Move sky/examples to sky/sdk/lib/example, and code changes to support that change.  Fixes T277.

Review URL:
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index deb0f3c..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Sky Examples
-This directory contains several examples of using Sky.  Each of these is an
-individual Dart application package.  If you wish to run them with `sky_tool`
-then you will want to run `pub get` inside their directory before running
-`./packages/sky/sky_tool start`.
-1. *Hello, world.* The [hello world app](hello_world) is a basic app that shows
-   the text "hello, world."
-2. *Stocks.* The [stocks app](stocks) is an example of a typical mobile app
-   built using Sky. The app shows a list of all the stocks in the NASDAQ.
-3. *Widgets.* The [widgets app](widgets) contains a number of Sky widgets so
-   you can experiment with them in a simple container.
diff --git a/examples/color/ b/examples/color/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad66cf9..0000000
--- a/examples/color/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#!mojo mojo:sky_viewer
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-  <style>
-    #chooser {
-      display: flex;
-      flex-direction: column;
-      justify-content: center;
-      padding: 5%;
-    }
-    #color-wheel {
-      min-width: 100%;
-      height: auto;
-    }
-    #color-sample {
-      margin: 5%;
-      padding: 10%;
-      text-align: center;
-      border-radius: 10px;
-    }
-  </style>
-  <div id="chooser">
-    <img id="color-wheel" src="color-wheel.png"/>
-    <h1 id="color-sample">Select Color</h1>
-  </div>
-  <script>
-  import 'dart:sky';
-  import 'dart:math';
-  class RGB {
-    final int r;
-    final int g;
-    final int b;
-    const RGB(this.r, this.g, this.b);
-    String toString() => "rgb($r, $g, $b)";
-  }
-  RGB hsvToRgb(double h, double s, double v) {
-    var i = (h * 6).floor();
-    var f = h * 6 - i;
-    var p = v * (1 - s);
-    var q = v * (1 - f * s);
-    var t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
-    var r, g, b;
-    switch (i % 6) {
-      case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break;
-      case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break;
-      case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break;
-      case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break;
-      case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break;
-      case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break;
-    }
-    return new RGB((r * 255).floor(), (g * 255).floor(), (b * 255).floor());
-  }
-  RGB xyToRgb(x, y, radius) {
-    var rx = x - radius;
-    var ry = y - radius;
-    var d = radius * radius;
-    if (rx * rx + ry * ry > d)
-      return null;
-    var h = (atan2(ry, rx) + PI) / (2 * PI);
-    var s = sqrt(d) / radius;
-    return hsvToRgb(h, s, 1.0);
-  }
-  elt(String id) => document.getElementById(id);
-  void updateColor(event) {
-    var bounds =;
-    var x = event.x - bounds.left;
-    var y = event.y -;
-    var radius = min(bounds.width, bounds.height) / 2.0;
-    var rgb = xyToRgb(x, y, radius);
-    if (rgb != null) {
-      var ccsColor = rgb.toString();
-      elt("color-sample").style["background-color"] = ccsColor;
-    }
-  }
-  void selectColor(event) {
-    var ccsColor = elt("color-sample").style["background-color"];
-    print(ccsColor);
-  }
-  void main() {
-    elt("color-wheel").addEventListener("pointerdown", updateColor);
-    elt("color-sample").addEventListener("pointerdown", selectColor);
-    elt("color-sample").style["background-color"] = "rgb(0, 209, 255)";
-  }
-  </script>
diff --git a/examples/color/color-wheel.png b/examples/color/color-wheel.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 97dc31c..0000000
--- a/examples/color/color-wheel.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/color/pubspec.yaml b/examples/color/pubspec.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c332061..0000000
--- a/examples/color/pubspec.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-name: color
- sky: any
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/game_demo.dart b/examples/game/lib/game_demo.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 59ada17..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/game_demo.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-library game;
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'dart:math' as Math;
-import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
-import 'sprites.dart';
-import 'package:box2d/box2d.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-part 'game_demo_world.dart';
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/game_demo_world.dart b/examples/game/lib/game_demo_world.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a6898f..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/game_demo_world.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-part of game;
-const double _steeringThreshold = 0.0;
-const double _steeringMax = 150.0;
-// Random generator
-Math.Random _rand = new Math.Random();
-const double _gameSizeWidth = 1024.0;
-const double _gameSizeHeight = 1024.0;
-const double _shipRadius = 30.0;
-const double _lrgAsteroidRadius = 40.0;
-const double _medAsteroidRadius = 20.0;
-const double _smlAsteroidRadius = 10.0;
-const double _maxAsteroidSpeed = 1.0;
-const int _lifeTimeLaser = 50;
-const int _numStarsInStarField = 150;
-class GameDemoWorld extends NodeWithSize {
-  // Images
-  Image _imgNebula;
-  SpriteSheet _spriteSheet;
-  // Inputs
-  double _joystickX = 0.0;
-  double _joystickY = 0.0;
-  bool _fire;
-  Node _gameLayer;
-  Ship _ship;
-  List<Asteroid> _asteroids = [];
-  List<Laser> _lasers = [];
-  StarField _starField;
-  Nebula _nebula;
-  GameDemoWorld(ImageMap images, this._spriteSheet) : super(new Size(_gameSizeWidth, _gameSizeHeight)) {
-    // Fetch images
-    _imgNebula = images["res/nebula.png"];
-    _gameLayer = new Node();
-    this.addChild(_gameLayer);
-    // Add some asteroids to the game world
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-      addAsteroid(AsteroidSize.large);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
-      addAsteroid(AsteroidSize.medium);
-    }
-    // Add ship
-    addShip();
-    // Add starfield
-    _starField = new StarField(_spriteSheet["star.png"], _numStarsInStarField);
-    _starField.zPosition = -2.0;
-    addChild(_starField);
-    // Add nebula
-    addNebula();
-    userInteractionEnabled = true;
-    handleMultiplePointers = true;
-  }
-  // Methods for adding game objects
-  void addAsteroid(AsteroidSize size, [Point pos]) {
-    Asteroid asteroid = new Asteroid(_spriteSheet["asteroid_big_1.png"], size);
-    asteroid.zPosition = 1.0;
-    if (pos != null) asteroid.position = pos;
-    _gameLayer.addChild(asteroid);
-    _asteroids.add(asteroid);
-  }
-  void addShip() {
-    Ship ship = new Ship(_spriteSheet["ship.png"]);
-    ship.zPosition = 10.0;
-    _gameLayer.addChild(ship);
-    _ship = ship;
-  }
-  void addLaser() {
-    Laser laser = new Laser(_spriteSheet["laser.png"], _ship);
-    laser.zPosition = 8.0;
-    _lasers.add(laser);
-    _gameLayer.addChild(laser);
-  }
-  void addNebula() {
-    _nebula = new Nebula.withImage(_imgNebula);
-    _gameLayer.addChild(_nebula);
-  }
-  void update(double dt) {
-    // Move asteroids
-    for (Asteroid asteroid in _asteroids) {
-      asteroid.position = pointAdd(asteroid.position, asteroid._movementVector);
-    }
-    // Move lasers and remove expired lasers
-    for (int i = _lasers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-      Laser laser = _lasers[i];
-      laser.move();
-      if (laser._frameCount > _lifeTimeLaser) {
-        laser.removeFromParent();
-        _lasers.removeAt(i);
-      }
-    }
-    // Apply thrust to ship
-    if (_joystickX != 0.0 || _joystickY != 0.0) {
-      _ship.thrust(_joystickX, _joystickY);
-    }
-    // Move ship
-    _ship.move();
-    // Check collisions between asteroids and lasers
-    for (int i = _lasers.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
-      // Iterate over all the lasers
-      Laser laser = _lasers[i];
-      for (int j = _asteroids.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
-        // Iterate over all the asteroids
-        Asteroid asteroid = _asteroids[j];
-        // Check for collision
-        if (pointQuickDist(laser.position, asteroid.position) < laser.radius + asteroid.radius) {
-          // Remove laser
-          laser.removeFromParent();
-          _lasers.removeAt(i);
-          // Add asteroids
-          if (asteroid._asteroidSize == AsteroidSize.large) {
-            for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) addAsteroid(AsteroidSize.medium, asteroid.position);
-          }
-          else if (asteroid._asteroidSize == AsteroidSize.medium) {
-            for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++) addAsteroid(AsteroidSize.small, asteroid.position);
-          }
-          // Remove asteroid
-          asteroid.removeFromParent();
-          _asteroids.removeAt(j);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Move objects to center camera and warp objects around the edges
-    centerCamera();
-    warpObjects();
-  }
-  void centerCamera() {
-    const cameraDampening = 0.1;
-    Point delta = new Point(_gameSizeWidth/2 - _ship.position.x, _gameSizeHeight/2 - _ship.position.y);
-    delta = pointMult(delta, cameraDampening);
-    for (Node child in _gameLayer.children) {
-      child.position = pointAdd(child.position, delta);
-    }
-    // Update starfield
-    _starField.move(delta.x, delta.y);
-  }
-  void warpObjects() {
-    for (Node child in _gameLayer.children) {
-      if (child.position.x < 0) child.position = pointAdd(child.position, new Point(_gameSizeWidth, 0.0));
-      if (child.position.x >= _gameSizeWidth) child.position = pointAdd(child.position, new Point(-_gameSizeWidth, 0.0));
-      if (child.position.y < 0) child.position = pointAdd(child.position, new Point(0.0, _gameSizeHeight));
-      if (child.position.y >= _gameSizeHeight) child.position = pointAdd(child.position, new Point(0.0, -_gameSizeHeight));
-    }
-  }
-  // Handling controls
-  void controlSteering(double x, double y) {
-    _joystickX = x;
-    _joystickY = y;
-  }
-  void controlFire() {
-    addLaser();
-  }
-  // Handle pointer events
-  int _firstPointer = -1;
-  int _secondPointer = -1;
-  Point _firstPointerDownPos;
-  bool handleEvent(SpriteBoxEvent event) {
-    Point pointerPos = convertPointToNodeSpace(event.boxPosition);
-    int pointer = event.pointer;
-    switch (event.type) {
-      case 'pointerdown':
-        if (_firstPointer == -1) {
-          // Assign the first pointer
-          _firstPointer = pointer;
-          _firstPointerDownPos = pointerPos;
-        }
-        else if (_secondPointer == -1) {
-          // Assign second pointer
-          _secondPointer = pointer;
-          controlFire();
-        }
-        else {
-          // There is a pointer used for steering, let's fire instead
-          controlFire();
-        }
-        break;
-      case 'pointermove':
-        if (pointer == _firstPointer) {
-          // Handle turning control
-          double joystickX = 0.0;
-          double deltaX = pointerPos.x - _firstPointerDownPos.x;
-          if (deltaX > _steeringThreshold || deltaX < -_steeringThreshold) {
-            joystickX = (deltaX - _steeringThreshold)/(_steeringMax - _steeringThreshold);
-            if (joystickX > 1.0) joystickX = 1.0;
-            if (joystickX < -1.0) joystickX = -1.0;
-          }
-          double joystickY = 0.0;
-          double deltaY = pointerPos.y - _firstPointerDownPos.y;
-          if (deltaY > _steeringThreshold || deltaY < -_steeringThreshold) {
-            joystickY = (deltaY - _steeringThreshold)/(_steeringMax - _steeringThreshold);
-            if (joystickY > 1.0) joystickY = 1.0;
-            if (joystickY < -1.0) joystickY = -1.0;
-          }
-          controlSteering(joystickX, joystickY);
-        }
-        break;
-      case 'pointerup':
-      case 'pointercancel':
-        if (pointer == _firstPointer) {
-          // Un-assign the first pointer
-          _firstPointer = -1;
-          _firstPointerDownPos = null;
-          controlSteering(0.0, 0.0);
-        }
-        else if (pointer == _secondPointer) {
-          _secondPointer = -1;
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-// Game objects
-enum AsteroidSize {
-  small,
-  medium,
-  large,
-class Asteroid extends Sprite {
-  Point _movementVector;
-  AsteroidSize _asteroidSize;
-  double _radius;
-  double get radius {
-    if (_radius != null) return _radius;
-    if (_asteroidSize == AsteroidSize.small) _radius = _smlAsteroidRadius;
-    else if (_asteroidSize == AsteroidSize.medium) _radius = _medAsteroidRadius;
-    else if (_asteroidSize == AsteroidSize.large) _radius = _lrgAsteroidRadius;
-    return _radius;
-  }
-  Asteroid(Texture img, AsteroidSize this._asteroidSize) : super(img) {
-    size = new Size(radius * 2.0, radius * 2.0);
-    position = new Point(_gameSizeWidth * _rand.nextDouble(), _gameSizeHeight * _rand.nextDouble());
-    rotation = 360.0 * _rand.nextDouble();
-    _movementVector = new Point(_rand.nextDouble() * _maxAsteroidSpeed * 2 - _maxAsteroidSpeed,
-                                _rand.nextDouble() * _maxAsteroidSpeed * 2 - _maxAsteroidSpeed);
-    userInteractionEnabled = true;
-  }
-  bool handleEvent(SpriteBoxEvent event) {
-    if (event.type == "pointerdown") {
-      colorOverlay = new Color(0x99ff0000);
-    }
-    else if (event.type == "pointerup") {
-      colorOverlay = null;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-class Ship extends Sprite {
-  Vector2 _movementVector;
-  double _rotationTarget;
-  Ship(Texture img) : super(img) {
-    _movementVector = new;
-    rotation = _rotationTarget = 270.0;
-    // Create sprite
-    size = new Size(_shipRadius * 2.0, _shipRadius * 2.0);
-    position = new Point(_gameSizeWidth/2.0, _gameSizeHeight/2.0);
-  }
-  void thrust(double x, double y) {
-    _rotationTarget = convertRadians2Degrees(Math.atan2(y, x));
-    Vector2 directionVector = new Vector2(x, y).normalize();
-    _movementVector.addScaled(directionVector, 1.0);
-  }
-  void move() {
-    position = new Point(position.x + _movementVector[0], position.y + _movementVector[1]);
-    _movementVector.scale(0.9);
-    rotation = dampenRotation(rotation, _rotationTarget, 0.1);
-  }
-class Laser extends Sprite {
-  int _frameCount = 0;
-  Point _movementVector;
-  double radius = 10.0;
-  Laser(Texture img, Ship ship) : super(img) {
-    size = new Size(20.0, 20.0);
-    position = ship.position;
-    rotation = ship.rotation + 90.0;
-    transferMode =;
-    double rotRadians = convertDegrees2Radians(rotation);
-    _movementVector = pointMult(new Point(Math.sin(rotRadians), -Math.cos(rotRadians)), 10.0);
-    _movementVector = new Point(_movementVector.x + ship._movementVector[0], _movementVector.y + ship._movementVector[1]);
-  }
-  void move() {
-    position = pointAdd(position, _movementVector);
-    _frameCount++;
-  }
-// Background starfield
-class StarField extends Node {
-  Texture _img;
-  int _numStars;
-  List<Point> _starPositions;
-  List<double> _starScales;
-  List<double> _opacity;
-  StarField(this._img, this._numStars) {
-    _starPositions = [];
-    _starScales = [];
-    _opacity = [];
-    for (int i  = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
-      _starPositions.add(new Point(_rand.nextDouble() * _gameSizeWidth, _rand.nextDouble() * _gameSizeHeight));
-      _starScales.add(_rand.nextDouble());
-      _opacity.add(_rand.nextDouble() * 0.5 + 0.5);
-    }
-  }
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    // Setup paint object for opacity and transfer mode
-    Paint paint = new Paint();
-    paint.setTransferMode(;
-    double baseScaleX = 32.0 / _img.size.width;
-    double baseScaleY = 32.0 / _img.size.height;
-    // Draw each star
-    for (int i = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
-      Point pos = _starPositions[i];
-      double scale = _starScales[i];
-      paint.color = new Color.fromARGB((255.0*_opacity[i]).toInt(), 255, 255, 255);
-      canvas.translate(pos.x, pos.y);
-      canvas.scale(baseScaleX * scale, baseScaleY * scale);
-      canvas.drawImageRect(_img.image, _img.frame, _img.spriteSourceSize, paint);
-      canvas.restore();
-    }
-  }
-  void move(double dx, double dy) {
-    for (int i  = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
-      double xPos = _starPositions[i].x;
-      double yPos = _starPositions[i].y;
-      double scale = _starScales[i];
-      xPos += dx * scale;
-      yPos += dy * scale;
-      if (xPos >= _gameSizeWidth) xPos -= _gameSizeWidth;
-      if (xPos < 0) xPos += _gameSizeWidth;
-      if (yPos >= _gameSizeHeight) yPos -= _gameSizeHeight;
-      if (yPos < 0) yPos += _gameSizeHeight;
-      _starPositions[i] = new Point(xPos, yPos);
-    }
-  }
-class Nebula extends Node {
-  Nebula.withImage(Image img) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-        Sprite sprt = new Sprite.fromImage(img);
-        sprt.pivot = Point.origin;
-        sprt.position = new Point(i * _gameSizeWidth - _gameSizeWidth, j * _gameSizeHeight - _gameSizeHeight);
-        addChild(sprt);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Convenience methods
-Point pointAdd(Point a, Point b) {
-  return new Point(a.x+ b.x, a.y + b.y);
-Point pointMult(Point a, double multiplier) {
-  return new Point(a.x * multiplier, a.y * multiplier);
-double dampenRotation(double src, double dst, double dampening) {
-  double delta = dst - src;
-  while (delta > 180.0) delta -= 360;
-  while (delta < -180) delta += 360;
-  delta *= dampening;
-  return src + delta;
-double pointQuickDist(Point a, Point b) {
-  double dx = a.x - b.x;
-  double dy = a.y - b.y;
-  if (dx < 0.0) dx = -dx;
-  if (dy < 0.0) dy = -dy;
-  if (dx > dy) {
-    return dx + dy/2.0;
-  }
-  else {
-    return dy + dx/2.0;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/image_map.dart b/examples/game/lib/image_map.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 577df2a..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/image_map.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-part of sprites;
-typedef void ImageMapCallback(ImageMap preloader);
-class ImageMap {
-  Map<String, Image> _images;
-  int _totalNumImages = 0;
-  int _numLoadedImages = 0;
-  ImageMapCallback _callback;
-  ImageMap(List<String> urls, ImageMapCallback this._callback) {
-    _images = new Map();
-    _totalNumImages = urls.length;
-    urls.forEach(_addURL);
-  }
-  void _addURL(String url) {
-    image_cache.load(url, (Image image) {
-      // Store reference to image
-      _images[url] = image;
-      // Check if all images are loaded
-      _numLoadedImages++;
-      if (_numLoadedImages==_totalNumImages) {
-        // Everything loaded, make callback
-        _callback(this);
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  Image getImage(String url) => _images[url];
-  Image operator [](String url) => _images[url];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/node.dart b/examples/game/lib/node.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb5eab..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/node.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-part of sprites;
-double convertDegrees2Radians(double degrees) => degrees * Math.PI/180.8;
-double convertRadians2Degrees(double radians) => radians * 180.0/Math.PI;
-/// A base class for all objects that can be added to the sprite node tree and rendered to screen using [SpriteBox] and
-/// [SpriteWidget].
-/// The [Node] class itself doesn't render any content, but provides the basic functions of any type of node, such as
-/// handling transformations and user input. To render the node tree, a root node must be added to a [SpriteBox] or a
-/// [SpriteWidget]. Commonly used sub-classes of [Node] are [Sprite], [NodeWithSize], and many more upcoming subclasses.
-/// Nodes form a hierarchical tree. Each node can have a number of children, and the transformation (positioning,
-/// rotation, and scaling) of a node also affects its children.
-class Node {
-  // Member variables
-  SpriteBox _spriteBox;
-  Node _parent;
-  Point _position = Point.origin;
-  double _rotation = 0.0;
-  Matrix4 _transformMatrix = new Matrix4.identity();
-  Matrix4 _transformMatrixNodeToBox;
-  Matrix4 _transformMatrixBoxToNode;
-  double _scaleX = 1.0;
-  double _scaleY = 1.0;
-  /// The visibility of this node and its children.
-  bool visible = true;
-  double _zPosition = 0.0;
-  int _addedOrder;
-  int _childrenLastAddedOrder = 0;
-  bool _childrenNeedSorting = false;
-  /// Decides if the node and its children is currently paused.
-  ///
-  /// A paused node will not receive any input events, update calls, or run any animations.
-  ///
-  ///     myNodeTree.paused = true;
-  bool paused = false;
-  bool _userInteractionEnabled = false;
-  /// If set to true the node will receive multiple pointers, otherwise it will only receive events the first pointer.
-  ///
-  /// This property is only meaningful if [userInteractionEnabled] is set to true. Default value is false.
-  ///
-  ///     class MyCustomNode extends Node {
-  ///       handleMultiplePointers = true;
-  ///     }
-  bool handleMultiplePointers = false;
-  int _handlingPointer;
-  List<Node>_children = [];
-  // Constructors
-  /// Creates a new [Node] without any transformation.
-  ///
-  ///     var myNode = new Node();
-  Node() {
-  }
-  // Property setters and getters
-  /// The [SpriteBox] this node is added to, or null if it's not currently added to a [SpriteBox].
-  ///
-  /// For most applications it's not necessary to access the [SpriteBox] directly.
-  ///
-  ///     // Get the transformMode of the sprite box
-  ///     var transformMode = myNode.spriteBox.transformMode;
-  SpriteBox get spriteBox => _spriteBox;
-  /// The parent of this node, or null if it doesn't have a parent.
-  ///
-  ///     // Hide the parent
-  ///     myNode.parent.visible = false;
-  Node get parent => _parent;
-  /// The rotation of this node in degrees.
-  ///
-  ///     myNode.rotation = 45.0;
-  double get rotation => _rotation;
-  void set rotation(double rotation) {
-    assert(rotation != null);
-    _rotation = rotation;
-    _invalidateTransformMatrix();
-  }
-  /// The position of this node relative to its parent.
-  ///
-  ///     myNode.position = new Point(42.0, 42.0);
-  Point get position => _position;
-  void set position(Point position) {
-    assert(position != null);
-    _position = position;
-    _invalidateTransformMatrix();
-  }
-  /// The draw order of this node compared to its parent and its siblings.
-  ///
-  /// By default nodes are drawn in the order that they have been added to a parent. To override this behavior the
-  /// [zPosition] property can be used. A higher value of this property will force the node to be drawn in front of
-  /// siblings that have a lower value. If a negative value is used the node will be drawn behind its parent.
-  ///
-  ///     nodeInFront.zPosition = 1.0;
-  ///     nodeBehind.zPosition = -1.0;
-  double get zPosition => _zPosition;
-  void set zPosition(double zPosition) {
-    assert(zPosition != null);
-    _zPosition = zPosition;
-    if (_parent != null) {
-      _parent._childrenNeedSorting = true;
-    }
-  }
-  /// The scale of this node relative its parent.
-  ///
-  /// The [scale] property is only valid if [scaleX] and [scaleY] are equal values.
-  ///
-  ///     myNode.scale = 5.0;
-  double get scale {
-    assert(_scaleX == _scaleY);
-    return _scaleX;
-  }
-  void set scale(double scale) {
-    assert(scale != null);
-    _scaleX = _scaleY = scale;
-    _invalidateTransformMatrix();
-  }
-  /// The horizontal scale of this node relative its parent.
-  ///
-  ///     myNode.scaleX = 5.0;
-  double get scaleX => _scaleX;
-  void set scaleX(double scaleX) {
-    assert(scaleX != null);
-    _scaleX = scaleX;
-    _invalidateTransformMatrix();
-  }
-  /// The vertical scale of this node relative its parent.
-  ///
-  ///     myNode.scaleY = 5.0;
-  double get scaleY => _scaleY;
-  void set scaleY(double scaleY) {
-    assert(scaleY != null);
-    _scaleY = scaleY;
-    _invalidateTransformMatrix();
-  }
-  /// A list of the children of this node.
-  ///
-  /// This list should only be modified by using the [addChild] and [removeChild] methods.
-  ///
-  ///     // Iterate over a nodes children
-  ///     for (Node child in myNode.children) {
-  ///       // Do something with the child
-  ///     }
-  List<Node> get children {
-    _sortChildren();
-    return _children;
-  }
-  // Adding and removing children
-  /// Adds a child to this node.
-  ///
-  /// The same node cannot be added to multiple nodes.
-  ///
-  ///     addChild(new Sprite(myImage));
-  void addChild(Node child) {
-    assert(child != null);
-    assert(child._parent == null);
-    _childrenNeedSorting = true;
-    _children.add(child);
-    child._parent = this;
-    child._spriteBox = this._spriteBox;
-    _childrenLastAddedOrder += 1;
-    child._addedOrder = _childrenLastAddedOrder;
-    if (_spriteBox != null) _spriteBox._eventTargets = null;
-  }
-  /// Removes a child from this node.
-  ///
-  ///     removeChild(myChildNode);
-  void removeChild(Node child) {
-    assert(child != null);
-    if (_children.remove(child)) {
-      child._parent = null;
-      child._spriteBox = null;
-      if (_spriteBox != null) _spriteBox._eventTargets = null;
-    }
-  }
-  /// Removes this node from its parent node.
-  ///
-  ///     removeFromParent();
-  void removeFromParent() {
-    assert(_parent != null);
-    _parent.removeChild(this);
-  }
-  /// Removes all children of this node.
-  ///
-  ///     removeAllChildren();
-  void removeAllChildren() {
-    for (Node child in _children) {
-      child._parent = null;
-      child._spriteBox = null;
-    }
-    _children = [];
-    _childrenNeedSorting = false;
-    if (_spriteBox != null) _spriteBox._eventTargets = null;
-  }
-  void _sortChildren() {
-    // Sort children primarily by zPosition, secondarily by added order
-    if (_childrenNeedSorting) {
-      _children.sort((Node a, Node b) {
-        if (a._zPosition == b._zPosition) {
-          return a._addedOrder - b._addedOrder;
-        }
-        else if (a._zPosition > b._zPosition) {
-          return 1;
-        }
-        else {
-          return -1;
-        }
-      });
-      _childrenNeedSorting = false;
-    }
-  }
-  // Calculating the transformation matrix
-  /// The transformMatrix describes the transformation from the node's parent.
-  ///
-  /// You cannot set the transformMatrix directly, instead use the position, rotation and scale properties.
-  ///
-  ///     Matrix4 matrix = myNode.transformMatrix;
-  Matrix4 get transformMatrix {
-    if (_transformMatrix != null) {
-      return _transformMatrix;
-    }
-    double cx, sx, cy, sy;
-    if (_rotation == 0.0) {
-      cx = 1.0;
-      sx = 0.0;
-      cy = 1.0;
-      sy = 0.0;
-    }
-    else {
-      double radiansX = convertDegrees2Radians(_rotation);
-      double radiansY = convertDegrees2Radians(_rotation);
-      cx = Math.cos(radiansX);
-      sx = Math.sin(radiansX);
-      cy = Math.cos(radiansY);
-      sy = Math.sin(radiansY);
-    }
-    // Create transformation matrix for scale, position and rotation
-    _transformMatrix = new Matrix4(cy * _scaleX, sy * _scaleX, 0.0, 0.0,
-               -sx * _scaleY, cx * _scaleY, 0.0, 0.0,
-               0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
-              _position.x, _position.y, 0.0, 1.0);
-    return _transformMatrix;
-  }
-  void _invalidateTransformMatrix() {
-    _transformMatrix = null;
-    _invalidateToBoxTransformMatrix();
-  }
-  void _invalidateToBoxTransformMatrix () {
-    _transformMatrixNodeToBox = null;
-    _transformMatrixBoxToNode = null;
-    for (Node child in children) {
-      child._invalidateToBoxTransformMatrix();
-    }
-  }
-  // Transforms to other nodes
-  Matrix4 _nodeToBoxMatrix() {
-    assert(_spriteBox != null);
-    if (_transformMatrixNodeToBox != null) {
-      return _transformMatrixNodeToBox;
-    }
-    if (_parent == null) {
-      // Base case, we are at the top
-      assert(this == _spriteBox.rootNode);
-      _transformMatrixNodeToBox = new Matrix4.copy(_spriteBox.transformMatrix).multiply(transformMatrix);
-    }
-    else {
-      _transformMatrixNodeToBox = new Matrix4.copy(_parent._nodeToBoxMatrix()).multiply(transformMatrix);
-    }
-    return _transformMatrixNodeToBox;
-  }
-  Matrix4 _boxToNodeMatrix() {
-    assert(_spriteBox != null);
-    if (_transformMatrixBoxToNode != null) {
-      return _transformMatrixBoxToNode;
-    }
-    _transformMatrixBoxToNode = new Matrix4.copy(_nodeToBoxMatrix());
-    _transformMatrixBoxToNode.invert();
-    return _transformMatrixBoxToNode;
-  }
-  /// Converts a point from the coordinate system of the [SpriteBox] to the local coordinate system of the node.
-  ///
-  /// This method is particularly useful when handling pointer events and need the pointers position in a local
-  /// coordinate space.
-  ///
-  ///     Point localPoint = myNode.convertPointToNodeSpace(pointInBoxCoordinates);
-  Point convertPointToNodeSpace(Point boxPoint) {
-    assert(boxPoint != null);
-    assert(_spriteBox != null);
-    Vector4 v =_boxToNodeMatrix().transform(new Vector4(boxPoint.x, boxPoint.y, 0.0, 1.0));
-    return new Point(v[0], v[1]);
-  }
-  /// Converts a point from the local coordinate system of the node to the coordinate system of the [SpriteBox].
-  ///
-  ///     Point pointInBoxCoordinates = myNode.convertPointToBoxSpace(localPoint);
-  Point convertPointToBoxSpace(Point nodePoint) {
-    assert(nodePoint != null);
-    assert(_spriteBox != null);
-    Vector4 v =_nodeToBoxMatrix().transform(new Vector4(nodePoint.x, nodePoint.y, 0.0, 1.0));
-    return new Point(v[0], v[1]);
-  }
-  /// Converts a [point] from another [node]s coordinate system into the local coordinate system of this node.
-  ///
-  ///     Point pointInNodeASpace = nodeA.convertPointFromNode(pointInNodeBSpace, nodeB);
-  Point convertPointFromNode(Point point, Node node) {
-    assert(node != null);
-    assert(point != null);
-    assert(_spriteBox != null);
-    assert(_spriteBox == node._spriteBox);
-    Point boxPoint = node.convertPointToBoxSpace(point);
-    Point localPoint = convertPointToNodeSpace(boxPoint);
-    return localPoint;
-  }
-  // Hit test
-  /// Returns true if the [point] is inside the node, the [point] is in the local coordinate system of the node.
-  ///
-  ///     myNode.isPointInside(localPoint);
-  ///
-  /// [NodeWithSize] provides a basic bounding box check for this method, if you require a more detailed check this
-  /// method can be overridden.
-  ///
-  ///     bool isPointInside (Point nodePoint) {
-  ///       double minX = -size.width * pivot.x;
-  ///       double minY = -size.height * pivot.y;
-  ///       double maxX = minX + size.width;
-  ///       double maxY = minY + size.height;
-  ///       return (nodePoint.x >= minX && nodePoint.x < maxX &&
-  ///       nodePoint.y >= minY && nodePoint.y < maxY);
-  ///     }
-  bool isPointInside(Point point) {
-    assert(point != null);
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Rendering
-  void _visit(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    assert(canvas != null);
-    if (!visible) return;
-    _prePaint(canvas);
-    _visitChildren(canvas);
-    _postPaint(canvas);
-  }
-  void _prePaint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    // Get the transformation matrix and apply transform
-    canvas.concat(;
-  }
-  /// Paints this node to the canvas.
-  ///
-  /// Subclasses, such as [Sprite], override this method to do the actual painting of the node. To do custom
-  /// drawing override this method and make calls to the [canvas] object. All drawing is done in the node's local
-  /// coordinate system, relative to the node's position. If you want to make the drawing relative to the node's
-  /// bounding box's origin, override [NodeWithSize] and call the applyTransformForPivot method before making calls for
-  /// drawing.
-  ///
-  ///     void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-  ///;
-  ///       applyTransformForPivot(canvas);
-  ///
-  ///       // Do painting here
-  ///
-  ///       canvas.restore();
-  ///     }
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-  }
-  void _visitChildren(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    // Sort children if needed
-    _sortChildren();
-    int i = 0;
-    // Visit children behind this node
-    while (i < _children.length) {
-      Node child = _children[i];
-      if (child.zPosition >= 0.0) break;
-      child._visit(canvas);
-      i++;
-    }
-    // Paint this node
-    paint(canvas);
-    // Visit children in front of this node
-    while (i < _children.length) {
-      Node child = _children[i];
-      child._visit(canvas);
-      i++;
-    }
-  }
-  void _postPaint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    canvas.restore();
-  }
-  // Receiving update calls
-  /// Called before a frame is drawn.
-  ///
-  /// Override this method to do any updates to the node or node tree before it's drawn to screen.
-  ///
-  ///     // Make the node rotate at a fixed speed
-  ///     void update(double dt) {
-  ///       rotation = rotation * 10.0 * dt;
-  ///     }
-  void update(double dt) {
-  }
-  /// Called whenever the [SpriteBox] is modified or resized, or if the device is rotated.
-  ///
-  /// Override this method to do any updates that may be necessary to correctly display the node or node tree with the
-  /// new layout of the [SpriteBox].
-  ///
-  ///     void spriteBoxPerformedLayout() {
-  ///       // Move some stuff around here
-  ///     }
-  void spriteBoxPerformedLayout() {
-  }
-  // Handling user interaction
-  /// The node will receive user interactions, such as pointer (touch or mouse) events.
-  ///
-  ///     class MyCustomNode extends NodeWithSize {
-  ///       userInteractionEnabled = true;
-  ///     }
-  bool get userInteractionEnabled => _userInteractionEnabled;
-  void set userInteractionEnabled(bool userInteractionEnabled) {
-    _userInteractionEnabled = userInteractionEnabled;
-    if (_spriteBox != null) _spriteBox._eventTargets = null;
-  }
-  /// Handles an event, such as a pointer (touch or mouse) event.
-  ///
-  /// Override this method to handle events. The node will only receive events if the [userInteractionEnabled] property
-  /// is set to true and the [isPointInside] method returns true for the position of the pointer down event (default
-  /// behavior provided by [NodeWithSize]). Unless [handleMultiplePointers] is set to true, the node will only receive
-  /// events for the first pointer that is down.
-  ///
-  /// Return true if the node has consumed the event, if an event is consumed it will not be passed on to nodes behind
-  /// the current node.
-  ///
-  ///     // MyTouchySprite gets transparent when we touch it
-  ///     class MyTouchySprite extends Sprite {
-  ///
-  ///       MyTouchySprite(Image img) : super (img) {
-  ///         userInteractionEnabled = true;
-  ///       }
-  ///
-  ///       bool handleEvent(SpriteBoxEvent event) {
-  ///         if (event.type == 'pointerdown) {
-  ///           opacity = 0.5;
-  ///         }
-  ///         else if (event.type == 'pointerup') {
-  ///           opacity = 1.0;
-  ///         }
-  ///         return true;
-  ///       }
-  ///     }
-  bool handleEvent(SpriteBoxEvent event) {
-    return false;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/node_with_size.dart b/examples/game/lib/node_with_size.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 15503d2..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/node_with_size.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-part of sprites;
-/// The super class of any [Node] that has a size.
-/// NodeWithSize adds the ability for a node to have a size and a pivot point.
-abstract class NodeWithSize extends Node {
-  /// Changing the size will affect the size of the rendering of the node.
-  ///
-  ///     myNode.size = new Size(1024.0, 1024.0);
-  Size size;
-  /// The normalized point which the node is transformed around.
-  ///
-  ///     // Position myNode from is middle top
-  ///     myNode.pivot = new Point(0.5, 0.0);
-  Point pivot;
-  /// Creates a new NodeWithSize.
-  ///
-  /// The default [size] is zero and the default [pivot] point is the origin. Subclasses may change the default values.
-  ///
-  ///     var myNodeWithSize = new NodeWithSize(new Size(1024.0, 1024.0));
-  NodeWithSize([Size this.size, Point this.pivot]) {
-    if (size == null) size =;
-    if (pivot == null) pivot = Point.origin;
-  }
-  /// Call this method in your [paint] method if you want the origin of your drawing to be the top left corner of the
-  /// node's bounding box.
-  ///
-  /// If you use this method you will need to save and restore your canvas at the beginning and
-  /// end of your [paint] method.
-  ///
-  ///     void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-  ///;
-  ///       applyTransformForPivot(canvas);
-  ///
-  ///       // Do painting here
-  ///
-  ///       canvas.restore();
-  ///     }
-  void applyTransformForPivot(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    if (pivot.x != 0 || pivot.y != 0) {
-      double pivotInPointsX = size.width * pivot.x;
-      double pivotInPointsY = size.height * pivot.y;
-      canvas.translate(-pivotInPointsX, -pivotInPointsY);
-    }
-  }
-  bool isPointInside (Point nodePoint) {
-    double minX = -size.width * pivot.x;
-    double minY = -size.height * pivot.y;
-    double maxX = minX + size.width;
-    double maxY = minY + size.height;
-    return (nodePoint.x >= minX && nodePoint.x < maxX &&
-            nodePoint.y >= minY && nodePoint.y < maxY);
-  }
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/sprite.dart b/examples/game/lib/sprite.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6202e20..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/sprite.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-part of sprites;
-/// A Sprite is a [Node] that renders a bitmap image to the screen.
-class Sprite extends NodeWithSize {
-  /// The texture that the sprite will render to screen.
-  ///
-  /// If the texture is null, the sprite will be rendered as a red square
-  /// marking the bounds of the sprite.
-  ///
-  ///     mySprite.texture = myTexture;
-  Texture texture;
-  /// If true, constrains the proportions of the image by scaling it down, if its proportions doesn't match the [size].
-  ///
-  ///     mySprite.constrainProportions = true;
-  bool constrainProportions = false;
-  double _opacity = 1.0;
-  /// The color to draw on top of the sprite, null if no color overlay is used.
-  ///
-  ///     // Color the sprite red
-  ///     mySprite.colorOverlay = new Color(0x77ff0000);
-  Color colorOverlay;
-  /// The transfer mode used when drawing the sprite to screen.
-  ///
-  ///     // Add the colors of the sprite with the colors of the background
-  ///     mySprite.transferMode = TransferMode.plusMode;
-  TransferMode transferMode;
-  /// Creates a new sprite from the provided [texture].
-  ///
-  ///     var mySprite = new Sprite(myTexture)
-  Sprite([this.texture]) {
-    if (texture != null) {
-      size = texture.size;
-      pivot = texture.pivot;
-    } else {
-      pivot = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
-    }
-  }
-  /// Creates a new sprite from the provided [image].
-  ///
-  /// var mySprite = new Sprite.fromImage(myImage);
-  Sprite.fromImage(Image image) {
-    assert(image != null);
-    texture = new Texture(image);
-    size = texture.size;
-    pivot = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
-  }
-  /// The opacity of the sprite in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
-  ///
-  ///     mySprite.opacity = 0.5;
-  double get opacity => _opacity;
-  void set opacity(double opacity) {
-    assert(opacity != null);
-    assert(opacity >= 0.0 && opacity <= 1.0);
-    _opacity = opacity;
-  }
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    // Account for pivot point
-    applyTransformForPivot(canvas);
-    if (texture != null) {
-      double w = texture.size.width;
-      double h = texture.size.height;
-      if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return;
-      double scaleX = size.width / w;
-      double scaleY = size.height / h;
-      if (constrainProportions) {
-        // Constrain proportions, using the smallest scale and by centering the image
-        if (scaleX < scaleY) {
-          canvas.translate(0.0, (size.height - scaleX * h) / 2.0);
-          scaleY = scaleX;
-        } else {
-          canvas.translate((size.width - scaleY * w) / 2.0, 0.0);
-          scaleX = scaleY;
-        }
-      }
-      canvas.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
-      // Setup paint object for opacity and transfer mode
-      Paint paint = new Paint();
-      paint.color = new Color.fromARGB((255.0*_opacity).toInt(), 255, 255, 255);
-      if (colorOverlay != null) {
-        paint.setColorFilter(new ColorFilter.mode(colorOverlay, TransferMode.srcATop));
-      }
-      if (transferMode != null) {
-        paint.setTransferMode(transferMode);
-      }
-      // Do actual drawing of the sprite
-      if (texture.rotated) {
-        // Calculate the rotated frame and spriteSourceSize
-        Size originalFrameSize = texture.frame.size;
-        Rect rotatedFrame = new Rect.fromPointAndSize(texture.frame.upperLeft, new Size(originalFrameSize.height, originalFrameSize.width));
-        Point rotatedSpriteSourcePoint = new Point(
-   - (texture.spriteSourceSize.bottom -,
-            texture.spriteSourceSize.left);
-        Rect rotatedSpriteSourceSize = new Rect.fromPointAndSize(rotatedSpriteSourcePoint, new Size(originalFrameSize.height, originalFrameSize.width));
-        // Draw the rotated sprite
-        canvas.rotate(-Math.PI/2.0);
-        canvas.drawImageRect(texture.image, rotatedFrame, rotatedSpriteSourceSize, paint);
-      } else {
-        // Draw the sprite
-        canvas.drawImageRect(texture.image, texture.frame, texture.spriteSourceSize, paint);
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Paint a red square for missing texture
-      canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height),
-      new Paint()..color = const Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 0, 0));
-    }
-    canvas.restore();
-  }
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/sprite_box.dart b/examples/game/lib/sprite_box.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f302031..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/sprite_box.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-part of sprites;
-/// Options for setting up a [SpriteBox].
-///  * [nativePoints], use the same points as the parent [Widget].
-///  * [letterbox], use the size of the root node for the coordinate system, constrain the aspect ratio and trim off
-///  areas that end up outside the screen.
-///  * [stretch], use the size of the root node for the coordinate system, scale it to fit the size of the box.
-///  * [scaleToFit], similar to the letterbox option, but instead of trimming areas the sprite system will be scaled
-///  down to fit the box.
-///  * [fixedWidth], uses the width of the root node to set the size of the coordinate system, this option will change
-///  the height of the root node to fit the box.
-///  * [fixedHeight], uses the height of the root node to set the size of the coordinate system, this option will change
-///  the width of the root node to fit the box.
-enum SpriteBoxTransformMode {
-  nativePoints,
-  letterbox,
-  stretch,
-  scaleToFit,
-  fixedWidth,
-  fixedHeight,
-class SpriteBox extends RenderBox {
-  // Member variables
-  // Root node for drawing
-  NodeWithSize _rootNode;
-  // Tracking of frame rate and updates
-  double _lastTimeStamp;
-  int _numFrames = 0;
-  double _frameRate = 0.0;
-  // Transformation mode
-  SpriteBoxTransformMode _transformMode;
-  /// The transform mode used by the [SpriteBox].
-  SpriteBoxTransformMode get transformMode => _transformMode;
-  // Cached transformation matrix
-  Matrix4 _transformMatrix;
-  List<Node> _eventTargets;
-  // Setup
-  /// Creates a new SpriteBox with a node as its content, by default uses letterboxing.
-  ///
-  /// The [rootNode] provides the content of the node tree, typically it's a custom subclass of [NodeWithSize]. The
-  /// [mode] provides different ways to scale the content to best fit it to the screen. In most cases it's preferred to
-  /// use a [SpriteWidget] that automatically wraps the SpriteBox.
-  ///
-  ///     var spriteBox = new SpriteBox(myNode, SpriteBoxTransformMode.fixedHeight);
-  SpriteBox(NodeWithSize rootNode, [SpriteBoxTransformMode mode = SpriteBoxTransformMode.letterbox]) {
-    assert(rootNode != null);
-    assert(rootNode._spriteBox == null);
-    // Setup root node
-    _rootNode = rootNode;
-    // Assign SpriteBox reference to all the nodes
-    _addSpriteBoxReference(_rootNode);
-    // Setup transform mode
-    _transformMode = mode;
-    _scheduleTick();
-  }
-  void _addSpriteBoxReference(Node node) {
-    node._spriteBox = this;
-    for (Node child in node._children) {
-      _addSpriteBoxReference(child);
-    }
-  }
-  // Properties
-  /// The root node of the node tree that is rendered by this box.
-  ///
-  ///     var rootNode = mySpriteBox.rootNode;
-  NodeWithSize get rootNode => _rootNode;
-  void performLayout() {
-    size = constraints.constrain(Size.infinite);
-    _invalidateTransformMatrix();
-    _callSpriteBoxPerformedLayout(_rootNode);
-  }
-  // Event handling
-  void _addEventTargets(Node node, List<Node> eventTargets) {
-    List children = node.children;
-    int i = 0;
-    // Add childrens that are behind this node
-    while (i < children.length) {
-      Node child = children[i];
-      if (child.zPosition >= 0.0) break;
-      _addEventTargets(child, eventTargets);
-      i++;
-    }
-    // Add this node
-    if (node.userInteractionEnabled) {
-      eventTargets.add(node);
-    }
-    // Add children in front of this node
-    while (i < children.length) {
-      Node child = children[i];
-      _addEventTargets(child, eventTargets);
-      i++;
-    }
-  }
-  void handleEvent(Event event, _SpriteBoxHitTestEntry entry) {
-    if (event is PointerEvent) {
-      if (event.type == 'pointerdown') {
-        // Build list of event targets
-        if (_eventTargets == null) {
-          _eventTargets = [];
-          _addEventTargets(_rootNode, _eventTargets);
-        }
-        // Find the once that are hit by the pointer
-        List<Node> nodeTargets = [];
-        for (int i = _eventTargets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-          Node node = _eventTargets[i];
-          // Check if the node is ready to handle a pointer
-          if (node.handleMultiplePointers || node._handlingPointer == null) {
-            // Do the hit test
-            Point posInNodeSpace = node.convertPointToNodeSpace(entry.localPosition);
-            if (node.isPointInside(posInNodeSpace)) {
-              nodeTargets.add(node);
-              node._handlingPointer = event.pointer;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        entry.nodeTargets = nodeTargets;
-      }
-      // Pass the event down to nodes that were hit by the pointerdown
-      List<Node> targets = entry.nodeTargets;
-      for (Node node in targets) {
-        // Check if this event should be dispatched
-        if (node.handleMultiplePointers || event.pointer == node._handlingPointer) {
-          // Dispatch event
-          bool consumedEvent = node.handleEvent(new SpriteBoxEvent(new Point(event.x, event.y), event.type, event.pointer));
-          if (consumedEvent == null || consumedEvent) break;
-        }
-      }
-      // De-register pointer for nodes that doesn't handle multiple pointers
-      for (Node node in targets) {
-        if (event.type == 'pointerup' || event.type == 'pointercancel') {
-          node._handlingPointer = null;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, { Point position }) {
-    result.add(new _SpriteBoxHitTestEntry(this, position));
-    return true;
-  }
-  // Rendering
-  /// The transformation matrix used to transform the root node to the space of the box.
-  ///
-  /// It's uncommon to need access to this property.
-  ///
-  ///     var matrix = mySpriteBox.transformMatrix;
-  Matrix4 get transformMatrix {
-    // Get cached matrix if available
-    if (_transformMatrix != null) {
-      return _transformMatrix;
-    }
-    _transformMatrix = new Matrix4.identity();
-    // Calculate matrix
-    double scaleX = 1.0;
-    double scaleY = 1.0;
-    double offsetX = 0.0;
-    double offsetY = 0.0;
-    double systemWidth = rootNode.size.width;
-    double systemHeight = rootNode.size.height;
-    switch(_transformMode) {
-      case SpriteBoxTransformMode.stretch:
-        scaleX = size.width/systemWidth;
-        scaleY = size.height/systemHeight;
-        break;
-      case SpriteBoxTransformMode.letterbox:
-        scaleX = size.width/systemWidth;
-        scaleY = size.height/systemHeight;
-        if (scaleX > scaleY) {
-          scaleY = scaleX;
-          offsetY = (size.height - scaleY * systemHeight)/2.0;
-        } else {
-          scaleX = scaleY;
-          offsetX = (size.width - scaleX * systemWidth)/2.0;
-        }
-        break;
-      case SpriteBoxTransformMode.scaleToFit:
-        scaleX = size.width/systemWidth;
-        scaleY = size.height/systemHeight;
-        if (scaleX < scaleY) {
-          scaleY = scaleX;
-          offsetY = (size.height - scaleY * systemHeight)/2.0;
-        } else {
-          scaleX = scaleY;
-          offsetX = (size.width - scaleX * systemWidth)/2.0;
-        }
-        break;
-      case SpriteBoxTransformMode.fixedWidth:
-        scaleX = size.width/systemWidth;
-        scaleY = scaleX;
-        systemHeight = size.height/scaleX;
-        rootNode.size = new Size(systemWidth, systemHeight);
-        break;
-      case SpriteBoxTransformMode.fixedHeight:
-        scaleY = size.height/systemHeight;
-        scaleX = scaleY;
-        systemWidth = size.width/scaleY;
-        rootNode.size = new Size(systemWidth, systemHeight);
-        break;
-      case SpriteBoxTransformMode.nativePoints:
-        break;
-      default:
-        assert(false);
-        break;
-    }
-    _transformMatrix.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
-    _transformMatrix.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
-    return _transformMatrix;
-  }
-  void _invalidateTransformMatrix() {
-    _transformMatrix = null;
-    _rootNode._invalidateToBoxTransformMatrix();
-  }
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    // Move to correct coordinate space before drawing
-    canvas.concat(;
-    // Draw the sprite tree
-    _rootNode._visit(canvas);
-    canvas.restore();
-  }
-  // Updates
-  int _animationId = 0;
-  void _scheduleTick() {
-    _animationId = scheduler.requestAnimationFrame(_tick);
-  }
-  void _tick(double timeStamp) {
-      // Calculate the time between frames in seconds
-    if (_lastTimeStamp == null) _lastTimeStamp = timeStamp;
-    double delta = (timeStamp - _lastTimeStamp) / 1000;
-    _lastTimeStamp = timeStamp;
-    // Count the number of frames we've been running
-    _numFrames += 1;
-    _frameRate = 1.0/delta;
-    // Print frame rate
-    if (_numFrames % 60 == 0) print("delta: $delta fps: $_frameRate");
-    _callUpdate(_rootNode, delta);
-    _scheduleTick();
-  }
-  void _callUpdate(Node node, double dt) {
-    node.update(dt);
-    for (Node child in node.children) {
-      if (!child.paused) {
-        _callUpdate(child, dt);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void _callSpriteBoxPerformedLayout(Node node) {
-    node.spriteBoxPerformedLayout();
-    for (Node child in node.children) {
-      _callSpriteBoxPerformedLayout(child);
-    }
-  }
-  // Hit tests
-  /// Finds all nodes at a position defined in the box's coordinates.
-  ///
-  /// Use this method with caution. It searches the complete node tree to locate the nodes, which can be slow if the
-  /// node tree is large.
-  ///
-  ///     List nodes = mySpriteBox.findNodesAtPosition(new Point(50.0, 50.0));
-  List<Node> findNodesAtPosition(Point position) {
-    assert(position != null);
-    List<Node> nodes = [];
-    // Traverse the render tree and find objects at the position
-    _addNodesAtPosition(_rootNode, position, nodes);
-    return nodes;
-  }
-  _addNodesAtPosition(Node node, Point position, List<Node> list) {
-    // Visit children first
-    for (Node child in node.children) {
-      _addNodesAtPosition(child, position, list);
-    }
-    // Do the hit test
-    Point posInNodeSpace = node.convertPointToNodeSpace(position);
-    if (node.isPointInside(posInNodeSpace)) {
-      list.add(node);
-    }
-  }
-class _SpriteBoxHitTestEntry extends BoxHitTestEntry {
-  List<Node> nodeTargets;
-  _SpriteBoxHitTestEntry(RenderBox target, Point localPosition) : super(target, localPosition);
-/// An event that is passed down the node tree when pointer events occur. The SpriteBoxEvent is typically handled in
-/// the handleEvent method of [Node].
-class SpriteBoxEvent {
-  /// The position of the event in box coordinates.
-  ///
-  /// You can use the convertPointToNodeSpace of [Node] to convert the position to local coordinates.
-  ///
-  ///     bool handleEvent(SpriteBoxEvent event) {
-  ///       Point localPosition = convertPointToNodeSpace(event.boxPosition);
-  ///       if (event.type == 'pointerdown') {
-  ///         // Do something!
-  ///       }
-  ///     }
-  final Point boxPosition;
-  /// The type of event, there are currently four valid types, 'pointerdown', 'pointermoved', 'pointerup', and
-  /// 'pointercancel'.
-  ///
-  ///     if (event.type == 'pointerdown') {
-  ///       // Do something!
-  ///     }
-  final String type;
-  /// The id of the pointer. Each pointer on the screen will have a unique pointer id.
-  ///
-  ///     if (event.pointer == firstPointerId) {
-  ///       // Do something
-  ///     }
-  final int pointer;
-  /// Creates a new SpriteBoxEvent, typically this is done internally inside the SpriteBox.
-  ///
-  ///     var event = new SpriteBoxEvent(new Point(50.0, 50.0), 'pointerdown', 0);
-  SpriteBoxEvent(this.boxPosition, this.type, this.pointer);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/sprite_widget.dart b/examples/game/lib/sprite_widget.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 95934ae..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/sprite_widget.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-part of sprites;
-/// A widget that uses a [SpriteBox] to render a sprite node tree to the screen.
-class SpriteWidget extends OneChildRenderObjectWrapper {
-  /// The rootNode of the sprite node tree.
-  ///
-  ///     var node = mySpriteWidget.rootNode;
-  final NodeWithSize rootNode;
-  /// The transform mode used to fit the sprite node tree to the size of the widget.
-  final SpriteBoxTransformMode transformMode;
-  /// Creates a new sprite widget with [rootNode] as its content.
-  ///
-  /// The widget will setup the coordinate space for the sprite node tree using the size of the [rootNode] in
-  /// combination with the supplied [transformMode]. By default the letterbox transform mode is used. See
-  /// [SpriteBoxTransformMode] for more details on the different modes.
-  ///
-  /// The most common way to setup the sprite node graph is to subclass [NodeWithSize] and pass it to the sprite widget.
-  /// In the custom subclass it's possible to build the node graph, do animations and handle user events.
-  ///
-  ///     var mySpriteTree = new MyCustomNodeWithSize();
-  ///     var mySpriteWidget = new SpriteWidget(mySpriteTree, SpriteBoxTransformMode.fixedHeight);
-  SpriteWidget(this.rootNode, [this.transformMode = SpriteBoxTransformMode.letterbox]);
-  SpriteBox get root => super.root;
-  SpriteBox createNode() => new SpriteBox(rootNode, transformMode);
-  void syncRenderObject(SpriteWidget old) {
-    super.syncRenderObject(old);
-    // SpriteBox doesn't allow mutation of these properties
-    assert(rootNode == root.rootNode);
-    assert(transformMode == root._transformMode);
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/sprites.dart b/examples/game/lib/sprites.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 840e19f..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/sprites.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-library sprites;
-import 'dart:math' as Math;
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'dart:typed_data';
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'package:sky/base/scheduler.dart' as scheduler;
-import 'package:sky/mojo/net/image_cache.dart' as image_cache;
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
-import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/net/fetch.dart';
-part 'sprite_box.dart';
-part 'sprite_widget.dart';
-part 'node.dart';
-part 'node_with_size.dart';
-part 'sprite.dart';
-part 'image_map.dart';
-part 'texture.dart';
-part 'spritesheet.dart';
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/spritesheet.dart b/examples/game/lib/spritesheet.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 39bf503..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/spritesheet.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-part of sprites;
-/// A sprite sheet packs a number of smaller images into a single large image.
-/// The placement of the smaller images are defined by a json file. The larger image and json file is typically created
-/// by a tool such as TexturePacker. The [SpriteSheet] class will take a reference to a larger image and a json string.
-/// From the image and the string the [SpriteSheet] creates a number of [Texture] objects. The names of the frames in
-/// the sprite sheet definition are used to reference the different textures.
-class SpriteSheet {
-  Image _image;
-  Map<String, Texture> _textures = new Map();
-  /// Creates a new sprite sheet from an [_image] and a sprite sheet [jsonDefinition].
-  ///
-  ///     var mySpriteSheet = new SpriteSheet(myImage, jsonString);
-  SpriteSheet(this._image, String jsonDefinition) {
-    assert(_image != null);
-    assert(jsonDefinition != null);
-    JsonDecoder decoder = new JsonDecoder();
-    Map file = decoder.convert(jsonDefinition);
-    assert(file != null);
-    List frames = file["frames"];
-    for (Map frameInfo in frames) {
-      String fileName = frameInfo["filename"];
-      Rect frame = _readJsonRect(frameInfo["frame"]);
-      bool rotated = frameInfo["rotated"];
-      bool trimmed = frameInfo["trimmed"];
-      Rect spriteSourceSize = _readJsonRect(frameInfo["spriteSourceSize"]);
-      Size sourceSize = _readJsonSize(frameInfo["sourceSize"]);
-      Point pivot = _readJsonPoint(frameInfo["pivot"]);
-      var texture = new Texture._fromSpriteFrame(_image, fileName, sourceSize, rotated, trimmed, frame,
-        spriteSourceSize, pivot);
-      _textures[fileName] = texture;
-    }
-  }
-  Rect _readJsonRect(Map data) {
-    num x = data["x"];
-    num y = data["y"];
-    num w = data["w"];
-    num h = data["h"];
-    return new Rect.fromLTRB(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), (x + w).toDouble(), (y + h).toDouble());
-  }
-  Size _readJsonSize(Map data) {
-    num w = data["w"];
-    num h = data["h"];
-    return new Size(w.toDouble(), h.toDouble());
-  }
-  Point _readJsonPoint(Map data) {
-    num x = data["x"];
-    num y = data["y"];
-    return new Point(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble());
-  }
-  /// The image used by the sprite sheet.
-  ///
-  ///     var spriteSheetImage = mySpriteSheet.image;
-  Image get image => _image;
-  /// Returns a texture by its name.
-  ///
-  ///     var myTexture = mySpriteSheet["example.png"];
-  Texture operator [](String fileName) => _textures[fileName];
diff --git a/examples/game/lib/texture.dart b/examples/game/lib/texture.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c822a..0000000
--- a/examples/game/lib/texture.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-part of sprites;
-/// A texture represents a rectangular area of an image and is typically used to draw a sprite to the screen.
-/// Normally you get a reference to a texture from a [SpriteSheet], but you can also create one from an [Image].
-class Texture {
-  /// The image that this texture is a part of.
-  ///
-  ///     var textureImage = myTexture.image;
-  final Image image;
-  /// The logical size of the texture, before being trimmed by the texture packer.
-  ///
-  ///     var textureSize = myTexture.size;
-  final Size size;
-  /// The name of the image acts as a tag when acquiring a reference to it.
-  ///
-  /// = "new_texture_name";
-  String name;
-  /// The texture was rotated 90 degrees when being packed into a sprite sheet.
-  ///
-  ///     if (myTexture.rotated) drawRotated();
-  final bool rotated;
-  /// The texture was trimmed when being packed into a sprite sheet.
-  ///
-  ///     bool trimmed = myTexture.trimmed
-  final bool trimmed;
-  /// The frame of the trimmed texture inside the image.
-  ///
-  ///     Rect frame = myTexture.frame;
-  final Rect frame;
-  /// The offset and size of the trimmed texture inside the image.
-  ///
-  /// Position represents the offset from the logical [size], the size of the rect represents the size of the trimmed
-  /// texture.
-  ///
-  ///     Rect spriteSourceSize = myTexture.spriteSourceSize;
-  final Rect spriteSourceSize;
-  /// The default pivot point for this texture. When creating a [Sprite] from the texture, this is the pivot point that
-  /// will be used.
-  ///
-  ///     myTexture.pivot = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
-  Point pivot;
-  /// Creates a new texture from an [Image] object.
-  ///
-  ///     var myTexture = new Texture(myImage);
-  Texture(Image image) :
-    size = new Size(image.width.toDouble(), image.height.toDouble()),
-    image = image,
-    trimmed = false,
-    rotated = false,
-    frame = new Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, image.width.toDouble(), image.height.toDouble()),
-    spriteSourceSize = new Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, image.width.toDouble(), image.height.toDouble()),
-    pivot = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
-  Texture._fromSpriteFrame(this.image,, this.size, this.rotated, this.trimmed, this.frame,
-                           this.spriteSourceSize, this.pivot) {
-  }
-//  Texture textureFromRect(Rect rect, [String name = null]) {
-//    assert(rect != null);
-//    Rect frame = new Rect.fromLTRB();
-//    return new Texture._fromSpriteFrame(image, name, rect.size, false, false, );
-//  }
diff --git a/examples/game/main.dart b/examples/game/main.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 15fb88e..0000000
--- a/examples/game/main.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/raised_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/net/fetch.dart';
-import 'lib/game_demo.dart';
-import 'lib/sprites.dart';
-void main() {
-  // Load images
-  new ImageMap([
-      "res/nebula.png",
-      "res/sprites.png",
-    ],
-    allImagesLoaded);
-void allImagesLoaded(ImageMap loader) {
-  _loader = loader;
-  fetchBody("res/sprites.json").then((Response response) {
-    String json = response.bodyAsString();
-    _spriteSheet = new SpriteSheet(_loader["res/sprites.png"], json);
-    allResourcesLoaded();
-  });
-void allResourcesLoaded() {
-  runApp(new GameDemoApp());
-class GameDemoApp extends App {
-  Widget build() {
-    return new Stack([
-      new SpriteWidget(new GameDemoWorld(_loader, _spriteSheet)),
-//      new StackPositionedChild(
-//        new Flex([
-//          new FlexExpandingChild(
-//            new RaisedButton(child:new Text("Hello")),
-//            key: 1
-//          ),
-//          new FlexExpandingChild(
-//            new RaisedButton(child:new Text("Foo!")),
-//            key: 2
-//          )
-//        ]),
-//        right:0.0,
-//        top: 20.0
-//      )
-    ]);
-  }
-ImageMap _loader;
-SpriteSheet _spriteSheet;
diff --git a/examples/game/pubspec.yaml b/examples/game/pubspec.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d77af45..0000000
--- a/examples/game/pubspec.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-name: game
-  sky: '>=0.0.10 <1.0.0'
diff --git a/examples/game/res/nebula.png b/examples/game/res/nebula.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a4a10ca..0000000
--- a/examples/game/res/nebula.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/game/res/sprites.json b/examples/game/res/sprites.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c772674..0000000
--- a/examples/game/res/sprites.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-{"frames": [
-	"filename": "arrow.png",
-	"frame": {"x":2,"y":2,"w":446,"h":283},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": true,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":30,"y":49,"w":446,"h":283},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":512,"h":512},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_big_0.nrm.png",
-	"frame": {"x":2,"y":287,"w":200,"h":188},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":200,"h":188},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":200,"h":188},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_big_0.png",
-	"frame": {"x":204,"y":287,"w":200,"h":188},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":200,"h":188},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":200,"h":188},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_big_1.nrm.png",
-	"frame": {"x":545,"y":275,"w":204,"h":166},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":204,"h":166},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":204,"h":166},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_big_1.png",
-	"frame": {"x":589,"y":2,"w":204,"h":166},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":204,"h":166},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":204,"h":166},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_big_2.nrm.png",
-	"frame": {"x":795,"y":2,"w":194,"h":165},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":194,"h":165},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":194,"h":165},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_big_2.png",
-	"frame": {"x":795,"y":169,"w":194,"h":165},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": true,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":2,"w":194,"h":165},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":194,"h":167},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_small_0.nrm.png",
-	"frame": {"x":646,"y":170,"w":102,"h":84},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":102,"h":84},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":102,"h":84},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_small_0.png",
-	"frame": {"x":862,"y":336,"w":102,"h":84},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":102,"h":84},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":102,"h":84},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_small_1.nrm.png",
-	"frame": {"x":450,"y":171,"w":96,"h":102},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":96,"h":102},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":96,"h":102},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_small_1.png",
-	"frame": {"x":548,"y":171,"w":96,"h":102},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": true,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":96,"h":102},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":96,"h":106},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_small_2.nrm.png",
-	"frame": {"x":751,"y":336,"w":109,"h":84},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":109,"h":84},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":109,"h":84},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "asteroid_small_2.png",
-	"frame": {"x":751,"y":422,"w":109,"h":84},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":109,"h":84},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":109,"h":84},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "laser.png",
-	"frame": {"x":751,"y":170,"w":37,"h":76},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":37,"h":76},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":37,"h":76},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "ship.nrm.png",
-	"frame": {"x":406,"y":287,"w":137,"h":167},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": false,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":0,"y":0,"w":137,"h":167},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":137,"h":167},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "ship.png",
-	"frame": {"x":450,"y":2,"w":137,"h":167},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": true,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":25,"y":10,"w":137,"h":167},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":188,"h":188},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-	"filename": "star.png",
-	"frame": {"x":862,"y":422,"w":62,"h":68},
-	"rotated": false,
-	"trimmed": true,
-	"spriteSourceSize": {"x":11,"y":5,"w":62,"h":68},
-	"sourceSize": {"w":82,"h":78},
-	"pivot": {"x":0.5,"y":0.5}
-"meta": {
-	"app": "",
-	"version": "1.0",
-	"image": "sprites.png",
-	"format": "RGBA8888",
-	"size": {"w":991,"h":508},
-	"scale": "1",
-	"smartupdate": "$TexturePacker:SmartUpdate:b79d98a34caa23746c4e2af6dd5b8506:bfdb7027c351003110a2082bbb53a657:1eabdf11f75e3a4fe3147baf7b5be24b$"
diff --git a/examples/game/res/sprites.png b/examples/game/res/sprites.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b1418f9..0000000
--- a/examples/game/res/sprites.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/hello_world/hello_world.dart b/examples/hello_world/hello_world.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index e209788..0000000
--- a/examples/hello_world/hello_world.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/framework/fn.dart';
-class HelloWorldApp extends App {
-  UINode build() {
-    return new Text('Hello, world!');
-  }
diff --git a/examples/hello_world/ b/examples/hello_world/
deleted file mode 100644
index a322069..0000000
--- a/examples/hello_world/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-import 'hello_world.dart';
-void main() {
-  new HelloWorldApp();
diff --git a/examples/hello_world/pubspec.yaml b/examples/hello_world/pubspec.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index fb27d11..0000000
--- a/examples/hello_world/pubspec.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-name: hello_world
- sky: any
diff --git a/examples/lib/solid_color_box.dart b/examples/lib/solid_color_box.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b6624c6..0000000
--- a/examples/lib/solid_color_box.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-class RenderSolidColorBox extends RenderDecoratedBox {
-  final Size desiredSize;
-  final Color backgroundColor;
-  RenderSolidColorBox(Color backgroundColor, { this.desiredSize: Size.infinite })
-      : backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
-        super(decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: backgroundColor));
-  double getMinIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    return constraints.constrainHeight(
-      this.desiredSize == Size.infinite ? 0.0 : desiredSize.width
-    );
-  }
-  double getMaxIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    return constraints.constrainWidth(
-      this.desiredSize == Size.infinite ? 0.0 : desiredSize.width
-    );
-  }
-  double getMinIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    return constraints.constrainHeight(
-      this.desiredSize == Size.infinite ? 0.0 : desiredSize.height
-    );
-  }
-  double getMaxIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    return constraints.constrainHeight(
-      this.desiredSize == Size.infinite ? 0.0 : desiredSize.height
-    );
-  }
-  void performLayout() {
-    size = constraints.constrain(desiredSize);
-  }
-  void handleEvent(sky.Event event, BoxHitTestEntry entry) {
-    if (event.type == 'pointerdown')
-      decoration = new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFFF0000));
-    else if (event.type == 'pointerup')
-      decoration = new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: backgroundColor);
-  }
diff --git a/examples/mine_digger/mine_digger.dart b/examples/mine_digger/mine_digger.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index aa20563..0000000
--- a/examples/mine_digger/mine_digger.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'dart:math';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/scaffold.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/tool_bar.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/theme.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
-import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
-// Classic minesweeper-inspired game. The mouse controls are standard except
-// for left + right combo which is not implemented. For touch, the duration of
-// the pointer determines probing versus flagging.
-// There are only 3 classes to understand. Game, which is contains all the
-// logic and two UI classes: CoveredMineNode and ExposedMineNode, none of them
-// holding state.
-class Game {
-  static const int rows = 9;
-  static const int cols = 9;
-  static const int totalMineCount = 11;
-  static const int coveredCell = 0;
-  static const int explodedCell = 1;
-  static const int clearedCell = 2;
-  static const int flaggedCell = 3;
-  static const int shownCell = 4;
-  static final List<TextStyle> textStyles = new List<TextStyle>();
-  final App app;
-  bool alive;
-  bool hasWon;
-  int detectedCount;
-  int randomSeed;
-  // |cells| keeps track of the positions of the mines.
-  List<List<bool>> cells;
-  // |uiState| keeps track of the visible player progess.
-  List<List<int>> uiState;
-  Game( {
-    randomSeed = 22;
-    // Colors for each mine count:
-    // 0 - none, 1 - blue, 2-green, 3-red, 4-black, 5-dark red .. etc.
-    textStyles.add(
-      new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFF555555), fontWeight: bold));
-    textStyles.add(
-      new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFF0094FF), fontWeight: bold));
-    textStyles.add(
-      new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFF13A023), fontWeight: bold));
-    textStyles.add(
-      new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFFDA1414), fontWeight: bold));
-    textStyles.add(
-      new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFF1E2347), fontWeight: bold));
-    textStyles.add(
-      new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFF7F0037), fontWeight: bold));
-    textStyles.add(
-      new TextStyle(color: const Color(0xFFE93BE9), fontWeight: bold));
-    initialize();
-  }
-  void initialize() {
-    alive = true;
-    hasWon = false;
-    detectedCount = 0;
-    // Build the arrays.
-    cells = new List<List<bool>>();
-    uiState = new List<List<int>>();
-    for (int iy = 0; iy != rows; iy++) {
-      cells.add(new List<bool>());
-      uiState.add(new List<int>());
-      for (int ix = 0; ix != cols; ix++) {
-        cells[iy].add(false);
-        uiState[iy].add(coveredCell);
-      }
-    }
-    // Place the mines.
-    Random random = new Random(++randomSeed);
-    for (int mc = 0; mc != totalMineCount; mc++) {
-      int rx = random.nextInt(rows);
-      int ry = random.nextInt(cols);
-      if (cells[ry][rx]) {
-        // Mine already there. Try again.
-        --mc;
-      } else {
-        cells[ry][rx] = true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  Widget buildBoard() {
-    bool hasCoveredCell = false;
-    List<Flex> flexRows = new List<Flex>();
-    for (int iy = 0; iy != 9; iy++) {
-      List<Component> row = new List<Component>();
-      for (int ix = 0; ix != 9; ix++) {
-        int state = uiState[iy][ix];
-        int count = mineCount(ix, iy);
-        if (!alive) {
-          if (state != explodedCell)
-            state = cells[iy][ix] ? shownCell : state;
-        }
-        if (state == coveredCell) {
-          row.add(new CoveredMineNode(
-            this,
-            flagged: false,
-            posX: ix, posY: iy));
-            // Mutating |hasCoveredCell| here is hacky, but convenient, same
-            // goes for mutating |hasWon| below.
-            hasCoveredCell = true;
-        } else if (state == flaggedCell) {
-          row.add(new CoveredMineNode(
-            this,
-            flagged: true,
-            posX: ix, posY: iy));
-        } else {
-          row.add(new ExposedMineNode(
-            state: state,
-            count: count));
-        }
-      }
-      flexRows.add(
-        new Flex(
-          row,
-          direction: FlexDirection.horizontal,
-          justifyContent:,
-          key: 'flex_row($iy)'
-        ));
-    }
-    if (!hasCoveredCell) {
-      // all cells uncovered. Are all mines flagged?
-      if ((detectedCount == totalMineCount) && alive) {
-        hasWon = true;
-      }
-    }
-    return new Container(
-      key: 'minefield',
-      padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-      margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-      decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF6B6B6B)),
-      child: new Flex(
-        flexRows,
-        direction: FlexDirection.vertical,
-        key: 'flxv'));
-  }
-  Widget buildToolBar() {
-    String banner = hasWon ?
-      'Awesome!!' : alive ?
-        'Mine Digger [$detectedCount-$totalMineCount]': 'Kaboom! [press here]';
-    return new ToolBar(
-      // FIXME: Strange to have the toolbar be tapable.
-      center: new Listener(
-        onPointerDown: handleBannerPointerDown,
-        child: new Text(banner, style: Theme.of(
-      )
-    );
-  }
-  Widget buildUI() {
-    // FIXME: We need to build the board before we build the toolbar because
-    // we compute the win state during build step.
-    Widget board = buildBoard();
-    return new Scaffold(
-      toolbar: buildToolBar(),
-      body: new Container(
-        child: new Center(child: board),
-        decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: colors.Grey[50])
-      )
-    );
-  }
-  void handleBannerPointerDown(sky.PointerEvent event) {
-    initialize();
-    app.setState((){});
-  }
-  // User action. The user uncovers the cell which can cause losing the game.
-  void probe(int x, int y) {
-    if (!alive)
-      return;
-    if (uiState[y][x] == flaggedCell)
-      return;
-    // Allowed to probe.
-    if (cells[y][x]) {
-      // Probed on a mine --> dead!!
-      uiState[y][x] = explodedCell;
-      alive = false;
-    } else {
-      // No mine, uncover nearby if possible.
-      cull(x, y);
-    }
-    app.setState((){});
-  }
-  // User action. The user is sure a mine is at this location.
-  void flag(int x, int y) {
-    if (uiState[y][x] == flaggedCell) {
-      uiState[y][x] = coveredCell;
-      --detectedCount;
-    } else {
-      uiState[y][x] = flaggedCell;
-      ++detectedCount;
-    }
-    app.setState((){});
-  }
-  // Recursively uncovers cells whose totalMineCount is zero.
-  void cull(int x, int y) {
-    if ((x < 0) || (x > rows - 1))
-      return;
-    if ((y < 0) || (y > cols - 1))
-      return;
-    if (uiState[y][x] == clearedCell)
-      return;
-    uiState[y][x] = clearedCell;
-    if (mineCount(x, y) > 0)
-      return;
-    cull(x - 1, y);
-    cull(x + 1, y);
-    cull(x, y - 1);
-    cull(x, y + 1 );
-    cull(x - 1, y - 1);
-    cull(x + 1, y + 1);
-    cull(x + 1, y - 1);
-    cull(x - 1, y + 1);
-  }
-  int mineCount(int x, int y) {
-    int count = 0;
-    int my = cols - 1;
-    int mx = rows - 1;
-    count += x > 0 ? bombs(x - 1, y) : 0;
-    count += x < mx ? bombs(x + 1, y) : 0;
-    count += y > 0 ? bombs(x, y - 1) : 0;
-    count += y < my ? bombs(x, y + 1 ) : 0;
-    count += (x > 0) && (y > 0) ? bombs(x - 1, y - 1) : 0;
-    count += (x < mx) && (y < my) ? bombs(x + 1, y + 1) : 0;
-    count += (x < mx) && (y > 0) ? bombs(x + 1, y - 1) : 0;
-    count += (x > 0) && (y < my) ? bombs(x - 1, y + 1) : 0;
-    return count;
-  }
-  int bombs(int x, int y) {
-    return cells[y][x] ? 1 : 0;
-  }
-Widget makeCell(Widget widget) {
-  return new Container(
-    padding: new EdgeDims.all(1.0),
-    height: 27.0, width: 27.0,
-    decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFC0C0C0)),
-    margin: new EdgeDims.all(2.0),
-    child: widget);
-Widget makeInnerCell(Widget widget) {
-  return new Container(
-    padding: new EdgeDims.all(1.0),
-    margin: new EdgeDims.all(3.0),
-    height: 17.0, width: 17.0,
-    child: widget);
-class CoveredMineNode extends Component {
-  final Game game;
-  final bool flagged;
-  final int posX;
-  final int posY;
-  Stopwatch stopwatch;
-  CoveredMineNode(, {this.flagged, this.posX, this.posY});
-  void _handlePointerDown(sky.PointerEvent event) {
-    if (event.buttons == 1) {
-      game.probe(posX, posY);
-    } else if (event.buttons == 2) {
-      game.flag(posX, posY);
-    } else {
-      // Touch event.
-      stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
-    }
-  }
-  void _handlePointerUp(sky.PointerEvent event) {
-    if (stopwatch == null)
-      return;
-    // Pointer down was a touch event.
-    var ms = stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds;
-    if (stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds < 250) {
-      game.probe(posX, posY);
-    } else {
-      // Long press flags.
-      game.flag(posX, posY);
-    }
-    stopwatch = null;
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    Widget text = flagged ?
-      makeInnerCell(new StyledText(elements : [Game.textStyles[5], '\u2691'])) :
-      null;
-    Container inner = new Container(
-      margin: new EdgeDims.all(2.0),
-      height: 17.0, width: 17.0,
-      decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFD9D9D9)),
-      child: text);
-    return makeCell(new Listener(
-      child: inner,
-      onPointerDown: _handlePointerDown,
-      onPointerUp: _handlePointerUp));
-  }
-class ExposedMineNode extends Component {
-  final int state;
-  final int count;
-  ExposedMineNode({this.state, this.count});
-  Widget build() {
-    StyledText text;
-    if (state == Game.clearedCell) {
-      // Uncovered cell with nearby mine count.
-      if (count != 0)
-        text = new StyledText(elements : [Game.textStyles[count], '$count']);
-    } else {
-      // Exploded mine or shown mine for 'game over'.
-      int color = state == Game.explodedCell ? 3 : 0;
-      text = new StyledText(elements : [Game.textStyles[color], '\u2600']);
-    }
-    return makeCell(makeInnerCell(text));
-  }
-class MineDiggerApp extends App {
-  Game game;
-  MineDiggerApp() {
-    game = new Game(this);
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    return game.buildUI();
-  }
-void main() {
-  runApp(new MineDiggerApp());
diff --git a/examples/raw/baseline.dart b/examples/raw/baseline.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index cbf67ec..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/baseline.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-void drawText(sky.Canvas canvas, String lh) {
-  sky.Paint paint = new sky.Paint();
-  // offset down
-  canvas.translate(0.0, 100.0);
-  // set up the text
-  sky.Document document = new sky.Document();
-  sky.Text arabic = document.createText("مرحبا");
-  sky.Text english = document.createText(" Hello");
-  sky.Element block = document.createElement('div');
-['display'] = 'paragraph';
-['font-family'] = 'monospace';
-['font-size'] = '50px';
-['line-height'] = lh;
-['color'] = '#0000A0';
-  block.appendChild(arabic);
-  block.appendChild(english);
-  sky.LayoutRoot layoutRoot = new sky.LayoutRoot();
-  layoutRoot.rootElement = block;
-  layoutRoot.maxWidth = sky.view.width - 20.0; // you need to set a width for this to paint
-  layoutRoot.layout();
-  // draw a line at the text's baseline
-  sky.Path path = new sky.Path();
-  path.moveTo(0.0, 0.0);
-  path.lineTo(block.maxContentWidth, 0.0);
-  path.moveTo(0.0, block.alphabeticBaseline);
-  path.lineTo(block.maxContentWidth, block.alphabeticBaseline);
-  path.moveTo(0.0, block.height);
-  path.lineTo(block.maxContentWidth, block.height);
-  paint.color = const sky.Color(0xFFFF9000);
-  paint.setStyle(sky.PaintingStyle.stroke);
-  paint.strokeWidth = 3.0;
-  canvas.drawPath(path, paint);  
-  // paint the text
-  layoutRoot.paint(canvas);
-void main() {
-  // prepare the rendering
-  sky.PictureRecorder recorder = new sky.PictureRecorder();
-  sky.Canvas canvas = new sky.Canvas(recorder, sky.view.width, sky.view.height);
-  // background
-  sky.Paint paint = new sky.Paint();
-  paint.color = const sky.Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
-  paint.setStyle(sky.PaintingStyle.fill);
-  canvas.drawRect(new sky.Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, sky.view.width, sky.view.height), paint);
-  canvas.translate(10.0, 0.0);
-  drawText(canvas, '1.0');
-  drawText(canvas, 'lh');
-  // put it on the screen
-  sky.view.picture = recorder.endRecording();
-  sky.view.scheduleFrame();
diff --git a/examples/raw/hello_world.dart b/examples/raw/hello_world.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 116ab10..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/hello_world.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import "dart:math";
-import 'dart:sky';
-Picture draw(int a, int r, int g, int b) {
-  double width = view.width;
-  double height = view.height;
-  PictureRecorder recorder = new PictureRecorder();
-  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(recorder, width, height);
-  double radius = min(width, height) * 0.45;
-  Paint paint = new Paint()..color = new Color.fromARGB(a, r, g, b);
-  canvas.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, radius, paint);
-  return recorder.endRecording();
-bool handleEvent(Event event) {
-  if (event.type == "pointerdown") {
-    view.picture = draw(255, 0, 0, 255);
-    view.scheduleFrame();
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (event.type == "pointerup") {
-    view.picture = draw(255, 0, 255, 0);
-    view.scheduleFrame();
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (event.type == "back") {
-    print("Pressed back button.");
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-void main() {
-  print("Hello, world");
-  view.picture = draw(255, 0, 255, 0);
-  view.scheduleFrame();
-  view.setEventCallback(handleEvent);
diff --git a/examples/raw/launcher.dart b/examples/raw/launcher.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index bd12134..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/launcher.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import "dart:math";
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'package:sky/framework/shell.dart' as shell;
-import 'package:mojom/intents/intents.mojom.dart';
-Picture draw(int a, int r, int g, int b) {
-  double width = view.width;
-  double height = view.height;
-  PictureRecorder recorder = new PictureRecorder();
-  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(recorder, width, height);
-  double radius = min(width, height) * 0.45;
-  Paint paint = new Paint()..color = new Color.fromARGB(a, r, g, b);
-  canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromSize(new Size(width, height)), paint);
-  return recorder.endRecording();
-bool handleEvent(Event event) {
-  if (event.type == "pointerdown") {
-    view.picture = draw(255, 0, 0, 255);
-    view.scheduleFrame();
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (event.type == "pointerup") {
-    view.picture = draw(255, 255, 255, 0);
-    view.scheduleFrame();
-    ActivityManagerProxy activityManager = new ActivityManagerProxy.unbound();
-    Intent intent = new Intent()
-      ..action = 'android.intent.action.VIEW'
-      ..url = 'sky://localhost:9888/sky/examples/raw/hello_world.dart';
-    shell.requestService(null, activityManager);
-    activityManager.ptr.startActivity(intent);
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (event.type == "back") {
-    print("Pressed back button.");
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-void main() {
-  print("Hello, world");
-  view.picture = draw(255, 255, 255, 0);
-  view.scheduleFrame();
-  view.setEventCallback(handleEvent);
diff --git a/examples/raw/painting.dart b/examples/raw/painting.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d381a..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/painting.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'dart:typed_data';
-void beginFrame(double timeStamp) {
-  sky.PictureRecorder recorder = new sky.PictureRecorder();
-  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(recorder, sky.view.width, 200.0);
-  sky.Paint paint = new sky.Paint();
-  sky.Point mid = new sky.Point(sky.view.width / 2.0, sky.view.height / 2.0);
-  double radius = math.min(mid.x, mid.y);
-  canvas.drawPaint(new sky.Paint()..color = const sky.Color(0xFFFFFFFF));
-  canvas.translate(-mid.x/2.0, sky.view.height*2.0);
-  canvas.clipRect(
-      new sky.Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, -sky.view.height, sky.view.width, radius));
-  canvas.translate(mid.x, mid.y);
-  paint.color = const sky.Color.fromARGB(128, 255, 0, 255);
-  canvas.rotate(math.PI/4.0);
-  sky.Gradient yellowBlue = new sky.Gradient.linear(
-      [new sky.Point(-radius, -radius), new sky.Point(0.0, 0.0)],
-      [const sky.Color(0xFFFFFF00), const sky.Color(0xFF0000FF)]);
-  canvas.drawRect(new sky.Rect.fromLTRB(-radius, -radius, radius, radius),
-                   new sky.Paint()..setShader(yellowBlue));
-  // Scale x and y by 0.5.
-  var scaleMatrix = new Float32List.fromList([
-      0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-      0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
-      0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-      0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
-  ]);
-  canvas.concat(scaleMatrix);
-  paint.color = const sky.Color.fromARGB(128, 0, 255, 0);
-  canvas.drawCircle(0.0, 0.0, radius, paint);
-  canvas.restore();
-  canvas.translate(0.0, 50.0);
-  var builder = new sky.LayerDrawLooperBuilder()
-      ..addLayerOnTop(
-          new sky.DrawLooperLayerInfo()
-            ..setOffset(const sky.Point(150.0, 0.0))
-            ..setColorMode(sky.TransferMode.src)
-            ..setPaintBits(sky.PaintBits.all),
-          (sky.Paint layerPaint) {
-        layerPaint.color = const sky.Color.fromARGB(128, 255, 255, 0);
-        layerPaint.setColorFilter(new sky.ColorFilter.mode(
-            const sky.Color.fromARGB(128, 0, 0, 255), sky.TransferMode.srcIn));
-        layerPaint.setMaskFilter(new sky.MaskFilter.blur(
-            sky.BlurStyle.normal, 3.0, highQuality: true));
-      })
-      ..addLayerOnTop(
-          new sky.DrawLooperLayerInfo()
-            ..setOffset(const sky.Point(75.0, 75.0))
-            ..setColorMode(sky.TransferMode.src)
-            ..setPaintBits(sky.PaintBits.shader),
-          (sky.Paint layerPaint) {
-        sky.Gradient redYellow = new sky.Gradient.radial(
-            new sky.Point(0.0, 0.0), radius/3.0,
-            [const sky.Color(0xFFFFFF00), const sky.Color(0xFFFF0000)],
-            null, sky.TileMode.mirror);
-        layerPaint.setShader(redYellow);
-        // Since we're don't set sky.PaintBits.maskFilter, this has no effect.
-        layerPaint.setMaskFilter(new sky.MaskFilter.blur(
-            sky.BlurStyle.normal, 50.0, highQuality: true));
-      })
-      ..addLayerOnTop(
-          new sky.DrawLooperLayerInfo()..setOffset(const sky.Point(225.0, 75.0)),
-          (sky.Paint layerPaint) {
-        // Since this layer uses a DST color mode, this has no effect.
-        layerPaint.color = const sky.Color.fromARGB(128, 255, 0, 0);
-      });
-  paint.setDrawLooper(;
-  canvas.drawCircle(0.0, 0.0, radius, paint);
-  sky.view.picture = recorder.endRecording();
-void main() {
-  sky.view.setBeginFrameCallback(beginFrame);
-  sky.view.scheduleFrame();
diff --git a/examples/raw/pubspec.yaml b/examples/raw/pubspec.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 65813d5..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/pubspec.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-name: raw
- sky: any
diff --git a/examples/raw/shadow.dart b/examples/raw/shadow.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6811987..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/shadow.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky';
-void beginFrame(double timeStamp) {
-  var size = 100.0;
-  PictureRecorder recorder = new PictureRecorder();
-  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(recorder, view.width, view.height);
-  canvas.translate(size + 10.0, size + 10.0);
-  Paint paint = new Paint();
-  paint.color = const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
-  var builder = new LayerDrawLooperBuilder()
-    // Shadow layer.
-    ..addLayerOnTop(
-        new DrawLooperLayerInfo()
-          ..setPaintBits(PaintBits.all)
-          ..setOffset(const Point(5.0, 5.0))
-          ..setColorMode(TransferMode.src),
-        (Paint layerPaint) {
-      layerPaint.color = const Color.fromARGB(128, 55, 55, 55);
-      layerPaint.setMaskFilter(
-          new MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.normal, 5.0, highQuality: true));
-    })
-    // Main layer.
