blob: 5ef3769f06e6cfab8914798fa553fa9e687d02fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'actions.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'editable_text.dart';
import 'focus_manager.dart';
import 'focus_scope.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'scroll_position.dart';
import 'scrollable.dart';
// BuildContext/Element doesn't have a parent accessor, but it can be simulated
// with visitAncestorElements. _getAncestor is needed because
// context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType will return itself if it
// happens to be of the correct type. _getAncestor should be O(count), since we
// always return false at a specific ancestor. By default it returns the parent,
// which is O(1).
BuildContext? _getAncestor(BuildContext context, {int count = 1}) {
BuildContext? target;
context.visitAncestorElements((Element ancestor) {
if (count == 0) {
target = ancestor;
return false;
return true;
return target;
void _focusAndEnsureVisible(
FocusNode node, {
ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy alignmentPolicy = ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.explicit,
}) {
Scrollable.ensureVisible(node.context!, alignment: 1.0, alignmentPolicy: alignmentPolicy);
// A class to temporarily hold information about FocusTraversalGroups when
// sorting their contents.
class _FocusTraversalGroupInfo {
_FocusTraversalGroupMarker? marker, {
FocusTraversalPolicy? defaultPolicy,
List<FocusNode>? members,
}) : groupNode = marker?.focusNode,
policy = marker?.policy ?? defaultPolicy ?? ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(),
members = members ?? <FocusNode>[];
final FocusNode? groupNode;
final FocusTraversalPolicy policy;
final List<FocusNode> members;
/// A direction along either the horizontal or vertical axes.
/// This is used by the [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin], and
/// [FocusNode.focusInDirection] to indicate which direction to look in for the
/// next focus.
enum TraversalDirection {
/// Indicates a direction above the currently focused widget.
/// Indicates a direction to the right of the currently focused widget.
/// This direction is unaffected by the [Directionality] of the current
/// context.
/// Indicates a direction below the currently focused widget.
/// Indicates a direction to the left of the currently focused widget.
/// This direction is unaffected by the [Directionality] of the current
/// context.
// TODO(gspencer): Add diagonal traversal directions used by TV remotes and
// game controllers when we support them.
/// An object used to specify a focus traversal policy used for configuring a
/// [FocusTraversalGroup] widget.
/// The focus traversal policy is what determines which widget is "next",
/// "previous", or in a direction from the widget associated with the currently
/// focused [FocusNode] (usually a [Focus] widget).
/// One of the pre-defined subclasses may be used, or define a custom policy to
/// create a unique focus order.
/// When defining your own, your subclass should implement [sortDescendants] to
/// provide the order in which you would like the descendants to be traversed.
/// See also:
/// * [FocusNode], for a description of the focus system.
/// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together and imposes a
/// traversal policy on the [Focus] nodes below it in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [FocusNode], which is affected by the traversal policy.
/// * [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that relies on the widget
/// creation order to describe the order of traversal.
/// * [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order as the
/// natural "reading order" for the current [Directionality].
/// * [OrderedTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order
/// explicitly using [FocusTraversalOrder] widgets.
/// * [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin] a mixin class that implements
/// focus traversal in a direction.
abstract class FocusTraversalPolicy with Diagnosticable {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const FocusTraversalPolicy();
/// Returns the node that should receive focus if focus is traversing
/// forwards, and there is no current focus.
/// The node returned is the node that should receive focus if focus is
/// traversing forwards (i.e. with [next]), and there is no current focus in
/// the nearest [FocusScopeNode] that `currentNode` belongs to.
/// The `currentNode` argument must not be null.
/// The default implementation returns the [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild], if
/// set, on the nearest scope of the `currentNode`, otherwise, returns the
/// first node from [sortDescendants], or the given `currentNode` if there are
/// no descendants.
/// See also:
/// * [next], the function that is called to move the focus to the next node.
/// * [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin.findFirstFocusInDirection], a
/// function that finds the first focusable widget in a particular direction.
