blob: 82d4f8143786ee5dedffcd3e1df0e736d392b78f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/host_agent.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/ios.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/task_result.dart';
import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/utils.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Tests that the Flutter module project template works and supports
/// adding Flutter to an existing iOS app.
Future<void> main() async {
await task(() async {
// Update pod repo.
await eval(
<String>['repo', 'update'],
environment: <String, String>{
'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8',
// this variable cannot be `late`, as we reference it in the `finally` block
// which may execute before this field has been initialized
String? simulatorDeviceId;
section('Create Flutter module project');
final Directory tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_module_test.');
final Directory projectDir = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'hello'));
try {
await inDirectory(tempDir, () async {
await flutter(
options: <String>[
// Copy test dart files to new module app.
final Directory flutterModuleLibSource = Directory(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'ios_host_app', 'flutterapp', 'lib'));
final Directory flutterModuleLibDestination = Directory(path.join(projectDir.path, 'lib'));
// These test files don't have a .dart prefix so the analyzer will ignore them. They aren't in a
// package and don't work on their own outside of the test module just created.
final File main = File(path.join(flutterModuleLibSource.path, 'main'));
main.copySync(path.join(flutterModuleLibDestination.path, 'main.dart'));
final File marquee = File(path.join(flutterModuleLibSource.path, 'marquee'));
marquee.copySync(path.join(flutterModuleLibDestination.path, 'marquee.dart'));
section('Build ephemeral host app in release mode without CocoaPods');
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter(
options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign', '--verbose'],
// Check the tool is no longer copying to the legacy xcframework location.
checkDirectoryNotExists(path.join(projectDir.path, '.ios', 'Flutter', 'engine', 'Flutter.xcframework'));
final Directory ephemeralIOSHostApp = Directory(path.join(
if (!exists(ephemeralIOSHostApp)) {
return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build ephemeral host .app');
if (!await _isAppAotBuild(ephemeralIOSHostApp)) {
return TaskResult.failure(
'Ephemeral host app ${ephemeralIOSHostApp.path} was not a release build as expected'
section('Build ephemeral host app in profile mode without CocoaPods');
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter(
options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign', '--profile'],
if (!exists(ephemeralIOSHostApp)) {
return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build ephemeral host .app');
if (!await _isAppAotBuild(ephemeralIOSHostApp)) {
return TaskResult.failure(
'Ephemeral host app ${ephemeralIOSHostApp.path} was not a profile build as expected'
section('Clean build');
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter('clean');
section('Build ephemeral host app in debug mode for simulator without CocoaPods');
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter(
options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign', '--simulator', '--debug'],
final Directory ephemeralSimulatorHostApp = Directory(path.join(
if (!exists(ephemeralSimulatorHostApp)) {
return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build ephemeral host .app');
checkFileExists(path.join(ephemeralSimulatorHostApp.path, 'Frameworks', 'Flutter.framework', 'Flutter'));
if (!exists(File(path.join(
)))) {
return TaskResult.failure(
'Ephemeral host app ${ephemeralSimulatorHostApp.path} was not a debug build as expected'
section('Clean build');
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter('clean');
// Make a fake Dart-only plugin, since there are no existing examples.
section('Create local plugin');
const String dartPluginName = 'dartplugin';
await _createFakeDartPlugin(dartPluginName, tempDir);
section('Add plugins');
final File pubspec = File(path.join(projectDir.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
String content = await pubspec.readAsString();
content = content.replaceFirst(
// One framework, one Dart-only, one that does not support iOS, and one with a resource bundle.
url_launcher: 6.0.20
android_alarm_manager: 0.4.5+11
google_sign_in_ios: 5.5.0
path: ../$dartPluginName
await pubspec.writeAsString(content, flush: true);
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter(
options: <String>['get'],
section('Build ephemeral host app with CocoaPods');
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter(
options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign', '-v'],
final bool ephemeralHostAppWithCocoaPodsBuilt = exists(ephemeralIOSHostApp);
if (!ephemeralHostAppWithCocoaPodsBuilt) {
return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build ephemeral host .app with CocoaPods');
final File podfileLockFile = File(path.join(projectDir.path, '.ios', 'Podfile.lock'));
final String podfileLockOutput = podfileLockFile.readAsStringSync();
if (!podfileLockOutput.contains(':path: Flutter')
|| !podfileLockOutput.contains(':path: Flutter/FlutterPluginRegistrant')
|| !podfileLockOutput.contains(':path: ".symlinks/plugins/url_launcher_ios/ios"')
|| podfileLockOutput.contains('android_alarm_manager')
|| podfileLockOutput.contains(dartPluginName)) {
return TaskResult.failure('Building ephemeral host app Podfile.lock does not contain expected pods');
checkFileExists(path.join(ephemeralIOSHostApp.path, 'Frameworks', 'url_launcher_ios.framework', 'url_launcher_ios'));
// Resources should be embedded.