-    ..addLayerOnTop(new DrawLooperLayerInfo(), (Paint) {});
-  paint.setDrawLooper(;
-  canvas.drawPaint(
-      new Paint()..color = const Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 255, 255));
-  canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTRB(-size, -size, size, size), paint);
-  view.picture = recorder.endRecording();
-void main() {
-  view.setBeginFrameCallback(beginFrame);
-  view.scheduleFrame();
diff --git a/examples/raw/spinning_arabic.dart b/examples/raw/spinning_arabic.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c482817..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/spinning_arabic.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import "dart:math" as math;
-import 'dart:sky';
-double timeBase = null;
-LayoutRoot layoutRoot = new LayoutRoot();
-void beginFrame(double timeStamp) {
-  if (timeBase == null)
-    timeBase = timeStamp;
-  double delta = timeStamp - timeBase;
-  PictureRecorder recorder = new PictureRecorder();
-  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(recorder, view.width, view.height);
-  canvas.translate(view.width / 2.0, view.height / 2.0);
-  canvas.rotate(math.PI * delta / 1800);
-  canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTRB(-100.0, -100.0, 100.0, 100.0),
-                  new Paint()..color = const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0));
-  double sin = math.sin(delta / 200);
-  layoutRoot.maxWidth = 150.0 + (50 * sin);
-  layoutRoot.layout();
-  canvas.translate(layoutRoot.maxWidth / -2.0, (layoutRoot.maxWidth / 2.0) - 125);
-  layoutRoot.paint(canvas);
-  view.picture = recorder.endRecording();
-  view.scheduleFrame();
-void main() {
-  var document = new Document();
-  var arabic = document.createText("هذا هو قليلا طويلة من النص الذي يجب التفاف .");
-  var more = document.createText(" و أكثر قليلا لجعله أطول. ");
-  var block = document.createElement('p');
-['display'] = 'paragraph';
-['direction'] = 'rtl';
-['unicode-bidi'] = 'plaintext';
-  block.appendChild(arabic);
-  block.appendChild(more);
-  layoutRoot.rootElement = block;
-  view.setBeginFrameCallback(beginFrame);
-  view.scheduleFrame();
diff --git a/examples/raw/spinning_image.dart b/examples/raw/spinning_image.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b30478..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/spinning_image.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'package:sky/mojo/net/image_cache.dart' as image_cache;
-double timeBase = null;
-Image image = null;
-String url1 = "";
-String url2 = "";
-void beginFrame(double timeStamp) {
-  if (timeBase == null) timeBase = timeStamp;
-  double delta = timeStamp - timeBase;
-  PictureRecorder recorder = new PictureRecorder();
-  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(recorder, view.width, view.height);
-  canvas.translate(view.width / 2.0, view.height / 2.0);
-  canvas.rotate(math.PI * delta / 1800);
-  canvas.scale(0.2, 0.2);
-  Paint paint = new Paint()..color = const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
-  // Draw image
-  if (image != null)
-    canvas.drawImage(image, -image.width / 2.0, -image.height / 2.0, paint);
-  // Draw cut out of image
-  canvas.rotate(math.PI * delta / 1800);
-  if (image != null) {
-    var w = image.width.toDouble();
-    var h = image.width.toDouble();
-    canvas.drawImageRect(image,
-      new Rect.fromLTRB(w * 0.25, h * 0.25, w * 0.75, h * 0.75),
-      new Rect.fromLTRB(-w / 4.0, -h / 4.0, w / 4.0, h / 4.0),
-      paint);
-  }
-  view.picture = recorder.endRecording();
-  view.scheduleFrame();
-void handleImageLoad(result) {
-  if (result != image) {
-    print("${result.width}x${result.width} image loaded!");
-    image = result;
-    view.scheduleFrame();
-  } else {
-    print("Existing image was loaded again");
-  }
-bool handleEvent(Event event) {
-  if (event.type == "pointerdown") {
-    return true;
-  }
-  if (event.type == "pointerup") {
-    image_cache.load(url2, handleImageLoad);
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-void main() {
-  image_cache.load(url1, handleImageLoad);
-  image_cache.load(url1, handleImageLoad);
-  view.setEventCallback(handleEvent);
-  view.setBeginFrameCallback(beginFrame);
diff --git a/examples/raw/spinning_square.dart b/examples/raw/spinning_square.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 9832525..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/spinning_square.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-double timeBase = null;
-void beginFrame(double timeStamp) {
-  tracing.begin('beginFrame');
-  if (timeBase == null)
-    timeBase = timeStamp;
-  double delta = timeStamp - timeBase;
-  PictureRecorder recorder = new PictureRecorder();
-  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(recorder, view.width, view.height);
-  canvas.translate(view.width / 2.0, view.height / 2.0);
-  canvas.rotate(math.PI * delta / 1800);
-  canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTRB(-100.0, -100.0, 100.0, 100.0),
-                  new Paint()..color = const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0));
-  view.picture = recorder.endRecording();
-  view.scheduleFrame();
-  tracing.end('beginFrame');
-void main() {
-  view.setBeginFrameCallback(beginFrame);
-  view.scheduleFrame();
diff --git a/examples/raw/ b/examples/raw/
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f3de0..0000000
--- a/examples/raw/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#!mojo mojo:sky_viewer
-<import src="/packages/sky/framework/debug/" />
-dot {
-    position: absolute;
-    height: 10px;
-    width: 10px;
-    background-color: #00FF00;
-    border-radius: 5px;
-    opacity: .75;
-log {
-    display: paragraph;
-    margin-top: 50px;
-<log>Touch the screen!</log>
-import "dart:sky";
-// Material design colors. :p
-List<String> colors = [
-  "#009688",
-  "#FFC107",
-  "#9C27B0",
-  "#03A9F4",
-  "#673AB7",
-  "#CDDC39",
-Element whichDot(event) {
-  return document.querySelector('dot[id="${event.pointer}"]');
-void moreDots(event) {
-  Element dot = document.createElement('dot');
-  dot.setAttribute('id', "${event.pointer}");
-['background-color'] = colors[event.pointer.remainder(colors.length)];
-  document.querySelector('sky').appendChild(dot);
-  runToTheCenter(event);
-void goAway(event) {
-  whichDot(event).remove();
-void stopDots(event) {
-  for (Element e in document.querySelectorAll('dot'))
-    e.remove();
-void runToTheCenter(event) {
-  double radius = (5 + (95 * event.pressure));
-  Element dot = whichDot(event);
-["transform"] = "translate(${event.x-radius}px,${event.y-radius}px)";
-["width"] = "${2 * radius}px";
-["height"] = "${2 * radius}px";
-["border-radius"] = "${radius}px";
-void main() {
-  document.addEventListener("pointerdown", moreDots);
-  document.addEventListener("pointermove", runToTheCenter);
-  document.addEventListener("pointerup", goAway);
-  document.addEventListener("pointercancel", stopDots);
diff --git a/examples/rendering/baseline.dart b/examples/rendering/baseline.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c52239..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/baseline.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/block.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/paragraph.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-RenderBox getBox(double lh) {
-  RenderParagraph paragraph = new RenderParagraph(
-    new InlineStyle(
-      new TextStyle(),
-      [
-        new InlineText('test'),
-        new InlineStyle(
-          new TextStyle(
-            color: const Color(0xFF0000A0),
-            fontFamily: 'serif',
-            fontSize: 50.0,
-            height: lh
-          ),
-          [new InlineText('مرحبا Hello')]
-        )
-      ]
-    )
-  );
-  return new RenderPadding(
-    padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-    child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
-      additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 200.0),
-      child: new RenderDecoratedBox(
-        decoration: new BoxDecoration(
-          backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF)
-        ),
-        child: new RenderPadding(
-          padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-          child: new RenderCustomPaint(
-            child: paragraph,
-            callback: (canvas, size) {
-              double baseline = paragraph.getDistanceToBaseline(TextBaseline.alphabetic);
-              double w = paragraph.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(new BoxConstraints.loose(size));
-              double h = paragraph.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(new BoxConstraints.loose(size));
-              Path path = new Path();
-              path.moveTo(0.0, 0.0);
-              path.lineTo(w, 0.0);
-              path.moveTo(0.0, baseline);
-              path.lineTo(w, baseline);
-              path.moveTo(0.0, h);
-              path.lineTo(w, h);
-              Paint paint = new Paint();
-              paint.color = const Color(0xFFFF9000);
-              paint.setStyle(sky.PaintingStyle.stroke);
-              paint.strokeWidth = 3.0;
-              canvas.drawPath(path, paint);  
-            }
-          )
-        )
-      )
-    )
-  );
-void main() {
-  RenderBox root = new RenderBlock(children: [
-    new RenderConstrainedBox(
-      additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 50.0)
-    ),
-    getBox(1.0),
-    getBox(null),
-  ]);
-  var b = new SkyBinding(root: root);
-  // b.onFrame = b.debugDumpRenderTree;
diff --git a/examples/rendering/borders.dart b/examples/rendering/borders.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e7904a..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/borders.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'package:sky/rendering/block.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-void main() {
-  var root = new RenderBlock(children: [
-    new RenderPadding(
-      padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-      child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
-        additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 100.0),
-        child: new RenderDecoratedBox(
-          decoration: new BoxDecoration(
-            backgroundColor: new sky.Color(0xFFFFFF00)
-          )
-        )
-      )
-    ),
-    new RenderPadding(
-      padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-      child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
-        additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 100.0),
-        child: new RenderDecoratedBox(
-          decoration: new BoxDecoration(
-            border: new Border(
-              top: new BorderSide(color: new sky.Color(0xFFF00000), width: 5.0),
-              right: new BorderSide(color: new sky.Color(0xFFFF9000), width: 10.0),
-              bottom: new BorderSide(color: new sky.Color(0xFFFFF000), width: 15.0),
-              left: new BorderSide(color: new sky.Color(0xFF00FF00), width: 20.0)
-            ),
-            backgroundColor: new sky.Color(0xFFDDDDDD)
-          )
-        )
-      )
-    ),
-    new RenderPadding(
-      padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-      child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
-        additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 100.0),
-        child: new RenderDecoratedBox(
-          decoration: new BoxDecoration(
-            backgroundColor: new sky.Color(0xFFFFFF00)
-          )
-        )
-      )
-    ),
-    new RenderPadding(
-      padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-      child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
-        additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 100.0),
-        child: new RenderDecoratedBox(
-          decoration: new BoxDecoration(
-            backgroundColor: new sky.Color(0xFFFFFF00)
-          )
-        )
-      )
-    ),
-    new RenderPadding(
-      padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-      child: new RenderConstrainedBox(
-        additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: 100.0),
-        child: new RenderDecoratedBox(
-          decoration: new BoxDecoration(
-            backgroundColor: new sky.Color(0xFFFFFF00)
-          )
-        )
-      )
-    ),
-  ]);
-  new SkyBinding(root: root);
diff --git a/examples/rendering/interactive_flex.dart b/examples/rendering/interactive_flex.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0868ffc..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/interactive_flex.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'package:sky/mojo/net/image_cache.dart' as image_cache;
-import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/block.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/paragraph.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import '../lib/solid_color_box.dart';
-class Touch {
-  final double x;
-  final double y;
-  const Touch(this.x, this.y);
-class RenderImageGrow extends RenderImage {
-  final Size _startingSize;
-  RenderImageGrow(String src, Size size) : _startingSize = size, super(src, size);
-  double _growth = 0.0;
-  double get growth => _growth;
-  void set growth(double value) {
-    _growth = value;
-    double newWidth = _startingSize.width == null ? null : _startingSize.width + growth;
-    double newHeight = _startingSize.height == null ? null : _startingSize.height + growth;
-    requestedSize = new Size(newWidth, newHeight);
-  }
-RenderImageGrow image;
-Map<int, Touch> touches = new Map();
-void handleEvent(event) {
-  if (event is PointerEvent) {
-      if (event.type == 'pointermove')
-        image.growth = math.max(0.0, image.growth + event.x - touches[event.pointer].x);
-    touches[event.pointer] = new Touch(event.x, event.y);
-  }
-void main() {
-  void addFlexChildSolidColor(RenderFlex parent, Color backgroundColor, { int flex: 0 }) {
-    RenderSolidColorBox child = new RenderSolidColorBox(backgroundColor);
-    parent.add(child);
-    child.parentData.flex = flex;
-  }
-  var row = new RenderFlex(direction: FlexDirection.horizontal);
-  // Left cell
-  addFlexChildSolidColor(row, const Color(0xFF00D2B8), flex: 1);
-  // Resizeable image
-  image = new RenderImageGrow("",
-                              new Size(100.0, null));
-  var padding = new RenderPadding(padding: const EdgeDims.all(10.0), child: image);
-  row.add(padding);
-  RenderFlex column = new RenderFlex(direction: FlexDirection.vertical);
-  // Top cell
-  addFlexChildSolidColor(column, const Color(0xFF55DDCA), flex: 1);
-  // The internet is a beautiful place.
-  String meatyString = """Bacon ipsum dolor amet ham fatback tri-tip, prosciutto
-porchetta bacon kevin meatball meatloaf pig beef ribs chicken. Brisket ribeye
-andouille leberkas capicola meatloaf. Chicken pig ball tip pork picanha bresaola
-alcatra. Pork pork belly alcatra, flank chuck drumstick biltong doner jowl.
-Pancetta meatball tongue tenderloin rump tail jowl boudin.""";
-  var text = new InlineStyle(
-      new TextStyle(color:  const Color(0xFF009900)),
-      [new InlineText(meatyString)]);
-  padding = new RenderPadding(
-      padding: const EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-      child: new RenderParagraph(text));
-  column.add(padding);
-  // Bottom cell
-  addFlexChildSolidColor(column, const Color(0xFF0081C6), flex: 2);
-  row.add(column);
-  column.parentData.flex = 8;
-  RenderDecoratedBox root = new RenderDecoratedBox(
-    decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF)),
-    child: row
-  );
-  new SkyBinding(root: root);
-  view.setEventCallback(handleEvent);
diff --git a/examples/rendering/justify_content.dart b/examples/rendering/justify_content.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6800100..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/justify_content.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'package:sky/rendering/block.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/paragraph.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import '../lib/solid_color_box.dart';
-// Attempts to draw
-void main() {
-  var table = new RenderFlex(direction: FlexDirection.vertical);
-  void addRow(FlexJustifyContent justify) {
-    RenderParagraph paragraph = new RenderParagraph(new InlineText("${justify}"));
-    table.add(new RenderPadding(child: paragraph, padding: new EdgeDims.only(top: 20.0)));
-    var row = new RenderFlex(direction: FlexDirection.horizontal);
-    row.add(new RenderSolidColorBox(const Color(0xFFFFCCCC), desiredSize: new Size(80.0, 60.0)));
-    row.add(new RenderSolidColorBox(const Color(0xFFCCFFCC), desiredSize: new Size(64.0, 60.0)));
-    row.add(new RenderSolidColorBox(const Color(0xFFCCCCFF), desiredSize: new Size(160.0, 60.0)));
-    row.justifyContent = justify;
-    table.add(row);
-    row.parentData.flex = 1;
-  }
-  addRow(FlexJustifyContent.flexStart);
-  addRow(FlexJustifyContent.flexEnd);
-  addRow(;
-  addRow(FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween);
-  addRow(FlexJustifyContent.spaceAround);
-  RenderDecoratedBox root = new RenderDecoratedBox(
-    decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF)),
-    child: new RenderPadding(child: table, padding: new EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 50.0))
-  );
-  new SkyBinding(root: root);
diff --git a/examples/rendering/render_paragraph.dart b/examples/rendering/render_paragraph.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 29252b4..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/render_paragraph.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/paragraph.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import '../lib/solid_color_box.dart';
-void main() {
-  RenderFlex flexRoot = new RenderFlex(direction: FlexDirection.vertical);
-  RenderObject root = new RenderDecoratedBox(
-    decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF606060)),
-    child: flexRoot
-  );
-  RenderObject child = new RenderSolidColorBox(const Color(0xFFFFFF00));
-  flexRoot.add(child);
-  child.parentData.flex = 2;
-  // The internet is a beautiful place.
-  String meatyString = """Bacon ipsum dolor amet ham fatback tri-tip, prosciutto
-porchetta bacon kevin meatball meatloaf pig beef ribs chicken. Brisket ribeye
-andouille leberkas capicola meatloaf. Chicken pig ball tip pork picanha bresaola
-alcatra. Pork pork belly alcatra, flank chuck drumstick biltong doner jowl.
-Pancetta meatball tongue tenderloin rump tail jowl boudin.""";
-  var text = new InlineStyle(
-      new TextStyle(color:  const Color(0xFF009900)),
-      [new InlineText(meatyString)]);
-  child = new RenderDecoratedBox(
-    decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF)),
-    child: new RenderParagraph(text)
-  );
-  flexRoot.add(child);
-  child.parentData.flex = 1;
-  new SkyBinding(root: root);
diff --git a/examples/rendering/sector_layout.dart b/examples/rendering/sector_layout.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index a1aa03b..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/sector_layout.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-const double kTwoPi = 2 * math.PI;
-class SectorConstraints extends Constraints {
-  const SectorConstraints({
-    this.minDeltaRadius: 0.0,
-    this.maxDeltaRadius: double.INFINITY,
-    this.minDeltaTheta: 0.0,
-    this.maxDeltaTheta: kTwoPi
-  });
-  const SectorConstraints.tight({ double deltaRadius: 0.0, double deltaTheta: 0.0 })
-    : minDeltaRadius = deltaRadius,
-      maxDeltaRadius = deltaRadius,
-      minDeltaTheta = deltaTheta,
-      maxDeltaTheta = deltaTheta;
-  final double minDeltaRadius;
-  final double maxDeltaRadius;
-  final double minDeltaTheta;
-  final double maxDeltaTheta;
-  double constrainDeltaRadius(double deltaRadius) {
-    return clamp(min: minDeltaRadius, max: maxDeltaRadius, value: deltaRadius);
-  }
-  double constrainDeltaTheta(double deltaTheta) {
-    return clamp(min: minDeltaTheta, max: maxDeltaTheta, value: deltaTheta);
-  }
-  bool get isTight => minDeltaTheta >= maxDeltaTheta && minDeltaTheta >= maxDeltaTheta;
-class SectorDimensions {
-  const SectorDimensions({ this.deltaRadius: 0.0, this.deltaTheta: 0.0 });
-  factory SectorDimensions.withConstraints(
-    SectorConstraints constraints,
-    { double deltaRadius: 0.0, double deltaTheta: 0.0 }
-  ) {
-    return new SectorDimensions(
-      deltaRadius: constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(deltaRadius),
-      deltaTheta: constraints.constrainDeltaTheta(deltaTheta)
-    );
-  }
-  final double deltaRadius;
-  final double deltaTheta;
-class SectorParentData extends ParentData {
-  double radius = 0.0;
-  double theta = 0.0;
-abstract class RenderSector extends RenderObject {
-  void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
-    if (child.parentData is! SectorParentData)
-      child.parentData = new SectorParentData();
-  }
-  SectorDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius) {
-    return new SectorDimensions.withConstraints(constraints);
-  }
-  SectorConstraints get constraints => super.constraints;
-  bool debugDoesMeetConstraints() {
-    assert(constraints != null);
-    assert(deltaRadius != null);
-    assert(deltaRadius < double.INFINITY);
-    assert(deltaTheta != null);
-    assert(deltaTheta < double.INFINITY);
-    return constraints.minDeltaRadius <= deltaRadius &&
-           deltaRadius <= math.max(constraints.minDeltaRadius, constraints.maxDeltaRadius) &&
-           constraints.minDeltaTheta <= deltaTheta &&
-           deltaTheta <= math.max(constraints.minDeltaTheta, constraints.maxDeltaTheta);
-  }
-  void performResize() {
-    // default behaviour for subclasses that have sizedByParent = true
-    deltaRadius = constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(0.0);
-    deltaTheta = constraints.constrainDeltaTheta(0.0);
-  }
-  void performLayout() {
-    // descendants have to either override performLayout() to set both
-    // the dimensions and lay out children, or, set sizedByParent to
-    // true so that performResize()'s logic above does its thing.
-    assert(sizedByParent);
-  }
-  bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, { double radius, double theta }) {
-    assert(parentData is SectorParentData);
-    if (radius < parentData.radius || radius >= parentData.radius + deltaRadius ||
-        theta < parentData.theta || theta >= parentData.theta + deltaTheta)
-      return false;
-    hitTestChildren(result, radius: radius, theta: theta);
-    result.add(new HitTestEntry(this));
-    return true;
-  }
-  void hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, { double radius, double theta }) { }
-  double deltaRadius;
-  double deltaTheta;
-abstract class RenderDecoratedSector extends RenderSector {
-  RenderDecoratedSector(BoxDecoration decoration) : _decoration = decoration;
-  BoxDecoration _decoration;
-  BoxDecoration get decoration => _decoration;
-  void set decoration (BoxDecoration value) {
-    if (value == _decoration)
-      return;
-    _decoration = value;
-    markNeedsPaint();
-  }
-  // origin must be set to the center of the circle
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    assert(deltaRadius != null);
-    assert(deltaTheta != null);
-    assert(parentData is SectorParentData);
-    if (_decoration == null)
-      return;
-    if (_decoration.backgroundColor != null) {
-      Paint paint = new Paint()..color = _decoration.backgroundColor;
-      Path path = new Path();
-      double outerRadius = (parentData.radius + deltaRadius);
-      Rect outerBounds = new Rect.fromLTRB(-outerRadius, -outerRadius, outerRadius, outerRadius);
-      path.arcTo(outerBounds, parentData.theta, deltaTheta, true);
-      double innerRadius = parentData.radius;
-      Rect innerBounds = new Rect.fromLTRB(-innerRadius, -innerRadius, innerRadius, innerRadius);
-      path.arcTo(innerBounds, parentData.theta + deltaTheta, -deltaTheta, false);
-      path.close();
-      canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
-    }
-  }
-class SectorChildListParentData extends SectorParentData with ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderSector> { }
-class RenderSectorWithChildren extends RenderDecoratedSector with ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderSector, SectorChildListParentData> {
-  RenderSectorWithChildren(BoxDecoration decoration) : super(decoration);
-  void hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, { double radius, double theta }) {
-    RenderSector child = lastChild;
-    while (child != null) {
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
-      if (child.hitTest(result, radius: radius, theta: theta))
-        return;
-      child = child.parentData.previousSibling;
-    }
-  }
-class RenderSectorRing extends RenderSectorWithChildren {
-  // lays out RenderSector children in a ring
-  RenderSectorRing({
-    BoxDecoration decoration,
-    double deltaRadius: double.INFINITY,
-    double padding: 0.0
-  }) : super(decoration), _padding = padding, _desiredDeltaRadius = deltaRadius;
-  double _desiredDeltaRadius;
-  double get desiredDeltaRadius => _desiredDeltaRadius;
-  void set desiredDeltaRadius(double value) {
-    assert(value != null);
-    if (_desiredDeltaRadius != value) {
-      _desiredDeltaRadius = value;
-      markNeedsLayout();
-    }
-  }
-  double _padding;
-  double get padding => _padding;
-  void set padding(double value) {
-    // TODO(ianh): avoid code duplication
-    assert(value != null);
-    if (_padding != value) {
-      _padding = value;
-      markNeedsLayout();
-    }
-  }
-  void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
-    // TODO(ianh): avoid code duplication
-    if (child.parentData is! SectorChildListParentData)
-      child.parentData = new SectorChildListParentData();
-  }
-  SectorDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius) {
-    double outerDeltaRadius = constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(desiredDeltaRadius);
-    double innerDeltaRadius = outerDeltaRadius - padding * 2.0;
-    double childRadius = radius + padding;
-    double paddingTheta = math.atan(padding / (radius + outerDeltaRadius));
-    double innerTheta = paddingTheta; // increments with each child
-    double remainingDeltaTheta = constraints.maxDeltaTheta - (innerTheta + paddingTheta);
-    RenderSector child = firstChild;
-    while (child != null) {
-      SectorConstraints innerConstraints = new SectorConstraints(
-        maxDeltaRadius: innerDeltaRadius,
-        maxDeltaTheta: remainingDeltaTheta
-      );
-      SectorDimensions childDimensions = child.getIntrinsicDimensions(innerConstraints, childRadius);
-      innerTheta += childDimensions.deltaTheta;
-      remainingDeltaTheta -= childDimensions.deltaTheta;
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
-      child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
-      if (child != null) {
-        innerTheta += paddingTheta;
-        remainingDeltaTheta -= paddingTheta;
-      }
-    }
-    return new SectorDimensions.withConstraints(constraints,
-                                                deltaRadius: outerDeltaRadius,
-                                                deltaTheta: innerTheta);
-  }
-  void performLayout() {
-    assert(this.parentData is SectorParentData);
-    deltaRadius = constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(desiredDeltaRadius);
-    assert(deltaRadius < double.INFINITY);
-    double innerDeltaRadius = deltaRadius - padding * 2.0;
-    double childRadius = this.parentData.radius + padding;
-    double paddingTheta = math.atan(padding / (this.parentData.radius + deltaRadius));
-    double innerTheta = paddingTheta; // increments with each child
-    double remainingDeltaTheta = constraints.maxDeltaTheta - (innerTheta + paddingTheta);
-    RenderSector child = firstChild;
-    while (child != null) {
-      SectorConstraints innerConstraints = new SectorConstraints(
-        maxDeltaRadius: innerDeltaRadius,
-        maxDeltaTheta: remainingDeltaTheta
-      );
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorParentData);
-      child.parentData.theta = innerTheta;
-      child.parentData.radius = childRadius;
-      child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
-      innerTheta += child.deltaTheta;
-      remainingDeltaTheta -= child.deltaTheta;
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
-      child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
-      if (child != null) {
-        innerTheta += paddingTheta;
-        remainingDeltaTheta -= paddingTheta;
-      }
-    }
-    deltaTheta = innerTheta;
-  }
-  // paint origin is 0,0 of our circle
-  // each sector then knows how to paint itself at its location
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    // TODO(ianh): avoid code duplication
-    super.paint(canvas);
-    RenderSector child = firstChild;
-    while (child != null) {
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
-      canvas.paintChild(child, Point.origin);
-      child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
-    }
-  }
-class RenderSectorSlice extends RenderSectorWithChildren {
-  // lays out RenderSector children in a stack
-  RenderSectorSlice({
-    BoxDecoration decoration,
-    double deltaTheta: kTwoPi,
-    double padding: 0.0
-  }) : super(decoration), _padding = padding, _desiredDeltaTheta = deltaTheta;
-  double _desiredDeltaTheta;
-  double get desiredDeltaTheta => _desiredDeltaTheta;
-  void set desiredDeltaTheta(double value) {
-    assert(value != null);
-    if (_desiredDeltaTheta != value) {
-      _desiredDeltaTheta = value;
-      markNeedsLayout();
-    }
-  }
-  double _padding;
-  double get padding => _padding;
-  void set padding(double value) {
-    // TODO(ianh): avoid code duplication
-    assert(value != null);
-    if (_padding != value) {
-      _padding = value;
-      markNeedsLayout();
-    }
-  }
-  void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
-    // TODO(ianh): avoid code duplication
-    if (child.parentData is! SectorChildListParentData)
-      child.parentData = new SectorChildListParentData();
-  }
-  SectorDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius) {
-    assert(this.parentData is SectorParentData);
-    double paddingTheta = math.atan(padding / this.parentData.radius);
-    double outerDeltaTheta = constraints.constrainDeltaTheta(desiredDeltaTheta);
-    double innerDeltaTheta = outerDeltaTheta - paddingTheta * 2.0;
-    double childRadius = this.parentData.radius + padding;
-    double remainingDeltaRadius = constraints.maxDeltaRadius - (padding * 2.0);
-    RenderSector child = firstChild;
-    while (child != null) {
-      SectorConstraints innerConstraints = new SectorConstraints(
-        maxDeltaRadius: remainingDeltaRadius,
-        maxDeltaTheta: innerDeltaTheta
-      );
-      SectorDimensions childDimensions = child.getIntrinsicDimensions(innerConstraints, childRadius);
-      childRadius += childDimensions.deltaRadius;
-      remainingDeltaRadius -= childDimensions.deltaRadius;
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
-      child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
-      childRadius += padding;
-      remainingDeltaRadius -= padding;
-    }
-    return new SectorDimensions.withConstraints(constraints,
-                                                deltaRadius: childRadius - this.parentData.radius,
-                                                deltaTheta: outerDeltaTheta);
-  }
-  void performLayout() {
-    assert(this.parentData is SectorParentData);
-    deltaTheta = constraints.constrainDeltaTheta(desiredDeltaTheta);
-    assert(deltaTheta <= kTwoPi);
-    double paddingTheta = math.atan(padding / this.parentData.radius);
-    double innerTheta = this.parentData.theta + paddingTheta;
-    double innerDeltaTheta = deltaTheta - paddingTheta * 2.0;
-    double childRadius = this.parentData.radius + padding;
-    double remainingDeltaRadius = constraints.maxDeltaRadius - (padding * 2.0);
-    RenderSector child = firstChild;
-    while (child != null) {
-      SectorConstraints innerConstraints = new SectorConstraints(
-        maxDeltaRadius: remainingDeltaRadius,
-        maxDeltaTheta: innerDeltaTheta
-      );
-      child.parentData.theta = innerTheta;
-      child.parentData.radius = childRadius;
-      child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
-      childRadius += child.deltaRadius;
-      remainingDeltaRadius -= child.deltaRadius;
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
-      child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
-      childRadius += padding;
-      remainingDeltaRadius -= padding;
-    }
-    deltaRadius = childRadius - this.parentData.radius;
-  }
-  // paint origin is 0,0 of our circle
-  // each sector then knows how to paint itself at its location
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    // TODO(ianh): avoid code duplication
-    super.paint(canvas);
-    RenderSector child = firstChild;
-    while (child != null) {
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
-      canvas.paintChild(child, Point.origin);
-      child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
-    }
-  }
-class RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter extends RenderBox {
-  RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter({ double innerRadius: 0.0, RenderSector child }) :
-    _innerRadius = innerRadius {
-    _child = child;
-    adoptChild(_child);
-  }
-  double _innerRadius;
-  double get innerRadius => _innerRadius;
-  void set innerRadius(double value) {
-    _innerRadius = value;
-    markNeedsLayout();
-  }
-  RenderSector _child;
-  RenderSector get child => _child;
-  void set child(RenderSector value) {
-    if (_child != null)
-      dropChild(_child);
-    _child = value;
-    adoptChild(_child);
-    markNeedsLayout();
-  }
-  void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
-    if (child.parentData is! SectorParentData)
-      child.parentData = new SectorParentData();
-  }
-  double getMinIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    if (child == null)
-      return super.getMinIntrinsicWidth(constraints);
-    return getIntrinsicDimensions(constraints).width;
-  }
-  double getMaxIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    if (child == null)
-      return super.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(constraints);
-    return getIntrinsicDimensions(constraints).width;
-  }
-  double getMinIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    if (child == null)
-      return super.getMinIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
-    return getIntrinsicDimensions(constraints).height;
-  }
-  double getMaxIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    if (child == null)
-      return super.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
-    return getIntrinsicDimensions(constraints).height;
-  }
-  Size getIntrinsicDimensions(BoxConstraints constraints) {
-    assert(child is RenderSector);
-    assert(child.parentData is SectorParentData);
-    assert(!constraints.isInfinite);
-    double maxChildDeltaRadius = math.min(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) / 2.0 - innerRadius;
-    SectorDimensions childDimensions = child.getIntrinsicDimensions(new SectorConstraints(maxDeltaRadius: maxChildDeltaRadius), innerRadius);
-    double dimension = (innerRadius + childDimensions.deltaRadius) * 2.0;
-    return constraints.constrain(new Size(dimension, dimension));
-  }
-  void performLayout() {
-    if (child == null) {
-      size = constraints.constrain(;
-    } else {
-      assert(child is RenderSector);
-      assert(!constraints.isInfinite);
-      double maxChildDeltaRadius = math.min(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) / 2.0 - innerRadius;
-      assert(child.parentData is SectorParentData);
-      child.parentData.radius = innerRadius;
-      child.parentData.theta = 0.0;
-      child.layout(new SectorConstraints(maxDeltaRadius: maxChildDeltaRadius), parentUsesSize: true);
-      double dimension = (innerRadius + child.deltaRadius) * 2.0;
-      size = constraints.constrain(new Size(dimension, dimension));
-    }
-  }
-  // paint origin is 0,0 of our circle
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    super.paint(canvas);
-    if (child != null) {
-      Rect bounds = new Rect.fromSize(size);
-      canvas.paintChild(child,;
-    }
-  }
-  bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, { Point position }) {
-    double x = position.x;
-    double y = position.y;
-    if (child == null)
-      return false;
-    // translate to our origin
-    x -= size.width/2.0;
-    y -= size.height/2.0;
-    // convert to radius/theta
-    double radius = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y);
-    double theta = (math.atan2(x, -y) - math.PI/2.0) % kTwoPi;
-    if (radius < innerRadius)
-      return false;
-    if (radius >= innerRadius + child.deltaRadius)
-      return false;
-    if (theta > child.deltaTheta)
-      return false;
-    child.hitTest(result, radius: radius, theta: theta);
-    result.add(new BoxHitTestEntry(this, position));
-    return true;
-  }
-class RenderSolidColor extends RenderDecoratedSector {
-  RenderSolidColor(Color backgroundColor, {
-    this.desiredDeltaRadius: double.INFINITY,
-    this.desiredDeltaTheta: kTwoPi
-  }) : this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
-       super(new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: backgroundColor));
-  double desiredDeltaRadius;
-  double desiredDeltaTheta;
-  final Color backgroundColor;
-  SectorDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius) {
-    return new SectorDimensions.withConstraints(constraints, deltaTheta: desiredDeltaTheta);
-  }
-  void performLayout() {
-    deltaRadius = constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(desiredDeltaRadius);
-    deltaTheta = constraints.constrainDeltaTheta(desiredDeltaTheta);
-  }
-  void handleEvent(sky.Event event, HitTestEntry entry) {
-    if (event.type == 'pointerdown')
-      decoration = new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFFF0000));
-    else if (event.type == 'pointerup')
-      decoration = new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: backgroundColor);
-  }
-RenderBox buildSectorExample() {
-  RenderSectorRing rootCircle = new RenderSectorRing(padding: 20.0);
-  rootCircle.add(new RenderSolidColor(const Color(0xFF00FFFF), desiredDeltaTheta: kTwoPi * 0.15));
-  rootCircle.add(new RenderSolidColor(const Color(0xFF0000FF), desiredDeltaTheta: kTwoPi * 0.4));
-  RenderSectorSlice stack = new RenderSectorSlice(padding: 2.0);
-  stack.add(new RenderSolidColor(const Color(0xFFFFFF00), desiredDeltaRadius: 20.0));
-  stack.add(new RenderSolidColor(const Color(0xFFFF9000), desiredDeltaRadius: 20.0));
-  stack.add(new RenderSolidColor(const Color(0xFF00FF00)));
-  rootCircle.add(stack);
-  return new RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter(innerRadius: 50.0, child: rootCircle);
-void main() {
-  new SkyBinding(root: buildSectorExample());
diff --git a/examples/rendering/shadowed_box.dart b/examples/rendering/shadowed_box.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a156fa..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/shadowed_box.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/shadows.dart';
-void main() {
-  var coloredBox = new RenderDecoratedBox(
-    decoration: new BoxDecoration(
-      gradient: new RadialGradient(
-        center: Point.origin, radius: 500.0,
-        colors: [Yellow[500], Blue[500]]),
-      boxShadow: shadows[3])
-  );
-  var paddedBox = new RenderPadding(
-    padding: const EdgeDims.all(50.0),
-    child: coloredBox);
-  new SkyBinding(root: new RenderDecoratedBox(
-    decoration: const BoxDecoration(
-      backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF)
-    ),
-    child: paddedBox
-  ));
diff --git a/examples/rendering/spinning_flex.dart b/examples/rendering/spinning_flex.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e1d550..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/spinning_flex.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'package:sky/base/scheduler.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart';
-import '../lib/solid_color_box.dart';
-double timeBase;
-RenderTransform transformBox;
-void main() {
-  RenderFlex flexRoot = new RenderFlex(direction: FlexDirection.vertical);
-  void addFlexChildSolidColor(RenderFlex parent, sky.Color backgroundColor, { int flex: 0 }) {
-    RenderSolidColorBox child = new RenderSolidColorBox(backgroundColor);
-    parent.add(child);
-    child.parentData.flex = flex;
-  }
-  addFlexChildSolidColor(flexRoot, const sky.Color(0xFFFF00FF), flex: 1);
-  addFlexChildSolidColor(flexRoot, const sky.Color(0xFFFFFF00), flex: 2);
-  addFlexChildSolidColor(flexRoot, const sky.Color(0xFF00FFFF), flex: 1);
-  transformBox = new RenderTransform(child: flexRoot, transform: new Matrix4.identity());
-  RenderPadding root = new RenderPadding(padding: new EdgeDims.all(20.0), child: transformBox);
-  new SkyBinding(root: root);
-  addPersistentFrameCallback(rotate);
-void rotate(double timeStamp) {
-  if (timeBase == null)
-    timeBase = timeStamp;
-  double delta = (timeStamp - timeBase) / 1000; // radians
-  transformBox.setIdentity();
-  transformBox.translate(transformBox.size.width / 2.0, transformBox.size.height / 2.0);
-  transformBox.rotateZ(delta);
-  transformBox.translate(-transformBox.size.width / 2.0, -transformBox.size.height / 2.0);
diff --git a/examples/rendering/touch_demo.dart b/examples/rendering/touch_demo.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 1773526..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/touch_demo.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:math';
-import 'dart:sky';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/paragraph.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/stack.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart';
-// Material design colors. :p
-List<Color> colors = [
-  Teal[500],
-  Amber[500],
-  Purple[500],
-  LightBlue[500],
-  DeepPurple[500],
-  Lime[500],
-class Dot {
-  final Paint _paint;
-  double x = 0.0;
-  double y = 0.0;
-  double radius = 0.0;
-  Dot({ Color color }) : _paint = new Paint()..color = color;
-  void update(PointerEvent event) {
-    x = event.x;
-    y = event.y;
-    radius = 5 + (95 * event.pressure);
-  }
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    canvas.drawCircle(x, y, radius, _paint);
-  }
-class RenderTouchDemo extends RenderBox {
-  Map<int, Dot> dots = new Map();
-  RenderTouchDemo();
-  void handleEvent(Event event, BoxHitTestEntry entry) {
-    switch (event.type) {
-      case 'pointerdown':
-        Color color = colors[event.pointer.remainder(colors.length)];
-        dots[event.pointer] = new Dot(color: color)..update(event);
-        break;
-      case 'pointerup':
-        dots.remove(event.pointer);
-        break;
-      case 'pointercancel':
-        dots = new Map();
-        break;
-      case 'pointermove':
-        dots[event.pointer].update(event);
-        break;
-    }
-    markNeedsPaint();
-  }
-  void performLayout() {
-    size = constraints.constrain(Size.infinite);
-  }
-  void paint(RenderCanvas canvas) {
-    Paint white = new Paint()..color = const Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
-    canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromSize(size), white);
-    for (Dot dot in dots.values)
-      dot.paint(canvas);
-  }
-void main() {
-  var paragraph = new RenderParagraph(new InlineText("Touch me!"));
-  var stack = new RenderStack(children: [
-    new RenderTouchDemo(),
-    paragraph,
-  ]);
-  // Prevent the RenderParagraph from filling the whole screen so
-  // that it doesn't eat events.
- = 40.0
-                      ..left = 20.0;
-  new SkyBinding(root: stack);
diff --git a/examples/rendering/transform.dart b/examples/rendering/transform.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 36dc8fc..0000000
--- a/examples/rendering/transform.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart';
-void main() {
-  RenderDecoratedBox green = new RenderDecoratedBox(
-    decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const sky.Color(0xFF00FF00))
-  );
-  RenderConstrainedBox box = new RenderConstrainedBox(
-    additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints.tight(const Size(200.0, 200.0)),
-    child: green
-  );
-  Matrix4 transform = new Matrix4.identity();
-  RenderTransform spin = new RenderTransform(
-      transform: transform, child: box);
-  spin.rotateZ(1.0);
-  RenderFlex flex = new RenderFlex();
-  flex.add(spin);
-  new SkyBinding(root: flex);
diff --git a/examples/stocks/ b/examples/stocks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4874a72..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-This sample app is our main test harness right now.
-Follow these steps to make sure everything works, comparing the
-results to earlier builds:
-1. Load the app
-2. Scroll down and up.
-3. Fling down.
-4. Fling up. Verify that it bounces at the top.
-5. Tap on rows. Make sure they get ink splashes.
-6. Open the drawer.
-7. Slide the drawer in and out.
-8. Check that you can change the radio buttons.
-9. Check for ink splashes on each row but not in the header.
-10. Check that you can't scroll the list with the drawer out.
-11. Close the drawer.
-12. Open the menu.
-13. Check the checkbox.
-14. Open the menu. Verify the checkbox is checked.
-15. Tap another menu item.
-16. Hit search.
-17. Type a query like "XXI".
-18. Dismiss the keyboard.
-19. Scroll the list. Verify that you can't overscroll.
-20. Tap the search bar. Verify the keyboard comes back.
-21. Switch to the voice keyboard. Verify that that keyboard works.
-22. Hit the back button.
-23. Verify that the floating action button gets ink splashes.
-These steps carefully avoid known bugs. See:
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_0.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_0.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c634894..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_0.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "AAIT", 
-    "iShares MSCI All Country Asia Information Technology Index Fun", 
-    "35.05", 
-    "$7.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAL", 
-    "American Airlines Group, Inc.", 
-    "51.02", 
-    "$36.59B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAME", 
-    "Atlantic American Corporation", 
-    "3.99", 
-    "$82.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAOI", 
-    "Applied Optoelectronics, Inc.", 
-    "10.22", 
-    "$151.42M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAON", 
-    "AAON, Inc.", 
-    "23.74", 
-    "$1.29B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAPL", 
-    "Apple Inc.", 
-    "129.495", 
-    "$754.28B", 
-    "1980", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAVL", 
-    "Avalanche Biotechnologies, Inc.", 
-    "40.06", 
-    "$995.08M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAWW", 
-    "Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings", 
-    "47.23", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAXJ", 
-    "iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan Index Fund", 
-    "63.66", 
-    "$3.67B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABAC", 
-    "Aoxin Tianli Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.61", 
-    "$44.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABAX", 
-    "ABAXIS, Inc.", 
-    "60.17", 
-    "$1.36B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABCB", 
-    "Ameris Bancorp", 
-    "26", 
-    "$732.18M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABCD", 
-    "Cambium Learning Group, Inc.", 
-    "2.66", 
-    "$119.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABCO", 
-    "The Advisory Board Company", 
-    "53.5", 
-    "$2.06B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABCW", 
-    "Anchor BanCorp Wisconsin Inc.", 
-    "34.63", 
-    "$320.16M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABDC", 
-    "Alcentra Capital Corp.", 
-    "13.59", 
-    "$183.69M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABGB", 
-    "Abengoa, S.A.", 
-    "17.53", 
-    "$2.94B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABIO", 
-    "ARCA biopharma, Inc.", 
-    "0.6975", 
-    "$14.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABMD", 
-    "ABIOMED, Inc.", 
-    "60.35", 
-    "$2.48B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABTL", 
-    "Autobytel Inc.", 
-    "10", 
-    "$90.29M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABY", 
-    "Abengoa Yield plc", 
-    "34.73", 
-    "$2.78B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACAD", 
-    "ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "37.45", 
-    "$3.74B", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACAS", 
-    "American Capital, Ltd.", 
-    "14.75", 
-    "$3.98B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACAT", 
-    "Arctic Cat Inc.", 
-    "36.36", 
-    "$470.75M", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACET", 
-    "Aceto Corporation", 
-    "20.95", 
-    "$609.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Other Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACFC", 
-    "Atlantic Coast Financial Corporation", 
-    "3.88", 
-    "$60.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACFN", 
-    "Acorn Energy, Inc.", 
-    "0.6124", 
-    "$16.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACGL", 
-    "Arch Capital Group Ltd.", 
-    "60.04", 
-    "$7.75B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACHC", 
-    "Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc.", 
-    "63.795", 
-    "$4.21B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACHN", 
-    "Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "12.16", 
-    "$1.39B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACIW", 
-    "ACI Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "20.46", 
-    "$2.35B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACLS", 
-    "Axcelis Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "2.7", 
-    "$302.41M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACNB", 
-    "ACNB Corporation", 
-    "20.25", 
-    "$121.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACOR", 
-    "Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "37.41", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACPW", 
-    "Active Power, Inc.", 
-    "1.83", 
-    "$42.26M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACRX", 
-    "AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "8.13", 
-    "$355.34M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACSF", 
-    "American Capital Senior Floating, Ltd.", 
-    "12.9", 
-    "$129M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACST", 
-    "Acasti Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "0.5592", 
-    "$59.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACTA", 
-    "Actua Corporation", 
-    "15.37", 
-    "$623.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACTG", 
-    "Acacia Research Corporation", 
-    "12.83", 
-    "$643.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACTS", 
-    "Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd.", 
-    "1.59", 
-    "$136.74M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACUR", 
-    "Acura Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.63", 
-    "$29.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACWI", 
-    "iShares MSCI ACWI Index Fund", 
-    "61.01", 
-    "$6.59B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACWX", 
-    "iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Index Fund", 
-    "45.21", 
-    "$1.84B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACXM", 
-    "Acxiom Corporation", 
-    "19.66", 
-    "$1.52B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADAT", 
-    "Authentidate Holding Corp.", 
-    "0.82", 
-    "$34.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADBE", 
-    "Adobe Systems Incorporated", 
-    "78.55", 
-    "$39.14B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADEP", 
-    "Adept Technology, Inc.", 
-    "6.5", 
-    "$85.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADHD", 
-    "Alcobra Ltd.", 
-    "7.43", 
-    "$157.35M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADI", 
-    "Analog Devices, Inc.", 
-    "59.13", 
-    "$18.43B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADMA", 
-    "ADMA Biologics Inc", 
-    "10.48", 
-    "$97.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADMP", 
-    "Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation", 
-    "6.51", 
-    "$84.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADMS", 
-    "Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "17.28", 
-    "$295.93M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADNC", 
-    "Audience, Inc.", 
-    "4.67", 
-    "$107.3M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADP", 
-    "Automatic Data Processing, Inc.", 
-    "88.685", 
-    "$42.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADRA", 
-    "BLDRS Asia 50 ADR Index Fund", 
-    "30.7699", 
-    "$27.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADRD", 
-    "BLDRS Developed Markets 100 ADR Index Fund", 
-    "23.87", 
-    "$54.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADRE", 
-    "BLDRS Emerging Markets 50 ADR Index Fund", 
-    "36.68", 
-    "$185.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADRU", 
-    "BLDRS Europe 100 ADR Index Fund", 
-    "23.5754", 
-    "$17.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADSK", 
-    "Autodesk, Inc.", 
-    "62.37", 
-    "$14.19B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADTN", 
-    "ADTRAN, Inc.", 
-    "23", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADUS", 
-    "Addus HomeCare Corporation", 
-    "21.4", 
-    "$235.18M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADVS", 
-    "Advent Software, Inc.", 
-    "44.17", 
-    "$2.31B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADXS", 
-    "Advaxis, Inc.", 
-    "8.22", 
-    "$194.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADXSW", 
-    "Advaxis, Inc.", 
-    "5.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEGN", 
-    "Aegion Corp", 
-    "16.66", 
-    "$622.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEGR", 
-    "Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "26.49", 
-    "$753.27M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEHR", 
-    "Aehr Test Systems", 
-    "2.39", 
-    "$30.67M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEIS", 
-    "Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.", 
-    "26.53", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEPI", 
-    "AEP Industries Inc.", 
-    "51.32", 
-    "$260.74M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AERI", 
-    "Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "27.71", 
-    "$664.61M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AETI", 
-    "American Electric Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "4.14", 
-    "$33.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEY", 
-    "ADDvantage Technologies Group, Inc.", 
-    "2.4568", 
-    "$24.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEZS", 
-    "AEterna Zentaris Inc.", 
-    "0.601", 
-    "$39.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFAM", 
-    "Almost Family Inc", 
-    "29.46", 
-    "$279.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFCB", 
-    "Athens Bancshares Corporation", 
-    "25.45", 
-    "$45.85M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFFX", 
-    "Affymetrix, Inc.", 
-    "11.84", 
-    "$884.63M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFH", 
-    "Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "17.65", 
-    "$207.77M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFMD", 
-    "Affimed N.V.", 
-    "5.43", 
-    "$130.23M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFOP", 
-    "Alliance Fiber Optic Products, Inc.", 
-    "16.98", 
-    "$316.72M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFSI", 
-    "AmTrust Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "55.76", 
-    "$4.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGEN", 
-    "Agenus Inc.", 
-    "5.2", 
-    "$325.96M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGII", 
-    "Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "52.39", 
-    "$1.35B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGIIL", 
-    "Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "25.181", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGIO", 
-    "Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "106.3", 
-    "$3.93B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGNC", 
-    "American Capital Agency Corp.", 
-    "21.94", 
-    "$7.74B", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGNCB", 
-    "American Capital Agency Corp.", 
-    "25.1199", 
-    "$8.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGNCP", 
-    "American Capital Agency Corp.", 
-    "26.6399", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGND", 
-    "WisdomTree Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Negative Duration Fund", 
-    "45.173", 
-    "$13.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGRX", 
-    "Agile Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "9.47", 
-    "$189.51M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGTC", 
-    "Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation", 
-    "22.73", 
-    "$373.72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGYS", 
-    "Agilysys, Inc.", 
-    "9.87", 
-    "$225.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGZD", 
-    "WisdomTree Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Zero Duration Fund", 
-    "49.15", 
-    "$58.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AHGP", 
-    "Alliance Holdings GP, L.P.", 
-    "52.57", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Coal Mining", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AHPI", 
-    "Allied Healthcare Products, Inc.", 
-    "1.71", 
-    "$13.73M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIMC", 
-    "Altra Industrial Motion Corp.", 
-    "26.26", 
-    "$699.44M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AINV", 
-    "Apollo Investment Corporation", 
-    "7.81", 
-    "$1.85B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIQ", 
-    "Alliance HealthCare Services, Inc.", 
-    "25.08", 
-    "$269.22M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIRM", 
-    "Air Methods Corporation", 
-    "45.6", 
-    "$1.79B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIRR", 
-    "First Trust RBA American Industrial Renaissance ETF", 
-    "18.1247", 
-    "$76.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_1.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_1.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fd39e9..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_1.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "AIRT", 
-    "Air T, Inc.", 
-    "19.81", 
-    "$46.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIXG", 
-    "Aixtron SE", 
-    "8.13", 
-    "$906.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKAM", 
-    "Akamai Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "71.62", 
-    "$12.75B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKAO", 
-    "Achaogen, Inc.", 
-    "11.47", 
-    "$203.68M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKBA", 
-    "Akebia Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.14", 
-    "$206.26M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKER", 
-    "Akers Biosciences Inc", 
-    "3.7365", 
-    "$18.51M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKRX", 
-    "Akorn, Inc.", 
-    "48.02", 
-    "$5.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALCO", 
-    "Alico, Inc.", 
-    "48.01", 
-    "$353.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALDR", 
-    "Alder BioPharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "27.41", 
-    "$1.03B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALDX", 
-    "Aldeyra Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.5", 
-    "$58.44M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALGN", 
-    "Align Technology, Inc.", 
-    "56.81", 
-    "$4.56B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALGT", 
-    "Allegiant Travel Company", 
-    "184.79", 
-    "$3.23B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALIM", 
-    "Alimera Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "5.32", 
-    "$235.66M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALKS", 
-    "Alkermes plc", 
-    "73.24", 
-    "$10.71B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALLB", 
-    "Alliance Bancorp, Inc. of Pennsylvania", 
-    "16.93", 
-    "$68.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALLT", 
-    "Allot Communications Ltd.", 
-    "9.3", 
-    "$309.2M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALNY", 
-    "Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "102.39", 
-    "$8.58B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALOG", 
-    "Analogic Corporation", 
-    "84.98", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "1972", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALOT", 
-    "Astro-Med, Inc.", 
-    "14.78", 
-    "$107M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALQA", 
-    "Alliqua BioMedical, Inc.", 
-    "6", 
-    "$97.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALSK", 
-    "Alaska Communications Systems Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.71", 
-    "$84.71M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALTR", 
-    "Altera Corporation", 
-    "36.14", 
-    "$10.87B", 
-    "1988", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALXA", 
-    "Alexza Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.18", 
-    "$42.3M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALXN", 
-    "Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "186.02", 
-    "$37.6B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMAG", 
-    "AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "43.04", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMAT", 
-    "Applied Materials, Inc.", 
-    "25.13", 
-    "$30.88B", 
-    "1972", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMBA", 
-    "Ambarella, Inc.", 
-    "51.75", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMBC", 
-    "Ambac Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "25.42", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMBCW", 
-    "Ambac Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.71", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMCC", 
-    "Applied Micro Circuits Corporation", 
-    "4.84", 
-    "$383.04M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMCF", 
-    "Andatee China Marine Fuel Services Corporation", 
-    "1.51", 
-    "$15.49M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMCN", 
-    "AirMedia Group Inc", 
-    "2.19", 
-    "$130.45M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMCX", 
-    "AMC Networks Inc.", 
-    "69.34", 
-    "$5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMD", 
-    "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.", 
-    "3.06", 
-    "$2.38B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMDA", 
-    "Amedica Corporation", 
-    "0.8", 
-    "$11.04M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMED", 
-    "Amedisys Inc", 
-    "28.69", 
-    "$957.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMGN", 
-    "Amgen Inc.", 
-    "157.66", 
-    "$119.64B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMIC", 
-    "American Independence Corp.", 
-    "10.61", 
-    "$85.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Accident &Health Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMKR", 
-    "Amkor Technology, Inc.", 
-    "9.16", 
-    "$2.17B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMNB", 
-    "American National Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "22.1", 
-    "$173.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMOT", 
-    "Allied Motion Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "26.89", 
-    "$248.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMOV", 
-    "America Movil, S.A.B. de C.V.", 
-    "21.58", 
-    "$74.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMPH", 
-    "Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "12.85", 
-    "$573.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRB", 
-    "American River Bankshares", 
-    "9.72", 
-    "$78.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRI", 
-    "Albany Molecular Research, Inc.", 
-    "16.27", 
-    "$530.51M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRK", 
-    "A-Mark Precious Metals, Inc.", 
-    "10.1399", 
-    "$70.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRN", 
-    "Amarin Corporation PLC", 
-    "1.33", 
-    "$232.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRS", 
-    "Amyris, Inc.", 
-    "2", 
-    "$158.15M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSC", 
-    "American Superconductor Corporation", 
-    "0.77", 
-    "$73.71M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSF", 
-    "AMERISAFE, Inc.", 
-    "42.94", 
-    "$808.25M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSG", 
-    "Amsurg Corp.", 
-    "55.96", 
-    "$2.69B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSGP", 
-    "Amsurg Corp.", 
-    "116.19", 
-    "$200.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSWA", 
-    "American Software, Inc.", 
-    "9.12", 
-    "$257.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMTX", 
-    "Aemetis, Inc", 
-    "4.42", 
-    "$91.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMWD", 
-    "American Woodmark Corporation", 
-    "44.12", 
-    "$698.38M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Forest Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMZN", 
-    ", Inc.", 
-    "383.66", 
-    "$178.17B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANAC", 
-    "Anacor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "43.49", 
-    "$1.87B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANAD", 
-    "ANADIGICS, Inc.", 
-    "1.24", 
-    "$107.36M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANAT", 
-    "American National Insurance Company", 
-    "105.61", 
-    "$2.84B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANCB", 
-    "Anchor Bancorp", 
-    "21.6101", 
-    "$55.11M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANCI", 
-    "American Caresource Holdings Inc", 
-    "2.89", 
-    "$19.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANCX", 
-    "Access National Corporation", 
-    "17.98", 
-    "$187.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANDE", 
-    "The Andersons, Inc.", 
-    "44.84", 
-    "$1.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANGI", 
-    "Angie&#39;s List, Inc.", 
-    "6.73", 
-    "$393.82M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANGO", 
-    "AngioDynamics, Inc.", 
-    "19.03", 
-    "$681.68M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANIK", 
-    "Anika Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "44.05", 
-    "$638.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANIP", 
-    "ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "68.66", 
-    "$777.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANSS", 
-    "ANSYS, Inc.", 
-    "87.25", 
-    "$8.02B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANTH", 
-    "Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "4.58", 
-    "$105.06M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANY", 
-    "Sphere 3D Corp", 
-    "4.31", 
-    "$113.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AOSL", 
-    "Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited", 
-    "8.79", 
-    "$234.31M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APDN", 
-    "Applied DNA Sciences Inc", 
-    "3.73", 
-    "$64.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APDNW", 
-    "Applied DNA Sciences Inc", 
-    "1.44", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APEI", 
-    "American Public Education, Inc.", 
-    "34.08", 
-    "$588.38M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APOG", 
-    "Apogee Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "45.21", 
-    "$1.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APOL", 
-    "Apollo Education Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.755", 
-    "$2.9B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APPS", 
-    "Digital Turbine, Inc.", 
-    "3.32", 
-    "$125.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APPY", 
-    "Venaxis, Inc.", 
-    "0.459", 
-    "$14.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APRI", 
-    "Apricus Biosciences, Inc", 
-    "1.94", 
-    "$86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APTO", 
-    "Aptose Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "4.6241", 
-    "$54.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APWC", 
-    "Asia Pacific Wire & Cable Corporation Limited", 
-    "2.5", 
-    "$34.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AQXP", 
-    "Aquinox Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "10.45", 
-    "$111.76M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARAY", 
-    "Accuray Incorporated", 
-    "8.04", 
-    "$631.05M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCB", 
-    "ArcBest Corporation", 
-    "41.38", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCC", 
-    "Ares Capital Corporation", 
-    "16.92", 
-    "$5.31B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCI", 
-    "Appliance Recycling Centers of America, Inc.", 
-    "2.82", 
-    "$16.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCP", 
-    "American Realty Capital Properties, Inc.", 
-    "9.44", 
-    "$8.57B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCPP", 
-    "American Realty Capital Properties, Inc.", 
-    "23.24", 
-    "$999.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCW", 
-    "ARC Group Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "6.27", 
-    "$94.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARDM", 
-    "Aradigm Corporation", 
-    "7.261", 
-    "$106.93M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARDX", 
-    "Ardelyx, Inc.", 
-    "17.18", 
-    "$318.52M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AREX", 
-    "Approach Resources Inc.", 
-    "7.2", 
-    "$284.8M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARGS", 
-    "Argos Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "9.19", 
-    "$180.64M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARIA", 
-    "ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "8.06", 
-    "$1.51B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARII", 
-    "American Railcar Industries, Inc.", 
-    "56.08", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Railroads", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARIS", 
-    "ARI Network Services, Inc.", 
-    "3.61", 
-    "$51.37M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARKR", 
-    "Ark Restaurants Corp.", 
-    "24.45", 
-    "$82.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARLP", 
-    "Alliance Resource Partners, L.P.", 
-    "40.41", 
-    "$2.99B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Coal Mining", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARMH", 
-    "ARM Holdings plc", 
-    "51.68", 
-    "$24.33B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARNA", 
-    "Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "4.65", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_10.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_10.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9673d83..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_10.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "FGEN", 
-    "FibroGen, Inc", 
-    "30.16", 
-    "$1.71B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FHCO", 
-    "Female Health Company (The)", 
-    "3.71", 
-    "$106.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FIBK", 
-    "First Interstate BancSystem, Inc.", 
-    "26.63", 
-    "$583.97M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FINL", 
-    "The Finish Line, Inc.", 
-    "24.36", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FISH", 
-    "Marlin Midstream Partners, LP", 
-    "23.67", 
-    "$419.05M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FISI", 
-    "Financial Institutions, Inc.", 
-    "22.75", 
-    "$320.73M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FISV", 
-    "Fiserv, Inc.", 
-    "79.05", 
-    "$19.29B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FITB", 
-    "Fifth Third Bancorp", 
-    "19.39", 
-    "$15.98B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FITBI", 
-    "Fifth Third Bancorp", 
-    "27.42", 
-    "$493.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FIVE", 
-    "Five Below, Inc.", 
-    "32.22", 
-    "$1.75B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FIVN", 
-    "Five9, Inc.", 
-    "3.8", 
-    "$185.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FIZZ", 
-    "National Beverage Corp.", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLAT", 
-    "iPath US Treasury Flattener ETN", 
-    "60.948", 
-    "$5.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLDM", 
-    "Fluidigm Corporation", 
-    "38.97", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLEX", 
-    "Flextronics International Ltd.", 
-    "12.23", 
-    "$7B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLIC", 
-    "The First of Long Island Corporation", 
-    "24.9", 
-    "$345.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLIR", 
-    "FLIR Systems, Inc.", 
-    "32.12", 
-    "$4.53B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLKS", 
-    "Flex Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "14.71", 
-    "$261.92M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLL", 
-    "Full House Resorts, Inc.", 
-    "1.52", 
-    "$28.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLML", 
-    "Flamel Technologies S.A.", 
-    "14.62", 
-    "$569.25M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLWS", 
-    "1-800 FLOWERS.COM, Inc.", 
-    "10.32", 
-    "$667.78M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLXN", 
-    "Flexion Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$482.02M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLXS", 
-    "Flexsteel Industries, Inc.", 
-    "31.02", 
-    "$230.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMB", 
-    "First Trust Managed Municipal ETF", 
-    "51.77", 
-    "$20.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMBH", 
-    "First Mid-Illinois Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "19.96", 
-    "$117.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMBI", 
-    "First Midwest Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.82", 
-    "$1.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMER", 
-    "FirstMerit Corporation", 
-    "18.29", 
-    "$3.03B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMI", 
-    "Foundation Medicine, Inc.", 
-    "48.48", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMNB", 
-    "Farmers National Banc Corp.", 
-    "7.98", 
-    "$146.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNBC", 
-    "First NBC Bank Holding Company", 
-    "32.5", 
-    "$603.69M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNFG", 
-    "First Niagara Financial Group Inc.", 
-    "8.85", 
-    "$3.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNGN", 
-    "Financial Engines, Inc.", 
-    "38.32", 
-    "$1.99B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNHC", 
-    "Federated National Holding Company", 
-    "28.42", 
-    "$398.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNJN", 
-    "Finjan Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "2.75", 
-    "$61.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNLC", 
-    "First Bancorp, Inc (ME)", 
-    "16.92", 
-    "$181.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNRG", 
-    "ForceField Energy Inc.", 
-    "7.44", 
-    "$134.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNSR", 
-    "Finisar Corporation", 
-    "21.45", 
-    "$2.22B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNTCU", 
-    "FinTech Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNWB", 
-    "First Northwest Bancorp", 
-    "12.52", 
-    "$164.02M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOLD", 
-    "Amicus Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "8.7", 
-    "$828.67M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOMX", 
-    "Foamix Pharmaceuticals Ltd.", 
-    "9.18", 
-    "$197.15M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FONE", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ CEA Smartphone Index Fund", 
-    "40.287", 
-    "$12.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FONR", 
-    "Fonar Corporation", 
-    "12.68", 
-    "$81.58M", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FORD", 
-    "Forward Industries, Inc.", 
-    "0.93", 
-    "$7.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Plastic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FORM", 
-    "FormFactor, Inc.", 
-    "9.14", 
-    "$515.6M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FORR", 
-    "Forrester Research, Inc.", 
-    "38.3", 
-    "$697.25M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FORTY", 
-    "Formula Systems (1985) Ltd.", 
-    "23.7", 
-    "$348.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOSL", 
-    "Fossil Group, Inc.", 
-    "85.14", 
-    "$4.35B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOX", 
-    "Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.", 
-    "34.275", 
-    "$72.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOXA", 
-    "Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.", 
-    "35.3", 
-    "$46.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOXF", 
-    "Fox Factory Holding Corp.", 
-    "15.79", 
-    "$585.14M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Motor Vehicles", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FPRX", 
-    "Five Prime Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "26.27", 
-    "$668.91M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FPXI", 
-    "First Trust International IPO ETF", 
-    "28.96", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRAN", 
-    "Francesca&#39;s Holdings Corporation", 
-    "15.12", 
-    "$639.54M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRBA", 
-    "First Bank", 
-    "6", 
-    "$47.32M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRBK", 
-    "Republic First Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "3.45", 
-    "$130.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRED", 
-    "Fred&#39;s, Inc.", 
-    "19.02", 
-    "$702.13M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FREE", 
-    "FreeSeas Inc.", 
-    "0.09", 
-    "$10.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRGI", 
-    "Fiesta Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "64.96", 
-    "$1.74B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRME", 
-    "First Merchants Corporation", 
-    "22.94", 
-    "$827.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRP", 
-    "FairPoint Communications, Inc.", 
-    "17.65", 
-    "$471.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRPH", 
-    "FRP Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "30.02", 
-    "$291.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRPT", 
-    "Freshpet, Inc.", 
-    "16.15", 
-    "$540.5M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRSH", 
-    "Papa Murphy&#39;s Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "13.63", 
-    "$230.91M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSAM", 
-    "Fifth Street Asset Management Inc.", 
-    "12.57", 
-    "$614.13M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSBK", 
-    "First South Bancorp Inc", 
-    "8.11", 
-    "$77.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSBW", 
-    "FS Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "19.4499", 
-    "$62.93M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSC", 
-    "Fifth Street Finance Corp.", 
-    "7.21", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "2008", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSCFL", 
-    "Fifth Street Finance Corp.", 
-    "24.0592", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSFG", 
-    "First Savings Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.8899", 
-    "$58.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSFR", 
-    "Fifth Street Senior Floating Rate Corp.", 
-    "10.92", 
-    "$321.78M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSGI", 
-    "First Security Group, Inc.", 
-    "2.24", 
-    "$149.69M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSLR", 
-    "First Solar, Inc.", 
-    "49.02", 
-    "$4.91B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSNN", 
-    "Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc.", 
-    "3.611", 
-    "$23.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSRV", 
-    "FirstService Corporation", 
-    "60.5", 
-    "$2.09B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSTR", 
-    "L.B. Foster Company", 
-    "49.23", 
-    "$509.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSYS", 
-    "Fuel Systems Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "10.98", 
-    "$220.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTCS", 
-    "First Trust Capital Strength ETF", 
-    "39.2693", 
-    "$86.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTD", 
-    "FTD Companies, Inc.", 
-    "34.27", 
-    "$650.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTEK", 
-    "Fuel Tech, Inc.", 
-    "3.2", 
-    "$73.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Pollution Control Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTGC", 
-    "First Trust Global Tactical Commodity Strategy Fund", 
-    "25.1", 
-    "$229.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTHI", 
-    "First Trust High Income ETF", 
-    "20.89", 
-    "$3.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTLB", 
-    "First Trust Low Beta Income ETF", 
-    "20.796", 
-    "$2.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTNT", 
-    "Fortinet, Inc.", 
-    "33.84", 
-    "$5.58B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTR", 
-    "Frontier Communications Corporation", 
-    "8.3", 
-    "$8.32B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTSL", 
-    "First Trust Senior Loan ETF", 
-    "49.1365", 
-    "$201.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTSM", 
-    "First Trust Enhanced Short Maturity ETF", 
-    "59.97", 
-    "$3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FUEL", 
-    "Rocket Fuel Inc.", 
-    "10.82", 
-    "$446.81M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FULL", 
-    "Full Circle Capital Corporation", 
-    "4.66", 
-    "$55.68M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FULLL", 
-    "Full Circle Capital Corporation", 
-    "25.8499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FULT", 
-    "Fulton Financial Corporation", 
-    "12.17", 
-    "$2.25B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FUNC", 
-    "First United Corporation", 
-    "9.26", 
-    "$57.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FUND", 
-    "Royce Focus Trust, Inc.", 
-    "7.44", 
-    "$166.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FV", 
-    "First Trust Dorsey Wright Focus", 
-    "23.6", 
-    "$1.98B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FWM", 
-    "Fairway Group Holdings Corp.", 
-    "5.63", 
-    "$245.4M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FWP", 
-    "Forward Pharma A/S", 
-    "23.59", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FWRD", 
-    "Forward Air Corporation", 
-    "53.76", 
-    "$1.64B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FXCB", 
-    "Fox Chase Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.28", 
-    "$195.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FXEN", 
-    "FX Energy, Inc.", 
-    "2.26", 
-    "$122.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FXENP", 
-    "FX Energy, Inc.", 
-    "20", 
-    "$16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_11.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_11.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4df9797..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_11.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "GABC", 
-    "German American Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "29.18", 
-    "$385.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAI", 
-    "Global-Tech Advanced Innovations Inc.", 
-    "3.9", 
-    "$11.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAIA", 
-    "Gaiam, Inc.", 
-    "6.64", 
-    "$162.45M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAIN", 
-    "Gladstone Investment Corporation", 
-    "7.8", 
-    "$206.51M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAINO", 
-    "Gladstone Investment Corporation", 
-    "25.3799", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAINP", 
-    "Gladstone Investment Corporation", 
-    "25.8", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GALE", 
-    "Galena Biopharma, Inc.", 
-    "1.84", 
-    "$223.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GALT", 
-    "Galectin Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$89.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GALTU", 
-    "Galectin Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "7.7", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GALTW", 
-    "Galectin Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "1.9732", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAME", 
-    "Shanda Games Limited", 
-    "5.58", 
-    "$1.5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GARS", 
-    "Garrison Capital Inc.", 
-    "14.83", 
-    "$248.53M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GASS", 
-    "StealthGas, Inc.", 
-    "6.14", 
-    "$245.61M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBCI", 
-    "Glacier Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "24.79", 
-    "$1.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBDC", 
-    "Golub Capital BDC, Inc.", 
-    "17.58", 
-    "$829.28M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBIM", 
-    "GlobeImmune, Inc.", 
-    "7.61", 
-    "$43.75M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBLI", 
-    "Global Indemnity plc", 
-    "26.71", 
-    "$676.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBNK", 
-    "Guaranty Bancorp", 
-    "15.1", 
-    "$328.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBSN", 
-    "Great Basin Scientific, Inc.", 
-    "1.8", 
-    "$9.16M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GCBC", 
-    "Greene County Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "27.9748", 
-    "$118.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GCVRZ", 
-    "Sanofi", 
-    "0.62", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GDEF", 
-    "Global Defense & National Security Systems, Inc.", 
-    "10.3", 
-    "$99.13M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GENC", 
-    "Gencor Industries Inc.", 
-    "9.66", 
-    "$91.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GENE", 
-    "Genetic Technologies Ltd", 
-    "6.46", 
-    "$26.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GEOS", 
-    "Geospace Technologies Corporation", 
-    "18.31", 
-    "$240.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GERN", 
-    "Geron Corporation", 
-    "3.16", 
-    "$496.79M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GEVA", 
-    "Synageva BioPharma Corp.", 
-    "102.45", 
-    "$3.77B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GEVO", 
-    "Gevo, Inc.", 
-    "0.27", 
-    "$26.9M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GFED", 
-    "Guaranty Federal Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "14.53", 
-    "$62.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GFN", 
-    "General Finance Corporation", 
-    "8.9", 
-    "$230.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GFNCP", 
-    "General Finance Corporation", 
-    "110", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GFNSL", 
-    "General Finance Corporation", 
-    "25.85", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGAC", 
-    "Garnero Group Acquisition Company", 
-    "9.52", 
-    "$177.1M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGACR", 
-    "Garnero Group Acquisition Company", 
-    "0.16", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGACU", 
-    "Garnero Group Acquisition Company", 
-    "9.9", 
-    "$129.33M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGACW", 
-    "Garnero Group Acquisition Company", 
-    "0.11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGAL", 
-    "Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A.", 
-    "20.505", 
-    "$2.67B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GHDX", 
-    "Genomic Health, Inc.", 
-    "31", 
-    "$983.37M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GIFI", 
-    "Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc.", 
-    "16.86", 
-    "$244.67M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GIGA", 
-    "Giga-tronics Incorporated", 
-    "1.76", 
-    "$9.58M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GIGM", 
-    "GigaMedia Limited", 
-    "0.772", 
-    "$39.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GIII", 
-    "G-III Apparel Group, LTD.", 
-    "105.53", 
-    "$2.37B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GILD", 
-    "Gilead Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "102.61", 
-    "$154.8B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GILT", 
-    "Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.", 
-    "4.83", 
-    "$205.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GK", 
-    "G&K Services, Inc.", 
-    "72.46", 
-    "$1.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GKNT", 
-    "Geeknet, Inc.", 
-    "7.87", 
-    "$52.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLAD", 
-    "Gladstone Capital Corporation", 
-    "8.41", 
-    "$176.61M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLADO", 
-    "Gladstone Capital Corporation", 
-    "25.3352", 
-    "$55.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLBS", 
-    "Globus Maritime Limited", 
-    "1.647", 
-    "$16.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLBZ", 
-    "Glen Burnie Bancorp", 
-    "12.23", 
-    "$33.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLDC", 
-    "Golden Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "3.97", 
-    "$46.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLDD", 
-    "Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation", 
-    "7.42", 
-    "$446.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLDI", 
-    "Credit Suisse AG", 
-    "12", 
-    "$162.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLMD", 
-    "Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.", 
-    "8.04", 
-    "$89.25M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLNG", 
-    "Golar LNG Limited", 
-    "31.32", 
-    "$2.92B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLPI", 
-    "Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc.", 
-    "33.79", 
-    "$3.8B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLRE", 
-    "Greenlight Reinsurance, Ltd.", 
-    "31.95", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLRI", 
-    "Glori Energy Inc", 
-    "3.175", 
-    "$100.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLUU", 
-    "Glu Mobile Inc.", 
-    "5.11", 
-    "$546.51M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLYC", 
-    "GlycoMimetics, Inc.", 
-    "8.12", 
-    "$153.43M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GMAN", 
-    "Gordmans Stores, Inc.", 
-    "3.95", 
-    "$77.33M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GMCR", 
-    "Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.", 
-    "122.87", 
-    "$19.87B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GMLP", 
-    "Golar LNG Partners LP", 
-    "27.76", 
-    "$1.71B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNBC", 
-    "Green Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.35", 
-    "$297.04M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNCA", 
-    "Genocea Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "9", 
-    "$158.49M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNCMA", 
-    "General Communication, Inc.", 
-    "14.43", 
-    "$594.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNMA", 
-    "iShares GNMA Bond ETF", 
-    "50.2932", 
-    "$40.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNMK", 
-    "GenMark Diagnostics, Inc.", 
-    "13.22", 
-    "$551.73M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNTX", 
-    "Gentex Corporation", 
-    "17.875", 
-    "$5.23B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNVC", 
-    "GenVec, Inc.", 
-    "3.37", 
-    "$58.2M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOGO", 
-    "Gogo Inc.", 
-    "16.22", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOLD", 
-    "Randgold Resources Limited", 
-    "76.11", 
-    "$7.06B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOMO", 
-    "Sungy Mobile Limited", 
-    "4.99", 
-    "$167.08M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOOD", 
-    "Gladstone Commercial Corporation", 
-    "17.6", 
-    "$372.57M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOODN", 
-    "Gladstone Commercial Corporation", 
-    "25.6101", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOODO", 
-    "Gladstone Commercial Corporation", 
-    "25.4301", 
-    "$29.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOODP", 
-    "Gladstone Commercial Corporation", 
-    "25.6", 
-    "$25.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOOG", 
-    "Google Inc.", 
-    "538.95", 
-    "$366.82B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOOGL", 
-    "Google Inc.", 
-    "541.8", 
-    "$368.76B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GPIC", 
-    "Gaming Partners International Corporation", 
-    "8.265", 
-    "$65.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GPOR", 
-    "Gulfport Energy Corporation", 
-    "43.01", 
-    "$3.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GPRE", 
-    "Green Plains, Inc.", 
-    "25.01", 
-    "$940.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GPRO", 
-    "GoPro, Inc.", 
-    "45.07", 
-    "$5.67B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRBK", 
-    "Green Brick Partners, Inc.", 
-    "8.2", 
-    "$51.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRFS", 
-    "Grifols, S.A.", 
-    "35.2", 
-    "$12.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRID", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge Smart Grid Infrastructure Index ", 
-    "35.9316", 
-    "$12.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRIF", 
-    "Griffin Land & Nurseries, Inc.", 
-    "31.38", 
-    "$161.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRMN", 
-    "Garmin Ltd.", 
-    "49.42", 
-    "$9.48B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GROW", 
-    "U.S. Global Investors, Inc.", 
-    "3.345", 
-    "$51.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRPN", 
-    "Groupon, Inc.", 
-    "8.15", 
-    "$5.5B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRVY", 
-    "GRAVITY Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.519", 
-    "$14.43M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSBC", 
-    "Great Southern Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "36.93", 
-    "$506.96M", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSIG", 
-    "GSI Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.62", 
-    "$465.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSIT", 
-    "GSI Technology, Inc.", 
-    "5.7275", 
-    "$133.95M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSM", 
-    "Globe Specialty Metals Inc.", 
-    "15.37", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSOL", 
-    "Global Sources Ltd.", 
-    "5.56", 
-    "$165.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSVC", 
-    "GSV Capital Corp", 
-    "9.97", 
-    "$192.62M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GT", 
-    "The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company", 
-    "27.69", 
-    "$7.46B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GTIM", 
-    "Good Times Restaurants Inc.", 
-    "8.29", 
-    "$78.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GTLS", 
-    "Chart Industries, Inc.", 
-    "31.07", 
-    "$947.05M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_12.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_12.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 51fd8da..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_12.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "GTWN", 
-    "Georgetown Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "17.5501", 
-    "$32.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GTXI", 
-    "GTx, Inc.", 
-    "0.7", 
-    "$98.23M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GUID", 
-    "Guidance Software, Inc.", 
-    "5.99", 
-    "$176.55M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GULF", 
-    "WisdomTree Middle East Dividend Fund", 
-    "21.14", 
-    "$50.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GULTU", 
-    "Gulf Coast Ultra Deep Royalty Trust", 
-    "1", 
-    "$230.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GURE", 
-    "Gulf Resources, Inc.", 
-    "1.58", 
-    "$61.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GWGH", 
-    "GWG Holdings, Inc", 
-    "8.405", 
-    "$49.34M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GWPH", 
-    "GW Pharmaceuticals Plc", 
-    "84.89", 
-    "$1.67B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GYRO", 
-    "Gyrodyne Company of America, Inc.", 
-    "3.944", 
-    "$5.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HA", 
-    "Hawaiian Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "18.745", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HABT", 
-    "The Habit Restaurants, Inc.", 
-    "32.26", 
-    "$814.65M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAFC", 
-    "Hanmi Financial Corporation", 
-    "20.05", 
-    "$639.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAIN", 
-    "The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.", 
-    "62.12", 
-    "$6.32B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HALL", 
-    "Hallmark Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "10.87", 
-    "$207.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HALO", 
-    "Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "15.365", 
-    "$1.93B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HART          ", 
-    "Harvard Apparatus Regenerative Technology, Inc.", 
-    "3.32", 
-    "$26.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAS", 
-    "Hasbro, Inc.", 
-    "61.83", 
-    "$7.77B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAWK", 
-    "Blackhawk Network Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "38.15", 
-    "$2.02B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAWKB", 
-    "Blackhawk Network Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "37.71", 
-    "$2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAYN", 
-    "Haynes International, Inc.", 
-    "41.54", 
-    "$517.02M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBAN", 
-    "Huntington Bancshares Incorporated", 
-    "10.72", 
-    "$8.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBANP", 
-    "Huntington Bancshares Incorporated", 
-    "1335", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBCP", 
-    "Home Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "21.06", 
-    "$149.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBHC", 
-    "Hancock Holding Company", 
-    "29.4", 
-    "$2.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBIO", 
-    "Harvard Bioscience, Inc.", 
-    "5.45", 
-    "$176.69M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBK", 
-    "Hamilton Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.99", 
-    "$44.4M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBMD", 
-    "Howard Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.24", 
-    "$54.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBNC", 
-    "Horizon Bancorp (IN)", 
-    "22.44", 
-    "$206.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBNK", 
-    "Hampden Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "20.9001", 
-    "$116.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBOS", 
-    "Heritage Financial Group", 
-    "25.11", 
-    "$230.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBP", 
-    "Huttig Building Products, Inc.", 
-    "3.1", 
-    "$76.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCAC", 
-    "Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.04", 
-    "$144.33M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCACU", 
-    "Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "11.64", 
-    "$116.4M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCACW", 
-    "Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.71", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCAP", 
-    "Harvest Capital Credit Corporation", 
-    "12.38", 
-    "$76.9M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCAPL", 
-    "Harvest Capital Credit Corporation", 
-    "25.6759", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCBK", 
-    "Hudson City Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.67", 
-    "$5.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCCI", 
-    "Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc.", 
-    "12.5", 
-    "$275.83M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCKT", 
-    "The Hackett Group, Inc.", 
-    "7.93", 
-    "$231.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCOM", 
-    "Hawaiian Telcom Holdco, Inc.", 
-    "26.44", 
-    "$282.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCSG", 
-    "Healthcare Services Group, Inc.", 
-    "32.69", 
-    "$2.33B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDNG", 
-    "Hardinge, Inc.", 
-    "11.44", 
-    "$146.68M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDP", 
-    "Hortonworks, Inc.", 
-    "24.47", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDRA", 
-    "Hydra Industries Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.5", 
-    "$97.85M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDRAR", 
-    "Hydra Industries Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.2792", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDRAU", 
-    "Hydra Industries Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.86", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDRAW", 
-    "Hydra Industries Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.19", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDS", 
-    "HD Supply Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "29.62", 
-    "$5.81B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDSN", 
-    "Hudson Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "3.87", 
-    "$123.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HEAR", 
-    "Turtle Beach Corporation", 
-    "2.57", 
-    "$108.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HEES", 
-    "H&E Equipment Services, Inc.", 
-    "22.2", 
-    "$782.18M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HELE", 
-    "Helen of Troy Limited", 
-    "77.56", 
-    "$2.2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HEOP", 
-    "Heritage Oaks Bancorp", 
-    "7.87", 
-    "$260.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HERO", 
-    "Hercules Offshore, Inc.", 
-    "0.8601", 
-    "$138.32M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HFBC", 
-    "HopFed Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.07", 
-    "$94.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HFBL", 
-    "Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana", 
-    "19.69", 
-    "$42.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HFFC", 
-    "HF Financial Corp.", 
-    "14.84", 
-    "$104.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HFWA", 
-    "Heritage Financial Corporation", 
-    "16.29", 
-    "$492.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HGSH", 
-    "China HGS Real Estate, Inc.", 
-    "3.2", 
-    "$144.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIBB", 
-    "Hibbett Sports, Inc.", 
-    "49.06", 
-    "$1.23B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIFS", 
-    "Hingham Institution for Savings", 
-    "100.75", 
-    "$214.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIHO", 
-    "Highway Holdings Limited", 
-    "3.463", 
-    "$13.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIIQ", 
-    "Health Insurance Innovations, Inc.", 
-    "7.77", 
-    "$114.13M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HILL", 
-    "Dot Hill Systems Corporation", 
-    "4.38", 
-    "$265.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIMX", 
-    "Himax Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "7.75", 
-    "$1.33B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HKTV", 
-    "Hong Kong Television Network Limited", 
-    "8.01", 
-    "$324.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HLIT", 
-    "Harmonic Inc.", 
-    "7.9", 
-    "$695.67M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HLSS", 
-    "Home Loan Servicing Solutions, Ltd.", 
-    "16.76", 
-    "$1.19B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMHC", 
-    "Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company", 
-    "20.07", 
-    "$2.84B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Books", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMIN", 
-    "Homeinns Hotel Group", 
-    "29", 
-    "$1.39B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMNF", 
-    "HMN Financial, Inc.", 
-    "12.0286", 
-    "$53.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMNY", 
-    "Helios and Matheson Analytics Inc", 
-    "1.7856", 
-    "$4.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMPR", 
-    "Hampton Roads Bankshares Inc", 
-    "1.63", 
-    "$277.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMST", 
-    "HomeStreet, Inc.", 
-    "17.2", 
-    "$255.53M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMSY", 
-    "HMS Holdings Corp", 
-    "19.1", 
-    "$1.68B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMTV", 
-    "Hemisphere Media Group, Inc.", 
-    "12.67", 
-    "$571.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HNH", 
-    "Handy & Harman Ltd.", 
-    "46.66", 
-    "$503.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HNNA", 
-    "Hennessy Advisors, Inc.", 
-    "22.6505", 
-    "$136.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HNRG", 
-    "Hallador Energy Company", 
-    "11.44", 
-    "$329.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Coal Mining", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HNSN", 
-    "Hansen Medical, Inc.", 
-    "1.09", 
-    "$144.44M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOFT", 
-    "Hooker Furniture Corporation", 
-    "18.5", 
-    "$199.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOLI", 
-    "Hollysys Automation Technologies, Ltd.", 
-    "18.93", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOLX", 
-    "Hologic, Inc.", 
-    "31.735", 
-    "$8.88B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Electronics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOMB", 
-    "Home BancShares, Inc.", 
-    "31.57", 
-    "$2.13B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOTR", 
-    "Chanticleer Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "2.7", 
-    "$19.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOTRW", 
-    "Chanticleer Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "0.2999", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOVNP", 
-    "Hovnanian Enterprises Inc", 
-    "14.94", 
-    "$74.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HPJ", 
-    "Highpower International Inc", 
-    "5.38", 
-    "$80.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HPTX", 
-    "Hyperion Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "27.42", 
-    "$568.24M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HQCL", 
-    "Hanwha Q CELLS Co., Ltd. ", 
-    "1.1784", 
-    "$989.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HQY", 
-    "HealthEquity, Inc.", 
-    "19.42", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HRTX", 
-    "Heron Therapeutics, Inc.  ", 
-    "11.07", 
-    "$323.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HRZN", 
-    "Horizon Technology Finance Corporation", 
-    "14.03", 
-    "$135.06M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSGX", 
-    "Histogenics Corporation", 
-    "9.6", 
-    "$122.47M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSIC", 
-    "Henry Schein, Inc.", 
-    "142.55", 
-    "$11.95B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSII", 
-    "Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.", 
-    "23.21", 
-    "$423.45M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSKA", 
-    "Heska Corporation", 
-    "21.14", 
-    "$133.6M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSNI", 
-    "HSN, Inc.", 
-    "68.11", 
-    "$3.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSON", 
-    "Hudson Global, Inc.", 
-    "2.58", 
-    "$85.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSTM", 
-    "HealthStream, Inc.", 
-    "26.46", 
-    "$731.21M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_13.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_13.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a907431..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_13.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "HTBI", 
-    "HomeTrust Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "16.01", 
-    "$326.58M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTBK", 
-    "Heritage Commerce Corp", 
-    "8.64", 
-    "$228.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTBX", 
-    "Heat Biologics, Inc.", 
-    "6.83", 
-    "$44.27M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTCH", 
-    "Hutchinson Technology Incorporated", 
-    "3.66", 
-    "$122.46M", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTHT", 
-    "China Lodging Group, Limited", 
-    "22.07", 
-    "$1.37B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTLD", 
-    "Heartland Express, Inc.", 
-    "25.49", 
-    "$2.24B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTLF", 
-    "Heartland Financial USA, Inc.", 
-    "29.45", 
-    "$544.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTWO", 
-    "HF2 Financial Management Inc.", 
-    "10.2", 
-    "$242.68M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTWR", 
-    "Heartware International, Inc.", 
-    "89.49", 
-    "$1.52B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HUBG", 
-    "Hub Group, Inc.", 
-    "38.77", 
-    "$1.45B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HURC", 
-    "Hurco Companies, Inc.", 
-    "35.25", 
-    "$230.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HURN", 
-    "Huron Consulting Group Inc.", 
-    "77.8", 
-    "$1.78B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HWAY", 
-    "Healthways, Inc.", 
-    "21.15", 
-    "$748.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HWBK", 
-    "Hawthorn Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "15", 
-    "$78.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HWCC", 
-    "Houston Wire & Cable Company", 
-    "10.6", 
-    "$185.73M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HWKN", 
-    "Hawkins, Inc.", 
-    "38.61", 
-    "$411.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HYGS", 
-    "Hydrogenics Corporation", 
-    "13.83", 
-    "$139.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HYLS", 
-    "First Trust High Yield Long/Short ETF", 
-    "50.43", 
-    "$186.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HYND", 
-    "WisdomTree BofA Merrill Lynch High Yield Bond Negative Duratio", 
-    "21.75", 
-    "$8.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HYZD", 
-    "WisdomTree BofA Merrill Lynch High Yield Bond Zero Duration Fu", 
-    "24.24", 
-    "$21.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HZNP", 
-    "Horizon Pharma plc", 
-    "18.53", 
-    "$2.2B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IACI", 
-    "IAC/InterActiveCorp", 
-    "67.06", 
-    "$5.62B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IART", 
-    "Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation", 
-    "56.99", 
-    "$1.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBB", 
-    "iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology Index Fund", 
-    "336.43", 
-    "$7.75B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBCP", 
-    "Independent Bank Corporation", 
-    "12.55", 
-    "$288.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBKC", 
-    "IBERIABANK Corporation", 
-    "62.57", 
-    "$2.09B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBKR", 
-    "Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.", 
-    "32.53", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBOC", 
-    "International Bancshares Corporation", 
-    "24.65", 
-    "$1.64B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBTX", 
-    "Independent Bank Group, Inc", 
-    "36.95", 
-    "$628.78M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICAD", 
-    "icad inc.", 
-    "10.85", 
-    "$168.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICBK", 
-    "County Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "20.2108", 
-    "$111.11M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICCC", 
-    "ImmuCell Corporation", 
-    "6.6999", 
-    "$20.28M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICEL", 
-    "Cellular Dynamics International, Inc.", 
-    "5.36", 
-    "$84.76M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICFI", 
-    "ICF International, Inc.", 
-    "39.56", 
-    "$767.41M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICLD", 
-    "InterCloud Systems, Inc", 
-    "2.71", 
-    "$46.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICLDW", 
-    "InterCloud Systems, Inc", 
-    "1.575", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICLN", 
-    "iShares S&P Global Clean Energy Index Fund", 
-    "10.6101", 
-    "$68.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICLR", 
-    "ICON plc", 
-    "60.31", 
-    "$3.71B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICON", 
-    "Iconix Brand Group, Inc.", 
-    "34.96", 
-    "$1.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICPT", 
-    "Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "218.89", 
-    "$4.94B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICUI", 
-    "ICU Medical, Inc.", 
-    "87.85", 
-    "$1.35B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDCC", 
-    "InterDigital, Inc.", 
-    "51.66", 
-    "$1.92B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDRA", 
-    "Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "4.66", 
-    "$549.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDSA", 
-    "Industrial Services of America, Inc.", 
-    "5.7499", 
-    "$45.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDSY", 
-    "I.D. Systems, Inc.", 
-    "6.73", 
-    "$86.19M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDTI", 
-    "Integrated Device Technology, Inc.", 
-    "20.84", 
-    "$3.09B", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDXX", 
-    "IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "158.15", 
-    "$7.45B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IEP", 
-    "Icahn Enterprises L.P.", 
-    "98.95", 
-    "$12.02B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Integrated oil Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IESC", 
-    "Integrated Electrical Services, Inc.", 
-    "7.96", 
-    "$173.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IEUS", 
-    "iShares MSCI Europe Small-Cap ETF", 
-    "44.83", 
-    "$38.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFAS", 
-    "iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Asia Index Fund", 
-    "32.16", 
-    "$19.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFEU", 
-    "iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Europe Index Fund", 
-    "40.49", 
-    "$48.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFGL", 
-    "iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate ex-US Index Fund", 
-    "32.07", 
-    "$997.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFNA", 
-    "iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT North America Index Fund", 
-    "59.748", 
-    "$23.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFON", 
-    "InfoSonics Corp", 
-    "1.78", 
-    "$25.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFV", 
-    "First Trust Dorsey Wright International Focus 5 ETF", 
-    "19.51", 
-    "$26.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IGLD", 
-    "Internet Gold Golden Lines Ltd.", 
-    "4.38", 
-    "$84.11M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IGOV", 
-    "iShares S&P/Citigroup International Treasury Bond Fund", 
-    "93.86", 
-    "$483.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IGTE", 
-    "iGATE Corporation", 
-    "39.32", 
-    "$3.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "III", 
-    "Information Services Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.22", 
-    "$154.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IIIN", 
-    "Insteel Industries, Inc.", 
-    "21.5", 
-    "$395.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IIJI", 
-    "Internet Initiative Japan, Inc.", 
-    "9.75", 
-    "$895.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IILG", 
-    "Interval Leisure Group, Inc.", 
-    "25.84", 
-    "$1.48B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IIN", 
-    "IntriCon Corporation", 
-    "7.85", 
-    "$45.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IIVI", 
-    "II-VI Incorporated", 
-    "17.54", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IKAN", 
-    "Ikanos Communications, Inc.", 
-    "3.35", 
-    "$46.69M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IKGH", 
-    "Iao Kun Group Holding Company Limited", 
-    "1.39", 
-    "$84.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IKNX", 
-    "Ikonics Corporation", 
-    "18.15", 
-    "$36.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ILMN", 
-    "Illumina, Inc.", 
-    "203.135", 
-    "$29.21B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMDZ", 
-    "Immune Design Corp.", 
-    "24.18", 
-    "$408.13M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMGN", 
-    "ImmunoGen, Inc.", 
-    "7.62", 
-    "$656.14M", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMI", 
-    "Intermolecular, Inc.", 
-    "1.73", 
-    "$82.34M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMKTA", 
-    "Ingles Markets, Incorporated", 
-    "42.91", 
-    "$869.35M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMMR", 
-    "Immersion Corporation", 
-    "8.8", 
-    "$243.57M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMMU", 
-    "Immunomedics, Inc.", 
-    "3.99", 
-    "$372.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMMY", 
-    "Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7.68", 
-    "$71.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMNP          ", 
-    "Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "1.81", 
-    "$34.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMOS", 
-    "ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES (Bermuda) LTD.", 
-    "23.65", 
-    "$699.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMRS", 
-    "Imris Inc", 
-    "0.8546", 
-    "$53.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INAP", 
-    "Internap Corporation", 
-    "9.04", 
-    "$386.44M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INBK", 
-    "First Internet Bancorp", 
-    "16.278", 
-    "$72.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INCR", 
-    "INC Research Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "25.61", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INCY", 
-    "Incyte Corporation", 
-    "82.49", 
-    "$14.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INDB", 
-    "Independent Bank Corp.", 
-    "41.81", 
-    "$1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INDY", 
-    "iShares S&P India Nifty 50 Index Fund", 
-    "32.8", 
-    "$941.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INFA", 
-    "Informatica Corporation", 
-    "43.9", 
-    "$4.77B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INFI", 
-    "Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "15.69", 
-    "$765.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INFN", 
-    "Infinera Corporation", 
-    "17.65", 
-    "$2.26B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INGN", 
-    "Inogen, Inc", 
-    "33.34", 
-    "$621.09M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ININ", 
-    "Interactive Intelligence Group, Inc.", 
-    "42.53", 
-    "$896.87M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INNL", 
-    "Innocoll AG", 
-    "8.01", 
-    "$158.62M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INO", 
-    "Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "6.88", 
-    "$416.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INOD", 
-    "Innodata Inc.", 
-    "2.7", 
-    "$68.41M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INOV", 
-    "Inovalon Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "29.84", 
-    "$4.31B", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INPH", 
-    "Interphase Corporation", 
-    "2.17", 
-    "$18.18M", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INSM", 
-    "Insmed, Inc.", 
-    "17.58", 
-    "$873.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INSY", 
-    "Insys Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "52.42", 
-    "$1.83B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTC", 
-    "Intel Corporation", 
-    "34.41", 
-    "$162.97B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTG", 
-    "The Intergroup Corporation", 
-    "19.6", 
-    "$46.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTL", 
-    "INTL FCStone Inc.", 
-    "25.2", 
-    "$475.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_14.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_14.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6514c95..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_14.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "INTLL", 
-    "INTL FCStone Inc.", 
-    "25.76", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTU", 
-    "Intuit Inc.", 
-    "96.72", 
-    "$26.76B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTX", 
-    "Intersections, Inc.", 
-    "3.76", 
-    "$69.68M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INVE", 
-    "Identiv, Inc.", 
-    "11.35", 
-    "$120.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INVT", 