FocusNode? findFirstFocus(FocusNode currentNode) => _findInitialFocus(currentNode);
/// Returns the node that should receive focus if focus is traversing
/// backwards, and there is no current focus.
/// The node returned is the one that should receive focus if focus is
/// traversing backwards (i.e. with [previous]), and there is no current focus
/// in the nearest [FocusScopeNode] that `currentNode` belongs to.
/// The `currentNode` argument must not be null.
/// The default implementation returns the [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild], if
/// set, on the nearest scope of the `currentNode`, otherwise, returns the
/// last node from [sortDescendants], or the given `currentNode` if there are
/// no descendants.
/// See also:
/// * [previous], the function that is called to move the focus to the next node.
/// * [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin.findFirstFocusInDirection], a
/// function that finds the first focusable widget in a particular direction.
FocusNode findLastFocus(FocusNode currentNode) => _findInitialFocus(currentNode, fromEnd: true);
FocusNode _findInitialFocus(FocusNode currentNode, {bool fromEnd = false}) {
assert(currentNode != null);
final FocusScopeNode scope = currentNode.nearestScope!;
FocusNode? candidate = scope.focusedChild;
if (candidate == null && scope.descendants.isNotEmpty) {
final Iterable<FocusNode> sorted = _sortAllDescendants(scope, currentNode);
if (sorted.isEmpty) {
candidate = null;
} else {
candidate = fromEnd ? sorted.last : sorted.first;
// If we still didn't find any candidate, use the current node as a
// fallback.
candidate ??= currentNode;
return candidate;
/// Returns the first node in the given `direction` that should receive focus
/// if there is no current focus in the scope to which the `currentNode`
/// belongs.
/// This is typically used by [inDirection] to determine which node to focus
/// if it is called when no node is currently focused.
/// All arguments must not be null.
FocusNode? findFirstFocusInDirection(FocusNode currentNode, TraversalDirection direction);
/// Clears the data associated with the given [FocusScopeNode] for this object.
/// This is used to indicate that the focus policy has changed its mode, and
/// so any cached policy data should be invalidated. For example, changing the
/// direction in which focus is moving, or changing from directional to
/// next/previous navigation modes.
/// The default implementation does nothing.
void invalidateScopeData(FocusScopeNode node) {}
/// This is called whenever the given [node] is re-parented into a new scope,
/// so that the policy has a chance to update or invalidate any cached data
/// that it maintains per scope about the node.
/// The [oldScope] is the previous scope that this node belonged to, if any.
/// The default implementation does nothing.
void changedScope({FocusNode? node, FocusScopeNode? oldScope}) {}
/// Focuses the next widget in the focus scope that contains the given
/// [currentNode].
/// This should determine what the next node to receive focus should be by
/// inspecting the node tree, and then calling [FocusNode.requestFocus] on
/// the node that has been selected.
/// Returns true if it successfully found a node and requested focus.
/// The [currentNode] argument must not be null.
bool next(FocusNode currentNode) => _moveFocus(currentNode, forward: true);
/// Focuses the previous widget in the focus scope that contains the given
/// [currentNode].
/// This should determine what the previous node to receive focus should be by
/// inspecting the node tree, and then calling [FocusNode.requestFocus] on
/// the node that has been selected.
/// Returns true if it successfully found a node and requested focus.
/// The [currentNode] argument must not be null.
bool previous(FocusNode currentNode) => _moveFocus(currentNode, forward: false);
/// Focuses the next widget in the given [direction] in the focus scope that
/// contains the given [currentNode].
/// This should determine what the next node to receive focus in the given
/// [direction] should be by inspecting the node tree, and then calling
/// [FocusNode.requestFocus] on the node that has been selected.
/// Returns true if it successfully found a node and requested focus.
/// All arguments must not be null.
bool inDirection(FocusNode currentNode, TraversalDirection direction);
/// Sorts the given `descendants` into focus order.