checkDirectoryExists(path.join(ephemeralIOSHostApp.path, 'Frameworks', 'GoogleSignIn.framework', 'GoogleSignIn.bundle'));
checkFileExists(path.join(ephemeralIOSHostApp.path, 'Frameworks', 'Flutter.framework', 'Flutter'));
// Android-only, no embedded framework.
checkDirectoryNotExists(path.join(ephemeralIOSHostApp.path, 'Frameworks', 'android_alarm_manager.framework'));
// Dart-only, no embedded framework.
checkDirectoryNotExists(path.join(ephemeralIOSHostApp.path, 'Frameworks', '$dartPluginName.framework'));
section('Clean and pub get module');
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter('clean');
await inDirectory(projectDir, () async {
await flutter('pub', options: <String>['get']);
section('Add to existing iOS Objective-C app');
final Directory objectiveCHostApp = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'hello_host_app'));
Directory(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'ios_host_app')),
final File objectiveCAnalyticsOutputFile = File(path.join(tempDir.path, 'analytics-objc.log'));
final Directory objectiveCBuildDirectory = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'build-objc'));
await inDirectory(objectiveCHostApp, () async {
section('Validate iOS Objective-C host app Podfile');
final File podfile = File(path.join(objectiveCHostApp.path, 'Podfile'));
String podfileContent = await podfile.readAsString();
final String podFailure = await eval(
environment: <String, String>{
'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8',
canFail: true,
if (!podFailure.contains('Missing `flutter_post_install(installer)` in Podfile `post_install` block')
|| !podFailure.contains('Add `flutter_post_install(installer)` to your Podfile `post_install` block to build Flutter plugins')) {
throw TaskResult.failure('pod install unexpectedly succeed without "flutter_post_install" post_install block');
podfileContent = '''
post_install do |installer|
await podfile.writeAsString(podfileContent, flush: true);
await exec(
environment: <String, String>{
'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8',
final File hostPodfileLockFile = File(path.join(objectiveCHostApp.path, 'Podfile.lock'));
final String hostPodfileLockOutput = hostPodfileLockFile.readAsStringSync();
if (!hostPodfileLockOutput.contains(':path: "../hello/.ios/Flutter"')
|| !hostPodfileLockOutput.contains(':path: "../hello/.ios/Flutter/FlutterPluginRegistrant"')
|| !hostPodfileLockOutput.contains(':path: "../hello/.ios/.symlinks/plugins/url_launcher_ios/ios"')
|| hostPodfileLockOutput.contains('android_alarm_manager')
|| hostPodfileLockOutput.contains(dartPluginName)) {
throw TaskResult.failure('Building host app Podfile.lock does not contain expected pods');
// Check the tool is no longer copying to the legacy App.framework location.
final File dummyAppFramework = File(path.join(projectDir.path, '.ios', 'Flutter', 'App.framework', 'App'));
section('Build iOS Objective-C host app');
await exec(
environment: <String, String> {
'FLUTTER_ANALYTICS_LOG_FILE': objectiveCAnalyticsOutputFile.path,
final String hostAppDirectory = path.join(
final bool existingAppBuilt = exists(File(path.join(
if (!existingAppBuilt) {
return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build existing Objective-C app .app');
final String hostFrameworksDirectory = path.join(
section('Check the NOTICE file is correct');
final String licenseFilePath = path.join(
await inDirectory(objectiveCBuildDirectory, () async {
final Uint8List licenseData = File(licenseFilePath).readAsBytesSync();
final String licenseString = utf8.decode(gzip.decode(licenseData));
if (!licenseString.contains('skia') || !licenseString.contains('Flutter Authors')) {
return TaskResult.failure('License content missing');
section('Check that the host build sends the correct analytics');
final String objectiveCAnalyticsOutput = objectiveCAnalyticsOutputFile.readAsStringSync();
if (!objectiveCAnalyticsOutput.contains('cd24: ios')
|| !objectiveCAnalyticsOutput.contains('cd25: true')
|| !objectiveCAnalyticsOutput.contains('viewName: assemble')) {
return TaskResult.failure(
'Building outer Objective-C app produced the following analytics: "$objectiveCAnalyticsOutput" '
'but not the expected strings: "cd24: ios", "cd25: true", "viewName: assemble"'
section('Archive iOS Objective-C host app');
await inDirectory(objectiveCHostApp, () async {
final Directory objectiveCBuildArchiveDirectory = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'build-objc-archive'));
await exec(
environment: <String, String> {
'FLUTTER_ANALYTICS_LOG_FILE': objectiveCAnalyticsOutputFile.path,
final String archivedAppPath = path.join(
final String builtFlutterBinary = path.join(
if ((await fileType(builtFlutterBinary)).contains('armv7')) {
throw TaskResult.failure('Unexpected armv7 architecture slice in $builtFlutterBinary');
final String builtAppBinary = path.join(
if ((await fileType(builtAppBinary)).contains('armv7')) {
throw TaskResult.failure('Unexpected armv7 architecture slice in $builtAppBinary');
// The host app example builds plugins statically, url_launcher_ios.framework
// should not exist.