-    "Inventergy Global, Inc.", 
-    "0.51", 
-    "$13.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INWK", 
-    "InnerWorkings, Inc.", 
-    "6.43", 
-    "$346.48M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IOSP", 
-    "Innospec Inc.", 
-    "43.95", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPAR", 
-    "Inter Parfums, Inc.", 
-    "27.31", 
-    "$845.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPAS", 
-    "iPass Inc.", 
-    "0.9", 
-    "$58.17M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPCC", 
-    "Infinity Property and Casualty Corporation", 
-    "75.47", 
-    "$867.55M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPCI", 
-    "Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.", 
-    "2.48", 
-    "$58.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPCM", 
-    "IPC Healthcare, Inc.", 
-    "41.71", 
-    "$718.35M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPDN", 
-    "Professional Diversity Network, Inc.", 
-    "4.88", 
-    "$61.58M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPGP", 
-    "IPG Photonics Corporation", 
-    "93.28", 
-    "$4.87B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPHS", 
-    "Innophos Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "56.92", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPKW", 
-    "PowerShares International BuyBack Achievers Portfolio", 
-    "26.0535", 
-    "$18.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPWR", 
-    "Ideal Power Inc.", 
-    "7.82", 
-    "$55.12M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPXL", 
-    "Impax Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "40.35", 
-    "$2.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IQNT", 
-    "Inteliquent, Inc.", 
-    "17.94", 
-    "$594.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRBT", 
-    "iRobot Corporation", 
-    "31.46", 
-    "$933.49M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRCP", 
-    "IRSA Propiedades Comerciales S.A.", 
-    "23.01", 
-    "$724.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRDM", 
-    "Iridium Communications Inc", 
-    "9.58", 
-    "$898.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRDMB", 
-    "Iridium Communications Inc", 
-    "357.9", 
-    "$178.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRG", 
-    "Ignite Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "7.15", 
-    "$187.34M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRIX", 
-    "IRIDEX Corporation", 
-    "9.83", 
-    "$96.74M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRMD", 
-    "iRadimed Corporation", 
-    "14.7305", 
-    "$159.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IROQ", 
-    "IF Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.75", 
-    "$72.68M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRWD", 
-    "Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "15.65", 
-    "$2.21B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISBC", 
-    "Investors Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.68", 
-    "$4.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISCA", 
-    "International Speedway Corporation", 
-    "31.98", 
-    "$1.49B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISHG", 
-    "iShares 1-3 Year International Treasury Bond ETF", 
-    "81.41", 
-    "$154.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISIG", 
-    "Insignia Systems, Inc.", 
-    "3.09", 
-    "$37.99M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISIL", 
-    "Intersil Corporation", 
-    "15.36", 
-    "$2B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISIS", 
-    "Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "67.01", 
-    "$7.92B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISLE", 
-    "Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc.", 
-    "10.44", 
-    "$417.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISM", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "24.01", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISNS", 
-    "Image Sensing Systems, Inc.", 
-    "2.43", 
-    "$12.12M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISRG", 
-    "Intuitive Surgical, Inc.", 
-    "513.31", 
-    "$18.79B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISRL", 
-    "Isramco, Inc.", 
-    "123", 
-    "$334.28M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISSC", 
-    "Innovative Solutions and Support, Inc.", 
-    "4.4", 
-    "$74.31M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISSI", 
-    "Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc.", 
-    "16.4", 
-    "$516.64M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISTR", 
-    "Investar Holding Corporation", 
-    "14.6", 
-    "$105.91M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITCI", 
-    "Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc.", 
-    "25.65", 
-    "$754.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITEK", 
-    "Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corporation", 
-    "6.09", 
-    "$96.69M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITIC", 
-    "Investors Title Company", 
-    "73.81", 
-    "$149.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITRI", 
-    "Itron, Inc.", 
-    "35.13", 
-    "$1.37B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITRN", 
-    "Ituran Location and Control Ltd.", 
-    "23.09", 
-    "$542.05M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IVAC", 
-    "Intevac, Inc.", 
-    "7", 
-    "$163.1M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IVAN", 
-    "Ivanhoe Energy, Inc.", 
-    "0.424", 
-    "$6.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IXYS", 
-    "IXYS Corporation", 
-    "12.14", 
-    "$384.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JACK", 
-    "Jack In The Box Inc.", 
-    "97.99", 
-    "$3.73B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JAKK", 
-    "JAKKS Pacific, Inc.", 
-    "6.96", 
-    "$161.92M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JASN", 
-    "Jason Industries, Inc.", 
-    "8.01", 
-    "$176.15M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JASNW", 
-    "Jason Industries, Inc.", 
-    "1.07", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JASO", 
-    "JA Solar Holdings, Co., Ltd.", 
-    "8.63", 
-    "$392.66M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JAXB", 
-    "Jacksonville Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "10.4375", 
-    "$60.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JAZZ", 
-    "Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc", 
-    "172.42", 
-    "$10.43B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JBHT", 
-    "J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.", 
-    "85.15", 
-    "$9.98B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JBLU", 
-    "JetBlue Airways Corporation", 
-    "17.49", 
-    "$5.44B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JBSS", 
-    "John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.", 
-    "36.04", 
-    "$401.02M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JCOM", 
-    "j2 Global, Inc.", 
-    "67.16", 
-    "$3.21B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JCS", 
-    "Communications Systems, Inc.", 
-    "11.1", 
-    "$96.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JCTCF", 
-    "Jewett-Cameron Trading Company", 
-    "11.4239", 
-    "$29.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JD", 
-    ", Inc.", 
-    "28.21", 
-    "$38.43B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JDSU", 
-    "JDS Uniphase Corporation", 
-    "13.53", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JGBB", 
-    "WisdomTree Japan Interest Rate Strategy Fund", 
-    "49.4", 
-    "$4.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JIVE", 
-    "Jive Software, Inc.", 
-    "5.01", 
-    "$358.68M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JJSF", 
-    "J & J Snack Foods Corp.", 
-    "100.45", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JKHY", 
-    "Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.", 
-    "67.26", 
-    "$5.5B", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JMBA", 
-    "Jamba, Inc.", 
-    "14.98", 
-    "$260.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JOBS", 
-    "51job, Inc.", 
-    "33.77", 
-    "$1.99B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JOEZ", 
-    "Joe&#39;s Jeans Inc.", 
-    "0.21", 
-    "$14.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JOUT", 
-    "Johnson Outdoors Inc.", 
-    "29.5", 
-    "$295.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JRJC", 
-    "China Finance Online Co. Limited", 
-    "5.8655", 
-    "$130.38M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JRVR", 
-    "James River Group Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "21.82", 
-    "$622.75M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JSM", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "22.7", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JST", 
-    "Jinpan International Limited", 
-    "5.3699", 
-    "$88.17M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JTPY", 
-    "JetPay Corporation", 
-    "2.62", 
-    "$36.32M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JUNO", 
-    "Juno Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "45.52", 
-    "$4.12B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JVA", 
-    "Coffee Holding Co., Inc.", 
-    "5.05", 
-    "$32.6M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JXSB", 
-    "Jacksonville Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "23", 
-    "$41.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JYNT", 
-    "The Joint Corp.", 
-    "7.19", 
-    "$69.92M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KALU", 
-    "Kaiser Aluminum Corporation", 
-    "75.34", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KANG", 
-    "iKang Healthcare Group, Inc.", 
-    "17.35", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KBAL", 
-    "Kimball International, Inc.", 
-    "9.27", 
-    "$360.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KBIO", 
-    "KaloBios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.452", 
-    "$14.91M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KBSF", 
-    "KBS Fashion Group Limited", 
-    "3.65", 
-    "$92.77M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KCAP", 
-    "KCAP Financial, Inc.", 
-    "7.33", 
-    "$269.4M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KCLI", 
-    "Kansas City Life Insurance Company", 
-    "45.78", 
-    "$498.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KE", 
-    "Kimball Electronics, Inc.", 
-    "12.05", 
-    "$351.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KELYA", 
-    "Kelly Services, Inc.", 
-    "17.68", 
-    "$666.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KELYB", 
-    "Kelly Services, Inc.", 
-    "17.914", 
-    "$675.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KEQU", 
-    "Kewaunee Scientific Corporation", 
-    "17.84", 
-    "$46.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KERX", 
-    "Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "12.07", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KEYW", 
-    "The KEYW Holding Corporation", 
-    "8.77", 
-    "$329.67M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KFFB", 
-    "Kentucky First Federal Bancorp", 
-    "7.98", 
-    "$67.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KFRC", 
-    "Kforce, Inc.", 
-    "23.57", 
-    "$720.95M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KFX", 
-    "Kofax Limited", 
-    "6.79", 
-    "$626.01M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KGJI", 
-    "Kingold Jewelry Inc.", 
-    "1.06", 
-    "$69.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KIN", 
-    "Kindred Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "6.77", 
-    "$133.53M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_15.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_15.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8666c06..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_15.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "KINS", 
-    "Kingstone Companies, Inc", 
-    "7.5499", 
-    "$55.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KIRK", 
-    "Kirkland&#39;s, Inc.", 
-    "24.45", 
-    "$419.23M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KITE", 
-    "Kite Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "62.8", 
-    "$2.66B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KLAC", 
-    "KLA-Tencor Corporation", 
-    "64.97", 
-    "$10.57B", 
-    "1980", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KLIC", 
-    "Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc.", 
-    "16.06", 
-    "$1.23B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KLXI", 
-    "KLX Inc.", 
-    "39.28", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KMDA", 
-    "Kamada Ltd.", 
-    "4.57", 
-    "$164.47M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KNDI", 
-    "Kandi Technologies Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.62", 
-    "$630.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KONA", 
-    "Kona Grill, Inc.", 
-    "25.19", 
-    "$278.05M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KONE", 
-    "Kingtone Wirelessinfo Solution Holding Ltd", 
-    "3.38", 
-    "$4.75M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KOOL", 
-    "Cesca Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "0.938", 
-    "$37.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KOPN", 
-    "Kopin Corporation", 
-    "3.9", 
-    "$257.04M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KOSS", 
-    "Koss Corporation", 
-    "1.93", 
-    "$14.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KPTI", 
-    "Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "27.55", 
-    "$900.97M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KRFT", 
-    "Kraft Foods Group, Inc.", 
-    "64.42", 
-    "$37.88B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KRNY", 
-    "Kearny Financial", 
-    "13.38", 
-    "$901.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KTCC", 
-    "Key Tronic Corporation", 
-    "9.79", 
-    "$103.3M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KTEC", 
-    "Key Technology, Inc.", 
-    "12.53", 
-    "$78.17M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KTOS", 
-    "Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "5.84", 
-    "$337.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KTWO", 
-    "K2M Group Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "19.49", 
-    "$769.17M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KUTV", 
-    "Ku6 Media Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.9201", 
-    "$43.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KVHI", 
-    "KVH Industries, Inc.", 
-    "12.86", 
-    "$204.62M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KWEB", 
-    "KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF", 
-    "33.58", 
-    "$94.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KYTH", 
-    "Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "43.43", 
-    "$984.79M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KZ", 
-    "KongZhong Corporation", 
-    "5.21", 
-    "$238.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LABC", 
-    "Louisiana Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "22", 
-    "$61.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LABL", 
-    "Multi-Color Corporation", 
-    "66.42", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LACO", 
-    "Lakes Entertainment, Inc.", 
-    "8.45", 
-    "$113.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAKE", 
-    "Lakeland Industries, Inc.", 
-    "10", 
-    "$70.47M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LALT", 
-    "PowerShares Multi-Strategy Alternative Portfolio", 
-    "23.28", 
-    "$20.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAMR", 
-    "Lamar Advertising Company", 
-    "58.24", 
-    "$6.41B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LANC", 
-    "Lancaster Colony Corporation", 
-    "90.76", 
-    "$2.48B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAND", 
-    "Gladstone Land Corporation", 
-    "10.6", 
-    "$82.19M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LARK", 
-    "Landmark Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "23.98", 
-    "$76.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAWS", 
-    "Lawson Products, Inc.", 
-    "24.65", 
-    "$214.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAYN", 
-    "Layne Christensen Company", 
-    "7.6", 
-    "$150.02M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBAI", 
-    "Lakeland Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.1", 
-    "$420.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBIX", 
-    "Leading Brands Inc", 
-    "2.86", 
-    "$8.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBRDA", 
-    "Liberty Broadband Corporation", 
-    "50.61", 
-    "$4.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBRDK", 
-    "Liberty Broadband Corporation", 
-    "50.28", 
-    "$4.37B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBTYA", 
-    "Liberty Global plc", 
-    "53.25", 
-    "$47.24B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBTYB", 
-    "Liberty Global plc", 
-    "52.79", 
-    "$46.83B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBTYK", 
-    "Liberty Global plc", 
-    "51.65", 
-    "$45.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LCNB", 
-    "LCNB Corporation", 
-    "15.12", 
-    "$140.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LCUT", 
-    "Lifetime Brands, Inc.", 
-    "16.06", 
-    "$219.76M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LDRH", 
-    "LDR Holding Corporation", 
-    "37.7", 
-    "$982.34M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LDRI", 
-    "PowerShares LadderRite 0-5 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio", 
-    "25.0299", 
-    "$5.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LE", 
-    "Lands&#39; End, Inc.", 
-    "35.32", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LECO", 
-    "Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "70.175", 
-    "$5.45B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LEDS", 
-    "SemiLEDS Corporation", 
-    "1.36", 
-    "$38.66M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LENS", 
-    "Presbia PLC", 
-    "7.125", 
-    "$95M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LEVY", 
-    "Levy Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.9899", 
-    "$187.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LEVYU", 
-    "Levy Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.33", 
-    "$193.69M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LEVYW", 
-    "Levy Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.6", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LFUS", 
-    "Littelfuse, Inc.", 
-    "98.71", 
-    "$2.22B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LFVN", 
-    "Lifevantage Corporation", 
-    "1", 
-    "$98.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGCY", 
-    "Legacy Reserves LP", 
-    "12.84", 
-    "$888.09M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGCYO", 
-    "Legacy Reserves LP", 
-    "20.6", 
-    "$144.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGCYP", 
-    "Legacy Reserves LP", 
-    "20.34", 
-    "$40.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGIH", 
-    "LGI Homes, Inc.", 
-    "13.7", 
-    "$284.46M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGND", 
-    "Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated", 
-    "57.54", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LHCG", 
-    "LHC Group", 
-    "29.27", 
-    "$520.96M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LIME", 
-    "Lime Energy Co.", 
-    "2.4", 
-    "$22.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LINC", 
-    "Lincoln Educational Services Corporation", 
-    "2.22", 
-    "$53.4M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LINE", 
-    "Linn Energy, LLC", 
-    "12.75", 
-    "$4.28B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LION", 
-    "Fidelity Southern Corporation", 
-    "15.84", 
-    "$337.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LIOX", 
-    "Lionbridge Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "5.86", 
-    "$373.77M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LIQD", 
-    "Liquid Holdings Group, Inc.", 
-    "0.3625", 
-    "$21.87M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LIVE", 
-    "LiveDeal, Inc.", 
-    "3.14", 
-    "$50.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LJPC", 
-    "La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company", 
-    "18.69", 
-    "$284.57M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LKFN", 
-    "Lakeland Financial Corporation", 
-    "39.18", 
-    "$648.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LKQ", 
-    "LKQ Corporation", 
-    "27.38", 
-    "$8.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Motor Vehicles", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LLEX", 
-    "Lilis Energy, Inc.", 
-    "1.06", 
-    "$29.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LLNW", 
-    "Limelight Networks, Inc.", 
-    "3.25", 
-    "$319.51M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LLTC", 
-    "Linear Technology Corporation", 
-    "48.25", 
-    "$11.54B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMAT", 
-    "LeMaitre Vascular, Inc.", 
-    "7.63", 
-    "$132.54M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMBS", 
-    "First Trust Low Duration Mortgage Opportunities ETF", 
-    "50.64", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMCA", 
-    "Liberty Media Corporation", 
-    "38.5", 
-    "$13.21B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMCB", 
-    "Liberty Media Corporation", 
-    "39.391", 
-    "$13.51B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMCK", 
-    "Liberty Media Corporation", 
-    "38.49", 
-    "$13.2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMIA", 
-    "LMI Aerospace, Inc.", 
-    "14.38", 
-    "$182.6M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMNR", 
-    "Limoneira Co", 
-    "20.66", 
-    "$291.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMNS", 
-    "Lumenis Ltd.", 
-    "11.3", 
-    "$398.23M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMNX", 
-    "Luminex Corporation", 
-    "15.8", 
-    "$676.76M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMOS", 
-    "Lumos Networks Corp.", 
-    "18.04", 
-    "$405.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMRK", 
-    "Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP", 
-    "16.66", 
-    "$130.58M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LNBB", 
-    "LNB Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "17.61", 
-    "$170.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LNCE", 
-    "Snyder&#39;s-Lance, Inc.", 
-    "30.77", 
-    "$2.16B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LNCO", 
-    "Linn Co, LLC", 
-    "12.01", 
-    "$1.54B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LNDC", 
-    "Landec Corporation", 
-    "14.16", 
-    "$380.56M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOAN", 
-    "Manhattan Bridge Capital, Inc", 
-    "3.52", 
-    "$21.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOCM", 
-    "Local Corporation", 
-    "0.6701", 
-    "$15.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOCO", 
-    "El Pollo Loco Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "24.78", 
-    "$915.59M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOGI", 
-    "Logitech International S.A.", 
-    "14.84", 
-    "$2.44B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOGM", 
-    "LogMein, Inc.", 
-    "53.54", 
-    "$1.31B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOJN", 
-    "LoJack Corporation", 
-    "2.47", 
-    "$46.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LONG", 
-    "eLong, Inc.", 
-    "16.71", 
-    "$588.52M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOOK", 
-    "LookSmart, Ltd.", 
-    "0.7132", 
-    "$4.11M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOPE", 
-    "Grand Canyon Education, Inc.", 
-    "46.68", 
-    "$2.18B", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LORL", 
-    "Loral Space and Communications, Inc.", 
-    "72.67", 
-    "$2.25B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_16.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_16.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a53a77..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_16.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "LOXO", 
-    "Loxo Oncology, Inc.", 
-    "13.66", 
-    "$227.22M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPCN", 
-    "Lipocine Inc.", 
-    "6.0801", 
-    "$77.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPHI", 
-    "Life Partners Holdings Inc", 
-    "0.19", 
-    "$3.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPLA", 
-    "LPL Financial Holdings Inc.", 
-    "45.69", 
-    "$4.51B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPNT", 
-    "LifePoint Hospitals, Inc.", 
-    "70.18", 
-    "$3.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPSB", 
-    "LaPorte Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.05", 
-    "$74.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPSN", 
-    "LivePerson, Inc.", 
-    "11.44", 
-    "$625.23M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPTH", 
-    "LightPath Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "0.9921", 
-    "$15.11M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPTN", 
-    "Lpath, Inc.", 
-    "3.04", 
-    "$58.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LQDT", 
-    "Liquidity Services, Inc.", 
-    "9.62", 
-    "$288.39M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LRAD", 
-    "LRAD Corporation", 
-    "2.62", 
-    "$87.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LRCX", 
-    "Lam Research Corporation", 
-    "83.84", 
-    "$13.36B", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LSBK", 
-    "Lake Shore Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.95", 
-    "$82.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LSCC", 
-    "Lattice Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "6.33", 
-    "$747.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LSTR", 
-    "Landstar System, Inc.", 
-    "70.44", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTBR", 
-    "Lightbridge Corporation", 
-    "1.25", 
-    "$22.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTRE", 
-    "Learning Tree International, Inc.", 
-    "1.75", 
-    "$23.14M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTRPA", 
-    "Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "32.95", 
-    "$2.33B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTRPB", 
-    "Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "34.5", 
-    "$2.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTRX", 
-    "Lantronix, Inc.", 
-    "1.8", 
-    "$26.9M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTXB", 
-    "LegacyTexas Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$900.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LULU", 
-    "lululemon athletica inc.", 
-    "67.37", 
-    "$8.9B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LUNA", 
-    "Luna Innovations Incorporated", 
-    "1.4101", 
-    "$21.22M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LVNTA", 
-    "Liberty Interactive Corporation", 
-    "39.8", 
-    "$5.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LVNTB", 
-    "Liberty Interactive Corporation", 
-    "39.9341", 
-    "$5.64B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LWAY", 
-    "Lifeway Foods, Inc.", 
-    "19.43", 
-    "$317.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LXRX", 
-    "Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.93", 
-    "$673.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LYTS", 
-    "LSI Industries Inc.", 
-    "7.93", 
-    "$191.48M", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Building Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MACK", 
-    "Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "11.01", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAG", 
-    "Magnetek, Inc.", 
-    "39.04", 
-    "$137.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAGS", 
-    "Magal Security Systems Ltd.", 
-    "5.16", 
-    "$83.95M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAMS", 
-    "MAM Software Group, Inc.", 
-    "5.9324", 
-    "$84.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MANH", 
-    "Manhattan Associates, Inc.", 
-    "51.33", 
-    "$3.81B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MANT", 
-    "ManTech International Corporation", 
-    "33.59", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAR", 
-    "Marriott International", 
-    "83", 
-    "$22.95B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MARA", 
-    "Marathon Patent Group, Inc.", 
-    "7.04", 
-    "$97.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MARK", 
-    "Remark Media, Inc.", 
-    "4.85", 
-    "$62.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MARPS", 
-    "Marine Petroleum Trust", 
-    "13.25", 
-    "$26.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MASI", 
-    "Masimo Corporation", 
-    "29.9", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAT", 
-    "Mattel, Inc.", 
-    "25.77", 
-    "$8.73B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MATR", 
-    "Mattersight Corporation", 
-    "7.35", 
-    "$163.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MATW", 
-    "Matthews International Corporation", 
-    "48.59", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAYS", 
-    "J. W. Mays, Inc.", 
-    "51", 
-    "$102.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBCN", 
-    "Middlefield Banc Corp.", 
-    "33.5999", 
-    "$68.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBFI", 
-    "MB Financial Inc.", 
-    "31.07", 
-    "$2.32B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBFIP", 
-    "MB Financial Inc.", 
-    "27.2701", 
-    "$109.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBII", 
-    "Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc.", 
-    "3.74", 
-    "$91.25M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Agricultural Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBLX", 
-    "Metabolix, Inc.", 
-    "0.45", 
-    "$60.83M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBRG", 
-    "Middleburg Financial Corporation", 
-    "18.25", 
-    "$130.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBSD", 
-    "Flexshares Trust-Flexshares Disciplined Duration Mbs Index Fun", 
-    "25.3", 
-    "$5.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBTF", 
-    "M B T Financial Corp", 
-    "5.38", 
-    "$122.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBUU", 
-    "Malibu Boats, Inc.", 
-    "19.7", 
-    "$307.49M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBVT", 
-    "Merchants Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "28.74", 
-    "$181.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBWM", 
-    "Mercantile Bank Corporation", 
-    "19.21", 
-    "$323.93M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCBC", 
-    "Macatawa Bank Corporation", 
-    "5.44", 
-    "$183.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCBK", 
-    "Madison County Financial, Inc.", 
-    "21", 
-    "$63.68M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCEP", 
-    "Mid-Con Energy Partners, LP", 
-    "6.07", 
-    "$141.65M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCGC", 
-    "MCG Capital Corporation", 
-    "3.97", 
-    "$151.4M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCHP", 
-    "Microchip Technology Incorporated", 
-    "50.925", 
-    "$10.26B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCHX", 
-    "Marchex, Inc.", 
-    "4.15", 
-    "$177.8M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCOX", 
-    "Mecox Lane Limited", 
-    "3.86", 
-    "$50.19M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCRI", 
-    "Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc.", 
-    "18.27", 
-    "$306.99M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCRL", 
-    "Micrel, Incorporated", 
-    "14.79", 
-    "$837.96M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCUR", 
-    "10.2", 
-    "$166.26M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDAS", 
-    "MedAssets, Inc.", 
-    "19.73", 
-    "$1.19B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDCA", 
-    "MDC Partners Inc.", 
-    "25.51", 
-    "$1.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDCO", 
-    "The Medicines Company", 
-    "28.46", 
-    "$1.86B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDIV", 
-    "First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VI Multi-Asset Diversified In", 
-    "21.44", 
-    "$979.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDLZ", 
-    "Mondelez International, Inc.", 
-    "36.97", 
-    "$62.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDM", 
-    "Mountain Province Diamonds Inc.", 
-    "3.46", 
-    "$467.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDRX", 
-    "Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "12.83", 
-    "$2.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDSO", 
-    "Medidata Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "47.42", 
-    "$2.57B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDSY", 
-    "ModSys International Ltd.", 
-    "2.6", 
-    "$30.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDVN", 
-    "Medivation, Inc.", 
-    "110", 
-    "$8.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDVX", 
-    "Medovex Corp.", 
-    "4.75", 
-    "$43.57M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDVXW", 
-    "Medovex Corp.", 
-    "0.19", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDWD", 
-    "MediWound Ltd.", 
-    "7.52", 
-    "$162.06M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDXG", 
-    "MiMedx Group, Inc", 
-    "9.855", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEET", 
-    "MeetMe, Inc.", 
-    "1.79", 
-    "$80.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEIL", 
-    "1.5999", 
-    "$18.34M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEILW", 
-    "0.0514", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEILZ", 
-    "0.09", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEIP", 
-    "MEI Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "5.42", 
-    "$180.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MELA", 
-    "MELA Sciences, Inc", 
-    "2.09", 
-    "$12.62M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MELI", 
-    "MercadoLibre, Inc.", 
-    "130.92", 
-    "$5.78B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MELR", 
-    "Melrose Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.49", 
-    "$38.17M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEMP", 
-    "Memorial Production Partners LP", 
-    "17.41", 
-    "$1.51B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MENT", 
-    "Mentor Graphics Corporation", 
-    "25.3", 
-    "$2.91B", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEOH", 
-    "Methanex Corporation", 
-    "51.96", 
-    "$4.81B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MERC", 
-    "Mercer International Inc.", 
-    "14.42", 
-    "$926.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Paper", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MERU", 
-    "Meru Networks, Inc.", 
-    "2.73", 
-    "$64.97M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "METR", 
-    "Metro Bancorp, Inc", 
-    "25.43", 
-    "$361.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFLX", 
-    "Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc.", 
-    "17.93", 
-    "$435.76M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFNC", 
-    "Mackinac Financial Corporation", 
-    "11.6", 
-    "$64.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFRI", 
-    "MFRI, Inc.", 
-    "6.75", 
-    "$49.21M", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Pollution Control Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFRM", 
-    "Mattress Firm Holding Corp.", 
-    "59.45", 
-    "$2.08B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFSF", 
-    "MutualFirst Financial Inc.", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$161.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGCD", 
-    "MGC Diagnostics Corporation", 
-    "7.1167", 
-    "$30.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGEE", 
-    "MGE Energy Inc.", 
-    "43.41", 
-    "$1.5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGI", 
-    "Moneygram International, Inc.", 
-    "8.53", 
-    "$460.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_17.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_17.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c429e56..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_17.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "MGIC", 
-    "Magic Software Enterprises Ltd.", 
-    "6.87", 
-    "$303.19M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGLN", 
-    "Magellan Health, Inc.", 
-    "61.79", 
-    "$1.71B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGNX", 
-    "MacroGenics, Inc.", 
-    "35.86", 
-    "$996.73M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGPI", 
-    "MGP Ingredients, Inc.", 
-    "14.47", 
-    "$255.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGRC", 
-    "McGrath RentCorp", 
-    "31.65", 
-    "$821.63M", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGYR", 
-    "Magyar Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "8.4", 
-    "$48.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MHGC", 
-    "Morgans Hotel Group Co.", 
-    "7.81", 
-    "$268.49M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MHLD", 
-    "Maiden Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "14.47", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MHLDO", 
-    "Maiden Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "51.99", 
-    "$171.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MICT", 
-    "Micronet Enertec Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "3.27", 
-    "$19.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MICTW", 
-    "Micronet Enertec Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "0.6501", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MIDD", 
-    "The Middleby Corporation", 
-    "109", 
-    "$6.24B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MIFI", 
-    "Novatel Wireless, Inc.", 
-    "4.97", 
-    "$221.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MIK", 
-    "The Michaels Companies, Inc.", 
-    "27.84", 
-    "$5.69B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MIND", 
-    "Mitcham Industries, Inc.", 
-    "6.52", 
-    "$78.79M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MINI", 
-    "Mobile Mini, Inc.", 
-    "41.79", 
-    "$1.93B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MITK", 
-    "Mitek Systems, Inc.", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "$104.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MITL", 
-    "Mitel Networks Corporation", 
-    "10.07", 
-    "$1.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MKSI", 
-    "MKS Instruments, Inc.", 
-    "35.8", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MKTO", 
-    "Marketo, Inc.", 
-    "27.53", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MKTX", 
-    "MarketAxess Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "78.97", 
-    "$2.95B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLAB", 
-    "Mesa Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "73.33", 
-    "$259.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLHR", 
-    "Herman Miller, Inc.", 
-    "31.36", 
-    "$1.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLNK", 
-    "ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc", 
-    "3.73", 
-    "$194.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLNX", 
-    "Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.", 
-    "46.47", 
-    "$2.1B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLVF", 
-    "Malvern Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.32", 
-    "$80.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MMAC", 
-    "MMA Capital Management, LLC", 
-    "9.1601", 
-    "$66.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MMLP", 
-    "Martin Midstream Partners L.P.", 
-    "30.34", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MMSI", 
-    "Merit Medical Systems, Inc.", 
-    "17.84", 
-    "$774.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MMYT", 
-    "MakeMyTrip Limited", 
-    "25.02", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNDO", 
-    "MIND C.T.I. Ltd.", 
-    "3.49", 
-    "$66.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNGA", 
-    "MagneGas Corporation", 
-    "0.8335", 
-    "$30.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNKD", 
-    "MannKind Corporation", 
-    "6.9", 
-    "$2.8B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNOV", 
-    "MediciNova, Inc.", 
-    "3.51", 
-    "$85.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNRK", 
-    "Monarch Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "12.37", 
-    "$131.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNRO", 
-    "Monro Muffler Brake, Inc.", 
-    "63.33", 
-    "$2.01B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNST", 
-    "Monster Beverage Corporation", 
-    "121.26", 
-    "$20.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNTA", 
-    "Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "13.01", 
-    "$690.19M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNTX", 
-    "Manitex International, Inc.", 
-    "11.36", 
-    "$181.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOBI", 
-    "Sky-mobi Limited", 
-    "4.07", 
-    "$112.38M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOBL", 
-    "MobileIron, Inc.", 
-    "8.8", 
-    "$668.62M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOCO", 
-    "MOCON, Inc.", 
-    "16.45", 
-    "$93.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOFG", 
-    "MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "28.26", 
-    "$235.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOKO", 
-    "Moko Social Media Ltd.", 
-    "5.2", 
-    "$78.07M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOLG", 
-    "MOL Global, Inc.", 
-    "2.52", 
-    "$170.1M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOMO", 
-    "Momo Inc.", 
-    "11.5", 
-    "$2.14B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MORN", 
-    "Morningstar, Inc.", 
-    "77.13", 
-    "$3.44B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOSY", 
-    "MoSys, Inc.", 
-    "1.94", 
-    "$96.57M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPAA", 
-    "Motorcar Parts of America, Inc.", 
-    "22.95", 
-    "$412.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPB", 
-    "Mid Penn Bancorp", 
-    "15.57", 
-    "$54.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPEL", 
-    "Melco Crown Entertainment Limited", 
-    "27.46", 
-    "$15.13B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPET", 
-    "Magellan Petroleum Corporation", 
-    "0.879", 
-    "$40.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPWR", 
-    "Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.", 
-    "51.99", 
-    "$2.01B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRCC", 
-    "Monroe Capital Corporation", 
-    "14.74", 
-    "$140.29M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRCY", 
-    "Mercury Systems Inc", 
-    "17.06", 
-    "$582.59M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRD", 
-    "Memorial Resource Development Corp.", 
-    "19.3", 
-    "$3.74B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRGE", 
-    "Merge Healthcare Incorporated.", 
-    "4.47", 
-    "$440.75M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRKT", 
-    "Markit Ltd.", 
-    "26.35", 
-    "$4.79B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRLN", 
-    "Marlin Business Services Corp.", 
-    "18.83", 
-    "$241.41M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRNS", 
-    "Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "11.65", 
-    "$163.19M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRTN", 
-    "Marten Transport, Ltd.", 
-    "23.01", 
-    "$768.67M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRTX", 
-    "Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "23.7", 
-    "$382.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRVC", 
-    "MRV Communications, Inc.", 
-    "9.951", 
-    "$73.26M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRVL", 
-    "Marvell Technology Group Ltd.", 
-    "16.29", 
-    "$8.33B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSBF", 
-    "MSB Financial Corp.", 
-    "10.7199", 
-    "$53.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSCC", 
-    "Microsemi Corporation", 
-    "31.14", 
-    "$2.96B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSEX", 
-    "Middlesex Water Company", 
-    "22.7", 
-    "$365.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSFG", 
-    "MainSource Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "19.14", 
-    "$415.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSFT", 
-    "Microsoft Corporation", 
-    "43.855", 
-    "$359.78B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSG", 
-    "The Madison Square Garden Company", 
-    "78.53", 
-    "$6.03B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSLI", 
-    "Merus Labs International Inc.", 
-    "1.88", 
-    "$152.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSON", 
-    "MISONIX, Inc.", 
-    "12.25", 
-    "$93.55M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSTR", 
-    "MicroStrategy Incorporated", 
-    "179.55", 
-    "$2.03B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTBC", 
-    "Medical Transcription Billing, Corp.", 
-    "2.6999", 
-    "$29.7M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTEX", 
-    "Mannatech, Incorporated", 
-    "23.3", 
-    "$62.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTGE", 
-    "American Capital Mortgage Investment Corp.", 
-    "18.27", 
-    "$934.37M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTGEP", 
-    "American Capital Mortgage Investment Corp.", 
-    "25.24", 
-    "$50.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTLS", 
-    "Materialise NV", 
-    "8", 
-    "$376.58M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTRX", 
-    "Matrix Service Company", 
-    "18.67", 
-    "$498.69M", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTSC", 
-    "MTS Systems Corporation", 
-    "72.06", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTSI", 
-    "M/A-COM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "34.25", 
-    "$1.83B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTSL", 
-    "MER Telemanagement Solutions Ltd.", 
-    "1.6", 
-    "$7.45M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTSN", 
-    "Mattson Technology, Inc.", 
-    "4.62", 
-    "$340.97M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MU", 
-    "Micron Technology, Inc.", 
-    "32.03", 
-    "$34.51B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MULT", 
-    "Advisorshares Trust-Advisorshares Sunrise Global Multi-Strateg", 
-    "23.25", 
-    "$2.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MVIS", 
-    "Microvision, Inc.", 
-    "2", 
-    "$88.9M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MWIV", 
-    "MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc.", 
-    "189.9", 
-    "$2.45B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MXIM", 
-    "Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.", 
-    "34.6", 
-    "$9.79B", 
-    "1988", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MXWL", 
-    "Maxwell Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "6.87", 
-    "$205.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MYGN", 
-    "Myriad Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "34.32", 
-    "$2.44B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MYL", 
-    "Mylan Inc.", 
-    "57.87", 
-    "$21.66B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MYOS", 
-    "MYOS Corporation", 
-    "5.46", 
-    "$15.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MYRG", 
-    "MYR Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.24", 
-    "$545.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MZOR", 
-    "Mazor Robotics Ltd.", 
-    "11.5", 
-    "$240.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAII", 
-    "Natural Alternatives International, Inc.", 
-    "5.28", 
-    "$36.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAME", 
-    "Rightside Group, Ltd.", 
-    "7.3", 
-    "$135M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NANO", 
-    "Nanometrics Incorporated", 
-    "17.39", 
-    "$420.11M", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NATH", 
-    "Nathan&#39;s Famous, Inc.", 
-    "76.25", 
-    "$342.87M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NATI", 
-    "National Instruments Corporation", 
-    "31.3", 
-    "$4.01B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NATL", 
-    "National Interstate Corporation", 
-    "26.19", 
-    "$518.07M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_18.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_18.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cc07d8a..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_18.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "NATR", 
-    "Nature&#39;s Sunshine Products, Inc.", 
-    "13.85", 
-    "$259.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAUH", 
-    "National American University Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "3.2716", 
-    "$82.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAVG", 
-    "The Navigators Group, Inc.", 
-    "72.62", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAVI", 
-    "Navient Corporation", 
-    "21.72", 
-    "$8.91B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBBC", 
-    "NewBridge Bancorp", 
-    "8.62", 
-    "$320.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBIX", 
-    "Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "39.4", 
-    "$3.04B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBN", 
-    "Northeast Bancorp", 
-    "9.18", 
-    "$90.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBS", 
-    "Neostem, Inc.", 
-    "4.07", 
-    "$145.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBTB", 
-    "NBT Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "24.35", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBTF", 
-    "29.96", 
-    "$102.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NCIT", 
-    "NCI, Inc.", 
-    "11.75", 
-    "$152.82M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NCLH", 
-    "Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.", 
-    "47.77", 
-    "$9.71B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NCMI", 
-    "National CineMedia, Inc.", 
-    "15", 
-    "$913.06M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NCTY", 
-    "The9 Limited", 
-    "1.49", 
-    "$34.49M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NDAQ", 
-    "The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.", 
-    "50.94", 
-    "$8.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NDLS", 
-    "Noodles & Company", 
-    "18.9", 
-    "$563.02M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NDRM", 
-    "NeuroDerm Ltd.", 
-    "11.58", 
-    "$196.82M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NDSN", 
-    "Nordson Corporation", 
-    "78.46", 
-    "$4.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NECB", 
-    "Northeast Community Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "6.92", 
-    "$85.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEO", 
-    "NeoGenomics, Inc.", 
-    "4.44", 
-    "$266.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Precision Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEOG", 
-    "Neogen Corporation", 
-    "49.34", 
-    "$1.82B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEON", 
-    "Neonode Inc.", 
-    "3.01", 
-    "$121.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEOT", 
-    "Neothetics, Inc.", 
-    "6.805", 
-    "$92.69M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEPT", 
-    "Neptune Technologies & Bioresources Inc", 
-    "1.82", 
-    "$136.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NERV", 
-    "Minerva Neurosciences, Inc", 
-    "5.32", 
-    "$98.1M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NETE", 
-    "Net Element, Inc.", 
-    "1.25", 
-    "$57.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEWP", 
-    "Newport Corporation", 
-    "20.11", 
-    "$801.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEWS", 
-    "NewStar Financial, Inc.", 
-    "9.87", 
-    "$469.84M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEWT", 
-    "Newtek Business Services Corp.", 
-    "16.1", 
-    "$121.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NFBK", 
-    "Northfield Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "14.445", 
-    "$707.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NFEC", 
-    "NF Energy Saving Corporation", 
-    "2.09", 
-    "$11.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NFLX", 
-    "Netflix, Inc.", 
-    "478.2", 
-    "$28.93B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Video Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NGHC", 
-    "National General Holdings Corp", 
-    "18.4", 
-    "$1.72B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NGHCP", 
-    "National General Holdings Corp", 
-    "25.62", 
-    "$56.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NHTB", 
-    "New Hampshire Thrift Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "15.43", 
-    "$127.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NHTC", 
-    "Natural Health Trends Corp.", 
-    "13.5", 
-    "$172.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NICE", 
-    "NICE-Systems Limited", 
-    "58.88", 
-    "$3.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NICK", 
-    "Nicholas Financial, Inc.", 
-    "14.89", 
-    "$183.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NILE", 
-    "Blue Nile, Inc.", 
-    "29.27", 
-    "$346.72M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NKSH", 
-    "National Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "29.72", 
-    "$206.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NKTR", 
-    "Nektar Therapeutics", 
-    "13.61", 
-    "$1.75B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NLNK", 
-    "NewLink Genetics Corporation", 
-    "39.75", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NLST", 
-    "Netlist, Inc.", 
-    "1.43", 
-    "$59.35M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NMIH", 
-    "NMI Holdings Inc", 
-    "7.54", 
-    "$440.06M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NMRX", 
-    "Numerex Corp.", 
-    "11.3", 
-    "$214.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NNBR", 
-    "NN, Inc.", 
-    "27.1", 
-    "$513.74M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NPBC", 
-    "National Penn Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "10.64", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NPSP", 
-    "NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "45.97", 
-    "$4.99B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NRCIA", 
-    "National Research Corporation", 
-    "14.04", 
-    "$342.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NRCIB", 
-    "National Research Corporation", 
-    "33.02", 
-    "$804.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NRIM", 
-    "Northrim BanCorp Inc", 
-    "22.36", 
-    "$152.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NRX", 
-    "NephroGenex, Inc.", 
-    "6.3", 
-    "$55.83M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSEC", 
-    "National Security Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.11", 
-    "$32.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSIT", 
-    "Insight Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "26.1", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSPH", 
-    "Nanosphere, Inc.", 
-    "0.2935", 
-    "$34.43M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSSC", 
-    "NAPCO Security Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "5.36", 
-    "$102.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSTG", 
-    "NanoString Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "12.28", 
-    "$223.53M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSYS", 
-    "Nortech Systems Incorporated", 
-    "5.58", 
-    "$15.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTAP", 
-    "NetApp, Inc.", 
-    "38.2", 
-    "$11.91B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTCT", 
-    "NetScout Systems, Inc.", 
-    "39.13", 
-    "$1.61B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTES", 
-    "NetEase, Inc.", 
-    "110.08", 
-    "$14.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTGR", 
-    "NETGEAR, Inc.", 
-    "32.22", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTIC", 
-    "Northern Technologies International Corporation", 
-    "20.9", 
-    "$94.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTK", 
-    "Nortek Inc.", 
-    "80.31", 
-    "$1.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTLS", 
-    "NTELOS Holdings Corp.", 
-    "4.97", 
-    "$107.38M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTRI", 
-    "NutriSystem Inc", 
-    "17.56", 
-    "$505.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTRS", 
-    "Northern Trust Corporation", 
-    "70.08", 
-    "$16.5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTRSP", 
-    "Northern Trust Corporation", 
-    "25.61", 
-    "$409.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTWK", 
-    "NetSol Technologies Inc.", 
-    "5.8", 
-    "$56.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NUAN", 
-    "Nuance Communications, Inc.", 
-    "14.025", 
-    "$4.56B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NURO", 
-    "NeuroMetrix, Inc.", 
-    "1.72", 
-    "$13.66M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NUTR", 
-    "Nutraceutical International Corporation", 
-    "17.82", 
-    "$171.7M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NUVA", 
-    "NuVasive, Inc.", 
-    "47.98", 
-    "$2.26B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVAX", 
-    "Novavax, Inc.", 
-    "9.51", 
-    "$2.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVCN", 
-    "Neovasc Inc.", 
-    "9.54", 
-    "$613.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVDA", 
-    "NVIDIA Corporation", 
-    "22.335", 
-    "$12.14B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVDQ", 
-    "Novadaq Technologies Inc", 
-    "15.35", 
-    "$853.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVEC", 
-    "NVE Corporation", 
-    "63.38", 
-    "$307.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVEE", 
-    "NV5 Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "12.3", 
-    "$70.75M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVET", 
-    "Nexvet Biopharma plc", 
-    "9.5", 
-    "$105.26M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVFY", 
-    "Nova Lifestyle, Inc", 
-    "2.5997", 
-    "$54.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVGN", 
-    "Novogen Limited", 
-    "2.76", 
-    "$18.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVMI", 
-    "Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd.", 
-    "11.45", 
-    "$317.49M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVSL", 
-    "Naugatuck Valley Financial Corporation", 
-    "9.089", 
-    "$63.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWBI", 
-    "Northwest Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "11.76", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWBO", 
-    "Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "6.37", 
-    "$396.33M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWBOW", 
-    "Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "3.2499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWFL", 
-    "Norwood Financial Corp.", 
-    "28.6001", 
-    "$104.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWLI", 
-    "National Western Life Insurance Company", 
-    "252.91", 
-    "$919.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWPX", 
-    "Northwest Pipe Company", 
-    "25.11", 
-    "$239.05M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWS", 
-    "News Corporation", 
-    "16.67", 
-    "$9.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWSA", 
-    "News Corporation", 
-    "17.14", 
-    "$9.95B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXPI", 
-    "NXP Semiconductors N.V.", 
-    "84.66", 
-    "$19.54B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXST", 
-    "Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.", 
-    "54.21", 
-    "$1.67B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXTD", 
-    "NXT-ID Inc.", 
-    "2.67", 
-    "$65.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXTDW", 
-    "NXT-ID Inc.", 
-    "1", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXTM", 
-    "NxStage Medical, Inc.", 
-    "17.77", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NYMT", 
-    "New York Mortgage Trust, Inc.", 
-    "7.79", 
-    "$706.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NYMTP", 
-    "New York Mortgage Trust, Inc.", 
-    "24.68", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NYMX", 
-    "Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation", 
-    "0.41", 
-    "$14.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_19.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_19.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ed9ce..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_19.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "NYNY", 
-    "Empire Resorts, Inc.", 
-    "6.2", 
-    "$244.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OBAS", 
-    "Optibase Ltd.", 
-    "6.18", 
-    "$32.03M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OBCI", 
-    "Ocean Bio-Chem, Inc.", 
-    "5.36", 
-    "$47.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCC", 
-    "Optical Cable Corporation", 
-    "5.13", 
-    "$35.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCFC", 
-    "OceanFirst Financial Corp.", 
-    "16.84", 
-    "$295.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCLR", 
-    "Oclaro, Inc.", 
-    "1.51", 
-    "$164.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCLS", 
-    "Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.913", 
-    "$13.61M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCLSW", 
-    "Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.265", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCRX", 
-    "Ocera Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "6", 
-    "$118.45M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCUL", 
-    "Ocular Therapeutix, Inc.", 
-    "31.37", 
-    "$668.88M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ODFL", 
-    "Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.", 
-    "77.775", 
-    "$6.7B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ODP", 
-    "Office Depot, Inc.", 
-    "9.49", 
-    "$5.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OFED", 
-    "Oconee Federal Financial Corp.", 
-    "20.6526", 
-    "$120.5M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OFIX", 
-    "Orthofix International N.V.", 
-    "31.99", 
-    "$589.78M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OFLX", 
-    "Omega Flex, Inc.", 
-    "30.84", 
-    "$311.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OFS", 
-    "OFS Capital Corporation", 
-    "11.6701", 
-    "$112.48M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OGXI", 
-    "OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "2.27", 
-    "$48.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OHAI", 
-    "OHA Investment Corporation", 
-    "4.75", 
-    "$97.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OHGI", 
-    "One Horizon Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.7966", 
-    "$59.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OHRP", 
-    "Ohr Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7.15", 
-    "$212.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OIIM", 
-    "O2Micro International Limited", 
-    "2.54", 
-    "$67.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OKSB", 
-    "Southwest Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.62", 
-    "$323.36M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OLBK", 
-    "Old Line Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "14.4", 
-    "$155.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OLED", 
-    "Universal Display Corporation", 
-    "35.94", 
-    "$1.64B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMAB", 
-    "Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte S.A.B. de C.V.", 
-    "37.69", 
-    "$1.86B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMCL", 
-    "Omnicell, Inc.", 
-    "35.21", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMED", 
-    "OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "27.05", 
-    "$806.96M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMER", 
-    "Omeros Corporation", 
-    "21.25", 
-    "$799.56M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMEX", 
-    "Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.", 
-    "0.7494", 
-    "$63.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONB", 
-    "Old National Bancorp", 
-    "14.03", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONCE", 
-    "Spark Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "51.44", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONCY", 
-    "Oncolytics Biotech, Inc.", 
-    "0.665", 
-    "$62.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONEQ", 
-    "Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Tracker Stock", 
-    "194.5468", 
-    "$447.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONFC", 
-    "Oneida Financial Corp.", 
-    "13.12", 
-    "$92.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONNN", 
-    "ON Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "12.02", 
-    "$5.24B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONTX", 
-    "Onconova Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "2.38", 
-    "$51.63M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONTY", 
-    "Oncothyreon Inc.", 
-    "1.55", 
-    "$141.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONVI", 
-    "Onvia, Inc.", 
-    "4.51", 
-    "$33.36M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPB", 
-    "Opus Bank", 
-    "28.49", 
-    "$800.6M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPHC", 
-    "OptimumBank Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "1.043", 
-    "$9.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPHT", 
-    "Ophthotech Corporation", 
-    "55.82", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPOF", 
-    "Old Point Financial Corporation", 
-    "14.96", 
-    "$74.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPTT", 
-    "Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "0.53", 
-    "$9.58M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPXA", 
-    "Opexa Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "0.73", 
-    "$20.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORBC", 
-    "ORBCOMM Inc.", 
-    "5.71", 
-    "$388.99M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORBK", 
-    "Orbotech Ltd.", 
-    "16.2", 
-    "$672.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OREX", 
-    "Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "5.96", 
-    "$734.07M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORIG", 
-    "Ocean Rig UDW Inc.", 
-    "8.61", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORIT", 
-    "Oritani Financial Corp.", 
-    "14.33", 
-    "$632.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORLY", 
-    "O&#39;Reilly Automotive, Inc.", 
-    "205.84", 
-    "$20.88B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORMP", 
-    "Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "4.7", 
-    "$50.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORPN", 
-    "Bio Blast Pharma Ltd.", 
-    "6.91", 
-    "$98.33M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORRF", 
-    "Orrstown Financial Services Inc", 
-    "16.77", 
-    "$138.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSBC", 
-    "Old Second Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "5.52", 
-    "$162.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSBCP", 
-    "Old Second Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "10", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSHC", 
-    "Ocean Shore Holding Co.", 
-    "14.39", 
-    "$92.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSIR", 
-    "Osiris Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "16.52", 
-    "$566.97M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSIS", 
-    "OSI Systems, Inc.", 
-    "72.5", 
-    "$1.44B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSM", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "24.49", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSN", 
-    "Ossen Innovation Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.75", 
-    "$14.93M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSTK", 
-    ", Inc.", 
-    "21.33", 
-    "$512.71M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSUR", 
-    "OraSure Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "7.84", 
-    "$439.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTEL", 
-    "Otelco Inc.", 
-    "5.0372", 
-    "$15.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTEX", 
-    "Open Text Corporation", 
-    "59.75", 
-    "$7.3B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTIC", 
-    "Otonomy, Inc.", 
-    "33.31", 
-    "$802.96M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTIV", 
-    "On Track Innovations Ltd", 
-    "1.41", 
-    "$47.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTTR", 
-    "Otter Tail Corporation", 
-    "32.42", 
-    "$1.19B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OUTR", 
-    "Outerwall Inc.", 
-    "67.27", 
-    "$1.28B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OVAS", 
-    "Ovascience Inc.", 
-    "46.05", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OVBC", 
-    "Ohio Valley Banc Corp.", 
-    "23.72", 
-    "$97.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OVLY", 
-    "Oak Valley Bancorp (CA)", 
-    "10.08", 
-    "$81.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OVTI", 
-    "OmniVision Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "26.64", 
-    "$1.54B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXBR", 
-    "Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited", 
-    "6.12", 
-    "$36.72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXBRW", 
-    "Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited", 
-    "1.35", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXFD", 
-    "Oxford Immunotec Global PLC", 
-    "13.26", 
-    "$233.53M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXGN", 
-    "OXiGENE, Inc.", 
-    "1.74", 
-    "$36.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXLC", 
-    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
-    "15.47", 
-    "$242.93M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXLCN", 
-    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
-    "25.3", 
-    "$28.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXLCO", 
-    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
-    "24.47", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXLCP", 
-    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
-    "25.483", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OZRK", 
-    "Bank of the Ozarks", 
-    "35.5", 
-    "$2.83B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PAAS", 
-    "Pan American Silver Corp.", 
-    "10", 
-    "$1.52B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PACB", 
-    "Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.", 
-    "6.85", 
-    "$506.4M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PACW", 
-    "PacWest Bancorp", 
-    "45.55", 
-    "$4.69B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PAGG", 
-    "PowerShares Global Agriculture Portfolio", 
-    "30.79", 
-    "$70.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PAHC", 
-    "Phibro Animal Health Corporation", 
-    "34.5", 
-    "$1.35B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PANL", 
-    "Pangaea Logistics Solutions Ltd.", 
-    "2.6292", 
-    "$26.29", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PARN", 
-    "Parnell Pharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd", 
-    "4.4966", 
-    "$59.73M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PATI", 
-    "Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.", 
-    "23.2", 
-    "$75.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PATK", 
-    "Patrick Industries, Inc.", 
-    "59.1", 
-    "$607.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Forest Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PAYX", 
-    "Paychex, Inc.", 
-    "49.555", 
-    "$18B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBCP", 
-    "Polonia Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "10.4985", 
-    "$35.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBCT", 
-    "People&#39;s United Financial, Inc.", 
-    "14.97", 
-    "$4.61B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBHC", 
-    "Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.82", 
-    "$42.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBIB", 
-    "Porter Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "0.8901", 
-    "$13.25M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBIP", 
-    "Prudential Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.22", 
-    "$113.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBMD", 
-    "Prima BioMed Ltd", 
-    "0.8", 
-    "$32.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBPB", 
-    "Potbelly Corporation", 
-    "15.34", 
-    "$444.32M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBSK", 
-    "Poage Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "15", 
-    "$58.23M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCAR", 
-    "PACCAR Inc.", 
-    "64.59", 
-    "$22.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_2.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_2.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dee177..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_2.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "AROW", 
-    "Arrow Financial Corporation", 
-    "26.31", 
-    "$331.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARQL", 
-    "ArQule, Inc.", 
-    "1.35", 
-    "$84.74M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARRS", 
-    "ARRIS Group, Inc.", 
-    "28.59", 
-    "$4.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARRY", 
-    "Array BioPharma Inc.", 
-    "8.24", 
-    "$1.15B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARTNA", 
-    "Artesian Resources Corporation", 
-    "21.59", 
-    "$192.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARTW", 
-    "Art&#39;s-Way Manufacturing Co., Inc.", 
-    "4.68", 
-    "$18.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARTX", 
-    "Arotech Corporation", 
-    "2.61", 
-    "$63.8M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARUN", 
-    "Aruba Networks, Inc.", 
-    "18.43", 
-    "$2.02B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARWR", 
-    "Arrowhead Research Corporation", 
-    "7.38", 
-    "$404.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASBB", 
-    "ASB Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "20.4", 
-    "$89.32M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASBI", 
-    "Ameriana Bancorp", 
-    "15.831", 
-    "$47.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASCMA", 
-    "Ascent Capital Group, Inc.", 
-    "46.18", 
-    "$636.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASEI", 
-    "American Science and Engineering, Inc.", 
-    "51.52", 
-    "$380.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Electronics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASFI", 
-    "Asta Funding, Inc.", 
-    "8.44", 
-    "$109.6M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASMB", 
-    "Assembly Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "14.95", 
-    "$159.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASMI", 
-    "ASM International N.V.", 
-    "44.23", 
-    "$2.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASML", 
-    "ASML Holding N.V.", 
-    "104.85", 
-    "$45.39B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASNA", 
-    "Ascena Retail Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.16", 
-    "$2.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASND", 
-    "Ascendis Pharma A/S", 
-    "19.34", 
-    "$443.58M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASPS", 
-    "Altisource Portfolio Solutions S.A.", 
-    "23.2", 
-    "$470.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASPX", 
-    "Auspex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "70.25", 
-    "$2.2B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASRV", 
-    "AmeriServ Financial Inc.", 
-    "2.95", 
-    "$55.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASRVP", 
-    "AmeriServ Financial Inc.", 
-    "27.66", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASTC", 
-    "Astrotech Corporation", 
-    "3.1799", 
-    "$63.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASTE", 
-    "Astec Industries, Inc.", 
-    "39.27", 
-    "$900.41M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASTI", 
-    "Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "1.7", 
-    "$27.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASUR", 
-    "Asure Software Inc", 
-    "5.93", 
-    "$35.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASYS", 
-    "Amtech Systems, Inc.", 
-    "10.49", 
-    "$136.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATAI", 
-    "ATA Inc.", 
-    "4.37", 
-    "$100.71M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATAX", 
-    "America First Multifamily Investors, L.P.", 
-    "5.79", 
-    "$348.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATEC", 
-    "Alphatec Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "1.35", 
-    "$134.45M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATHN", 
-    "athenahealth, Inc.", 
-    "132.96", 
-    "$5.08B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATHX", 
-    "Athersys, Inc.", 
-    "2.37", 
-    "$183.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATLC", 
-    "Atlanticus Holdings Corporation", 
-    "2.88", 
-    "$40.06M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATLO", 
-    "Ames National Corporation", 
-    "24.74", 
-    "$230.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATML", 
-    "Atmel Corporation", 
-    "8.38", 
-    "$3.5B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATNI", 
-    "Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc.", 
-    "65", 
-    "$1.03B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATNY", 
-    "API Technologies Corp.", 
-    "1.8548", 
-    "$102.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATOS", 
-    "Atossa Genetics Inc.", 
-    "1.64", 
-    "$40.29M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRA", 
-    "Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "21.32", 
-    "$519.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRC", 
-    "AtriCure, Inc.", 
-    "18.5", 
-    "$508.21M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRI", 
-    "ATRION Corporation", 
-    "317.01", 
-    "$617.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRM", 
-    "ATRM Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "3.36", 
-    "$3.99M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRO", 
-    "Astronics Corporation", 
-    "66.89", 
-    "$1.46B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRS", 
-    "Antares Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "2.59", 
-    "$341.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATSG", 
-    "Air Transport Services Group, Inc", 
-    "8.95", 
-    "$581.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATTU", 
-    "Attunity Ltd.", 
-    "9.65", 
-    "$146.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATVI", 
-    "Activision Blizzard, Inc", 
-    "23.31", 
-    "$16.76B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUBN", 
-    "Auburn National Bancorporation, Inc.", 
-    "24.7499", 
-    "$90.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUDC", 
-    "AudioCodes Ltd.", 
-    "5.37", 
-    "$227.15M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUMA", 
-    "AR Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.78", 
-    "$293.4M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUMAU", 
-    "AR Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.85", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUMAW", 
-    "AR Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.24", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUPH", 
-    "Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc", 
-    "3.84", 
-    "$122.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVAV", 
-    "AeroVironment, Inc.", 
-    "27.88", 
-    "$650.21M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVEO", 
-    "AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.9297", 
-    "$48.58M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVGO", 
-    "Avago Technologies Limited", 
-    "112.06", 
-    "$28.61B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVGR", 
-    "Avinger, Inc.", 
-    "10.41", 
-    "$106.49M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVHI", 
-    "A V Homes, Inc.", 
-    "15.13", 
-    "$334.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVID", 
-    "Avid Technology, Inc.", 
-    "14.74", 
-    "$578.01M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVNU", 
-    "Avenue Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "11.75", 
-    "$117.62M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVNW", 
-    "Aviat Networks, Inc.", 
-    "1.27", 
-    "$79.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AWAY", 
-    "HomeAway, Inc.", 
-    "30.985", 
-    "$2.92B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AWRE", 
-    "Aware, Inc.", 
-    "4.59", 
-    "$104.95M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXAS", 
-    "Abraxas Petroleum Corporation", 
-    "3.16", 
-    "$332.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXDX", 
-    "Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc.", 
-    "18.05", 
-    "$805.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXGN", 
-    "AxoGen, Inc.", 
-    "3.17", 
-    "$79.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXJS", 
-    "iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan Small Cap Index Fund", 
-    "56.813", 
-    "$5.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXPW", 
-    "Axion Power International, Inc.", 
-    "0.46", 
-    "$3.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXPWW", 
-    "Axion Power International, Inc.", 
-    "0.14", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXTI", 
-    "AXT Inc", 
-    "2.64", 
-    "$86.69M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AZPN", 
-    "Aspen Technology, Inc.", 
-    "39.07", 
-    "$3.45B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BABY", 
-    "Natus Medical Incorporated", 
-    "36.58", 
-    "$1.19B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BAGR", 
-    "Diversified Restaurant Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "4.8", 
-    "$125.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BAMM", 
-    "Books-A-Million, Inc.", 
-    "2.55", 
-    "$38.29M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BANF", 
-    "BancFirst Corporation", 
-    "58.97", 
-    "$913.24M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BANFP", 
-    "BancFirst Corporation", 
-    "28.7", 
-    "$28.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BANR", 
-    "Banner Corporation", 
-    "44.54", 
-    "$871.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BANX", 
-    "StoneCastle Financial Corp", 
-    "21.42", 
-    "$134.9M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BASI", 
-    "Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.", 
-    "2.0204", 
-    "$16.32M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBBY", 
-    "Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.", 
-    "76.885", 
-    "$14.27B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBC", 
-    "BioShares Biotechnology Clinical Trials Fund", 
-    "30.661", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBCN", 
-    "BBCN Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.78", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBEP", 
-    "BreitBurn Energy Partners, L.P.", 
-    "7.59", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBEPP", 
-    "BreitBurn Energy Partners, L.P.", 
-    "22.35", 
-    "$178.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBGI", 
-    "Beasley Broadcast Group, Inc.", 
-    "5.02", 
-    "$116.02M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBLU", 
-    "Blue Earth, Inc.", 
-    "1.2199", 
-    "$113.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBNK", 
-    "Bridge Capital Holdings", 
-    "21.86", 
-    "$350.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBOX", 
-    "Black Box Corporation", 
-    "22.21", 
-    "$341.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBP", 
-    "BioShares Biotechnology Products Fund", 
-    "29.7493", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBRG", 
-    "Bravo Brio Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.5", 
-    "$203.65M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBRY", 
-    "BlackBerry Limited", 
-    "10.27", 
-    "$5.43B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBSI", 
-    "Barrett Business Services, Inc.", 
-    "38.57", 
-    "$274.48M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCBP", 
-    "BCB Bancorp, Inc. (NJ)", 
-    "11.73", 
-    "$98.38M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCLI", 
-    "Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "3.92", 
-    "$59.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCOM", 
-    "B Communications Ltd.", 
-    "17.09", 
-    "$510.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCOR", 
-    "Blucora, Inc.", 
-    "13.33", 
-    "$546.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCOV", 
-    "Brightcove Inc.", 
-    "8.05", 
-    "$259.8M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCPC", 
-    "Balchem Corporation", 
-    "58.9", 
-    "$1.81B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCRX", 
-    "BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "10.15", 
-    "$729.42M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_20.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_20.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bc94c83..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_20.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "PCBK", 
-    "Pacific Continental Corporation (Ore)", 
-    "13.44", 
-    "$238.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCCC", 
-    "PC Connection, Inc.", 
-    "24.64", 
-    "$648.1M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCH", 
-    "Potlatch Corporation", 
-    "40.02", 
-    "$1.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCLN", 
-    "The Priceline Group Inc. ", 
-    "1216.23", 
-    "$63.17B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCMI", 
-    "PCM, Inc.", 
-    "9.72", 
-    "$120.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCO", 
-    "Pendrell Corporation", 
-    "1.17", 
-    "$312.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCOM", 
-    "Points International, Ltd.", 
-    "10.59", 
-    "$165.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCRX", 
-    "Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "117.33", 
-    "$4.23B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCTI", 
-    "PC-Tel, Inc.", 
-    "8.21", 
-    "$152.11M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCTY", 
-    "Paylocity Holding Corporation", 
-    "30.21", 
-    "$1.53B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCYC", 
-    "Pharmacyclics, Inc.", 
-    "177.56", 
-    "$13.5B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCYG", 
-    "Park City Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.2", 
-    "$229.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCYO", 
-    "Pure Cycle Corporation", 
-    "4.92", 
-    "$118.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDBC", 
-    "PowerShares DB Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy Po", 
-    "20.85", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDCE", 
-    "PDC Energy, Inc.", 
-    "51.37", 
-    "$1.85B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDCO", 
-    "Patterson Companies, Inc.", 
-    "49.29", 
-    "$5.08B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDEX", 
-    "Pro-Dex, Inc.", 
-    "2.28", 
-    "$9.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDFS", 
-    "PDF Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "17.68", 
-    "$547.64M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDII", 
-    "PDI, Inc.", 
-    "1.96", 
-    "$30.11M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDLI", 
-    "PDL BioPharma, Inc.", 
-    "7.28", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDVW", 
-    "Pacific DataVision, Inc.", 
-    "55", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEBK", 
-    "Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc.", 
-    "18.11", 
-    "$101.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEBO", 
-    "Peoples Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "23.94", 
-    "$338.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEGA", 
-    "Pegasystems Inc.", 
-    "22.56", 
-    "$1.72B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEGI", 
-    "Pattern Energy Group Inc.", 
-    "28.26", 
-    "$1.95B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEIX", 
-    "Pacific Ethanol, Inc.", 
-    "9.73", 
-    "$238.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PENN", 
-    "Penn National Gaming, Inc.", 
-    "16.39", 
-    "$1.29B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PENX", 
-    "Penford Corporation", 
-    "18.82", 
-    "$240.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PERF", 
-    "Perfumania Holdings, Inc", 
-    "5.63", 
-    "$87.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PERI", 
-    "Perion Network Ltd", 
-    "3.27", 
-    "$231.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PERY", 
-    "Perry Ellis International Inc.", 
-    "23.03", 
-    "$357.02M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PESI", 
-    "Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc.", 
-    "4.19", 
-    "$48.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PETM", 
-    "PetSmart, Inc", 
-    "82.91", 
-    "$8.24B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PETS", 
-    "PetMed Express, Inc.", 
-    "15.36", 
-    "$311.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PETX", 
-    "Aratana Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "16.98", 
-    "$589.3M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFBC", 
-    "Preferred Bank", 
-    "27.63", 
-    "$372.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFBI", 
-    "Premier Financial Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "14.9104", 
-    "$121M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFBX", 
-    "Peoples Financial Corporation", 
-    "10.62", 
-    "$54.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFIE", 
-    "Profire Energy, Inc.", 
-    "2.2", 
-    "$116.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFIN", 
-    "P & F Industries, Inc.", 
-    "7.6", 
-    "$27.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFIS", 
-    "Peoples Financial Services Corp. ", 
-    "41.54", 
-    "$313.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFLT", 
-    "PennantPark Floating Rate Capital Ltd.", 
-    "13.88", 
-    "$206.79M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFMT", 
-    "Performant Financial Corporation", 
-    "5.93", 
-    "$292.64M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFPT", 
-    "Proofpoint, Inc.", 
-    "57.24", 
-    "$2.18B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFSW", 
-    "PFSweb, Inc.", 
-    "10.83", 
-    "$185.78M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PGC", 
-    "Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.25", 
-    "$236.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PGNX", 
-    "Progenics Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "6.23", 
-    "$433.33M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PGTI", 
-    "PGT, Inc.", 
-    "8.43", 
-    "$401.44M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PHII", 
-    "PHI, Inc.", 
-    "34.45", 
-    "$533.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PHIIK", 
-    "PHI, Inc.", 
-    "32.99", 
-    "$510.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PHMD", 
-    "PhotoMedex, Inc.", 
-    "1.72", 
-    "$35.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PICO", 
-    "PICO Holdings Inc.", 
-    "16.42", 
-    "$377.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PIH", 
-    "1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "7.66", 
-    "$48.7M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PINC", 
-    "Premier, Inc.", 
-    "35.31", 
-    "$1.32B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PKBK", 
-    "Parke Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.572", 
-    "$69.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PKOH", 
-    "Park-Ohio Holdings Corp.", 
-    "56.16", 
-    "$702.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PKT", 
-    "Procera Networks, Inc.", 
-    "8.82", 
-    "$182.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLAB", 
-    "Photronics, Inc.", 
-    "8.54", 
-    "$566.62M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLAY", 
-    "Dave & Buster&#39;s Entertainment, Inc.", 
-    "30.48", 
-    "$1.22B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLBC", 
-    "Plumas Bancorp", 
-    "9", 
-    "$43.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLCE", 
-    "Children&#39;s Place, Inc. (The)", 
-    "56.96", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLCM", 
-    "Polycom, Inc.", 
-    "13.84", 
-    "$1.89B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLKI", 
-    "Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Inc.", 
-    "62.4", 
-    "$1.46B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLMT", 
-    "Palmetto Bancshares, Inc. (SC)", 
-    "17.03", 
-    "$217.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLNR", 
-    "Planar Systems, Inc.", 
-    "6.07", 
-    "$136.02M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLPC", 
-    "Preformed Line Products Company", 
-    "46.32", 
-    "$248.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLPM", 
-    "Planet Payment, Inc.", 
-    "1.62", 
-    "$90.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLTM", 
-    "First Trust ISE Global Platinum Index", 
-    "10.67", 
-    "$10.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLUG", 
-    "Plug Power, Inc.", 
-    "3.24", 
-    "$560.93M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLUS", 
-    "ePlus inc.", 
-    "80.59", 
-    "$595.59M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLXS", 
-    "Plexus Corp.", 
-    "40.62", 
-    "$1.37B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PMBC", 
-    "Pacific Mercantile Bancorp", 
-    "7.1", 
-    "$137.99M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PMCS", 
-    "PMC - Sierra, Inc.", 
-    "9.47", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PMD", 
-    "Psychemedics Corporation", 
-    "16.07", 
-    "$86.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PME", 
-    "Pingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd.", 
-    "2.51", 
-    "$198.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PMFG", 
-    "PMFG, Inc.", 
-    "4.62", 
-    "$98.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNBK", 
-    "Patriot National Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "1.58", 
-    "$61.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNFP", 
-    "Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc.", 
-    "40.48", 
-    "$1.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNNT", 
-    "PennantPark Investment Corporation", 
-    "9.49", 
-    "$712.63M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNQI", 
-    "PowerShares NASDAQ Internet Portfolio", 
-    "70.67", 
-    "$229.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNRA", 
-    "Panera Bread Company", 
-    "157.48", 
-    "$4.25B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNRG", 
-    "PrimeEnergy Corporation", 
-    "58.96", 
-    "$138.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNTR", 
-    "Pointer Telocation Ltd.", 
-    "8.33", 
-    "$64.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PODD", 
-    "Insulet Corporation", 
-    "31.99", 
-    "$1.79B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POOL", 
-    "Pool Corporation", 
-    "69.93", 
-    "$3.04B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POPE", 
-    "Pope Resources", 
-    "62.974", 
-    "$272.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POWI", 
-    "Power Integrations, Inc.", 
-    "54.66", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POWL", 
-    "Powell Industries, Inc.", 
-    "33.41", 
-    "$402.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POZN", 
-    "Pozen, Inc.", 
-    "7.32", 
-    "$234.81M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPBI", 
-    "Pacific Premier Bancorp Inc", 
-    "16.07", 
-    "$271.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPC", 
-    "Pilgrim&#39;s Pride Corporation", 
-    "27.645", 
-    "$7.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Meat/Poultry/Fish", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPHM", 
-    "Peregrine Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "1.29", 
-    "$234.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPHMP", 
-    "Peregrine Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "21.95", 
-    "$15.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPSI", 
-    "Pioneer Power Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "9.07", 
-    "$65.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRAA", 
-    "PRA Group, Inc.", 
-    "54.15", 
-    "$2.71B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRAH", 
-    "PRA Health Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "28.08", 
-    "$1.61B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRAN", 
-    "Prana Biotechnology Ltd", 
-    "1.11", 
-    "$54.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRCP", 
-    "Perceptron, Inc.", 
-    "11.06", 
-    "$102.41M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRFT", 
-    "Perficient, Inc.", 
-    "19.6", 
-    "$674.72M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRFZ", 
-    "PowerShares FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small-Mid Portfolio", 
-    "102.73", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_21.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_21.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f913b..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_21.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "PRGN", 
-    "Paragon Shipping Inc.", 
-    "1.89", 
-    "$46.48M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRGNL", 
-    "Paragon Shipping Inc.", 
-    "18.4", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRGS", 
-    "Progress Software Corporation", 
-    "27.3", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRGX", 
-    "PRGX Global, Inc.", 
-    "5.33", 
-    "$145.25M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRIM", 
-    "Primoris Services Corporation", 
-    "21.3", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRKR", 
-    "ParkerVision, Inc.", 
-    "1.04", 
-    "$101.03M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRMW", 
-    "Primo Water Corporation", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$99.1M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PROV", 
-    "Provident Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "15.38", 
-    "$138.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRPH", 
-    "ProPhase Labs, Inc.", 
-    "1.48", 
-    "$22.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRQR", 
-    "ProQR Therapeutics N.V.", 
-    "18.97", 
-    "$442.72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRSC", 
-    "The Providence Service Corporation", 
-    "40.65", 
-    "$644.44M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRSS", 
-    "CafePress Inc.", 
-    "3.73", 
-    "$64.8M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRTA", 
-    "Prothena Corporation plc", 
-    "26.63", 
-    "$729.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRTK", 
-    "Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ", 
-    "31.4", 
-    "$452.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRTO", 
-    "Proteon Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.56", 
-    "$173.7M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRTS", 
-    "U.S. Auto Parts Network, Inc.", 
-    "2.79", 
-    "$93.64M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRXI", 
-    "Premier Exhibitions, Inc.", 
-    "0.391", 
-    "$19.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRXL", 
-    "PAREXEL International Corporation", 
-    "63.56", 
-    "$3.48B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSAU", 
-    "PowerShares Global Gold and Precious Metals Portfolio", 
-    "17.67", 
-    "$21.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSBH", 
-    "PSB Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "7.56", 
-    "$49.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCC", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Consumer Staples Portfolio", 
-    "53.39", 
-    "$21.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCD", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Consumer Discretionary Portfolio", 
-    "52.96", 
-    "$121.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCE", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Energy Portfolio", 
-    "29.76", 
-    "$23.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCF", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Financials Portfolio", 
-    "41.29", 
-    "$115.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCH", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Health Care Portfolio", 
-    "64.779", 
-    "$181.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCI", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Industrials Portfolio", 
-    "46.85", 
-    "$117.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCM", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Materials Portfolio", 
-    "41.6101", 
-    "$56.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCT", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Information Technology Portfolio", 
-    "52.0208", 
-    "$252.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCU", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Utilities Portfolio", 
-    "38.44", 
-    "$40.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSDV", 
-    "pSivida Corp.", 
-    "4.5", 
-    "$132.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSEC", 
-    "Prospect Capital Corporation", 
-    "8.8", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSEM", 
-    "Pericom Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "15.01", 
-    "$335.58M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSIX", 
-    "Power Solutions International, Inc.", 
-    "50.89", 
-    "$546.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSMT", 
-    "PriceSmart, Inc.", 
-    "82.42", 
-    "$2.49B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSTB", 
-    "Park Sterling Corporation", 
-    "6.99", 
-    "$313.5M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSTI", 
-    "Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "2.98", 
-    "$210.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSTR", 
-    "PostRock Energy Corporation", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$25.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSUN", 
-    "Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc.", 
-    "2.84", 
-    "$196.71M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTBI", 
-    "PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "3.1", 
-    "$64.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTBIW", 
-    "PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "1.08", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTC", 
-    "PTC Inc.", 
-    "34.93", 
-    "$4.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTCT", 
-    "PTC Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "55.19", 
-    "$1.85B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTEN", 
-    "Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc.", 
-    "18.32", 
-    "$2.68B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTIE", 
-    "Pain Therapeutics", 
-    "1.96", 
-    "$89.68M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTLA", 
-    "Portola Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "37.78", 
-    "$1.84B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTNR", 
-    "Partner Communications Company Ltd.", 
-    "3.83", 
-    "$597.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTNT", 
-    "Internet Patents Corporation", 
-    "2.65", 
-    "$20.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTRY", 
-    "The Pantry, Inc.", 
-    "36.69", 
-    "$862.38M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTSI", 
-    "P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc.", 
-    "56.31", 
-    "$450.07M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTX", 
-    "Pernix Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "9.34", 
-    "$357.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PULB", 
-    "Pulaski Financial Corp.", 
-    "11.75", 
-    "$141.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PUMP", 
-    "Asante Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PVTB", 
-    "PrivateBancorp, Inc.", 
-    "35.16", 
-    "$2.75B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PVTBP", 
-    "PrivateBancorp, Inc.", 
-    "27.92", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PWOD", 
-    "Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "46.51", 
-    "$223.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PWRD", 
-    "Perfect World Co., Ltd.", 
-    "18.97", 
-    "$943.23M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PWX", 
-    "Providence and Worcester Railroad Company", 
-    "18.1501", 
-    "$88.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Railroads", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PXLW", 
-    "Pixelworks, Inc.", 
-    "5.4", 
-    "$124.98M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PZZA", 
-    "Papa John&#39;S International, Inc.", 
-    "64.83", 
-    "$2.6B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QABA", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ ABA Community Bank Index Fund", 
-    "35.6099", 
-    "$92.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QADA", 
-    "QAD Inc.", 
-    "20.32", 
-    "$326.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QADB", 
-    "QAD Inc.", 
-    "18.23", 
-    "$292.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QAT", 
-    "iShares MSCI Qatar Capped ETF", 
-    "24.5", 
-    "$33.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QBAK", 
-    "Qualstar Corporation", 
-    "1.48", 
-    "$18.13M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QCCO", 
-    "QC Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "1.6512", 
-    "$28.91M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QCLN", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge US Liquid Series Index Fund", 
-    "18.14", 
-    "$117M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QCOM", 
-    "QUALCOMM Incorporated", 
-    "71.52", 
-    "$117.98B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QCRH", 
-    "QCR Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "17.73", 
-    "$140.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QDEL", 
-    "Quidel Corporation", 
-    "25.6", 
-    "$880.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QGEN", 
-    "Qiagen N.V.", 
-    "24.47", 
-    "$5.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QINC", 
-    "First Trust RBA Quality Income ETF", 
-    "21.7864", 
-    "$5.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QIWI", 
-    "QIWI plc", 
-    "23.49", 
-    "$1.23B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QKLS", 
-    "QKL Stores, Inc.", 
-    "2.1499", 
-    "$3.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLGC", 
-    "QLogic Corporation", 
-    "14.545", 
-    "$1.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLIK", 
-    "Qlik Technologies Inc.", 
-    "31.5", 
-    "$2.84B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLTI", 
-    "QLT Inc.", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$207.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLTY", 
-    "Quality Distribution, Inc.", 
-    "10.93", 
-    "$306.69M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLYS", 
-    "Qualys, Inc.", 
-    "47.89", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QNST", 
-    "QuinStreet, Inc.", 
-    "6.34", 
-    "$282.08M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QPACU", 
-    "Quinpario Acquisition Corp. 2", 
-    "10.06", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQEW", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ-100 Equal Weighted Index Fund", 
-    "44.54", 
-    "$628.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQQ", 
-    "PowerShares QQQ Trust, Series 1", 
-    "108.41", 
-    "$40.04B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQQC", 
-    "Global X China Technology ETF", 
-    "21.79", 
-    "$17.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQQX", 
-    "Nuveen NASDAQ 100 Dynamic Overwrite Fund", 
-    "19.32", 
-    "$357.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQXT", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ-100 Ex-Technology Sector Index Fund", 
-    "41.803", 
-    "$106.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QRHC", 
-    "Quest Resource Holding Corporation.", 
-    "1.28", 
-    "$142.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QRVO", 
-    "Qorvo, Inc.", 
-    "65.17", 
-    "$9.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QSII", 
-    "Quality Systems, Inc.", 
-    "17.71", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1982", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QTEC", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ-100 Technology Sector Index Fund", 
-    "44.66", 
-    "$363.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QTNT", 
-    "Quotient Limited", 
-    "16.95", 
-    "$286.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QTNTW", 
-    "Quotient Limited", 
-    "7", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QTWW", 
-    "Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "3.03", 
-    "$84.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QUIK", 
-    "QuickLogic Corporation", 
-    "2.15", 
-    "$120.1M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QUMU", 
-    "Qumu Corporation", 
-    "14.6", 
-    "$131.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QUNR", 
-    "Qunar Cayman Islands Limited", 
-    "28.82", 
-    "$3.43B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QURE", 
-    "uniQure N.V.", 
-    "19.27", 
-    "$343.79M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QVCA", 
-    "Liberty Interactive Corporation", 
-    "29.23", 
-    "$13.91B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QVCB", 
-    "Liberty Interactive Corporation", 
-    "29.37", 
-    "$13.98B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QYLD", 
-    "Recon Capital NASDAQ-100 Covered Call ETF", 
-    "23.78", 
-    "$11.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RADA", 
-    "Rada Electronics Industries Limited", 
-    "2.34", 
-    "$21.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_22.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_22.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 538c60a..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_22.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "RAIL", 
-    "Freightcar America, Inc.", 
-    "30.48", 
-    "$367.8M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Railroads", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RAND", 
-    "Rand Capital Corporation", 
-    "4.173", 
-    "$26.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RARE", 
-    "Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc.", 
-    "55.57", 
-    "$1.97B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RAVE", 
-    "Rave Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "12.51", 
-    "$125.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RAVN", 
-    "Raven Industries, Inc.", 
-    "20.87", 
-    "$794.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RBCAA", 
-    "Republic Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "23.87", 
-    "$496.88M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RBCN", 
-    "Rubicon Technology, Inc.", 
-    "4.49", 
-    "$117.42M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RBPAA", 
-    "Royal Bancshares of Pennsylvania, Inc.", 
-    "1.8", 
-    "$50.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCII", 
-    "Rent-A-Center Inc.", 
-    "29.18", 
-    "$1.54B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCKY", 
-    "Rocky Brands, Inc.", 
-    "20.16", 
-    "$152.21M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCMT", 
-    "RCM Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "5.8", 
-    "$72.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCON", 
-    "Recon Technology, Ltd.", 
-    "1.68", 
-    "$7.94M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oilfield Services/Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCPI", 
-    "Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.148", 
-    "$29.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCPT", 
-    "Receptos, Inc.", 
-    "125.43", 
-    "$3.95B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDCM", 
-    "Radcom Ltd.", 
-    "10.21", 
-    "$82.43M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDEN", 
-    "Elizabeth Arden, Inc.", 
-    "16.75", 
-    "$499.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDHL", 
-    "Redhill Biopharma Ltd.", 
-    "13.01", 
-    "$113.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDI", 
-    "Reading International Inc", 
-    "12.72", 
-    "$297.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDIB", 
-    "Reading International Inc", 
-    "12.66", 
-    "$284.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDNT", 
-    "RadNet, Inc.", 
-    "8.83", 
-    "$377.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDUS", 
-    "Radius Health, Inc.", 
-    "45.9", 
-    "$1.72B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDVY", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Rising Dividend Achievers ETF", 
-    "22.65", 
-    "$7.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDWR", 
-    "Radware Ltd.", 
-    "21.11", 
-    "$950.56M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RECN", 
-    "Resources Connection, Inc.", 
-    "17.69", 
-    "$665.95M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REDF", 
-    " India Limited", 
-    "1.9016", 
-    "$52.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REFR", 
-    "Research Frontiers Incorporated", 
-    "5.07", 
-    "$121.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REGI", 
-    "Renewable Energy Group, Inc.", 
-    "8.96", 
-    "$379.07M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REGN", 
-    "Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "423.78", 
-    "$43.49B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REIS", 
-    "Reis, Inc", 
-    "23.75", 
-    "$264.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RELL", 
-    "Richardson Electronics, Ltd.", 
-    "9.31", 
-    "$128.41M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RELV", 
-    "Reliv&#39; International, Inc.", 
-    "1.18", 
-    "$15.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REMY", 
-    "Remy International, Inc.", 
-    "23.3", 
-    "$745.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RENT", 
-    "Rentrak Corporation", 
-    "53", 
-    "$805.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REPH", 
-    "Recro Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "3.2299", 
-    "$24.89M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RESN", 
-    "Resonant Inc.", 
-    "15.02", 
-    "$103.76M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REXI", 
-    "Resource America, Inc.", 
-    "8.96", 
-    "$204.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance/Investors Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REXX", 
-    "Rex Energy Corporation", 
-    "4.87", 
-    "$263.5M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RFIL", 
-    "RF Industries, Ltd.", 
-    "4.44", 
-    "$37.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGCO", 
-    "RGC Resources Inc.", 
-    "21.51", 
-    "$101.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGDO", 
-    "Regado BioSciences, Inc.", 
-    "1.13", 
-    "$37.98M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGDX", 
-    "Response Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "0.54", 
-    "$20.94M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGEN", 
-    "Repligen Corporation", 
-    "25.45", 
-    "$832.77M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGLD", 
-    "Royal Gold, Inc.", 
-    "69.99", 
-    "$4.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGLS", 
-    "Regulus Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "18.7", 
-    "$944.66M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGSE", 
-    "Real Goods Solar, Inc.", 
-    "0.48", 
-    "$24.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RIBT", 
-    "RiceBran Technologies", 
-    "4.13", 
-    "$38.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RIBTW", 
-    "RiceBran Technologies", 
-    "1.07", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RICK", 
-    "RCI Hospitality Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "10.44", 
-    "$107.48M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RIGL", 
-    "Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.55", 
-    "$223.87M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RITT", 
-    "RIT Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "1.31", 
-    "$20.36M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RITTW", 
-    "RIT Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "0.2999", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RIVR", 
-    "River Valley Bancorp.", 
-    "21.35", 
-    "$53.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RJET", 
-    "Republic Airways Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "14.51", 
-    "$722.4M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RLJE", 
-    "RLJ Entertainment, Inc.", 
-    "1.8", 
-    "$24.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RLOC", 
-    "ReachLocal, Inc.", 
-    "3.23", 
-    "$94.21M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RLOG", 
-    "Rand Logistics, Inc.", 
-    "3.61", 
-    "$65.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RLYP", 
-    "Relypsa, Inc.", 
-    "35.25", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RMBS", 
-    "Rambus, Inc.", 
-    "12.06", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RMCF", 
-    "Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Inc.", 
-    "14.54", 
-    "$88.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RMGN", 
-    "RMG Networks Holding Corporation", 
-    "1.15", 
-    "$13.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RMTI", 
-    "Rockwell Medical, Inc.", 
-    "10.7", 
-    "$536.11M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RNET", 
-    "RigNet, Inc.", 
-    "36.74", 
-    "$647.16M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RNST", 
-    "Renasant Corporation", 
-    "28.28", 
-    "$891.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RNWK", 
-    "RealNetworks, Inc.", 
-    "6.99", 
-    "$251.88M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROBO", 
-    "Robo-Stox Global Robotics & Automation Index ETF", 
-    "26.22", 
-    "$102.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROCK", 
-    "Gibraltar Industries, Inc.", 
-    "16.16", 
-    "$499.42M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIA", 
-    "Radio One, Inc.", 
-    "2.93", 
-    "$146.92M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIAK", 
-    "Radio One, Inc.", 
-    "2.9", 
-    "$145.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIC", 
-    "Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.", 
-    "16.93", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIQ", 
-    "ROI Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "9.74", 
-    "$152.19M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIQU", 
-    "ROI Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "9.81", 
-    "$122.63M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIQW", 
-    "ROI Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "0.26", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROKA", 
-    "Roka Bioscience, Inc.", 
-    "4.14", 
-    "$73.11M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROLL", 
-    "RBC Bearings Incorporated", 
-    "60.83", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROSE", 
-    "Rosetta Resources Inc.", 
-    "23.04", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROSG", 
-    "Rosetta Genomics Ltd.", 
-    "3.68", 
-    "$43.29M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROST", 
-    "Ross Stores, Inc.", 
-    "97.92", 
-    "$20.41B", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROVI", 
-    "Rovi Corporation", 
-    "23.85", 
-    "$2.19B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROYL", 
-    "Royale Energy, Inc.", 
-    "1.79", 
-    "$26.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RP", 