/// Subclasses should override this to implement a different sort for [next]
/// and [previous] to use in their ordering. If the returned iterable omits a
/// node that is a descendant of the given scope, then the user will be unable
/// to use next/previous keyboard traversal to reach that node.
/// The node used to initiate the traversal (the one passed to [next] or
/// [previous]) is passed as `currentNode`.
/// Having the current node in the list is what allows the algorithm to
/// determine which nodes are adjacent to the current node. If the
/// `currentNode` is removed from the list, then the focus will be unchanged
/// when [next] or [previous] are called, and they will return false.
/// This is not used for directional focus ([inDirection]), only for
/// determining the focus order for [next] and [previous].
/// When implementing an override for this function, be sure to use
/// [mergeSort] instead of Dart's default list sorting algorithm when sorting
/// items, since the default algorithm is not stable (items deemed to be equal
/// can appear in arbitrary order, and change positions between sorts), whereas
/// [mergeSort] is stable.
Iterable<FocusNode> sortDescendants(Iterable<FocusNode> descendants, FocusNode currentNode);
_FocusTraversalGroupMarker? _getMarker(BuildContext? context) {
return context?.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_FocusTraversalGroupMarker>()?.widget as _FocusTraversalGroupMarker?;
// Sort all descendants, taking into account the FocusTraversalGroup
// that they are each in, and filtering out non-traversable/focusable nodes.
List<FocusNode> _sortAllDescendants(FocusScopeNode scope, FocusNode currentNode) {
assert(scope != null);
final _FocusTraversalGroupMarker? scopeGroupMarker = _getMarker(scope.context);
final FocusTraversalPolicy defaultPolicy = scopeGroupMarker?.policy ?? ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy();
// Build the sorting data structure, separating descendants into groups.
final Map<FocusNode?, _FocusTraversalGroupInfo> groups = <FocusNode?, _FocusTraversalGroupInfo>{};
for (final FocusNode node in scope.descendants) {
final _FocusTraversalGroupMarker? groupMarker = _getMarker(node.context);
final FocusNode? groupNode = groupMarker?.focusNode;
// Group nodes need to be added to their parent's node, or to the "null"
// node if no parent is found. This creates the hierarchy of group nodes
// and makes it so the entire group is sorted along with the other members
// of the parent group.
if (node == groupNode) {
// To find the parent of the group node, we need to skip over the parent
// of the Focus node in, and start
// looking with that node's parent, since _getMarker will return the
// context it was called on if it matches the type.
final BuildContext? parentContext = _getAncestor(groupNode!.context!, count: 2);
final _FocusTraversalGroupMarker? parentMarker = _getMarker(parentContext);
final FocusNode? parentNode = parentMarker?.focusNode;
groups[parentNode] ??= _FocusTraversalGroupInfo(parentMarker, members: <FocusNode>[], defaultPolicy: defaultPolicy);
// Skip non-focusable and non-traversable nodes in the same way that
// FocusScopeNode.traversalDescendants would.
if (node.canRequestFocus && !node.skipTraversal) {
groups[groupNode] ??= _FocusTraversalGroupInfo(groupMarker, members: <FocusNode>[], defaultPolicy: defaultPolicy);
// Sort the member lists using the individual policy sorts.
final Set<FocusNode?> groupKeys = groups.keys.toSet();
for (final FocusNode? key in groups.keys) {
final List<FocusNode> sortedMembers = groups[key]!.policy.sortDescendants(groups[key]!.members, currentNode).toList();
// Traverse the group tree, adding the children of members in the order they
// appear in the member lists.
final List<FocusNode> sortedDescendants = <FocusNode>[];
void visitGroups(_FocusTraversalGroupInfo info) {
for (final FocusNode node in info.members) {
if (groupKeys.contains(node)) {
// This is a policy group focus node. Replace it with the members of
// the corresponding policy group.
} else {
// Visit the children of the scope.
// Remove the FocusTraversalGroup nodes themselves, which aren't focusable.