section('Run platform unit tests');
final String resultBundleTemp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_module_test_ios_xcresult.').path;
await testWithNewIOSSimulator('TestAdd2AppSim', (String deviceId) async {
simulatorDeviceId = deviceId;
final String resultBundlePath = path.join(resultBundleTemp, 'result');
final int testResultExit = await exec(
workingDirectory: objectiveCHostApp.path,
canFail: true,
if (testResultExit != 0) {
final Directory? dumpDirectory = hostAgent.dumpDirectory;
if (dumpDirectory != null) {
// Zip the test results to the artifacts directory for upload.
await inDirectory(resultBundleTemp, () {
final String zipPath = path.join(dumpDirectory.path,
return exec(
canFail: true, // Best effort to get the logs.
throw TaskResult.failure('Platform unit tests failed');
section('Fail building existing Objective-C iOS app if flutter script fails');
final String xcodebuildOutput = await inDirectory<String>(objectiveCHostApp, () =>
'FLUTTER_ENGINE=bogus', // Force a Flutter error.
canFail: true,
if (!xcodebuildOutput.contains('flutter --verbose --local-engine-src-path=bogus assemble') || // Verbose output
!xcodebuildOutput.contains('Unable to detect a Flutter engine build directory in bogus') ||
!xcodebuildOutput.contains('Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code')) {
return TaskResult.failure('Host Objective-C app build succeeded though flutter script failed');
section('Add to existing iOS Swift app');
final Directory swiftHostApp = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'hello_host_app_swift'));
Directory(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'ios_host_app_swift')),
final File swiftAnalyticsOutputFile = File(path.join(tempDir.path, 'analytics-swift.log'));
final Directory swiftBuildDirectory = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'build-swift'));
await inDirectory(swiftHostApp, () async {
await exec(
environment: <String, String>{
'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8',
await exec(
environment: <String, String> {
'FLUTTER_ANALYTICS_LOG_FILE': swiftAnalyticsOutputFile.path,
final bool existingSwiftAppBuilt = exists(File(path.join(
if (!existingSwiftAppBuilt) {
return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build existing Swift app .app');
final String swiftAnalyticsOutput = swiftAnalyticsOutputFile.readAsStringSync();
if (!swiftAnalyticsOutput.contains('cd24: ios')
|| !swiftAnalyticsOutput.contains('cd25: true')
|| !swiftAnalyticsOutput.contains('viewName: assemble')) {
return TaskResult.failure(
'Building outer Swift app produced the following analytics: "$swiftAnalyticsOutput" '
'but not the expected strings: "cd24: ios", "cd25: true", "viewName: assemble"'
return TaskResult.success(null);
} catch (e) {
return TaskResult.failure(e.toString());
} finally {
Future<bool> _isAppAotBuild(Directory app) async {
final String binary = path.join(
final String symbolTable = await eval(
<String> [
return symbolTable.contains('kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions');
Future<void> _createFakeDartPlugin(String name, Directory parent) async {
// Start from a standard plugin template.
await inDirectory(parent, () async {
await flutter(
options: <String>[
final String pluginDir = path.join(parent.path, name);
// Convert the metadata to Dart-only.
final String dartPluginClass = 'DartClassFor$name';
final File pubspec = File(path.join(pluginDir, 'pubspec.yaml'));
String content = await pubspec.readAsString();
content = content.replaceAll(
RegExp(r' pluginClass: .*?\n'),
' dartPluginClass: $dartPluginClass\n',
await pubspec.writeAsString(content, flush: true);
// Add the Dart registration hook that the build will generate a call to.
final File dartCode = File(path.join(pluginDir, 'lib', '$name.dart'));
content = await dartCode.readAsString();
content = '''
class $dartPluginClass {
static void registerWith() {}
await dartCode.writeAsString(content, flush: true);
// Remove the native plugin code.
await Directory(path.join(pluginDir, 'ios')).delete(recursive: true);