-    "RealPage, Inc.", 
-    "19.7", 
-    "$1.55B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPRX", 
-    "Repros Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "9.27", 
-    "$225.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPRXW", 
-    "Repros Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "8.46", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPRXZ", 
-    "Repros Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "6.0227", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPTP", 
-    "Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp.", 
-    "9.89", 
-    "$628.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPXC", 
-    "RPX Corporation", 
-    "14.1", 
-    "$760.54M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RRD", 
-    "R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company", 
-    "18.07", 
-    "$3.61B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RRGB", 
-    "Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc.", 
-    "80.64", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RRM", 
-    "RR Media Ltd.", 
-    "7.48", 
-    "$130.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RSTI", 
-    "Rofin-Sinar Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "23.96", 
-    "$673.1M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RSYS", 
-    "RadiSys Corporation", 
-    "2.25", 
-    "$82.08M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RTGN", 
-    "Ruthigen, Inc.", 
-    "4.06", 
-    "$19.51M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RTIX", 
-    "RTI Surgical, Inc.", 
-    "5.32", 
-    "$302.7M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RTK", 
-    "Rentech, Inc.", 
-    "1.27", 
-    "$290.18M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Agricultural Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RTRX", 
-    "Retrophin, Inc.", 
-    "14.5", 
-    "$387.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RUSHA", 
-    "Rush Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "28.96", 
-    "$1.16B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RUSHB", 
-    "Rush Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "26", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RUTH", 
-    "Ruth&#39;s Hospitality Group, Inc.", 
-    "15.38", 
-    "$543.78M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RVBD", 
-    "Riverbed Technology, Inc.", 
-    "20.88", 
-    "$3.29B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RVLT", 
-    "Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "1.13", 
-    "$96.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Building Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RVNC", 
-    "Revance Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "15.76", 
-    "$373.83M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_23.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_23.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0409ff4..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_23.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "RVSB", 
-    "Riverview Bancorp Inc", 
-    "4.41", 
-    "$99.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RWLK", 
-    "ReWalk Robotics Ltd", 
-    "16.17", 
-    "$193.69M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RXDX", 
-    "Ignyta, Inc.", 
-    "7.17", 
-    "$140.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RXII", 
-    "RXI Pharmaceuticals Corporation", 
-    "1.15", 
-    "$24.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RYAAY", 
-    "Ryanair Holdings plc", 
-    "64.25", 
-    "$17.83B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAAS", 
-    "inContact, Inc.", 
-    "11.24", 
-    "$685.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SABR", 
-    "Sabre Corporation", 
-    "21.23", 
-    "$5.69B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAEX", 
-    "SAExploration Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "3.37", 
-    "$50.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAFM", 
-    "Sanderson Farms, Inc.", 
-    "83.39", 
-    "$1.93B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Meat/Poultry/Fish", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAFT", 
-    "Safety Insurance Group, Inc.", 
-    "61.95", 
-    "$929.82M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAGE", 
-    "Sage Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "42.5", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAIA", 
-    "Saia, Inc.", 
-    "46.14", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAJA", 
-    "Sajan, Inc.", 
-    "5.75", 
-    "$27.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAL", 
-    "Salisbury Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "30.1799", 
-    "$51.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SALE", 
-    "RetailMeNot, Inc.", 
-    "17.2", 
-    "$929.95M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SALM", 
-    "Salem Communications Corporation", 
-    "7.37", 
-    "$186.24M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAMG", 
-    "Silvercrest Asset Management Group Inc.", 
-    "14.02", 
-    "$171.44M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SANM", 
-    "Sanmina Corporation", 
-    "23", 
-    "$1.91B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SANW", 
-    "S&W Seed Company", 
-    "4.91", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SANWZ", 
-    "S&W Seed Company", 
-    "0.1201", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SASR", 
-    "Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "25.94", 
-    "$649.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SATS", 
-    "EchoStar Corporation", 
-    "55.31", 
-    "$2.43B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAVE", 
-    "Spirit Airlines, Inc.", 
-    "81.77", 
-    "$5.95B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBAC", 
-    "SBA Communications Corporation", 
-    "121.25", 
-    "$15.65B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBBX", 
-    "Sussex Bancorp", 
-    "10.25", 
-    "$47.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBCF", 
-    "Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida", 
-    "12.97", 
-    "$429.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBCP", 
-    "Sunshine Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.08", 
-    "$51.12M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBFG", 
-    "SB Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "10.5", 
-    "$51.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBFGP", 
-    "SB Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBGI", 
-    "Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.", 
-    "27.9", 
-    "$2.67B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBLK", 
-    "Star Bulk Carriers Corp.", 
-    "4.5", 
-    "$712.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBLKL", 
-    "Star Bulk Carriers Corp.", 
-    "22.4499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBNY", 
-    "Signature Bank", 
-    "125.7", 
-    "$6.32B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBNYW", 
-    "Signature Bank", 
-    "89.18", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBRA", 
-    "Sabra Healthcare REIT, Inc.", 
-    "32.52", 
-    "$1.93B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBRAP", 
-    "Sabra Healthcare REIT, Inc.", 
-    "26.25", 
-    "$150.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBSA", 
-    "Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.", 
-    "3.27", 
-    "$21.28M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBSI", 
-    "Southside Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "29.64", 
-    "$560.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBUX", 
-    "Starbucks Corporation", 
-    "93.51", 
-    "$70.11B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCAI", 
-    "Surgical Care Affiliates, Inc.", 
-    "32.48", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCHL", 
-    "Scholastic Corporation", 
-    "36.99", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Books", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCHN", 
-    "Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc.", 
-    "16.36", 
-    "$438.19M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCLN", 
-    "SciClone Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7.68", 
-    "$389.94M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCMP", 
-    "Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "15.02", 
-    "$673.24M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCOK", 
-    "SinoCoking Coal and Coke Chemical Industries, Inc", 
-    "2.74", 
-    "$65.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCON", 
-    "Superconductor Technologies Inc.", 
-    "2.09", 
-    "$27.69M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCOR", 
-    "comScore, Inc.", 
-    "51.44", 
-    "$1.76B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCSC", 
-    "ScanSource, Inc.", 
-    "36.79", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCSS", 
-    "Select Comfort Corporation", 
-    "31.32", 
-    "$1.67B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCTY", 
-    "SolarCity Corporation", 
-    "54.44", 
-    "$5.23B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCVL", 
-    "Shoe Carnival, Inc.", 
-    "23.69", 
-    "$480.58M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCYX", 
-    "SCYNEXIS, Inc.", 
-    "9.2", 
-    "$78.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEAC", 
-    "SeaChange International, Inc.", 
-    "7.69", 
-    "$251.11M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEED", 
-    "Origin Agritech Limited", 
-    "1.35", 
-    "$30.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEIC", 
-    "SEI Investments Company", 
-    "43.37", 
-    "$7.25B", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEMI", 
-    "SunEdison Semiconductor Limited", 
-    "21.5", 
-    "$892.38M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SENEA", 
-    "Seneca Foods Corp.", 
-    "27.25", 
-    "$292.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SENEB", 
-    "Seneca Foods Corp.", 
-    "38", 
-    "$407.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEV", 
-    "Sevcon, Inc.", 
-    "7.39", 
-    "$26.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFBC", 
-    "Sound Financial Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.9", 
-    "$47.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFBS", 
-    "ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "31.06", 
-    "$770.02M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFLY", 
-    "Shutterfly, Inc.", 
-    "45.77", 
-    "$1.73B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFM", 
-    "Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc.", 
-    "37.48", 
-    "$5.67B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFNC", 
-    "Simmons First National Corporation", 
-    "39.79", 
-    "$717.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFST", 
-    "Southern First Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "16.8001", 
-    "$81.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFXE", 
-    "SFX Entertainment, Inc.", 
-    "3.53", 
-    "$319.7M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGBK", 
-    "Stonegate Bank", 
-    "28.33", 
-    "$290.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGC", 
-    "Superior Uniform Group, Inc.", 
-    "18.27", 
-    "$491.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGEN", 
-    "Seattle Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "34.96", 
-    "$4.33B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGI", 
-    "Silicon Graphics International Corp", 
-    "9.2", 
-    "$316.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGMA", 
-    "SigmaTron International, Inc.", 
-    "6.7", 
-    "$27.16M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGMO", 
-    "Sangamo BioSciences, Inc.", 
-    "16.945", 
-    "$1.16B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGMS", 
-    "Scientific Games Corp", 
-    "13.75", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGNL", 
-    "Signal Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "2.57", 
-    "$9.72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGNT", 
-    "Sagent Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "28.49", 
-    "$909.12M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGOC", 
-    "SGOCO Group, Ltd", 
-    "0.52", 
-    "$9.06M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGRP", 
-    "SPAR Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.47", 
-    "$30.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGYP", 
-    "Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.87", 
-    "$277.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGYPU", 
-    "Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "6.48", 
-    "$11.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGYPW", 
-    "Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.7399", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHBI", 
-    "Shore Bancshares Inc", 
-    "9.35", 
-    "$117.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHEN", 
-    "Shenandoah Telecommunications Co", 
-    "29.71", 
-    "$716.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHIP", 
-    "Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp", 
-    "0.7856", 
-    "$9.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHLD", 
-    "Sears Holdings Corporation", 
-    "36.66", 
-    "$3.9B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHLDW", 
-    "Sears Holdings Corporation", 
-    "24.17", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHLM", 
-    "A. Schulman, Inc.", 
-    "40.3", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "1972", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHLO", 
-    "Shiloh Industries, Inc.", 
-    "12.63", 
-    "$217.49M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHOO", 
-    "Steven Madden, Ltd.", 
-    "34.15", 
-    "$2.19B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHOR", 
-    "ShoreTel, Inc.", 
-    "7.56", 
-    "$485.05M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHOS", 
-    "Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores, Inc.", 
-    "13", 
-    "$295.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHPG", 
-    "Shire plc", 
-    "237.29", 
-    "$47.35B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIAL", 
-    "Sigma-Aldrich Corporation", 
-    "138.75", 
-    "$16.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIBC", 
-    "State Investors Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "20.91", 
-    "$48.26M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIEB", 
-    "Siebert Financial Corp.", 
-    "1.71", 
-    "$37.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIEN", 
-    "Sientra, Inc.", 
-    "17.56", 
-    "$261.87M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIFI", 
-    "SI Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "11.49", 
-    "$146.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIFY", 
-    "Sify Technologies Limited", 
-    "1.38", 
-    "$246.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIGA", 
-    "SIGA Technologies Inc.", 
-    "2.06", 
-    "$110.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIGI", 
-    "Selective Insurance Group, Inc.", 
-    "27.72", 
-    "$1.56B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIGM", 
-    "Sigma Designs, Inc.", 
-    "6.81", 
-    "$237.92M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_24.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_24.json
deleted file mode 100644
index dfbf5f2..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_24.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "SILC", 
-    "Silicom Ltd", 
-    "47.22", 
-    "$340.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIMG", 
-    "Silicon Image, Inc.", 
-    "7.245", 
-    "$560.74M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIMO", 
-    "Silicon Motion Technology Corporation", 
-    "29.69", 
-    "$977.03M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SINA", 
-    "Sina Corporation", 
-    "37.83", 
-    "$2.5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SINO", 
-    "Sino-Global Shipping America, Ltd.", 
-    "1.5", 
-    "$9.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIRI", 
-    "Sirius XM Holdings Inc.", 
-    "3.86", 
-    "$21.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIRO", 
-    "Sirona Dental Systems, Inc.", 
-    "91.49", 
-    "$5.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIVB", 
-    "SVB Financial Group", 
-    "123.08", 
-    "$6.26B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIVBO", 
-    "SVB Financial Group", 
-    "25.75", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIXD", 
-    "6D Global Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "8.52", 
-    "$660.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKBI", 
-    "Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical Company", 
-    "4.28", 
-    "$37.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKIS", 
-    "Peak Resorts, Inc.", 
-    "7.25", 
-    "$101.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKOR", 
-    "FlexShares Credit-Scored US Corporate Bond Index Fund", 
-    "50.63", 
-    "$12.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKUL", 
-    "Skullcandy, Inc.", 
-    "10.17", 
-    "$286.12M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKYS", 
-    "Sky Solar Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "11.296", 
-    "$541.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKYW", 
-    "SkyWest, Inc.", 
-    "13.95", 
-    "$716.16M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKYY", 
-    "First Trust ISE Cloud Computing Index Fund", 
-    "29.72", 
-    "$425M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLAB", 
-    "Silicon Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "49.9", 
-    "$2.1B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLCT", 
-    "Select Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "6.96", 
-    "$79.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLGN", 
-    "Silgan Holdings Inc.", 
-    "57.04", 
-    "$3.61B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLM", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "9.36", 
-    "$3.96B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLMAP", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "49.2525", 
-    "$162.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLMBP", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "65.3", 
-    "$261.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLP", 
-    "Simulations Plus, Inc.", 
-    "6.27", 
-    "$105.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLRC", 
-    "Solar Capital Ltd.", 
-    "19.58", 
-    "$831.47M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLTC", 
-    "Selectica, Inc.", 
-    "5.2", 
-    "$40.91M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLVO", 
-    "Credit Suisse Silver Shares Covered Call ETN", 
-    "11.3468", 
-    "$9.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLXP", 
-    "Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.", 
-    "157.85", 
-    "$10.06B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMAC", 
-    "Sino Mercury Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.92", 
-    "$52.68M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMACR", 
-    "Sino Mercury Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.29", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMACU", 
-    "Sino Mercury Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.0405", 
-    "$42.27M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMBC", 
-    "Southern Missouri Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.58", 
-    "$137.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMCI", 
-    "Super Micro Computer, Inc.", 
-    "39.24", 
-    "$1.83B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMED", 
-    "Sharps Compliance Corp", 
-    "5.05", 
-    "$78.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMIT", 
-    "Schmitt Industries, Inc.", 
-    "2.66", 
-    "$7.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMLR", 
-    "Semler Scientific, Inc.", 
-    "4.875", 
-    "$22.99M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMMF", 
-    "Summit Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "11.42", 
-    "$85.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMPL", 
-    "Simplicity Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "17.3", 
-    "$128.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMRT", 
-    "Stein Mart, Inc.", 
-    "16.2", 
-    "$728.03M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMSI", 
-    "Smith Micro Software, Inc.", 
-    "1.46", 
-    "$65.78M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMT", 
-    "SMART Technologies Inc.", 
-    "1.24", 
-    "$151.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMTC", 
-    "Semtech Corporation", 
-    "27.58", 
-    "$1.84B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMTP", 
-    "SMTP, Inc.", 
-    "5.06", 
-    "$27.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMTX", 
-    "SMTC Corporation", 
-    "1.53", 
-    "$25.12M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNAK", 
-    "Inventure Foods, Inc.", 
-    "10.72", 
-    "$209.44M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNBC", 
-    "Sun Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.66", 
-    "$346.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNC", 
-    "State National Companies, Inc.", 
-    "9.16", 
-    "$405.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNCR", 
-    "Synchronoss Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "44.81", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNDK", 
-    "SanDisk Corporation", 
-    "82.63", 
-    "$17.6B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNFCA", 
-    "Security National Financial Corporation", 
-    "5.895", 
-    "$85.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNHY", 
-    "Sun Hydraulics Corporation", 
-    "40.18", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNMX", 
-    "Senomyx, Inc.", 
-    "6.11", 
-    "$264.9M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNPS", 
-    "Synopsys, Inc.", 
-    "46.95", 
-    "$7.21B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNSS", 
-    "Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.35", 
-    "$145.58M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNTA", 
-    "Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp.", 
-    "2.32", 
-    "$252.64M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOCB", 
-    "Southcoast Financial Corporation", 
-    "7.27", 
-    "$51.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOCL", 
-    "Global X Social Media Index ETF", 
-    "18.74", 
-    "$95.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SODA", 
-    "SodaStream International Ltd.", 
-    "18.73", 
-    "$393.29M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOFO", 
-    "Sonic Foundry, Inc.", 
-    "8.19", 
-    "$35.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOHO", 
-    "Sotherly Hotels Inc.", 
-    "7.44", 
-    "$78.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOHOL", 
-    "Sotherly Hotels LP", 
-    "26.2535", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOHOM", 
-    "Sotherly Hotels LP", 
-    "25.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOHU", 
-    " Inc.", 
-    "53.26", 
-    "$2.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SONA", 
-    "Southern National Bancorp of Virginia, Inc.", 
-    "11.6501", 
-    "$142.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SONC", 
-    "Sonic Corp.", 
-    "32.88", 
-    "$1.76B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SONS", 
-    "Sonus Networks, Inc.", 
-    "16.75", 
-    "$33.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SORL", 
-    "SORL Auto Parts, Inc.", 
-    "3.11", 
-    "$60.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOXX", 
-    "iShares PHLX SOX Semiconductor Sector Index Fund", 
-    "96.31", 
-    "$577.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SP", 
-    "SP Plus Corporation", 
-    "22.78", 
-    "$501.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Rental/Leasing Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPAN", 
-    "Span-America Medical Systems, Inc.", 
-    "18.175", 
-    "$54.19M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPAR", 
-    "Spartan Motors, Inc.", 
-    "5.35", 
-    "$182.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPCB", 
-    "SuperCom, Ltd.", 
-    "8.22", 
-    "$112.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPDC", 
-    "Speed Commerce, Inc.", 
-    "0.9871", 
-    "$65.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPEX", 
-    "Spherix Incorporated", 
-    "0.93", 
-    "$26.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPHS", 
-    "Sophiris Bio, Inc.", 
-    "0.47", 
-    "$7.92M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPIL", 
-    "Siliconware Precision Industries Company, Ltd.", 
-    "8.74", 
-    "$5.46B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPKE", 
-    "Spark Energy, Inc.", 
-    "15.2", 
-    "$209M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Power Generation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPLK", 
-    "Splunk Inc.", 
-    "68.945", 
-    "$8.36B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPLS", 
-    "Staples, Inc.", 
-    "16.79", 
-    "$10.75B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPNC", 
-    "The Spectranetics Corporation", 
-    "33.78", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPNS", 
-    "Sapiens International Corporation N.V.", 
-    "7.31", 
-    "$348.53M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPOK", 
-    "Spok Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "18.93", 
-    "$410.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPPI", 
-    "Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7.46", 
-    "$491.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPPR", 
-    "Supertel Hospitality, Inc.", 
-    "1.69", 
-    "$7.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPPRO", 
-    "Supertel Hospitality, Inc.", 
-    "15.5001", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPPRP", 
-    "Supertel Hospitality, Inc.", 
-    "5.6991", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPRO", 
-    "SmartPros Ltd.", 
-    "1.43", 
-    "$6.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPRT", 
-    ", Inc.", 
-    "1.68", 
-    "$90.88M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPSC", 
-    "SPS Commerce, Inc.", 
-    "67.4", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPTN", 
-    "SpartanNash Company", 
-    "26.21", 
-    "$982.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPU", 
-    "SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc.", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPWH", 
-    "Sportsman&#39;s Warehouse Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPWR", 
-    "SunPower Corporation", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQBG", 
-    "Sequential Brands Group, Inc.", 
-    "10.39", 
-    "$396.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQBK", 
-    "Square 1 Financial, Inc.", 
-    "24.96", 
-    "$716.57M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQI", 
-    "SciQuest, Inc.", 
-    "17.18", 
-    "$472.83M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQNM", 
-    "Sequenom, Inc.", 
-    "3.49", 
-    "$409.6M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQQQ", 
-    "ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ Fund", 
-    "25.23", 
-    "$227.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRCE", 
-    "1st Source Corporation", 
-    "31.31", 
-    "$747.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRCL", 
-    "Stericycle, Inc.", 
-    "134.61", 
-    "$11.43B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_25.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_25.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e6c8f..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_25.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "SRDX", 
-    "SurModics, Inc.", 
-    "23.57", 
-    "$304.98M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SREV", 
-    "ServiceSource International, Inc.", 
-    "3.84", 
-    "$321.74M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRNE", 
-    "Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "12.37", 
-    "$357.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRPT", 
-    "Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "15.21", 
-    "$628.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRSC", 
-    "Sears Canada Inc. ", 
-    "9.87", 
-    "$1.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSB", 
-    "South State Corporation", 
-    "65.05", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSBI", 
-    "Summit State Bank", 
-    "13.73", 
-    "$65.61M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSFN", 
-    "Stewardship Financial Corp", 
-    "5.45", 
-    "$32.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSH", 
-    "Sunshine Heart Inc", 
-    "5.25", 
-    "$88.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSNC", 
-    "SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "62.6", 
-    "$5.24B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSRG", 
-    "Symmetry Surgical Inc.", 
-    "7.85", 
-    "$75.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSRI", 
-    "Silver Standard Resources Inc.", 
-    "5.405", 
-    "$436.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSYS", 
-    "Stratasys, Ltd.", 
-    "63.88", 
-    "$3.25B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STAA", 
-    "STAAR Surgical Company", 
-    "6.63", 
-    "$256.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Ophthalmic Goods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STB", 
-    "Student Transportation Inc", 
-    "5.75", 
-    "$480.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Other Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STBA", 
-    "S&T Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "28.81", 
-    "$858.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STBZ", 
-    "State Bank Financial Corporation.", 
-    "19.75", 
-    "$637.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STCK", 
-    "Stock Building Supply Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "15.89", 
-    "$415.94M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STEM", 
-    "StemCells, Inc.", 
-    "1.09", 
-    "$74.92M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STFC", 
-    "State Auto Financial Corporation", 
-    "24.23", 
-    "$992.63M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STKL", 
-    "SunOpta, Inc.", 
-    "11.85", 
-    "$796.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STLD", 
-    "Steel Dynamics, Inc.", 
-    "19.47", 
-    "$4.68B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STLY", 
-    "Stanley Furniture Company, Inc.", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "$50.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STML", 
-    "Stemline Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "14.1", 
-    "$187.32M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STMP", 
-    " Inc.", 
-    "57.52", 
-    "$922.02M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STNR", 
-    "Steiner Leisure Limited", 
-    "47.57", 
-    "$645.31M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STPP", 
-    "iPath US Treasury Steepener ETN", 
-    "34.29", 
-    "$13.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRA", 
-    "Strayer Education, Inc.", 
-    "61.45", 
-    "$670.01M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRL", 
-    "Sterling Construction Company Inc", 
-    "2.99", 
-    "$56.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRM", 
-    "Streamline Health Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "4.15", 
-    "$76.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRN", 
-    "Sutron Corporation", 
-    "5.4201", 
-    "$27.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRS", 
-    "Stratus Properties, Inc.", 
-    "13.45", 
-    "$108.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRT", 
-    "Strattec Security Corporation", 
-    "64.79", 
-    "$232.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRZA", 
-    "Starz", 
-    "31.52", 
-    "$3.29B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRZB", 
-    "Starz", 
-    "30.3728", 
-    "$3.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STX", 
-    "Seagate Technology.", 
-    "62.18", 
-    "$20.42B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STXS", 
-    "Stereotaxis, Inc.", 
-    "2.65", 
-    "$54.22M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUBK", 
-    "Suffolk Bancorp", 
-    "23.14", 
-    "$269.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUMR", 
-    "Summer Infant, Inc.", 
-    "2.65", 
-    "$48.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUNS", 
-    "Solar Senior Capital Ltd.", 
-    "15.73", 
-    "$181.42M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUPN", 
-    "Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "8.67", 
-    "$372.21M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SURG", 
-    "Synergetics USA, Inc.", 
-    "4.49", 
-    "$113.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUSQ", 
-    "Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "13.5", 
-    "$2.45B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUTR", 
-    "Sutor Technology Group Limited", 
-    "0.88", 
-    "$36.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SVA", 
-    "Sinovac Biotech, Ltd.", 
-    "5", 
-    "$278.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SVBI", 
-    "Severn Bancorp Inc", 
-    "4.41", 
-    "$44.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SVVC", 
-    "Firsthand Technology Value Fund, Inc.", 
-    "13.7", 
-    "$124.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SWHC", 
-    "Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation", 
-    "12.78", 
-    "$686.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Ordnance And Accessories", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SWIR", 
-    "Sierra Wireless, Inc.", 
-    "37.77", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SWKS", 
-    "Skyworks Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "84.3", 
-    "$16.09B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SWSH", 
-    "Swisher Hygiene, Inc.", 
-    "1.98", 
-    "$34.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYBT", 
-    "Stock Yards Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "32.61", 
-    "$479.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYKE", 
-    "Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated", 
-    "22.82", 
-    "$987.91M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYMC", 
-    "Symantec Corporation", 
-    "25.685", 
-    "$17.53B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYMX", 
-    "Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc.", 
-    "0.78", 
-    "$57.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYNA", 
-    "Synaptics Incorporated", 
-    "82.225", 
-    "$3.02B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYNC", 
-    "Synacor, Inc.", 
-    "2.2", 
-    "$60.24M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYNL", 
-    "Synalloy Corporation", 
-    "15.37", 
-    "$133.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYNT", 
-    "Syntel, Inc.", 
-    "49.68", 
-    "$4.15B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYPR", 
-    "Sypris Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "2.42", 
-    "$49.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYRX", 
-    "Sysorex Global Holding Corp.", 
-    "1.52", 
-    "$29.87M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYUT", 
-    "Synutra International, Inc.", 
-    "5.74", 
-    "$328.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SZMK", 
-    "Sizmek Inc.", 
-    "7.87", 
-    "$239.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SZYM", 
-    "Solazyme, Inc.", 
-    "2.56", 
-    "$203.01M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TACT", 
-    "TransAct Technologies Incorporated", 
-    "6.61", 
-    "$54.34M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAIT", 
-    "Taitron Components Incorporated", 
-    "1", 
-    "$5.54M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAPR", 
-    "Barclays Inverse US Treasury Composite ETN", 
-    "32.96", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TASR", 
-    "TASER International, Inc.", 
-    "27.58", 
-    "$1.45B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Ordnance And Accessories", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAST", 
-    "Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "8.8", 
-    "$309.96M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TATT", 
-    "TAT Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "6.31", 
-    "$55.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAX", 
-    "Liberty Tax, Inc.", 
-    "33.92", 
-    "$430.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAXI", 
-    "Medallion Financial Corp.", 
-    "10.8", 
-    "$271.76M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAYD", 
-    "Taylor Devices, Inc.", 
-    "11.55", 
-    "$38.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBBK", 
-    "The Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "8.99", 
-    "$339M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBIO", 
-    "Transgenomic, Inc.", 
-    "2.54", 
-    "$21.04M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBK", 
-    "Triumph Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.98", 
-    "$233.17M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBNK", 
-    "Territorial Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "21.78", 
-    "$217.14M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBPH", 
-    "Theravance Biopharma, Inc.", 
-    "19.52", 
-    "$629.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBI", 
-    "Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "46.99", 
-    "$2.15B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBIL", 
-    "Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "24.63", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBIP", 
-    "Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "24.762", 
-    "$148.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBIW", 
-    "Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "33.37", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBK", 
-    "TriCo Bancshares", 
-    "24.47", 
-    "$555.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCCO", 
-    "Technical Communications Corporation", 
-    "4.2699", 
-    "$7.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCFC", 
-    "The Community Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.6916", 
-    "$92.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCON", 
-    "TRACON Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "10.14", 
-    "$122.62M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCPC", 
-    "TCP Capital Corp.", 
-    "16.79", 
-    "$718.79M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCRD", 
-    "THL Credit, Inc.", 
-    "11.9", 
-    "$403.47M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCX", 
-    "Tucows Inc.", 
-    "18.44", 
-    "$208.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TDIV", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Technology Dividend Index Fund", 
-    "28.56", 
-    "$741.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TEAR", 
-    "TearLab Corporation", 
-    "2.52", 
-    "$84.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TECD", 
-    "Tech Data Corporation", 
-    "61.78", 
-    "$2.36B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TECH", 
-    "Bio-Techne Corp", 
-    "96.36", 
-    "$3.58B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TECU", 
-    "Tecumseh Products Company", 
-    "3.1", 
-    "$57.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TEDU", 
-    "Tarena International, Inc.", 
-    "11.2", 
-    "$567.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TENX", 
-    "Tenax Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "3.31", 
-    "$93.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TERP", 
-    "TerraForm Power, Inc.", 
-    "33.4", 
-    "$1.41B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TESO", 
-    "Tesco Corporation", 
-    "10.79", 
-    "$427.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TESS", 
-    "TESSCO Technologies Incorporated", 
-    "25.27", 
-    "$206.85M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFM", 
-    "The Fresh Market, Inc.", 
-    "37.09", 
-    "$1.8B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_26.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_26.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 48aaf6b..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_26.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "TFSC", 
-    "1347 Capital Corp.", 
-    "9.43", 
-    "$56.09M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFSCR", 
-    "1347 Capital Corp.", 
-    "0.37", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFSCU", 
-    "1347 Capital Corp.", 
-    "9.97", 
-    "$41.67M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFSCW", 
-    "1347 Capital Corp.", 
-    "0.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFSL", 
-    "TFS Financial Corporation", 
-    "14.18", 
-    "$4.23B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TGA", 
-    "Transglobe Energy Corp", 
-    "3.03", 
-    "$228.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TGEN", 
-    "Tecogen Inc.", 
-    "5.2099", 
-    "$82.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TGLS", 
-    "Tecnoglass Inc.", 
-    "9.8377", 
-    "$240.07M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TGTX", 
-    "TG Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "13.5", 
-    "$593.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THFF", 
-    "First Financial Corporation Indiana", 
-    "34.29", 
-    "$442.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THLD", 
-    "Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "4.35", 
-    "$272.96M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THOR", 
-    "Thoratec Corporation", 
-    "40.5", 
-    "$2.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THRM", 
-    "Gentherm Inc", 
-    "42.27", 
-    "$1.51B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THRX", 
-    "Theravance, Inc.", 
-    "18.22", 
-    "$2.1B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THST", 
-    "Truett-Hurst, Inc.", 
-    "2.82", 
-    "$10.85M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THTI", 
-    "THT Heat Transfer Technology, Inc.", 
-    "1.04", 
-    "$21.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TICC", 
-    "TICC Capital Corp.", 
-    "7.61", 
-    "$459.32M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TIGR", 
-    "TigerLogic Corporation", 
-    "0.35", 
-    "$10.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TILE", 
-    "Interface, Inc.", 
-    "18.91", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TINY", 
-    "Harris & Harris Group, Inc.", 
-    "3.19", 
-    "$99.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance/Investors Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TIPT", 
-    "Tiptree Financial Inc.", 
-    "7.1", 
-    "$295.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TISA", 
-    "Top Image Systems, Ltd.", 
-    "3.12", 
-    "$55.58M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TITN", 
-    "Titan Machinery Inc.", 
-    "14.89", 
-    "$318.81M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TIVO", 
-    "TiVo Inc.", 
-    "10.83", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TKAI", 
-    "Tokai Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "14.49", 
-    "$324.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TKMR", 
-    "Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corp", 
-    "19.89", 
-    "$446.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TLF", 
-    "Tandy Leather Factory, Inc.", 
-    "8.99", 
-    "$92.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TLMR", 
-    "Talmer Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.7", 
-    "$965.9M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TLOG", 
-    "TetraLogic Pharmaceuticals Corporation", 
-    "4.94", 
-    "$110.24M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TNAV", 
-    "TeleNav, Inc.", 
-    "8.23", 
-    "$328.4M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TNDM", 
-    "Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.", 
-    "13.54", 
-    "$320M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TNGO", 
-    "Tangoe, Inc.", 
-    "12.19", 
-    "$473.51M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TNXP", 
-    "Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.", 
-    "6.25", 
-    "$98.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TOPS", 
-    "TOP Ships Inc.", 
-    "1.18", 
-    "$22.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TORM          ", 
-    "TOR Minerals International Inc", 
-    "7.21", 
-    "$21.73M", 
-    "1988", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TOUR", 
-    "Tuniu Corporation", 
-    "15.03", 
-    "$729.75M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TOWN", 
-    "Towne Bank", 
-    "15.63", 
-    "$552M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TQQQ", 
-    "ProShares UltraPro QQQ Fund", 
-    "111.33", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRAK", 
-    "Dealertrack Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "44.95", 
-    "$2.43B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRCB", 
-    "Two River Bancorp", 
-    "8.57", 
-    "$68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRCH", 
-    "Torchlight Energy Resources, Inc.", 
-    "0.513", 
-    "$11.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TREE", 
-    "LendingTree, Inc.", 
-    "43.84", 
-    "$496.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRGT", 
-    "Targacept, Inc.", 
-    "2.6", 
-    "$89.21M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRIB", 
-    "Trinity Biotech plc", 
-    "17.82", 
-    "$411.18M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRIL", 
-    "Trillium Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "13.57", 
-    "$58.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRIP", 
-    "TripAdvisor, Inc.", 
-    "88.78", 
-    "$12.69B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRIV", 
-    "TriVascular Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "10.51", 
-    "$214.08M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRMB", 
-    "Trimble Navigation Limited", 
-    "26.53", 
-    "$6.87B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRMK", 
-    "Trustmark Corporation", 
-    "23.33", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRNS", 
-    "Transcat, Inc.", 
-    "9.25", 
-    "$63.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRNX", 
-    "Tornier N.V.", 
-    "25.65", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TROV", 
-    "TrovaGene, Inc.", 
-    "5.01", 
-    "$120.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TROVU", 
-    "TrovaGene, Inc.", 
-    "15.82", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TROVW", 
-    "TrovaGene, Inc.", 
-    "3.94", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TROW", 
-    "T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.", 
-    "83.53", 
-    "$21.78B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRS", 
-    "TriMas Corporation", 
-    "30", 
-    "$1.36B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRST", 
-    "TrustCo Bank Corp NY", 
-    "6.7", 
-    "$635.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRTL", 
-    "Terrapin 3 Acquisition Corporation", 
-    "9.95", 
-    "$264.61M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRTLU", 
-    "Terrapin 3 Acquisition Corporation", 
-    "10.07", 
-    "$186.3M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRTLW", 
-    "Terrapin 3 Acquisition Corporation", 
-    "0.27", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRUE", 
-    "TrueCar, Inc.", 
-    "17.95", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRVN", 
-    "Trevena, Inc.", 
-    "5.44", 
-    "$213.42M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSBK", 
-    "Timberland Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "10.7", 
-    "$75.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSC", 
-    "TriState Capital Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "9.92", 
-    "$284.83M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSCO", 
-    "Tractor Supply Company", 
-    "88.12", 
-    "$12B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSEM", 
-    "Tower Semiconductor Ltd.", 
-    "13.69", 
-    "$872.1M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSLA", 
-    "Tesla Motors, Inc.", 
-    "217.11", 
-    "$27.22B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSRA", 
-    "Tessera Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "39.92", 
-    "$2.11B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSRE", 
-    "Trade Street Residential, Inc.", 
-    "7.95", 
-    "$291.75M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSRI", 
-    "TSR, Inc.", 
-    "4.1147", 
-    "$8.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSRO", 
-    "TESARO, Inc.", 
-    "44.2", 
-    "$1.59B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TST", 
-    "TheStreet, Inc.", 
-    "2.02", 
-    "$69.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSYS", 
-    "TeleCommunication Systems, Inc.", 
-    "3.27", 
-    "$195.07M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTEC", 
-    "TeleTech Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "23.72", 
-    "$1.16B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTEK", 
-    "Tetra Tech, Inc.", 
-    "24.99", 
-    "$1.54B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTGT", 
-    "TechTarget, Inc.", 
-    "11.29", 
-    "$372.26M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTHI", 
-    "Transition Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "7.05", 
-    "$273.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTMI", 
-    "TTM Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "8.75", 
-    "$729.27M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTOO", 
-    "T2 Biosystems, Inc.", 
-    "17.52", 
-    "$351.13M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTPH", 
-    "Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "41.66", 
-    "$1.28B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTS", 
-    "Tile Shop Hldgs, Inc.", 
-    "11.1", 
-    "$569.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTWO", 
-    "Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.", 
-    "27.005", 
-    "$2.28B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TUBE", 
-    "TubeMogul, Inc.", 
-    "15.99", 
-    "$476.38M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TUES", 
-    "Tuesday Morning Corp.", 
-    "19.46", 
-    "$853.21M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TUSA", 
-    "First Trust Total US Market AlphaDEX ETF", 
-    "26.7199", 
-    "$6.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TVIX", 
-    "VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Short Term ETN", 
-    "2.28", 
-    "$31.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TVIZ", 
-    "VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Medium Term ETN", 
-    "21", 
-    "$892332", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TWER", 
-    "Towerstream Corporation", 
-    "2.3", 
-    "$153.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TWIN", 
-    "Twin Disc, Incorporated", 
-    "17.43", 
-    "$196.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TWMC", 
-    "Trans World Entertainment Corp.", 
-    "3.67", 
-    "$115.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Video Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TWOU", 
-    "2U, Inc.", 
-    "17.62", 
-    "$714.35M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TXN", 
-    "Texas Instruments Incorporated", 
-    "58.52", 
-    "$61.81B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TXRH", 
-    "Texas Roadhouse, Inc.", 
-    "36.26", 
-    "$2.52B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TYPE", 
-    "Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc.", 
-    "32.82", 
-    "$1.29B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TZOO", 
-    "Travelzoo Inc.", 
-    "9.68", 
-    "$142.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UACL", 
-    "Universal Truckload Services, Inc.", 
-    "24.87", 
-    "$745.32M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UAE", 
-    "iShares MSCI UAE Capped ETF", 
-    "19.99", 
-    "$43.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBCP", 
-    "United Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "7.95", 
-    "$42.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBFO", 
-    "United Security Bancshares", 
-    "5.05", 
-    "$78.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBIC", 
-    "UBIC, Inc.", 
-    "18.9699", 
-    "$335.87M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_27.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_27.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c8e087..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_27.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "UBNK", 
-    "United Financial Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.61", 
-    "$644.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBNT", 
-    "Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.", 
-    "31.36", 
-    "$2.76B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBOH", 
-    "United Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "14.92", 
-    "$50.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBSH", 
-    "Union Bankshares Corporation", 
-    "21.5", 
-    "$977.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBSI", 
-    "United Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "36.9", 
-    "$2.55B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UCBA", 
-    "United Community Bancorp", 
-    "12.17", 
-    "$56.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UCBI", 
-    "United Community Banks, Inc.", 
-    "19.01", 
-    "$1.15B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UCFC", 
-    "United Community Financial Corp.", 
-    "5.26", 
-    "$261.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UCTT", 
-    "Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "8.41", 
-    "$248.37M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UDF", 
-    "United Development Funding IV", 
-    "16.57", 
-    "$507.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UEIC", 
-    "Universal Electronics Inc.", 
-    "57.51", 
-    "$908.44M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UEPS", 
-    "Net 1 UEPS Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "13.45", 
-    "$626.06M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UFCS", 
-    "United Fire Group, Inc", 
-    "29.12", 
-    "$729.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UFPI", 
-    "Universal Forest Products, Inc.", 
-    "52.9", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Forest Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UFPT", 
-    "UFP Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "23.36", 
-    "$164.84M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UG", 
-    "United-Guardian, Inc.", 
-    "20.5", 
-    "$94.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UGLD", 
-    "VelocityShares 3x Long Gold ETN linked to the S&P GSCI Gold In", 
-    "11.56", 
-    "$11.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UHAL", 
-    "Amerco", 
-    "321.8", 
-    "$6.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Rental/Leasing Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UIHC", 
-    "United Insurance Holdings Corp.", 
-    "22.97", 
-    "$480.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ULBI", 
-    "Ultralife Corporation", 
-    "3.722", 
-    "$64.75M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ULTA", 
-    "Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance, Inc.", 
-    "138", 
-    "$8.88B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ULTI", 
-    "The Ultimate Software Group, Inc.", 
-    "168.88", 
-    "$4.79B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ULTR", 
-    "Ultrapetrol (Bahamas) Limited", 
-    "1.72", 
-    "$242.05M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UMBF", 
-    "UMB Financial Corporation", 
-    "52.2", 
-    "$2.37B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UMPQ", 
-    "Umpqua Holdings Corporation", 
-    "16.72", 
-    "$3.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNAM", 
-    "Unico American Corporation", 
-    "11.85", 
-    "$63.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNB", 
-    "Union Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "24.56", 
-    "$109.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNFI", 
-    "United Natural Foods, Inc.", 
-    "80.855", 
-    "$4.04B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNIS", 
-    "Unilife Corporation", 
-    "3.97", 
-    "$511.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNTD", 
-    "United Online, Inc.", 
-    "15.91", 
-    "$226.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNTY", 
-    "Unity Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.36", 
-    "$78.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNXL", 
-    "Uni-Pixel, Inc.", 
-    "5.12", 
-    "$63.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UPI", 
-    "Uroplasty, Inc.", 
-    "1.33", 
-    "$29.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UPIP", 
-    "Unwired Planet, Inc.", 
-    "0.77", 
-    "$86.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UPLD", 
-    "Upland Software, Inc.", 
-    "7.14", 
-    "$108.59M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "URBN", 
-    "Urban Outfitters, Inc.", 
-    "38.34", 
-    "$5.05B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "URRE", 
-    "Uranium Resources, Inc.", 
-    "1.87", 
-    "$47.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USAK", 
-    "USA Truck, Inc.", 
-    "31.31", 
-    "$329.74M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USAP", 
-    "Universal Stainless & Alloy Products, Inc.", 
-    "23.98", 
-    "$169.59M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USAT", 
-    "USA Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "2.22", 
-    "$79.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USATP", 
-    "USA Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "19.2899", 
-    "$8.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USBI", 
-    "United Security Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "8.28", 
-    "$49.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USCR", 
-    "U S Concrete, Inc.", 
-    "29.7", 
-    "$415.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USEG", 
-    "U.S. Energy Corp.", 
-    "1.42", 
-    "$39.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USLM", 
-    "United States Lime & Minerals, Inc.", 
-    "68.99", 
-    "$384.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USLV", 
-    "VelocityShares 3x Long Silver ETN linked to the S&P GSCI Silve", 
-    "19.7", 
-    "$38.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USMD", 
-    "USMD Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "13.31", 
-    "$135.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USTR", 
-    "United Stationers Inc.", 
-    "40.85", 
-    "$1.58B", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Paper", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTEK", 
-    "Ultratech, Inc.", 
-    "17.06", 
-    "$482.31M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTHR", 
-    "United Therapeutics Corporation", 
-    "156.01", 
-    "$7.41B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTIW", 
-    "UTi Worldwide Inc.", 
-    "12.48", 
-    "$1.32B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTMD", 
-    "Utah Medical Products, Inc.", 
-    "58.56", 
-    "$219.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTSI", 
-    "UTStarcom Holdings Corp", 
-    "2.81", 
-    "$111.78M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UVSP", 
-    "Univest Corporation of Pennsylvania", 
-    "19.04", 
-    "$308.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VA", 
-    "Virgin America Inc.", 
-    "36.1", 
-    "$1.55B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VALU", 
-    "Value Line, Inc.", 
-    "15.74", 
-    "$154.45M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VALX", 
-    "Validea Market Legends ETF", 
-    "26.07", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VASC", 
-    "Vascular Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "28.95", 
-    "$498M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBFC", 
-    "Village Bank and Trust Financial Corp.", 
-    "17.25", 
-    "$5.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBIV", 
-    "VBI Vaccines Inc.", 
-    "2.8294", 
-    "$56.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBLT", 
-    "Vascular Biogenics Ltd.", 
-    "4.25", 
-    "$84.57M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBND", 
-    "Vident Core U.S. Bond Strategy Fund", 
-    "49.9", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBTX", 
-    "Veritex Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "14.2", 
-    "$134.39M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCEL", 
-    "Vericel Corporation", 
-    "3.6", 
-    "$85.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCIT", 
-    "Vanguard Intermediate-Term Corporate Bond Index Fund", 
-    "87.17", 
-    "$4.07B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCLT", 
-    "Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bond ETF", 
-    "92.59", 
-    "$907.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCSH", 
-    "Vanguard Short-Term Corporate Bond ETF", 
-    "79.96", 
-    "$9.48B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCYT", 
-    "Veracyte, Inc.", 
-    "8.79", 
-    "$197.83M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VDSI", 
-    "VASCO Data Security International, Inc.", 
-    "27.58", 
-    "$1.09B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VECO", 
-    "Veeco Instruments Inc.", 
-    "29.87", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VGGL", 
-    "Viggle Inc.", 
-    "1.81", 
-    "$29.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VGIT", 
-    "Vanguard Intermediate-Term Government Bond Index Fund", 
-    "64.618", 
-    "$174.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VGLT", 
-    "Vanguard Long-Term Government Bond ETF", 
-    "77.98", 
-    "$132.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VGSH", 
-    "Vanguard Short-Term Government Bond ETF", 
-    "60.93", 
-    "$578.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIA", 
-    "Viacom Inc.", 
-    "70.03", 
-    "$3.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIAB", 
-    "Viacom Inc.", 
-    "69.71", 
-    "$24.76B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIAS", 
-    "Viasystems Group, Inc.", 
-    "17.41", 
-    "$364.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VICL", 
-    "Vical Incorporated", 
-    "1.01", 
-    "$91.23M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VICR", 
-    "Vicor Corporation", 
-    "12.58", 
-    "$485.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIDE", 
-    "Video Display Corporation", 
-    "2.46", 
-    "$15.73M", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIDI", 
-    "Vident International Equity Fund", 
-    "24.11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIEW", 
-    "Viewtran Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.41", 
-    "$38.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIIX", 
-    "VelocityShares VIX Short Term ETN", 
-    "39.25", 
-    "$6.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIIZ", 
-    "VelocityShares VIX Medium Term ETN", 
-    "17.98", 
-    "$2.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIMC", 
-    "Vimicro International Corporation", 
-    "8.67", 
-    "$207.83M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIP", 
-    "VimpelCom Ltd.", 
-    "5.22", 
-    "$9.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIRC", 
-    "Virco Manufacturing Corporation", 
-    "2.45", 
-    "$36.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VISN", 
-    "VisionChina Media, Inc.", 
-    "14.42", 
-    "$73.23M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIVO", 
-    "Meridian Bioscience Inc.", 
-    "19.34", 
-    "$806.59M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VLCCF", 
-    "Knightsbridge Shipping Limited", 
-    "4.58", 
-    "$366.96M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VLGEA", 
-    "Village Super Market, Inc.", 
-    "27.57", 
-    "$387.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VLTC", 
-    "Voltari Corporation", 
-    "0.7701", 
-    "$3.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VLYWW", 
-    "Valley National Bancorp", 
-    "0.0501", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VMBS", 
-    "Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Securities ETF", 
-    "53.11", 
-    "$557.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNDA", 
-    "Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "11.43", 
-    "$453.21M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNET", 
-    "21Vianet Group, Inc.", 
-    "18.33", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNOM", 
-    "Viper Energy Partners LP", 
-    "18.26", 
-    "$1.46B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNQI", 
-    "Vanguard Global ex-U.S. Real Estate ETF", 
-    "57.01", 
-    "$2.26B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNR", 
-    "Vanguard Natural Resources LLC", 
-    "17.28", 
-    "$1.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNRAP", 
-    "Vanguard Natural Resources LLC", 
-    "24.52", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_28.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_28.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8486bcd..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_28.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "VNRBP", 
-    "Vanguard Natural Resources LLC", 
-    "22.14", 
-    "$154.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNRCP", 
-    "Vanguard Natural Resources LLC", 
-    "22.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VOD", 
-    "Vodafone Group Plc", 
-    "35.91", 
-    "$95.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VONE", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 1000 ETF", 
-    "97.5817", 
-    "$409.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VONG", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 1000 Growth ETF", 
-    "103.02", 
-    "$319.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VONV", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 1000 Value ETF", 
-    "92.29", 
-    "$313.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VOXX", 
-    "VOXX International Corporation", 
-    "8.77", 
-    "$211.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VPCO", 
-    "Vapor Corp.", 
-    "1.0999", 
-    "$18.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Tobacco", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRA", 
-    "Vera Bradley, Inc.", 
-    "19.77", 
-    "$796.9M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRML", 
-    "Vermillion, Inc.", 
-    "1.96", 
-    "$84.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRNG", 
-    "Vringo, Inc.", 
-    "0.6901", 
-    "$64.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRNGW", 
-    "Vringo, Inc.", 
-    "0.0294", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRNS", 
-    "Varonis Systems, Inc.", 
-    "29.88", 
-    "$737.85M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRNT", 
-    "Verint Systems Inc.", 
-    "58.235", 
-    "$3.54B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRSK", 
-    "Verisk Analytics, Inc.", 
-    "67.8", 
-    "$11.18B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRSN", 
-    "VeriSign, Inc.", 
-    "63.87", 
-    "$7.47B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTA", 
-    "Vestin Realty Mortgage I, Inc.", 
-    "3.44", 
-    "$1.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTB", 
-    "Vestin Realty Mortgage II, Inc.", 
-    "2.94", 
-    "$7.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTS", 
-    "Virtus Investment Partners, Inc.", 
-    "145.52", 
-    "$1.32B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTU", 
-    "Virtusa Corporation", 
-    "39.97", 
-    "$1.18B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTX", 
-    "Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated", 
-    "118.61", 
-    "$28.71B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSAR", 
-    "Versartis, Inc.", 
-    "18.85", 
-    "$456.07M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSAT", 
-    "ViaSat, Inc.", 
-    "66.08", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSCI", 
-    "Vision-Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.51", 
-    "$24.64M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSCP", 
-    "VirtualScopics, Inc.", 
-    "3.35", 
-    "$10.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSEC", 
-    "VSE Corporation", 
-    "79.57", 
-    "$426.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSTM", 
-    "Verastem, Inc.", 
-    "7.91", 
-    "$270.77M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTAE", 
-    "Vitae Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "14.2", 
-    "$310.53M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTHR", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 3000 ETF ", 
-    "97.446", 
-    "$116.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTIP", 
-    "Vanguard Short-Term Inflation-Protected Securities ETF", 
-    "48.35", 
-    "$1.28B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTL", 
-    "Vital Therapies, Inc.", 
-    "21.96", 
-    "$523.64M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTNR", 
-    "Vertex Energy, Inc", 
-    "3.45", 
-    "$96.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Integrated oil Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTSS", 
-    "Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "4.23", 
-    "$291.78M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTWG", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 2000 Growth ETF", 
-    "107.87", 
-    "$107.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTWO", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF", 
-    "97.74", 
-    "$390.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTWV", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 2000 Value ETF", 
-    "88.11", 
-    "$70.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VUSE", 
-    "Vident Core US Equity ETF", 
-    "27.46", 
-    "$186.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VUZI", 
-    "Vuzix Corporation", 
-    "6.8", 
-    "$83.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VVUS", 
-    "VIVUS, Inc.", 
-    "2.88", 
-    "$298.59M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VWOB", 
-    "Vanguard Emerging Markets Government Bond ETF", 
-    "77.02", 
-    "$200.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VWR", 
-    "VWR Corporation", 
-    "25.68", 
-    "$3.37B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Diversified Electronic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VXUS", 
-    "Vanguard Total International Stock ETF", 
-    "51.15", 
-    "$3.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VYFC", 
-    "Valley Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.67", 
-    "$94.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WABC", 
-    "Westamerica Bancorporation", 
-    "43.25", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WAFD", 
-    "Washington Federal, Inc.", 
-    "20.96", 
-    "$2.02B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WAFDW", 
-    "Washington Federal, Inc.", 
-    "5.19", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WASH", 
-    "Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "37.84", 
-    "$632.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WATT", 
-    "Energous Corporation", 
-    "9.18", 
-    "$117.33M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WAVX", 
-    "Wave Systems Corp.", 
-    "0.8284", 
-    "$38.08M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WAYN", 
-    "Wayne Savings Bancshares Inc.", 
-    "13.6", 
-    "$38.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WB", 
-    "Weibo Corporation", 
-    "13.76", 
-    "$2.75B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WBA", 
-    "Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.", 
-    "77.13", 
-    "$72.94B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WBB", 
-    "Westbury Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.5", 
-    "$81.26M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WBKC", 
-    "Wolverine Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "23.7652", 
-    "$53.91M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WBMD", 
-    "WebMD Health Corp", 
-    "40.91", 
-    "$1.53B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WDC", 
-    "Western Digital Corporation", 
-    "111.31", 
-    "$25.72B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WDFC", 
-    "WD-40 Company", 
-    "81.86", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "1973", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WEBK", 
-    "Wellesley Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.7999", 
-    "$46.14M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WEN", 
-    "Wendy&#39;s Company (The)", 
-    "11.26", 
-    "$4.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WERN", 
-    "Werner Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "31.69", 
-    "$2.28B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WETF", 
-    "WisdomTree Investments, Inc.", 
-    "18.95", 
-    "$2.53B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WEYS", 
-    "Weyco Group, Inc.", 
-    "27.04", 
-    "$291.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WFBI", 
-    "WashingtonFirst Bankshares Inc", 
-    "15.99", 
-    "$129.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WFD", 
-    "Westfield Financial, Inc.", 
-    "7.26", 
-    "$136.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WFM", 
-    "Whole Foods Market, Inc.", 
-    "56.715", 
-    "$20.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WGBS", 
-    "WaferGen Bio-systems, Inc.", 
-    "4.58", 
-    "$26.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHF", 
-    "WhiteHorse Finance, Inc.", 
-    "12.26", 
-    "$183.69M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHFBL", 
-    "WhiteHorse Finance, Inc.", 
-    "25.0825", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHLM", 
-    "Wilhelmina International, Inc.", 
-    "5.75", 
-    "$33.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHLR", 
-    "Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.", 
-    "3.54", 
-    "$26.36M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHLRP", 
-    "Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.", 
-    "19.15", 
-    "$13.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHLRW", 
-    "Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.", 
-    "0.228", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIBC", 
-    "Wilshire Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.78", 
-    "$765.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIFI", 
-    "Boingo Wireless, Inc.", 
-    "7.96", 
-    "$287.24M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WILC", 
-    "G. Willi-Food International,  Ltd.", 
-    "6.09", 
-    "$79.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WILN", 
-    "Wi-Lan Inc", 
-    "2.669", 
-    "$320.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIN", 
-    "Windstream Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "8.63", 
-    "$5.2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WINA", 
-    "Winmark Corporation", 
-    "80.09", 
-    "$400.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIRE", 
-    "Encore Wire Corporation", 
-    "34.19", 
-    "$708.42M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIX", 
-    " Ltd.", 
-    "19.65", 
-    "$748.45M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLB", 
-    "Westmoreland Coal Company", 
-    "29.75", 
-    "$507.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Coal Mining", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLDN", 
-    "Willdan Group, Inc.", 
-    "14.31", 
-    "$109.14M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLFC", 
-    "Willis Lease Finance Corporation", 
-    "21.21", 
-    "$178.49M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLRH", 
-    "WL Ross Holding Corp.", 
-    "9.96", 
-    "$622.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLRHU", 
-    "WL Ross Holding Corp.", 
-    "10.5", 
-    "$420M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLRHW", 
-    "WL Ross Holding Corp.", 
-    "0.64", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WMAR", 
-    "West Marine, Inc.", 
-    "12.28", 
-    "$298.57M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WMGI", 
-    "Wright Medical Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.17", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WMGIZ", 
-    "Wright Medical Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WOOD", 
-    "iShares S&P Global Timber & Forestry Index Fund", 
-    "56.3", 
-    "$324.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WOOF", 
-    "VCA Inc. ", 
-    "53.07", 
-    "$4.46B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WPCS", 
-    "WPCS International Incorporated", 
-    "0.319", 
-    "$4.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WPPGY", 
-    "WPP plc", 
-    "117.03", 
-    "$30.8B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WPRT", 
-    "Westport Innovations Inc", 
-    "5.53", 
-    "$352.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WRES", 
-    "Warren Resources, Inc.", 
-    "1.32", 
-    "$106.59M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WRLD", 
-    "World Acceptance Corporation", 
-    "81.76", 
-    "$779.29M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSBC", 
-    "WesBanco, Inc.", 
-    "33.03", 
-    "$967.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSBF", 
-    "Waterstone Financial, Inc.", 
-    "12.82", 
-    "$441.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSCI", 
-    "WSI Industries Inc.", 
-    "6.436", 
-    "$18.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSFS", 
-    "WSFS Financial Corporation", 
-    "78.03", 
-    "$733.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_29.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_29.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 93021fb..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_29.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "WSFSL", 
-    "WSFS Financial Corporation", 
-    "26.3499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSTC", 
-    "West Corporation", 
-    "34.78", 
-    "$2.93B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSTG", 
-    "Wayside Technology Group, Inc.", 
-    "17.08", 
-    "$83.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSTL", 
-    "Westell Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "1.54", 
-    "$92.7M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WTBA", 
-    "West Bancorporation", 
-    "17.99", 
-    "$288.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WTFC", 
-    "Wintrust Financial Corporation", 
-    "47.69", 
-    "$2.23B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WTFCW", 
-    "Wintrust Financial Corporation", 
-    "25.25", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WVFC", 
-    "WVS Financial Corp.", 
-    "11.5", 
-    "$23.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WVVI", 
-    "Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc.", 
-    "5.9499", 
-    "$28.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WWD", 
-    "Woodward, Inc.", 
-    "48.75", 
-    "$3.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WWWW", 
-    " Group, Inc.", 
-    "18.01", 
-    "$946.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WYNN", 
-    "Wynn Resorts, Limited", 
-    "158.47", 
-    "$16.06B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XBKS", 
-    "Xenith Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "6.4001", 
-    "$82.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XCRA", 
-    "Xcerra Corporation", 
-    "8.68", 
-    "$472.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XENE", 
-    "Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "19.38", 
-    "$274.83M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XENT", 
-    "Intersect ENT, Inc.", 
-    "22.7", 
-    "$530.65M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XGTI", 
-    "XG Technology, Inc", 
-    "0.49", 
-    "$12.26M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XGTIW", 
-    "XG Technology, Inc", 
-    "0.26", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XIV", 
-    "VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short Term ETN", 
-    "31.285", 
-    "$485.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XLNX", 
-    "Xilinx, Inc.", 
-    "41.675", 
-    "$10.9B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XLRN", 
-    "Acceleron Pharma Inc.", 
-    "39.98", 
-    "$1.29B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XNCR", 
-    "Xencor, Inc.", 
-    "15.06", 
-    "$473.52M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XNET", 
-    "Xunlei Limited", 
-    "7.25", 
-    "$471.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XNPT", 
-    "XenoPort, Inc.", 
-    "7.19", 
-    "$447.49M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XOMA", 
-    "XOMA Corporation", 
-    "4.05", 
-    "$469.36M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XONE", 
-    "The ExOne Company", 
-    "16.32", 
-    "$235.71M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XOOM", 
-    "Xoom Corporation", 
-    "16.43", 
-    "$631.69M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XPLR", 
-    "Xplore Technologies Corp", 
-    "6.82", 
-    "$57.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XRAY", 
-    "DENTSPLY International Inc.", 
-    "52.53", 
-    "$7.43B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XTLB", 
-    "XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd.", 
-    "2.21", 
-    "$25.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XXIA", 
-    "Ixia", 
-    "10.45", 
-    "$819.24M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YDIV", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Technology Dividend Index Fund", 
-    "19.3412", 
-    "$12.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YDLE", 
-    "Yodlee, Inc.", 
-    "13.01", 
-    "$380.3M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YHOO", 
-    "Yahoo! Inc.", 
-    "44.11", 
-    "$41.79B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YNDX", 
-    "Yandex N.V.", 
-    "17.01", 
-    "$5.41B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YOD", 
-    "You On Demand Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "2.25", 
-    "$53.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YORW", 
-    "The York Water Company", 
-    "23.07", 
-    "$295.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YPRO", 
-    "AdvisorShares YieldPro ETF", 
-    "23.94", 
-    "$68.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YRCW", 
-    "YRC Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "19.96", 
-    "$623.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YY", 
-    "YY Inc.", 
-    "61.82", 
-    "$3.5B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "Z", 
-    "Zillow Group, Inc.", 
-    "125.42", 
-    "$5.12B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZAGG", 
-    "ZAGG Inc", 
-    "6.51", 
-    "$197.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZAZA", 
-    "ZaZa Energy Corporation", 
-    "2.11", 
-    "$27.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZBRA", 
-    "Zebra Technologies Corporation", 
-    "91", 
-    "$4.63B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZEUS", 
-    "Olympic Steel, Inc.", 
-    "16.35", 
-    "$179.56M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZFGN", 
-    "Zafgen, Inc.", 
-    "40.64", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZGNX", 
-    "Zogenix, Inc.", 
-    "1.55", 
-    "$237.21M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZHNE", 
-    "Zhone Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "1.54", 
-    "$50.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZINC", 
-    "Horsehead Holding Corp.", 
-    "13.49", 
-    "$763.52M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZION", 
-    "Zions Bancorporation", 
-    "26.33", 
-    "$5.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIONW", 
-    "Zions Bancorporation", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIONZ", 
-    "Zions Bancorporation", 
-    "2.45", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIOP", 
-    "ZIOPHARM Oncology Inc", 
-    "9.56", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIV", 
-    "VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Medium Term ETN", 
-    "41.1", 
-    "$37.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIXI", 
-    "Zix Corporation", 
-    "3.81", 
-    "$216.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZLTQ", 
-    "ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc.", 
-    "34.23", 
-    "$1.3B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZN", 
-    "Zion Oil & Gas Inc", 
-    "1.85", 
-    "$65.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZNGA", 
-    "Zynga Inc.", 
-    "2.32", 
-    "$2.09B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZNWAA", 
-    "Zion Oil & Gas Inc", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZSAN", 
-    "Zosano Pharma Corporation", 
-    "11.09", 
-    "$131.04M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZSPH", 
-    "ZS Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "50.51", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZU", 
-    "zulily, inc.", 
-    "14.4", 
-    "$1.8B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZUMZ", 
-    "Zumiez Inc.", 
-    "38.77", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_3.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_3.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 67edf86..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_3.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "BDBD", 
-    "Boulder Brands, Inc.", 
-    "10.81", 
-    "$660.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDCV", 
-    "BDCA Venture, Inc.", 
-    "4.89", 
-    "$48.52M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDE", 
-    "Black Diamond, Inc.", 
-    "6.67", 
-    "$218.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDGE", 
-    "Bridge Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "25.68", 
-    "$299.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDMS", 
-    "Birner Dental Management Services, Inc.", 
-    "15", 
-    "$27.9M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDSI", 
-    "BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc.", 
-    "14.41", 
-    "$739.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BEAT", 
-    "BioTelemetry, Inc.", 
-    "9.51", 
-    "$253.76M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BEAV", 
-    "B/E Aerospace, Inc.", 
-    "64.54", 
-    "$6.8B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BEBE", 
-    "bebe stores, inc.", 
-    "3.84", 
-    "$305.72M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BECN", 
-    "Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc.", 
-    "28.76", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BELFA", 
-    "Bel Fuse Inc.", 
-    "19.38", 
-    "$230.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BELFB", 
-    "Bel Fuse Inc.", 
-    "19.51", 
-    "$231.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BFIN", 
-    "BankFinancial Corporation", 
-    "11.97", 
-    "$252.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BGCP", 
-    "BGC Partners, Inc.", 
-    "9.44", 
-    "$2.07B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BGFV", 
-    "Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation", 
-    "12.44", 
-    "$275.84M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BGMD", 
-    "BG Medicine, Inc.", 
-    "0.8201", 
-    "$28.23M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BHACU", 
-    "Barington/Hilco Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.96", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BHBK", 
-    "Blue Hills Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.87", 
-    "$366.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIB", 
-    "ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology", 
-    "152.9", 
-    "$504.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BICK", 
-    "First Trust BICK Index Fund", 
-    "23.96", 
-    "$16.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIDU", 
-    "Baidu, Inc.", 
-    "209.63", 
-    "$73.52B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIIB", 
-    "Biogen Idec Inc.", 
-    "408.05", 
-    "$95.73B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIND", 
-    "BIND Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "6.42", 
-    "$106.24M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIOC", 
-    "Biocept, Inc.", 
-    "1.45", 
-    "$6.45M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIOD", 
-    "Biodel Inc.", 
-    "1.39", 
-    "$34.12M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIOL", 
-    "Biolase, Inc.", 
-    "2.06", 
-    "$119.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIOS", 
-    "BioScrip, Inc.", 
-    "6.04", 
-    "$414.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIS", 
-    "ProShares UltraShort Nasdaq Biotechnology", 
-    "36.74", 
-    "$44.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BJRI", 
-    "BJ&#39;s Restaurants, Inc.", 
-    "53.07", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKCC", 
-    "BlackRock Kelso Capital Corporation", 
-    "8.6", 
-    "$641.11M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKEP", 
-    "Blueknight Energy Partners L.P., L.L.C.", 
-    "7.19", 
-    "$235.59M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKEPP", 
-    "Blueknight Energy Partners L.P., L.L.C.", 
-    "8.82", 
-    "$266M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKMU", 
-    "Bank Mutual Corporation", 
-    "7.15", 
-    "$332.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKSC", 
-    "Bank of South Carolina Corp.", 
-    "14.91", 
-    "$66.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKYF", 
-    "The Bank of Kentucky Financial Corp.", 
-    "47.68", 
-    "$366.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLCM", 
-    "Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "21.06", 
-    "$544.39M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLDP", 
-    "Ballard Power Systems, Inc.", 
-    "2.41", 
-    "$318.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLDR", 
-    "Builders FirstSource, Inc.", 
-    "6.5", 
-    "$637.94M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLFS", 
-    "BioLife Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "2.15", 
-    "$25.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLIN          ", 
-    "Bridgeline Digital, Inc.", 
-    "0.5", 
-    "$10.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLKB", 
-    "Blackbaud, Inc.", 
-    "46.27", 
-    "$2.14B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLMN", 
-    "Bloomin&#39; Brands, Inc.", 
-    "25.4", 
-    "$3.19B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLMT", 
-    "BSB Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.98", 
-    "$172.02M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLPH", 
-    "Bellerophon Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "9.42", 
-    "$121.57M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLRX", 
-    "BioLineRx Ltd.", 
-    "2.42", 
-    "$82.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLUE", 
-    "bluebird bio, Inc.", 
-    "93.32", 
-    "$2.69B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLVD", 
-    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.75", 
-    "$268.73M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLVDU", 
-    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.95", 
-    "$274.25M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLVDW", 
-    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.5501", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BMRC", 
-    "Bank of Marin Bancorp", 
-    "50.18", 
-    "$297.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BMRN", 
-    "BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.", 
-    "107.16", 
-    "$15.8B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BMTC", 
-    "Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation", 
-    "29.59", 
-    "$406.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNCL", 
-    "Beneficial Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.22", 
-    "$843.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNCN", 
-    "BNC Bancorp", 
-    "16.41", 
-    "$484.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNDX", 
-    "Vanguard Total International Bond ETF", 
-    "53.57", 
-    "$1.85B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNFT", 
-    "Benefitfocus, Inc.", 
-    "21.95", 
-    "$560.94M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNSO", 
-    "Bonso Electronics International, Inc.", 
-    "1.419", 
-    "$7.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOBE", 
-    "Bob Evans Farms, Inc.", 
-    "56.9", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOCH", 
-    "Bank of Commerce Holdings (CA)", 
-    "5.7399", 
-    "$76.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOFI", 
-    "BofI Holding, Inc.", 
-    "90.32", 
-    "$1.36B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOKF", 
-    "BOK Financial Corporation", 
-    "59.54", 
-    "$4.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BONA", 
-    "Bona Film Group Limited", 
-    "6.89", 
-    "$419.44M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BONT", 
-    "The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc.", 
-    "5.53", 
-    "$112.99M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOOM", 
-    "Dynamic Materials Corporation", 
-    "14.79", 
-    "$206.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOSC", 
-    "B.O.S. Better Online Solutions", 
-    "3.1", 
-    "$4.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOTA", 
-    "Biota Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.46", 
-    "$86.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOTJ", 
-    "Bank of the James Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "11", 
-    "$37.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPFH", 
-    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "12.68", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPFHP", 
-    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "25.6", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPFHW", 
-    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "5.652", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPOP", 
-    "Popular, Inc.", 
-    "33.21", 
-    "$3.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPOPM", 
-    "Popular, Inc.", 
-    "21.82", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPOPN", 
-    "Popular, Inc.", 
-    "22.77", 
-    "$273.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPTH", 
-    "Bio-Path Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "2.13", 
-    "$190.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRCD", 
-    "Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.", 
-    "12.06", 
-    "$5.2B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRCM", 
-    "Broadcom Corporation", 
-    "44.68", 
-    "$26.76B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRDR", 
-    "Borderfree, Inc.", 
-    "7.41", 
-    "$235.73M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BREW", 
-    "Craft Brew Alliance, Inc.", 
-    "12.26", 
-    "$233.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRID", 
-    "Bridgford Foods Corporation", 
-    "7.58", 
-    "$69.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRKL", 
-    "Brookline Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.73", 
-    "$681.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRKR", 
-    "Bruker Corporation", 
-    "18.77", 
-    "$3.16B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRKS", 
-    "Brooks Automation, Inc.", 
-    "12.23", 
-    "$823.25M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRLI", 
-    "Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "34.32", 
-    "$952.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSDM", 
-    "BSD Medical Corporation", 
-    "0.41", 
-    "$16.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSET", 
-    "Bassett Furniture Industries, Incorporated", 
-    "25.24", 
-    "$266.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSF", 
-    "Bear State Financial, Inc.", 
-    "10.5452", 
-    "$390.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSFT", 
-    "BroadSoft, Inc.", 
-    "27.82", 
-    "$801.41M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSPM", 
-    "Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "1.25", 
-    "$19.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSQR", 
-    "BSQUARE Corporation", 
-    "4.71", 
-    "$55.23M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSRR", 
-    "Sierra Bancorp", 
-    "16.53", 
-    "$227.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSTC", 
-    "BioSpecifics Technologies Corp", 
-    "39.29", 
-    "$255.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BUR", 
-    "Burcon Nutrascience Corp", 
-    "2.57", 
-    "$87.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BUSE", 
-    "First Busey Corporation", 
-    "6.41", 
-    "$556.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BV", 
-    "Bazaarvoice, Inc.", 
-    "9.24", 
-    "$726.59M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BVA", 
-    "Cordia Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "3.8901", 
-    "$25.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BVSN", 
-    "BroadVision, Inc.", 
-    "6.1", 
-    "$29.42M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BWEN", 
-    "Broadwind Energy, Inc.", 
-    "5.09", 
-    "$75.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BWFG", 
-    "Bankwell Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "18.82", 
-    "$133.03M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BWINA", 
-    "Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.", 
-    "23.8", 
-    "$356.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BWINB", 
-    "Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.", 
-    "23.19", 
-    "$347.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_4.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_4.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e2965e3..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_4.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "BWLD", 
-    "Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc.", 
-    "190.18", 
-    "$3.6B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BYBK", 
-    "Bay Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "4.75", 
-    "$52.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BYFC", 
-    "Broadway Financial Corporation", 
-    "1.37", 
-    "$39.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BYLK", 
-    "Baylake Corp", 
-    "12.31", 
-    "$112.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CA", 
-    "CA Inc.", 
-    "32.83", 
-    "$14.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAAS", 
-    "China Automotive Systems, Inc.", 
-    "6.78", 
-    "$217.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAC", 
-    "Camden National Corporation", 
-    "37.75", 
-    "$280.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACB", 
-    "Cascade Bancorp", 
-    "4.8", 
-    "$347.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACC", 
-    "Credit Acceptance Corporation", 
-    "172.26", 
-    "$3.55B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACG", 
-    "Chart Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.77", 
-    "$85.83M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACGU", 
-    "Chart Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.02", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACGW", 
-    "Chart Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.55", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACQ", 
-    "Caesars Acquisition Company", 
-    "7.87", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADC", 
-    "China Advanced Construction Materials Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.24", 
-    "$8.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADT", 
-    "DT Asia Investments Limited", 
-    "9.66", 
-    "$86.24M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADTR", 
-    "DT Asia Investments Limited", 
-    "0.16", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADTU", 
-    "DT Asia Investments Limited", 
-    "10.02", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADTW", 
-    "DT Asia Investments Limited", 
-    "0.11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAKE", 
-    "The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated", 
-    "49.22", 
-    "$2.44B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALA", 
-    "Calithera Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "16.21", 
-    "$290.65M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALD", 
-    "Callidus Software, Inc.", 
-    "14.33", 
-    "$696.85M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALI", 
-    "China Auto Logistics Inc.", 
-    "1.31", 
-    "$5.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Motor Vehicles", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALL", 
-    "magicJack VocalTec Ltd", 
-    "7.86", 
-    "$140.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALM", 
-    "Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.", 
-    "36.9", 
-    "$1.79B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMB", 
-    "9.88", 
-    "$104.08M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMBU", 
-    "10.2999", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMBW", 
-    "0.22", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMP", 
-    "CalAmp Corp.", 
-    "18.8", 
-    "$680.66M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMT", 
-    "Camtek Ltd.", 
-    "3.07", 
-    "$93.55M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAPN", 
-    "Capnia, Inc.", 
-    "5.45", 
-    "$36.89M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAPNW", 
-    "Capnia, Inc.", 
-    "0.99", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAR", 
-    "Avis Budget Group, Inc.", 
-    "62.45", 
-    "$6.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Rental/Leasing Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARA", 
-    "Cara Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.91", 
-    "$248.51M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARB", 
-    "Carbonite, Inc.", 
-    "14.8", 
-    "$402.84M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARO", 
-    "Carolina Financial Corporation", 
-    "13.85", 
-    "$224.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CART", 
-    "Carolina Trust Bank", 
-    "5.55", 
-    "$25.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARV", 
-    "Carver Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "5.99", 
-    "$22.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARZ", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Global Auto Index Fund", 
-    "40.719", 
-    "$69.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASH", 
-    "Meta Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "35.8", 
-    "$229.88M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASI", 
-    "CASI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "1.6501", 
-    "$53.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASM", 
-    "CAS Medical Systems, Inc.", 
-    "1.36", 
-    "$26.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASS", 
-    "Cass Information Systems, Inc", 
-    "49.25", 
-    "$567.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASY", 
-    "Caseys General Stores, Inc.", 
-    "91.15", 
-    "$3.53B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CATM", 
-    "Cardtronics, Inc.", 
-    "38.27", 
-    "$1.7B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CATY", 
-    "Cathay General Bancorp", 
-    "25.77", 
-    "$2.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CATYW", 
-    "Cathay General Bancorp", 
-    "6.495", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAVM", 
-    "Cavium, Inc.", 
-    "66.96", 
-    "$3.61B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBAK", 
-    "China BAK Battery, Inc.", 
-    "2.4", 
-    "$30.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBAN", 
-    "Colony Bankcorp, Inc.", 
-    "7.9399", 
-    "$67.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBAY", 
-    "Cymabay Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "12.7", 
-    "$186.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBDE", 
-    "CBD Energy Limited", 
-    "0.9", 
-    "$1.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBF", 
-    "Capital Bank Financial Corp.", 
-    "26.24", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBFV", 
-    "CB Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "20.22", 
-    "$88.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBIN", 
-    "Community Bank Shares of Indiana, Inc.", 
-    "27.3499", 
-    "$94.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBLI", 
-    "Cleveland BioLabs, Inc.", 
-    "3.7", 
-    "$12.71M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBMG", 
-    "Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc.", 
-    "25.79", 
-    "$256.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBMX", 
-    "CombiMatrix Corporation", 
-    "1.92", 
-    "$21.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBNJ", 
-    "Cape Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "8.755", 
-    "$100.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBNK", 
-    "Chicopee Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.16", 
-    "$85.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBOE", 
-    "CBOE Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "62.61", 
-    "$5.28B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBPO", 
-    "China Biologic Products, Inc.", 
-    "77.25", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBRL", 
-    "Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.", 
-    "134.71", 
-    "$3.22B", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBRX", 
-    "Columbia Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "6", 
-    "$64.63M", 
-    "1988", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBSH", 
-    "Commerce Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "42.54", 
-    "$4.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBSHP", 
-    "Commerce Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "25.45", 
-    "$2.33B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCBG", 
-    "Capital City Bank Group", 
-    "15.55", 
-    "$271.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCCL", 
-    "China Ceramics Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.8799", 
-    "$17.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCCR", 
-    "China Commercial Credit, Inc.", 
-    "2.9801", 
-    "$36.52M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCIH", 
-    "ChinaCache International Holdings Ltd.", 
-    "10.46", 
-    "$244.81M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCLP", 
-    "CSI Compressco LP", 
-    "16.66", 
-    "$552.15M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oilfield Services/Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCMP", 
-    "Cabot Microelectronics Corporation", 
-    "51.52", 
-    "$1.24B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCNE", 
-    "CNB Financial Corporation", 
-    "17", 
-    "$244.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCOI", 
-    "Cogent Communications Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "39.4", 
-    "$1.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCRN", 
-    "Cross Country Healthcare, Inc.", 
-    "12.19", 
-    "$381M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCUR", 
-    "Concurrent Computer Corporation", 
-    "6.18", 
-    "$58.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCXI", 
-    "ChemoCentryx, Inc.", 
-    "8.27", 
-    "$358.43M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDC", 
-    "Compass EMP US 100 High Dividend Enhanced Volatility Weighted ", 
-    "37.02", 
-    "$24.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDK", 
-    "CDK Global, Inc.", 
-    "48", 
-    "$7.72B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDNA", 
-    "CareDx, Inc.", 
-    "6.1", 
-    "$72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDNS", 
-    "Cadence Design Systems, Inc.", 
-    "18.5", 
-    "$5.42B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDTI", 
-    "Clean Diesel Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "2.03", 
-    "$25.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Pollution Control Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDW", 
-    "CDW Corporation", 
-    "37.75", 
-    "$6.5B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDXS", 
-    "Codexis, Inc.", 
-    "3.47", 
-    "$137.24M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDZI", 
-    "Cadiz, Inc.", 
-    "10.87", 
-    "$176.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CECE", 
-    "CECO Environmental Corp.", 
-    "14.44", 
-    "$373.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Pollution Control Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CECO", 
-    "Career Education Corporation", 
-    "5.27", 
-    "$354.56M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CELG", 
-    "Celgene Corporation", 
-    "123.43", 
-    "$98.58B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CELGZ", 
-    "Celgene Corporation", 
-    "3.18", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CEMI", 
-    "Chembio Diagnostics, Inc.", 
-    "4.14", 
-    "$39.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CEMP", 
-    "Cempra, Inc.", 
-    "29.61", 
-    "$1.27B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CENT", 
-    "Central Garden & Pet Company", 
-    "9.08", 
-    "$453.3M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CENTA", 
-    "Central Garden & Pet Company", 
-    "9.72", 
-    "$485.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CENX", 
-    "Century Aluminum Company", 
-    "22.16", 
-    "$1.97B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Aluminum", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CERE", 
-    "Ceres, Inc.", 
-    "0.373", 
-    "$18M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CERN", 
-    "Cerner Corporation", 
-    "72.075", 
-    "$24.69B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CERS", 
-    "Cerus Corporation", 
-    "5.5", 
-    "$430.48M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CERU", 
-    "Cerulean Pharma Inc.", 
-    "6.63", 
-    "$133.43M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CETV", 
-    "Central European Media Enterprises Ltd.", 
-    "2.73", 
-    "$369.47M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CEVA", 
-    "CEVA, Inc.", 
-    "19.2", 
-    "$387.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFA", 
-    "Compass EMP US 500 Volatility Weighted Index ETF", 
-    "37.636", 
-    "$7.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_5.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_5.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ad8117..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_5.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "CFBK", 
-    "Central Federal Corporation", 
-    "1.3", 
-    "$20.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFFI", 
-    "C&F Financial Corporation", 
-    "36.14", 
-    "$123.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFFN", 
-    "Capitol Federal Financial, Inc.", 
-    "12.58", 
-    "$1.77B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFGE", 
-    "Calamos Focus Growth ETF", 
-    "10.8499", 
-    "$28.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFNB", 
-    "California First National Bancorp", 
-    "14.16", 
-    "$148.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFNL", 
-    "Cardinal Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.35", 
-    "$619.78M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFO", 
-    "Compass EMP US 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Index ETF", 
-    "37.65", 
-    "$26.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFRX", 
-    "ContraFect Corporation", 
-    "4.17", 
-    "$84.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFRXW", 
-    "ContraFect Corporation", 
-    "1.2501", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFRXZ", 
-    "ContraFect Corporation", 
-    "0.6072", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CG", 
-    "The Carlyle Group L.P.", 
-    "27.04", 
-    "$8.6B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CGEN", 
-    "Compugen Ltd.", 
-    "8.53", 
-    "$427.27M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CGIX", 
-    "Cancer Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "8.95", 
-    "$87.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CGNX", 
-    "Cognex Corporation", 
-    "42.62", 
-    "$3.69B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CGO", 
-    "Calamos Global Total Return Fund", 
-    "13.48", 
-    "$112.6M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHCI", 
-    "Comstock Holding Companies, Inc.", 
-    "1.02", 
-    "$22.04M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHCO", 
-    "City Holding Company", 
-    "46.14", 
-    "$702.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHDN", 
-    "Churchill Downs, Incorporated", 
-    "104", 
-    "$1.8B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHEF", 
-    "The Chefs&#39; Warehouse, Inc.", 
-    "23.39", 
-    "$586.1M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHEKU", 
-    "Check-Cap Ltd.", 
-    "6.1", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHEV", 
-    "Cheviot Financial Corp", 
-    "14.4", 
-    "$96.59M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHFC", 
-    "Chemical Financial Corporation", 
-    "30.09", 
-    "$985.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHFN", 
-    "Charter Financial Corp.", 
-    "11.53", 
-    "$194.43M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHI", 
-    "Calamos Convertible Opportunities and Income Fund", 
-    "13.3", 
-    "$910.47M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHKE", 
-    "Cherokee Inc.", 
-    "18.36", 
-    "$154.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHKP", 
-    "Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "82.48", 
-    "$15.74B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHLN", 
-    "China Housing & Land Development, Inc.", 
-    "0.3401", 
-    "$11.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHMG", 
-    "Chemung Financial Corp", 
-    "27.1199", 
-    "$125.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHNR", 
-    "China Natural Resources, Inc.", 
-    "2.1001", 
-    "$52.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHOP", 
-    "China Gerui Advanced Materials Group Limited", 
-    "0.85", 
-    "$5.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHRS", 
-    "Coherus BioSciences, Inc.", 
-    "27.45", 
-    "$912.93M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHRW", 
-    "C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "72.5", 
-    "$10.61B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCL", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "26.6368", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCM", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "25.46", 
-    "$483.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCN", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "26.6697", 
-    "$448.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCO", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "28.63", 
-    "$324.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCP", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "31", 
-    "$224.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHTR", 
-    "Charter Communications, Inc.", 
-    "175.89", 
-    "$19.7B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHUY", 
-    "Chuy&#39;s Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "23.35", 
-    "$383.9M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHW", 
-    "Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund", 
-    "8.99", 
-    "$530.47M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHXF", 
-    "WisdomTree China Dividend ex-Financials Fund", 
-    "53.272", 
-    "$18.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHY", 
-    "Calamos Convertible and High Income Fund", 
-    "14.63", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHYR", 
-    "ChyronHego Corporation", 
-    "2.8116", 
-    "$113.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CIDM", 
-    "Cinedigm Corp", 
-    "1.56", 
-    "$120.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CIFC", 
-    "CIFC Corp.", 
-    "7.82", 
-    "$196.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CINF", 
-    "Cincinnati Financial Corporation", 
-    "52.58", 
-    "$8.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CISAW", 
-    "CIS Acquisition Ltd.", 
-    "0.34", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CISG", 
-    "CNinsure Inc.", 
-    "7.83", 
-    "$391.05M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CIZ", 
-    "Compass EMP Developed 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Index E", 
-    "35.89", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CIZN", 
-    "Citizens Holding Company", 
-    "18.94", 
-    "$92.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CJJD", 
-    "China Jo-Jo Drugstores, Inc.", 
-    "2.7", 
-    "$41.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CKEC", 
-    "Carmike Cinemas, Inc.", 
-    "31.52", 
-    "$769.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CKSW", 
-    "ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "8.24", 
-    "$267.76M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLAC", 
-    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "9.88", 
-    "$247M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLACU", 
-    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "10", 
-    "$250M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLACW", 
-    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "0.3", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLBH", 
-    "Carolina Bank Holdings Inc.", 
-    "9.57", 
-    "$32.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLCT", 
-    "Collectors Universe, Inc.", 
-    "23.09", 
-    "$205.13M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLDN", 
-    "Celladon Corporation", 
-    "16.3", 
-    "$379.87M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLDX", 
-    "Celldex Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "21.21", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLFD", 
-    "Clearfield, Inc.", 
-    "13.48", 
-    "$184.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLIR", 
-    "ClearSign Combustion Corporation", 
-    "6.79", 
-    "$86.04M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLMS", 
-    "Calamos Asset Management, Inc.", 
-    "13.51", 
-    "$277.37M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLMT", 
-    "Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P.", 
-    "26.45", 
-    "$1.84B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Integrated oil Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLNE", 
-    "Clean Energy Fuels Corp.", 
-    "4.92", 
-    "$443.07M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLNT", 
-    "Cleantech Solutions International, Inc.", 
-    "3.23", 
-    "$12.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLRB", 
-    "Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "2.86", 
-    "$21.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLRBW", 
-    "Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.56", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLRO", 
-    "ClearOne, Inc.", 
-    "10.28", 
-    "$93.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLRX", 
-    "CollabRx, Inc.", 
-    "1.2", 
-    "$3.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLSN", 
-    "Celsion Corporation", 
-    "3.15", 
-    "$62.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLTX", 
-    "Celsus Therapeutics Plc", 
-    "1.09", 
-    "$6.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLUB", 
-    "Town Sports International Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "7.01", 
-    "$170.32M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLVS", 
-    "Clovis Oncology, Inc.", 
-    "73.8", 
-    "$2.51B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLWT", 
-    "Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited", 
-    "2.6", 
-    "$5.8M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Diversified Electronic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMCO", 
-    "Columbus McKinnon Corporation", 
-    "25.71", 
-    "$513.63M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMCSA", 
-    "Comcast Corporation", 
-    "58.5", 
-    "$151.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMCSK", 
-    "Comcast Corporation", 
-    "58.12", 
-    "$150.83B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMCT", 
-    "CIM Commercial Trust Corporation", 
-    "16.98", 
-    "$1.66B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CME", 
-    "CME Group Inc.", 
-    "94.245", 
-    "$31.75B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMFN", 
-    "CM Finance Inc", 
-    "13.71", 
-    "$187.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMGE", 
-    "China Mobile Games and Entertainment Group Limited", 
-    "18.39", 
-    "$575.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMLS", 
-    "Cumulus Media Inc.", 
-    "3.91", 
-    "$907.9M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMPR", 
-    "Cimpress N.V", 
-    "82.93", 
-    "$2.7B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMRX", 
-    "Chimerix, Inc.", 
-    "41.75", 
-    "$1.7B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMSB", 
-    "CMS Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.03", 