// They were left in above because they were needed to find their members
// during sorting.
sortedDescendants.removeWhere((FocusNode node) {
return !node.canRequestFocus || node.skipTraversal;
// Sanity check to make sure that the algorithm above doesn't diverge from
// the one in FocusScopeNode.traversalDescendants in terms of which nodes it
// finds.
sortedDescendants.length <= scope.traversalDescendants.length && sortedDescendants.toSet().difference(scope.traversalDescendants.toSet()).isEmpty,
'Sorted descendants contains different nodes than FocusScopeNode.traversalDescendants would. '
'These are the different nodes: ${sortedDescendants.toSet().difference(scope.traversalDescendants.toSet())}'
return sortedDescendants;
/// Moves the focus to the next node in the FocusScopeNode nearest to the
/// currentNode argument, either in a forward or reverse direction, depending
/// on the value of the forward argument.
/// This function is called by the next and previous members to move to the
/// next or previous node, respectively.
/// Uses [findFirstFocus]/[findLastFocus] to find the first/last node if there is
/// no [FocusScopeNode.focusedChild] set. If there is a focused child for the
/// scope, then it calls sortDescendants to get a sorted list of descendants,
/// and then finds the node after the current first focus of the scope if
/// forward is true, and the node before it if forward is false.
/// Returns true if a node requested focus.
bool _moveFocus(FocusNode currentNode, {required bool forward}) {
assert(forward != null);
final FocusScopeNode nearestScope = currentNode.nearestScope!;
final FocusNode? focusedChild = nearestScope.focusedChild;
if (focusedChild == null) {
final FocusNode? firstFocus = forward ? findFirstFocus(currentNode) : findLastFocus(currentNode);
if (firstFocus != null) {
alignmentPolicy: forward ? ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtEnd : ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtStart,
return true;
final List<FocusNode> sortedNodes = _sortAllDescendants(nearestScope, currentNode);
if (forward && focusedChild == sortedNodes.last) {
_focusAndEnsureVisible(sortedNodes.first, alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtEnd);
return true;
if (!forward && focusedChild == sortedNodes.first) {
_focusAndEnsureVisible(sortedNodes.last, alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtStart);
return true;
final Iterable<FocusNode> maybeFlipped = forward ? sortedNodes : sortedNodes.reversed;
FocusNode? previousNode;
for (final FocusNode node in maybeFlipped) {
if (previousNode == focusedChild) {
alignmentPolicy: forward ? ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtEnd : ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtStart,
return true;
previousNode = node;
return false;
// A policy data object for use by the DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin so
// it can keep track of the traversal history.
class _DirectionalPolicyDataEntry {
const _DirectionalPolicyDataEntry({required this.direction, required this.node})
: assert(direction != null),
assert(node != null);
final TraversalDirection direction;
final FocusNode node;
class _DirectionalPolicyData {
const _DirectionalPolicyData({required this.history}) : assert(history != null);
/// A queue of entries that describe the path taken to the current node.
final List<_DirectionalPolicyDataEntry> history;
/// A mixin class that provides an implementation for finding a node in a
/// particular direction.
/// This can be mixed in to other [FocusTraversalPolicy] implementations that
/// only want to implement new next/previous policies.
/// Since hysteresis in the navigation order is undesirable, this implementation
/// maintains a stack of previous locations that have been visited on the
/// policy data for the affected [FocusScopeNode]. If the previous direction
/// was the opposite of the current direction, then the this policy will request
/// focus on the previously focused node. Change to another direction other than
/// the current one or its opposite will clear the stack.
/// For instance, if the focus moves down, down, down, and then up, up, up, it
/// will follow the same path through the widgets in both directions. However,
/// if it moves down, down, down, left, right, and then up, up, up, it may not
/// follow the same path on the way up as it did on the way down, since changing
/// the axis of motion resets the history.
/// See also:
/// * [FocusNode], for a description of the focus system.
/// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together and imposes a
/// traversal policy on the [Focus] nodes below it in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that relies on the widget
/// creation order to describe the order of traversal.
