constraints.crossAxisExtent * 3.0 / 4.0), |
| constraints.normalizedGrowthDirection, |
| ); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| return true; |
| }()); |
| } |
| |
| // This override exists only to change the type of the second argument. |
| @override |
| void handleEvent(PointerEvent event, SliverHitTestEntry entry) { } |
| |
| @override |
| void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { |
| super.debugFillProperties(properties); |
| properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<SliverGeometry>('geometry', geometry)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Mixin for [RenderSliver] subclasses that provides some utility functions. |
| mixin RenderSliverHelpers implements RenderSliver { |
| bool _getRightWayUp(SliverConstraints constraints) { |
| assert(constraints != null); |
| assert(constraints.axisDirection != null); |
| bool rightWayUp; |
| switch (constraints.axisDirection) { |
| case AxisDirection.up: |
| case AxisDirection.left: |
| rightWayUp = false; |
| break; |
| case AxisDirection.down: |
| case AxisDirection.right: |
| rightWayUp = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| assert(constraints.growthDirection != null); |
| switch (constraints.growthDirection) { |
| case GrowthDirection.forward: |
| break; |
| case GrowthDirection.reverse: |
| rightWayUp = !rightWayUp; |
| break; |
| } |
| assert(rightWayUp != null); |
| return rightWayUp; |
| } |
| |
| /// Utility function for [hitTestChildren] for use when the children are |
| /// [RenderBox] widgets. |
| /// |
| /// This function takes care of converting the position from the sliver |
| /// coordinate system to the Cartesian coordinate system used by [RenderBox]. |
| /// |
| /// This function relies on [childMainAxisPosition] to determine the position of |
| /// child in question. |
| /// |
| /// Calling this for a child that is not visible is not valid. |
| @protected |
| bool hitTestBoxChild(BoxHitTestResult result, RenderBox child, { required double mainAxisPosition, required double crossAxisPosition }) { |
| final bool rightWayUp = _getRightWayUp(constraints); |
| double delta = childMainAxisPosition(child); |
| final double crossAxisDelta = childCrossAxisPosition(child); |
| double absolutePosition = mainAxisPosition - delta; |
| final double absoluteCrossAxisPosition = crossAxisPosition - crossAxisDelta; |
| Offset paintOffset, transformedPosition; |
| assert(constraints.axis != null); |
| switch (constraints.axis) { |
| case Axis.horizontal: |
| if (!rightWayUp) { |
| absolutePosition = child.size.width - absolutePosition; |
| delta = geometry!.paintExtent - child.size.width - delta; |
| } |
| paintOffset = Offset(delta, crossAxisDelta); |
| transformedPosition = Offset(absolutePosition, absoluteCrossAxisPosition); |
| break; |
| case Axis.vertical: |
| if (!rightWayUp) { |
| absolutePosition = child.size.height - absolutePosition; |
| delta = geometry!.paintExtent - child.size.height - delta; |
| } |
| paintOffset = Offset(crossAxisDelta, delta); |
| transformedPosition = Offset(absoluteCrossAxisPosition, absolutePosition); |
| break; |
| } |
| assert(paintOffset != null); |
| assert(transformedPosition != null); |
| return result.addWithOutOfBandPosition( |
| paintOffset: paintOffset, |
| hitTest: (BoxHitTestResult result) { |
| return child.hitTest(result, position: transformedPosition); |
| }, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// Utility function for [applyPaintTransform] for use when the children are |
| /// [RenderBox] widgets. |
| /// |
| /// This function turns the value returned by [childMainAxisPosition] and |
| /// [childCrossAxisPosition]for the child in question into a translation that |
| /// it then applies to the given matrix. |
| /// |
| /// Calling this for a child that is not visible is not valid. |
| @protected |
| void applyPaintTransformForBoxChild(RenderBox child, Matrix4 transform) { |
| final bool rightWayUp = _getRightWayUp(constraints); |
| double delta = childMainAxisPosition(child); |
| final double crossAxisDelta = childCrossAxisPosition(child); |
| assert(constraints.axis != null); |
| switch (constraints.axis) { |
| case Axis.horizontal: |
| if (!rightWayUp) |
| delta = geometry!.paintExtent - child.size.width - delta; |
| transform.translate(delta, crossAxisDelta); |
| break; |
| case Axis.vertical: |
| if (!rightWayUp) |
| delta = geometry!.paintExtent - child.size.height - delta; |
| transform.translate(crossAxisDelta, delta); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Transitions from the RenderSliver world to the RenderBox world. |
| |
| /// An abstract class for [RenderSliver]s that contains a single [RenderBox]. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [RenderSliver], which explains more about the Sliver protocol. |
| /// * [RenderBox], which explains more about the Box protocol. |
| /// * [RenderSliverToBoxAdapter], which extends this class to size the child |