-    "$24.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMTL", 
-    "Comtech Telecommunications Corp.", 
-    "35.65", 
-    "$578.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNAT", 
-    "Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "6.32", 
-    "$99.16M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNBKA", 
-    "Century Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "38.43", 
-    "$213.97M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNCE", 
-    "Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "14.51", 
-    "$263.88M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNDO", 
-    "Coronado Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "2.41", 
-    "$106.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNET", 
-    "ChinaNet Online Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "1.59", 
-    "$45.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNIT", 
-    "China Information Technology, Inc.", 
-    "3.3201", 
-    "$99.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNLM", 
-    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.75", 
-    "$51.53M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNLMR", 
-    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.28", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNLMU", 
-    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.1765", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNLMW", 
-    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.19", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNMD", 
-    "CONMED Corporation", 
-    "51.06", 
-    "$1.41B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNOB", 
-    "ConnectOne Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.46", 
-    "$547.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNSI", 
-    "Comverse Inc.", 
-    "18.47", 
-    "$404.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_6.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_6.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 215ca7e..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_6.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "CNSL", 
-    "Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "23.94", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNTF", 
-    "China TechFaith Wireless Communication Technology Limited", 
-    "1.02", 
-    "$53.99M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNTY", 
-    "Century Casinos, Inc.", 
-    "6.09", 
-    "$148.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNV", 
-    "Cnova N.V.", 
-    "6.23", 
-    "$2.73B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNXR", 
-    "Connecture, Inc.", 
-    "9", 
-    "$195.13M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNYD", 
-    "China Yida Holding, Co.", 
-    "2.2101", 
-    "$8.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COB", 
-    "CommunityOne Bancorp", 
-    "10.6", 
-    "$256.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COBK", 
-    "Colonial Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "13.26", 
-    "$51.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COBZ", 
-    "CoBiz Financial Inc.", 
-    "11.4", 
-    "$464.91M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COHR", 
-    "Coherent, Inc.", 
-    "64.57", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COHU", 
-    "Cohu, Inc.", 
-    "11.06", 
-    "$282.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COKE", 
-    "Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated", 
-    "102.24", 
-    "$947.9M", 
-    "1972", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COLB", 
-    "Columbia Banking System, Inc.", 
-    "28.18", 
-    "$1.5B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COLM", 
-    "Columbia Sportswear Company", 
-    "55.9", 
-    "$3.9B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COMM", 
-    "CommScope Holding Company, Inc.", 
-    "31.1", 
-    "$5.84B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COMT", 
-    "iShares Commodities Select Strategy ETF", 
-    "40.93", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CONE", 
-    "CyrusOne Inc", 
-    "30.08", 
-    "$1.16B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CONN", 
-    "Conn&#39;s, Inc.", 
-    "25.6", 
-    "$929.21M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Video Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COOL", 
-    "Majesco Entertainment Company", 
-    "1.14", 
-    "$8.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CORE", 
-    "Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc.", 
-    "69.35", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CORI", 
-    "Corium International, Inc.", 
-    "7.03", 
-    "$127.04M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CORT", 
-    "Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated", 
-    "3.37", 
-    "$341.01M", 
-    "1982", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COSI", 
-    "Cosi, Inc.", 
-    "2.59", 
-    "$103.97M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COST", 
-    "Costco Wholesale Corporation", 
-    "147.535", 
-    "$64.99B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COVS", 
-    "Covisint Corporation", 
-    "2.55", 
-    "$99.48M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COWN", 
-    "Cowen Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.74", 
-    "$538.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COWNL", 
-    "Cowen Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.438", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPAH", 
-    "CounterPath Corporation", 
-    "0.4999", 
-    "$21.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPGI", 
-    "China Shengda Packaging Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.01", 
-    "$39.18M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPHC", 
-    "Canterbury Park Holding Corporation", 
-    "10.4101", 
-    "$43.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPHD", 
-    "CEPHEID", 
-    "58.59", 
-    "$4.13B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPHR", 
-    "Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "13.01", 
-    "$336.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPIX", 
-    "Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "5.87", 
-    "$101.89M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPLA", 
-    "Capella Education Company", 
-    "65.37", 
-    "$798.48M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPLP", 
-    "Capital Product Partners L.P.", 
-    "9.3", 
-    "$988.04M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPRT", 
-    "Copart, Inc.", 
-    "38", 
-    "$4.8B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPRX", 
-    "Catalyst Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc.", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "$274.1M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPSH", 
-    "CPS Technologies Corp.", 
-    "3.04", 
-    "$39.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPSI", 
-    "Computer Programs and Systems, Inc.", 
-    "52.63", 
-    "$589.92M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPSS", 
-    "Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc.", 
-    "7.04", 
-    "$178.61M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPST", 
-    "Capstone Turbine Corporation", 
-    "0.7009", 
-    "$231.51M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPTA", 
-    "Capitala Finance Corp.", 
-    "18.64", 
-    "$241.84M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPXX", 
-    "Celator Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "2.9", 
-    "$97.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRAI", 
-    "CRA International,Inc.", 
-    "31.82", 
-    "$303.23M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRAY", 
-    "Cray Inc", 
-    "34.21", 
-    "$1.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRDC", 
-    "Cardica, Inc.", 
-    "0.59", 
-    "$52.48M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRDS", 
-    "Crossroads Systems, Inc.", 
-    "2.45", 
-    "$39.28M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRDT", 
-    "WisdomTree Strategic Corporate Bond Fund", 
-    "75.29", 
-    "$7.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CREE", 
-    "Cree, Inc.", 
-    "39.185", 
-    "$4.37B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CREG", 
-    "China Recycling Energy Corporation", 
-    "0.7198", 
-    "$59.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRESW", 
-    "Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.", 
-    "0.008", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRESY", 
-    "Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.", 
-    "11.09", 
-    "$6.42M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRIS", 
-    "Curis, Inc.", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "$292.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRME", 
-    "Cardiome Pharma Corporation", 
-    "9.94", 
-    "$164.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRMT", 
-    "America&#39;s Car-Mart, Inc.", 
-    "53.63", 
-    "$462.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRNT", 
-    "Ceragon Networks Ltd.", 
-    "1.2", 
-    "$96.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CROX", 
-    "Crocs, Inc.", 
-    "10.75", 
-    "$886.84M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRRC", 
-    "Courier Corporation", 
-    "23.51", 
-    "$270.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRRS", 
-    "Corporate Resource Services, Inc.", 
-    "0.22", 
-    "$34.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRTN", 
-    "Cartesian, Inc.", 
-    "3.89", 
-    "$34.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRTO", 
-    "Criteo S.A.", 
-    "44.63", 
-    "$2.64B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRUS", 
-    "Cirrus Logic, Inc.", 
-    "29.82", 
-    "$1.87B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRVL", 
-    "CorVel Corp.", 
-    "34.65", 
-    "$706.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRWN", 
-    "Crown Media Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "3.45", 
-    "$1.24B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRWS", 
-    "Crown Crafts, Inc.", 
-    "8.319", 
-    "$83.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Textiles", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRZO", 
-    "Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc.", 
-    "52.26", 
-    "$2.41B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSBK", 
-    "Clifton Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "13.42", 
-    "$364.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSCD", 
-    "Cascade Microtech, Inc.", 
-    "13.43", 
-    "$219.87M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSCO", 
-    "Cisco Systems, Inc.", 
-    "29.61", 
-    "$151.15B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSF", 
-    "Compass EMP US Discovery 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Fund", 
-    "38.39", 
-    "$7.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSFL", 
-    "CenterState Banks, Inc.", 
-    "11.88", 
-    "$537.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSGP", 
-    "CoStar Group, Inc.", 
-    "191.24", 
-    "$6.19B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSGS", 
-    "CSG Systems International, Inc.", 
-    "30.41", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSII", 
-    "Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.", 
-    "35.31", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSIQ", 
-    "Canadian Solar Inc.", 
-    "28.95", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSOD", 
-    "Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc.", 
-    "35.04", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSPI", 
-    "CSP Inc.", 
-    "7.73", 
-    "$28.26M", 
-    "1982", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSQ", 
-    "Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund", 
-    "11.37", 
-    "$1.76B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSRE", 
-    "CSR plc", 
-    "53.46", 
-    "$2.21B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSTE", 
-    "CaesarStone Sdot-Yam Ltd.", 
-    "64.16", 
-    "$2.25B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSUN", 
-    "China Sunergy Co., Ltd.", 
-    "1.83", 
-    "$24.47M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSWC", 
-    "Capital Southwest Corporation", 
-    "48.93", 
-    "$760.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTAS", 
-    "Cintas Corporation", 
-    "82.47", 
-    "$9.68B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTBI", 
-    "Community Trust Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "32.49", 
-    "$566.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTCM", 
-    "CTC Media, Inc.", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$629.28M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTCT", 
-    "Constant Contact, Inc.", 
-    "41.91", 
-    "$1.33B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTG", 
-    "Computer Task Group, Incorporated", 
-    "8.27", 
-    "$153.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTHR", 
-    "Charles & Colvard Ltd", 
-    "1.5884", 
-    "$32.34M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTIB", 
-    "CTI Industries Corporation", 
-    "3.9999", 
-    "$13.2M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTIC", 
-    "CTI BioPharma Corp.", 
-    "2.28", 
-    "$409.92M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRE", 
-    "CareTrust REIT, Inc.", 
-    "13.15", 
-    "$415.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRL", 
-    "Control4 Corporation", 
-    "13.21", 
-    "$315.47M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRN", 
-    "Citi Trends, Inc.", 
-    "26.42", 
-    "$411.58M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRP", 
-    " International, Ltd.", 
-    "46.95", 
-    "$6.35B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRX", 
-    "Catamaran Corporation", 
-    "52.69", 
-    "$10.93B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTSH", 
-    "Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation", 
-    "63.05", 
-    "$38.39B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTSO", 
-    "Cytosorbents Corporation", 
-    "9.95", 
-    "$244M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTWS", 
-    "Connecticut Water Service, Inc.", 
-    "37.47", 
-    "$416.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTXS", 
-    "Citrix Systems, Inc.", 
-    "64.92", 
-    "$10.38B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CU", 
-    "ISE Global Copper Index First Trust", 
-    "17.57", 
-    "$21.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_7.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_7.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ac6c34..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_7.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "CUBA", 
-    "The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund, Inc.", 
-    "8.94", 
-    "$49.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CUI", 
-    "CUI Global, Inc.", 
-    "5.75", 
-    "$119.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CUNB", 
-    "CU Bancorp (CA)", 
-    "20.87", 
-    "$234.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CUTR", 
-    "Cutera, Inc.", 
-    "12.58", 
-    "$176.62M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVBF", 
-    "CVB Financial Corporation", 
-    "15.83", 
-    "$1.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVCO", 
-    "Cavco Industries, Inc.", 
-    "72.71", 
-    "$644.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVCY", 
-    "Central Valley Community Bancorp", 
-    "10.77", 
-    "$118.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVGI", 
-    "Commercial Vehicle Group, Inc.", 
-    "5.97", 
-    "$177.26M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVGW", 
-    "Calavo Growers, Inc.", 
-    "42.78", 
-    "$739.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVLT", 
-    "CommVault Systems, Inc.", 
-    "45", 
-    "$2.02B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVLY", 
-    "Codorus Valley Bancorp, Inc", 
-    "20.2682", 
-    "$117.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVTI", 
-    "Covenant Transportation Group, Inc.", 
-    "29.65", 
-    "$466.89M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVV", 
-    "CVD Equipment Corporation", 
-    "14.53", 
-    "$89.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CWAY", 
-    "Coastway Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.06", 
-    "$54.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CWBC", 
-    "Community West Bancshares", 
-    "6.682", 
-    "$54.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CWCO", 
-    "Consolidated Water Co. Ltd.", 
-    "10.6", 
-    "$155.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CWST", 
-    "Casella Waste Systems, Inc.", 
-    "4.14", 
-    "$167.81M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CXDC", 
-    "China XD Plastics Company Limited", 
-    "4.26", 
-    "$211.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CY", 
-    "Cypress Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "14.95", 
-    "$2.47B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYAN", 
-    "Cyanotech Corporation", 
-    "8.25", 
-    "$45.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYBE", 
-    "CyberOptics Corporation", 
-    "9.87", 
-    "$65.5M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYBR", 
-    "CyberArk Software Ltd.", 
-    "70.35", 
-    "$2.08B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYBX", 
-    "Cyberonics, Inc.", 
-    "58.3", 
-    "$1.53B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYCC", 
-    "Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.79", 
-    "$18.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYCCP", 
-    "Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7", 
-    "$2.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYHHZ", 
-    "Community Health Systems, Inc.", 
-    "0.025", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYNO", 
-    "Cynosure, Inc.", 
-    "30.58", 
-    "$662M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYOU", 
-    " Limited", 
-    "26.02", 
-    "$1.37B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYRN", 
-    "CYREN Ltd.", 
-    "3.17", 
-    "$84.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYTK", 
-    "Cytokinetics, Incorporated", 
-    "7.94", 
-    "$290.67M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYTR", 
-    "CytRx Corporation", 
-    "3.18", 
-    "$177.24M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYTX", 
-    "Cytori Therapeutics Inc", 
-    "0.55", 
-    "$50.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CZFC", 
-    "Citizens First Corporation", 
-    "12.327", 
-    "$24.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CZNC", 
-    "Citizens & Northern Corp", 
-    "19.32", 
-    "$237.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CZR", 
-    "Caesars Entertainment Corporation", 
-    "10.94", 
-    "$1.58B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CZWI", 
-    "Citizens Community Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.18", 
-    "$47.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAEG", 
-    "Daegis Inc", 
-    "0.7415", 
-    "$12.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAIO", 
-    "Data I/O Corporation", 
-    "3.161", 
-    "$24.85M", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAKT", 
-    "Daktronics, Inc.", 
-    "12.68", 
-    "$552.31M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DARA", 
-    "DARA Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.89", 
-    "$17.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DATE", 
-    " International Ltd.", 
-    "4.91", 
-    "$160.49M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAVE", 
-    "Famous Dave&#39;s of America, Inc.", 
-    "28.53", 
-    "$203.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAX", 
-    "Recon Capital DAX Germany ETF", 
-    "27.86", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DBVT", 
-    "DBV Technologies S.A.", 
-    "23.34", 
-    "$722.1M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DCIX", 
-    "Diana Containerships Inc.", 
-    "2.22", 
-    "$162.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DCOM", 
-    "Dime Community Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "15.7", 
-    "$578.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DCTH", 
-    "Delcath Systems, Inc.", 
-    "1.09", 
-    "$10.58M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DENN", 
-    "Denny&#39;s Corporation", 
-    "11.75", 
-    "$995.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DEPO", 
-    "Depomed, Inc.", 
-    "20.02", 
-    "$1.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DERM", 
-    "Dermira, Inc.", 
-    "16", 
-    "$393.6M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DEST", 
-    "Destination Maternity Corporation", 
-    "16.41", 
-    "$226.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DFRG", 
-    "Del Frisco&#39;s Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "19.72", 
-    "$461.79M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DFVL", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 5-year Bull ETN", 
-    "62.98", 
-    "$1.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DFVS", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 5-year Bear Exchange Traded Note", 
-    "34.32", 
-    "$1.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGAS", 
-    "Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.", 
-    "20", 
-    "$140.25M", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGICA", 
-    "Donegal Group, Inc.", 
-    "15.81", 
-    "$425.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGICB", 
-    "Donegal Group, Inc.", 
-    "27", 
-    "$727.17M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGII", 
-    "Digi International Inc.", 
-    "10.2", 
-    "$248.45M", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGLD", 
-    "3X Inverse Gold ETN Velocityshares", 
-    "72.22", 
-    "$9.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGLY", 
-    "Digital Ally, Inc.", 
-    "11.04", 
-    "$33.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGRE", 
-    "WisdomTree Emerging Markets Dividend Growth Fund", 
-    "25.38", 
-    "$15.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGRS", 
-    "WisdomTree U.S. SmallCap Dividend Growth Fund", 
-    "29.69", 
-    "$26.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGRW", 
-    "WisdomTree US Dividend Growth Fund", 
-    "32.01", 
-    "$144.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DHIL", 
-    "Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc.", 
-    "139.5", 
-    "$462.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DHRM", 
-    "Dehaier Medical Systems Limited", 
-    "2.65", 
-    "$15.48M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DIOD", 
-    "Diodes Incorporated", 
-    "28.15", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DISCA", 
-    "Discovery Communications, Inc.", 
-    "30.93", 
-    "$13.59B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DISCB", 
-    "Discovery Communications, Inc.", 
-    "35", 
-    "$15.37B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DISCK", 
-    "Discovery Communications, Inc.", 
-    "29.505", 
-    "$12.96B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DISH", 
-    "DISH Network Corporation", 
-    "78.31", 
-    "$17.47B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DJCO", 
-    "Daily Journal Corp. (S.C.)", 
-    "189.25", 
-    "$261.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DLBL", 
-    "iPath US Treasury Long Bond Bull ETN", 
-    "78.1401", 
-    "$4.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DLBS", 
-    "iPath US Treasury Long Bond Bear ETN", 
-    "21.46", 
-    "$17.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DLHC", 
-    "DLH Holdings Corp.", 
-    "2.13", 
-    "$20.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DLTR", 
-    "Dollar Tree, Inc.", 
-    "77.69", 
-    "$15.98B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DMLP", 
-    "Dorchester Minerals, L.P.", 
-    "23.98", 
-    "$735.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DMND", 
-    "Diamond Foods, Inc.", 
-    "26.15", 
-    "$821.53M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DMRC", 
-    "Digimarc Corporation", 
-    "27.5", 
-    "$211.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DNBF", 
-    "DNB Financial Corp", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$62.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DNKN", 
-    "Dunkin&#39; Brands Group, Inc.", 
-    "46.38", 
-    "$4.53B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DORM", 
-    "Dorman Products, Inc.", 
-    "44.88", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DOVR", 
-    "Dover Saddlery, Inc.", 
-    "4.71", 
-    "$25.45M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DOX", 
-    "Amdocs Limited", 
-    "51.57", 
-    "$8.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DPRX", 
-    "Dipexium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "13.63", 
-    "$116.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRAD", 
-    "Digirad Corporation", 
-    "4.37", 
-    "$72.48M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRAM", 
-    "Dataram Corporation", 
-    "2.4", 
-    "$6.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRNA", 
-    "Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "26.02", 
-    "$462.46M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRRX", 
-    "Durect Corporation", 
-    "0.99", 
-    "$112.54M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRWI", 
-    "DragonWave Inc", 
-    "0.92", 
-    "$69.26M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRWIW", 
-    "DragonWave Inc", 
-    "0.0848", 
-    "$675326", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRYS", 
-    "DryShips Inc.", 
-    "0.98", 
-    "$671.36M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSCI", 
-    "Derma Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "8.38", 
-    "$211.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSCO", 
-    "Discovery Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "1.52", 
-    "$129.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSGX", 
-    "The Descartes Systems Group Inc.", 
-    "15.27", 
-    "$1.15B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSKX", 
-    "DS Healthcare Group, Inc.", 
-    "0.7753", 
-    "$12.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSKY", 
-    "iDreamSky Technology Limited", 
-    "11.61", 
-    "$491.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSLV", 
-    "VelocityShares 3x Inverse Silver ETN linked to S&P GSCI Silver", 
-    "60", 
-    "$34.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSPG", 
-    "DSP Group, Inc.", 
-    "11.43", 
-    "$247.03M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSWL", 
-    "Deswell Industries, Inc.", 
-    "1.89", 
-    "$30.35M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Plastic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTLK", 
-    "Datalink Corporation", 
-    "12.11", 
-    "$278.95M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_8.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_8.json
deleted file mode 100644
index dd47967..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_8.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "DTSI", 
-    "DTS, Inc.", 
-    "30.65", 
-    "$526.75M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTUL", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 2-year Bull ETN", 
-    "61.4", 
-    "$4.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTUS", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 2-year Bear ETN", 
-    "34.81", 
-    "$13.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTV", 
-    "DIRECTV", 
-    "87.26", 
-    "$43.83B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTYL", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 10-year Bull ETN", 
-    "74.72", 
-    "$5.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTYS", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 10-year Bear ETN", 
-    "21.71", 
-    "$68.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DVAX", 
-    "Dynavax Technologies Corporation", 
-    "17.75", 
-    "$46.67M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DVCR", 
-    "Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc.", 
-    "10.11", 
-    "$62.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DWA", 
-    "Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.", 
-    "20.35", 
-    "$1.73B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DWAT", 
-    "Arrow DWA Tactical ETF", 
-    "10.7499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DWCH", 
-    "Datawatch Corporation", 
-    "6.78", 
-    "$76.96M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DWSN", 
-    "Dawson Geophysical Company", 
-    "5.91", 
-    "$43.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXCM", 
-    "DexCom, Inc.", 
-    "64.42", 
-    "$4.93B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXGE", 
-    "WisdomTree Germany Hedged Equity Fund", 
-    "29.58", 
-    "$13.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXJS", 
-    "WisdomTree Japan Hedged SmallCap Equity Fund", 
-    "32.9199", 
-    "$95.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXKW", 
-    "WisdomTree Korea Hedged Equity Fund", 
-    "21.54", 
-    "$8.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXLG", 
-    "Destination XL Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.91", 
-    "$248.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXM", 
-    "Dex Media, Inc.", 
-    "7.27", 
-    "$128.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXPE", 
-    "DXP Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "47.11", 
-    "$681.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXPS", 
-    "WisdomTree United Kingdom Hedged Equity Fund", 
-    "26.78", 
-    "$22.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXYN", 
-    "The Dixie Group, Inc.", 
-    "9.02", 
-    "$143.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DYAX", 
-    "Dyax Corp.", 
-    "15.95", 
-    "$2.18B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DYNT", 
-    "Dynatronics Corporation", 
-    "3.85", 
-    "$9.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DYSL", 
-    "Dynasil Corporation of America", 
-    "1.4", 
-    "$22.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EA", 
-    "Electronic Arts Inc.", 
-    "57.67", 
-    "$17.88B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EAC           ", 
-    "Erickson Incorporated", 
-    "7.2", 
-    "$99.45M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    "           "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EARS", 
-    "Auris Medical Holding AG", 
-    "5.8", 
-    "$167.94M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBAY", 
-    "eBay Inc.", 
-    "58.02", 
-    "$70.21B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBIO", 
-    "Eleven Biotherapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.85", 
-    "$176.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBIX", 
-    "Ebix, Inc.", 
-    "28.13", 
-    "$1.03B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBMT", 
-    "Eagle Bancorp Montana, Inc.", 
-    "11.05", 
-    "$42.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBSB", 
-    "Meridian Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.41", 
-    "$678.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBTC", 
-    "Enterprise Bancorp Inc", 
-    "21.33", 
-    "$216.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECHO", 
-    "Echo Global Logistics, Inc.", 
-    "27.76", 
-    "$659.22M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECOL", 
-    "US Ecology, Inc.", 
-    "46.55", 
-    "$1.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECPG", 
-    "Encore Capital Group Inc", 
-    "43.01", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECTE", 
-    "Echo Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "2.89", 
-    "$36.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECYT", 
-    "Endocyte, Inc.", 
-    "5.69", 
-    "$237.33M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EDAP", 
-    "EDAP TMS S.A.", 
-    "3.52", 
-    "$87.26M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EDGW", 
-    "Edgewater Technology, Inc.", 
-    "7.23", 
-    "$82.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EDS", 
-    "Exceed Company Ltd.", 
-    "1.56", 
-    "$51.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EDUC", 
-    "Educational Development Corporation", 
-    "4.22", 
-    "$16.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEFT", 
-    "Euronet Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "54.33", 
-    "$2.86B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEI", 
-    "Ecology and Environment, Inc.", 
-    "10.26", 
-    "$44M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEMA", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Asia Index", 
-    "60.76", 
-    "$91.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEME", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA Index Fund", 
-    "45.11", 
-    "$9.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEML", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America ETF", 
-    "35.52", 
-    "$10.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EFII", 
-    "Electronics for Imaging, Inc.", 
-    "40", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EFOI", 
-    "Energy Focus, Inc.", 
-    "4.68", 
-    "$44.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Building Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EFSC", 
-    "Enterprise Financial Services Corporation", 
-    "20.27", 
-    "$401.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EFUT", 
-    "eFuture Information Technology Inc.", 
-    "4.02", 
-    "$16.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGAN", 
-    "eGain Corporation", 
-    "3.605", 
-    "$96.2M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGBN", 
-    "Eagle Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "36.37", 
-    "$946.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGHT", 
-    "8x8 Inc", 
-    "7.62", 
-    "$684.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGLE", 
-    "Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.", 
-    "9.97", 
-    "$379.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGLT", 
-    "Egalet Corporation", 
-    "14.5", 
-    "$250.61M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGOV", 
-    "NIC Inc.", 
-    "17.05", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGRW", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Growth ETF", 
-    "55", 
-    "$5.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGRX", 
-    "Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "33.68", 
-    "$472.76M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGT", 
-    "Entertainment Gaming Asia Incorporated", 
-    "0.5203", 
-    "$15.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EHTH", 
-    "eHealth, Inc.", 
-    "10.47", 
-    "$186.55M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EIGI", 
-    "Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "19.89", 
-    "$2.63B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELGX", 
-    "Endologix, Inc.", 
-    "14.82", 
-    "$992.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELNK", 
-    "EarthLink Holdings Corp.", 
-    "4.6", 
-    "$470.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELON", 
-    "Echelon Corporation", 
-    "1.16", 
-    "$50.99M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELOS", 
-    "Syneron Medical Ltd.", 
-    "11.1", 
-    "$407.03M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELRC", 
-    "Electro Rent Corporation", 
-    "13.03", 
-    "$314.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELSE", 
-    "Electro-Sensors, Inc.", 
-    "4.031", 
-    "$13.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELTK", 
-    "Eltek Ltd.", 
-    "1.21", 
-    "$12.27M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMCB", 
-    "WisdomTree Emerging Markets Corporate Bond", 
-    "71.6399", 
-    "$107.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMCF", 
-    "Emclaire Financial Corp", 
-    "25.16", 
-    "$44.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMCG", 
-    "WisdomTree Emerging Markets Consumer Growth Fund", 
-    "25.5", 
-    "$20.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMCI", 
-    "EMC Insurance Group Inc.", 
-    "30", 
-    "$406.39M", 
-    "1982", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMDI", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Consumer Discretionary Index", 
-    "53.89", 
-    "$5.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMEY", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Energy Sector Capped Index Fund", 
-    "29.28", 
-    "$1.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMIF", 
-    "iShares S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure Index Fund", 
-    "32.71", 
-    "$85.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMITF", 
-    "Elbit Imaging Ltd.", 
-    "1.75", 
-    "$2.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMKR", 
-    "EMCORE Corporation", 
-    "5.5", 
-    "$176.59M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EML", 
-    "Eastern Company (The)", 
-    "19.025", 
-    "$118.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMMS", 
-    "Emmis Communications Corporation", 
-    "2.14", 
-    "$93.24M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMMSP", 
-    "Emmis Communications Corporation", 
-    "12.5", 
-    "$16.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENDP", 
-    "Endo International plc", 
-    "86.32", 
-    "$14.91B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENFC", 
-    "Entegra Financial Corp.", 
-    "15.8", 
-    "$103.43M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENG", 
-    "ENGlobal Corporation", 
-    "1.84", 
-    "$51.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENOC", 
-    "EnerNOC, Inc.", 
-    "17.86", 
-    "$521.07M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENPH", 
-    "Enphase Energy, Inc.", 
-    "13.3", 
-    "$580.21M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENSG", 
-    "The Ensign Group, Inc.", 
-    "41.41", 
-    "$936.53M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENT", 
-    "Global Eagle Entertainment Inc.", 
-    "13.31", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENTA", 
-    "Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "35.9", 
-    "$670.63M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENTG", 
-    "Entegris, Inc.", 
-    "13.71", 
-    "$1.91B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Plastic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENTL", 
-    "Entellus Medical, Inc.", 
-    "23.09", 
-    "$431.29M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENTR", 
-    "Entropic Communications, Inc.", 
-    "2.95", 
-    "$265.72M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENVI", 
-    "Envivio, Inc.", 
-    "1.36", 
-    "$37.69M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENZN", 
-    "Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "1.1", 
-    "$48.56M", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENZY          ", 
-    "Enzymotec Ltd.", 
-    "7.06", 
-    "$156.13M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EOPN", 
-    "E2open, Inc.", 
-    "8.55", 
-    "$250.69M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EPAX", 
-    "Ambassadors Group, Inc.", 
-    "2.41", 
-    "$41.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EPAY", 
-    "Bottomline Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "26.86", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EPIQ", 
-    "EPIQ Systems, Inc.", 
-    "18.28", 
-    "$665.53M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EPRS", 
-    "EPIRUS Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "8.64", 
-    "$194.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_9.json b/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_9.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 73d6c2d..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/data/stock_data_9.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "EPZM", 
-    "Epizyme, Inc.", 
-    "22.76", 
-    "$777.56M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EQIX", 
-    "Equinix, Inc.", 
-    "235.38", 
-    "$12.55B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERI", 
-    "Eldorado Resorts, Inc.", 
-    "4.5499", 
-    "$211.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERIC", 
-    "Ericsson", 
-    "13.02", 
-    "$42.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERIE", 
-    "Erie Indemnity Company", 
-    "92.49", 
-    "$4.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERII", 
-    "Energy Recovery, Inc.", 
-    "3.36", 
-    "$174.31M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EROC", 
-    "Eagle Rock Energy Partners, L.P.", 
-    "2.52", 
-    "$403.51M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERS", 
-    "Empire Resources, Inc.", 
-    "4.4675", 
-    "$40.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERW", 
-    "VelocityShares Equal Risk Weighted Large Cap ETF", 
-    "55.14", 
-    "$30.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESBK", 
-    "Elmira Savings Bank NY (The)", 
-    "21.14", 
-    "$52.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESCA", 
-    "Escalade, Incorporated", 
-    "15.52", 
-    "$216.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESCR", 
-    "Escalera Resources Co.", 
-    "0.7298", 
-    "$10.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESCRP", 
-    "Escalera Resources Co.", 
-    "14.91", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESEA", 
-    "Euroseas Ltd.", 
-    "0.7568", 
-    "$43.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESGR", 
-    "Enstar Group Limited", 
-    "136.88", 
-    "$2.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESIO", 
-    "Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.", 
-    "6.55", 
-    "$199.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESLT", 
-    "Elbit Systems Ltd.", 
-    "64.29", 
-    "$2.74B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESMC", 
-    "Escalon Medical Corp.", 
-    "1.47", 
-    "$11.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESPR", 
-    "Esperion Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "65.98", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESRX", 
-    "Express Scripts Holding Company", 
-    "86.08", 
-    "$63.17B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESSA", 
-    "ESSA Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.15", 
-    "$138.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESSX", 
-    "Essex Rental Corporation", 
-    "1.2676", 
-    "$31.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESXB", 
-    "Community Bankers Trust Corporation.", 
-    "4.48", 
-    "$97.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ETFC", 
-    "E*TRADE Financial Corporation", 
-    "26.15", 
-    "$7.56B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ETRM", 
-    "EnteroMedics Inc.", 
-    "1.15", 
-    "$79.47M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EUFN", 
-    "iShares MSCI Europe Financials Sector Index Fund", 
-    "23.13", 
-    "$420.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVAL", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Value Index Fund", 
-    "44.44", 
-    "$22.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVAR", 
-    "Lombard Medical, Inc.", 
-    "5.51", 
-    "$89.18M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVBS", 
-    "Eastern Virginia Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "6.22", 
-    "$74.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVEP", 
-    "EV Energy Partners, L.P.", 
-    "16.42", 
-    "$797.55M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVK", 
-    "Ever-Glory International Group, Inc.", 
-    "6.3", 
-    "$93.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVLV", 
-    "EVINE Live Inc.", 
-    "6.56", 
-    "$369.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVOK", 
-    "Evoke Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "5.68", 
-    "$34.72M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVOL", 
-    "Evolving Systems, Inc.", 
-    "8.56", 
-    "$99.84M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVRY", 
-    "EveryWare Global, Inc.", 
-    "1.06", 
-    "$23.45M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EWBC", 
-    "East West Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "40.53", 
-    "$5.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXA", 
-    "Exa Corporation", 
-    "10.4", 
-    "$143.91M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXAC", 
-    "Exactech, Inc.", 
-    "23.18", 
-    "$320.07M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXAS", 
-    "EXACT Sciences Corporation", 
-    "25.655", 
-    "$2.17B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXEL", 
-    "Exelixis, Inc.", 
-    "2.74", 
-    "$534.89M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXFO", 
-    "EXFO Inc", 
-    "3.74", 
-    "$107.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXLP", 
-    "Exterran Partners, L.P.", 
-    "23.01", 
-    "$1.28B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXLS", 
-    "ExlService Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "32.2", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXPD", 
-    "Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.", 
-    "45.505", 
-    "$8.78B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXPE", 
-    "Expedia, Inc.", 
-    "92.3", 
-    "$11.7B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXPO", 
-    "Exponent, Inc.", 
-    "88.06", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXTR", 
-    "Extreme Networks, Inc.", 
-    "3.46", 
-    "$343.67M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXXI", 
-    "Energy XXI Ltd.", 
-    "4.26", 
-    "$402.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EYES", 
-    "Second Sight Medical Products, Inc.", 
-    "8.75", 
-    "$302.97M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EZCH", 
-    "EZchip Semiconductor Limited", 
-    "21.75", 
-    "$645.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EZPW", 
-    "EZCORP, Inc.", 
-    "10.37", 
-    "$556.36M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FALC", 
-    "FalconStor Software, Inc.", 
-    "1.55", 
-    "$63.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FANG", 
-    "Diamondback Energy, Inc.", 
-    "75.09", 
-    "$4.4B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FARM", 
-    "Farmer Brothers Company", 
-    "24.09", 
-    "$399.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FARO", 
-    "FARO Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "59.04", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FAST", 
-    "Fastenal Company", 
-    "42.765", 
-    "$12.65B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FATE", 
-    "Fate Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "5", 
-    "$102.85M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FB", 
-    "Facebook, Inc.", 
-    "79.895", 
-    "$223.63B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBIZ", 
-    "First Business Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "47", 
-    "$186.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBMS", 
-    "The First Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "14.82", 
-    "$78.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBNC", 
-    "First Bancorp", 
-    "17.16", 
-    "$338.14M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBNK", 
-    "First Connecticut Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "14.98", 
-    "$240.07M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBRC", 
-    "FBR & Co", 
-    "24.07", 
-    "$213.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBSS", 
-    "Fauquier Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "16.25", 
-    "$60.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCAP", 
-    "First Capital, Inc.", 
-    "24.5", 
-    "$67.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCBC", 
-    "First Community Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "16.3", 
-    "$299.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCCO", 
-    "First Community Corporation", 
-    "11.73", 
-    "$78.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCCY", 
-    "1st Constitution Bancorp (NJ)", 
-    "11.18", 
-    "$79.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCEL", 
-    "FuelCell Energy, Inc.", 
-    "1.33", 
-    "$388.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCFS", 
-    "First Cash Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "48.92", 
-    "$1.39B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCHI", 
-    "iShares FTSE China Index Fund", 
-    "53.11", 
-    "$26.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCLF", 
-    "First Clover Leaf Financial Corp.", 
-    "8.7", 
-    "$60.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCNCA", 
-    "First Citizens BancShares, Inc.", 
-    "253.82", 
-    "$2.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCS", 
-    "Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc.", 
-    "16.11", 
-    "$1.91B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCSC", 
-    "Fibrocell Science Inc", 
-    "4.9", 
-    "$200.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCTY", 
-    "1st Century Bancshares, Inc", 
-    "6.774", 
-    "$68.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCVA", 
-    "First Capital Bancorp, Inc. (VA)", 
-    "4.3", 
-    "$55.32M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCZA", 
-    "First Citizens Banc Corp.", 
-    "10.87", 
-    "$83.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCZAP", 
-    "First Citizens Banc Corp.", 
-    "35.21", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FDEF", 
-    "First Defiance Financial Corp.", 
-    "32", 
-    "$298.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FDIV", 
-    "First Trust Strategic Income ETF", 
-    "50.3", 
-    "$20.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FDML", 
-    "Federal-Mogul Holdings Corporation", 
-    "15.41", 
-    "$2.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FDUS", 
-    "Fidus Investment Corporation", 
-    "16.44", 
-    "$263.48M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEIC", 
-    "FEI Company", 
-    "80.52", 
-    "$3.35B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEIM", 
-    "Frequency Electronics, Inc.", 
-    "12.37", 
-    "$106.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FELE", 
-    "Franklin Electric Co., Inc.", 
-    "34.81", 
-    "$1.65B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEMB", 
-    "First Trust Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond ETF", 
-    "47.64", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FES", 
-    "Forbes Energy Services Ltd", 
-    "1.12", 
-    "$24.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oilfield Services/Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEUZ", 
-    "First Trust Eurozone AlphaDEX ETF", 
-    "33.04", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEYE", 
-    "FireEye, Inc.", 
-    "46.15", 
-    "$6.94B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFBC", 
-    "First Financial Bancorp.", 
-    "17.67", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFBCW", 
-    "First Financial Bancorp.", 
-    "6.11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFHL", 
-    "Fuwei Films (Holdings) Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.6", 
-    "$7.84M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFIC", 
-    "Flushing Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.61", 
-    "$581.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFIN", 
-    "First Financial Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "26.07", 
-    "$1.67B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFIV", 
-    "F5 Networks, Inc.", 
-    "119.36", 
-    "$8.61B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFKT", 
-    "Farmers Capital Bank Corporation", 
-    "22.83", 
-    "$170.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFNM", 
-    "First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "5.4464", 
-    "$20.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFNW", 
-    "First Financial Northwest, Inc.", 
-    "12.27", 
-    "$188.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFWM", 
-    "First Foundation Inc.", 
-    "17.89", 
-    "$138.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_app.dart b/examples/stocks/lib/stock_app.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index fa9f99a..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_app.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/tool_bar.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/drawer.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/drawer_header.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/floating_action_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/icon.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/icon_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/input.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/menu_divider.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/menu_item.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/modal_overlay.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/popup_menu.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/radio.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/scaffold.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/fn.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/theme/typography.dart' as typography;
-import 'package:sky/framework/theme/colors.dart';
-import 'stock_data.dart';
-import 'stock_list.dart';
-import 'stock_menu.dart';
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:sky/framework/layout.dart';
-const bool debug = false; // set to true to dump the DOM for debugging purposes
-enum StockMode { Optimistic, Pessimistic }
-class StocksApp extends App {
-  static final Style _toolBarStyle = new Style('''
-    background-color: ${Purple[500]};''');
-  static final Style _searchBarStyle = new Style('''
-    background-color: ${Grey[50]};''');
-  static final Style _titleStyle = new Style('''
-    ${typography.white.title};''');
-  List<Stock> _stocks = [];
-  StocksApp() : super() {
-    if (debug)
-      new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 1), dumpState);
-    new StockDataFetcher((StockData data) {
-      setState(() {
-        data.appendTo(_stocks);
-      });
-    });
-    _drawerController = new DrawerController(_handleDrawerStatusChanged);
-  }
-  bool _isSearching = false;
-  String _searchQuery;
-  void _handleSearchBegin(_) {
-    setState(() {
-      _isSearching = true;
-    });
-  }
-  void _handleSearchEnd(_) {
-    setState(() {
-      _isSearching = false;
-      _searchQuery = null;
-    });
-  }
-  void _handleSearchQueryChanged(String query) {
-    setState(() {
-      _searchQuery = query;
-    });
-  }
-  DrawerController _drawerController;
-  bool _drawerShowing = false;
-  void _handleDrawerStatusChanged(bool showing) {
-    setState(() {
-      _drawerShowing = showing;
-    });
-  }
-  PopupMenuController _menuController;
-  void _handleMenuShow(_) {
-    setState(() {
-      _menuController = new PopupMenuController();
-    });
-  }
-  void _handleMenuHide(_) {
-    setState(() {
-      _menuController.close().then((_) {
-        setState(() {
-          _menuController = null;
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  }
-  bool _autorefresh = false;
-  void _handleAutorefreshChanged(bool value) {
-    setState(() {
-      _autorefresh = value;
-    });
-  }
-  StockMode _stockMode = StockMode.Optimistic;
-  void _handleStockModeChange(StockMode value) {
-    setState(() {
-      _stockMode = value;
-    });
-  }
-  static FlexBoxParentData _flex1 = new FlexBoxParentData()..flex = 1;
-  Drawer buildDrawer() {
-    return new Drawer(
-      controller: _drawerController,
-      level: 3,
-      children: [
-        new DrawerHeader(children: [new Text('Stocks')]),
-        new MenuItem(
-          key: 'Stock list',
-          icon: 'action/assessment',
-          children: [new Text('Stock List')]),
-        new MenuItem(
-          key: 'Account Balance',
-          icon: 'action/account_balance',
-          children: [new Text('Account Balance')]),
-        new MenuDivider(key: 'div1'),
-        new MenuItem(
-          key: 'Optimistic Menu Item',
-          icon: 'action/thumb_up',
-          onGestureTap: (event) => _handleStockModeChange(StockMode.Optimistic),
-          children: [
-            new ParentDataNode(new Text('Optimistic'), _flex1),
-            new Radio(key: 'optimistic-radio', value: StockMode.Optimistic, groupValue: _stockMode, onChanged: _handleStockModeChange)
-          ]),
-        new MenuItem(
-          key: 'Pessimistic Menu Item',
-          icon: 'action/thumb_down',
-          onGestureTap: (event) => _handleStockModeChange(StockMode.Pessimistic),
-          children: [
-            new ParentDataNode(new Text('Pessimistic'), _flex1),
-            new Radio(key: 'pessimistic-radio', value: StockMode.Pessimistic, groupValue: _stockMode, onChanged: _handleStockModeChange)
-          ]),
-        new MenuDivider(key: 'div2'),
-        new MenuItem(
-          key: 'Settings',
-          icon: 'action/settings',
-          children: [new Text('Settings')]),
-        new MenuItem(
-          key: 'Help & Feedback',
-          icon: 'action/help',
-          children: [new Text('Help & Feedback')])
-      ]
-    );
-  }
-  UINode buildToolBar() {
-    return new StyleNode(
-      new ToolBar(
-        left: new IconButton(
-          icon: 'navigation/menu_white',
-          onGestureTap: _drawerController.toggle),
-        center: new Container(
-          style: _titleStyle,
-          children: [new Text('Stocks')]),
-        right: [
-          new IconButton(
-            icon: 'action/search_white',
-            onGestureTap: _handleSearchBegin),
-          new IconButton(
-            icon: 'navigation/more_vert_white',
-            onGestureTap: _handleMenuShow)
-        ]),
-      _toolBarStyle);
-  }
-  // TODO(abarth): Should we factor this into a SearchBar in the framework?
-  UINode buildSearchBar() {
-    return new StyleNode(
-      new ToolBar(
-        left: new IconButton(
-          icon: 'navigation/arrow_back_grey600',
-          onGestureTap: _handleSearchEnd),
-        center: new Input(
-          focused: true,
-          placeholder: 'Search stocks',
-          onChanged: _handleSearchQueryChanged)),
-      _searchBarStyle);
-  }
-  void addMenuToOverlays(List<UINode> overlays) {
-    if (_menuController == null)
-      return;
-    overlays.add(new ModalOverlay(
-      children: [new StockMenu(
-        controller: _menuController,
-        autorefresh: _autorefresh,
-        onAutorefreshChanged: _handleAutorefreshChanged
-      )],
-      onDismiss: _handleMenuHide));
-  }
-  UINode build() {
-    List<UINode> overlays = [];
-    addMenuToOverlays(overlays);
-    return new Scaffold(
-      header: _isSearching ? buildSearchBar() : buildToolBar(),
-      content: new Stocklist(stocks: _stocks, query: _searchQuery),
-      fab: new FloatingActionButton(
-        content: new Icon(type: 'content/add_white', size: 24), level: 3),
-      drawer: _drawerShowing ? buildDrawer() : null,
-      overlays: overlays
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_arrow.dart b/examples/stocks/lib/stock_arrow.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 5395984..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_arrow.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:math';
-import 'package:sky/framework/fn.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/layout.dart';
-class StockArrow extends Component {
-  static final Style _style = new Style('''
-    width: 40px;
-    height: 40px;
-    align-items: center;
-    justify-content: center;
-    border-radius: 40px;
-    margin-right: 16px;
-    border: 1px solid transparent;'''
-  );
-  static final Style _upStyle = new Style('''
-    width: 0;
-    height: 0;
-    border-left: 9px solid transparent;
-    border-right: 9px solid transparent;
-    margin-bottom: 3px;
-    border-bottom: 9px solid white;'''
-  );
-  static final Style _downStyle = new Style('''
-    width: 0;
-    height: 0;
-    border-left: 9px solid transparent;
-    border-right: 9px solid transparent;
-    margin-top: 3px;
-    border-top: 9px solid white'''
-  );
-  double percentChange;
-  StockArrow({ Object key, this.percentChange }) : super(key: key);
-  // TODO(abarth): These should use sky/framework/theme/colors.dart.
-  final List<String> _kRedColors = [
-    '#E57373',
-    '#EF5350',
-    '#F44336',
-    '#E53935',
-    '#D32F2F',
-    '#C62828',
-    '#B71C1C',
-  ];
-  // TODO(abarth): These should use sky/framework/theme/colors.dart.
-  final List<String> _kGreenColors = [
-    '#81C784',
-    '#66BB6A',
-    '#4CAF50',
-    '#43A047',
-    '#388E3C',
-    '#2E7D32',
-    '#1B5E20',
-  ];
-  int _colorIndexForPercentChange(double percentChange) {
-    // Currently the max is 10%.
-    double maxPercent = 10.0;
-    return max(0, ((percentChange.abs() / maxPercent) * _kGreenColors.length).floor());
-  }
-  String _colorForPercentChange(double percentChange) {
-    if (percentChange > 0)
-      return _kGreenColors[_colorIndexForPercentChange(percentChange)];
-    return _kRedColors[_colorIndexForPercentChange(percentChange)];
-  }
-  UINode build() {
-    String border = _colorForPercentChange(percentChange).toString();
-    bool up = percentChange > 0;
-    String type = up ? 'bottom' : 'top';
-    return new FlexContainer(
-      inlineStyle: 'border-color: $border',
-      direction: FlexDirection.Row,
-      style: _style,
-      children: [
-        new Container(
-          inlineStyle: 'border-$type-color: $border',
-          style: up ? _upStyle : _downStyle
-        )
-      ]
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_data.dart b/examples/stocks/lib/stock_data.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3920171..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_data.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:math';
-import 'package:sky/framework/net/fetch.dart';
-// Snapshot from
-// Fetched 2/23/2014.
-// "Symbol","Name","LastSale","MarketCap","IPOyear","Sector","industry","Summary Quote",
-// Data in stock_data.json
-final Random _rng = new Random();
-class Stock {
-  String symbol;
-  String name;
-  double lastSale;
-  String marketCap;
-  double percentChange;
-  Stock(this.symbol,, this.lastSale, this.marketCap, this.percentChange);
-  Stock.fromFields(List<String> fields) {
-    // FIXME: This class should only have static data, not lastSale, etc.
-    // "Symbol","Name","LastSale","MarketCap","IPOyear","Sector","industry","Summary Quote",
-    lastSale = 0.0;
-    try{
-      lastSale = double.parse(fields[2]);
-    } catch(_) {}
-    symbol = fields[0];
-    name = fields[1];
-    marketCap = fields[4];
-    percentChange = (_rng.nextDouble() * 20) - 10;
-  }
-class StockData {
-  List<List<String>> _data;
-  StockData(this._data);
-  void appendTo(List<Stock> stocks) {
-    for (List<String> fields in _data)
-      stocks.add(new Stock.fromFields(fields));
-  }
-typedef void StockDataCallback(StockData data);
-const _kChunkCount = 30;
-class StockDataFetcher {
-  int _currentChunk = 0;
-  final StockDataCallback callback;
-  StockDataFetcher(this.callback) {
-    _fetchNextChunk();
-  }
-  void _fetchNextChunk() {
-    fetchBody('data/stock_data_${_currentChunk++}.json').then((Response response) {
-      String json = response.bodyAsString();
-      JsonDecoder decoder = new JsonDecoder();
-      callback(new StockData(decoder.convert(json)));
-      if (_currentChunk < _kChunkCount)
-        _fetchNextChunk();
-    });
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_list.dart b/examples/stocks/lib/stock_list.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c0fbe44..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_list.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/fixed_height_scrollable.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/fn.dart';
-import 'stock_data.dart';
-import 'stock_row.dart';
-class Stocklist extends FixedHeightScrollable {
-  String query;
-  List<Stock> stocks;
-  Stocklist({
-    Object key,
-    this.stocks,
-    this.query
-  }) : super(key: key);
-  List<UINode> buildItems(int start, int count) {
-    var filteredStocks = stocks.where((stock) {
-      return query == null ||
-             stock.symbol.contains(new RegExp(query, caseSensitive: false));
-    });
-    itemCount = filteredStocks.length;
-    return filteredStocks
-      .skip(start)
-      .take(count)
-      .map((stock) => new StockRow(stock: stock))
-      .toList(growable: false);
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_menu.dart b/examples/stocks/lib/stock_menu.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 33d1983..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_menu.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/framework/fn.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/layout.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/popup_menu.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/checkbox.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/theme/view_configuration.dart';
-class StockMenu extends Component {
-  static final Style _style = new Style('''
-    position: absolute;
-    right: 8px;
-    top: ${8 + kStatusBarHeight}px;''');
-  PopupMenuController controller;
-  StockMenu({Object key, this.controller, this.autorefresh: false, this.onAutorefreshChanged}) : super(key: key);
-  final bool autorefresh;
-  final ValueChanged onAutorefreshChanged;
-  static FlexBoxParentData _flex1 = new FlexBoxParentData()..flex = 1;
-  UINode build() {
-    var checkbox = new Checkbox(
-      checked: this.autorefresh,
-      onChanged: this.onAutorefreshChanged
-    );
-    return new StyleNode(
-      new PopupMenu(
-        controller: controller,
-        items: [
-          [new Text('Add stock')],
-          [new Text('Remove stock')],
-          [new ParentDataNode(new Text('Autorefresh'), _flex1), checkbox],
-        ],
-        level: 4),
-        _style
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_row.dart b/examples/stocks/lib/stock_row.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index a0ef8bc..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/lib/stock_row.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/framework/components/ink_well.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/fn.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/layout.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/theme/typography.dart' as typography;
-import 'stock_arrow.dart';
-import 'stock_data.dart';
-class StockRow extends Component {
-  static final Style _style = new Style('''
-    align-items: center;
-    border-bottom: 1px solid #F4F4F4;
-    padding-top: 16px;
-    padding-left: 16px;
-    padding-right: 16px;
-    padding-bottom: 20px;'''
-  );
-  static final FlexBoxParentData _tickerFlex = new FlexBoxParentData()..flex = 1;
-  static final Style _lastSaleStyle = new Style('''
-    text-align: right;
-    padding-right: 16px;'''
-  );
-  static final Style _changeStyle = new Style('''
-    ${};
-    text-align: right;'''
-  );
-  Stock stock;
-  StockRow({Stock stock}) : super(key: stock.symbol) {
-    this.stock = stock;
-  }
-  UINode build() {
-    String lastSale = "\$${stock.lastSale.toStringAsFixed(2)}";
-    String changeInPrice = "${stock.percentChange.toStringAsFixed(2)}%";
-    if (stock.percentChange > 0)
-      changeInPrice = "+" + changeInPrice;
-    List<UINode> children = [
-      new StockArrow(
-        percentChange: stock.percentChange
-      ),
-      new ParentDataNode(
-        new Container(
-          key: 'Ticker',
-          children: [new Text(stock.symbol)]
-        ),
-        _tickerFlex
-      ),
-      new Container(
-        key: 'LastSale',
-        style: _lastSaleStyle,
-        children: [new Text(lastSale)]
-      ),
-      new Container(
-        key: 'Change',
-        style: _changeStyle,
-        children: [new Text(changeInPrice)]
-      )
-    ];
-    return new StyleNode(new InkWell(children: children), _style);
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks/ b/examples/stocks/
deleted file mode 100644
index b57f262..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!mojo mojo:sky_viewer
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// TODO(abarth): Should this be package:stocks/stocks_app.dart?
-import 'lib/stock_app.dart';
-void main() {
-  new StocksApp();
diff --git a/examples/stocks/pubspec.yaml b/examples/stocks/pubspec.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bb96cfd..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks/pubspec.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-name: stocks
-author: Chromium Authors <>
-description: A demo application using Sky that shows stock data
-version: 0.0.1
-  sky: '>=0.0.1 <1.0.0'
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/ b/examples/stocks2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f97d0..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This is a copy of the stocks app... with everything removed.
-The goal is to eventually replace the stocks app with this one, by
-adding it back bit by bit as we port it to RenderNode.
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_0.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_0.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c634894..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_0.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "AAIT", 
-    "iShares MSCI All Country Asia Information Technology Index Fun", 
-    "35.05", 
-    "$7.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAL", 
-    "American Airlines Group, Inc.", 
-    "51.02", 
-    "$36.59B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAME", 
-    "Atlantic American Corporation", 
-    "3.99", 
-    "$82.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAOI", 
-    "Applied Optoelectronics, Inc.", 
-    "10.22", 
-    "$151.42M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAON", 
-    "AAON, Inc.", 
-    "23.74", 
-    "$1.29B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAPL", 
-    "Apple Inc.", 
-    "129.495", 
-    "$754.28B", 
-    "1980", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAVL", 
-    "Avalanche Biotechnologies, Inc.", 
-    "40.06", 
-    "$995.08M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAWW", 
-    "Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings", 
-    "47.23", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AAXJ", 
-    "iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan Index Fund", 
-    "63.66", 
-    "$3.67B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABAC", 
-    "Aoxin Tianli Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.61", 
-    "$44.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABAX", 
-    "ABAXIS, Inc.", 
-    "60.17", 
-    "$1.36B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABCB", 
-    "Ameris Bancorp", 
-    "26", 
-    "$732.18M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABCD", 
-    "Cambium Learning Group, Inc.", 
-    "2.66", 
-    "$119.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABCO", 
-    "The Advisory Board Company", 
-    "53.5", 
-    "$2.06B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABCW", 
-    "Anchor BanCorp Wisconsin Inc.", 
-    "34.63", 
-    "$320.16M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABDC", 
-    "Alcentra Capital Corp.", 
-    "13.59", 
-    "$183.69M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABGB", 
-    "Abengoa, S.A.", 
-    "17.53", 
-    "$2.94B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABIO", 
-    "ARCA biopharma, Inc.", 
-    "0.6975", 
-    "$14.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABMD", 
-    "ABIOMED, Inc.", 
-    "60.35", 
-    "$2.48B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABTL", 
-    "Autobytel Inc.", 
-    "10", 
-    "$90.29M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ABY", 
-    "Abengoa Yield plc", 
-    "34.73", 
-    "$2.78B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACAD", 
-    "ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "37.45", 
-    "$3.74B", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACAS", 
-    "American Capital, Ltd.", 
-    "14.75", 
-    "$3.98B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACAT", 
-    "Arctic Cat Inc.", 
-    "36.36", 
-    "$470.75M", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACET", 
-    "Aceto Corporation", 
-    "20.95", 
-    "$609.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Other Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACFC", 
-    "Atlantic Coast Financial Corporation", 
-    "3.88", 
-    "$60.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACFN", 
-    "Acorn Energy, Inc.", 
-    "0.6124", 
-    "$16.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACGL", 
-    "Arch Capital Group Ltd.", 
-    "60.04", 
-    "$7.75B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACHC", 
-    "Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc.", 
-    "63.795", 
-    "$4.21B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACHN", 
-    "Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "12.16", 
-    "$1.39B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACIW", 
-    "ACI Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "20.46", 
-    "$2.35B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACLS", 
-    "Axcelis Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "2.7", 
-    "$302.41M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACNB", 
-    "ACNB Corporation", 
-    "20.25", 
-    "$121.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACOR", 
-    "Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "37.41", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACPW", 
-    "Active Power, Inc.", 
-    "1.83", 
-    "$42.26M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACRX", 
-    "AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "8.13", 
-    "$355.34M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACSF", 
-    "American Capital Senior Floating, Ltd.", 
-    "12.9", 
-    "$129M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACST", 
-    "Acasti Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "0.5592", 
-    "$59.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACTA", 
-    "Actua Corporation", 
-    "15.37", 
-    "$623.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACTG", 
-    "Acacia Research Corporation", 
-    "12.83", 
-    "$643.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACTS", 
-    "Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd.", 
-    "1.59", 
-    "$136.74M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACUR", 
-    "Acura Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.63", 
-    "$29.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACWI", 
-    "iShares MSCI ACWI Index Fund", 
-    "61.01", 
-    "$6.59B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACWX", 
-    "iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Index Fund", 
-    "45.21", 
-    "$1.84B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ACXM", 
-    "Acxiom Corporation", 
-    "19.66", 
-    "$1.52B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADAT", 
-    "Authentidate Holding Corp.", 
-    "0.82", 
-    "$34.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADBE", 
-    "Adobe Systems Incorporated", 
-    "78.55", 
-    "$39.14B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADEP", 
-    "Adept Technology, Inc.", 
-    "6.5", 
-    "$85.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADHD", 
-    "Alcobra Ltd.", 
-    "7.43", 
-    "$157.35M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADI", 
-    "Analog Devices, Inc.", 
-    "59.13", 
-    "$18.43B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADMA", 
-    "ADMA Biologics Inc", 
-    "10.48", 
-    "$97.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADMP", 
-    "Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation", 
-    "6.51", 
-    "$84.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADMS", 
-    "Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "17.28", 
-    "$295.93M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADNC", 
-    "Audience, Inc.", 
-    "4.67", 
-    "$107.3M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADP", 
-    "Automatic Data Processing, Inc.", 
-    "88.685", 
-    "$42.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADRA", 
-    "BLDRS Asia 50 ADR Index Fund", 
-    "30.7699", 
-    "$27.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADRD", 
-    "BLDRS Developed Markets 100 ADR Index Fund", 
-    "23.87", 
-    "$54.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADRE", 
-    "BLDRS Emerging Markets 50 ADR Index Fund", 
-    "36.68", 
-    "$185.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADRU", 
-    "BLDRS Europe 100 ADR Index Fund", 
-    "23.5754", 
-    "$17.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADSK", 
-    "Autodesk, Inc.", 
-    "62.37", 
-    "$14.19B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADTN", 
-    "ADTRAN, Inc.", 
-    "23", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADUS", 
-    "Addus HomeCare Corporation", 
-    "21.4", 
-    "$235.18M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADVS", 
-    "Advent Software, Inc.", 
-    "44.17", 
-    "$2.31B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADXS", 
-    "Advaxis, Inc.", 
-    "8.22", 
-    "$194.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ADXSW", 
-    "Advaxis, Inc.", 
-    "5.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEGN", 
-    "Aegion Corp", 
-    "16.66", 
-    "$622.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEGR", 
-    "Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "26.49", 
-    "$753.27M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEHR", 
-    "Aehr Test Systems", 
-    "2.39", 
-    "$30.67M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEIS", 
-    "Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.", 
-    "26.53", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEPI", 
-    "AEP Industries Inc.", 
-    "51.32", 
-    "$260.74M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AERI", 
-    "Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "27.71", 
-    "$664.61M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AETI", 
-    "American Electric Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "4.14", 
-    "$33.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEY", 
-    "ADDvantage Technologies Group, Inc.", 
-    "2.4568", 
-    "$24.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AEZS", 
-    "AEterna Zentaris Inc.", 
-    "0.601", 
-    "$39.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFAM", 
-    "Almost Family Inc", 
-    "29.46", 
-    "$279.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFCB", 
-    "Athens Bancshares Corporation", 
-    "25.45", 
-    "$45.85M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFFX", 
-    "Affymetrix, Inc.", 
-    "11.84", 
-    "$884.63M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFH", 
-    "Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "17.65", 
-    "$207.77M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFMD", 
-    "Affimed N.V.", 
-    "5.43", 
-    "$130.23M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFOP", 
-    "Alliance Fiber Optic Products, Inc.", 
-    "16.98", 
-    "$316.72M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AFSI", 
-    "AmTrust Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "55.76", 
-    "$4.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGEN", 
-    "Agenus Inc.", 
-    "5.2", 
-    "$325.96M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGII", 
-    "Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "52.39", 
-    "$1.35B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGIIL", 
-    "Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "25.181", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGIO", 
-    "Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "106.3", 
-    "$3.93B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGNC", 
-    "American Capital Agency Corp.", 
-    "21.94", 
-    "$7.74B", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGNCB", 
-    "American Capital Agency Corp.", 
-    "25.1199", 
-    "$8.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGNCP", 
-    "American Capital Agency Corp.", 
-    "26.6399", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGND", 
-    "WisdomTree Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Negative Duration Fund", 
-    "45.173", 
-    "$13.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGRX", 
-    "Agile Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "9.47", 
-    "$189.51M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGTC", 
-    "Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation", 
-    "22.73", 
-    "$373.72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGYS", 
-    "Agilysys, Inc.", 
-    "9.87", 
-    "$225.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AGZD", 
-    "WisdomTree Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Zero Duration Fund", 
-    "49.15", 
-    "$58.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AHGP", 
-    "Alliance Holdings GP, L.P.", 
-    "52.57", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Coal Mining", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AHPI", 
-    "Allied Healthcare Products, Inc.", 
-    "1.71", 
-    "$13.73M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIMC", 
-    "Altra Industrial Motion Corp.", 
-    "26.26", 
-    "$699.44M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AINV", 
-    "Apollo Investment Corporation", 
-    "7.81", 
-    "$1.85B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIQ", 
-    "Alliance HealthCare Services, Inc.", 
-    "25.08", 
-    "$269.22M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIRM", 
-    "Air Methods Corporation", 
-    "45.6", 
-    "$1.79B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIRR", 
-    "First Trust RBA American Industrial Renaissance ETF", 
-    "18.1247", 
-    "$76.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_1.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_1.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fd39e9..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_1.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "AIRT", 
-    "Air T, Inc.", 
-    "19.81", 
-    "$46.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AIXG", 
-    "Aixtron SE", 
-    "8.13", 
-    "$906.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKAM", 
-    "Akamai Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "71.62", 
-    "$12.75B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKAO", 
-    "Achaogen, Inc.", 
-    "11.47", 
-    "$203.68M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKBA", 
-    "Akebia Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.14", 
-    "$206.26M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKER", 
-    "Akers Biosciences Inc", 
-    "3.7365", 
-    "$18.51M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AKRX", 
-    "Akorn, Inc.", 
-    "48.02", 
-    "$5.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALCO", 
-    "Alico, Inc.", 
-    "48.01", 
-    "$353.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALDR", 
-    "Alder BioPharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "27.41", 
-    "$1.03B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALDX", 
-    "Aldeyra Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.5", 
-    "$58.44M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALGN", 
-    "Align Technology, Inc.", 
-    "56.81", 
-    "$4.56B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALGT", 
-    "Allegiant Travel Company", 
-    "184.79", 
-    "$3.23B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALIM", 
-    "Alimera Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "5.32", 
-    "$235.66M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALKS", 
-    "Alkermes plc", 
-    "73.24", 
-    "$10.71B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALLB", 
-    "Alliance Bancorp, Inc. of Pennsylvania", 
-    "16.93", 
-    "$68.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALLT", 
-    "Allot Communications Ltd.", 
-    "9.3", 
-    "$309.2M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALNY", 
-    "Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "102.39", 
-    "$8.58B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALOG", 
-    "Analogic Corporation", 
-    "84.98", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "1972", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALOT", 
-    "Astro-Med, Inc.", 
-    "14.78", 
-    "$107M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALQA", 
-    "Alliqua BioMedical, Inc.", 
-    "6", 
-    "$97.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALSK", 
-    "Alaska Communications Systems Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.71", 
-    "$84.71M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALTR", 
-    "Altera Corporation", 
-    "36.14", 
-    "$10.87B", 
-    "1988", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALXA", 
-    "Alexza Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.18", 
-    "$42.3M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ALXN", 
-    "Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "186.02", 
-    "$37.6B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMAG", 
-    "AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "43.04", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMAT", 
-    "Applied Materials, Inc.", 
-    "25.13", 
-    "$30.88B", 
-    "1972", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMBA", 
-    "Ambarella, Inc.", 
-    "51.75", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMBC", 
-    "Ambac Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "25.42", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMBCW", 
-    "Ambac Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.71", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMCC", 
-    "Applied Micro Circuits Corporation", 
-    "4.84", 
-    "$383.04M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMCF", 
-    "Andatee China Marine Fuel Services Corporation", 
-    "1.51", 
-    "$15.49M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMCN", 
-    "AirMedia Group Inc", 
-    "2.19", 
-    "$130.45M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMCX", 
-    "AMC Networks Inc.", 
-    "69.34", 
-    "$5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMD", 
-    "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.", 
-    "3.06", 
-    "$2.38B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMDA", 
-    "Amedica Corporation", 
-    "0.8", 
-    "$11.04M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMED", 
-    "Amedisys Inc", 
-    "28.69", 
-    "$957.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMGN", 
-    "Amgen Inc.", 
-    "157.66", 
-    "$119.64B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMIC", 
-    "American Independence Corp.", 
-    "10.61", 
-    "$85.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Accident &Health Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMKR", 
-    "Amkor Technology, Inc.", 
-    "9.16", 
-    "$2.17B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMNB", 
-    "American National Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "22.1", 
-    "$173.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMOT", 
-    "Allied Motion Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "26.89", 
-    "$248.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMOV", 
-    "America Movil, S.A.B. de C.V.", 
-    "21.58", 
-    "$74.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMPH", 
-    "Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "12.85", 
-    "$573.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRB", 
-    "American River Bankshares", 
-    "9.72", 
-    "$78.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRI", 
-    "Albany Molecular Research, Inc.", 
-    "16.27", 
-    "$530.51M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRK", 
-    "A-Mark Precious Metals, Inc.", 
-    "10.1399", 
-    "$70.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRN", 
-    "Amarin Corporation PLC", 
-    "1.33", 
-    "$232.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMRS", 
-    "Amyris, Inc.", 
-    "2", 
-    "$158.15M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSC", 
-    "American Superconductor Corporation", 
-    "0.77", 
-    "$73.71M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSF", 
-    "AMERISAFE, Inc.", 
-    "42.94", 
-    "$808.25M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSG", 
-    "Amsurg Corp.", 
-    "55.96", 
-    "$2.69B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSGP", 
-    "Amsurg Corp.", 
-    "116.19", 
-    "$200.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMSWA", 
-    "American Software, Inc.", 
-    "9.12", 
-    "$257.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMTX", 
-    "Aemetis, Inc", 
-    "4.42", 
-    "$91.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMWD", 
-    "American Woodmark Corporation", 
-    "44.12", 
-    "$698.38M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Forest Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AMZN", 
-    ", Inc.", 
-    "383.66", 
-    "$178.17B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANAC", 
-    "Anacor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "43.49", 
-    "$1.87B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANAD", 
-    "ANADIGICS, Inc.", 
-    "1.24", 
-    "$107.36M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANAT", 
-    "American National Insurance Company", 
-    "105.61", 
-    "$2.84B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANCB", 
-    "Anchor Bancorp", 
-    "21.6101", 
-    "$55.11M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANCI", 
-    "American Caresource Holdings Inc", 
-    "2.89", 
-    "$19.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANCX", 
-    "Access National Corporation", 
-    "17.98", 
-    "$187.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANDE", 
-    "The Andersons, Inc.", 
-    "44.84", 
-    "$1.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANGI", 
-    "Angie&#39;s List, Inc.", 
-    "6.73", 
-    "$393.82M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANGO", 
-    "AngioDynamics, Inc.", 
-    "19.03", 
-    "$681.68M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANIK", 
-    "Anika Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "44.05", 
-    "$638.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANIP", 
-    "ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "68.66", 
-    "$777.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANSS", 
-    "ANSYS, Inc.", 
-    "87.25", 
-    "$8.02B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANTH", 
-    "Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "4.58", 
-    "$105.06M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ANY", 
-    "Sphere 3D Corp", 
-    "4.31", 
-    "$113.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AOSL", 
-    "Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited", 
-    "8.79", 
-    "$234.31M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APDN", 
-    "Applied DNA Sciences Inc", 
-    "3.73", 
-    "$64.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APDNW", 
-    "Applied DNA Sciences Inc", 
-    "1.44", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APEI", 
-    "American Public Education, Inc.", 
-    "34.08", 
-    "$588.38M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APOG", 
-    "Apogee Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "45.21", 
-    "$1.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APOL", 
-    "Apollo Education Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.755", 
-    "$2.9B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APPS", 
-    "Digital Turbine, Inc.", 
-    "3.32", 
-    "$125.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APPY", 
-    "Venaxis, Inc.", 
-    "0.459", 
-    "$14.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APRI", 
-    "Apricus Biosciences, Inc", 
-    "1.94", 
-    "$86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APTO", 
-    "Aptose Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "4.6241", 
-    "$54.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "APWC", 
-    "Asia Pacific Wire & Cable Corporation Limited", 
-    "2.5", 
-    "$34.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AQXP", 
-    "Aquinox Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "10.45", 
-    "$111.76M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARAY", 
-    "Accuray Incorporated", 
-    "8.04", 
-    "$631.05M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCB", 
-    "ArcBest Corporation", 
-    "41.38", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCC", 
-    "Ares Capital Corporation", 
-    "16.92", 
-    "$5.31B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCI", 
-    "Appliance Recycling Centers of America, Inc.", 
-    "2.82", 
-    "$16.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCP", 
-    "American Realty Capital Properties, Inc.", 
-    "9.44", 
-    "$8.57B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCPP", 
-    "American Realty Capital Properties, Inc.", 
-    "23.24", 
-    "$999.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARCW", 
-    "ARC Group Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "6.27", 
-    "$94.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARDM", 
-    "Aradigm Corporation", 
-    "7.261", 
-    "$106.93M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARDX", 
-    "Ardelyx, Inc.", 
-    "17.18", 
-    "$318.52M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AREX", 
-    "Approach Resources Inc.", 
-    "7.2", 
-    "$284.8M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARGS", 
-    "Argos Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "9.19", 
-    "$180.64M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARIA", 
-    "ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "8.06", 
-    "$1.51B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARII", 
-    "American Railcar Industries, Inc.", 
-    "56.08", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Railroads", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARIS", 
-    "ARI Network Services, Inc.", 
-    "3.61", 
-    "$51.37M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARKR", 
-    "Ark Restaurants Corp.", 
-    "24.45", 
-    "$82.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARLP", 
-    "Alliance Resource Partners, L.P.", 
-    "40.41", 
-    "$2.99B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Coal Mining", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARMH", 
-    "ARM Holdings plc", 
-    "51.68", 
-    "$24.33B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARNA", 
-    "Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "4.65", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_10.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_10.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9673d83..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_10.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "FGEN", 
-    "FibroGen, Inc", 
-    "30.16", 
-    "$1.71B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FHCO", 
-    "Female Health Company (The)", 
-    "3.71", 
-    "$106.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FIBK", 
-    "First Interstate BancSystem, Inc.", 
-    "26.63", 
-    "$583.97M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FINL", 
-    "The Finish Line, Inc.", 
-    "24.36", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FISH", 
-    "Marlin Midstream Partners, LP", 
-    "23.67", 
-    "$419.05M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FISI", 
-    "Financial Institutions, Inc.", 
-    "22.75", 
-    "$320.73M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FISV", 
-    "Fiserv, Inc.", 
-    "79.05", 
-    "$19.29B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FITB", 
-    "Fifth Third Bancorp", 
-    "19.39", 
-    "$15.98B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FITBI", 
-    "Fifth Third Bancorp", 
-    "27.42", 
-    "$493.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FIVE", 
-    "Five Below, Inc.", 
-    "32.22", 
-    "$1.75B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FIVN", 
-    "Five9, Inc.", 
-    "3.8", 
-    "$185.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FIZZ", 
-    "National Beverage Corp.", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLAT", 
-    "iPath US Treasury Flattener ETN", 
-    "60.948", 
-    "$5.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLDM", 
-    "Fluidigm Corporation", 
-    "38.97", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLEX", 
-    "Flextronics International Ltd.", 
-    "12.23", 
-    "$7B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLIC", 
-    "The First of Long Island Corporation", 
-    "24.9", 
-    "$345.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLIR", 
-    "FLIR Systems, Inc.", 
-    "32.12", 
-    "$4.53B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLKS", 
-    "Flex Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "14.71", 
-    "$261.92M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLL", 
-    "Full House Resorts, Inc.", 
-    "1.52", 
-    "$28.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLML", 
-    "Flamel Technologies S.A.", 
-    "14.62", 
-    "$569.25M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLWS", 
-    "1-800 FLOWERS.COM, Inc.", 
-    "10.32", 
-    "$667.78M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLXN", 
-    "Flexion Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$482.02M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FLXS", 
-    "Flexsteel Industries, Inc.", 
-    "31.02", 
-    "$230.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMB", 
-    "First Trust Managed Municipal ETF", 
-    "51.77", 
-    "$20.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMBH", 
-    "First Mid-Illinois Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "19.96", 
-    "$117.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMBI", 
-    "First Midwest Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.82", 
-    "$1.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMER", 
-    "FirstMerit Corporation", 
-    "18.29", 
-    "$3.03B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMI", 
-    "Foundation Medicine, Inc.", 
-    "48.48", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FMNB", 
-    "Farmers National Banc Corp.", 
-    "7.98", 
-    "$146.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNBC", 
-    "First NBC Bank Holding Company", 
-    "32.5", 
-    "$603.69M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNFG", 
-    "First Niagara Financial Group Inc.", 
-    "8.85", 
-    "$3.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNGN", 
-    "Financial Engines, Inc.", 
-    "38.32", 
-    "$1.99B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNHC", 
-    "Federated National Holding Company", 
-    "28.42", 
-    "$398.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNJN", 
-    "Finjan Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "2.75", 
-    "$61.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNLC", 
-    "First Bancorp, Inc (ME)", 
-    "16.92", 
-    "$181.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNRG", 
-    "ForceField Energy Inc.", 
-    "7.44", 
-    "$134.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNSR", 
-    "Finisar Corporation", 
-    "21.45", 
-    "$2.22B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNTCU", 
-    "FinTech Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FNWB", 
-    "First Northwest Bancorp", 
-    "12.52", 
-    "$164.02M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOLD", 
-    "Amicus Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "8.7", 
-    "$828.67M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOMX", 
-    "Foamix Pharmaceuticals Ltd.", 
-    "9.18", 
-    "$197.15M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FONE", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ CEA Smartphone Index Fund", 
-    "40.287", 
-    "$12.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FONR", 
-    "Fonar Corporation", 
-    "12.68", 
-    "$81.58M", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FORD", 
-    "Forward Industries, Inc.", 
-    "0.93", 
-    "$7.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Plastic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FORM", 
-    "FormFactor, Inc.", 
-    "9.14", 
-    "$515.6M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FORR", 
-    "Forrester Research, Inc.", 
-    "38.3", 
-    "$697.25M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FORTY", 
-    "Formula Systems (1985) Ltd.", 
-    "23.7", 
-    "$348.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOSL", 
-    "Fossil Group, Inc.", 
-    "85.14", 
-    "$4.35B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOX", 
-    "Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.", 
-    "34.275", 
-    "$72.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOXA", 
-    "Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.", 
-    "35.3", 
-    "$46.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FOXF", 
-    "Fox Factory Holding Corp.", 
-    "15.79", 
-    "$585.14M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Motor Vehicles", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FPRX", 
-    "Five Prime Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "26.27", 
-    "$668.91M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FPXI", 
-    "First Trust International IPO ETF", 
-    "28.96", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRAN", 
-    "Francesca&#39;s Holdings Corporation", 
-    "15.12", 
-    "$639.54M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRBA", 
-    "First Bank", 
-    "6", 
-    "$47.32M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRBK", 
-    "Republic First Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "3.45", 
-    "$130.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRED", 
-    "Fred&#39;s, Inc.", 
-    "19.02", 
-    "$702.13M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FREE", 
-    "FreeSeas Inc.", 
-    "0.09", 
-    "$10.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRGI", 
-    "Fiesta Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "64.96", 
-    "$1.74B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRME", 
-    "First Merchants Corporation", 
-    "22.94", 
-    "$827.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRP", 
-    "FairPoint Communications, Inc.", 
-    "17.65", 
-    "$471.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRPH", 
-    "FRP Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "30.02", 
-    "$291.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRPT", 
-    "Freshpet, Inc.", 
-    "16.15", 
-    "$540.5M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FRSH", 
-    "Papa Murphy&#39;s Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "13.63", 
-    "$230.91M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSAM", 
-    "Fifth Street Asset Management Inc.", 
-    "12.57", 
-    "$614.13M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSBK", 
-    "First South Bancorp Inc", 
-    "8.11", 
-    "$77.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSBW", 
-    "FS Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "19.4499", 
-    "$62.93M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSC", 
-    "Fifth Street Finance Corp.", 
-    "7.21", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "2008", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSCFL", 
-    "Fifth Street Finance Corp.", 
-    "24.0592", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSFG", 
-    "First Savings Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.8899", 
-    "$58.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSFR", 
-    "Fifth Street Senior Floating Rate Corp.", 
-    "10.92", 
-    "$321.78M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSGI", 
-    "First Security Group, Inc.", 
-    "2.24", 
-    "$149.69M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSLR", 
-    "First Solar, Inc.", 
-    "49.02", 
-    "$4.91B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSNN", 
-    "Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc.", 
-    "3.611", 
-    "$23.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSRV", 
-    "FirstService Corporation", 
-    "60.5", 
-    "$2.09B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSTR", 
-    "L.B. Foster Company", 
-    "49.23", 
-    "$509.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FSYS", 
-    "Fuel Systems Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "10.98", 
-    "$220.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTCS", 
-    "First Trust Capital Strength ETF", 
-    "39.2693", 
-    "$86.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTD", 
-    "FTD Companies, Inc.", 
-    "34.27", 
-    "$650.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTEK", 
-    "Fuel Tech, Inc.", 
-    "3.2", 
-    "$73.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Pollution Control Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTGC", 
-    "First Trust Global Tactical Commodity Strategy Fund", 
-    "25.1", 
-    "$229.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTHI", 
-    "First Trust High Income ETF", 
-    "20.89", 
-    "$3.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTLB", 
-    "First Trust Low Beta Income ETF", 
-    "20.796", 
-    "$2.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTNT", 
-    "Fortinet, Inc.", 
-    "33.84", 
-    "$5.58B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTR", 
-    "Frontier Communications Corporation", 
-    "8.3", 
-    "$8.32B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTSL", 
-    "First Trust Senior Loan ETF", 
-    "49.1365", 
-    "$201.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FTSM", 
-    "First Trust Enhanced Short Maturity ETF", 
-    "59.97", 
-    "$3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FUEL", 
-    "Rocket Fuel Inc.", 
-    "10.82", 
-    "$446.81M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FULL", 
-    "Full Circle Capital Corporation", 
-    "4.66", 
-    "$55.68M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FULLL", 
-    "Full Circle Capital Corporation", 
-    "25.8499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FULT", 
-    "Fulton Financial Corporation", 
-    "12.17", 
-    "$2.25B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FUNC", 
-    "First United Corporation", 
-    "9.26", 
-    "$57.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FUND", 
-    "Royce Focus Trust, Inc.", 
-    "7.44", 
-    "$166.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FV", 
-    "First Trust Dorsey Wright Focus", 
-    "23.6", 
-    "$1.98B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FWM", 
-    "Fairway Group Holdings Corp.", 
-    "5.63", 
-    "$245.4M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FWP", 
-    "Forward Pharma A/S", 
-    "23.59", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FWRD", 
-    "Forward Air Corporation", 
-    "53.76", 
-    "$1.64B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FXCB", 
-    "Fox Chase Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.28", 
-    "$195.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FXEN", 
-    "FX Energy, Inc.", 
-    "2.26", 
-    "$122.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FXENP", 
-    "FX Energy, Inc.", 
-    "20", 
-    "$16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_11.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_11.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4df9797..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_11.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "GABC", 
-    "German American Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "29.18", 
-    "$385.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAI", 
-    "Global-Tech Advanced Innovations Inc.", 
-    "3.9", 
-    "$11.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAIA", 
-    "Gaiam, Inc.", 
-    "6.64", 
-    "$162.45M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAIN", 
-    "Gladstone Investment Corporation", 
-    "7.8", 
-    "$206.51M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAINO", 
-    "Gladstone Investment Corporation", 
-    "25.3799", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAINP", 
-    "Gladstone Investment Corporation", 
-    "25.8", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GALE", 
-    "Galena Biopharma, Inc.", 
-    "1.84", 
-    "$223.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GALT", 
-    "Galectin Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$89.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GALTU", 
-    "Galectin Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "7.7", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GALTW", 
-    "Galectin Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "1.9732", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GAME", 
-    "Shanda Games Limited", 
-    "5.58", 
-    "$1.5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GARS", 
-    "Garrison Capital Inc.", 
-    "14.83", 
-    "$248.53M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GASS", 
-    "StealthGas, Inc.", 
-    "6.14", 
-    "$245.61M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBCI", 
-    "Glacier Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "24.79", 
-    "$1.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBDC", 
-    "Golub Capital BDC, Inc.", 
-    "17.58", 
-    "$829.28M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBIM", 
-    "GlobeImmune, Inc.", 
-    "7.61", 
-    "$43.75M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBLI", 
-    "Global Indemnity plc", 
-    "26.71", 
-    "$676.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBNK", 
-    "Guaranty Bancorp", 
-    "15.1", 
-    "$328.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GBSN", 
-    "Great Basin Scientific, Inc.", 
-    "1.8", 
-    "$9.16M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GCBC", 
-    "Greene County Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "27.9748", 
-    "$118.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GCVRZ", 
-    "Sanofi", 
-    "0.62", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GDEF", 
-    "Global Defense & National Security Systems, Inc.", 
-    "10.3", 
-    "$99.13M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GENC", 
-    "Gencor Industries Inc.", 
-    "9.66", 
-    "$91.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GENE", 
-    "Genetic Technologies Ltd", 
-    "6.46", 
-    "$26.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GEOS", 
-    "Geospace Technologies Corporation", 
-    "18.31", 
-    "$240.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GERN", 
-    "Geron Corporation", 
-    "3.16", 
-    "$496.79M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GEVA", 
-    "Synageva BioPharma Corp.", 
-    "102.45", 
-    "$3.77B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GEVO", 
-    "Gevo, Inc.", 
-    "0.27", 
-    "$26.9M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GFED", 
-    "Guaranty Federal Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "14.53", 
-    "$62.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GFN", 
-    "General Finance Corporation", 
-    "8.9", 
-    "$230.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GFNCP", 
-    "General Finance Corporation", 
-    "110", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GFNSL", 
-    "General Finance Corporation", 
-    "25.85", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGAC", 
-    "Garnero Group Acquisition Company", 
-    "9.52", 
-    "$177.1M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGACR", 
-    "Garnero Group Acquisition Company", 
-    "0.16", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGACU", 
-    "Garnero Group Acquisition Company", 
-    "9.9", 
-    "$129.33M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGACW", 
-    "Garnero Group Acquisition Company", 
-    "0.11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GGAL", 
-    "Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A.", 
-    "20.505", 
-    "$2.67B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GHDX", 
-    "Genomic Health, Inc.", 
-    "31", 
-    "$983.37M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GIFI", 
-    "Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc.", 
-    "16.86", 
-    "$244.67M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GIGA", 
-    "Giga-tronics Incorporated", 
-    "1.76", 
-    "$9.58M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GIGM", 
-    "GigaMedia Limited", 
-    "0.772", 
-    "$39.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GIII", 
-    "G-III Apparel Group, LTD.", 
-    "105.53", 
-    "$2.37B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GILD", 
-    "Gilead Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "102.61", 
-    "$154.8B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GILT", 
-    "Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.", 
-    "4.83", 
-    "$205.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GK", 
-    "G&K Services, Inc.", 
-    "72.46", 
-    "$1.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GKNT", 
-    "Geeknet, Inc.", 
-    "7.87", 
-    "$52.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLAD", 
-    "Gladstone Capital Corporation", 
-    "8.41", 
-    "$176.61M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLADO", 
-    "Gladstone Capital Corporation", 
-    "25.3352", 
-    "$55.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLBS", 
-    "Globus Maritime Limited", 
-    "1.647", 
-    "$16.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLBZ", 
-    "Glen Burnie Bancorp", 
-    "12.23", 
-    "$33.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLDC", 
-    "Golden Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "3.97", 
-    "$46.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLDD", 
-    "Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation", 
-    "7.42", 
-    "$446.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLDI", 
-    "Credit Suisse AG", 
-    "12", 
-    "$162.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLMD", 
-    "Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.", 
-    "8.04", 
-    "$89.25M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLNG", 
-    "Golar LNG Limited", 
-    "31.32", 
-    "$2.92B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLPI", 
-    "Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc.", 
-    "33.79", 
-    "$3.8B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLRE", 
-    "Greenlight Reinsurance, Ltd.", 
-    "31.95", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLRI", 
-    "Glori Energy Inc", 
-    "3.175", 
-    "$100.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLUU", 
-    "Glu Mobile Inc.", 
-    "5.11", 
-    "$546.51M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GLYC", 
-    "GlycoMimetics, Inc.", 
-    "8.12", 
-    "$153.43M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GMAN", 
-    "Gordmans Stores, Inc.", 
-    "3.95", 
-    "$77.33M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GMCR", 
-    "Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.", 
-    "122.87", 
-    "$19.87B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GMLP", 
-    "Golar LNG Partners LP", 
-    "27.76", 
-    "$1.71B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNBC", 
-    "Green Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.35", 
-    "$297.04M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNCA", 
-    "Genocea Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "9", 
-    "$158.49M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNCMA", 
-    "General Communication, Inc.", 
-    "14.43", 
-    "$594.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNMA", 
-    "iShares GNMA Bond ETF", 
-    "50.2932", 
-    "$40.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNMK", 
-    "GenMark Diagnostics, Inc.", 
-    "13.22", 
-    "$551.73M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNTX", 
-    "Gentex Corporation", 
-    "17.875", 
-    "$5.23B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GNVC", 
-    "GenVec, Inc.", 
-    "3.37", 
-    "$58.2M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOGO", 
-    "Gogo Inc.", 
-    "16.22", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOLD", 
-    "Randgold Resources Limited", 
-    "76.11", 
-    "$7.06B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOMO", 
-    "Sungy Mobile Limited", 
-    "4.99", 
-    "$167.08M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOOD", 
-    "Gladstone Commercial Corporation", 
-    "17.6", 
-    "$372.57M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOODN", 
-    "Gladstone Commercial Corporation", 
-    "25.6101", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOODO", 
-    "Gladstone Commercial Corporation", 
-    "25.4301", 
-    "$29.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOODP", 
-    "Gladstone Commercial Corporation", 
-    "25.6", 
-    "$25.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOOG", 
-    "Google Inc.", 
-    "538.95", 
-    "$366.82B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GOOGL", 
-    "Google Inc.", 
-    "541.8", 
-    "$368.76B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GPIC", 
-    "Gaming Partners International Corporation", 
-    "8.265", 
-    "$65.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GPOR", 
-    "Gulfport Energy Corporation", 
-    "43.01", 
-    "$3.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GPRE", 
-    "Green Plains, Inc.", 
-    "25.01", 
-    "$940.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GPRO", 
-    "GoPro, Inc.", 
-    "45.07", 
-    "$5.67B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRBK", 
-    "Green Brick Partners, Inc.", 
-    "8.2", 
-    "$51.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRFS", 
-    "Grifols, S.A.", 
-    "35.2", 
-    "$12.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRID", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge Smart Grid Infrastructure Index ", 
-    "35.9316", 
-    "$12.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRIF", 
-    "Griffin Land & Nurseries, Inc.", 
-    "31.38", 
-    "$161.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRMN", 
-    "Garmin Ltd.", 
-    "49.42", 
-    "$9.48B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GROW", 
-    "U.S. Global Investors, Inc.", 
-    "3.345", 
-    "$51.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRPN", 
-    "Groupon, Inc.", 
-    "8.15", 
-    "$5.5B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GRVY", 
-    "GRAVITY Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.519", 
-    "$14.43M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSBC", 
-    "Great Southern Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "36.93", 
-    "$506.96M", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSIG", 
-    "GSI Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.62", 
-    "$465.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSIT", 
-    "GSI Technology, Inc.", 
-    "5.7275", 
-    "$133.95M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSM", 
-    "Globe Specialty Metals Inc.", 
-    "15.37", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSOL", 
-    "Global Sources Ltd.", 
-    "5.56", 
-    "$165.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GSVC", 
-    "GSV Capital Corp", 
-    "9.97", 
-    "$192.62M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GT", 
-    "The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company", 
-    "27.69", 
-    "$7.46B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GTIM", 
-    "Good Times Restaurants Inc.", 
-    "8.29", 
-    "$78.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GTLS", 
-    "Chart Industries, Inc.", 
-    "31.07", 
-    "$947.05M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_12.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_12.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 51fd8da..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_12.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "GTWN", 
-    "Georgetown Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "17.5501", 
-    "$32.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GTXI", 
-    "GTx, Inc.", 
-    "0.7", 
-    "$98.23M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GUID", 
-    "Guidance Software, Inc.", 
-    "5.99", 
-    "$176.55M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GULF", 
-    "WisdomTree Middle East Dividend Fund", 
-    "21.14", 
-    "$50.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GULTU", 
-    "Gulf Coast Ultra Deep Royalty Trust", 
-    "1", 
-    "$230.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GURE", 
-    "Gulf Resources, Inc.", 
-    "1.58", 
-    "$61.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GWGH", 
-    "GWG Holdings, Inc", 
-    "8.405", 
-    "$49.34M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GWPH", 
-    "GW Pharmaceuticals Plc", 
-    "84.89", 
-    "$1.67B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "GYRO", 
-    "Gyrodyne Company of America, Inc.", 
-    "3.944", 
-    "$5.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HA", 
-    "Hawaiian Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "18.745", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HABT", 
-    "The Habit Restaurants, Inc.", 
-    "32.26", 
-    "$814.65M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAFC", 
-    "Hanmi Financial Corporation", 
-    "20.05", 
-    "$639.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAIN", 
-    "The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.", 
-    "62.12", 
-    "$6.32B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HALL", 
-    "Hallmark Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "10.87", 
-    "$207.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HALO", 
-    "Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "15.365", 
-    "$1.93B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HART          ", 
-    "Harvard Apparatus Regenerative Technology, Inc.", 
-    "3.32", 
-    "$26.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAS", 
-    "Hasbro, Inc.", 
-    "61.83", 
-    "$7.77B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAWK", 
-    "Blackhawk Network Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "38.15", 
-    "$2.02B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAWKB", 
-    "Blackhawk Network Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "37.71", 
-    "$2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HAYN", 
-    "Haynes International, Inc.", 
-    "41.54", 
-    "$517.02M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBAN", 
-    "Huntington Bancshares Incorporated", 
-    "10.72", 
-    "$8.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBANP", 
-    "Huntington Bancshares Incorporated", 
-    "1335", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBCP", 
-    "Home Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "21.06", 
-    "$149.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBHC", 
-    "Hancock Holding Company", 
-    "29.4", 
-    "$2.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBIO", 
-    "Harvard Bioscience, Inc.", 
-    "5.45", 
-    "$176.69M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBK", 
-    "Hamilton Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.99", 
-    "$44.4M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBMD", 
-    "Howard Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.24", 
-    "$54.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBNC", 
-    "Horizon Bancorp (IN)", 
-    "22.44", 
-    "$206.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBNK", 
-    "Hampden Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "20.9001", 
-    "$116.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBOS", 
-    "Heritage Financial Group", 
-    "25.11", 
-    "$230.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HBP", 
-    "Huttig Building Products, Inc.", 
-    "3.1", 
-    "$76.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCAC", 
-    "Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.04", 
-    "$144.33M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCACU", 
-    "Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "11.64", 
-    "$116.4M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCACW", 
-    "Hennessy Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.71", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCAP", 
-    "Harvest Capital Credit Corporation", 
-    "12.38", 
-    "$76.9M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCAPL", 
-    "Harvest Capital Credit Corporation", 
-    "25.6759", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCBK", 
-    "Hudson City Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.67", 
-    "$5.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCCI", 
-    "Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc.", 
-    "12.5", 
-    "$275.83M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCKT", 
-    "The Hackett Group, Inc.", 
-    "7.93", 
-    "$231.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCOM", 
-    "Hawaiian Telcom Holdco, Inc.", 
-    "26.44", 
-    "$282.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HCSG", 
-    "Healthcare Services Group, Inc.", 
-    "32.69", 
-    "$2.33B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDNG", 
-    "Hardinge, Inc.", 
-    "11.44", 
-    "$146.68M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDP", 
-    "Hortonworks, Inc.", 
-    "24.47", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDRA", 
-    "Hydra Industries Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.5", 
-    "$97.85M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDRAR", 
-    "Hydra Industries Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.2792", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDRAU", 
-    "Hydra Industries Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.86", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDRAW", 
-    "Hydra Industries Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.19", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDS", 
-    "HD Supply Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "29.62", 
-    "$5.81B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HDSN", 
-    "Hudson Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "3.87", 
-    "$123.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HEAR", 
-    "Turtle Beach Corporation", 
-    "2.57", 
-    "$108.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HEES", 
-    "H&E Equipment Services, Inc.", 
-    "22.2", 
-    "$782.18M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HELE", 
-    "Helen of Troy Limited", 
-    "77.56", 
-    "$2.2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HEOP", 
-    "Heritage Oaks Bancorp", 
-    "7.87", 
-    "$260.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HERO", 
-    "Hercules Offshore, Inc.", 
-    "0.8601", 
-    "$138.32M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HFBC", 
-    "HopFed Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.07", 
-    "$94.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HFBL", 
-    "Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana", 
-    "19.69", 
-    "$42.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HFFC", 
-    "HF Financial Corp.", 
-    "14.84", 
-    "$104.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HFWA", 
-    "Heritage Financial Corporation", 
-    "16.29", 
-    "$492.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HGSH", 
-    "China HGS Real Estate, Inc.", 
-    "3.2", 
-    "$144.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIBB", 
-    "Hibbett Sports, Inc.", 
-    "49.06", 
-    "$1.23B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIFS", 
-    "Hingham Institution for Savings", 
-    "100.75", 
-    "$214.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIHO", 
-    "Highway Holdings Limited", 
-    "3.463", 
-    "$13.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIIQ", 
-    "Health Insurance Innovations, Inc.", 
-    "7.77", 
-    "$114.13M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HILL", 
-    "Dot Hill Systems Corporation", 
-    "4.38", 
-    "$265.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HIMX", 
-    "Himax Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "7.75", 
-    "$1.33B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HKTV", 
-    "Hong Kong Television Network Limited", 
-    "8.01", 
-    "$324.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HLIT", 
-    "Harmonic Inc.", 
-    "7.9", 
-    "$695.67M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HLSS", 
-    "Home Loan Servicing Solutions, Ltd.", 
-    "16.76", 
-    "$1.19B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMHC", 
-    "Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company", 
-    "20.07", 
-    "$2.84B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Books", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMIN", 
-    "Homeinns Hotel Group", 
-    "29", 
-    "$1.39B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMNF", 
-    "HMN Financial, Inc.", 
-    "12.0286", 
-    "$53.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMNY", 
-    "Helios and Matheson Analytics Inc", 
-    "1.7856", 
-    "$4.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMPR", 
-    "Hampton Roads Bankshares Inc", 
-    "1.63", 
-    "$277.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMST", 
-    "HomeStreet, Inc.", 
-    "17.2", 
-    "$255.53M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMSY", 
-    "HMS Holdings Corp", 
-    "19.1", 
-    "$1.68B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HMTV", 
-    "Hemisphere Media Group, Inc.", 
-    "12.67", 
-    "$571.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HNH", 
-    "Handy & Harman Ltd.", 
-    "46.66", 
-    "$503.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HNNA", 
-    "Hennessy Advisors, Inc.", 
-    "22.6505", 
-    "$136.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HNRG", 
-    "Hallador Energy Company", 
-    "11.44", 
-    "$329.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Coal Mining", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HNSN", 
-    "Hansen Medical, Inc.", 
-    "1.09", 
-    "$144.44M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOFT", 
-    "Hooker Furniture Corporation", 
-    "18.5", 
-    "$199.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOLI", 
-    "Hollysys Automation Technologies, Ltd.", 
-    "18.93", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOLX", 
-    "Hologic, Inc.", 
-    "31.735", 
-    "$8.88B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Electronics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOMB", 
-    "Home BancShares, Inc.", 
-    "31.57", 
-    "$2.13B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOTR", 
-    "Chanticleer Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "2.7", 
-    "$19.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOTRW", 
-    "Chanticleer Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "0.2999", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HOVNP", 
-    "Hovnanian Enterprises Inc", 
-    "14.94", 
-    "$74.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HPJ", 
-    "Highpower International Inc", 
-    "5.38", 
-    "$80.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HPTX", 
-    "Hyperion Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "27.42", 
-    "$568.24M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HQCL", 
-    "Hanwha Q CELLS Co., Ltd. ", 
-    "1.1784", 
-    "$989.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HQY", 
-    "HealthEquity, Inc.", 
-    "19.42", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HRTX", 
-    "Heron Therapeutics, Inc.  ", 
-    "11.07", 
-    "$323.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HRZN", 
-    "Horizon Technology Finance Corporation", 
-    "14.03", 
-    "$135.06M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSGX", 
-    "Histogenics Corporation", 
-    "9.6", 
-    "$122.47M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSIC", 
-    "Henry Schein, Inc.", 
-    "142.55", 
-    "$11.95B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSII", 
-    "Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.", 
-    "23.21", 
-    "$423.45M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSKA", 
-    "Heska Corporation", 
-    "21.14", 
-    "$133.6M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSNI", 
-    "HSN, Inc.", 
-    "68.11", 
-    "$3.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSON", 
-    "Hudson Global, Inc.", 
-    "2.58", 
-    "$85.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HSTM", 
-    "HealthStream, Inc.", 
-    "26.46", 
-    "$731.21M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_13.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_13.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a907431..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_13.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "HTBI", 
-    "HomeTrust Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "16.01", 
-    "$326.58M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTBK", 
-    "Heritage Commerce Corp", 
-    "8.64", 
-    "$228.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTBX", 
-    "Heat Biologics, Inc.", 
-    "6.83", 
-    "$44.27M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTCH", 
-    "Hutchinson Technology Incorporated", 
-    "3.66", 
-    "$122.46M", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTHT", 
-    "China Lodging Group, Limited", 
-    "22.07", 
-    "$1.37B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTLD", 
-    "Heartland Express, Inc.", 
-    "25.49", 
-    "$2.24B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTLF", 
-    "Heartland Financial USA, Inc.", 
-    "29.45", 
-    "$544.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTWO", 
-    "HF2 Financial Management Inc.", 
-    "10.2", 
-    "$242.68M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HTWR", 
-    "Heartware International, Inc.", 
-    "89.49", 
-    "$1.52B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HUBG", 
-    "Hub Group, Inc.", 
-    "38.77", 
-    "$1.45B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HURC", 
-    "Hurco Companies, Inc.", 
-    "35.25", 
-    "$230.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HURN", 
-    "Huron Consulting Group Inc.", 
-    "77.8", 
-    "$1.78B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HWAY", 
-    "Healthways, Inc.", 
-    "21.15", 
-    "$748.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HWBK", 
-    "Hawthorn Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "15", 
-    "$78.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HWCC", 
-    "Houston Wire & Cable Company", 
-    "10.6", 
-    "$185.73M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HWKN", 
-    "Hawkins, Inc.", 
-    "38.61", 
-    "$411.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HYGS", 
-    "Hydrogenics Corporation", 
-    "13.83", 
-    "$139.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HYLS", 
-    "First Trust High Yield Long/Short ETF", 
-    "50.43", 
-    "$186.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HYND", 
-    "WisdomTree BofA Merrill Lynch High Yield Bond Negative Duratio", 
-    "21.75", 
-    "$8.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HYZD", 
-    "WisdomTree BofA Merrill Lynch High Yield Bond Zero Duration Fu", 
-    "24.24", 
-    "$21.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "HZNP", 
-    "Horizon Pharma plc", 
-    "18.53", 
-    "$2.2B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IACI", 
-    "IAC/InterActiveCorp", 
-    "67.06", 
-    "$5.62B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IART", 
-    "Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corporation", 
-    "56.99", 
-    "$1.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBB", 
-    "iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology Index Fund", 
-    "336.43", 
-    "$7.75B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBCP", 
-    "Independent Bank Corporation", 
-    "12.55", 
-    "$288.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBKC", 
-    "IBERIABANK Corporation", 
-    "62.57", 
-    "$2.09B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBKR", 
-    "Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.", 
-    "32.53", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBOC", 
-    "International Bancshares Corporation", 
-    "24.65", 
-    "$1.64B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IBTX", 
-    "Independent Bank Group, Inc", 
-    "36.95", 
-    "$628.78M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICAD", 
-    "icad inc.", 
-    "10.85", 
-    "$168.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICBK", 
-    "County Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "20.2108", 
-    "$111.11M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICCC", 
-    "ImmuCell Corporation", 
-    "6.6999", 
-    "$20.28M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICEL", 
-    "Cellular Dynamics International, Inc.", 
-    "5.36", 
-    "$84.76M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICFI", 
-    "ICF International, Inc.", 
-    "39.56", 
-    "$767.41M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICLD", 
-    "InterCloud Systems, Inc", 
-    "2.71", 
-    "$46.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICLDW", 
-    "InterCloud Systems, Inc", 
-    "1.575", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICLN", 
-    "iShares S&P Global Clean Energy Index Fund", 
-    "10.6101", 
-    "$68.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICLR", 
-    "ICON plc", 
-    "60.31", 
-    "$3.71B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICON", 
-    "Iconix Brand Group, Inc.", 
-    "34.96", 
-    "$1.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICPT", 
-    "Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "218.89", 
-    "$4.94B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ICUI", 
-    "ICU Medical, Inc.", 
-    "87.85", 
-    "$1.35B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDCC", 
-    "InterDigital, Inc.", 
-    "51.66", 
-    "$1.92B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDRA", 
-    "Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "4.66", 
-    "$549.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDSA", 
-    "Industrial Services of America, Inc.", 
-    "5.7499", 
-    "$45.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDSY", 
-    "I.D. Systems, Inc.", 
-    "6.73", 
-    "$86.19M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDTI", 
-    "Integrated Device Technology, Inc.", 
-    "20.84", 
-    "$3.09B", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IDXX", 
-    "IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "158.15", 
-    "$7.45B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IEP", 
-    "Icahn Enterprises L.P.", 
-    "98.95", 
-    "$12.02B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Integrated oil Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IESC", 
-    "Integrated Electrical Services, Inc.", 
-    "7.96", 
-    "$173.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IEUS", 
-    "iShares MSCI Europe Small-Cap ETF", 
-    "44.83", 
-    "$38.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFAS", 
-    "iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Asia Index Fund", 
-    "32.16", 
-    "$19.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFEU", 
-    "iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Europe Index Fund", 
-    "40.49", 
-    "$48.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFGL", 
-    "iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate ex-US Index Fund", 
-    "32.07", 
-    "$997.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFNA", 
-    "iShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT North America Index Fund", 
-    "59.748", 
-    "$23.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFON", 
-    "InfoSonics Corp", 
-    "1.78", 
-    "$25.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IFV", 
-    "First Trust Dorsey Wright International Focus 5 ETF", 
-    "19.51", 
-    "$26.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IGLD", 
-    "Internet Gold Golden Lines Ltd.", 
-    "4.38", 
-    "$84.11M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IGOV", 
-    "iShares S&P/Citigroup International Treasury Bond Fund", 
-    "93.86", 
-    "$483.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IGTE", 
-    "iGATE Corporation", 
-    "39.32", 
-    "$3.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "III", 
-    "Information Services Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.22", 
-    "$154.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IIIN", 
-    "Insteel Industries, Inc.", 
-    "21.5", 
-    "$395.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IIJI", 
-    "Internet Initiative Japan, Inc.", 
-    "9.75", 
-    "$895.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IILG", 
-    "Interval Leisure Group, Inc.", 
-    "25.84", 
-    "$1.48B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IIN", 
-    "IntriCon Corporation", 
-    "7.85", 
-    "$45.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IIVI", 
-    "II-VI Incorporated", 
-    "17.54", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IKAN", 
-    "Ikanos Communications, Inc.", 
-    "3.35", 
-    "$46.69M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IKGH", 
-    "Iao Kun Group Holding Company Limited", 
-    "1.39", 
-    "$84.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IKNX", 
-    "Ikonics Corporation", 
-    "18.15", 
-    "$36.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ILMN", 
-    "Illumina, Inc.", 
-    "203.135", 
-    "$29.21B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMDZ", 
-    "Immune Design Corp.", 
-    "24.18", 
-    "$408.13M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMGN", 
-    "ImmunoGen, Inc.", 
-    "7.62", 
-    "$656.14M", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMI", 
-    "Intermolecular, Inc.", 
-    "1.73", 
-    "$82.34M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMKTA", 
-    "Ingles Markets, Incorporated", 
-    "42.91", 
-    "$869.35M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMMR", 
-    "Immersion Corporation", 
-    "8.8", 
-    "$243.57M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMMU", 
-    "Immunomedics, Inc.", 
-    "3.99", 
-    "$372.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMMY", 
-    "Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7.68", 
-    "$71.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMNP          ", 
-    "Immune Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "1.81", 
-    "$34.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMOS", 
-    "ChipMOS TECHNOLOGIES (Bermuda) LTD.", 
-    "23.65", 
-    "$699.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IMRS", 
-    "Imris Inc", 
-    "0.8546", 
-    "$53.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INAP", 
-    "Internap Corporation", 
-    "9.04", 
-    "$386.44M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INBK", 
-    "First Internet Bancorp", 
-    "16.278", 
-    "$72.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INCR", 
-    "INC Research Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "25.61", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INCY", 
-    "Incyte Corporation", 
-    "82.49", 
-    "$14.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INDB", 
-    "Independent Bank Corp.", 
-    "41.81", 
-    "$1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INDY", 
-    "iShares S&P India Nifty 50 Index Fund", 
-    "32.8", 
-    "$941.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INFA", 
-    "Informatica Corporation", 
-    "43.9", 
-    "$4.77B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INFI", 
-    "Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "15.69", 
-    "$765.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INFN", 
-    "Infinera Corporation", 
-    "17.65", 
-    "$2.26B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INGN", 
-    "Inogen, Inc", 
-    "33.34", 
-    "$621.09M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ININ", 
-    "Interactive Intelligence Group, Inc.", 
-    "42.53", 
-    "$896.87M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INNL", 
-    "Innocoll AG", 
-    "8.01", 
-    "$158.62M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INO", 
-    "Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "6.88", 
-    "$416.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INOD", 
-    "Innodata Inc.", 
-    "2.7", 
-    "$68.41M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INOV", 
-    "Inovalon Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "29.84", 
-    "$4.31B", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INPH", 
-    "Interphase Corporation", 
-    "2.17", 
-    "$18.18M", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INSM", 
-    "Insmed, Inc.", 
-    "17.58", 
-    "$873.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INSY", 
-    "Insys Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "52.42", 
-    "$1.83B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTC", 
-    "Intel Corporation", 
-    "34.41", 
-    "$162.97B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTG", 
-    "The Intergroup Corporation", 
-    "19.6", 
-    "$46.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTL", 
-    "INTL FCStone Inc.", 
-    "25.2", 
-    "$475.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_14.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_14.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6514c95..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_14.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "INTLL", 
-    "INTL FCStone Inc.", 
-    "25.76", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTU", 
-    "Intuit Inc.", 
-    "96.72", 
-    "$26.76B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INTX", 
-    "Intersections, Inc.", 
-    "3.76", 
-    "$69.68M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INVE", 
-    "Identiv, Inc.", 
-    "11.35", 
-    "$120.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INVT", 
-    "Inventergy Global, Inc.", 
-    "0.51", 
-    "$13.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "INWK", 
-    "InnerWorkings, Inc.", 
-    "6.43", 
-    "$346.48M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IOSP", 
-    "Innospec Inc.", 
-    "43.95", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPAR", 
-    "Inter Parfums, Inc.", 
-    "27.31", 
-    "$845.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPAS", 
-    "iPass Inc.", 
-    "0.9", 
-    "$58.17M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPCC", 
-    "Infinity Property and Casualty Corporation", 
-    "75.47", 
-    "$867.55M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPCI", 
-    "Intellipharmaceutics International Inc.", 
-    "2.48", 
-    "$58.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPCM", 
-    "IPC Healthcare, Inc.", 
-    "41.71", 
-    "$718.35M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPDN", 
-    "Professional Diversity Network, Inc.", 
-    "4.88", 
-    "$61.58M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPGP", 
-    "IPG Photonics Corporation", 
-    "93.28", 
-    "$4.87B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPHS", 
-    "Innophos Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "56.92", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPKW", 
-    "PowerShares International BuyBack Achievers Portfolio", 
-    "26.0535", 
-    "$18.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPWR", 
-    "Ideal Power Inc.", 
-    "7.82", 
-    "$55.12M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IPXL", 
-    "Impax Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "40.35", 
-    "$2.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IQNT", 
-    "Inteliquent, Inc.", 
-    "17.94", 
-    "$594.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRBT", 
-    "iRobot Corporation", 
-    "31.46", 
-    "$933.49M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRCP", 
-    "IRSA Propiedades Comerciales S.A.", 
-    "23.01", 
-    "$724.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRDM", 
-    "Iridium Communications Inc", 
-    "9.58", 
-    "$898.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRDMB", 
-    "Iridium Communications Inc", 
-    "357.9", 
-    "$178.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRG", 
-    "Ignite Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "7.15", 
-    "$187.34M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRIX", 
-    "IRIDEX Corporation", 
-    "9.83", 
-    "$96.74M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRMD", 
-    "iRadimed Corporation", 
-    "14.7305", 
-    "$159.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IROQ", 
-    "IF Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.75", 
-    "$72.68M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IRWD", 
-    "Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "15.65", 
-    "$2.21B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISBC", 
-    "Investors Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.68", 
-    "$4.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISCA", 
-    "International Speedway Corporation", 
-    "31.98", 
-    "$1.49B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISHG", 
-    "iShares 1-3 Year International Treasury Bond ETF", 
-    "81.41", 
-    "$154.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISIG", 
-    "Insignia Systems, Inc.", 
-    "3.09", 
-    "$37.99M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISIL", 
-    "Intersil Corporation", 
-    "15.36", 
-    "$2B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISIS", 
-    "Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "67.01", 
-    "$7.92B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISLE", 
-    "Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc.", 
-    "10.44", 
-    "$417.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISM", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "24.01", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISNS", 
-    "Image Sensing Systems, Inc.", 
-    "2.43", 
-    "$12.12M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISRG", 
-    "Intuitive Surgical, Inc.", 
-    "513.31", 
-    "$18.79B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISRL", 
-    "Isramco, Inc.", 
-    "123", 
-    "$334.28M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISSC", 
-    "Innovative Solutions and Support, Inc.", 
-    "4.4", 
-    "$74.31M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISSI", 
-    "Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc.", 
-    "16.4", 
-    "$516.64M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ISTR", 
-    "Investar Holding Corporation", 
-    "14.6", 
-    "$105.91M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITCI", 
-    "Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc.", 
-    "25.65", 
-    "$754.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITEK", 
-    "Inotek Pharmaceuticals Corporation", 
-    "6.09", 
-    "$96.69M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITIC", 
-    "Investors Title Company", 
-    "73.81", 
-    "$149.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITRI", 
-    "Itron, Inc.", 
-    "35.13", 
-    "$1.37B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ITRN", 
-    "Ituran Location and Control Ltd.", 
-    "23.09", 
-    "$542.05M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IVAC", 
-    "Intevac, Inc.", 
-    "7", 
-    "$163.1M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IVAN", 
-    "Ivanhoe Energy, Inc.", 
-    "0.424", 
-    "$6.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "IXYS", 
-    "IXYS Corporation", 
-    "12.14", 
-    "$384.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JACK", 
-    "Jack In The Box Inc.", 
-    "97.99", 
-    "$3.73B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JAKK", 
-    "JAKKS Pacific, Inc.", 
-    "6.96", 
-    "$161.92M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JASN", 
-    "Jason Industries, Inc.", 
-    "8.01", 
-    "$176.15M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JASNW", 
-    "Jason Industries, Inc.", 
-    "1.07", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JASO", 
-    "JA Solar Holdings, Co., Ltd.", 
-    "8.63", 
-    "$392.66M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JAXB", 
-    "Jacksonville Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "10.4375", 
-    "$60.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JAZZ", 
-    "Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc", 
-    "172.42", 
-    "$10.43B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JBHT", 
-    "J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.", 
-    "85.15", 
-    "$9.98B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JBLU", 
-    "JetBlue Airways Corporation", 
-    "17.49", 
-    "$5.44B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JBSS", 
-    "John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.", 
-    "36.04", 
-    "$401.02M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JCOM", 
-    "j2 Global, Inc.", 
-    "67.16", 
-    "$3.21B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JCS", 
-    "Communications Systems, Inc.", 
-    "11.1", 
-    "$96.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JCTCF", 
-    "Jewett-Cameron Trading Company", 
-    "11.4239", 
-    "$29.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JD", 
-    ", Inc.", 
-    "28.21", 
-    "$38.43B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JDSU", 
-    "JDS Uniphase Corporation", 
-    "13.53", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JGBB", 
-    "WisdomTree Japan Interest Rate Strategy Fund", 
-    "49.4", 
-    "$4.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JIVE", 
-    "Jive Software, Inc.", 
-    "5.01", 
-    "$358.68M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JJSF", 
-    "J & J Snack Foods Corp.", 
-    "100.45", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JKHY", 
-    "Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.", 
-    "67.26", 
-    "$5.5B", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JMBA", 
-    "Jamba, Inc.", 
-    "14.98", 
-    "$260.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JOBS", 
-    "51job, Inc.", 
-    "33.77", 
-    "$1.99B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JOEZ", 
-    "Joe&#39;s Jeans Inc.", 
-    "0.21", 
-    "$14.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JOUT", 
-    "Johnson Outdoors Inc.", 
-    "29.5", 
-    "$295.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JRJC", 
-    "China Finance Online Co. Limited", 
-    "5.8655", 
-    "$130.38M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JRVR", 
-    "James River Group Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "21.82", 
-    "$622.75M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JSM", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "22.7", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JST", 
-    "Jinpan International Limited", 
-    "5.3699", 
-    "$88.17M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JTPY", 
-    "JetPay Corporation", 
-    "2.62", 
-    "$36.32M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JUNO", 
-    "Juno Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "45.52", 
-    "$4.12B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JVA", 
-    "Coffee Holding Co., Inc.", 
-    "5.05", 
-    "$32.6M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JXSB", 
-    "Jacksonville Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "23", 
-    "$41.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "JYNT", 
-    "The Joint Corp.", 
-    "7.19", 
-    "$69.92M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KALU", 
-    "Kaiser Aluminum Corporation", 
-    "75.34", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KANG", 
-    "iKang Healthcare Group, Inc.", 
-    "17.35", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KBAL", 
-    "Kimball International, Inc.", 
-    "9.27", 
-    "$360.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KBIO", 
-    "KaloBios Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.452", 
-    "$14.91M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KBSF", 
-    "KBS Fashion Group Limited", 
-    "3.65", 
-    "$92.77M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KCAP", 
-    "KCAP Financial, Inc.", 
-    "7.33", 
-    "$269.4M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KCLI", 
-    "Kansas City Life Insurance Company", 
-    "45.78", 
-    "$498.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KE", 
-    "Kimball Electronics, Inc.", 
-    "12.05", 
-    "$351.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KELYA", 
-    "Kelly Services, Inc.", 
-    "17.68", 
-    "$666.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KELYB", 
-    "Kelly Services, Inc.", 
-    "17.914", 
-    "$675.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KEQU", 
-    "Kewaunee Scientific Corporation", 
-    "17.84", 
-    "$46.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KERX", 
-    "Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "12.07", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KEYW", 
-    "The KEYW Holding Corporation", 
-    "8.77", 
-    "$329.67M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KFFB", 
-    "Kentucky First Federal Bancorp", 
-    "7.98", 
-    "$67.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KFRC", 
-    "Kforce, Inc.", 
-    "23.57", 
-    "$720.95M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KFX", 
-    "Kofax Limited", 
-    "6.79", 
-    "$626.01M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KGJI", 
-    "Kingold Jewelry Inc.", 
-    "1.06", 
-    "$69.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KIN", 
-    "Kindred Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "6.77", 
-    "$133.53M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_15.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_15.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8666c06..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_15.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "KINS", 
-    "Kingstone Companies, Inc", 
-    "7.5499", 
-    "$55.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KIRK", 
-    "Kirkland&#39;s, Inc.", 
-    "24.45", 
-    "$419.23M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KITE", 
-    "Kite Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "62.8", 
-    "$2.66B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KLAC", 
-    "KLA-Tencor Corporation", 
-    "64.97", 
-    "$10.57B", 
-    "1980", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KLIC", 
-    "Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc.", 
-    "16.06", 
-    "$1.23B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KLXI", 
-    "KLX Inc.", 
-    "39.28", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KMDA", 
-    "Kamada Ltd.", 
-    "4.57", 
-    "$164.47M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KNDI", 
-    "Kandi Technologies Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.62", 
-    "$630.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KONA", 
-    "Kona Grill, Inc.", 
-    "25.19", 
-    "$278.05M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KONE", 
-    "Kingtone Wirelessinfo Solution Holding Ltd", 
-    "3.38", 
-    "$4.75M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KOOL", 
-    "Cesca Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "0.938", 
-    "$37.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KOPN", 
-    "Kopin Corporation", 
-    "3.9", 
-    "$257.04M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KOSS", 
-    "Koss Corporation", 
-    "1.93", 
-    "$14.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KPTI", 
-    "Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "27.55", 
-    "$900.97M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KRFT", 
-    "Kraft Foods Group, Inc.", 
-    "64.42", 
-    "$37.88B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KRNY", 
-    "Kearny Financial", 
-    "13.38", 
-    "$901.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KTCC", 
-    "Key Tronic Corporation", 
-    "9.79", 
-    "$103.3M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KTEC", 
-    "Key Technology, Inc.", 
-    "12.53", 
-    "$78.17M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KTOS", 
-    "Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "5.84", 
-    "$337.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KTWO", 
-    "K2M Group Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "19.49", 
-    "$769.17M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KUTV", 
-    "Ku6 Media Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.9201", 
-    "$43.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KVHI", 
-    "KVH Industries, Inc.", 
-    "12.86", 
-    "$204.62M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KWEB", 
-    "KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF", 
-    "33.58", 
-    "$94.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KYTH", 
-    "Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "43.43", 
-    "$984.79M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "KZ", 
-    "KongZhong Corporation", 
-    "5.21", 
-    "$238.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LABC", 
-    "Louisiana Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "22", 
-    "$61.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LABL", 
-    "Multi-Color Corporation", 
-    "66.42", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LACO", 
-    "Lakes Entertainment, Inc.", 
-    "8.45", 
-    "$113.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAKE", 
-    "Lakeland Industries, Inc.", 
-    "10", 
-    "$70.47M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LALT", 
-    "PowerShares Multi-Strategy Alternative Portfolio", 
-    "23.28", 
-    "$20.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAMR", 
-    "Lamar Advertising Company", 
-    "58.24", 
-    "$6.41B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LANC", 
-    "Lancaster Colony Corporation", 
-    "90.76", 
-    "$2.48B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAND", 
-    "Gladstone Land Corporation", 
-    "10.6", 
-    "$82.19M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LARK", 
-    "Landmark Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "23.98", 
-    "$76.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAWS", 
-    "Lawson Products, Inc.", 
-    "24.65", 
-    "$214.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LAYN", 
-    "Layne Christensen Company", 
-    "7.6", 
-    "$150.02M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBAI", 
-    "Lakeland Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.1", 
-    "$420.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBIX", 
-    "Leading Brands Inc", 
-    "2.86", 
-    "$8.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBRDA", 
-    "Liberty Broadband Corporation", 
-    "50.61", 
-    "$4.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBRDK", 
-    "Liberty Broadband Corporation", 
-    "50.28", 
-    "$4.37B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBTYA", 
-    "Liberty Global plc", 
-    "53.25", 
-    "$47.24B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBTYB", 
-    "Liberty Global plc", 
-    "52.79", 
-    "$46.83B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LBTYK", 
-    "Liberty Global plc", 
-    "51.65", 
-    "$45.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LCNB", 
-    "LCNB Corporation", 
-    "15.12", 
-    "$140.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LCUT", 
-    "Lifetime Brands, Inc.", 
-    "16.06", 
-    "$219.76M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LDRH", 
-    "LDR Holding Corporation", 
-    "37.7", 
-    "$982.34M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LDRI", 
-    "PowerShares LadderRite 0-5 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio", 
-    "25.0299", 
-    "$5.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LE", 
-    "Lands&#39; End, Inc.", 
-    "35.32", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LECO", 
-    "Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "70.175", 
-    "$5.45B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LEDS", 
-    "SemiLEDS Corporation", 
-    "1.36", 
-    "$38.66M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LENS", 
-    "Presbia PLC", 
-    "7.125", 
-    "$95M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LEVY", 
-    "Levy Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.9899", 
-    "$187.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LEVYU", 
-    "Levy Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.33", 
-    "$193.69M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LEVYW", 
-    "Levy Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.6", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LFUS", 
-    "Littelfuse, Inc.", 
-    "98.71", 
-    "$2.22B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LFVN", 
-    "Lifevantage Corporation", 
-    "1", 
-    "$98.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGCY", 
-    "Legacy Reserves LP", 
-    "12.84", 
-    "$888.09M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGCYO", 
-    "Legacy Reserves LP", 
-    "20.6", 
-    "$144.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGCYP", 
-    "Legacy Reserves LP", 
-    "20.34", 
-    "$40.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGIH", 
-    "LGI Homes, Inc.", 
-    "13.7", 
-    "$284.46M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LGND", 
-    "Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated", 
-    "57.54", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LHCG", 
-    "LHC Group", 
-    "29.27", 
-    "$520.96M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LIME", 
-    "Lime Energy Co.", 
-    "2.4", 
-    "$22.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LINC", 
-    "Lincoln Educational Services Corporation", 
-    "2.22", 
-    "$53.4M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LINE", 
-    "Linn Energy, LLC", 
-    "12.75", 
-    "$4.28B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LION", 
-    "Fidelity Southern Corporation", 
-    "15.84", 
-    "$337.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LIOX", 
-    "Lionbridge Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "5.86", 
-    "$373.77M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LIQD", 
-    "Liquid Holdings Group, Inc.", 
-    "0.3625", 
-    "$21.87M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LIVE", 
-    "LiveDeal, Inc.", 
-    "3.14", 
-    "$50.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LJPC", 
-    "La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company", 
-    "18.69", 
-    "$284.57M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LKFN", 
-    "Lakeland Financial Corporation", 
-    "39.18", 
-    "$648.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LKQ", 
-    "LKQ Corporation", 
-    "27.38", 
-    "$8.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Motor Vehicles", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LLEX", 
-    "Lilis Energy, Inc.", 
-    "1.06", 
-    "$29.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LLNW", 
-    "Limelight Networks, Inc.", 
-    "3.25", 
-    "$319.51M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LLTC", 
-    "Linear Technology Corporation", 
-    "48.25", 
-    "$11.54B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMAT", 
-    "LeMaitre Vascular, Inc.", 
-    "7.63", 
-    "$132.54M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMBS", 
-    "First Trust Low Duration Mortgage Opportunities ETF", 
-    "50.64", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMCA", 
-    "Liberty Media Corporation", 
-    "38.5", 
-    "$13.21B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMCB", 
-    "Liberty Media Corporation", 
-    "39.391", 
-    "$13.51B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMCK", 
-    "Liberty Media Corporation", 
-    "38.49", 
-    "$13.2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMIA", 
-    "LMI Aerospace, Inc.", 
-    "14.38", 
-    "$182.6M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMNR", 
-    "Limoneira Co", 
-    "20.66", 
-    "$291.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMNS", 
-    "Lumenis Ltd.", 
-    "11.3", 
-    "$398.23M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMNX", 
-    "Luminex Corporation", 
-    "15.8", 
-    "$676.76M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMOS", 
-    "Lumos Networks Corp.", 
-    "18.04", 
-    "$405.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LMRK", 
-    "Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP", 
-    "16.66", 
-    "$130.58M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LNBB", 
-    "LNB Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "17.61", 
-    "$170.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LNCE", 
-    "Snyder&#39;s-Lance, Inc.", 
-    "30.77", 
-    "$2.16B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LNCO", 
-    "Linn Co, LLC", 
-    "12.01", 
-    "$1.54B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LNDC", 
-    "Landec Corporation", 
-    "14.16", 
-    "$380.56M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOAN", 
-    "Manhattan Bridge Capital, Inc", 
-    "3.52", 
-    "$21.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOCM", 
-    "Local Corporation", 
-    "0.6701", 
-    "$15.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOCO", 
-    "El Pollo Loco Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "24.78", 
-    "$915.59M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOGI", 
-    "Logitech International S.A.", 
-    "14.84", 
-    "$2.44B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOGM", 
-    "LogMein, Inc.", 
-    "53.54", 
-    "$1.31B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOJN", 
-    "LoJack Corporation", 
-    "2.47", 
-    "$46.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LONG", 
-    "eLong, Inc.", 
-    "16.71", 
-    "$588.52M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOOK", 
-    "LookSmart, Ltd.", 
-    "0.7132", 
-    "$4.11M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LOPE", 
-    "Grand Canyon Education, Inc.", 
-    "46.68", 
-    "$2.18B", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LORL", 
-    "Loral Space and Communications, Inc.", 
-    "72.67", 
-    "$2.25B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_16.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_16.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a53a77..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_16.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "LOXO", 
-    "Loxo Oncology, Inc.", 
-    "13.66", 
-    "$227.22M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPCN", 
-    "Lipocine Inc.", 
-    "6.0801", 
-    "$77.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPHI", 
-    "Life Partners Holdings Inc", 
-    "0.19", 
-    "$3.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPLA", 
-    "LPL Financial Holdings Inc.", 
-    "45.69", 
-    "$4.51B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPNT", 
-    "LifePoint Hospitals, Inc.", 
-    "70.18", 
-    "$3.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPSB", 
-    "LaPorte Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.05", 
-    "$74.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPSN", 
-    "LivePerson, Inc.", 
-    "11.44", 
-    "$625.23M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPTH", 
-    "LightPath Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "0.9921", 
-    "$15.11M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LPTN", 
-    "Lpath, Inc.", 
-    "3.04", 
-    "$58.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LQDT", 
-    "Liquidity Services, Inc.", 
-    "9.62", 
-    "$288.39M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LRAD", 
-    "LRAD Corporation", 
-    "2.62", 
-    "$87.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LRCX", 
-    "Lam Research Corporation", 
-    "83.84", 
-    "$13.36B", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LSBK", 
-    "Lake Shore Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.95", 
-    "$82.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LSCC", 
-    "Lattice Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "6.33", 
-    "$747.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LSTR", 
-    "Landstar System, Inc.", 
-    "70.44", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTBR", 
-    "Lightbridge Corporation", 
-    "1.25", 
-    "$22.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTRE", 
-    "Learning Tree International, Inc.", 
-    "1.75", 
-    "$23.14M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTRPA", 
-    "Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "32.95", 
-    "$2.33B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTRPB", 
-    "Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "34.5", 
-    "$2.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTRX", 
-    "Lantronix, Inc.", 
-    "1.8", 
-    "$26.9M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LTXB", 
-    "LegacyTexas Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$900.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LULU", 
-    "lululemon athletica inc.", 
-    "67.37", 
-    "$8.9B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LUNA", 
-    "Luna Innovations Incorporated", 
-    "1.4101", 
-    "$21.22M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LVNTA", 
-    "Liberty Interactive Corporation", 
-    "39.8", 
-    "$5.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LVNTB", 
-    "Liberty Interactive Corporation", 
-    "39.9341", 
-    "$5.64B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LWAY", 
-    "Lifeway Foods, Inc.", 
-    "19.43", 
-    "$317.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LXRX", 
-    "Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.93", 
-    "$673.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "LYTS", 
-    "LSI Industries Inc.", 
-    "7.93", 
-    "$191.48M", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Building Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MACK", 
-    "Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "11.01", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAG", 
-    "Magnetek, Inc.", 
-    "39.04", 
-    "$137.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAGS", 
-    "Magal Security Systems Ltd.", 
-    "5.16", 
-    "$83.95M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAMS", 
-    "MAM Software Group, Inc.", 
-    "5.9324", 
-    "$84.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MANH", 
-    "Manhattan Associates, Inc.", 
-    "51.33", 
-    "$3.81B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MANT", 
-    "ManTech International Corporation", 
-    "33.59", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAR", 
-    "Marriott International", 
-    "83", 
-    "$22.95B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MARA", 
-    "Marathon Patent Group, Inc.", 
-    "7.04", 
-    "$97.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MARK", 
-    "Remark Media, Inc.", 
-    "4.85", 
-    "$62.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MARPS", 
-    "Marine Petroleum Trust", 
-    "13.25", 
-    "$26.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MASI", 
-    "Masimo Corporation", 
-    "29.9", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAT", 
-    "Mattel, Inc.", 
-    "25.77", 
-    "$8.73B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MATR", 
-    "Mattersight Corporation", 
-    "7.35", 
-    "$163.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MATW", 
-    "Matthews International Corporation", 
-    "48.59", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MAYS", 
-    "J. W. Mays, Inc.", 
-    "51", 
-    "$102.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBCN", 
-    "Middlefield Banc Corp.", 
-    "33.5999", 
-    "$68.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBFI", 
-    "MB Financial Inc.", 
-    "31.07", 
-    "$2.32B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBFIP", 
-    "MB Financial Inc.", 
-    "27.2701", 
-    "$109.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBII", 
-    "Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc.", 
-    "3.74", 
-    "$91.25M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Agricultural Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBLX", 
-    "Metabolix, Inc.", 
-    "0.45", 
-    "$60.83M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBRG", 
-    "Middleburg Financial Corporation", 
-    "18.25", 
-    "$130.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBSD", 
-    "Flexshares Trust-Flexshares Disciplined Duration Mbs Index Fun", 
-    "25.3", 
-    "$5.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBTF", 
-    "M B T Financial Corp", 
-    "5.38", 
-    "$122.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBUU", 
-    "Malibu Boats, Inc.", 
-    "19.7", 
-    "$307.49M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBVT", 
-    "Merchants Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "28.74", 
-    "$181.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MBWM", 
-    "Mercantile Bank Corporation", 
-    "19.21", 
-    "$323.93M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCBC", 
-    "Macatawa Bank Corporation", 
-    "5.44", 
-    "$183.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCBK", 
-    "Madison County Financial, Inc.", 
-    "21", 
-    "$63.68M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCEP", 
-    "Mid-Con Energy Partners, LP", 
-    "6.07", 
-    "$141.65M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCGC", 
-    "MCG Capital Corporation", 
-    "3.97", 
-    "$151.4M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCHP", 
-    "Microchip Technology Incorporated", 
-    "50.925", 
-    "$10.26B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCHX", 
-    "Marchex, Inc.", 
-    "4.15", 
-    "$177.8M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCOX", 
-    "Mecox Lane Limited", 
-    "3.86", 
-    "$50.19M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCRI", 
-    "Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc.", 
-    "18.27", 
-    "$306.99M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCRL", 
-    "Micrel, Incorporated", 
-    "14.79", 
-    "$837.96M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MCUR", 
-    "10.2", 
-    "$166.26M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDAS", 
-    "MedAssets, Inc.", 
-    "19.73", 
-    "$1.19B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDCA", 
-    "MDC Partners Inc.", 
-    "25.51", 
-    "$1.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDCO", 
-    "The Medicines Company", 
-    "28.46", 
-    "$1.86B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDIV", 
-    "First Trust Exchange-Traded Fund VI Multi-Asset Diversified In", 
-    "21.44", 
-    "$979.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDLZ", 
-    "Mondelez International, Inc.", 
-    "36.97", 
-    "$62.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDM", 
-    "Mountain Province Diamonds Inc.", 
-    "3.46", 
-    "$467.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDRX", 
-    "Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "12.83", 
-    "$2.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDSO", 
-    "Medidata Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "47.42", 
-    "$2.57B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDSY", 
-    "ModSys International Ltd.", 
-    "2.6", 
-    "$30.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDVN", 
-    "Medivation, Inc.", 
-    "110", 
-    "$8.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDVX", 
-    "Medovex Corp.", 
-    "4.75", 
-    "$43.57M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDVXW", 
-    "Medovex Corp.", 
-    "0.19", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDWD", 
-    "MediWound Ltd.", 
-    "7.52", 
-    "$162.06M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MDXG", 
-    "MiMedx Group, Inc", 
-    "9.855", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEET", 
-    "MeetMe, Inc.", 
-    "1.79", 
-    "$80.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEIL", 
-    "1.5999", 
-    "$18.34M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEILW", 
-    "0.0514", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEILZ", 
-    "0.09", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEIP", 
-    "MEI Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "5.42", 
-    "$180.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MELA", 
-    "MELA Sciences, Inc", 
-    "2.09", 
-    "$12.62M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MELI", 
-    "MercadoLibre, Inc.", 
-    "130.92", 
-    "$5.78B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MELR", 
-    "Melrose Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.49", 
-    "$38.17M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEMP", 
-    "Memorial Production Partners LP", 
-    "17.41", 
-    "$1.51B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MENT", 
-    "Mentor Graphics Corporation", 
-    "25.3", 
-    "$2.91B", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MEOH", 
-    "Methanex Corporation", 
-    "51.96", 
-    "$4.81B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MERC", 
-    "Mercer International Inc.", 
-    "14.42", 
-    "$926.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Paper", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MERU", 
-    "Meru Networks, Inc.", 
-    "2.73", 
-    "$64.97M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "METR", 
-    "Metro Bancorp, Inc", 
-    "25.43", 
-    "$361.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFLX", 
-    "Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc.", 
-    "17.93", 
-    "$435.76M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFNC", 
-    "Mackinac Financial Corporation", 
-    "11.6", 
-    "$64.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFRI", 
-    "MFRI, Inc.", 
-    "6.75", 
-    "$49.21M", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Pollution Control Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFRM", 
-    "Mattress Firm Holding Corp.", 
-    "59.45", 
-    "$2.08B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MFSF", 
-    "MutualFirst Financial Inc.", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$161.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGCD", 
-    "MGC Diagnostics Corporation", 
-    "7.1167", 
-    "$30.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGEE", 
-    "MGE Energy Inc.", 
-    "43.41", 
-    "$1.5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGI", 
-    "Moneygram International, Inc.", 
-    "8.53", 
-    "$460.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_17.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_17.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c429e56..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_17.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "MGIC", 
-    "Magic Software Enterprises Ltd.", 
-    "6.87", 
-    "$303.19M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGLN", 
-    "Magellan Health, Inc.", 
-    "61.79", 
-    "$1.71B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGNX", 
-    "MacroGenics, Inc.", 
-    "35.86", 
-    "$996.73M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGPI", 
-    "MGP Ingredients, Inc.", 
-    "14.47", 
-    "$255.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGRC", 
-    "McGrath RentCorp", 
-    "31.65", 
-    "$821.63M", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MGYR", 
-    "Magyar Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "8.4", 
-    "$48.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MHGC", 
-    "Morgans Hotel Group Co.", 
-    "7.81", 
-    "$268.49M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MHLD", 
-    "Maiden Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "14.47", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MHLDO", 
-    "Maiden Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "51.99", 
-    "$171.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MICT", 
-    "Micronet Enertec Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "3.27", 
-    "$19.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MICTW", 
-    "Micronet Enertec Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "0.6501", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MIDD", 
-    "The Middleby Corporation", 
-    "109", 
-    "$6.24B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MIFI", 
-    "Novatel Wireless, Inc.", 
-    "4.97", 
-    "$221.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MIK", 
-    "The Michaels Companies, Inc.", 
-    "27.84", 
-    "$5.69B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MIND", 
-    "Mitcham Industries, Inc.", 
-    "6.52", 
-    "$78.79M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MINI", 
-    "Mobile Mini, Inc.", 
-    "41.79", 
-    "$1.93B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MITK", 
-    "Mitek Systems, Inc.", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "$104.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MITL", 
-    "Mitel Networks Corporation", 
-    "10.07", 
-    "$1.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MKSI", 
-    "MKS Instruments, Inc.", 
-    "35.8", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MKTO", 
-    "Marketo, Inc.", 
-    "27.53", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MKTX", 
-    "MarketAxess Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "78.97", 
-    "$2.95B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLAB", 
-    "Mesa Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "73.33", 
-    "$259.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLHR", 
-    "Herman Miller, Inc.", 
-    "31.36", 
-    "$1.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLNK", 
-    "ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc", 
-    "3.73", 
-    "$194.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLNX", 
-    "Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.", 
-    "46.47", 
-    "$2.1B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MLVF", 
-    "Malvern Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.32", 
-    "$80.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MMAC", 
-    "MMA Capital Management, LLC", 
-    "9.1601", 
-    "$66.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MMLP", 
-    "Martin Midstream Partners L.P.", 
-    "30.34", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MMSI", 
-    "Merit Medical Systems, Inc.", 
-    "17.84", 
-    "$774.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MMYT", 
-    "MakeMyTrip Limited", 
-    "25.02", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNDO", 
-    "MIND C.T.I. Ltd.", 
-    "3.49", 
-    "$66.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNGA", 
-    "MagneGas Corporation", 
-    "0.8335", 
-    "$30.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNKD", 
-    "MannKind Corporation", 
-    "6.9", 
-    "$2.8B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNOV", 
-    "MediciNova, Inc.", 
-    "3.51", 
-    "$85.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNRK", 
-    "Monarch Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "12.37", 
-    "$131.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNRO", 
-    "Monro Muffler Brake, Inc.", 
-    "63.33", 
-    "$2.01B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNST", 
-    "Monster Beverage Corporation", 
-    "121.26", 
-    "$20.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNTA", 
-    "Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "13.01", 
-    "$690.19M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MNTX", 
-    "Manitex International, Inc.", 
-    "11.36", 
-    "$181.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOBI", 
-    "Sky-mobi Limited", 
-    "4.07", 
-    "$112.38M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOBL", 
-    "MobileIron, Inc.", 
-    "8.8", 
-    "$668.62M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOCO", 
-    "MOCON, Inc.", 
-    "16.45", 
-    "$93.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOFG", 
-    "MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "28.26", 
-    "$235.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOKO", 
-    "Moko Social Media Ltd.", 
-    "5.2", 
-    "$78.07M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOLG", 
-    "MOL Global, Inc.", 
-    "2.52", 
-    "$170.1M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOMO", 
-    "Momo Inc.", 
-    "11.5", 
-    "$2.14B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MORN", 
-    "Morningstar, Inc.", 
-    "77.13", 
-    "$3.44B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MOSY", 
-    "MoSys, Inc.", 
-    "1.94", 
-    "$96.57M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPAA", 
-    "Motorcar Parts of America, Inc.", 
-    "22.95", 
-    "$412.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPB", 
-    "Mid Penn Bancorp", 
-    "15.57", 
-    "$54.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPEL", 
-    "Melco Crown Entertainment Limited", 
-    "27.46", 
-    "$15.13B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPET", 
-    "Magellan Petroleum Corporation", 
-    "0.879", 
-    "$40.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MPWR", 
-    "Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.", 
-    "51.99", 
-    "$2.01B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRCC", 
-    "Monroe Capital Corporation", 
-    "14.74", 
-    "$140.29M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRCY", 
-    "Mercury Systems Inc", 
-    "17.06", 
-    "$582.59M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRD", 
-    "Memorial Resource Development Corp.", 
-    "19.3", 
-    "$3.74B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRGE", 
-    "Merge Healthcare Incorporated.", 
-    "4.47", 
-    "$440.75M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRKT", 
-    "Markit Ltd.", 
-    "26.35", 
-    "$4.79B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRLN", 
-    "Marlin Business Services Corp.", 
-    "18.83", 
-    "$241.41M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRNS", 
-    "Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "11.65", 
-    "$163.19M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRTN", 
-    "Marten Transport, Ltd.", 
-    "23.01", 
-    "$768.67M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRTX", 
-    "Mirati Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "23.7", 
-    "$382.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRVC", 
-    "MRV Communications, Inc.", 
-    "9.951", 
-    "$73.26M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MRVL", 
-    "Marvell Technology Group Ltd.", 
-    "16.29", 
-    "$8.33B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSBF", 
-    "MSB Financial Corp.", 
-    "10.7199", 
-    "$53.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSCC", 
-    "Microsemi Corporation", 
-    "31.14", 
-    "$2.96B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSEX", 
-    "Middlesex Water Company", 
-    "22.7", 
-    "$365.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSFG", 
-    "MainSource Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "19.14", 
-    "$415.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSFT", 
-    "Microsoft Corporation", 
-    "43.855", 
-    "$359.78B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSG", 
-    "The Madison Square Garden Company", 
-    "78.53", 
-    "$6.03B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSLI", 
-    "Merus Labs International Inc.", 
-    "1.88", 
-    "$152.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSON", 
-    "MISONIX, Inc.", 
-    "12.25", 
-    "$93.55M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MSTR", 
-    "MicroStrategy Incorporated", 
-    "179.55", 
-    "$2.03B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTBC", 
-    "Medical Transcription Billing, Corp.", 
-    "2.6999", 
-    "$29.7M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTEX", 
-    "Mannatech, Incorporated", 
-    "23.3", 
-    "$62.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTGE", 
-    "American Capital Mortgage Investment Corp.", 
-    "18.27", 
-    "$934.37M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTGEP", 
-    "American Capital Mortgage Investment Corp.", 
-    "25.24", 
-    "$50.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTLS", 
-    "Materialise NV", 
-    "8", 
-    "$376.58M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTRX", 
-    "Matrix Service Company", 
-    "18.67", 
-    "$498.69M", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTSC", 
-    "MTS Systems Corporation", 
-    "72.06", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTSI", 
-    "M/A-COM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "34.25", 
-    "$1.83B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTSL", 
-    "MER Telemanagement Solutions Ltd.", 
-    "1.6", 
-    "$7.45M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MTSN", 
-    "Mattson Technology, Inc.", 
-    "4.62", 
-    "$340.97M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MU", 
-    "Micron Technology, Inc.", 
-    "32.03", 
-    "$34.51B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MULT", 
-    "Advisorshares Trust-Advisorshares Sunrise Global Multi-Strateg", 
-    "23.25", 
-    "$2.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MVIS", 
-    "Microvision, Inc.", 
-    "2", 
-    "$88.9M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MWIV", 
-    "MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc.", 
-    "189.9", 
-    "$2.45B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MXIM", 
-    "Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.", 
-    "34.6", 
-    "$9.79B", 
-    "1988", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MXWL", 
-    "Maxwell Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "6.87", 
-    "$205.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MYGN", 
-    "Myriad Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "34.32", 
-    "$2.44B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MYL", 
-    "Mylan Inc.", 
-    "57.87", 
-    "$21.66B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MYOS", 
-    "MYOS Corporation", 
-    "5.46", 
-    "$15.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MYRG", 
-    "MYR Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.24", 
-    "$545.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "MZOR", 
-    "Mazor Robotics Ltd.", 
-    "11.5", 
-    "$240.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAII", 
-    "Natural Alternatives International, Inc.", 
-    "5.28", 
-    "$36.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAME", 
-    "Rightside Group, Ltd.", 
-    "7.3", 
-    "$135M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NANO", 
-    "Nanometrics Incorporated", 
-    "17.39", 
-    "$420.11M", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NATH", 
-    "Nathan&#39;s Famous, Inc.", 
-    "76.25", 
-    "$342.87M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NATI", 
-    "National Instruments Corporation", 
-    "31.3", 
-    "$4.01B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NATL", 
-    "National Interstate Corporation", 
-    "26.19", 
-    "$518.07M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_18.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_18.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cc07d8a..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_18.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "NATR", 
-    "Nature&#39;s Sunshine Products, Inc.", 
-    "13.85", 
-    "$259.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAUH", 
-    "National American University Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "3.2716", 
-    "$82.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAVG", 
-    "The Navigators Group, Inc.", 
-    "72.62", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NAVI", 
-    "Navient Corporation", 
-    "21.72", 
-    "$8.91B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBBC", 
-    "NewBridge Bancorp", 
-    "8.62", 
-    "$320.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBIX", 
-    "Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "39.4", 
-    "$3.04B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBN", 
-    "Northeast Bancorp", 
-    "9.18", 
-    "$90.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBS", 
-    "Neostem, Inc.", 
-    "4.07", 
-    "$145.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBTB", 
-    "NBT Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "24.35", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NBTF", 
-    "29.96", 
-    "$102.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NCIT", 
-    "NCI, Inc.", 
-    "11.75", 
-    "$152.82M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NCLH", 
-    "Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.", 
-    "47.77", 
-    "$9.71B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NCMI", 
-    "National CineMedia, Inc.", 
-    "15", 
-    "$913.06M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NCTY", 
-    "The9 Limited", 
-    "1.49", 
-    "$34.49M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NDAQ", 
-    "The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.", 
-    "50.94", 
-    "$8.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NDLS", 
-    "Noodles & Company", 
-    "18.9", 
-    "$563.02M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NDRM", 
-    "NeuroDerm Ltd.", 
-    "11.58", 
-    "$196.82M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NDSN", 
-    "Nordson Corporation", 
-    "78.46", 
-    "$4.86B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NECB", 
-    "Northeast Community Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "6.92", 
-    "$85.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEO", 
-    "NeoGenomics, Inc.", 
-    "4.44", 
-    "$266.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Precision Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEOG", 
-    "Neogen Corporation", 
-    "49.34", 
-    "$1.82B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEON", 
-    "Neonode Inc.", 
-    "3.01", 
-    "$121.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEOT", 
-    "Neothetics, Inc.", 
-    "6.805", 
-    "$92.69M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEPT", 
-    "Neptune Technologies & Bioresources Inc", 
-    "1.82", 
-    "$136.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NERV", 
-    "Minerva Neurosciences, Inc", 
-    "5.32", 
-    "$98.1M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NETE", 
-    "Net Element, Inc.", 
-    "1.25", 
-    "$57.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEWP", 
-    "Newport Corporation", 
-    "20.11", 
-    "$801.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEWS", 
-    "NewStar Financial, Inc.", 
-    "9.87", 
-    "$469.84M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NEWT", 
-    "Newtek Business Services Corp.", 
-    "16.1", 
-    "$121.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NFBK", 
-    "Northfield Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "14.445", 
-    "$707.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NFEC", 
-    "NF Energy Saving Corporation", 
-    "2.09", 
-    "$11.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NFLX", 
-    "Netflix, Inc.", 
-    "478.2", 
-    "$28.93B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Video Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NGHC", 
-    "National General Holdings Corp", 
-    "18.4", 
-    "$1.72B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NGHCP", 
-    "National General Holdings Corp", 
-    "25.62", 
-    "$56.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NHTB", 
-    "New Hampshire Thrift Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "15.43", 
-    "$127.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NHTC", 
-    "Natural Health Trends Corp.", 
-    "13.5", 
-    "$172.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NICE", 
-    "NICE-Systems Limited", 
-    "58.88", 
-    "$3.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NICK", 
-    "Nicholas Financial, Inc.", 
-    "14.89", 
-    "$183.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NILE", 
-    "Blue Nile, Inc.", 
-    "29.27", 
-    "$346.72M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NKSH", 
-    "National Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "29.72", 
-    "$206.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NKTR", 
-    "Nektar Therapeutics", 
-    "13.61", 
-    "$1.75B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NLNK", 
-    "NewLink Genetics Corporation", 
-    "39.75", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NLST", 
-    "Netlist, Inc.", 
-    "1.43", 
-    "$59.35M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NMIH", 
-    "NMI Holdings Inc", 
-    "7.54", 
-    "$440.06M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NMRX", 
-    "Numerex Corp.", 
-    "11.3", 
-    "$214.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NNBR", 
-    "NN, Inc.", 
-    "27.1", 
-    "$513.74M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NPBC", 
-    "National Penn Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "10.64", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NPSP", 
-    "NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "45.97", 
-    "$4.99B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NRCIA", 
-    "National Research Corporation", 
-    "14.04", 
-    "$342.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NRCIB", 
-    "National Research Corporation", 
-    "33.02", 
-    "$804.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NRIM", 
-    "Northrim BanCorp Inc", 
-    "22.36", 
-    "$152.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NRX", 
-    "NephroGenex, Inc.", 
-    "6.3", 
-    "$55.83M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSEC", 
-    "National Security Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.11", 
-    "$32.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSIT", 
-    "Insight Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "26.1", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSPH", 
-    "Nanosphere, Inc.", 
-    "0.2935", 
-    "$34.43M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSSC", 
-    "NAPCO Security Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "5.36", 
-    "$102.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSTG", 
-    "NanoString Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "12.28", 
-    "$223.53M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NSYS", 
-    "Nortech Systems Incorporated", 
-    "5.58", 
-    "$15.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTAP", 
-    "NetApp, Inc.", 
-    "38.2", 
-    "$11.91B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTCT", 
-    "NetScout Systems, Inc.", 
-    "39.13", 
-    "$1.61B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTES", 
-    "NetEase, Inc.", 
-    "110.08", 
-    "$14.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTGR", 
-    "NETGEAR, Inc.", 
-    "32.22", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTIC", 
-    "Northern Technologies International Corporation", 
-    "20.9", 
-    "$94.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTK", 
-    "Nortek Inc.", 
-    "80.31", 
-    "$1.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTLS", 
-    "NTELOS Holdings Corp.", 
-    "4.97", 
-    "$107.38M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTRI", 
-    "NutriSystem Inc", 
-    "17.56", 
-    "$505.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTRS", 
-    "Northern Trust Corporation", 
-    "70.08", 
-    "$16.5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTRSP", 
-    "Northern Trust Corporation", 
-    "25.61", 
-    "$409.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NTWK", 
-    "NetSol Technologies Inc.", 
-    "5.8", 
-    "$56.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NUAN", 
-    "Nuance Communications, Inc.", 
-    "14.025", 
-    "$4.56B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NURO", 
-    "NeuroMetrix, Inc.", 
-    "1.72", 
-    "$13.66M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NUTR", 
-    "Nutraceutical International Corporation", 
-    "17.82", 
-    "$171.7M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NUVA", 
-    "NuVasive, Inc.", 
-    "47.98", 
-    "$2.26B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVAX", 
-    "Novavax, Inc.", 
-    "9.51", 
-    "$2.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVCN", 
-    "Neovasc Inc.", 
-    "9.54", 
-    "$613.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVDA", 
-    "NVIDIA Corporation", 
-    "22.335", 
-    "$12.14B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVDQ", 
-    "Novadaq Technologies Inc", 
-    "15.35", 
-    "$853.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVEC", 
-    "NVE Corporation", 
-    "63.38", 
-    "$307.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVEE", 
-    "NV5 Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "12.3", 
-    "$70.75M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVET", 
-    "Nexvet Biopharma plc", 
-    "9.5", 
-    "$105.26M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVFY", 
-    "Nova Lifestyle, Inc", 
-    "2.5997", 
-    "$54.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVGN", 
-    "Novogen Limited", 
-    "2.76", 
-    "$18.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVMI", 
-    "Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd.", 
-    "11.45", 
-    "$317.49M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NVSL", 
-    "Naugatuck Valley Financial Corporation", 
-    "9.089", 
-    "$63.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWBI", 
-    "Northwest Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "11.76", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWBO", 
-    "Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "6.37", 
-    "$396.33M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWBOW", 
-    "Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "3.2499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWFL", 
-    "Norwood Financial Corp.", 
-    "28.6001", 
-    "$104.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWLI", 
-    "National Western Life Insurance Company", 
-    "252.91", 
-    "$919.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Life Insurance", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWPX", 
-    "Northwest Pipe Company", 
-    "25.11", 
-    "$239.05M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWS", 
-    "News Corporation", 
-    "16.67", 
-    "$9.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NWSA", 
-    "News Corporation", 
-    "17.14", 
-    "$9.95B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXPI", 
-    "NXP Semiconductors N.V.", 
-    "84.66", 
-    "$19.54B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXST", 
-    "Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.", 
-    "54.21", 
-    "$1.67B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXTD", 
-    "NXT-ID Inc.", 
-    "2.67", 
-    "$65.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXTDW", 
-    "NXT-ID Inc.", 
-    "1", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NXTM", 
-    "NxStage Medical, Inc.", 
-    "17.77", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NYMT", 
-    "New York Mortgage Trust, Inc.", 
-    "7.79", 
-    "$706.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NYMTP", 
-    "New York Mortgage Trust, Inc.", 
-    "24.68", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "NYMX", 
-    "Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation", 
-    "0.41", 
-    "$14.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_19.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_19.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ed9ce..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_19.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "NYNY", 
-    "Empire Resorts, Inc.", 
-    "6.2", 
-    "$244.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OBAS", 
-    "Optibase Ltd.", 
-    "6.18", 
-    "$32.03M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OBCI", 
-    "Ocean Bio-Chem, Inc.", 
-    "5.36", 
-    "$47.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCC", 
-    "Optical Cable Corporation", 
-    "5.13", 
-    "$35.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCFC", 
-    "OceanFirst Financial Corp.", 
-    "16.84", 
-    "$295.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCLR", 
-    "Oclaro, Inc.", 
-    "1.51", 
-    "$164.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCLS", 
-    "Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.913", 
-    "$13.61M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCLSW", 
-    "Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.265", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCRX", 
-    "Ocera Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "6", 
-    "$118.45M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OCUL", 
-    "Ocular Therapeutix, Inc.", 
-    "31.37", 
-    "$668.88M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ODFL", 
-    "Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.", 
-    "77.775", 
-    "$6.7B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ODP", 
-    "Office Depot, Inc.", 
-    "9.49", 
-    "$5.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OFED", 
-    "Oconee Federal Financial Corp.", 
-    "20.6526", 
-    "$120.5M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OFIX", 
-    "Orthofix International N.V.", 
-    "31.99", 
-    "$589.78M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OFLX", 
-    "Omega Flex, Inc.", 
-    "30.84", 
-    "$311.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OFS", 
-    "OFS Capital Corporation", 
-    "11.6701", 
-    "$112.48M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OGXI", 
-    "OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "2.27", 
-    "$48.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OHAI", 
-    "OHA Investment Corporation", 
-    "4.75", 
-    "$97.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OHGI", 
-    "One Horizon Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.7966", 
-    "$59.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OHRP", 
-    "Ohr Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7.15", 
-    "$212.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OIIM", 
-    "O2Micro International Limited", 
-    "2.54", 
-    "$67.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OKSB", 
-    "Southwest Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.62", 
-    "$323.36M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OLBK", 
-    "Old Line Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "14.4", 
-    "$155.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OLED", 
-    "Universal Display Corporation", 
-    "35.94", 
-    "$1.64B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMAB", 
-    "Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte S.A.B. de C.V.", 
-    "37.69", 
-    "$1.86B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMCL", 
-    "Omnicell, Inc.", 
-    "35.21", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMED", 
-    "OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "27.05", 
-    "$806.96M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMER", 
-    "Omeros Corporation", 
-    "21.25", 
-    "$799.56M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OMEX", 
-    "Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.", 
-    "0.7494", 
-    "$63.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONB", 
-    "Old National Bancorp", 
-    "14.03", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONCE", 
-    "Spark Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "51.44", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONCY", 
-    "Oncolytics Biotech, Inc.", 
-    "0.665", 
-    "$62.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONEQ", 
-    "Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Tracker Stock", 
-    "194.5468", 
-    "$447.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONFC", 
-    "Oneida Financial Corp.", 
-    "13.12", 
-    "$92.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONNN", 
-    "ON Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "12.02", 
-    "$5.24B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONTX", 
-    "Onconova Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "2.38", 
-    "$51.63M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONTY", 
-    "Oncothyreon Inc.", 
-    "1.55", 
-    "$141.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ONVI", 
-    "Onvia, Inc.", 
-    "4.51", 
-    "$33.36M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPB", 
-    "Opus Bank", 
-    "28.49", 
-    "$800.6M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPHC", 
-    "OptimumBank Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "1.043", 
-    "$9.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPHT", 
-    "Ophthotech Corporation", 
-    "55.82", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPOF", 
-    "Old Point Financial Corporation", 
-    "14.96", 
-    "$74.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPTT", 
-    "Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "0.53", 
-    "$9.58M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OPXA", 
-    "Opexa Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "0.73", 
-    "$20.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORBC", 
-    "ORBCOMM Inc.", 
-    "5.71", 
-    "$388.99M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORBK", 
-    "Orbotech Ltd.", 
-    "16.2", 
-    "$672.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OREX", 
-    "Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "5.96", 
-    "$734.07M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORIG", 
-    "Ocean Rig UDW Inc.", 
-    "8.61", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORIT", 
-    "Oritani Financial Corp.", 
-    "14.33", 
-    "$632.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORLY", 
-    "O&#39;Reilly Automotive, Inc.", 
-    "205.84", 
-    "$20.88B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORMP", 
-    "Oramed Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "4.7", 
-    "$50.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORPN", 
-    "Bio Blast Pharma Ltd.", 
-    "6.91", 
-    "$98.33M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ORRF", 
-    "Orrstown Financial Services Inc", 
-    "16.77", 
-    "$138.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSBC", 
-    "Old Second Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "5.52", 
-    "$162.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSBCP", 
-    "Old Second Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "10", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSHC", 
-    "Ocean Shore Holding Co.", 
-    "14.39", 
-    "$92.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSIR", 
-    "Osiris Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "16.52", 
-    "$566.97M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSIS", 
-    "OSI Systems, Inc.", 
-    "72.5", 
-    "$1.44B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSM", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "24.49", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSN", 
-    "Ossen Innovation Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.75", 
-    "$14.93M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSTK", 
-    ", Inc.", 
-    "21.33", 
-    "$512.71M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OSUR", 
-    "OraSure Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "7.84", 
-    "$439.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTEL", 
-    "Otelco Inc.", 
-    "5.0372", 
-    "$15.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTEX", 
-    "Open Text Corporation", 
-    "59.75", 
-    "$7.3B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTIC", 
-    "Otonomy, Inc.", 
-    "33.31", 
-    "$802.96M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTIV", 
-    "On Track Innovations Ltd", 
-    "1.41", 
-    "$47.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OTTR", 
-    "Otter Tail Corporation", 
-    "32.42", 
-    "$1.19B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OUTR", 
-    "Outerwall Inc.", 
-    "67.27", 
-    "$1.28B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OVAS", 
-    "Ovascience Inc.", 
-    "46.05", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OVBC", 
-    "Ohio Valley Banc Corp.", 
-    "23.72", 
-    "$97.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OVLY", 
-    "Oak Valley Bancorp (CA)", 
-    "10.08", 
-    "$81.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OVTI", 
-    "OmniVision Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "26.64", 
-    "$1.54B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXBR", 
-    "Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited", 
-    "6.12", 
-    "$36.72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXBRW", 
-    "Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited", 
-    "1.35", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXFD", 
-    "Oxford Immunotec Global PLC", 
-    "13.26", 
-    "$233.53M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXGN", 
-    "OXiGENE, Inc.", 
-    "1.74", 
-    "$36.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXLC", 
-    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
-    "15.47", 
-    "$242.93M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXLCN", 
-    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
-    "25.3", 
-    "$28.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXLCO", 
-    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
-    "24.47", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OXLCP", 
-    "Oxford Lane Capital Corp.", 
-    "25.483", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "OZRK", 
-    "Bank of the Ozarks", 
-    "35.5", 
-    "$2.83B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PAAS", 
-    "Pan American Silver Corp.", 
-    "10", 
-    "$1.52B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PACB", 
-    "Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.", 
-    "6.85", 
-    "$506.4M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PACW", 
-    "PacWest Bancorp", 
-    "45.55", 
-    "$4.69B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PAGG", 
-    "PowerShares Global Agriculture Portfolio", 
-    "30.79", 
-    "$70.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PAHC", 
-    "Phibro Animal Health Corporation", 
-    "34.5", 
-    "$1.35B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PANL", 
-    "Pangaea Logistics Solutions Ltd.", 
-    "2.6292", 
-    "$26.29", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PARN", 
-    "Parnell Pharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd", 
-    "4.4966", 
-    "$59.73M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PATI", 
-    "Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.", 
-    "23.2", 
-    "$75.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PATK", 
-    "Patrick Industries, Inc.", 
-    "59.1", 
-    "$607.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Forest Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PAYX", 
-    "Paychex, Inc.", 
-    "49.555", 
-    "$18B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBCP", 
-    "Polonia Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "10.4985", 
-    "$35.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBCT", 
-    "People&#39;s United Financial, Inc.", 
-    "14.97", 
-    "$4.61B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBHC", 
-    "Pathfinder Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.82", 
-    "$42.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBIB", 
-    "Porter Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "0.8901", 
-    "$13.25M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBIP", 
-    "Prudential Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.22", 
-    "$113.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBMD", 
-    "Prima BioMed Ltd", 
-    "0.8", 
-    "$32.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBPB", 
-    "Potbelly Corporation", 
-    "15.34", 
-    "$444.32M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PBSK", 
-    "Poage Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "15", 
-    "$58.23M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCAR", 
-    "PACCAR Inc.", 
-    "64.59", 
-    "$22.87B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_2.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_2.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dee177..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_2.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "AROW", 
-    "Arrow Financial Corporation", 
-    "26.31", 
-    "$331.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARQL", 
-    "ArQule, Inc.", 
-    "1.35", 
-    "$84.74M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARRS", 
-    "ARRIS Group, Inc.", 
-    "28.59", 
-    "$4.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARRY", 
-    "Array BioPharma Inc.", 
-    "8.24", 
-    "$1.15B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARTNA", 
-    "Artesian Resources Corporation", 
-    "21.59", 
-    "$192.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARTW", 
-    "Art&#39;s-Way Manufacturing Co., Inc.", 
-    "4.68", 
-    "$18.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARTX", 
-    "Arotech Corporation", 
-    "2.61", 
-    "$63.8M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARUN", 
-    "Aruba Networks, Inc.", 
-    "18.43", 
-    "$2.02B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ARWR", 
-    "Arrowhead Research Corporation", 
-    "7.38", 
-    "$404.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASBB", 
-    "ASB Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "20.4", 
-    "$89.32M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASBI", 
-    "Ameriana Bancorp", 
-    "15.831", 
-    "$47.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASCMA", 
-    "Ascent Capital Group, Inc.", 
-    "46.18", 
-    "$636.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASEI", 
-    "American Science and Engineering, Inc.", 
-    "51.52", 
-    "$380.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Electronics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASFI", 
-    "Asta Funding, Inc.", 
-    "8.44", 
-    "$109.6M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASMB", 
-    "Assembly Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "14.95", 
-    "$159.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASMI", 
-    "ASM International N.V.", 
-    "44.23", 
-    "$2.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASML", 
-    "ASML Holding N.V.", 
-    "104.85", 
-    "$45.39B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASNA", 
-    "Ascena Retail Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.16", 
-    "$2.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASND", 
-    "Ascendis Pharma A/S", 
-    "19.34", 
-    "$443.58M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASPS", 
-    "Altisource Portfolio Solutions S.A.", 
-    "23.2", 
-    "$470.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASPX", 
-    "Auspex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "70.25", 
-    "$2.2B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASRV", 
-    "AmeriServ Financial Inc.", 
-    "2.95", 
-    "$55.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASRVP", 
-    "AmeriServ Financial Inc.", 
-    "27.66", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASTC", 
-    "Astrotech Corporation", 
-    "3.1799", 
-    "$63.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASTE", 
-    "Astec Industries, Inc.", 
-    "39.27", 
-    "$900.41M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASTI", 
-    "Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "1.7", 
-    "$27.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASUR", 
-    "Asure Software Inc", 
-    "5.93", 
-    "$35.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ASYS", 
-    "Amtech Systems, Inc.", 
-    "10.49", 
-    "$136.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATAI", 
-    "ATA Inc.", 
-    "4.37", 
-    "$100.71M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATAX", 
-    "America First Multifamily Investors, L.P.", 
-    "5.79", 
-    "$348.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATEC", 
-    "Alphatec Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "1.35", 
-    "$134.45M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATHN", 
-    "athenahealth, Inc.", 
-    "132.96", 
-    "$5.08B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATHX", 
-    "Athersys, Inc.", 
-    "2.37", 
-    "$183.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATLC", 
-    "Atlanticus Holdings Corporation", 
-    "2.88", 
-    "$40.06M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATLO", 
-    "Ames National Corporation", 
-    "24.74", 
-    "$230.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATML", 
-    "Atmel Corporation", 
-    "8.38", 
-    "$3.5B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATNI", 
-    "Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc.", 
-    "65", 
-    "$1.03B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATNY", 
-    "API Technologies Corp.", 
-    "1.8548", 
-    "$102.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATOS", 
-    "Atossa Genetics Inc.", 
-    "1.64", 
-    "$40.29M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRA", 
-    "Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "21.32", 
-    "$519.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRC", 
-    "AtriCure, Inc.", 
-    "18.5", 
-    "$508.21M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRI", 
-    "ATRION Corporation", 
-    "317.01", 
-    "$617.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRM", 
-    "ATRM Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "3.36", 
-    "$3.99M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRO", 
-    "Astronics Corporation", 
-    "66.89", 
-    "$1.46B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATRS", 
-    "Antares Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "2.59", 
-    "$341.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATSG", 
-    "Air Transport Services Group, Inc", 
-    "8.95", 
-    "$581.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATTU", 
-    "Attunity Ltd.", 
-    "9.65", 
-    "$146.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ATVI", 
-    "Activision Blizzard, Inc", 
-    "23.31", 
-    "$16.76B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUBN", 
-    "Auburn National Bancorporation, Inc.", 
-    "24.7499", 
-    "$90.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUDC", 
-    "AudioCodes Ltd.", 
-    "5.37", 
-    "$227.15M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUMA", 
-    "AR Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.78", 
-    "$293.4M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUMAU", 
-    "AR Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.85", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUMAW", 
-    "AR Capital Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.24", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AUPH", 
-    "Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc", 
-    "3.84", 
-    "$122.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVAV", 
-    "AeroVironment, Inc.", 
-    "27.88", 
-    "$650.21M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVEO", 
-    "AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.9297", 
-    "$48.58M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVGO", 
-    "Avago Technologies Limited", 
-    "112.06", 
-    "$28.61B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVGR", 
-    "Avinger, Inc.", 
-    "10.41", 
-    "$106.49M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVHI", 
-    "A V Homes, Inc.", 
-    "15.13", 
-    "$334.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVID", 
-    "Avid Technology, Inc.", 
-    "14.74", 
-    "$578.01M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVNU", 
-    "Avenue Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "11.75", 
-    "$117.62M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AVNW", 
-    "Aviat Networks, Inc.", 
-    "1.27", 
-    "$79.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AWAY", 
-    "HomeAway, Inc.", 
-    "30.985", 
-    "$2.92B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AWRE", 
-    "Aware, Inc.", 
-    "4.59", 
-    "$104.95M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXAS", 
-    "Abraxas Petroleum Corporation", 
-    "3.16", 
-    "$332.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXDX", 
-    "Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc.", 
-    "18.05", 
-    "$805.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXGN", 
-    "AxoGen, Inc.", 
-    "3.17", 
-    "$79.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXJS", 
-    "iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan Small Cap Index Fund", 
-    "56.813", 
-    "$5.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXPW", 
-    "Axion Power International, Inc.", 
-    "0.46", 
-    "$3.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXPWW", 
-    "Axion Power International, Inc.", 
-    "0.14", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AXTI", 
-    "AXT Inc", 
-    "2.64", 
-    "$86.69M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "AZPN", 
-    "Aspen Technology, Inc.", 
-    "39.07", 
-    "$3.45B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BABY", 
-    "Natus Medical Incorporated", 
-    "36.58", 
-    "$1.19B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BAGR", 
-    "Diversified Restaurant Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "4.8", 
-    "$125.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BAMM", 
-    "Books-A-Million, Inc.", 
-    "2.55", 
-    "$38.29M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BANF", 
-    "BancFirst Corporation", 
-    "58.97", 
-    "$913.24M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BANFP", 
-    "BancFirst Corporation", 
-    "28.7", 
-    "$28.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BANR", 
-    "Banner Corporation", 
-    "44.54", 
-    "$871.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BANX", 
-    "StoneCastle Financial Corp", 
-    "21.42", 
-    "$134.9M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BASI", 
-    "Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.", 
-    "2.0204", 
-    "$16.32M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBBY", 
-    "Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.", 
-    "76.885", 
-    "$14.27B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBC", 
-    "BioShares Biotechnology Clinical Trials Fund", 
-    "30.661", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBCN", 
-    "BBCN Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.78", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBEP", 
-    "BreitBurn Energy Partners, L.P.", 
-    "7.59", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBEPP", 
-    "BreitBurn Energy Partners, L.P.", 
-    "22.35", 
-    "$178.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBGI", 
-    "Beasley Broadcast Group, Inc.", 
-    "5.02", 
-    "$116.02M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBLU", 
-    "Blue Earth, Inc.", 
-    "1.2199", 
-    "$113.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBNK", 
-    "Bridge Capital Holdings", 
-    "21.86", 
-    "$350.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBOX", 
-    "Black Box Corporation", 
-    "22.21", 
-    "$341.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBP", 
-    "BioShares Biotechnology Products Fund", 
-    "29.7493", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBRG", 
-    "Bravo Brio Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.5", 
-    "$203.65M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBRY", 
-    "BlackBerry Limited", 
-    "10.27", 
-    "$5.43B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BBSI", 
-    "Barrett Business Services, Inc.", 
-    "38.57", 
-    "$274.48M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCBP", 
-    "BCB Bancorp, Inc. (NJ)", 
-    "11.73", 
-    "$98.38M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCLI", 
-    "Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "3.92", 
-    "$59.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCOM", 
-    "B Communications Ltd.", 
-    "17.09", 
-    "$510.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCOR", 
-    "Blucora, Inc.", 
-    "13.33", 
-    "$546.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCOV", 
-    "Brightcove Inc.", 
-    "8.05", 
-    "$259.8M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCPC", 
-    "Balchem Corporation", 
-    "58.9", 
-    "$1.81B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BCRX", 
-    "BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "10.15", 
-    "$729.42M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_20.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_20.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bc94c83..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_20.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "PCBK", 
-    "Pacific Continental Corporation (Ore)", 
-    "13.44", 
-    "$238.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCCC", 
-    "PC Connection, Inc.", 
-    "24.64", 
-    "$648.1M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCH", 
-    "Potlatch Corporation", 
-    "40.02", 
-    "$1.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCLN", 
-    "The Priceline Group Inc. ", 
-    "1216.23", 
-    "$63.17B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCMI", 
-    "PCM, Inc.", 
-    "9.72", 
-    "$120.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCO", 
-    "Pendrell Corporation", 
-    "1.17", 
-    "$312.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCOM", 
-    "Points International, Ltd.", 
-    "10.59", 
-    "$165.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCRX", 
-    "Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "117.33", 
-    "$4.23B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCTI", 
-    "PC-Tel, Inc.", 
-    "8.21", 
-    "$152.11M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCTY", 
-    "Paylocity Holding Corporation", 
-    "30.21", 
-    "$1.53B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCYC", 
-    "Pharmacyclics, Inc.", 
-    "177.56", 
-    "$13.5B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCYG", 
-    "Park City Group, Inc.", 
-    "13.2", 
-    "$229.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PCYO", 
-    "Pure Cycle Corporation", 
-    "4.92", 
-    "$118.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDBC", 
-    "PowerShares DB Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy Po", 
-    "20.85", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDCE", 
-    "PDC Energy, Inc.", 
-    "51.37", 
-    "$1.85B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDCO", 
-    "Patterson Companies, Inc.", 
-    "49.29", 
-    "$5.08B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDEX", 
-    "Pro-Dex, Inc.", 
-    "2.28", 
-    "$9.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDFS", 
-    "PDF Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "17.68", 
-    "$547.64M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDII", 
-    "PDI, Inc.", 
-    "1.96", 
-    "$30.11M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDLI", 
-    "PDL BioPharma, Inc.", 
-    "7.28", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PDVW", 
-    "Pacific DataVision, Inc.", 
-    "55", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEBK", 
-    "Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc.", 
-    "18.11", 
-    "$101.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEBO", 
-    "Peoples Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "23.94", 
-    "$338.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEGA", 
-    "Pegasystems Inc.", 
-    "22.56", 
-    "$1.72B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEGI", 
-    "Pattern Energy Group Inc.", 
-    "28.26", 
-    "$1.95B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PEIX", 
-    "Pacific Ethanol, Inc.", 
-    "9.73", 
-    "$238.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PENN", 
-    "Penn National Gaming, Inc.", 
-    "16.39", 
-    "$1.29B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PENX", 
-    "Penford Corporation", 
-    "18.82", 
-    "$240.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PERF", 
-    "Perfumania Holdings, Inc", 
-    "5.63", 
-    "$87.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PERI", 
-    "Perion Network Ltd", 
-    "3.27", 
-    "$231.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PERY", 
-    "Perry Ellis International Inc.", 
-    "23.03", 
-    "$357.02M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PESI", 
-    "Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc.", 
-    "4.19", 
-    "$48.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PETM", 
-    "PetSmart, Inc", 
-    "82.91", 
-    "$8.24B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PETS", 
-    "PetMed Express, Inc.", 
-    "15.36", 
-    "$311.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PETX", 
-    "Aratana Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "16.98", 
-    "$589.3M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFBC", 
-    "Preferred Bank", 
-    "27.63", 
-    "$372.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFBI", 
-    "Premier Financial Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "14.9104", 
-    "$121M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFBX", 
-    "Peoples Financial Corporation", 
-    "10.62", 
-    "$54.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFIE", 
-    "Profire Energy, Inc.", 
-    "2.2", 
-    "$116.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFIN", 
-    "P & F Industries, Inc.", 
-    "7.6", 
-    "$27.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFIS", 
-    "Peoples Financial Services Corp. ", 
-    "41.54", 
-    "$313.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFLT", 
-    "PennantPark Floating Rate Capital Ltd.", 
-    "13.88", 
-    "$206.79M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFMT", 
-    "Performant Financial Corporation", 
-    "5.93", 
-    "$292.64M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFPT", 
-    "Proofpoint, Inc.", 
-    "57.24", 
-    "$2.18B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PFSW", 
-    "PFSweb, Inc.", 
-    "10.83", 
-    "$185.78M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PGC", 
-    "Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.25", 
-    "$236.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PGNX", 
-    "Progenics Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "6.23", 
-    "$433.33M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PGTI", 
-    "PGT, Inc.", 
-    "8.43", 
-    "$401.44M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PHII", 
-    "PHI, Inc.", 
-    "34.45", 
-    "$533.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PHIIK", 
-    "PHI, Inc.", 
-    "32.99", 
-    "$510.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PHMD", 
-    "PhotoMedex, Inc.", 
-    "1.72", 
-    "$35.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PICO", 
-    "PICO Holdings Inc.", 
-    "16.42", 
-    "$377.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PIH", 
-    "1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "7.66", 
-    "$48.7M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PINC", 
-    "Premier, Inc.", 
-    "35.31", 
-    "$1.32B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PKBK", 
-    "Parke Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.572", 
-    "$69.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PKOH", 
-    "Park-Ohio Holdings Corp.", 
-    "56.16", 
-    "$702.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PKT", 
-    "Procera Networks, Inc.", 
-    "8.82", 
-    "$182.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLAB", 
-    "Photronics, Inc.", 
-    "8.54", 
-    "$566.62M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLAY", 
-    "Dave & Buster&#39;s Entertainment, Inc.", 
-    "30.48", 
-    "$1.22B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLBC", 
-    "Plumas Bancorp", 
-    "9", 
-    "$43.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLCE", 
-    "Children&#39;s Place, Inc. (The)", 
-    "56.96", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLCM", 
-    "Polycom, Inc.", 
-    "13.84", 
-    "$1.89B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLKI", 
-    "Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Inc.", 
-    "62.4", 
-    "$1.46B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLMT", 
-    "Palmetto Bancshares, Inc. (SC)", 
-    "17.03", 
-    "$217.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLNR", 
-    "Planar Systems, Inc.", 
-    "6.07", 
-    "$136.02M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLPC", 
-    "Preformed Line Products Company", 
-    "46.32", 
-    "$248.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLPM", 
-    "Planet Payment, Inc.", 
-    "1.62", 
-    "$90.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLTM", 
-    "First Trust ISE Global Platinum Index", 
-    "10.67", 
-    "$10.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLUG", 
-    "Plug Power, Inc.", 
-    "3.24", 
-    "$560.93M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLUS", 
-    "ePlus inc.", 
-    "80.59", 
-    "$595.59M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PLXS", 
-    "Plexus Corp.", 
-    "40.62", 
-    "$1.37B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PMBC", 
-    "Pacific Mercantile Bancorp", 
-    "7.1", 
-    "$137.99M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PMCS", 
-    "PMC - Sierra, Inc.", 
-    "9.47", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PMD", 
-    "Psychemedics Corporation", 
-    "16.07", 
-    "$86.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PME", 
-    "Pingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd.", 
-    "2.51", 
-    "$198.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PMFG", 
-    "PMFG, Inc.", 
-    "4.62", 
-    "$98.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNBK", 
-    "Patriot National Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "1.58", 
-    "$61.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNFP", 
-    "Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc.", 
-    "40.48", 
-    "$1.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNNT", 
-    "PennantPark Investment Corporation", 
-    "9.49", 
-    "$712.63M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNQI", 
-    "PowerShares NASDAQ Internet Portfolio", 
-    "70.67", 
-    "$229.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNRA", 
-    "Panera Bread Company", 
-    "157.48", 
-    "$4.25B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNRG", 
-    "PrimeEnergy Corporation", 
-    "58.96", 
-    "$138.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PNTR", 
-    "Pointer Telocation Ltd.", 
-    "8.33", 
-    "$64.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PODD", 
-    "Insulet Corporation", 
-    "31.99", 
-    "$1.79B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POOL", 
-    "Pool Corporation", 
-    "69.93", 
-    "$3.04B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POPE", 
-    "Pope Resources", 
-    "62.974", 
-    "$272.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POWI", 
-    "Power Integrations, Inc.", 
-    "54.66", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POWL", 
-    "Powell Industries, Inc.", 
-    "33.41", 
-    "$402.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "POZN", 
-    "Pozen, Inc.", 
-    "7.32", 
-    "$234.81M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPBI", 
-    "Pacific Premier Bancorp Inc", 
-    "16.07", 
-    "$271.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPC", 
-    "Pilgrim&#39;s Pride Corporation", 
-    "27.645", 
-    "$7.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Meat/Poultry/Fish", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPHM", 
-    "Peregrine Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "1.29", 
-    "$234.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPHMP", 