| /// according to its preferred size. |
| /// * [RenderSliverFillRemaining], which extends this class to size the child |
| /// to fill the remaining space in the viewport. |
| abstract class RenderSliverSingleBoxAdapter extends RenderSliver with RenderObjectWithChildMixin<RenderBox>, RenderSliverHelpers { |
| /// Creates a [RenderSliver] that wraps a [RenderBox]. |
| RenderSliverSingleBoxAdapter({ |
| RenderBox? child, |
| }) { |
| this.child = child; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { |
| if (child.parentData is! SliverPhysicalParentData) |
| child.parentData = SliverPhysicalParentData(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Sets the [SliverPhysicalParentData.paintOffset] for the given child |
| /// according to the [SliverConstraints.axisDirection] and |
| /// [SliverConstraints.growthDirection] and the given geometry. |
| @protected |
| void setChildParentData(RenderObject child, SliverConstraints constraints, SliverGeometry geometry) { |
| final SliverPhysicalParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as SliverPhysicalParentData; |
| assert(constraints.axisDirection != null); |
| assert(constraints.growthDirection != null); |
| switch (applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(constraints.axisDirection, constraints.growthDirection)) { |
| case AxisDirection.up: |
| childParentData.paintOffset = Offset(0.0, -(geometry.scrollExtent - (geometry.paintExtent + constraints.scrollOffset))); |
| break; |
| case AxisDirection.right: |
| childParentData.paintOffset = Offset(-constraints.scrollOffset, 0.0); |
| break; |
| case AxisDirection.down: |
| childParentData.paintOffset = Offset(0.0, -constraints.scrollOffset); |
| break; |
| case AxisDirection.left: |
| childParentData.paintOffset = Offset(-(geometry.scrollExtent - (geometry.paintExtent + constraints.scrollOffset)), 0.0); |
| break; |
| } |
| assert(childParentData.paintOffset != null); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| bool hitTestChildren(SliverHitTestResult result, { required double mainAxisPosition, required double crossAxisPosition }) { |
| assert(geometry!.hitTestExtent > 0.0); |
| if (child != null) |
| return hitTestBoxChild(BoxHitTestResult.wrap(result), child!, mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| double childMainAxisPosition(RenderBox child) { |
| return -constraints.scrollOffset; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) { |
| assert(child != null); |
| assert(child == this.child); |
| final SliverPhysicalParentData childParentData = child.parentData! as SliverPhysicalParentData; |
| childParentData.applyPaintTransform(transform); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { |
| if (child != null && geometry!.visible) { |
| final SliverPhysicalParentData childParentData = child!.parentData! as SliverPhysicalParentData; |
| context.paintChild(child!, offset + childParentData.paintOffset); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// A [RenderSliver] that contains a single [RenderBox]. |
| /// |
| /// The child will not be laid out if it is not visible. It is sized according |
| /// to the child's preferences in the main axis, and with a tight constraint |
| /// forcing it to the dimensions of the viewport in the cross axis. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [RenderSliver], which explains more about the Sliver protocol. |
| /// * [RenderBox], which explains more about the Box protocol. |
| /// * [RenderViewport], which allows [RenderSliver] objects to be placed inside |
| /// a [RenderBox] (the opposite of this class). |
| class RenderSliverToBoxAdapter extends RenderSliverSingleBoxAdapter { |
| /// Creates a [RenderSliver] that wraps a [RenderBox]. |
| RenderSliverToBoxAdapter({ |
| super.child, |
| }); |
| |
| @override |
| void performLayout() { |
| if (child == null) { |
| geometry = SliverGeometry.zero; |
| return; |
| } |
| final SliverConstraints constraints = this.constraints; |
| child!.layout(constraints.asBoxConstraints(), parentUsesSize: true); |
| final double childExtent; |
| switch (constraints.axis) { |
| case Axis.horizontal: |
| childExtent = child!.size.width; |
| break; |
| case Axis.vertical: |
| childExtent = child!.size.height; |
| break; |
| } |
| assert(childExtent != null); |
| final double paintedChildSize = calculatePaintOffset(constraints, from: 0.0, to: childExtent); |
| final double cacheExtent = calculateCacheOffset(constraints, from: 0.0, to: childExtent); |
| |
| assert(paintedChildSize.isFinite); |
| assert(paintedChildSize >= 0.0); |
| geometry = SliverGeometry( |
| scrollExtent: childExtent, |
| paintExtent: paintedChildSize, |
| cacheExtent: cacheExtent, |
| maxPaintExtent: childExtent, |
| hitTestExtent: paintedChildSize, |
| hasVisualOverflow: childExtent > constraints.remainingPaintExtent || constraints.scrollOffset > 0.0, |
| ); |
| setChildParentData(child!, constraints, geometry!); |
| } |
| } |