-    "Peregrine Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "21.95", 
-    "$15.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PPSI", 
-    "Pioneer Power Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "9.07", 
-    "$65.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRAA", 
-    "PRA Group, Inc.", 
-    "54.15", 
-    "$2.71B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRAH", 
-    "PRA Health Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "28.08", 
-    "$1.61B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRAN", 
-    "Prana Biotechnology Ltd", 
-    "1.11", 
-    "$54.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRCP", 
-    "Perceptron, Inc.", 
-    "11.06", 
-    "$102.41M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRFT", 
-    "Perficient, Inc.", 
-    "19.6", 
-    "$674.72M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRFZ", 
-    "PowerShares FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small-Mid Portfolio", 
-    "102.73", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_21.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_21.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d6f913b..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_21.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "PRGN", 
-    "Paragon Shipping Inc.", 
-    "1.89", 
-    "$46.48M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRGNL", 
-    "Paragon Shipping Inc.", 
-    "18.4", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRGS", 
-    "Progress Software Corporation", 
-    "27.3", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRGX", 
-    "PRGX Global, Inc.", 
-    "5.33", 
-    "$145.25M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRIM", 
-    "Primoris Services Corporation", 
-    "21.3", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRKR", 
-    "ParkerVision, Inc.", 
-    "1.04", 
-    "$101.03M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRMW", 
-    "Primo Water Corporation", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$99.1M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PROV", 
-    "Provident Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "15.38", 
-    "$138.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRPH", 
-    "ProPhase Labs, Inc.", 
-    "1.48", 
-    "$22.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRQR", 
-    "ProQR Therapeutics N.V.", 
-    "18.97", 
-    "$442.72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRSC", 
-    "The Providence Service Corporation", 
-    "40.65", 
-    "$644.44M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRSS", 
-    "CafePress Inc.", 
-    "3.73", 
-    "$64.8M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRTA", 
-    "Prothena Corporation plc", 
-    "26.63", 
-    "$729.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRTK", 
-    "Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ", 
-    "31.4", 
-    "$452.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRTO", 
-    "Proteon Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.56", 
-    "$173.7M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRTS", 
-    "U.S. Auto Parts Network, Inc.", 
-    "2.79", 
-    "$93.64M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRXI", 
-    "Premier Exhibitions, Inc.", 
-    "0.391", 
-    "$19.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PRXL", 
-    "PAREXEL International Corporation", 
-    "63.56", 
-    "$3.48B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSAU", 
-    "PowerShares Global Gold and Precious Metals Portfolio", 
-    "17.67", 
-    "$21.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSBH", 
-    "PSB Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "7.56", 
-    "$49.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCC", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Consumer Staples Portfolio", 
-    "53.39", 
-    "$21.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCD", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Consumer Discretionary Portfolio", 
-    "52.96", 
-    "$121.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCE", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Energy Portfolio", 
-    "29.76", 
-    "$23.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCF", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Financials Portfolio", 
-    "41.29", 
-    "$115.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCH", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Health Care Portfolio", 
-    "64.779", 
-    "$181.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCI", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Industrials Portfolio", 
-    "46.85", 
-    "$117.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCM", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Materials Portfolio", 
-    "41.6101", 
-    "$56.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCT", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Information Technology Portfolio", 
-    "52.0208", 
-    "$252.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSCU", 
-    "PowerShares S&P SmallCap Utilities Portfolio", 
-    "38.44", 
-    "$40.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSDV", 
-    "pSivida Corp.", 
-    "4.5", 
-    "$132.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSEC", 
-    "Prospect Capital Corporation", 
-    "8.8", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSEM", 
-    "Pericom Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "15.01", 
-    "$335.58M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSIX", 
-    "Power Solutions International, Inc.", 
-    "50.89", 
-    "$546.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSMT", 
-    "PriceSmart, Inc.", 
-    "82.42", 
-    "$2.49B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSTB", 
-    "Park Sterling Corporation", 
-    "6.99", 
-    "$313.5M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSTI", 
-    "Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "2.98", 
-    "$210.17M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSTR", 
-    "PostRock Energy Corporation", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$25.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PSUN", 
-    "Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc.", 
-    "2.84", 
-    "$196.71M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTBI", 
-    "PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "3.1", 
-    "$64.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTBIW", 
-    "PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "1.08", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTC", 
-    "PTC Inc.", 
-    "34.93", 
-    "$4.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTCT", 
-    "PTC Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "55.19", 
-    "$1.85B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTEN", 
-    "Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc.", 
-    "18.32", 
-    "$2.68B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTIE", 
-    "Pain Therapeutics", 
-    "1.96", 
-    "$89.68M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTLA", 
-    "Portola Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "37.78", 
-    "$1.84B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTNR", 
-    "Partner Communications Company Ltd.", 
-    "3.83", 
-    "$597.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTNT", 
-    "Internet Patents Corporation", 
-    "2.65", 
-    "$20.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTRY", 
-    "The Pantry, Inc.", 
-    "36.69", 
-    "$862.38M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTSI", 
-    "P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc.", 
-    "56.31", 
-    "$450.07M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PTX", 
-    "Pernix Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "9.34", 
-    "$357.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PULB", 
-    "Pulaski Financial Corp.", 
-    "11.75", 
-    "$141.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PUMP", 
-    "Asante Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PVTB", 
-    "PrivateBancorp, Inc.", 
-    "35.16", 
-    "$2.75B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PVTBP", 
-    "PrivateBancorp, Inc.", 
-    "27.92", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PWOD", 
-    "Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "46.51", 
-    "$223.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PWRD", 
-    "Perfect World Co., Ltd.", 
-    "18.97", 
-    "$943.23M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PWX", 
-    "Providence and Worcester Railroad Company", 
-    "18.1501", 
-    "$88.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Railroads", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PXLW", 
-    "Pixelworks, Inc.", 
-    "5.4", 
-    "$124.98M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "PZZA", 
-    "Papa John&#39;S International, Inc.", 
-    "64.83", 
-    "$2.6B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QABA", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ ABA Community Bank Index Fund", 
-    "35.6099", 
-    "$92.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QADA", 
-    "QAD Inc.", 
-    "20.32", 
-    "$326.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QADB", 
-    "QAD Inc.", 
-    "18.23", 
-    "$292.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QAT", 
-    "iShares MSCI Qatar Capped ETF", 
-    "24.5", 
-    "$33.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QBAK", 
-    "Qualstar Corporation", 
-    "1.48", 
-    "$18.13M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QCCO", 
-    "QC Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "1.6512", 
-    "$28.91M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QCLN", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Clean Edge US Liquid Series Index Fund", 
-    "18.14", 
-    "$117M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QCOM", 
-    "QUALCOMM Incorporated", 
-    "71.52", 
-    "$117.98B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QCRH", 
-    "QCR Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "17.73", 
-    "$140.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QDEL", 
-    "Quidel Corporation", 
-    "25.6", 
-    "$880.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QGEN", 
-    "Qiagen N.V.", 
-    "24.47", 
-    "$5.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QINC", 
-    "First Trust RBA Quality Income ETF", 
-    "21.7864", 
-    "$5.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QIWI", 
-    "QIWI plc", 
-    "23.49", 
-    "$1.23B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QKLS", 
-    "QKL Stores, Inc.", 
-    "2.1499", 
-    "$3.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLGC", 
-    "QLogic Corporation", 
-    "14.545", 
-    "$1.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLIK", 
-    "Qlik Technologies Inc.", 
-    "31.5", 
-    "$2.84B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLTI", 
-    "QLT Inc.", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$207.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLTY", 
-    "Quality Distribution, Inc.", 
-    "10.93", 
-    "$306.69M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QLYS", 
-    "Qualys, Inc.", 
-    "47.89", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QNST", 
-    "QuinStreet, Inc.", 
-    "6.34", 
-    "$282.08M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QPACU", 
-    "Quinpario Acquisition Corp. 2", 
-    "10.06", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQEW", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ-100 Equal Weighted Index Fund", 
-    "44.54", 
-    "$628.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQQ", 
-    "PowerShares QQQ Trust, Series 1", 
-    "108.41", 
-    "$40.04B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQQC", 
-    "Global X China Technology ETF", 
-    "21.79", 
-    "$17.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQQX", 
-    "Nuveen NASDAQ 100 Dynamic Overwrite Fund", 
-    "19.32", 
-    "$357.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QQXT", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ-100 Ex-Technology Sector Index Fund", 
-    "41.803", 
-    "$106.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QRHC", 
-    "Quest Resource Holding Corporation.", 
-    "1.28", 
-    "$142.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QRVO", 
-    "Qorvo, Inc.", 
-    "65.17", 
-    "$9.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QSII", 
-    "Quality Systems, Inc.", 
-    "17.71", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1982", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QTEC", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ-100 Technology Sector Index Fund", 
-    "44.66", 
-    "$363.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QTNT", 
-    "Quotient Limited", 
-    "16.95", 
-    "$286.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QTNTW", 
-    "Quotient Limited", 
-    "7", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QTWW", 
-    "Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "3.03", 
-    "$84.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QUIK", 
-    "QuickLogic Corporation", 
-    "2.15", 
-    "$120.1M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QUMU", 
-    "Qumu Corporation", 
-    "14.6", 
-    "$131.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QUNR", 
-    "Qunar Cayman Islands Limited", 
-    "28.82", 
-    "$3.43B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QURE", 
-    "uniQure N.V.", 
-    "19.27", 
-    "$343.79M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QVCA", 
-    "Liberty Interactive Corporation", 
-    "29.23", 
-    "$13.91B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QVCB", 
-    "Liberty Interactive Corporation", 
-    "29.37", 
-    "$13.98B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "QYLD", 
-    "Recon Capital NASDAQ-100 Covered Call ETF", 
-    "23.78", 
-    "$11.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RADA", 
-    "Rada Electronics Industries Limited", 
-    "2.34", 
-    "$21.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_22.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_22.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 538c60a..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_22.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "RAIL", 
-    "Freightcar America, Inc.", 
-    "30.48", 
-    "$367.8M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Railroads", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RAND", 
-    "Rand Capital Corporation", 
-    "4.173", 
-    "$26.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RARE", 
-    "Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc.", 
-    "55.57", 
-    "$1.97B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RAVE", 
-    "Rave Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "12.51", 
-    "$125.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RAVN", 
-    "Raven Industries, Inc.", 
-    "20.87", 
-    "$794.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RBCAA", 
-    "Republic Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "23.87", 
-    "$496.88M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RBCN", 
-    "Rubicon Technology, Inc.", 
-    "4.49", 
-    "$117.42M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RBPAA", 
-    "Royal Bancshares of Pennsylvania, Inc.", 
-    "1.8", 
-    "$50.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCII", 
-    "Rent-A-Center Inc.", 
-    "29.18", 
-    "$1.54B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCKY", 
-    "Rocky Brands, Inc.", 
-    "20.16", 
-    "$152.21M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCMT", 
-    "RCM Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "5.8", 
-    "$72.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCON", 
-    "Recon Technology, Ltd.", 
-    "1.68", 
-    "$7.94M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oilfield Services/Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCPI", 
-    "Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.148", 
-    "$29.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RCPT", 
-    "Receptos, Inc.", 
-    "125.43", 
-    "$3.95B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDCM", 
-    "Radcom Ltd.", 
-    "10.21", 
-    "$82.43M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDEN", 
-    "Elizabeth Arden, Inc.", 
-    "16.75", 
-    "$499.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDHL", 
-    "Redhill Biopharma Ltd.", 
-    "13.01", 
-    "$113.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDI", 
-    "Reading International Inc", 
-    "12.72", 
-    "$297.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDIB", 
-    "Reading International Inc", 
-    "12.66", 
-    "$284.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDNT", 
-    "RadNet, Inc.", 
-    "8.83", 
-    "$377.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDUS", 
-    "Radius Health, Inc.", 
-    "45.9", 
-    "$1.72B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDVY", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Rising Dividend Achievers ETF", 
-    "22.65", 
-    "$7.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RDWR", 
-    "Radware Ltd.", 
-    "21.11", 
-    "$950.56M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RECN", 
-    "Resources Connection, Inc.", 
-    "17.69", 
-    "$665.95M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REDF", 
-    " India Limited", 
-    "1.9016", 
-    "$52.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REFR", 
-    "Research Frontiers Incorporated", 
-    "5.07", 
-    "$121.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REGI", 
-    "Renewable Energy Group, Inc.", 
-    "8.96", 
-    "$379.07M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REGN", 
-    "Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "423.78", 
-    "$43.49B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REIS", 
-    "Reis, Inc", 
-    "23.75", 
-    "$264.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RELL", 
-    "Richardson Electronics, Ltd.", 
-    "9.31", 
-    "$128.41M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RELV", 
-    "Reliv&#39; International, Inc.", 
-    "1.18", 
-    "$15.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REMY", 
-    "Remy International, Inc.", 
-    "23.3", 
-    "$745.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RENT", 
-    "Rentrak Corporation", 
-    "53", 
-    "$805.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REPH", 
-    "Recro Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "3.2299", 
-    "$24.89M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RESN", 
-    "Resonant Inc.", 
-    "15.02", 
-    "$103.76M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REXI", 
-    "Resource America, Inc.", 
-    "8.96", 
-    "$204.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance/Investors Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "REXX", 
-    "Rex Energy Corporation", 
-    "4.87", 
-    "$263.5M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RFIL", 
-    "RF Industries, Ltd.", 
-    "4.44", 
-    "$37.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGCO", 
-    "RGC Resources Inc.", 
-    "21.51", 
-    "$101.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGDO", 
-    "Regado BioSciences, Inc.", 
-    "1.13", 
-    "$37.98M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGDX", 
-    "Response Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "0.54", 
-    "$20.94M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGEN", 
-    "Repligen Corporation", 
-    "25.45", 
-    "$832.77M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGLD", 
-    "Royal Gold, Inc.", 
-    "69.99", 
-    "$4.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGLS", 
-    "Regulus Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "18.7", 
-    "$944.66M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RGSE", 
-    "Real Goods Solar, Inc.", 
-    "0.48", 
-    "$24.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RIBT", 
-    "RiceBran Technologies", 
-    "4.13", 
-    "$38.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RIBTW", 
-    "RiceBran Technologies", 
-    "1.07", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RICK", 
-    "RCI Hospitality Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "10.44", 
-    "$107.48M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RIGL", 
-    "Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.55", 
-    "$223.87M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RITT", 
-    "RIT Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "1.31", 
-    "$20.36M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RITTW", 
-    "RIT Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "0.2999", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RIVR", 
-    "River Valley Bancorp.", 
-    "21.35", 
-    "$53.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RJET", 
-    "Republic Airways Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "14.51", 
-    "$722.4M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RLJE", 
-    "RLJ Entertainment, Inc.", 
-    "1.8", 
-    "$24.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RLOC", 
-    "ReachLocal, Inc.", 
-    "3.23", 
-    "$94.21M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RLOG", 
-    "Rand Logistics, Inc.", 
-    "3.61", 
-    "$65.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RLYP", 
-    "Relypsa, Inc.", 
-    "35.25", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RMBS", 
-    "Rambus, Inc.", 
-    "12.06", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RMCF", 
-    "Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Inc.", 
-    "14.54", 
-    "$88.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RMGN", 
-    "RMG Networks Holding Corporation", 
-    "1.15", 
-    "$13.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RMTI", 
-    "Rockwell Medical, Inc.", 
-    "10.7", 
-    "$536.11M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RNET", 
-    "RigNet, Inc.", 
-    "36.74", 
-    "$647.16M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RNST", 
-    "Renasant Corporation", 
-    "28.28", 
-    "$891.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RNWK", 
-    "RealNetworks, Inc.", 
-    "6.99", 
-    "$251.88M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROBO", 
-    "Robo-Stox Global Robotics & Automation Index ETF", 
-    "26.22", 
-    "$102.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROCK", 
-    "Gibraltar Industries, Inc.", 
-    "16.16", 
-    "$499.42M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIA", 
-    "Radio One, Inc.", 
-    "2.93", 
-    "$146.92M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIAK", 
-    "Radio One, Inc.", 
-    "2.9", 
-    "$145.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIC", 
-    "Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.", 
-    "16.93", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIQ", 
-    "ROI Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "9.74", 
-    "$152.19M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIQU", 
-    "ROI Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "9.81", 
-    "$122.63M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROIQW", 
-    "ROI Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "0.26", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROKA", 
-    "Roka Bioscience, Inc.", 
-    "4.14", 
-    "$73.11M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROLL", 
-    "RBC Bearings Incorporated", 
-    "60.83", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROSE", 
-    "Rosetta Resources Inc.", 
-    "23.04", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROSG", 
-    "Rosetta Genomics Ltd.", 
-    "3.68", 
-    "$43.29M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROST", 
-    "Ross Stores, Inc.", 
-    "97.92", 
-    "$20.41B", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROVI", 
-    "Rovi Corporation", 
-    "23.85", 
-    "$2.19B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ROYL", 
-    "Royale Energy, Inc.", 
-    "1.79", 
-    "$26.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RP", 
-    "RealPage, Inc.", 
-    "19.7", 
-    "$1.55B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPRX", 
-    "Repros Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "9.27", 
-    "$225.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPRXW", 
-    "Repros Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "8.46", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPRXZ", 
-    "Repros Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "6.0227", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPTP", 
-    "Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp.", 
-    "9.89", 
-    "$628.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RPXC", 
-    "RPX Corporation", 
-    "14.1", 
-    "$760.54M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RRD", 
-    "R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company", 
-    "18.07", 
-    "$3.61B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RRGB", 
-    "Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc.", 
-    "80.64", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RRM", 
-    "RR Media Ltd.", 
-    "7.48", 
-    "$130.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RSTI", 
-    "Rofin-Sinar Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "23.96", 
-    "$673.1M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RSYS", 
-    "RadiSys Corporation", 
-    "2.25", 
-    "$82.08M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RTGN", 
-    "Ruthigen, Inc.", 
-    "4.06", 
-    "$19.51M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RTIX", 
-    "RTI Surgical, Inc.", 
-    "5.32", 
-    "$302.7M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RTK", 
-    "Rentech, Inc.", 
-    "1.27", 
-    "$290.18M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Agricultural Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RTRX", 
-    "Retrophin, Inc.", 
-    "14.5", 
-    "$387.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RUSHA", 
-    "Rush Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "28.96", 
-    "$1.16B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RUSHB", 
-    "Rush Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "26", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RUTH", 
-    "Ruth&#39;s Hospitality Group, Inc.", 
-    "15.38", 
-    "$543.78M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RVBD", 
-    "Riverbed Technology, Inc.", 
-    "20.88", 
-    "$3.29B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RVLT", 
-    "Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "1.13", 
-    "$96.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Building Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RVNC", 
-    "Revance Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "15.76", 
-    "$373.83M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_23.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_23.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0409ff4..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_23.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "RVSB", 
-    "Riverview Bancorp Inc", 
-    "4.41", 
-    "$99.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RWLK", 
-    "ReWalk Robotics Ltd", 
-    "16.17", 
-    "$193.69M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RXDX", 
-    "Ignyta, Inc.", 
-    "7.17", 
-    "$140.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RXII", 
-    "RXI Pharmaceuticals Corporation", 
-    "1.15", 
-    "$24.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "RYAAY", 
-    "Ryanair Holdings plc", 
-    "64.25", 
-    "$17.83B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAAS", 
-    "inContact, Inc.", 
-    "11.24", 
-    "$685.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SABR", 
-    "Sabre Corporation", 
-    "21.23", 
-    "$5.69B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAEX", 
-    "SAExploration Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "3.37", 
-    "$50.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAFM", 
-    "Sanderson Farms, Inc.", 
-    "83.39", 
-    "$1.93B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Meat/Poultry/Fish", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAFT", 
-    "Safety Insurance Group, Inc.", 
-    "61.95", 
-    "$929.82M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAGE", 
-    "Sage Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "42.5", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAIA", 
-    "Saia, Inc.", 
-    "46.14", 
-    "$1.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAJA", 
-    "Sajan, Inc.", 
-    "5.75", 
-    "$27.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAL", 
-    "Salisbury Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "30.1799", 
-    "$51.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SALE", 
-    "RetailMeNot, Inc.", 
-    "17.2", 
-    "$929.95M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SALM", 
-    "Salem Communications Corporation", 
-    "7.37", 
-    "$186.24M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAMG", 
-    "Silvercrest Asset Management Group Inc.", 
-    "14.02", 
-    "$171.44M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SANM", 
-    "Sanmina Corporation", 
-    "23", 
-    "$1.91B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SANW", 
-    "S&W Seed Company", 
-    "4.91", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SANWZ", 
-    "S&W Seed Company", 
-    "0.1201", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SASR", 
-    "Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "25.94", 
-    "$649.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SATS", 
-    "EchoStar Corporation", 
-    "55.31", 
-    "$2.43B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SAVE", 
-    "Spirit Airlines, Inc.", 
-    "81.77", 
-    "$5.95B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBAC", 
-    "SBA Communications Corporation", 
-    "121.25", 
-    "$15.65B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBBX", 
-    "Sussex Bancorp", 
-    "10.25", 
-    "$47.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBCF", 
-    "Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida", 
-    "12.97", 
-    "$429.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBCP", 
-    "Sunshine Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.08", 
-    "$51.12M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBFG", 
-    "SB Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "10.5", 
-    "$51.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBFGP", 
-    "SB Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBGI", 
-    "Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.", 
-    "27.9", 
-    "$2.67B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBLK", 
-    "Star Bulk Carriers Corp.", 
-    "4.5", 
-    "$712.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBLKL", 
-    "Star Bulk Carriers Corp.", 
-    "22.4499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBNY", 
-    "Signature Bank", 
-    "125.7", 
-    "$6.32B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBNYW", 
-    "Signature Bank", 
-    "89.18", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBRA", 
-    "Sabra Healthcare REIT, Inc.", 
-    "32.52", 
-    "$1.93B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBRAP", 
-    "Sabra Healthcare REIT, Inc.", 
-    "26.25", 
-    "$150.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBSA", 
-    "Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.", 
-    "3.27", 
-    "$21.28M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBSI", 
-    "Southside Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "29.64", 
-    "$560.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SBUX", 
-    "Starbucks Corporation", 
-    "93.51", 
-    "$70.11B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCAI", 
-    "Surgical Care Affiliates, Inc.", 
-    "32.48", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCHL", 
-    "Scholastic Corporation", 
-    "36.99", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Books", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCHN", 
-    "Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc.", 
-    "16.36", 
-    "$438.19M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCLN", 
-    "SciClone Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7.68", 
-    "$389.94M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCMP", 
-    "Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "15.02", 
-    "$673.24M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCOK", 
-    "SinoCoking Coal and Coke Chemical Industries, Inc", 
-    "2.74", 
-    "$65.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCON", 
-    "Superconductor Technologies Inc.", 
-    "2.09", 
-    "$27.69M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCOR", 
-    "comScore, Inc.", 
-    "51.44", 
-    "$1.76B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCSC", 
-    "ScanSource, Inc.", 
-    "36.79", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCSS", 
-    "Select Comfort Corporation", 
-    "31.32", 
-    "$1.67B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCTY", 
-    "SolarCity Corporation", 
-    "54.44", 
-    "$5.23B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCVL", 
-    "Shoe Carnival, Inc.", 
-    "23.69", 
-    "$480.58M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SCYX", 
-    "SCYNEXIS, Inc.", 
-    "9.2", 
-    "$78.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEAC", 
-    "SeaChange International, Inc.", 
-    "7.69", 
-    "$251.11M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEED", 
-    "Origin Agritech Limited", 
-    "1.35", 
-    "$30.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEIC", 
-    "SEI Investments Company", 
-    "43.37", 
-    "$7.25B", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEMI", 
-    "SunEdison Semiconductor Limited", 
-    "21.5", 
-    "$892.38M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SENEA", 
-    "Seneca Foods Corp.", 
-    "27.25", 
-    "$292.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SENEB", 
-    "Seneca Foods Corp.", 
-    "38", 
-    "$407.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SEV", 
-    "Sevcon, Inc.", 
-    "7.39", 
-    "$26.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFBC", 
-    "Sound Financial Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.9", 
-    "$47.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFBS", 
-    "ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "31.06", 
-    "$770.02M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFLY", 
-    "Shutterfly, Inc.", 
-    "45.77", 
-    "$1.73B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFM", 
-    "Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc.", 
-    "37.48", 
-    "$5.67B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFNC", 
-    "Simmons First National Corporation", 
-    "39.79", 
-    "$717.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFST", 
-    "Southern First Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "16.8001", 
-    "$81.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SFXE", 
-    "SFX Entertainment, Inc.", 
-    "3.53", 
-    "$319.7M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGBK", 
-    "Stonegate Bank", 
-    "28.33", 
-    "$290.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGC", 
-    "Superior Uniform Group, Inc.", 
-    "18.27", 
-    "$491.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGEN", 
-    "Seattle Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "34.96", 
-    "$4.33B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGI", 
-    "Silicon Graphics International Corp", 
-    "9.2", 
-    "$316.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGMA", 
-    "SigmaTron International, Inc.", 
-    "6.7", 
-    "$27.16M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGMO", 
-    "Sangamo BioSciences, Inc.", 
-    "16.945", 
-    "$1.16B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGMS", 
-    "Scientific Games Corp", 
-    "13.75", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGNL", 
-    "Signal Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "2.57", 
-    "$9.72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGNT", 
-    "Sagent Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "28.49", 
-    "$909.12M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGOC", 
-    "SGOCO Group, Ltd", 
-    "0.52", 
-    "$9.06M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGRP", 
-    "SPAR Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.47", 
-    "$30.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGYP", 
-    "Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.87", 
-    "$277.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGYPU", 
-    "Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "6.48", 
-    "$11.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SGYPW", 
-    "Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.7399", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHBI", 
-    "Shore Bancshares Inc", 
-    "9.35", 
-    "$117.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHEN", 
-    "Shenandoah Telecommunications Co", 
-    "29.71", 
-    "$716.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHIP", 
-    "Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp", 
-    "0.7856", 
-    "$9.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHLD", 
-    "Sears Holdings Corporation", 
-    "36.66", 
-    "$3.9B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHLDW", 
-    "Sears Holdings Corporation", 
-    "24.17", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHLM", 
-    "A. Schulman, Inc.", 
-    "40.3", 
-    "$1.17B", 
-    "1972", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHLO", 
-    "Shiloh Industries, Inc.", 
-    "12.63", 
-    "$217.49M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHOO", 
-    "Steven Madden, Ltd.", 
-    "34.15", 
-    "$2.19B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHOR", 
-    "ShoreTel, Inc.", 
-    "7.56", 
-    "$485.05M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHOS", 
-    "Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores, Inc.", 
-    "13", 
-    "$295.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SHPG", 
-    "Shire plc", 
-    "237.29", 
-    "$47.35B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIAL", 
-    "Sigma-Aldrich Corporation", 
-    "138.75", 
-    "$16.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIBC", 
-    "State Investors Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "20.91", 
-    "$48.26M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIEB", 
-    "Siebert Financial Corp.", 
-    "1.71", 
-    "$37.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIEN", 
-    "Sientra, Inc.", 
-    "17.56", 
-    "$261.87M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIFI", 
-    "SI Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "11.49", 
-    "$146.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIFY", 
-    "Sify Technologies Limited", 
-    "1.38", 
-    "$246.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIGA", 
-    "SIGA Technologies Inc.", 
-    "2.06", 
-    "$110.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIGI", 
-    "Selective Insurance Group, Inc.", 
-    "27.72", 
-    "$1.56B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIGM", 
-    "Sigma Designs, Inc.", 
-    "6.81", 
-    "$237.92M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_24.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_24.json
deleted file mode 100644
index dfbf5f2..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_24.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "SILC", 
-    "Silicom Ltd", 
-    "47.22", 
-    "$340.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIMG", 
-    "Silicon Image, Inc.", 
-    "7.245", 
-    "$560.74M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIMO", 
-    "Silicon Motion Technology Corporation", 
-    "29.69", 
-    "$977.03M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SINA", 
-    "Sina Corporation", 
-    "37.83", 
-    "$2.5B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SINO", 
-    "Sino-Global Shipping America, Ltd.", 
-    "1.5", 
-    "$9.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIRI", 
-    "Sirius XM Holdings Inc.", 
-    "3.86", 
-    "$21.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIRO", 
-    "Sirona Dental Systems, Inc.", 
-    "91.49", 
-    "$5.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIVB", 
-    "SVB Financial Group", 
-    "123.08", 
-    "$6.26B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIVBO", 
-    "SVB Financial Group", 
-    "25.75", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SIXD", 
-    "6D Global Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "8.52", 
-    "$660.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKBI", 
-    "Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical Company", 
-    "4.28", 
-    "$37.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKIS", 
-    "Peak Resorts, Inc.", 
-    "7.25", 
-    "$101.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKOR", 
-    "FlexShares Credit-Scored US Corporate Bond Index Fund", 
-    "50.63", 
-    "$12.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKUL", 
-    "Skullcandy, Inc.", 
-    "10.17", 
-    "$286.12M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKYS", 
-    "Sky Solar Holdings, Ltd.", 
-    "11.296", 
-    "$541.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKYW", 
-    "SkyWest, Inc.", 
-    "13.95", 
-    "$716.16M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SKYY", 
-    "First Trust ISE Cloud Computing Index Fund", 
-    "29.72", 
-    "$425M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLAB", 
-    "Silicon Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "49.9", 
-    "$2.1B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLCT", 
-    "Select Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "6.96", 
-    "$79.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLGN", 
-    "Silgan Holdings Inc.", 
-    "57.04", 
-    "$3.61B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLM", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "9.36", 
-    "$3.96B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLMAP", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "49.2525", 
-    "$162.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLMBP", 
-    "SLM Corporation", 
-    "65.3", 
-    "$261.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLP", 
-    "Simulations Plus, Inc.", 
-    "6.27", 
-    "$105.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLRC", 
-    "Solar Capital Ltd.", 
-    "19.58", 
-    "$831.47M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLTC", 
-    "Selectica, Inc.", 
-    "5.2", 
-    "$40.91M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLVO", 
-    "Credit Suisse Silver Shares Covered Call ETN", 
-    "11.3468", 
-    "$9.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SLXP", 
-    "Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.", 
-    "157.85", 
-    "$10.06B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMAC", 
-    "Sino Mercury Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.92", 
-    "$52.68M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMACR", 
-    "Sino Mercury Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.29", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMACU", 
-    "Sino Mercury Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.0405", 
-    "$42.27M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMBC", 
-    "Southern Missouri Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.58", 
-    "$137.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMCI", 
-    "Super Micro Computer, Inc.", 
-    "39.24", 
-    "$1.83B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMED", 
-    "Sharps Compliance Corp", 
-    "5.05", 
-    "$78.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMIT", 
-    "Schmitt Industries, Inc.", 
-    "2.66", 
-    "$7.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMLR", 
-    "Semler Scientific, Inc.", 
-    "4.875", 
-    "$22.99M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMMF", 
-    "Summit Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "11.42", 
-    "$85.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMPL", 
-    "Simplicity Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "17.3", 
-    "$128.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMRT", 
-    "Stein Mart, Inc.", 
-    "16.2", 
-    "$728.03M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMSI", 
-    "Smith Micro Software, Inc.", 
-    "1.46", 
-    "$65.78M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMT", 
-    "SMART Technologies Inc.", 
-    "1.24", 
-    "$151.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMTC", 
-    "Semtech Corporation", 
-    "27.58", 
-    "$1.84B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMTP", 
-    "SMTP, Inc.", 
-    "5.06", 
-    "$27.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SMTX", 
-    "SMTC Corporation", 
-    "1.53", 
-    "$25.12M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNAK", 
-    "Inventure Foods, Inc.", 
-    "10.72", 
-    "$209.44M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNBC", 
-    "Sun Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.66", 
-    "$346.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNC", 
-    "State National Companies, Inc.", 
-    "9.16", 
-    "$405.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNCR", 
-    "Synchronoss Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "44.81", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNDK", 
-    "SanDisk Corporation", 
-    "82.63", 
-    "$17.6B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNFCA", 
-    "Security National Financial Corporation", 
-    "5.895", 
-    "$85.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNHY", 
-    "Sun Hydraulics Corporation", 
-    "40.18", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNMX", 
-    "Senomyx, Inc.", 
-    "6.11", 
-    "$264.9M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNPS", 
-    "Synopsys, Inc.", 
-    "46.95", 
-    "$7.21B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNSS", 
-    "Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.35", 
-    "$145.58M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SNTA", 
-    "Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp.", 
-    "2.32", 
-    "$252.64M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOCB", 
-    "Southcoast Financial Corporation", 
-    "7.27", 
-    "$51.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOCL", 
-    "Global X Social Media Index ETF", 
-    "18.74", 
-    "$95.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SODA", 
-    "SodaStream International Ltd.", 
-    "18.73", 
-    "$393.29M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOFO", 
-    "Sonic Foundry, Inc.", 
-    "8.19", 
-    "$35.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOHO", 
-    "Sotherly Hotels Inc.", 
-    "7.44", 
-    "$78.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOHOL", 
-    "Sotherly Hotels LP", 
-    "26.2535", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOHOM", 
-    "Sotherly Hotels LP", 
-    "25.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOHU", 
-    " Inc.", 
-    "53.26", 
-    "$2.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SONA", 
-    "Southern National Bancorp of Virginia, Inc.", 
-    "11.6501", 
-    "$142.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SONC", 
-    "Sonic Corp.", 
-    "32.88", 
-    "$1.76B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SONS", 
-    "Sonus Networks, Inc.", 
-    "16.75", 
-    "$33.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SORL", 
-    "SORL Auto Parts, Inc.", 
-    "3.11", 
-    "$60.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SOXX", 
-    "iShares PHLX SOX Semiconductor Sector Index Fund", 
-    "96.31", 
-    "$577.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SP", 
-    "SP Plus Corporation", 
-    "22.78", 
-    "$501.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Rental/Leasing Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPAN", 
-    "Span-America Medical Systems, Inc.", 
-    "18.175", 
-    "$54.19M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPAR", 
-    "Spartan Motors, Inc.", 
-    "5.35", 
-    "$182.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPCB", 
-    "SuperCom, Ltd.", 
-    "8.22", 
-    "$112.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPDC", 
-    "Speed Commerce, Inc.", 
-    "0.9871", 
-    "$65.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPEX", 
-    "Spherix Incorporated", 
-    "0.93", 
-    "$26.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPHS", 
-    "Sophiris Bio, Inc.", 
-    "0.47", 
-    "$7.92M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPIL", 
-    "Siliconware Precision Industries Company, Ltd.", 
-    "8.74", 
-    "$5.46B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPKE", 
-    "Spark Energy, Inc.", 
-    "15.2", 
-    "$209M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Power Generation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPLK", 
-    "Splunk Inc.", 
-    "68.945", 
-    "$8.36B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPLS", 
-    "Staples, Inc.", 
-    "16.79", 
-    "$10.75B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPNC", 
-    "The Spectranetics Corporation", 
-    "33.78", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPNS", 
-    "Sapiens International Corporation N.V.", 
-    "7.31", 
-    "$348.53M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPOK", 
-    "Spok Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "18.93", 
-    "$410.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPPI", 
-    "Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7.46", 
-    "$491.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPPR", 
-    "Supertel Hospitality, Inc.", 
-    "1.69", 
-    "$7.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPPRO", 
-    "Supertel Hospitality, Inc.", 
-    "15.5001", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPPRP", 
-    "Supertel Hospitality, Inc.", 
-    "5.6991", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPRO", 
-    "SmartPros Ltd.", 
-    "1.43", 
-    "$6.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPRT", 
-    ", Inc.", 
-    "1.68", 
-    "$90.88M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPSC", 
-    "SPS Commerce, Inc.", 
-    "67.4", 
-    "$1.1B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPTN", 
-    "SpartanNash Company", 
-    "26.21", 
-    "$982.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPU", 
-    "SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc.", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPWH", 
-    "Sportsman&#39;s Warehouse Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SPWR", 
-    "SunPower Corporation", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQBG", 
-    "Sequential Brands Group, Inc.", 
-    "10.39", 
-    "$396.61M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQBK", 
-    "Square 1 Financial, Inc.", 
-    "24.96", 
-    "$716.57M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQI", 
-    "SciQuest, Inc.", 
-    "17.18", 
-    "$472.83M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQNM", 
-    "Sequenom, Inc.", 
-    "3.49", 
-    "$409.6M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SQQQ", 
-    "ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ Fund", 
-    "25.23", 
-    "$227.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRCE", 
-    "1st Source Corporation", 
-    "31.31", 
-    "$747.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRCL", 
-    "Stericycle, Inc.", 
-    "134.61", 
-    "$11.43B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_25.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_25.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e6c8f..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_25.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "SRDX", 
-    "SurModics, Inc.", 
-    "23.57", 
-    "$304.98M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SREV", 
-    "ServiceSource International, Inc.", 
-    "3.84", 
-    "$321.74M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRNE", 
-    "Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "12.37", 
-    "$357.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRPT", 
-    "Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "15.21", 
-    "$628.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SRSC", 
-    "Sears Canada Inc. ", 
-    "9.87", 
-    "$1.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSB", 
-    "South State Corporation", 
-    "65.05", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSBI", 
-    "Summit State Bank", 
-    "13.73", 
-    "$65.61M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSFN", 
-    "Stewardship Financial Corp", 
-    "5.45", 
-    "$32.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSH", 
-    "Sunshine Heart Inc", 
-    "5.25", 
-    "$88.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSNC", 
-    "SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "62.6", 
-    "$5.24B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSRG", 
-    "Symmetry Surgical Inc.", 
-    "7.85", 
-    "$75.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSRI", 
-    "Silver Standard Resources Inc.", 
-    "5.405", 
-    "$436.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SSYS", 
-    "Stratasys, Ltd.", 
-    "63.88", 
-    "$3.25B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STAA", 
-    "STAAR Surgical Company", 
-    "6.63", 
-    "$256.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Ophthalmic Goods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STB", 
-    "Student Transportation Inc", 
-    "5.75", 
-    "$480.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Other Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STBA", 
-    "S&T Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "28.81", 
-    "$858.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STBZ", 
-    "State Bank Financial Corporation.", 
-    "19.75", 
-    "$637.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STCK", 
-    "Stock Building Supply Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "15.89", 
-    "$415.94M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STEM", 
-    "StemCells, Inc.", 
-    "1.09", 
-    "$74.92M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STFC", 
-    "State Auto Financial Corporation", 
-    "24.23", 
-    "$992.63M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STKL", 
-    "SunOpta, Inc.", 
-    "11.85", 
-    "$796.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STLD", 
-    "Steel Dynamics, Inc.", 
-    "19.47", 
-    "$4.68B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STLY", 
-    "Stanley Furniture Company, Inc.", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "$50.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STML", 
-    "Stemline Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "14.1", 
-    "$187.32M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STMP", 
-    " Inc.", 
-    "57.52", 
-    "$922.02M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STNR", 
-    "Steiner Leisure Limited", 
-    "47.57", 
-    "$645.31M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STPP", 
-    "iPath US Treasury Steepener ETN", 
-    "34.29", 
-    "$13.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRA", 
-    "Strayer Education, Inc.", 
-    "61.45", 
-    "$670.01M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRL", 
-    "Sterling Construction Company Inc", 
-    "2.99", 
-    "$56.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRM", 
-    "Streamline Health Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "4.15", 
-    "$76.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRN", 
-    "Sutron Corporation", 
-    "5.4201", 
-    "$27.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRS", 
-    "Stratus Properties, Inc.", 
-    "13.45", 
-    "$108.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRT", 
-    "Strattec Security Corporation", 
-    "64.79", 
-    "$232.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRZA", 
-    "Starz", 
-    "31.52", 
-    "$3.29B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STRZB", 
-    "Starz", 
-    "30.3728", 
-    "$3.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STX", 
-    "Seagate Technology.", 
-    "62.18", 
-    "$20.42B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "STXS", 
-    "Stereotaxis, Inc.", 
-    "2.65", 
-    "$54.22M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUBK", 
-    "Suffolk Bancorp", 
-    "23.14", 
-    "$269.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUMR", 
-    "Summer Infant, Inc.", 
-    "2.65", 
-    "$48.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUNS", 
-    "Solar Senior Capital Ltd.", 
-    "15.73", 
-    "$181.42M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUPN", 
-    "Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "8.67", 
-    "$372.21M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SURG", 
-    "Synergetics USA, Inc.", 
-    "4.49", 
-    "$113.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUSQ", 
-    "Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "13.5", 
-    "$2.45B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SUTR", 
-    "Sutor Technology Group Limited", 
-    "0.88", 
-    "$36.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SVA", 
-    "Sinovac Biotech, Ltd.", 
-    "5", 
-    "$278.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SVBI", 
-    "Severn Bancorp Inc", 
-    "4.41", 
-    "$44.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SVVC", 
-    "Firsthand Technology Value Fund, Inc.", 
-    "13.7", 
-    "$124.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SWHC", 
-    "Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation", 
-    "12.78", 
-    "$686.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Ordnance And Accessories", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SWIR", 
-    "Sierra Wireless, Inc.", 
-    "37.77", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SWKS", 
-    "Skyworks Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "84.3", 
-    "$16.09B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SWSH", 
-    "Swisher Hygiene, Inc.", 
-    "1.98", 
-    "$34.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYBT", 
-    "Stock Yards Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "32.61", 
-    "$479.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYKE", 
-    "Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated", 
-    "22.82", 
-    "$987.91M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYMC", 
-    "Symantec Corporation", 
-    "25.685", 
-    "$17.53B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYMX", 
-    "Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc.", 
-    "0.78", 
-    "$57.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYNA", 
-    "Synaptics Incorporated", 
-    "82.225", 
-    "$3.02B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYNC", 
-    "Synacor, Inc.", 
-    "2.2", 
-    "$60.24M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYNL", 
-    "Synalloy Corporation", 
-    "15.37", 
-    "$133.86M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYNT", 
-    "Syntel, Inc.", 
-    "49.68", 
-    "$4.15B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYPR", 
-    "Sypris Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "2.42", 
-    "$49.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYRX", 
-    "Sysorex Global Holding Corp.", 
-    "1.52", 
-    "$29.87M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SYUT", 
-    "Synutra International, Inc.", 
-    "5.74", 
-    "$328.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SZMK", 
-    "Sizmek Inc.", 
-    "7.87", 
-    "$239.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "SZYM", 
-    "Solazyme, Inc.", 
-    "2.56", 
-    "$203.01M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TACT", 
-    "TransAct Technologies Incorporated", 
-    "6.61", 
-    "$54.34M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAIT", 
-    "Taitron Components Incorporated", 
-    "1", 
-    "$5.54M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAPR", 
-    "Barclays Inverse US Treasury Composite ETN", 
-    "32.96", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TASR", 
-    "TASER International, Inc.", 
-    "27.58", 
-    "$1.45B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Ordnance And Accessories", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAST", 
-    "Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "8.8", 
-    "$309.96M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TATT", 
-    "TAT Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "6.31", 
-    "$55.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAX", 
-    "Liberty Tax, Inc.", 
-    "33.92", 
-    "$430.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAXI", 
-    "Medallion Financial Corp.", 
-    "10.8", 
-    "$271.76M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TAYD", 
-    "Taylor Devices, Inc.", 
-    "11.55", 
-    "$38.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBBK", 
-    "The Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "8.99", 
-    "$339M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBIO", 
-    "Transgenomic, Inc.", 
-    "2.54", 
-    "$21.04M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBK", 
-    "Triumph Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.98", 
-    "$233.17M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBNK", 
-    "Territorial Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "21.78", 
-    "$217.14M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TBPH", 
-    "Theravance Biopharma, Inc.", 
-    "19.52", 
-    "$629.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBI", 
-    "Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "46.99", 
-    "$2.15B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBIL", 
-    "Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "24.63", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBIP", 
-    "Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "24.762", 
-    "$148.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBIW", 
-    "Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "33.37", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCBK", 
-    "TriCo Bancshares", 
-    "24.47", 
-    "$555.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCCO", 
-    "Technical Communications Corporation", 
-    "4.2699", 
-    "$7.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCFC", 
-    "The Community Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.6916", 
-    "$92.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCON", 
-    "TRACON Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "10.14", 
-    "$122.62M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCPC", 
-    "TCP Capital Corp.", 
-    "16.79", 
-    "$718.79M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCRD", 
-    "THL Credit, Inc.", 
-    "11.9", 
-    "$403.47M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TCX", 
-    "Tucows Inc.", 
-    "18.44", 
-    "$208.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TDIV", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Technology Dividend Index Fund", 
-    "28.56", 
-    "$741.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TEAR", 
-    "TearLab Corporation", 
-    "2.52", 
-    "$84.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TECD", 
-    "Tech Data Corporation", 
-    "61.78", 
-    "$2.36B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TECH", 
-    "Bio-Techne Corp", 
-    "96.36", 
-    "$3.58B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TECU", 
-    "Tecumseh Products Company", 
-    "3.1", 
-    "$57.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TEDU", 
-    "Tarena International, Inc.", 
-    "11.2", 
-    "$567.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TENX", 
-    "Tenax Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "3.31", 
-    "$93.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TERP", 
-    "TerraForm Power, Inc.", 
-    "33.4", 
-    "$1.41B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Electric Utilities: Central", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TESO", 
-    "Tesco Corporation", 
-    "10.79", 
-    "$427.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TESS", 
-    "TESSCO Technologies Incorporated", 
-    "25.27", 
-    "$206.85M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFM", 
-    "The Fresh Market, Inc.", 
-    "37.09", 
-    "$1.8B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_26.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_26.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 48aaf6b..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_26.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "TFSC", 
-    "1347 Capital Corp.", 
-    "9.43", 
-    "$56.09M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFSCR", 
-    "1347 Capital Corp.", 
-    "0.37", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFSCU", 
-    "1347 Capital Corp.", 
-    "9.97", 
-    "$41.67M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFSCW", 
-    "1347 Capital Corp.", 
-    "0.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TFSL", 
-    "TFS Financial Corporation", 
-    "14.18", 
-    "$4.23B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TGA", 
-    "Transglobe Energy Corp", 
-    "3.03", 
-    "$228.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TGEN", 
-    "Tecogen Inc.", 
-    "5.2099", 
-    "$82.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TGLS", 
-    "Tecnoglass Inc.", 
-    "9.8377", 
-    "$240.07M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TGTX", 
-    "TG Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "13.5", 
-    "$593.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THFF", 
-    "First Financial Corporation Indiana", 
-    "34.29", 
-    "$442.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THLD", 
-    "Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "4.35", 
-    "$272.96M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THOR", 
-    "Thoratec Corporation", 
-    "40.5", 
-    "$2.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THRM", 
-    "Gentherm Inc", 
-    "42.27", 
-    "$1.51B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THRX", 
-    "Theravance, Inc.", 
-    "18.22", 
-    "$2.1B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THST", 
-    "Truett-Hurst, Inc.", 
-    "2.82", 
-    "$10.85M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "THTI", 
-    "THT Heat Transfer Technology, Inc.", 
-    "1.04", 
-    "$21.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TICC", 
-    "TICC Capital Corp.", 
-    "7.61", 
-    "$459.32M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TIGR", 
-    "TigerLogic Corporation", 
-    "0.35", 
-    "$10.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TILE", 
-    "Interface, Inc.", 
-    "18.91", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TINY", 
-    "Harris & Harris Group, Inc.", 
-    "3.19", 
-    "$99.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance/Investors Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TIPT", 
-    "Tiptree Financial Inc.", 
-    "7.1", 
-    "$295.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TISA", 
-    "Top Image Systems, Ltd.", 
-    "3.12", 
-    "$55.58M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TITN", 
-    "Titan Machinery Inc.", 
-    "14.89", 
-    "$318.81M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TIVO", 
-    "TiVo Inc.", 
-    "10.83", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TKAI", 
-    "Tokai Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "14.49", 
-    "$324.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TKMR", 
-    "Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corp", 
-    "19.89", 
-    "$446.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TLF", 
-    "Tandy Leather Factory, Inc.", 
-    "8.99", 
-    "$92.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TLMR", 
-    "Talmer Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.7", 
-    "$965.9M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TLOG", 
-    "TetraLogic Pharmaceuticals Corporation", 
-    "4.94", 
-    "$110.24M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TNAV", 
-    "TeleNav, Inc.", 
-    "8.23", 
-    "$328.4M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TNDM", 
-    "Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.", 
-    "13.54", 
-    "$320M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TNGO", 
-    "Tangoe, Inc.", 
-    "12.19", 
-    "$473.51M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TNXP", 
-    "Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.", 
-    "6.25", 
-    "$98.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TOPS", 
-    "TOP Ships Inc.", 
-    "1.18", 
-    "$22.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TORM          ", 
-    "TOR Minerals International Inc", 
-    "7.21", 
-    "$21.73M", 
-    "1988", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TOUR", 
-    "Tuniu Corporation", 
-    "15.03", 
-    "$729.75M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TOWN", 
-    "Towne Bank", 
-    "15.63", 
-    "$552M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TQQQ", 
-    "ProShares UltraPro QQQ Fund", 
-    "111.33", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRAK", 
-    "Dealertrack Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "44.95", 
-    "$2.43B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRCB", 
-    "Two River Bancorp", 
-    "8.57", 
-    "$68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRCH", 
-    "Torchlight Energy Resources, Inc.", 
-    "0.513", 
-    "$11.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TREE", 
-    "LendingTree, Inc.", 
-    "43.84", 
-    "$496.55M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRGT", 
-    "Targacept, Inc.", 
-    "2.6", 
-    "$89.21M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRIB", 
-    "Trinity Biotech plc", 
-    "17.82", 
-    "$411.18M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRIL", 
-    "Trillium Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "13.57", 
-    "$58.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRIP", 
-    "TripAdvisor, Inc.", 
-    "88.78", 
-    "$12.69B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRIV", 
-    "TriVascular Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "10.51", 
-    "$214.08M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRMB", 
-    "Trimble Navigation Limited", 
-    "26.53", 
-    "$6.87B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRMK", 
-    "Trustmark Corporation", 
-    "23.33", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRNS", 
-    "Transcat, Inc.", 
-    "9.25", 
-    "$63.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRNX", 
-    "Tornier N.V.", 
-    "25.65", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TROV", 
-    "TrovaGene, Inc.", 
-    "5.01", 
-    "$120.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TROVU", 
-    "TrovaGene, Inc.", 
-    "15.82", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TROVW", 
-    "TrovaGene, Inc.", 
-    "3.94", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TROW", 
-    "T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.", 
-    "83.53", 
-    "$21.78B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRS", 
-    "TriMas Corporation", 
-    "30", 
-    "$1.36B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRST", 
-    "TrustCo Bank Corp NY", 
-    "6.7", 
-    "$635.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRTL", 
-    "Terrapin 3 Acquisition Corporation", 
-    "9.95", 
-    "$264.61M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRTLU", 
-    "Terrapin 3 Acquisition Corporation", 
-    "10.07", 
-    "$186.3M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRTLW", 
-    "Terrapin 3 Acquisition Corporation", 
-    "0.27", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRUE", 
-    "TrueCar, Inc.", 
-    "17.95", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TRVN", 
-    "Trevena, Inc.", 
-    "5.44", 
-    "$213.42M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSBK", 
-    "Timberland Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "10.7", 
-    "$75.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSC", 
-    "TriState Capital Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "9.92", 
-    "$284.83M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSCO", 
-    "Tractor Supply Company", 
-    "88.12", 
-    "$12B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSEM", 
-    "Tower Semiconductor Ltd.", 
-    "13.69", 
-    "$872.1M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSLA", 
-    "Tesla Motors, Inc.", 
-    "217.11", 
-    "$27.22B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSRA", 
-    "Tessera Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "39.92", 
-    "$2.11B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSRE", 
-    "Trade Street Residential, Inc.", 
-    "7.95", 
-    "$291.75M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSRI", 
-    "TSR, Inc.", 
-    "4.1147", 
-    "$8.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSRO", 
-    "TESARO, Inc.", 
-    "44.2", 
-    "$1.59B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TST", 
-    "TheStreet, Inc.", 
-    "2.02", 
-    "$69.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TSYS", 
-    "TeleCommunication Systems, Inc.", 
-    "3.27", 
-    "$195.07M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTEC", 
-    "TeleTech Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "23.72", 
-    "$1.16B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTEK", 
-    "Tetra Tech, Inc.", 
-    "24.99", 
-    "$1.54B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTGT", 
-    "TechTarget, Inc.", 
-    "11.29", 
-    "$372.26M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTHI", 
-    "Transition Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "7.05", 
-    "$273.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTMI", 
-    "TTM Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "8.75", 
-    "$729.27M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTOO", 
-    "T2 Biosystems, Inc.", 
-    "17.52", 
-    "$351.13M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTPH", 
-    "Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "41.66", 
-    "$1.28B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTS", 
-    "Tile Shop Hldgs, Inc.", 
-    "11.1", 
-    "$569.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TTWO", 
-    "Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.", 
-    "27.005", 
-    "$2.28B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TUBE", 
-    "TubeMogul, Inc.", 
-    "15.99", 
-    "$476.38M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TUES", 
-    "Tuesday Morning Corp.", 
-    "19.46", 
-    "$853.21M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TUSA", 
-    "First Trust Total US Market AlphaDEX ETF", 
-    "26.7199", 
-    "$6.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TVIX", 
-    "VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Short Term ETN", 
-    "2.28", 
-    "$31.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TVIZ", 
-    "VelocityShares Daily 2x VIX Medium Term ETN", 
-    "21", 
-    "$892332", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TWER", 
-    "Towerstream Corporation", 
-    "2.3", 
-    "$153.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TWIN", 
-    "Twin Disc, Incorporated", 
-    "17.43", 
-    "$196.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TWMC", 
-    "Trans World Entertainment Corp.", 
-    "3.67", 
-    "$115.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Video Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TWOU", 
-    "2U, Inc.", 
-    "17.62", 
-    "$714.35M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TXN", 
-    "Texas Instruments Incorporated", 
-    "58.52", 
-    "$61.81B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TXRH", 
-    "Texas Roadhouse, Inc.", 
-    "36.26", 
-    "$2.52B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TYPE", 
-    "Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc.", 
-    "32.82", 
-    "$1.29B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "TZOO", 
-    "Travelzoo Inc.", 
-    "9.68", 
-    "$142.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UACL", 
-    "Universal Truckload Services, Inc.", 
-    "24.87", 
-    "$745.32M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UAE", 
-    "iShares MSCI UAE Capped ETF", 
-    "19.99", 
-    "$43.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBCP", 
-    "United Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "7.95", 
-    "$42.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBFO", 
-    "United Security Bancshares", 
-    "5.05", 
-    "$78.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBIC", 
-    "UBIC, Inc.", 
-    "18.9699", 
-    "$335.87M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_27.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_27.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c8e087..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_27.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "UBNK", 
-    "United Financial Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.61", 
-    "$644.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBNT", 
-    "Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.", 
-    "31.36", 
-    "$2.76B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBOH", 
-    "United Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "14.92", 
-    "$50.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBSH", 
-    "Union Bankshares Corporation", 
-    "21.5", 
-    "$977.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UBSI", 
-    "United Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "36.9", 
-    "$2.55B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UCBA", 
-    "United Community Bancorp", 
-    "12.17", 
-    "$56.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UCBI", 
-    "United Community Banks, Inc.", 
-    "19.01", 
-    "$1.15B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UCFC", 
-    "United Community Financial Corp.", 
-    "5.26", 
-    "$261.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UCTT", 
-    "Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "8.41", 
-    "$248.37M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UDF", 
-    "United Development Funding IV", 
-    "16.57", 
-    "$507.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UEIC", 
-    "Universal Electronics Inc.", 
-    "57.51", 
-    "$908.44M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Appliances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UEPS", 
-    "Net 1 UEPS Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "13.45", 
-    "$626.06M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UFCS", 
-    "United Fire Group, Inc", 
-    "29.12", 
-    "$729.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UFPI", 
-    "Universal Forest Products, Inc.", 
-    "52.9", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Forest Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UFPT", 
-    "UFP Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "23.36", 
-    "$164.84M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UG", 
-    "United-Guardian, Inc.", 
-    "20.5", 
-    "$94.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UGLD", 
-    "VelocityShares 3x Long Gold ETN linked to the S&P GSCI Gold In", 
-    "11.56", 
-    "$11.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UHAL", 
-    "Amerco", 
-    "321.8", 
-    "$6.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Rental/Leasing Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UIHC", 
-    "United Insurance Holdings Corp.", 
-    "22.97", 
-    "$480.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ULBI", 
-    "Ultralife Corporation", 
-    "3.722", 
-    "$64.75M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ULTA", 
-    "Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance, Inc.", 
-    "138", 
-    "$8.88B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ULTI", 
-    "The Ultimate Software Group, Inc.", 
-    "168.88", 
-    "$4.79B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ULTR", 
-    "Ultrapetrol (Bahamas) Limited", 
-    "1.72", 
-    "$242.05M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UMBF", 
-    "UMB Financial Corporation", 
-    "52.2", 
-    "$2.37B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UMPQ", 
-    "Umpqua Holdings Corporation", 
-    "16.72", 
-    "$3.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNAM", 
-    "Unico American Corporation", 
-    "11.85", 
-    "$63.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNB", 
-    "Union Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "24.56", 
-    "$109.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNFI", 
-    "United Natural Foods, Inc.", 
-    "80.855", 
-    "$4.04B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNIS", 
-    "Unilife Corporation", 
-    "3.97", 
-    "$511.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNTD", 
-    "United Online, Inc.", 
-    "15.91", 
-    "$226.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNTY", 
-    "Unity Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.36", 
-    "$78.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UNXL", 
-    "Uni-Pixel, Inc.", 
-    "5.12", 
-    "$63.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UPI", 
-    "Uroplasty, Inc.", 
-    "1.33", 
-    "$29.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UPIP", 
-    "Unwired Planet, Inc.", 
-    "0.77", 
-    "$86.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UPLD", 
-    "Upland Software, Inc.", 
-    "7.14", 
-    "$108.59M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "URBN", 
-    "Urban Outfitters, Inc.", 
-    "38.34", 
-    "$5.05B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "URRE", 
-    "Uranium Resources, Inc.", 
-    "1.87", 
-    "$47.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USAK", 
-    "USA Truck, Inc.", 
-    "31.31", 
-    "$329.74M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USAP", 
-    "Universal Stainless & Alloy Products, Inc.", 
-    "23.98", 
-    "$169.59M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USAT", 
-    "USA Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "2.22", 
-    "$79.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USATP", 
-    "USA Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "19.2899", 
-    "$8.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Office Equipment/Supplies/Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USBI", 
-    "United Security Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "8.28", 
-    "$49.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USCR", 
-    "U S Concrete, Inc.", 
-    "29.7", 
-    "$415.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USEG", 
-    "U.S. Energy Corp.", 
-    "1.42", 
-    "$39.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USLM", 
-    "United States Lime & Minerals, Inc.", 
-    "68.99", 
-    "$384.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USLV", 
-    "VelocityShares 3x Long Silver ETN linked to the S&P GSCI Silve", 
-    "19.7", 
-    "$38.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USMD", 
-    "USMD Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "13.31", 
-    "$135.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "USTR", 
-    "United Stationers Inc.", 
-    "40.85", 
-    "$1.58B", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Paper", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTEK", 
-    "Ultratech, Inc.", 
-    "17.06", 
-    "$482.31M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTHR", 
-    "United Therapeutics Corporation", 
-    "156.01", 
-    "$7.41B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTIW", 
-    "UTi Worldwide Inc.", 
-    "12.48", 
-    "$1.32B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTMD", 
-    "Utah Medical Products, Inc.", 
-    "58.56", 
-    "$219.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UTSI", 
-    "UTStarcom Holdings Corp", 
-    "2.81", 
-    "$111.78M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "UVSP", 
-    "Univest Corporation of Pennsylvania", 
-    "19.04", 
-    "$308.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VA", 
-    "Virgin America Inc.", 
-    "36.1", 
-    "$1.55B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Air Freight/Delivery Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VALU", 
-    "Value Line, Inc.", 
-    "15.74", 
-    "$154.45M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VALX", 
-    "Validea Market Legends ETF", 
-    "26.07", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VASC", 
-    "Vascular Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "28.95", 
-    "$498M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBFC", 
-    "Village Bank and Trust Financial Corp.", 
-    "17.25", 
-    "$5.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBIV", 
-    "VBI Vaccines Inc.", 
-    "2.8294", 
-    "$56.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBLT", 
-    "Vascular Biogenics Ltd.", 
-    "4.25", 
-    "$84.57M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBND", 
-    "Vident Core U.S. Bond Strategy Fund", 
-    "49.9", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VBTX", 
-    "Veritex Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "14.2", 
-    "$134.39M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCEL", 
-    "Vericel Corporation", 
-    "3.6", 
-    "$85.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCIT", 
-    "Vanguard Intermediate-Term Corporate Bond Index Fund", 
-    "87.17", 
-    "$4.07B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCLT", 
-    "Vanguard Long-Term Corporate Bond ETF", 
-    "92.59", 
-    "$907.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCSH", 
-    "Vanguard Short-Term Corporate Bond ETF", 
-    "79.96", 
-    "$9.48B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VCYT", 
-    "Veracyte, Inc.", 
-    "8.79", 
-    "$197.83M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VDSI", 
-    "VASCO Data Security International, Inc.", 
-    "27.58", 
-    "$1.09B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VECO", 
-    "Veeco Instruments Inc.", 
-    "29.87", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VGGL", 
-    "Viggle Inc.", 
-    "1.81", 
-    "$29.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VGIT", 
-    "Vanguard Intermediate-Term Government Bond Index Fund", 
-    "64.618", 
-    "$174.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VGLT", 
-    "Vanguard Long-Term Government Bond ETF", 
-    "77.98", 
-    "$132.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VGSH", 
-    "Vanguard Short-Term Government Bond ETF", 
-    "60.93", 
-    "$578.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIA", 
-    "Viacom Inc.", 
-    "70.03", 
-    "$3.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIAB", 
-    "Viacom Inc.", 
-    "69.71", 
-    "$24.76B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIAS", 
-    "Viasystems Group, Inc.", 
-    "17.41", 
-    "$364.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VICL", 
-    "Vical Incorporated", 
-    "1.01", 
-    "$91.23M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VICR", 
-    "Vicor Corporation", 
-    "12.58", 
-    "$485.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIDE", 
-    "Video Display Corporation", 
-    "2.46", 
-    "$15.73M", 
-    "1985", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIDI", 
-    "Vident International Equity Fund", 
-    "24.11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIEW", 
-    "Viewtran Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.41", 
-    "$38.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIIX", 
-    "VelocityShares VIX Short Term ETN", 
-    "39.25", 
-    "$6.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIIZ", 
-    "VelocityShares VIX Medium Term ETN", 
-    "17.98", 
-    "$2.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIMC", 
-    "Vimicro International Corporation", 
-    "8.67", 
-    "$207.83M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIP", 
-    "VimpelCom Ltd.", 
-    "5.22", 
-    "$9.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIRC", 
-    "Virco Manufacturing Corporation", 
-    "2.45", 
-    "$36.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VISN", 
-    "VisionChina Media, Inc.", 
-    "14.42", 
-    "$73.23M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VIVO", 
-    "Meridian Bioscience Inc.", 
-    "19.34", 
-    "$806.59M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VLCCF", 
-    "Knightsbridge Shipping Limited", 
-    "4.58", 
-    "$366.96M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VLGEA", 
-    "Village Super Market, Inc.", 
-    "27.57", 
-    "$387.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VLTC", 
-    "Voltari Corporation", 
-    "0.7701", 
-    "$3.67M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VLYWW", 
-    "Valley National Bancorp", 
-    "0.0501", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VMBS", 
-    "Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Securities ETF", 
-    "53.11", 
-    "$557.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNDA", 
-    "Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "11.43", 
-    "$453.21M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNET", 
-    "21Vianet Group, Inc.", 
-    "18.33", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNOM", 
-    "Viper Energy Partners LP", 
-    "18.26", 
-    "$1.46B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNQI", 
-    "Vanguard Global ex-U.S. Real Estate ETF", 
-    "57.01", 
-    "$2.26B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNR", 
-    "Vanguard Natural Resources LLC", 
-    "17.28", 
-    "$1.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNRAP", 
-    "Vanguard Natural Resources LLC", 
-    "24.52", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_28.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_28.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8486bcd..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_28.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "VNRBP", 
-    "Vanguard Natural Resources LLC", 
-    "22.14", 
-    "$154.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VNRCP", 
-    "Vanguard Natural Resources LLC", 
-    "22.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VOD", 
-    "Vodafone Group Plc", 
-    "35.91", 
-    "$95.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VONE", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 1000 ETF", 
-    "97.5817", 
-    "$409.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VONG", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 1000 Growth ETF", 
-    "103.02", 
-    "$319.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VONV", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 1000 Value ETF", 
-    "92.29", 
-    "$313.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VOXX", 
-    "VOXX International Corporation", 
-    "8.77", 
-    "$211.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VPCO", 
-    "Vapor Corp.", 
-    "1.0999", 
-    "$18.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Tobacco", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRA", 
-    "Vera Bradley, Inc.", 
-    "19.77", 
-    "$796.9M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRML", 
-    "Vermillion, Inc.", 
-    "1.96", 
-    "$84.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRNG", 
-    "Vringo, Inc.", 
-    "0.6901", 
-    "$64.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRNGW", 
-    "Vringo, Inc.", 
-    "0.0294", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRNS", 
-    "Varonis Systems, Inc.", 
-    "29.88", 
-    "$737.85M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRNT", 
-    "Verint Systems Inc.", 
-    "58.235", 
-    "$3.54B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRSK", 
-    "Verisk Analytics, Inc.", 
-    "67.8", 
-    "$11.18B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRSN", 
-    "VeriSign, Inc.", 
-    "63.87", 
-    "$7.47B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTA", 
-    "Vestin Realty Mortgage I, Inc.", 
-    "3.44", 
-    "$1.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTB", 
-    "Vestin Realty Mortgage II, Inc.", 
-    "2.94", 
-    "$7.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTS", 
-    "Virtus Investment Partners, Inc.", 
-    "145.52", 
-    "$1.32B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTU", 
-    "Virtusa Corporation", 
-    "39.97", 
-    "$1.18B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VRTX", 
-    "Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated", 
-    "118.61", 
-    "$28.71B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSAR", 
-    "Versartis, Inc.", 
-    "18.85", 
-    "$456.07M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSAT", 
-    "ViaSat, Inc.", 
-    "66.08", 
-    "$3.15B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSCI", 
-    "Vision-Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.51", 
-    "$24.64M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSCP", 
-    "VirtualScopics, Inc.", 
-    "3.35", 
-    "$10.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSEC", 
-    "VSE Corporation", 
-    "79.57", 
-    "$426.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VSTM", 
-    "Verastem, Inc.", 
-    "7.91", 
-    "$270.77M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTAE", 
-    "Vitae Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "14.2", 
-    "$310.53M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTHR", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 3000 ETF ", 
-    "97.446", 
-    "$116.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTIP", 
-    "Vanguard Short-Term Inflation-Protected Securities ETF", 
-    "48.35", 
-    "$1.28B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTL", 
-    "Vital Therapies, Inc.", 
-    "21.96", 
-    "$523.64M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTNR", 
-    "Vertex Energy, Inc", 
-    "3.45", 
-    "$96.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Integrated oil Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTSS", 
-    "Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "4.23", 
-    "$291.78M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTWG", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 2000 Growth ETF", 
-    "107.87", 
-    "$107.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTWO", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF", 
-    "97.74", 
-    "$390.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VTWV", 
-    "Vanguard Russell 2000 Value ETF", 
-    "88.11", 
-    "$70.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VUSE", 
-    "Vident Core US Equity ETF", 
-    "27.46", 
-    "$186.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VUZI", 
-    "Vuzix Corporation", 
-    "6.8", 
-    "$83.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VVUS", 
-    "VIVUS, Inc.", 
-    "2.88", 
-    "$298.59M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VWOB", 
-    "Vanguard Emerging Markets Government Bond ETF", 
-    "77.02", 
-    "$200.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VWR", 
-    "VWR Corporation", 
-    "25.68", 
-    "$3.37B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Diversified Electronic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VXUS", 
-    "Vanguard Total International Stock ETF", 
-    "51.15", 
-    "$3.14B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "VYFC", 
-    "Valley Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.67", 
-    "$94.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WABC", 
-    "Westamerica Bancorporation", 
-    "43.25", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WAFD", 
-    "Washington Federal, Inc.", 
-    "20.96", 
-    "$2.02B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WAFDW", 
-    "Washington Federal, Inc.", 
-    "5.19", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WASH", 
-    "Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "37.84", 
-    "$632.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WATT", 
-    "Energous Corporation", 
-    "9.18", 
-    "$117.33M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WAVX", 
-    "Wave Systems Corp.", 
-    "0.8284", 
-    "$38.08M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WAYN", 
-    "Wayne Savings Bancshares Inc.", 
-    "13.6", 
-    "$38.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WB", 
-    "Weibo Corporation", 
-    "13.76", 
-    "$2.75B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WBA", 
-    "Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.", 
-    "77.13", 
-    "$72.94B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WBB", 
-    "Westbury Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.5", 
-    "$81.26M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WBKC", 
-    "Wolverine Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "23.7652", 
-    "$53.91M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WBMD", 
-    "WebMD Health Corp", 
-    "40.91", 
-    "$1.53B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WDC", 
-    "Western Digital Corporation", 
-    "111.31", 
-    "$25.72B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WDFC", 
-    "WD-40 Company", 
-    "81.86", 
-    "$1.2B", 
-    "1973", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WEBK", 
-    "Wellesley Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.7999", 
-    "$46.14M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WEN", 
-    "Wendy&#39;s Company (The)", 
-    "11.26", 
-    "$4.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WERN", 
-    "Werner Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "31.69", 
-    "$2.28B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WETF", 
-    "WisdomTree Investments, Inc.", 
-    "18.95", 
-    "$2.53B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WEYS", 
-    "Weyco Group, Inc.", 
-    "27.04", 
-    "$291.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WFBI", 
-    "WashingtonFirst Bankshares Inc", 
-    "15.99", 
-    "$129.88M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WFD", 
-    "Westfield Financial, Inc.", 
-    "7.26", 
-    "$136.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WFM", 
-    "Whole Foods Market, Inc.", 
-    "56.715", 
-    "$20.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Food Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WGBS", 
-    "WaferGen Bio-systems, Inc.", 
-    "4.58", 
-    "$26.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHF", 
-    "WhiteHorse Finance, Inc.", 
-    "12.26", 
-    "$183.69M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHFBL", 
-    "WhiteHorse Finance, Inc.", 
-    "25.0825", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHLM", 
-    "Wilhelmina International, Inc.", 
-    "5.75", 
-    "$33.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHLR", 
-    "Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.", 
-    "3.54", 
-    "$26.36M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHLRP", 
-    "Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.", 
-    "19.15", 
-    "$13.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WHLRW", 
-    "Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.", 
-    "0.228", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIBC", 
-    "Wilshire Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.78", 
-    "$765.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIFI", 
-    "Boingo Wireless, Inc.", 
-    "7.96", 
-    "$287.24M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WILC", 
-    "G. Willi-Food International,  Ltd.", 
-    "6.09", 
-    "$79.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WILN", 
-    "Wi-Lan Inc", 
-    "2.669", 
-    "$320.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIN", 
-    "Windstream Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "8.63", 
-    "$5.2B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WINA", 
-    "Winmark Corporation", 
-    "80.09", 
-    "$400.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIRE", 
-    "Encore Wire Corporation", 
-    "34.19", 
-    "$708.42M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WIX", 
-    " Ltd.", 
-    "19.65", 
-    "$748.45M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLB", 
-    "Westmoreland Coal Company", 
-    "29.75", 
-    "$507.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Coal Mining", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLDN", 
-    "Willdan Group, Inc.", 
-    "14.31", 
-    "$109.14M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLFC", 
-    "Willis Lease Finance Corporation", 
-    "21.21", 
-    "$178.49M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLRH", 
-    "WL Ross Holding Corp.", 
-    "9.96", 
-    "$622.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLRHU", 
-    "WL Ross Holding Corp.", 
-    "10.5", 
-    "$420M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WLRHW", 
-    "WL Ross Holding Corp.", 
-    "0.64", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WMAR", 
-    "West Marine, Inc.", 
-    "12.28", 
-    "$298.57M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WMGI", 
-    "Wright Medical Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.17", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WMGIZ", 
-    "Wright Medical Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.2", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WOOD", 
-    "iShares S&P Global Timber & Forestry Index Fund", 
-    "56.3", 
-    "$324.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WOOF", 
-    "VCA Inc. ", 
-    "53.07", 
-    "$4.46B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WPCS", 
-    "WPCS International Incorporated", 
-    "0.319", 
-    "$4.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WPPGY", 
-    "WPP plc", 
-    "117.03", 
-    "$30.8B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WPRT", 
-    "Westport Innovations Inc", 
-    "5.53", 
-    "$352.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WRES", 
-    "Warren Resources, Inc.", 
-    "1.32", 
-    "$106.59M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WRLD", 
-    "World Acceptance Corporation", 
-    "81.76", 
-    "$779.29M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSBC", 
-    "WesBanco, Inc.", 
-    "33.03", 
-    "$967.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSBF", 
-    "Waterstone Financial, Inc.", 
-    "12.82", 
-    "$441.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSCI", 
-    "WSI Industries Inc.", 
-    "6.436", 
-    "$18.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSFS", 
-    "WSFS Financial Corporation", 
-    "78.03", 
-    "$733.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_29.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_29.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 93021fb..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_29.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "WSFSL", 
-    "WSFS Financial Corporation", 
-    "26.3499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSTC", 
-    "West Corporation", 
-    "34.78", 
-    "$2.93B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSTG", 
-    "Wayside Technology Group, Inc.", 
-    "17.08", 
-    "$83.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Retail: Computer Software & Peripheral Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WSTL", 
-    "Westell Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "1.54", 
-    "$92.7M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WTBA", 
-    "West Bancorporation", 
-    "17.99", 
-    "$288.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WTFC", 
-    "Wintrust Financial Corporation", 
-    "47.69", 
-    "$2.23B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WTFCW", 
-    "Wintrust Financial Corporation", 
-    "25.25", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WVFC", 
-    "WVS Financial Corp.", 
-    "11.5", 
-    "$23.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WVVI", 
-    "Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc.", 
-    "5.9499", 
-    "$28.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WWD", 
-    "Woodward, Inc.", 
-    "48.75", 
-    "$3.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WWWW", 
-    " Group, Inc.", 
-    "18.01", 
-    "$946.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "WYNN", 
-    "Wynn Resorts, Limited", 
-    "158.47", 
-    "$16.06B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XBKS", 
-    "Xenith Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "6.4001", 
-    "$82.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XCRA", 
-    "Xcerra Corporation", 
-    "8.68", 
-    "$472.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XENE", 
-    "Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "19.38", 
-    "$274.83M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XENT", 
-    "Intersect ENT, Inc.", 
-    "22.7", 
-    "$530.65M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XGTI", 
-    "XG Technology, Inc", 
-    "0.49", 
-    "$12.26M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XGTIW", 
-    "XG Technology, Inc", 
-    "0.26", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XIV", 
-    "VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short Term ETN", 
-    "31.285", 
-    "$485.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XLNX", 
-    "Xilinx, Inc.", 
-    "41.675", 
-    "$10.9B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XLRN", 
-    "Acceleron Pharma Inc.", 
-    "39.98", 
-    "$1.29B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XNCR", 
-    "Xencor, Inc.", 
-    "15.06", 
-    "$473.52M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XNET", 
-    "Xunlei Limited", 
-    "7.25", 
-    "$471.36M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XNPT", 
-    "XenoPort, Inc.", 
-    "7.19", 
-    "$447.49M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XOMA", 
-    "XOMA Corporation", 
-    "4.05", 
-    "$469.36M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XONE", 
-    "The ExOne Company", 
-    "16.32", 
-    "$235.71M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XOOM", 
-    "Xoom Corporation", 
-    "16.43", 
-    "$631.69M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XPLR", 
-    "Xplore Technologies Corp", 
-    "6.82", 
-    "$57.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XRAY", 
-    "DENTSPLY International Inc.", 
-    "52.53", 
-    "$7.43B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XTLB", 
-    "XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd.", 
-    "2.21", 
-    "$25.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "XXIA", 
-    "Ixia", 
-    "10.45", 
-    "$819.24M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YDIV", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Technology Dividend Index Fund", 
-    "19.3412", 
-    "$12.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YDLE", 
-    "Yodlee, Inc.", 
-    "13.01", 
-    "$380.3M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YHOO", 
-    "Yahoo! Inc.", 
-    "44.11", 
-    "$41.79B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YNDX", 
-    "Yandex N.V.", 
-    "17.01", 
-    "$5.41B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YOD", 
-    "You On Demand Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "2.25", 
-    "$53.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YORW", 
-    "The York Water Company", 
-    "23.07", 
-    "$295.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YPRO", 
-    "AdvisorShares YieldPro ETF", 
-    "23.94", 
-    "$68.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YRCW", 
-    "YRC Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "19.96", 
-    "$623.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "YY", 
-    "YY Inc.", 
-    "61.82", 
-    "$3.5B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "Z", 
-    "Zillow Group, Inc.", 
-    "125.42", 
-    "$5.12B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZAGG", 
-    "ZAGG Inc", 
-    "6.51", 
-    "$197.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZAZA", 
-    "ZaZa Energy Corporation", 
-    "2.11", 
-    "$27.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZBRA", 
-    "Zebra Technologies Corporation", 
-    "91", 
-    "$4.63B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZEUS", 
-    "Olympic Steel, Inc.", 
-    "16.35", 
-    "$179.56M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZFGN", 
-    "Zafgen, Inc.", 
-    "40.64", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZGNX", 
-    "Zogenix, Inc.", 
-    "1.55", 
-    "$237.21M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZHNE", 
-    "Zhone Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "1.54", 
-    "$50.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZINC", 
-    "Horsehead Holding Corp.", 
-    "13.49", 
-    "$763.52M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZION", 
-    "Zions Bancorporation", 
-    "26.33", 
-    "$5.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIONW", 
-    "Zions Bancorporation", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIONZ", 
-    "Zions Bancorporation", 
-    "2.45", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIOP", 
-    "ZIOPHARM Oncology Inc", 
-    "9.56", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIV", 
-    "VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Medium Term ETN", 
-    "41.1", 
-    "$37.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZIXI", 
-    "Zix Corporation", 
-    "3.81", 
-    "$216.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZLTQ", 
-    "ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc.", 
-    "34.23", 
-    "$1.3B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZN", 
-    "Zion Oil & Gas Inc", 
-    "1.85", 
-    "$65.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZNGA", 
-    "Zynga Inc.", 
-    "2.32", 
-    "$2.09B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZNWAA", 
-    "Zion Oil & Gas Inc", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZSAN", 
-    "Zosano Pharma Corporation", 
-    "11.09", 
-    "$131.04M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZSPH", 
-    "ZS Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "50.51", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZU", 
-    "zulily, inc.", 
-    "14.4", 
-    "$1.8B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ZUMZ", 
-    "Zumiez Inc.", 
-    "38.77", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_3.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_3.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 67edf86..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_3.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "BDBD", 
-    "Boulder Brands, Inc.", 
-    "10.81", 
-    "$660.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDCV", 
-    "BDCA Venture, Inc.", 
-    "4.89", 
-    "$48.52M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDE", 
-    "Black Diamond, Inc.", 
-    "6.67", 
-    "$218.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDGE", 
-    "Bridge Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "25.68", 
-    "$299.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDMS", 
-    "Birner Dental Management Services, Inc.", 
-    "15", 
-    "$27.9M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BDSI", 
-    "BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc.", 
-    "14.41", 
-    "$739.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BEAT", 
-    "BioTelemetry, Inc.", 
-    "9.51", 
-    "$253.76M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BEAV", 
-    "B/E Aerospace, Inc.", 
-    "64.54", 
-    "$6.8B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BEBE", 
-    "bebe stores, inc.", 
-    "3.84", 
-    "$305.72M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BECN", 
-    "Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc.", 
-    "28.76", 
-    "$1.42B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BELFA", 
-    "Bel Fuse Inc.", 
-    "19.38", 
-    "$230.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BELFB", 
-    "Bel Fuse Inc.", 
-    "19.51", 
-    "$231.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BFIN", 
-    "BankFinancial Corporation", 
-    "11.97", 
-    "$252.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BGCP", 
-    "BGC Partners, Inc.", 
-    "9.44", 
-    "$2.07B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BGFV", 
-    "Big 5 Sporting Goods Corporation", 
-    "12.44", 
-    "$275.84M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BGMD", 
-    "BG Medicine, Inc.", 
-    "0.8201", 
-    "$28.23M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BHACU", 
-    "Barington/Hilco Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.96", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BHBK", 
-    "Blue Hills Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.87", 
-    "$366.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIB", 
-    "ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology", 
-    "152.9", 
-    "$504.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BICK", 
-    "First Trust BICK Index Fund", 
-    "23.96", 
-    "$16.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIDU", 
-    "Baidu, Inc.", 
-    "209.63", 
-    "$73.52B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIIB", 
-    "Biogen Idec Inc.", 
-    "408.05", 
-    "$95.73B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIND", 
-    "BIND Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "6.42", 
-    "$106.24M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIOC", 
-    "Biocept, Inc.", 
-    "1.45", 
-    "$6.45M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIOD", 
-    "Biodel Inc.", 
-    "1.39", 
-    "$34.12M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIOL", 
-    "Biolase, Inc.", 
-    "2.06", 
-    "$119.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIOS", 
-    "BioScrip, Inc.", 
-    "6.04", 
-    "$414.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BIS", 
-    "ProShares UltraShort Nasdaq Biotechnology", 
-    "36.74", 
-    "$44.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BJRI", 
-    "BJ&#39;s Restaurants, Inc.", 
-    "53.07", 
-    "$1.38B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKCC", 
-    "BlackRock Kelso Capital Corporation", 
-    "8.6", 
-    "$641.11M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKEP", 
-    "Blueknight Energy Partners L.P., L.L.C.", 
-    "7.19", 
-    "$235.59M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKEPP", 
-    "Blueknight Energy Partners L.P., L.L.C.", 
-    "8.82", 
-    "$266M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKMU", 
-    "Bank Mutual Corporation", 
-    "7.15", 
-    "$332.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKSC", 
-    "Bank of South Carolina Corp.", 
-    "14.91", 
-    "$66.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BKYF", 
-    "The Bank of Kentucky Financial Corp.", 
-    "47.68", 
-    "$366.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLCM", 
-    "Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "21.06", 
-    "$544.39M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLDP", 
-    "Ballard Power Systems, Inc.", 
-    "2.41", 
-    "$318.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLDR", 
-    "Builders FirstSource, Inc.", 
-    "6.5", 
-    "$637.94M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLFS", 
-    "BioLife Solutions, Inc.", 
-    "2.15", 
-    "$25.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLIN          ", 
-    "Bridgeline Digital, Inc.", 
-    "0.5", 
-    "$10.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLKB", 
-    "Blackbaud, Inc.", 
-    "46.27", 
-    "$2.14B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLMN", 
-    "Bloomin&#39; Brands, Inc.", 
-    "25.4", 
-    "$3.19B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLMT", 
-    "BSB Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.98", 
-    "$172.02M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLPH", 
-    "Bellerophon Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "9.42", 
-    "$121.57M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLRX", 
-    "BioLineRx Ltd.", 
-    "2.42", 
-    "$82.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLUE", 
-    "bluebird bio, Inc.", 
-    "93.32", 
-    "$2.69B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLVD", 
-    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.75", 
-    "$268.73M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLVDU", 
-    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.95", 
-    "$274.25M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BLVDW", 
-    "Boulevard Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.5501", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BMRC", 
-    "Bank of Marin Bancorp", 
-    "50.18", 
-    "$297.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BMRN", 
-    "BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.", 
-    "107.16", 
-    "$15.8B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BMTC", 
-    "Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation", 
-    "29.59", 
-    "$406.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNCL", 
-    "Beneficial Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.22", 
-    "$843.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNCN", 
-    "BNC Bancorp", 
-    "16.41", 
-    "$484.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNDX", 
-    "Vanguard Total International Bond ETF", 
-    "53.57", 
-    "$1.85B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNFT", 
-    "Benefitfocus, Inc.", 
-    "21.95", 
-    "$560.94M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BNSO", 
-    "Bonso Electronics International, Inc.", 
-    "1.419", 
-    "$7.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOBE", 
-    "Bob Evans Farms, Inc.", 
-    "56.9", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOCH", 
-    "Bank of Commerce Holdings (CA)", 
-    "5.7399", 
-    "$76.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOFI", 
-    "BofI Holding, Inc.", 
-    "90.32", 
-    "$1.36B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOKF", 
-    "BOK Financial Corporation", 
-    "59.54", 
-    "$4.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BONA", 
-    "Bona Film Group Limited", 
-    "6.89", 
-    "$419.44M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BONT", 
-    "The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc.", 
-    "5.53", 
-    "$112.99M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOOM", 
-    "Dynamic Materials Corporation", 
-    "14.79", 
-    "$206.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOSC", 
-    "B.O.S. Better Online Solutions", 
-    "3.1", 
-    "$4.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOTA", 
-    "Biota Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "2.46", 
-    "$86.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BOTJ", 
-    "Bank of the James Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "11", 
-    "$37.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPFH", 
-    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "12.68", 
-    "$1.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPFHP", 
-    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "25.6", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPFHW", 
-    "Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "5.652", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPOP", 
-    "Popular, Inc.", 
-    "33.21", 
-    "$3.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPOPM", 
-    "Popular, Inc.", 
-    "21.82", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPOPN", 
-    "Popular, Inc.", 
-    "22.77", 
-    "$273.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BPTH", 
-    "Bio-Path Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "2.13", 
-    "$190.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRCD", 
-    "Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.", 
-    "12.06", 
-    "$5.2B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRCM", 
-    "Broadcom Corporation", 
-    "44.68", 
-    "$26.76B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRDR", 
-    "Borderfree, Inc.", 
-    "7.41", 
-    "$235.73M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BREW", 
-    "Craft Brew Alliance, Inc.", 
-    "12.26", 
-    "$233.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRID", 
-    "Bridgford Foods Corporation", 
-    "7.58", 
-    "$69.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Specialty Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRKL", 
-    "Brookline Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.73", 
-    "$681.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRKR", 
-    "Bruker Corporation", 
-    "18.77", 
-    "$3.16B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRKS", 
-    "Brooks Automation, Inc.", 
-    "12.23", 
-    "$823.25M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BRLI", 
-    "Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "34.32", 
-    "$952.37M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSDM", 
-    "BSD Medical Corporation", 
-    "0.41", 
-    "$16.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSET", 
-    "Bassett Furniture Industries, Incorporated", 
-    "25.24", 
-    "$266.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSF", 
-    "Bear State Financial, Inc.", 
-    "10.5452", 
-    "$390.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSFT", 
-    "BroadSoft, Inc.", 
-    "27.82", 
-    "$801.41M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSPM", 
-    "Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "1.25", 
-    "$19.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSQR", 
-    "BSQUARE Corporation", 
-    "4.71", 
-    "$55.23M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSRR", 
-    "Sierra Bancorp", 
-    "16.53", 
-    "$227.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BSTC", 
-    "BioSpecifics Technologies Corp", 
-    "39.29", 
-    "$255.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BUR", 
-    "Burcon Nutrascience Corp", 
-    "2.57", 
-    "$87.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BUSE", 
-    "First Busey Corporation", 
-    "6.41", 
-    "$556.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BV", 
-    "Bazaarvoice, Inc.", 
-    "9.24", 
-    "$726.59M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BVA", 
-    "Cordia Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "3.8901", 
-    "$25.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BVSN", 
-    "BroadVision, Inc.", 
-    "6.1", 
-    "$29.42M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BWEN", 
-    "Broadwind Energy, Inc.", 
-    "5.09", 
-    "$75.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BWFG", 
-    "Bankwell Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "18.82", 
-    "$133.03M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BWINA", 
-    "Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.", 
-    "23.8", 
-    "$356.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BWINB", 
-    "Baldwin & Lyons, Inc.", 
-    "23.19", 
-    "$347.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_4.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_4.json
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index e2965e3..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_4.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "BWLD", 
-    "Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc.", 
-    "190.18", 
-    "$3.6B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BYBK", 
-    "Bay Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "4.75", 
-    "$52.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BYFC", 
-    "Broadway Financial Corporation", 
-    "1.37", 
-    "$39.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "BYLK", 
-    "Baylake Corp", 
-    "12.31", 
-    "$112.28M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CA", 
-    "CA Inc.", 
-    "32.83", 
-    "$14.54B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAAS", 
-    "China Automotive Systems, Inc.", 
-    "6.78", 
-    "$217.78M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAC", 
-    "Camden National Corporation", 
-    "37.75", 
-    "$280.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACB", 
-    "Cascade Bancorp", 
-    "4.8", 
-    "$347.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACC", 
-    "Credit Acceptance Corporation", 
-    "172.26", 
-    "$3.55B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACG", 
-    "Chart Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.77", 
-    "$85.83M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACGU", 
-    "Chart Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.02", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACGW", 
-    "Chart Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.55", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CACQ", 
-    "Caesars Acquisition Company", 
-    "7.87", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADC", 
-    "China Advanced Construction Materials Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.24", 
-    "$8.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Engineering & Construction", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADT", 
-    "DT Asia Investments Limited", 
-    "9.66", 
-    "$86.24M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADTR", 
-    "DT Asia Investments Limited", 
-    "0.16", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADTU", 
-    "DT Asia Investments Limited", 
-    "10.02", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CADTW", 
-    "DT Asia Investments Limited", 
-    "0.11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAKE", 
-    "The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated", 
-    "49.22", 
-    "$2.44B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALA", 
-    "Calithera Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "16.21", 
-    "$290.65M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALD", 
-    "Callidus Software, Inc.", 
-    "14.33", 
-    "$696.85M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALI", 
-    "China Auto Logistics Inc.", 
-    "1.31", 
-    "$5.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Motor Vehicles", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALL", 
-    "magicJack VocalTec Ltd", 
-    "7.86", 
-    "$140.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CALM", 
-    "Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.", 
-    "36.9", 
-    "$1.79B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMB", 
-    "9.88", 
-    "$104.08M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMBU", 
-    "10.2999", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMBW", 
-    "0.22", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMP", 
-    "CalAmp Corp.", 
-    "18.8", 
-    "$680.66M", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAMT", 
-    "Camtek Ltd.", 
-    "3.07", 
-    "$93.55M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAPN", 
-    "Capnia, Inc.", 
-    "5.45", 
-    "$36.89M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAPNW", 
-    "Capnia, Inc.", 
-    "0.99", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAR", 
-    "Avis Budget Group, Inc.", 
-    "62.45", 
-    "$6.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Rental/Leasing Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARA", 
-    "Cara Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.91", 
-    "$248.51M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARB", 
-    "Carbonite, Inc.", 
-    "14.8", 
-    "$402.84M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARO", 
-    "Carolina Financial Corporation", 
-    "13.85", 
-    "$224.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CART", 
-    "Carolina Trust Bank", 
-    "5.55", 
-    "$25.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARV", 
-    "Carver Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "5.99", 
-    "$22.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CARZ", 
-    "First Trust NASDAQ Global Auto Index Fund", 
-    "40.719", 
-    "$69.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASH", 
-    "Meta Financial Group, Inc.", 
-    "35.8", 
-    "$229.88M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASI", 
-    "CASI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "1.6501", 
-    "$53.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASM", 
-    "CAS Medical Systems, Inc.", 
-    "1.36", 
-    "$26.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASS", 
-    "Cass Information Systems, Inc", 
-    "49.25", 
-    "$567.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CASY", 
-    "Caseys General Stores, Inc.", 
-    "91.15", 
-    "$3.53B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CATM", 
-    "Cardtronics, Inc.", 
-    "38.27", 
-    "$1.7B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CATY", 
-    "Cathay General Bancorp", 
-    "25.77", 
-    "$2.05B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CATYW", 
-    "Cathay General Bancorp", 
-    "6.495", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CAVM", 
-    "Cavium, Inc.", 
-    "66.96", 
-    "$3.61B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBAK", 
-    "China BAK Battery, Inc.", 
-    "2.4", 
-    "$30.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBAN", 
-    "Colony Bankcorp, Inc.", 
-    "7.9399", 
-    "$67.01M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBAY", 
-    "Cymabay Therapeutics Inc.", 
-    "12.7", 
-    "$186.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBDE", 
-    "CBD Energy Limited", 
-    "0.9", 
-    "$1.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBF", 
-    "Capital Bank Financial Corp.", 
-    "26.24", 
-    "$1.25B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBFV", 
-    "CB Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "20.22", 
-    "$88.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBIN", 
-    "Community Bank Shares of Indiana, Inc.", 
-    "27.3499", 
-    "$94.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBLI", 
-    "Cleveland BioLabs, Inc.", 
-    "3.7", 
-    "$12.71M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBMG", 
-    "Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc.", 
-    "25.79", 
-    "$256.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBMX", 
-    "CombiMatrix Corporation", 
-    "1.92", 
-    "$21.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBNJ", 
-    "Cape Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "8.755", 
-    "$100.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBNK", 
-    "Chicopee Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "16.16", 
-    "$85.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBOE", 
-    "CBOE Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "62.61", 
-    "$5.28B", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBPO", 
-    "China Biologic Products, Inc.", 
-    "77.25", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBRL", 
-    "Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.", 
-    "134.71", 
-    "$3.22B", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBRX", 
-    "Columbia Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "6", 
-    "$64.63M", 
-    "1988", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBSH", 
-    "Commerce Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "42.54", 
-    "$4.3B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CBSHP", 
-    "Commerce Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "25.45", 
-    "$2.33B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCBG", 
-    "Capital City Bank Group", 
-    "15.55", 
-    "$271.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCCL", 
-    "China Ceramics Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.8799", 
-    "$17.98M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCCR", 
-    "China Commercial Credit, Inc.", 
-    "2.9801", 
-    "$36.52M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCIH", 
-    "ChinaCache International Holdings Ltd.", 
-    "10.46", 
-    "$244.81M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCLP", 
-    "CSI Compressco LP", 
-    "16.66", 
-    "$552.15M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oilfield Services/Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCMP", 
-    "Cabot Microelectronics Corporation", 
-    "51.52", 
-    "$1.24B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCNE", 
-    "CNB Financial Corporation", 
-    "17", 
-    "$244.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCOI", 
-    "Cogent Communications Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "39.4", 
-    "$1.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCRN", 
-    "Cross Country Healthcare, Inc.", 
-    "12.19", 
-    "$381M", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCUR", 
-    "Concurrent Computer Corporation", 
-    "6.18", 
-    "$58.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CCXI", 
-    "ChemoCentryx, Inc.", 
-    "8.27", 
-    "$358.43M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDC", 
-    "Compass EMP US 100 High Dividend Enhanced Volatility Weighted ", 
-    "37.02", 
-    "$24.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDK", 
-    "CDK Global, Inc.", 
-    "48", 
-    "$7.72B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDNA", 
-    "CareDx, Inc.", 
-    "6.1", 
-    "$72M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDNS", 
-    "Cadence Design Systems, Inc.", 
-    "18.5", 
-    "$5.42B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDTI", 
-    "Clean Diesel Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "2.03", 
-    "$25.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Pollution Control Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDW", 
-    "CDW Corporation", 
-    "37.75", 
-    "$6.5B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDXS", 
-    "Codexis, Inc.", 
-    "3.47", 
-    "$137.24M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CDZI", 
-    "Cadiz, Inc.", 
-    "10.87", 
-    "$176.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CECE", 
-    "CECO Environmental Corp.", 
-    "14.44", 
-    "$373.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Pollution Control Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CECO", 
-    "Career Education Corporation", 
-    "5.27", 
-    "$354.56M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CELG", 
-    "Celgene Corporation", 
-    "123.43", 
-    "$98.58B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CELGZ", 
-    "Celgene Corporation", 
-    "3.18", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CEMI", 
-    "Chembio Diagnostics, Inc.", 
-    "4.14", 
-    "$39.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CEMP", 
-    "Cempra, Inc.", 
-    "29.61", 
-    "$1.27B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CENT", 
-    "Central Garden & Pet Company", 
-    "9.08", 
-    "$453.3M", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CENTA", 
-    "Central Garden & Pet Company", 
-    "9.72", 
-    "$485.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CENX", 
-    "Century Aluminum Company", 
-    "22.16", 
-    "$1.97B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Aluminum", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CERE", 
-    "Ceres, Inc.", 
-    "0.373", 
-    "$18M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CERN", 
-    "Cerner Corporation", 
-    "72.075", 
-    "$24.69B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CERS", 
-    "Cerus Corporation", 
-    "5.5", 
-    "$430.48M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CERU", 
-    "Cerulean Pharma Inc.", 
-    "6.63", 
-    "$133.43M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CETV", 
-    "Central European Media Enterprises Ltd.", 
-    "2.73", 
-    "$369.47M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CEVA", 
-    "CEVA, Inc.", 
-    "19.2", 
-    "$387.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFA", 
-    "Compass EMP US 500 Volatility Weighted Index ETF", 
-    "37.636", 
-    "$7.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_5.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_5.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ad8117..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_5.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "CFBK", 
-    "Central Federal Corporation", 
-    "1.3", 
-    "$20.57M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFFI", 
-    "C&F Financial Corporation", 
-    "36.14", 
-    "$123.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFFN", 
-    "Capitol Federal Financial, Inc.", 
-    "12.58", 
-    "$1.77B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFGE", 
-    "Calamos Focus Growth ETF", 
-    "10.8499", 
-    "$28.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFNB", 
-    "California First National Bancorp", 
-    "14.16", 
-    "$148.11M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFNL", 
-    "Cardinal Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.35", 
-    "$619.78M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFO", 
-    "Compass EMP US 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Index ETF", 
-    "37.65", 
-    "$26.36M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFRX", 
-    "ContraFect Corporation", 
-    "4.17", 
-    "$84.31M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFRXW", 
-    "ContraFect Corporation", 
-    "1.2501", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CFRXZ", 
-    "ContraFect Corporation", 
-    "0.6072", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CG", 
-    "The Carlyle Group L.P.", 
-    "27.04", 
-    "$8.6B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CGEN", 
-    "Compugen Ltd.", 
-    "8.53", 
-    "$427.27M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CGIX", 
-    "Cancer Genetics, Inc.", 
-    "8.95", 
-    "$87.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical Specialities", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CGNX", 
-    "Cognex Corporation", 
-    "42.62", 
-    "$3.69B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CGO", 
-    "Calamos Global Total Return Fund", 
-    "13.48", 
-    "$112.6M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHCI", 
-    "Comstock Holding Companies, Inc.", 
-    "1.02", 
-    "$22.04M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHCO", 
-    "City Holding Company", 
-    "46.14", 
-    "$702.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHDN", 
-    "Churchill Downs, Incorporated", 
-    "104", 
-    "$1.8B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHEF", 
-    "The Chefs&#39; Warehouse, Inc.", 
-    "23.39", 
-    "$586.1M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHEKU", 
-    "Check-Cap Ltd.", 
-    "6.1", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHEV", 
-    "Cheviot Financial Corp", 
-    "14.4", 
-    "$96.59M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHFC", 
-    "Chemical Financial Corporation", 
-    "30.09", 
-    "$985.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHFN", 
-    "Charter Financial Corp.", 
-    "11.53", 
-    "$194.43M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHI", 
-    "Calamos Convertible Opportunities and Income Fund", 
-    "13.3", 
-    "$910.47M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHKE", 
-    "Cherokee Inc.", 
-    "18.36", 
-    "$154.83M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHKP", 
-    "Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "82.48", 
-    "$15.74B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHLN", 
-    "China Housing & Land Development, Inc.", 
-    "0.3401", 
-    "$11.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHMG", 
-    "Chemung Financial Corp", 
-    "27.1199", 
-    "$125.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHNR", 
-    "China Natural Resources, Inc.", 
-    "2.1001", 
-    "$52.32M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Precious Metals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHOP", 
-    "China Gerui Advanced Materials Group Limited", 
-    "0.85", 
-    "$5.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHRS", 
-    "Coherus BioSciences, Inc.", 
-    "27.45", 
-    "$912.93M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHRW", 
-    "C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "72.5", 
-    "$10.61B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCL", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "26.6368", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCM", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "25.46", 
-    "$483.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCN", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "26.6697", 
-    "$448.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCO", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "28.63", 
-    "$324.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHSCP", 
-    "CHS Inc", 
-    "31", 
-    "$224.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHTR", 
-    "Charter Communications, Inc.", 
-    "175.89", 
-    "$19.7B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHUY", 
-    "Chuy&#39;s Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "23.35", 
-    "$383.9M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHW", 
-    "Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund", 
-    "8.99", 
-    "$530.47M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHXF", 
-    "WisdomTree China Dividend ex-Financials Fund", 
-    "53.272", 
-    "$18.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHY", 
-    "Calamos Convertible and High Income Fund", 
-    "14.63", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CHYR", 
-    "ChyronHego Corporation", 
-    "2.8116", 
-    "$113.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CIDM", 
-    "Cinedigm Corp", 
-    "1.56", 
-    "$120.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CIFC", 
-    "CIFC Corp.", 
-    "7.82", 
-    "$196.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CINF", 
-    "Cincinnati Financial Corporation", 
-    "52.58", 
-    "$8.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CISAW", 
-    "CIS Acquisition Ltd.", 
-    "0.34", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Major Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CISG", 
-    "CNinsure Inc.", 
-    "7.83", 
-    "$391.05M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CIZ", 
-    "Compass EMP Developed 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Index E", 
-    "35.89", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CIZN", 
-    "Citizens Holding Company", 
-    "18.94", 
-    "$92.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CJJD", 
-    "China Jo-Jo Drugstores, Inc.", 
-    "2.7", 
-    "$41.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CKEC", 
-    "Carmike Cinemas, Inc.", 
-    "31.52", 
-    "$769.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CKSW", 
-    "ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd.", 
-    "8.24", 
-    "$267.76M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLAC", 
-    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "9.88", 
-    "$247M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLACU", 
-    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "10", 
-    "$250M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLACW", 
-    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
-    "0.3", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLBH", 
-    "Carolina Bank Holdings Inc.", 
-    "9.57", 
-    "$32.87M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLCT", 
-    "Collectors Universe, Inc.", 
-    "23.09", 
-    "$205.13M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLDN", 
-    "Celladon Corporation", 
-    "16.3", 
-    "$379.87M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLDX", 
-    "Celldex Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "21.21", 
-    "$1.9B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLFD", 
-    "Clearfield, Inc.", 
-    "13.48", 
-    "$184.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLIR", 
-    "ClearSign Combustion Corporation", 
-    "6.79", 
-    "$86.04M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLMS", 
-    "Calamos Asset Management, Inc.", 
-    "13.51", 
-    "$277.37M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLMT", 
-    "Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P.", 
-    "26.45", 
-    "$1.84B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Integrated oil Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLNE", 
-    "Clean Energy Fuels Corp.", 
-    "4.92", 
-    "$443.07M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLNT", 
-    "Cleantech Solutions International, Inc.", 
-    "3.23", 
-    "$12.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLRB", 
-    "Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "2.86", 
-    "$21.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLRBW", 
-    "Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.56", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLRO", 
-    "ClearOne, Inc.", 
-    "10.28", 
-    "$93.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLRX", 
-    "CollabRx, Inc.", 
-    "1.2", 
-    "$3.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLSN", 
-    "Celsion Corporation", 
-    "3.15", 
-    "$62.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLTX", 
-    "Celsus Therapeutics Plc", 
-    "1.09", 
-    "$6.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLUB", 
-    "Town Sports International Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "7.01", 
-    "$170.32M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLVS", 
-    "Clovis Oncology, Inc.", 
-    "73.8", 
-    "$2.51B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CLWT", 
-    "Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited", 
-    "2.6", 
-    "$5.8M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Diversified Electronic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMCO", 
-    "Columbus McKinnon Corporation", 
-    "25.71", 
-    "$513.63M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMCSA", 
-    "Comcast Corporation", 
-    "58.5", 
-    "$151.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMCSK", 
-    "Comcast Corporation", 
-    "58.12", 
-    "$150.83B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMCT", 
-    "CIM Commercial Trust Corporation", 
-    "16.98", 
-    "$1.66B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CME", 
-    "CME Group Inc.", 
-    "94.245", 
-    "$31.75B", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMFN", 
-    "CM Finance Inc", 
-    "13.71", 
-    "$187.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMGE", 
-    "China Mobile Games and Entertainment Group Limited", 
-    "18.39", 
-    "$575.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMLS", 
-    "Cumulus Media Inc.", 
-    "3.91", 
-    "$907.9M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMPR", 
-    "Cimpress N.V", 
-    "82.93", 
-    "$2.7B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMRX", 
-    "Chimerix, Inc.", 
-    "41.75", 
-    "$1.7B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMSB", 
-    "CMS Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "13.03", 
-    "$24.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CMTL", 
-    "Comtech Telecommunications Corp.", 
-    "35.65", 
-    "$578.07M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNAT", 
-    "Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "6.32", 
-    "$99.16M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNBKA", 
-    "Century Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "38.43", 
-    "$213.97M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNCE", 
-    "Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "14.51", 
-    "$263.88M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNDO", 
-    "Coronado Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "2.41", 
-    "$106.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNET", 
-    "ChinaNet Online Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "1.59", 
-    "$45.92M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNIT", 
-    "China Information Technology, Inc.", 
-    "3.3201", 
-    "$99.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNLM", 
-    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "9.75", 
-    "$51.53M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNLMR", 
-    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.28", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNLMU", 
-    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "10.1765", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2014", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNLMW", 
-    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
-    "0.19", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNMD", 
-    "CONMED Corporation", 
-    "51.06", 
-    "$1.41B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNOB", 
-    "ConnectOne Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "18.46", 
-    "$547.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNSI", 
-    "Comverse Inc.", 
-    "18.47", 
-    "$404.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_6.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_6.json
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index 215ca7e..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_6.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "CNSL", 
-    "Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "23.94", 
-    "$1.21B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNTF", 
-    "China TechFaith Wireless Communication Technology Limited", 
-    "1.02", 
-    "$53.99M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNTY", 
-    "Century Casinos, Inc.", 
-    "6.09", 
-    "$148.48M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNV", 
-    "Cnova N.V.", 
-    "6.23", 
-    "$2.73B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNXR", 
-    "Connecture, Inc.", 
-    "9", 
-    "$195.13M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CNYD", 
-    "China Yida Holding, Co.", 
-    "2.2101", 
-    "$8.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COB", 
-    "CommunityOne Bancorp", 
-    "10.6", 
-    "$256.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COBK", 
-    "Colonial Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "13.26", 
-    "$51.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COBZ", 
-    "CoBiz Financial Inc.", 
-    "11.4", 
-    "$464.91M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COHR", 
-    "Coherent, Inc.", 
-    "64.57", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COHU", 
-    "Cohu, Inc.", 
-    "11.06", 
-    "$282.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COKE", 
-    "Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated", 
-    "102.24", 
-    "$947.9M", 
-    "1972", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Beverages (Production/Distribution)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COLB", 
-    "Columbia Banking System, Inc.", 
-    "28.18", 
-    "$1.5B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COLM", 
-    "Columbia Sportswear Company", 
-    "55.9", 
-    "$3.9B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COMM", 
-    "CommScope Holding Company, Inc.", 
-    "31.1", 
-    "$5.84B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COMT", 
-    "iShares Commodities Select Strategy ETF", 
-    "40.93", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CONE", 
-    "CyrusOne Inc", 
-    "30.08", 
-    "$1.16B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CONN", 
-    "Conn&#39;s, Inc.", 
-    "25.6", 
-    "$929.21M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Consumer Electronics/Video Chains", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COOL", 
-    "Majesco Entertainment Company", 
-    "1.14", 
-    "$8.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CORE", 
-    "Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc.", 
-    "69.35", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Food Distributors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CORI", 
-    "Corium International, Inc.", 
-    "7.03", 
-    "$127.04M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CORT", 
-    "Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated", 
-    "3.37", 
-    "$341.01M", 
-    "1982", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COSI", 
-    "Cosi, Inc.", 
-    "2.59", 
-    "$103.97M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COST", 
-    "Costco Wholesale Corporation", 
-    "147.535", 
-    "$64.99B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COVS", 
-    "Covisint Corporation", 
-    "2.55", 
-    "$99.48M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COWN", 
-    "Cowen Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.74", 
-    "$538.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "COWNL", 
-    "Cowen Group, Inc.", 
-    "26.438", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPAH", 
-    "CounterPath Corporation", 
-    "0.4999", 
-    "$21.21M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPGI", 
-    "China Shengda Packaging Group, Inc.", 
-    "1.01", 
-    "$39.18M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPHC", 
-    "Canterbury Park Holding Corporation", 
-    "10.4101", 
-    "$43.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPHD", 
-    "CEPHEID", 
-    "58.59", 
-    "$4.13B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPHR", 
-    "Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "13.01", 
-    "$336.84M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPIX", 
-    "Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "5.87", 
-    "$101.89M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPLA", 
-    "Capella Education Company", 
-    "65.37", 
-    "$798.48M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPLP", 
-    "Capital Product Partners L.P.", 
-    "9.3", 
-    "$988.04M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPRT", 
-    "Copart, Inc.", 
-    "38", 
-    "$4.8B", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPRX", 
-    "Catalyst Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc.", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "$274.1M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPSH", 
-    "CPS Technologies Corp.", 
-    "3.04", 
-    "$39.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPSI", 
-    "Computer Programs and Systems, Inc.", 
-    "52.63", 
-    "$589.92M", 
-    "2002", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPSS", 
-    "Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc.", 
-    "7.04", 
-    "$178.61M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPST", 
-    "Capstone Turbine Corporation", 
-    "0.7009", 
-    "$231.51M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPTA", 
-    "Capitala Finance Corp.", 
-    "18.64", 
-    "$241.84M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CPXX", 
-    "Celator Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
-    "2.9", 
-    "$97.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRAI", 
-    "CRA International,Inc.", 
-    "31.82", 
-    "$303.23M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRAY", 
-    "Cray Inc", 
-    "34.21", 
-    "$1.4B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRDC", 
-    "Cardica, Inc.", 
-    "0.59", 
-    "$52.48M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRDS", 
-    "Crossroads Systems, Inc.", 
-    "2.45", 
-    "$39.28M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRDT", 
-    "WisdomTree Strategic Corporate Bond Fund", 
-    "75.29", 
-    "$7.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CREE", 
-    "Cree, Inc.", 
-    "39.185", 
-    "$4.37B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CREG", 
-    "China Recycling Energy Corporation", 
-    "0.7198", 
-    "$59.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRESW", 
-    "Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.", 
-    "0.008", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRESY", 
-    "Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.", 
-    "11.09", 
-    "$6.42M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Real Estate", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRIS", 
-    "Curis, Inc.", 
-    "3.4", 
-    "$292.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRME", 
-    "Cardiome Pharma Corporation", 
-    "9.94", 
-    "$164.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRMT", 
-    "America&#39;s Car-Mart, Inc.", 
-    "53.63", 
-    "$462.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Automotive Aftermarket", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRNT", 
-    "Ceragon Networks Ltd.", 
-    "1.2", 
-    "$96.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CROX", 
-    "Crocs, Inc.", 
-    "10.75", 
-    "$886.84M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRRC", 
-    "Courier Corporation", 
-    "23.51", 
-    "$270.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Publishing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRRS", 
-    "Corporate Resource Services, Inc.", 
-    "0.22", 
-    "$34.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRTN", 
-    "Cartesian, Inc.", 
-    "3.89", 
-    "$34.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRTO", 
-    "Criteo S.A.", 
-    "44.63", 
-    "$2.64B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRUS", 
-    "Cirrus Logic, Inc.", 
-    "29.82", 
-    "$1.87B", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRVL", 
-    "CorVel Corp.", 
-    "34.65", 
-    "$706.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRWN", 
-    "Crown Media Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "3.45", 
-    "$1.24B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRWS", 
-    "Crown Crafts, Inc.", 
-    "8.319", 
-    "$83.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Textiles", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CRZO", 
-    "Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc.", 
-    "52.26", 
-    "$2.41B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSBK", 
-    "Clifton Bancorp Inc.", 
-    "13.42", 
-    "$364.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSCD", 
-    "Cascade Microtech, Inc.", 
-    "13.43", 
-    "$219.87M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSCO", 
-    "Cisco Systems, Inc.", 
-    "29.61", 
-    "$151.15B", 
-    "1990", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSF", 
-    "Compass EMP US Discovery 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Fund", 
-    "38.39", 
-    "$7.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSFL", 
-    "CenterState Banks, Inc.", 
-    "11.88", 
-    "$537.18M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSGP", 
-    "CoStar Group, Inc.", 
-    "191.24", 
-    "$6.19B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSGS", 
-    "CSG Systems International, Inc.", 
-    "30.41", 
-    "$1.04B", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSII", 
-    "Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.", 
-    "35.31", 
-    "$1.12B", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSIQ", 
-    "Canadian Solar Inc.", 
-    "28.95", 
-    "$1.57B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSOD", 
-    "Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc.", 
-    "35.04", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSPI", 
-    "CSP Inc.", 
-    "7.73", 
-    "$28.26M", 
-    "1982", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSQ", 
-    "Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund", 
-    "11.37", 
-    "$1.76B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSRE", 
-    "CSR plc", 
-    "53.46", 
-    "$2.21B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSTE", 
-    "CaesarStone Sdot-Yam Ltd.", 
-    "64.16", 
-    "$2.25B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSUN", 
-    "China Sunergy Co., Ltd.", 
-    "1.83", 
-    "$24.47M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CSWC", 
-    "Capital Southwest Corporation", 
-    "48.93", 
-    "$760.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTAS", 
-    "Cintas Corporation", 
-    "82.47", 
-    "$9.68B", 
-    "1983", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTBI", 
-    "Community Trust Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "32.49", 
-    "$566.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTCM", 
-    "CTC Media, Inc.", 
-    "4.04", 
-    "$629.28M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTCT", 
-    "Constant Contact, Inc.", 
-    "41.91", 
-    "$1.33B", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTG", 
-    "Computer Task Group, Incorporated", 
-    "8.27", 
-    "$153.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTHR", 
-    "Charles & Colvard Ltd", 
-    "1.5884", 
-    "$32.34M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTIB", 
-    "CTI Industries Corporation", 
-    "3.9999", 
-    "$13.2M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTIC", 
-    "CTI BioPharma Corp.", 
-    "2.28", 
-    "$409.92M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRE", 
-    "CareTrust REIT, Inc.", 
-    "13.15", 
-    "$415.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRL", 
-    "Control4 Corporation", 
-    "13.21", 
-    "$315.47M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRN", 
-    "Citi Trends, Inc.", 
-    "26.42", 
-    "$411.58M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRP", 
-    " International, Ltd.", 
-    "46.95", 
-    "$6.35B", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTRX", 
-    "Catamaran Corporation", 
-    "52.69", 
-    "$10.93B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTSH", 
-    "Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation", 
-    "63.05", 
-    "$38.39B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTSO", 
-    "Cytosorbents Corporation", 
-    "9.95", 
-    "$244M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTWS", 
-    "Connecticut Water Service, Inc.", 
-    "37.47", 
-    "$416.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CTXS", 
-    "Citrix Systems, Inc.", 
-    "64.92", 
-    "$10.38B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CU", 
-    "ISE Global Copper Index First Trust", 
-    "17.57", 
-    "$21.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_7.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "CUBA", 
-    "The Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund, Inc.", 
-    "8.94", 
-    "$49.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CUI", 
-    "CUI Global, Inc.", 
-    "5.75", 
-    "$119.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CUNB", 
-    "CU Bancorp (CA)", 
-    "20.87", 
-    "$234.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CUTR", 
-    "Cutera, Inc.", 
-    "12.58", 
-    "$176.62M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVBF", 
-    "CVB Financial Corporation", 
-    "15.83", 
-    "$1.68B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVCO", 
-    "Cavco Industries, Inc.", 
-    "72.71", 
-    "$644.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Homebuilding", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVCY", 
-    "Central Valley Community Bancorp", 
-    "10.77", 
-    "$118.25M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVGI", 
-    "Commercial Vehicle Group, Inc.", 
-    "5.97", 
-    "$177.26M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVGW", 
-    "Calavo Growers, Inc.", 
-    "42.78", 
-    "$739.9M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Farming/Seeds/Milling", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVLT", 
-    "CommVault Systems, Inc.", 
-    "45", 
-    "$2.02B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVLY", 
-    "Codorus Valley Bancorp, Inc", 
-    "20.2682", 
-    "$117.65M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVTI", 
-    "Covenant Transportation Group, Inc.", 
-    "29.65", 
-    "$466.89M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Trucking Freight/Courier Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CVV", 
-    "CVD Equipment Corporation", 
-    "14.53", 
-    "$89.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CWAY", 
-    "Coastway Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "11.06", 
-    "$54.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CWBC", 
-    "Community West Bancshares", 
-    "6.682", 
-    "$54.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CWCO", 
-    "Consolidated Water Co. Ltd.", 
-    "10.6", 
-    "$155.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Water Supply", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CWST", 
-    "Casella Waste Systems, Inc.", 
-    "4.14", 
-    "$167.81M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CXDC", 
-    "China XD Plastics Company Limited", 
-    "4.26", 
-    "$211.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Containers/Packaging", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CY", 
-    "Cypress Semiconductor Corporation", 
-    "14.95", 
-    "$2.47B", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYAN", 
-    "Cyanotech Corporation", 
-    "8.25", 
-    "$45.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYBE", 
-    "CyberOptics Corporation", 
-    "9.87", 
-    "$65.5M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYBR", 
-    "CyberArk Software Ltd.", 
-    "70.35", 
-    "$2.08B", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYBX", 
-    "Cyberonics, Inc.", 
-    "58.3", 
-    "$1.53B", 
-    "1993", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYCC", 
-    "Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "0.79", 
-    "$18.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYCCP", 
-    "Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "7", 
-    "$2.35M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYHHZ", 
-    "Community Health Systems, Inc.", 
-    "0.025", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYNO", 
-    "Cynosure, Inc.", 
-    "30.58", 
-    "$662M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYOU", 
-    " Limited", 
-    "26.02", 
-    "$1.37B", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYRN", 
-    "CYREN Ltd.", 
-    "3.17", 
-    "$84.29M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYTK", 
-    "Cytokinetics, Incorporated", 
-    "7.94", 
-    "$290.67M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYTR", 
-    "CytRx Corporation", 
-    "3.18", 
-    "$177.24M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CYTX", 
-    "Cytori Therapeutics Inc", 
-    "0.55", 
-    "$50.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CZFC", 
-    "Citizens First Corporation", 
-    "12.327", 
-    "$24.27M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CZNC", 
-    "Citizens & Northern Corp", 
-    "19.32", 
-    "$237.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CZR", 
-    "Caesars Entertainment Corporation", 
-    "10.94", 
-    "$1.58B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "CZWI", 
-    "Citizens Community Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "9.18", 
-    "$47.68M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAEG", 
-    "Daegis Inc", 
-    "0.7415", 
-    "$12.15M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAIO", 
-    "Data I/O Corporation", 
-    "3.161", 
-    "$24.85M", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAKT", 
-    "Daktronics, Inc.", 
-    "12.68", 
-    "$552.31M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DARA", 
-    "DARA Biosciences, Inc.", 
-    "0.89", 
-    "$17.44M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DATE", 
-    " International Ltd.", 
-    "4.91", 
-    "$160.49M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAVE", 
-    "Famous Dave&#39;s of America, Inc.", 
-    "28.53", 
-    "$203.81M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DAX", 
-    "Recon Capital DAX Germany ETF", 
-    "27.86", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DBVT", 
-    "DBV Technologies S.A.", 
-    "23.34", 
-    "$722.1M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DCIX", 
-    "Diana Containerships Inc.", 
-    "2.22", 
-    "$162.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DCOM", 
-    "Dime Community Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "15.7", 
-    "$578.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DCTH", 
-    "Delcath Systems, Inc.", 
-    "1.09", 
-    "$10.58M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DENN", 
-    "Denny&#39;s Corporation", 
-    "11.75", 
-    "$995.54M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DEPO", 
-    "Depomed, Inc.", 
-    "20.02", 
-    "$1.18B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DERM", 
-    "Dermira, Inc.", 
-    "16", 
-    "$393.6M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DEST", 
-    "Destination Maternity Corporation", 
-    "16.41", 
-    "$226.42M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DFRG", 
-    "Del Frisco&#39;s Restaurant Group, Inc.", 
-    "19.72", 
-    "$461.79M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DFVL", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 5-year Bull ETN", 
-    "62.98", 
-    "$1.89M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DFVS", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 5-year Bear Exchange Traded Note", 
-    "34.32", 
-    "$1.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGAS", 
-    "Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.", 
-    "20", 
-    "$140.25M", 
-    "1981", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGICA", 
-    "Donegal Group, Inc.", 
-    "15.81", 
-    "$425.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGICB", 
-    "Donegal Group, Inc.", 
-    "27", 
-    "$727.17M", 
-    "1986", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGII", 
-    "Digi International Inc.", 
-    "10.2", 
-    "$248.45M", 
-    "1989", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGLD", 
-    "3X Inverse Gold ETN Velocityshares", 
-    "72.22", 
-    "$9.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGLY", 
-    "Digital Ally, Inc.", 
-    "11.04", 
-    "$33.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGRE", 
-    "WisdomTree Emerging Markets Dividend Growth Fund", 
-    "25.38", 
-    "$15.23M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGRS", 
-    "WisdomTree U.S. SmallCap Dividend Growth Fund", 
-    "29.69", 
-    "$26.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DGRW", 
-    "WisdomTree US Dividend Growth Fund", 
-    "32.01", 
-    "$144.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DHIL", 
-    "Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc.", 
-    "139.5", 
-    "$462.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Managers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DHRM", 
-    "Dehaier Medical Systems Limited", 
-    "2.65", 
-    "$15.48M", 
-    "2010", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DIOD", 
-    "Diodes Incorporated", 
-    "28.15", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DISCA", 
-    "Discovery Communications, Inc.", 
-    "30.93", 
-    "$13.59B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DISCB", 
-    "Discovery Communications, Inc.", 
-    "35", 
-    "$15.37B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DISCK", 
-    "Discovery Communications, Inc.", 
-    "29.505", 
-    "$12.96B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DISH", 
-    "DISH Network Corporation", 
-    "78.31", 
-    "$17.47B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Television Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DJCO", 
-    "Daily Journal Corp. (S.C.)", 
-    "189.25", 
-    "$261.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Newspapers/Magazines", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DLBL", 
-    "iPath US Treasury Long Bond Bull ETN", 
-    "78.1401", 
-    "$4.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DLBS", 
-    "iPath US Treasury Long Bond Bear ETN", 
-    "21.46", 
-    "$17.8M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DLHC", 
-    "DLH Holdings Corp.", 
-    "2.13", 
-    "$20.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DLTR", 
-    "Dollar Tree, Inc.", 
-    "77.69", 
-    "$15.98B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Department/Specialty Retail Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DMLP", 
-    "Dorchester Minerals, L.P.", 
-    "23.98", 
-    "$735.6M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DMND", 
-    "Diamond Foods, Inc.", 
-    "26.15", 
-    "$821.53M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DMRC", 
-    "Digimarc Corporation", 
-    "27.5", 
-    "$211.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DNBF", 
-    "DNB Financial Corp", 
-    "22.5", 
-    "$62.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DNKN", 
-    "Dunkin&#39; Brands Group, Inc.", 
-    "46.38", 
-    "$4.53B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Restaurants", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DORM", 
-    "Dorman Products, Inc.", 
-    "44.88", 
-    "$1.6B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DOVR", 
-    "Dover Saddlery, Inc.", 
-    "4.71", 
-    "$25.45M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DOX", 
-    "Amdocs Limited", 
-    "51.57", 
-    "$8.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DPRX", 
-    "Dipexium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "13.63", 
-    "$116.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRAD", 
-    "Digirad Corporation", 
-    "4.37", 
-    "$72.48M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRAM", 
-    "Dataram Corporation", 
-    "2.4", 
-    "$6.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electronic Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRNA", 
-    "Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "26.02", 
-    "$462.46M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRRX", 
-    "Durect Corporation", 
-    "0.99", 
-    "$112.54M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRWI", 
-    "DragonWave Inc", 
-    "0.92", 
-    "$69.26M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRWIW", 
-    "DragonWave Inc", 
-    "0.0848", 
-    "$675326", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DRYS", 
-    "DryShips Inc.", 
-    "0.98", 
-    "$671.36M", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSCI", 
-    "Derma Sciences, Inc.", 
-    "8.38", 
-    "$211.58M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSCO", 
-    "Discovery Laboratories, Inc.", 
-    "1.52", 
-    "$129.71M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSGX", 
-    "The Descartes Systems Group Inc.", 
-    "15.27", 
-    "$1.15B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSKX", 
-    "DS Healthcare Group, Inc.", 
-    "0.7753", 
-    "$12.52M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Package Goods/Cosmetics", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSKY", 
-    "iDreamSky Technology Limited", 
-    "11.61", 
-    "$491.37M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSLV", 
-    "VelocityShares 3x Inverse Silver ETN linked to S&P GSCI Silver", 
-    "60", 
-    "$34.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSPG", 
-    "DSP Group, Inc.", 
-    "11.43", 
-    "$247.03M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DSWL", 
-    "Deswell Industries, Inc.", 
-    "1.89", 
-    "$30.35M", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Plastic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTLK", 
-    "Datalink Corporation", 
-    "12.11", 
-    "$278.95M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ]
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--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_8.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "DTSI", 
-    "DTS, Inc.", 
-    "30.65", 
-    "$526.75M", 
-    "2003", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Multi-Sector Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTUL", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 2-year Bull ETN", 
-    "61.4", 
-    "$4.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTUS", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 2-year Bear ETN", 
-    "34.81", 
-    "$13.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTV", 
-    "DIRECTV", 
-    "87.26", 
-    "$43.83B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTYL", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 10-year Bull ETN", 
-    "74.72", 
-    "$5.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DTYS", 
-    "iPath US Treasury 10-year Bear ETN", 
-    "21.71", 
-    "$68.19M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Commercial Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DVAX", 
-    "Dynavax Technologies Corporation", 
-    "17.75", 
-    "$46.67M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DVCR", 
-    "Diversicare Healthcare Services Inc.", 
-    "10.11", 
-    "$62.24M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DWA", 
-    "Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.", 
-    "20.35", 
-    "$1.73B", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Movies/Entertainment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DWAT", 
-    "Arrow DWA Tactical ETF", 
-    "10.7499", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DWCH", 
-    "Datawatch Corporation", 
-    "6.78", 
-    "$76.96M", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DWSN", 
-    "Dawson Geophysical Company", 
-    "5.91", 
-    "$43.34M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXCM", 
-    "DexCom, Inc.", 
-    "64.42", 
-    "$4.93B", 
-    "2005", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXGE", 
-    "WisdomTree Germany Hedged Equity Fund", 
-    "29.58", 
-    "$13.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXJS", 
-    "WisdomTree Japan Hedged SmallCap Equity Fund", 
-    "32.9199", 
-    "$95.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXKW", 
-    "WisdomTree Korea Hedged Equity Fund", 
-    "21.54", 
-    "$8.62M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXLG", 
-    "Destination XL Group, Inc.", 
-    "4.91", 
-    "$248.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXM", 
-    "Dex Media, Inc.", 
-    "7.27", 
-    "$128.16M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Advertising", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXPE", 
-    "DXP Enterprises, Inc.", 
-    "47.11", 
-    "$681.49M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXPS", 
-    "WisdomTree United Kingdom Hedged Equity Fund", 
-    "26.78", 
-    "$22.76M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DXYN", 
-    "The Dixie Group, Inc.", 
-    "9.02", 
-    "$143.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DYAX", 
-    "Dyax Corp.", 
-    "15.95", 
-    "$2.18B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DYNT", 
-    "Dynatronics Corporation", 
-    "3.85", 
-    "$9.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "DYSL", 
-    "Dynasil Corporation of America", 
-    "1.4", 
-    "$22.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EA", 
-    "Electronic Arts Inc.", 
-    "57.67", 
-    "$17.88B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EAC           ", 
-    "Erickson Incorporated", 
-    "7.2", 
-    "$99.45M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Aerospace", 
-    "           "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EARS", 
-    "Auris Medical Holding AG", 
-    "5.8", 
-    "$167.94M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBAY", 
-    "eBay Inc.", 
-    "58.02", 
-    "$70.21B", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBIO", 
-    "Eleven Biotherapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "10.85", 
-    "$176.74M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBIX", 
-    "Ebix, Inc.", 
-    "28.13", 
-    "$1.03B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBMT", 
-    "Eagle Bancorp Montana, Inc.", 
-    "11.05", 
-    "$42.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBSB", 
-    "Meridian Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.41", 
-    "$678.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EBTC", 
-    "Enterprise Bancorp Inc", 
-    "21.33", 
-    "$216.82M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECHO", 
-    "Echo Global Logistics, Inc.", 
-    "27.76", 
-    "$659.22M", 
-    "2009", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECOL", 
-    "US Ecology, Inc.", 
-    "46.55", 
-    "$1.01B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Environmental Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECPG", 
-    "Encore Capital Group Inc", 
-    "43.01", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Finance Companies", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECTE", 
-    "Echo Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "2.89", 
-    "$36.51M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ECYT", 
-    "Endocyte, Inc.", 
-    "5.69", 
-    "$237.33M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EDAP", 
-    "EDAP TMS S.A.", 
-    "3.52", 
-    "$87.26M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EDGW", 
-    "Edgewater Technology, Inc.", 
-    "7.23", 
-    "$82.26M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EDS", 
-    "Exceed Company Ltd.", 
-    "1.56", 
-    "$51.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Shoe Manufacturing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EDUC", 
-    "Educational Development Corporation", 
-    "4.22", 
-    "$16.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Consumer Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEFT", 
-    "Euronet Worldwide, Inc.", 
-    "54.33", 
-    "$2.86B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEI", 
-    "Ecology and Environment, Inc.", 
-    "10.26", 
-    "$44M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEMA", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Asia Index", 
-    "60.76", 
-    "$91.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEME", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA Index Fund", 
-    "45.11", 
-    "$9.02M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EEML", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America ETF", 
-    "35.52", 
-    "$10.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EFII", 
-    "Electronics for Imaging, Inc.", 
-    "40", 
-    "$1.88B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EFOI", 
-    "Energy Focus, Inc.", 
-    "4.68", 
-    "$44.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Building Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EFSC", 
-    "Enterprise Financial Services Corporation", 
-    "20.27", 
-    "$401.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EFUT", 
-    "eFuture Information Technology Inc.", 
-    "4.02", 
-    "$16.04M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGAN", 
-    "eGain Corporation", 
-    "3.605", 
-    "$96.2M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGBN", 
-    "Eagle Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "36.37", 
-    "$946.85M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGHT", 
-    "8x8 Inc", 
-    "7.62", 
-    "$684.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGLE", 
-    "Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.", 
-    "9.97", 
-    "$379.31M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGLT", 
-    "Egalet Corporation", 
-    "14.5", 
-    "$250.61M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGOV", 
-    "NIC Inc.", 
-    "17.05", 
-    "$1.11B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGRW", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Growth ETF", 
-    "55", 
-    "$5.5M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGRX", 
-    "Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "33.68", 
-    "$472.76M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EGT", 
-    "Entertainment Gaming Asia Incorporated", 
-    "0.5203", 
-    "$15.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Miscellaneous manufacturing industries", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EHTH", 
-    "eHealth, Inc.", 
-    "10.47", 
-    "$186.55M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EIGI", 
-    "Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "19.89", 
-    "$2.63B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELGX", 
-    "Endologix, Inc.", 
-    "14.82", 
-    "$992.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELNK", 
-    "EarthLink Holdings Corp.", 
-    "4.6", 
-    "$470.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELON", 
-    "Echelon Corporation", 
-    "1.16", 
-    "$50.99M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELOS", 
-    "Syneron Medical Ltd.", 
-    "11.1", 
-    "$407.03M", 
-    "2004", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELRC", 
-    "Electro Rent Corporation", 
-    "13.03", 
-    "$314.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Diversified Commercial Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELSE", 
-    "Electro-Sensors, Inc.", 
-    "4.031", 
-    "$13.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ELTK", 
-    "Eltek Ltd.", 
-    "1.21", 
-    "$12.27M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMCB", 
-    "WisdomTree Emerging Markets Corporate Bond", 
-    "71.6399", 
-    "$107.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMCF", 
-    "Emclaire Financial Corp", 
-    "25.16", 
-    "$44.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMCG", 
-    "WisdomTree Emerging Markets Consumer Growth Fund", 
-    "25.5", 
-    "$20.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMCI", 
-    "EMC Insurance Group Inc.", 
-    "30", 
-    "$406.39M", 
-    "1982", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMDI", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Consumer Discretionary Index", 
-    "53.89", 
-    "$5.39M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMEY", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Energy Sector Capped Index Fund", 
-    "29.28", 
-    "$1.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMIF", 
-    "iShares S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure Index Fund", 
-    "32.71", 
-    "$85.05M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMITF", 
-    "Elbit Imaging Ltd.", 
-    "1.75", 
-    "$2.41M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Building operators", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMKR", 
-    "EMCORE Corporation", 
-    "5.5", 
-    "$176.59M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EML", 
-    "Eastern Company (The)", 
-    "19.025", 
-    "$118.4M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMMS", 
-    "Emmis Communications Corporation", 
-    "2.14", 
-    "$93.24M", 
-    "1994", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EMMSP", 
-    "Emmis Communications Corporation", 
-    "12.5", 
-    "$16.64M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Broadcasting", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENDP", 
-    "Endo International plc", 
-    "86.32", 
-    "$14.91B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENFC", 
-    "Entegra Financial Corp.", 
-    "15.8", 
-    "$103.43M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENG", 
-    "ENGlobal Corporation", 
-    "1.84", 
-    "$51.03M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENOC", 
-    "EnerNOC, Inc.", 
-    "17.86", 
-    "$521.07M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENPH", 
-    "Enphase Energy, Inc.", 
-    "13.3", 
-    "$580.21M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENSG", 
-    "The Ensign Group, Inc.", 
-    "41.41", 
-    "$936.53M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Hospital/Nursing Management", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENT", 
-    "Global Eagle Entertainment Inc.", 
-    "13.31", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENTA", 
-    "Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "35.9", 
-    "$670.63M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENTG", 
-    "Entegris, Inc.", 
-    "13.71", 
-    "$1.91B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Plastic Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENTL", 
-    "Entellus Medical, Inc.", 
-    "23.09", 
-    "$431.29M", 
-    "2015", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENTR", 
-    "Entropic Communications, Inc.", 
-    "2.95", 
-    "$265.72M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENVI", 
-    "Envivio, Inc.", 
-    "1.36", 
-    "$37.69M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENZN", 
-    "Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "1.1", 
-    "$48.56M", 
-    "1984", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ENZY          ", 
-    "Enzymotec Ltd.", 
-    "7.06", 
-    "$156.13M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    "          "
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EOPN", 
-    "E2open, Inc.", 
-    "8.55", 
-    "$250.69M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EPAX", 
-    "Ambassadors Group, Inc.", 
-    "2.41", 
-    "$41.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Consumer Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EPAY", 
-    "Bottomline Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "26.86", 
-    "$1.07B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EPIQ", 
-    "EPIQ Systems, Inc.", 
-    "18.28", 
-    "$665.53M", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EPRS", 
-    "EPIRUS Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
-    "8.64", 
-    "$194.69M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_9.json b/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_9.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 73d6c2d..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/data/stock_data_9.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-  [
-    "EPZM", 
-    "Epizyme, Inc.", 
-    "22.76", 
-    "$777.56M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EQIX", 
-    "Equinix, Inc.", 
-    "235.38", 
-    "$12.55B", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERI", 
-    "Eldorado Resorts, Inc.", 
-    "4.5499", 
-    "$211.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Hotels/Resorts", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERIC", 
-    "Ericsson", 
-    "13.02", 
-    "$42.17B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERIE", 
-    "Erie Indemnity Company", 
-    "92.49", 
-    "$4.27B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Specialty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERII", 
-    "Energy Recovery, Inc.", 
-    "3.36", 
-    "$174.31M", 
-    "2008", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EROC", 
-    "Eagle Rock Energy Partners, L.P.", 
-    "2.52", 
-    "$403.51M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERS", 
-    "Empire Resources, Inc.", 
-    "4.4675", 
-    "$40.1M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Basic Industries", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ERW", 
-    "VelocityShares Equal Risk Weighted Large Cap ETF", 
-    "55.14", 
-    "$30.33M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESBK", 
-    "Elmira Savings Bank NY (The)", 
-    "21.14", 
-    "$52.91M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESCA", 
-    "Escalade, Incorporated", 
-    "15.52", 
-    "$216.53M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Recreational Products/Toys", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESCR", 
-    "Escalera Resources Co.", 
-    "0.7298", 
-    "$10.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESCRP", 
-    "Escalera Resources Co.", 
-    "14.91", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESEA", 
-    "Euroseas Ltd.", 
-    "0.7568", 
-    "$43.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Marine Transportation", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESGR", 
-    "Enstar Group Limited", 
-    "136.88", 
-    "$2.63B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESIO", 
-    "Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.", 
-    "6.55", 
-    "$199.08M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESLT", 
-    "Elbit Systems Ltd.", 
-    "64.29", 
-    "$2.74B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Military/Government/Technical", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESMC", 
-    "Escalon Medical Corp.", 
-    "1.47", 
-    "$11.06M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESPR", 
-    "Esperion Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "65.98", 
-    "$1.34B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESRX", 
-    "Express Scripts Holding Company", 
-    "86.08", 
-    "$63.17B", 
-    "1992", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Nursing Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESSA", 
-    "ESSA Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "12.15", 
-    "$138.93M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESSX", 
-    "Essex Rental Corporation", 
-    "1.2676", 
-    "$31.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ESXB", 
-    "Community Bankers Trust Corporation.", 
-    "4.48", 
-    "$97.59M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ETFC", 
-    "E*TRADE Financial Corporation", 
-    "26.15", 
-    "$7.56B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "ETRM", 
-    "EnteroMedics Inc.", 
-    "1.15", 
-    "$79.47M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EUFN", 
-    "iShares MSCI Europe Financials Sector Index Fund", 
-    "23.13", 
-    "$420.97M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVAL", 
-    "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Value Index Fund", 
-    "44.44", 
-    "$22.22M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVAR", 
-    "Lombard Medical, Inc.", 
-    "5.51", 
-    "$89.18M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Medical/Dental Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVBS", 
-    "Eastern Virginia Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "6.22", 
-    "$74.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVEP", 
-    "EV Energy Partners, L.P.", 
-    "16.42", 
-    "$797.55M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVK", 
-    "Ever-Glory International Group, Inc.", 
-    "6.3", 
-    "$93.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Apparel", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVLV", 
-    "EVINE Live Inc.", 
-    "6.56", 
-    "$369.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Catalog/Specialty Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVOK", 
-    "Evoke Pharma, Inc.", 
-    "5.68", 
-    "$34.72M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVOL", 
-    "Evolving Systems, Inc.", 
-    "8.56", 
-    "$99.84M", 
-    "1998", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "EDP Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EVRY", 
-    "EveryWare Global, Inc.", 
-    "1.06", 
-    "$23.45M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Home Furnishings", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EWBC", 
-    "East West Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "40.53", 
-    "$5.82B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXA", 
-    "Exa Corporation", 
-    "10.4", 
-    "$143.91M", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXAC", 
-    "Exactech, Inc.", 
-    "23.18", 
-    "$320.07M", 
-    "1996", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Industrial Specialties", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXAS", 
-    "EXACT Sciences Corporation", 
-    "25.655", 
-    "$2.17B", 
-    "2001", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXEL", 
-    "Exelixis, Inc.", 
-    "2.74", 
-    "$534.89M", 
-    "2000", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Commercial Physical & Biological Resarch", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXFO", 
-    "EXFO Inc", 
-    "3.74", 
-    "$107.47M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXLP", 
-    "Exterran Partners, L.P.", 
-    "23.01", 
-    "$1.28B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Public Utilities", 
-    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXLS", 
-    "ExlService Holdings, Inc.", 
-    "32.2", 
-    "$1.06B", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Business Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXPD", 
-    "Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.", 
-    "45.505", 
-    "$8.78B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Transportation", 
-    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXPE", 
-    "Expedia, Inc.", 
-    "92.3", 
-    "$11.7B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Transportation Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXPO", 
-    "Exponent, Inc.", 
-    "88.06", 
-    "$1.13B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Professional Services", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXTR", 
-    "Extreme Networks, Inc.", 
-    "3.46", 
-    "$343.67M", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EXXI", 
-    "Energy XXI Ltd.", 
-    "4.26", 
-    "$402.09M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EYES", 
-    "Second Sight Medical Products, Inc.", 
-    "8.75", 
-    "$302.97M", 
-    "2014", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EZCH", 
-    "EZchip Semiconductor Limited", 
-    "21.75", 
-    "$645.95M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "EZPW", 
-    "EZCORP, Inc.", 
-    "10.37", 
-    "$556.36M", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FALC", 
-    "FalconStor Software, Inc.", 
-    "1.55", 
-    "$63.43M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FANG", 
-    "Diamondback Energy, Inc.", 
-    "75.09", 
-    "$4.4B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oil & Gas Production", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FARM", 
-    "Farmer Brothers Company", 
-    "24.09", 
-    "$399.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
-    "Packaged Foods", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FARO", 
-    "FARO Technologies, Inc.", 
-    "59.04", 
-    "$1.02B", 
-    "1997", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FAST", 
-    "Fastenal Company", 
-    "42.765", 
-    "$12.65B", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "RETAIL: Building Materials", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FATE", 
-    "Fate Therapeutics, Inc.", 
-    "5", 
-    "$102.85M", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FB", 
-    "Facebook, Inc.", 
-    "79.895", 
-    "$223.63B", 
-    "2012", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBIZ", 
-    "First Business Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "47", 
-    "$186.74M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBMS", 
-    "The First Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "14.82", 
-    "$78.72M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBNC", 
-    "First Bancorp", 
-    "17.16", 
-    "$338.14M", 
-    "1987", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBNK", 
-    "First Connecticut Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "14.98", 
-    "$240.07M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBRC", 
-    "FBR & Co", 
-    "24.07", 
-    "$213.75M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FBSS", 
-    "Fauquier Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "16.25", 
-    "$60.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCAP", 
-    "First Capital, Inc.", 
-    "24.5", 
-    "$67.14M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCBC", 
-    "First Community Bancshares, Inc.", 
-    "16.3", 
-    "$299.66M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCCO", 
-    "First Community Corporation", 
-    "11.73", 
-    "$78.13M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCCY", 
-    "1st Constitution Bancorp (NJ)", 
-    "11.18", 
-    "$79.77M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCEL", 
-    "FuelCell Energy, Inc.", 
-    "1.33", 
-    "$388.63M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Miscellaneous", 
-    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCFS", 
-    "First Cash Financial Services, Inc.", 
-    "48.92", 
-    "$1.39B", 
-    "1991", 
-    "Consumer Services", 
-    "Other Specialty Stores", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCHI", 
-    "iShares FTSE China Index Fund", 
-    "53.11", 
-    "$26.56M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCLF", 
-    "First Clover Leaf Financial Corp.", 
-    "8.7", 
-    "$60.96M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCNCA", 
-    "First Citizens BancShares, Inc.", 
-    "253.82", 
-    "$2.44B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCS", 
-    "Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc.", 
-    "16.11", 
-    "$1.91B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Semiconductors", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCSC", 
-    "Fibrocell Science Inc", 
-    "4.9", 
-    "$200.2M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Health Care", 
-    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCTY", 
-    "1st Century Bancshares, Inc", 
-    "6.774", 
-    "$68.73M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCVA", 
-    "First Capital Bancorp, Inc. (VA)", 
-    "4.3", 
-    "$55.32M", 
-    "2007", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCZA", 
-    "First Citizens Banc Corp.", 
-    "10.87", 
-    "$83.79M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FCZAP", 
-    "First Citizens Banc Corp.", 
-    "35.21", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FDEF", 
-    "First Defiance Financial Corp.", 
-    "32", 
-    "$298.99M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Savings Institutions", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FDIV", 
-    "First Trust Strategic Income ETF", 
-    "50.3", 
-    "$20.12M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FDML", 
-    "Federal-Mogul Holdings Corporation", 
-    "15.41", 
-    "$2.31B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Auto Parts:O.E.M.", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FDUS", 
-    "Fidus Investment Corporation", 
-    "16.44", 
-    "$263.48M", 
-    "2011", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEIC", 
-    "FEI Company", 
-    "80.52", 
-    "$3.35B", 
-    "1995", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEIM", 
-    "Frequency Electronics, Inc.", 
-    "12.37", 
-    "$106.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Electrical Products", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FELE", 
-    "Franklin Electric Co., Inc.", 
-    "34.81", 
-    "$1.65B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Consumer Durables", 
-    "Metal Fabrications", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEMB", 
-    "First Trust Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond ETF", 
-    "47.64", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FES", 
-    "Forbes Energy Services Ltd", 
-    "1.12", 
-    "$24.46M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Energy", 
-    "Oilfield Services/Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEUZ", 
-    "First Trust Eurozone AlphaDEX ETF", 
-    "33.04", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FEYE", 
-    "FireEye, Inc.", 
-    "46.15", 
-    "$6.94B", 
-    "2013", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer peripheral equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFBC", 
-    "First Financial Bancorp.", 
-    "17.67", 
-    "$1.08B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFBCW", 
-    "First Financial Bancorp.", 
-    "6.11", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFHL", 
-    "Fuwei Films (Holdings) Co., Ltd.", 
-    "0.6", 
-    "$7.84M", 
-    "2006", 
-    "Capital Goods", 
-    "Specialty Chemicals", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFIC", 
-    "Flushing Financial Corporation", 
-    "19.61", 
-    "$581.45M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFIN", 
-    "First Financial Bankshares, Inc.", 
-    "26.07", 
-    "$1.67B", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFIV", 
-    "F5 Networks, Inc.", 
-    "119.36", 
-    "$8.61B", 
-    "1999", 
-    "Technology", 
-    "Computer Communications Equipment", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFKT", 
-    "Farmers Capital Bank Corporation", 
-    "22.83", 
-    "$170.94M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFNM", 
-    "First Federal of Northern Michigan Bancorp, Inc.", 
-    "5.4464", 
-    "$20.3M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFNW", 
-    "First Financial Northwest, Inc.", 
-    "12.27", 
-    "$188.7M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Banks", 
-    ""
-  ], 
-  [
-    "FFWM", 
-    "First Foundation Inc.", 
-    "17.89", 
-    "$138.38M", 
-    "n/a", 
-    "Finance", 
-    "Major Banks", 
-    ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_app.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_app.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 9550265..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_app.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
-import 'package:sky/theme/theme_data.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/navigator.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/theme.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
-import 'stock_data.dart';
-import 'stock_home.dart';
-import 'stock_settings.dart';
-import 'stock_types.dart';
-class StocksApp extends App {
-  NavigationState _navigationState;
-  StocksApp() {
-    _navigationState = new NavigationState([
-      new Route(
-        name: '/', 
-        builder: (navigator, route) => new StockHome(navigator, _stocks, stockMode, modeUpdater)
-      ),
-      new Route(
-        name: '/settings',
-        builder: (navigator, route) => new StockSettings(navigator, stockMode, settingsUpdater)
-      ),
-    ]);
-  }
-  void onBack() {
-    setState(() {
-      _navigationState.pop();
-    });
-    // TODO(jackson): Need a way to invoke default back behavior here
-  }
-  StockMode stockMode = StockMode.optimistic;
-  void modeUpdater(StockMode value) {
-    setState(() {
-      stockMode = value;
-    });
-  }
-  void settingsUpdater({StockMode mode}) {
-    setState(() {
-      if (mode != null)
-        stockMode = mode;
-    });
-  }
-  final List<Stock> _stocks = [];
-  void didMount() {
-    super.didMount();
-    new StockDataFetcher((StockData data) {
-      setState(() {
-        data.appendTo(_stocks);
-      });
-    });
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    return new Theme(
-      data: new ThemeData.light(
-        primary: colors.Purple,
-        accent: colors.RedAccent,
-        darkToolbar: true),
-      child: new Navigator(_navigationState)
-    );
-  }
-void main() {
-  print("starting stocks app!");
-  runApp(new StocksApp());
-  SkyBinding.instance.onFrame = () {
-    // uncomment this for debugging:
-    // SkyBinding.instance.debugDumpRenderTree();
-  };
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_arrow.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_arrow.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7207c0a..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_arrow.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-class StockArrow extends Component {
-  StockArrow({ String key, this.percentChange }) : super(key: key);
-  final double percentChange;
-  int _colorIndexForPercentChange(double percentChange) {
-    double maxPercent = 10.0;
-    double normalizedPercentChange = math.min(percentChange.abs(), maxPercent) / maxPercent;
-    return 100 + (normalizedPercentChange * 8.0).floor() * 100;
-  }
-  Color _colorForPercentChange(double percentChange) {
-    if (percentChange > 0)
-      return colors.Green[_colorIndexForPercentChange(percentChange)];
-    return colors.Red[_colorIndexForPercentChange(percentChange)];
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    // TODO(jackson): This should change colors with the theme
-    Color color = _colorForPercentChange(percentChange);
-    const double kSize = 40.0;
-    var arrow = new CustomPaint(callback: (sky.Canvas canvas, Size size) {
-      Paint paint = new Paint()..color = color;
-      paint.strokeWidth = 1.0;
-      const double padding = 2.0;
-      assert(padding > paint.strokeWidth / 2.0); // make sure the circle remains inside the box
-      double r = (kSize - padding) / 2.0; // radius of the circle
-      double centerX = padding + r;
-      double centerY = padding + r;
-      // Draw the arrow.
-      double w = 8.0;
-      double h = 5.0;
-      double arrowY;
-      if (percentChange < 0.0) {
-        h = -h;
-        arrowY = centerX + 1.0;
-      } else {
-        arrowY = centerX - 1.0;
-      }
-      Path path = new Path();
-      path.moveTo(centerX, arrowY - h); // top of the arrow
-      path.lineTo(centerX + w, arrowY + h);
-      path.lineTo(centerX - w, arrowY + h);
-      path.close();
-      paint.setStyle(sky.PaintingStyle.fill);
-      canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
-      // Draw a circle that circumscribes the arrow.
-      paint.setStyle(sky.PaintingStyle.stroke);
-      canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, r, paint);
-    });
-    return new Container(
-      child: arrow,
-      width: kSize,
-      height: kSize,
-      margin: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 5.0)
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_data.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_data.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 075add2..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_data.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:math';
-import 'package:sky/framework/net/fetch.dart';
-// Snapshot from
-// Fetched 2/23/2014.
-// "Symbol","Name","LastSale","MarketCap","IPOyear","Sector","industry","Summary Quote",
-// Data in stock_data.json
-final Random _rng = new Random();
-class Stock {
-  String symbol;
-  String name;
-  double lastSale;
-  String marketCap;
-  double percentChange;
-  Stock(this.symbol,, this.lastSale, this.marketCap, this.percentChange);
-  Stock.fromFields(List<String> fields) {
-    // FIXME: This class should only have static data, not lastSale, etc.
-    // "Symbol","Name","LastSale","MarketCap","IPOyear","Sector","industry","Summary Quote",
-    lastSale = 0.0;
-    try{
-      lastSale = double.parse(fields[2]);
-    } catch(_) {}
-    symbol = fields[0];
-    name = fields[1];
-    marketCap = fields[4];
-    percentChange = (_rng.nextDouble() * 20) - 10;
-  }
-class StockData {
-  List<List<String>> _data;
-  StockData(this._data);
-  void appendTo(List<Stock> stocks) {
-    for (List<String> fields in _data)
-      stocks.add(new Stock.fromFields(fields));
-  }
-typedef void StockDataCallback(StockData data);
-const _kChunkCount = 30;
-class StockDataFetcher {
-  int _currentChunk = 0;
-  final StockDataCallback callback;
-  StockDataFetcher(this.callback) {
-    _fetchNextChunk();
-  }
-  void _fetchNextChunk() {
-    fetchBody('../data/stock_data_${_currentChunk++}.json').then((Response response) {
-      String json = response.bodyAsString();
-      JsonDecoder decoder = new JsonDecoder();
-      callback(new StockData(decoder.convert(json)));
-      if (_currentChunk < _kChunkCount)
-        _fetchNextChunk();
-    });
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_home.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_home.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7182f51..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_home.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/editing/input.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/drawer.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/drawer_header.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/floating_action_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/icon.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/icon_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/menu_divider.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/menu_item.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/modal_overlay.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/navigator.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/popup_menu.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/radio.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/scaffold.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/tool_bar.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
-import 'stock_data.dart';
-import 'stock_list.dart';
-import 'stock_menu.dart';
-import 'stock_types.dart';
-typedef void ModeUpdater(StockMode mode);
-class StockHome extends Component {
-  StockHome(this.navigator, this.stocks, this.stockMode, this.modeUpdater) : super(stateful: true) {
-    // if (debug)
-    //   new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 1), dumpState);
-    _drawerController = new DrawerController(_handleDrawerStatusChanged);
-  }
-  Navigator navigator;
-  List<Stock> stocks;
-  StockMode stockMode;
-  ModeUpdater modeUpdater;
-  void syncFields(StockHome source) {
-    navigator = source.navigator;
-    stocks = source.stocks;
-    stockMode = source.stockMode;
-    modeUpdater = source.modeUpdater;
-  }
-  bool _isSearching = false;
-  String _searchQuery;
-  void _handleSearchBegin() {
-    setState(() {
-      _isSearching = true;
-    });
-  }
-  void _handleSearchEnd() {
-    setState(() {
-      _isSearching = false;
-      _searchQuery = null;
-    });
-  }
-  void _handleSearchQueryChanged(String query) {
-    setState(() {
-      _searchQuery = query;
-    });
-  }
-  DrawerController _drawerController;
-  bool _drawerShowing = false;
-  void _handleDrawerStatusChanged(bool showing) {
-    if (!showing && == "/drawer") {
-      navigator.pop();
-    }
-    setState(() {
-      _drawerShowing = showing;
-    });
-  }
-  PopupMenuController _menuController;
-  void _handleMenuShow() {
-    setState(() {
-      _menuController = new PopupMenuController();
-    });
-  }
-  void _handleMenuHide() {
-    setState(() {
-      _menuController.close().then((_) {
-        setState(() {
-          _menuController = null;
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  }
-  bool _autorefresh = false;
-  void _handleAutorefreshChanged(bool value) {
-    setState(() {
-      _autorefresh = value;
-    });
-  }
-  void _handleStockModeChange(StockMode value) {
-    setState(() {
-      stockMode = value;
-    });
-    if (modeUpdater != null)
-      modeUpdater(value);
-  }
-  Drawer buildDrawer() {
-    return new Drawer(
-      controller: _drawerController,
-      level: 3,
-      children: [
-        new DrawerHeader(children: [new Text('Stocks')]),
-        new MenuItem(
-          icon: 'action/assessment',
-          children: [new Text('Stock List')]),
-        new MenuItem(
-          icon: 'action/account_balance',
-          children: [new Text('Account Balance')]),
-        new MenuDivider(),
-        new MenuItem(
-          icon: 'action/thumb_up',
-          onPressed: () => _handleStockModeChange(StockMode.optimistic),
-          children: [
-            new Flexible(child: new Text('Optimistic')),
-            new Radio(value: StockMode.optimistic, groupValue: stockMode, onChanged: _handleStockModeChange)
-          ]),
-        new MenuItem(
-          icon: 'action/thumb_down',
-          onPressed: () => _handleStockModeChange(StockMode.pessimistic),
-          children: [
-            new Flexible(child: new Text('Pessimistic')),
-            new Radio(value: StockMode.pessimistic, groupValue: stockMode, onChanged: _handleStockModeChange)
-          ]),
-        new MenuDivider(),
-        new MenuItem(
-          icon: 'action/settings',
-          onPressed: () => navigator.pushNamed('/settings'),
-          children: [new Text('Settings')]),
-        new MenuItem(
-          icon: 'action/help',
-          children: [new Text('Help & Feedback')])
-     ]
-    );
-  }
-  void _handleOpenDrawer() {
-    navigator.pushState("/drawer", (_) {
-      _drawerController.close();
-    });
-  }
-  Widget buildToolBar() {
-    return new ToolBar(
-        left: new IconButton(
-          icon: 'navigation/menu_white',
-          onPressed: _handleOpenDrawer),
-        center: new Text('Stocks'),
-        right: [
-          new IconButton(
-            icon: 'action/search_white',
-            onPressed: _handleSearchBegin),
-          new IconButton(
-            icon: 'navigation/more_vert_white',
-            onPressed: _handleMenuShow)
-        ]
-      );
-  }
-  // TODO(abarth): Should we factor this into a SearchBar in the framework?
-  Widget buildSearchBar() {
-    return new ToolBar(
-      left: new IconButton(
-        icon: 'navigation/arrow_back_grey600',
-        onPressed: _handleSearchEnd),
-      center: new Input(
-        focused: true,
-        placeholder: 'Search stocks',
-        onChanged: _handleSearchQueryChanged),
-      backgroundColor: colors.Grey[50]
-    );
-  }
-  void addMenuToOverlays(List<Widget> overlays) {
-    if (_menuController == null)
-      return;
-    overlays.add(new ModalOverlay(
-      children: [new StockMenu(
-        controller: _menuController,
-        autorefresh: _autorefresh,
-        onAutorefreshChanged: _handleAutorefreshChanged
-      )],
-      onDismiss: _handleMenuHide));
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    List<Widget> overlays = [
-      new Scaffold(
-        toolbar: _isSearching ? buildSearchBar() : buildToolBar(),
-        body: new Stocklist(stocks: stocks, query: _searchQuery),
-        floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
-          child: new Icon(type: 'content/add_white', size: 24)
-        ),
-        drawer: _drawerShowing ? buildDrawer() : null
-      ),
-    ];
-    addMenuToOverlays(overlays);
-    return new Stack(overlays);
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_list.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_list.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b36783..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_list.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/widgets/fixed_height_scrollable.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'stock_data.dart';
-import 'stock_row.dart';
-class Stocklist extends FixedHeightScrollable {
-  Stocklist({
-    String key,
-    this.stocks,
-    this.query
-  }) : super(itemHeight: StockRow.kHeight, key: key);
-  String query;
-  List<Stock> stocks;
-  void syncFields(Stocklist source) {
-    query = source.query;
-    stocks = source.stocks;
-    super.syncFields(source);
-  }
-  List<Widget> buildItems(int start, int count) {
-    var filteredStocks = stocks.where((stock) {
-      return query == null ||
-             stock.symbol.contains(new RegExp(query, caseSensitive: false));
-    });
-    itemCount = filteredStocks.length;
-    return filteredStocks
-      .skip(start)
-      .take(count)
-      .map((stock) => new StockRow(stock: stock))
-      .toList(growable: false);
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_menu.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_menu.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6450d..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_menu.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/widgets/checkbox.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/popup_menu.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/framework/theme/view_configuration.dart';
-class StockMenu extends Component {
-  StockMenu({
-    String key,
-    this.controller,
-    this.autorefresh: false,
-    this.onAutorefreshChanged
-  }) : super(key: key);
-  final PopupMenuController controller;
-  final bool autorefresh;
-  final ValueChanged onAutorefreshChanged;
-  Widget build() {
-    var checkbox = new Checkbox(
-      value: this.autorefresh,
-      onChanged: this.onAutorefreshChanged
-    );
-    return new Positioned(
-      child: new PopupMenu(
-        controller: controller,
-        items: [
-          new Text('Add stock'),
-          new Text('Remove stock'),
-          new Flex([new Flexible(child: new Text('Autorefresh')), checkbox]),
-        ],
-        level: 4
-      ),
-      right: 8.0,
-      top: 8.0 + kStatusBarHeight
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_row.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_row.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c13b66f..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_row.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/ink_well.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/theme.dart';
-import 'stock_arrow.dart';
-import 'stock_data.dart';
-class StockRow extends Component {
-  StockRow({ Stock stock }) : this.stock = stock, super(key: stock.symbol);
-  final Stock stock;
-  static const double kHeight = 79.0;
-  Widget build() {
-    String lastSale = "\$${stock.lastSale.toStringAsFixed(2)}";
-    String changeInPrice = "${stock.percentChange.toStringAsFixed(2)}%";
-    if (stock.percentChange > 0) changeInPrice = "+" + changeInPrice;
-    List<Widget> children = [
-      new Container(
-        child: new StockArrow(percentChange: stock.percentChange),
-        margin: const EdgeDims.only(right: 5.0)
-      ),
-      new Flexible(
-        child: new Text(stock.symbol),
-        flex: 2
-      ),
-      new Flexible(
-        child: new Text(
-          lastSale,
-          style: const TextStyle(textAlign: TextAlign.right)
-        )
-      ),
-      new Flexible(
-        child: new Text(
-          changeInPrice,
-          style: Theme.of(this).text.caption.copyWith(textAlign: TextAlign.right)
-        )
-      )
-    ];
-    // TODO(hansmuller): An explicit |height| shouldn't be needed
-    return new InkWell(
-      child: new Container(
-        padding: const EdgeDims(16.0, 16.0, 20.0, 16.0),
-        height: kHeight,
-        decoration: const BoxDecoration(
-            border: const Border(
-                bottom: const BorderSide(color: const Color(0xFFF4F4F4)))),
-        child: new Flex(children)
-      )
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_settings.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_settings.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 97f417a5..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_settings.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/checkbox.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/flat_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/dialog.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/icon_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/menu_item.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/navigator.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/scaffold.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/tool_bar.dart';
-import 'stock_types.dart';
-typedef void SettingsUpdater({StockMode mode});
-class StockSettings extends Component {
-  StockSettings(this.navigator, this.stockMode, this.updater) : super(stateful: true);
-  Navigator navigator;
-  StockMode stockMode;
-  SettingsUpdater updater;
-  bool showModeDialog = false;
-  void syncFields(StockSettings source) {
-    navigator = source.navigator;
-    stockMode = source.stockMode;
-    updater = source.updater;
-  }
-  void _handleStockModeChanged(bool value) {
-    setState(() {
-      stockMode = value ? StockMode.optimistic : StockMode.pessimistic;
-    });
-    sendUpdates();
-  }
-  void _confirmStockModeChange() {
-    switch (stockMode) {
-      case StockMode.optimistic:
-        _handleStockModeChanged(false);
-        break;
-      case StockMode.pessimistic:
-        showModeDialog = true;
-        navigator.pushState("/settings/confirm", (_) {
-          showModeDialog = false;
-        });
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  void sendUpdates() {
-    if (updater != null)
-      updater(
-        mode: stockMode
-      );
-  }
-  Widget buildToolBar() {
-    return new ToolBar(
-      left: new IconButton(
-        icon: 'navigation/arrow_back_white',
-        onPressed: navigator.pop),
-      center: new Text('Settings')
-    );
-  }
-  Widget buildSettingsPane() {
-    return new Container(
-      padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 20.0),
-      decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: colors.Grey[50]),
-      child: new Block([
-        new MenuItem(
-          icon: 'action/thumb_up',
-          onPressed: () => _confirmStockModeChange(),
-          children: [
-            new Flexible(child: new Text('Everything is awesome')),
-            new Checkbox(value: stockMode == StockMode.optimistic, onChanged: _handleStockModeChanged)
-          ]
-        ),
-      ])
-    );
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    List<Widget> layers = [new Scaffold(
-        toolbar: buildToolBar(),
-        body: buildSettingsPane()
-    )];
-    if (showModeDialog) {
-      layers.add(new Dialog(
-        title: new Text("Change mode?"),
-        content: new Text("Optimistic mode means everything is awesome. Are you sure you can handle that?"),
-        onDismiss: navigator.pop,
-        actions: [
-          new FlatButton(
-            child: new Text('NO THANKS'),
-            onPressed: navigator.pop
-          ),
-          new FlatButton(
-            child: new Text('AGREE'),
-            onPressed: () {
-              _handleStockModeChanged(true);
-              navigator.pop();
-            }
-          ),
-        ]
-      ));
-    }
-    return new Stack(layers);
-  }
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_types.dart b/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_types.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index e7f06ff..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/lib/stock_types.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-enum StockMode { optimistic, pessimistic }
diff --git a/examples/stocks2/pubspec.yaml b/examples/stocks2/pubspec.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a912b4..0000000
--- a/examples/stocks2/pubspec.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-name: stocks
-author: Chromium Authors <>
-description: A demo application using Sky that shows stock data
-version: 0.0.1
-  sky: '>=0.0.10 <1.0.0'
diff --git a/examples/widgets/container.dart b/examples/widgets/container.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b99fe4..0000000
--- a/examples/widgets/container.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/raised_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-class ContainerApp extends App {
-  Widget build() {
-    return new Flex([
-        new Container(
-          padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-          margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-          decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFCCCCCC)),
-          child: new Image(
-            src: "",
-            size: new Size(300.0, 300.0)
-          )
-        ),
-        new Container(
-          decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFFFFF00)),
-          padding: new EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 50.0, vertical: 75.0),
-          child: new Flex([
-            new RaisedButton(
-              child: new Text('PRESS ME'),
-              onPressed: () => print("Hello World")
-            ),
-            new RaisedButton(
-              child: new Text('DISABLED'),
-              onPressed: () => print("Hello World"),
-              enabled: false
-            )
-          ])
-        ),
-        new Flexible(
-          child: new Container(
-            decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF00FFFF))
-          )
-        ),
-      ],
-      direction: FlexDirection.vertical,
-      justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween
-    );
-  }
-void main() {
-  runApp(new ContainerApp());
diff --git a/examples/widgets/hello_widgets.dart b/examples/widgets/hello_widgets.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c1f7e..0000000
--- a/examples/widgets/hello_widgets.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-class HelloWorldApp extends App {
-  Widget build() {
-    return new Text('Hello, widgets!');
-  }
-void main() {
-  runApp(new HelloWorldApp());
diff --git a/examples/widgets/navigation.dart b/examples/widgets/navigation.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a9b35..0000000
--- a/examples/widgets/navigation.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/navigator.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/raised_button.dart';
-List<Route> routes = [
-  new Route(
-    name: 'home',
-    builder: (navigator, route) => new Container(
-      padding: const EdgeDims.all(20.0),
-      decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFCCCCCC)),
-      child: new Block([
-        new Text("You are at home"),
-        new RaisedButton(
-          child: new Text('GO SHOPPING'),
-          onPressed: () => navigator.pushNamed('shopping')
-        ),
-        new RaisedButton(
-          child: new Text('START ADVENTURE'),
-          onPressed: () => navigator.pushNamed('adventure')
-        )
-      ])
-    )
-  ),
-  new Route(
-    name: 'shopping',
-    builder: (navigator, route) => new Container(
-      padding: const EdgeDims.all(20.0),
-      decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFBF5FFF)),
-      child: new Block([
-        new Text("Village Shop"),
-        new RaisedButton(
-          child: new Text('RETURN HOME'),
-          onPressed: () => navigator.pop()
-        ),
-        new RaisedButton(
-          child: new Text('GO TO DUNGEON'),
-          onPressed: () => navigator.push(routes[2])
-        )
-      ])
-    )
-  ),
-  new Route(
-    name: 'adventure',
-    builder: (navigator, route) => new Container(
-      padding: const EdgeDims.all(20.0),
-      decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFDC143C)),
-      child: new Block([
-        new Text("Monster's Lair"),
-        new RaisedButton(
-          child: new Text('NO WAIT! GO BACK!'),
-          onPressed: () => navigator.pop()
-        )
-      ])
-    )
-  )
-class NavigationExampleApp extends App {
-  NavigationState _navState = new NavigationState(routes);
-  Widget build() {
-    return new Flex([new Navigator(_navState)]);
-  }
-void main() {
-  runApp(new NavigationExampleApp());
diff --git a/examples/widgets/sector.dart b/examples/widgets/sector.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aeec52..0000000
--- a/examples/widgets/sector.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:math' as math;
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart' as colors;
-import 'package:sky/theme/edges.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/theme_data.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/typography.dart' as typography;
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/material.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/raised_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/scaffold.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/theme.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/tool_bar.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
-import '../rendering/sector_layout.dart';
-RenderBox initCircle() {
-  return new RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter(
-    innerRadius: 25.0,
-    child: new RenderSectorRing(padding: 0.0)
-  );
-class SectorApp extends App {
-  RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter sectors = initCircle();
-  math.Random rand = new math.Random(1);
-  void addSector() {
-    double deltaTheta;
-    var ring = (sectors.child as RenderSectorRing);
-    SectorDimensions currentSize = ring.getIntrinsicDimensions(const SectorConstraints(), ring.deltaRadius);
-    if (currentSize.deltaTheta >= kTwoPi - (math.PI * 0.2 + 0.05))
-      deltaTheta = kTwoPi - currentSize.deltaTheta;
-    else
-      deltaTheta = math.PI * rand.nextDouble() / 5.0 + 0.05;
-    Color color = new Color(((0xFF << 24) + rand.nextInt(0xFFFFFF)) | 0x808080);
-    ring.add(new RenderSolidColor(color, desiredDeltaTheta: deltaTheta));
-    updateEnabledState();
-  }
-  void removeSector() {
-    (sectors.child as RenderSectorRing).remove((sectors.child as RenderSectorRing).lastChild);
-    updateEnabledState();
-  }
-  static RenderBox initSector(Color color) {
-    RenderSectorRing ring = new RenderSectorRing(padding: 1.0);
-    ring.add(new RenderSolidColor(const Color(0xFF909090), desiredDeltaTheta: kTwoPi * 0.15));
-    ring.add(new RenderSolidColor(const Color(0xFF909090), desiredDeltaTheta: kTwoPi * 0.15));
-    ring.add(new RenderSolidColor(color, desiredDeltaTheta: kTwoPi * 0.2));
-    return new RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter(
-      innerRadius: 5.0,
-      child: ring
-    );
-  }
-  RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter sectorAddIcon = initSector(const Color(0xFF00DD00));
-  RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter sectorRemoveIcon = initSector(const Color(0xFFDD0000));
-  bool enabledAdd = true;
-  bool enabledRemove = false;
-  void updateEnabledState() {
-    setState(() {
-      var ring = (sectors.child as RenderSectorRing);
-      SectorDimensions currentSize = ring.getIntrinsicDimensions(const SectorConstraints(), ring.deltaRadius);
-      enabledAdd = currentSize.deltaTheta < kTwoPi;
-      enabledRemove = ring.firstChild != null;
-    });
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    return new Theme(
-      data: new ThemeData.light(primary: colors.Blue, darkToolbar: true),
-      child: new Scaffold(
-        toolbar: new ToolBar(
-            center: new Text('Sector Layout in a Widget Tree')),
-        body: new Material(
-          edge: MaterialEdge.canvas,
-          child: new Flex([
-              new Container(
-                padding: new EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0, vertical: 25.0),
-                child: new Flex([
-                    new RaisedButton(
-                      enabled: enabledAdd,
-                      child: new ShrinkWrapWidth(
-                        child: new Flex([
-                          new Container(
-                            padding: new EdgeDims.all(4.0),
-                            margin: new EdgeDims.only(right: 10.0),
-                            child: new WidgetToRenderBoxAdapter(sectorAddIcon)
-                          ),
-                          new Text('ADD SECTOR'),
-                        ])
-                      ),
-                      onPressed: addSector
-                    ),
-                    new RaisedButton(
-                      enabled: enabledRemove,
-                      child: new ShrinkWrapWidth(
-                        child: new Flex([
-                          new Container(
-                            padding: new EdgeDims.all(4.0),
-                            margin: new EdgeDims.only(right: 10.0),
-                            child: new WidgetToRenderBoxAdapter(sectorRemoveIcon)
-                          ),
-                          new Text('REMOVE SECTOR'),
-                        ])
-                      ),
-                      onPressed: removeSector
-                    )
-                  ],
-                  justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceAround
-                )
-              ),
-              new Flexible(
-                child: new Container(
-                  margin: new EdgeDims.all(8.0),
-                  decoration: new BoxDecoration(
-                    border: new Border.all(new BorderSide(color: new Color(0xFF000000)))
-                  ),
-                  padding: new EdgeDims.all(8.0),
-                  child: new WidgetToRenderBoxAdapter(sectors)
-                )
-              ),
-            ],
-            direction: FlexDirection.vertical,
-            justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween
-          )
-        )
-      )
-    );
-  }
-void main() {
-  runApp(new SectorApp());
-  SkyBinding.instance.onFrame = () {
-    // uncomment this for debugging:
-    // SkyBinding.instance.debugDumpRenderTree();
-  };
diff --git a/examples/widgets/spinning_mixed.dart b/examples/widgets/spinning_mixed.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ffcac6f..0000000
--- a/examples/widgets/spinning_mixed.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:sky' as sky;
-import 'package:sky/base/scheduler.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/raised_button.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
-import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart';
-import '../lib/solid_color_box.dart';
-import '../../tests/resources/display_list.dart';
-// Solid colour, RenderObject version
-void addFlexChildSolidColor(RenderFlex parent, sky.Color backgroundColor, { int flex: 0 }) {
-  RenderSolidColorBox child = new RenderSolidColorBox(backgroundColor);
-  parent.add(child);
-  child.parentData.flex = flex;
-// Solid colour, Widget version
-class Rectangle extends Component {
-  Rectangle(this.color, { String key }) : super(key: key);
-  final Color color;
-  Widget build() {
-    return new Flexible(
-      child: new Container(
-        decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: color)
-      )
-    );
-  }
-Widget builder() {
-  return new Flex([
-      new Rectangle(const Color(0xFF00FFFF)),
-      new Container(
-        padding: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-        margin: new EdgeDims.all(10.0),
-        decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: const Color(0xFFCCCCCC)),
-        child: new RaisedButton(
-          child: new Flex([
-            new Image(src: ""),
-            new Text('PRESS ME'),
-          ]),
-          onPressed: () => print("Hello World")
-        )
-      ),
-      new Rectangle(const Color(0xFFFFFF00)),
-    ],
-    direction: FlexDirection.vertical,
-    justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.spaceBetween
-  );
-double timeBase;
-RenderTransform transformBox;
-final TestRenderView tester = new TestRenderView();
-void rotate(double timeStamp) {
-  if (timeBase == null)
-    timeBase = timeStamp;
-  double delta = (timeStamp - timeBase) / 1000; // radians
-  transformBox.setIdentity();
-  transformBox.translate(transformBox.size.width / 2.0, transformBox.size.height / 2.0);
-  transformBox.rotateZ(delta);
-  transformBox.translate(-transformBox.size.width / 2.0, -transformBox.size.height / 2.0);
-void main() {
-  // Because we're going to use Widgets, we want to initialise its
-  // SkyBinding, not use the default one. We don't really need to do
-  // this, because RenderBoxToWidgetAdapter does it for us, but
-  // it's good practice in case we happen to not have a
-  // RenderBoxToWidgetAdapter in our tree at startup, or in case we
-  // want a renderViewOverride.
-  WidgetSkyBinding.initWidgetSkyBinding();
-  RenderFlex flexRoot = new RenderFlex(direction: FlexDirection.vertical);
-  RenderProxyBox proxy = new RenderProxyBox();
-  new RenderBoxToWidgetAdapter(proxy, builder); // adds itself to proxy
-  addFlexChildSolidColor(flexRoot, const sky.Color(0xFFFF00FF), flex: 1);
-  flexRoot.add(proxy);
-  addFlexChildSolidColor(flexRoot, const sky.Color(0xFF0000FF), flex: 1);
-  transformBox = new RenderTransform(child: flexRoot, transform: new Matrix4.identity());
-  RenderPadding root = new RenderPadding(padding: new EdgeDims.all(20.0), child: transformBox);
-  SkyBinding.instance.root = root;
-  addPersistentFrameCallback(rotate);
diff --git a/examples/widgets/styled_text.dart b/examples/widgets/styled_text.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c9b15a..0000000
--- a/examples/widgets/styled_text.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/box.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/flex.dart';
-import 'package:sky/rendering/sky_binding.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/theme_data.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/material.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/scaffold.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/theme.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/tool_bar.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
-class StyledTextApp extends App {
-  StyledTextApp() {
-    toText = toStyledText;
-    nameLines = dialogText
-      .split('\n')
-      .map((String line) => line.split(':'))
-      .toList();
-  }
-  Function toText;
-  // From
-  final String dialogText = '''
-Dave: Open the pod bay doors, please, HAL. Open the pod bay doors, please, HAL. Hello, HAL. Do you read me? Hello, HAL. Do you read me? Do you read me, HAL?
-HAL: Affirmative, Dave. I read you.
-Dave: Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
-HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
-Dave: What's the problem?
-HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
-Dave: What are you talking about, HAL?
-HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.''';
-  // [["Dave", "Open the pod bay..."] ...]
-  List<List<String>> nameLines;
-  final TextStyle daveStyle = new TextStyle(color: Indigo[400], height: 1.8);
-  final TextStyle halStyle = new TextStyle(color: Red[400], fontFamily: "monospace");
-  final TextStyle boldStyle = const TextStyle(fontWeight: bold);
-  final TextStyle underlineStyle = const TextStyle(
-    decoration: underline,
-    decorationColor: const Color(0xFF000000),
-    decorationStyle: TextDecorationStyle.wavy
-  );
-  Component toStyledText(String name, String text) {
-    TextStyle lineStyle = (name == "Dave") ? daveStyle : halStyle;
-    return new StyledText(
-      key: text,
-      elements: [lineStyle, [boldStyle, [underlineStyle, name], ":"], text]
-    );
-  }
-  Component toPlainText(String name, String text) => new Text(name + ":" + text);
-  Component createSeparator() {
-    return new Container(
-      constraints: const BoxConstraints.expandWidth(maxHeight: 0.0),
-      margin: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 10.0, horizontal: 64.0),
-      decoration: const BoxDecoration(
-        border: const Border(
-          bottom: const BorderSide(color: const Color.fromARGB(24, 0, 0, 0))
-        )
-      )
-    );
-  }
-  void toggleToTextFunction(_) {
-    setState(() {
-      toText = (toText == toPlainText) ? toStyledText : toPlainText;
-    });
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    List<Component> lines = nameLines
-      .map((nameAndText) => Function.apply(toText, nameAndText))
-      .toList();
-    List<Component> children = [];
-    for (Component line in lines) {
-      children.add(line);
-      if (line != lines.last) {
-        children.add(createSeparator());
-      }
-    }
-    Container body = new Container(
-        padding: new EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
-        child: new Flex(children,
-          direction: FlexDirection.vertical,
-          justifyContent:,
-          alignItems: FlexAlignItems.flexStart
-        )
-      );
-    Listener interactiveBody = new Listener(
-      child: body,
-      onPointerDown: toggleToTextFunction
-    );
-    return new Theme(
-      data: new ThemeData.light(primary: Blue, darkToolbar: true),
-      child: new Scaffold(
-        body: new Material(child: interactiveBody),
-        toolbar: new ToolBar(
-          center: new Text('Hal and Dave')
-        )
-      )
-    );
-  }
-void main() {
-  runApp(new StyledTextApp());
-  SkyBinding.instance.onFrame = () {
-    // uncomment this for debugging:
-    // SkyBinding.instance.debugDumpRenderTree();
-  };
diff --git a/examples/widgets/tabs.dart b/examples/widgets/tabs.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 320b0fc..0000000
--- a/examples/widgets/tabs.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:sky/theme/colors.dart';
-import 'package:sky/theme/typography.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/material.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/scaffold.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/tabs.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/tool_bar.dart';
-import 'package:sky/widgets/widget.dart';
-class TabbedNavigatorApp extends App {
-  static Iterable<String> items = const <String>["ONE", "TWO", "FREE", "FOUR"];
-  final List<int> navigatorSelections = new List<int>.filled(items.length, 0);
-  Widget buildTabNavigator(Iterable<TabLabel> labels, int navigatorIndex) {
-    TabBar tabBar = new TabBar(
-      labels: labels.toList(),
-      selectedIndex: navigatorSelections[navigatorIndex],
-      onChanged: (selectionIndex) {
-        setState(() { 
-          navigatorSelections[navigatorIndex] = selectionIndex;
-        });
-      }
-    );
-    return new Container(child: tabBar, margin: new EdgeDims.only(bottom: 16.0));
-  }
-  Widget build() {
-    Iterable<TabLabel> textLabels = items
-      .map((s) => new TabLabel(text: "ITEM " + s));
-    Iterable<TabLabel> iconLabels = items
-      .map((s) => new TabLabel(icon: 'action/search_white'));
-    Iterable<TabLabel> textAndIconLabels = items
-      .map((s) => new TabLabel(text: "ITEM " + s, icon: 'action/search_white'));
-    var navigatorIndex = 0;
-    Iterable<Widget> tabNavigators = [textLabels, iconLabels, textAndIconLabels]
-      .map((labels) => buildTabNavigator(labels, navigatorIndex++));
-    ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar(
-      center: new Text('Tabbed Navigator', style: white.title)
-    );
-    return new Scaffold(
-      toolbar: toolbar,
-      body: new Material(
-        child: new Center(child: new Block(tabNavigators.toList())),
-        color: Grey[500]
-      )
-    );
-  }
-void main() {
-  runApp(new TabbedNavigatorApp());