/// * [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order as the
/// natural "reading order" for the current [Directionality].
/// * [OrderedTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order
/// explicitly using [FocusTraversalOrder] widgets.
mixin DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin on FocusTraversalPolicy {
final Map<FocusScopeNode, _DirectionalPolicyData> _policyData = <FocusScopeNode, _DirectionalPolicyData>{};
void invalidateScopeData(FocusScopeNode node) {
void changedScope({FocusNode? node, FocusScopeNode? oldScope}) {
super.changedScope(node: node, oldScope: oldScope);
if (oldScope != null) {
_policyData[oldScope]?.history.removeWhere((_DirectionalPolicyDataEntry entry) {
return entry.node == node;
FocusNode? findFirstFocusInDirection(FocusNode currentNode, TraversalDirection direction) {
assert(direction != null);
assert(currentNode != null);
switch (direction) {
case TraversalDirection.up:
// Find the bottom-most node so we can go up from there.
return _sortAndFindInitial(currentNode, vertical: true, first: false);
case TraversalDirection.down:
// Find the top-most node so we can go down from there.
return _sortAndFindInitial(currentNode, vertical: true, first: true);
case TraversalDirection.left:
// Find the right-most node so we can go left from there.
return _sortAndFindInitial(currentNode, vertical: false, first: false);
case TraversalDirection.right:
// Find the left-most node so we can go right from there.
return _sortAndFindInitial(currentNode, vertical: false, first: true);
FocusNode? _sortAndFindInitial(FocusNode currentNode, {required bool vertical, required bool first}) {
final Iterable<FocusNode> nodes = currentNode.nearestScope!.traversalDescendants;
final List<FocusNode> sorted = nodes.toList();
mergeSort<FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) {
if (vertical) {
if (first) {
} else {
return b.rect.bottom.compareTo(a.rect.bottom);
} else {
if (first) {
return a.rect.left.compareTo(b.rect.left);
} else {
return b.rect.right.compareTo(a.rect.right);
if (sorted.isNotEmpty) {
return sorted.first;
return null;
// Sorts nodes from left to right horizontally, and removes nodes that are
// either to the right of the left side of the target node if we're going
// left, or to the left of the right side of the target node if we're going
// right.
// This doesn't need to take into account directionality because it is
// typically intending to actually go left or right, not in a reading
// direction.
Iterable<FocusNode>? _sortAndFilterHorizontally(
TraversalDirection direction,
Rect target,
FocusNode nearestScope,
) {
assert(direction == TraversalDirection.left || direction == TraversalDirection.right);
final Iterable<FocusNode> nodes = nearestScope.traversalDescendants;
final List<FocusNode> sorted = nodes.toList();
mergeSort<FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) =>;
Iterable<FocusNode>? result;
switch (direction) {
case TraversalDirection.left:
result = sorted.where((FocusNode node) => node.rect != target && <= target.left);
case TraversalDirection.right:
result = sorted.where((FocusNode node) => node.rect != target && >= target.right);
case TraversalDirection.up:
case TraversalDirection.down:
return result;
// Sorts nodes from top to bottom vertically, and removes nodes that are
// either below the top of the target node if we're going up, or above the
// bottom of the target node if we're going down.
Iterable<FocusNode>? _sortAndFilterVertically(
TraversalDirection direction,
Rect target,
Iterable<FocusNode> nodes,
) {
final List<FocusNode> sorted = nodes.toList();
mergeSort<FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) =>;
switch (direction) {
case TraversalDirection.up:
return sorted.where((FocusNode node) => node.rect != target && <=;
case TraversalDirection.down:
return sorted.where((FocusNode node) => node.rect != target && >= target.bottom);
case TraversalDirection.left:
case TraversalDirection.right:
assert(direction == TraversalDirection.up || direction == TraversalDirection.down);
return null;
// Updates the policy data to keep the previously visited node so that we can
// avoid hysteresis when we change directions in navigation.
// Returns true if focus was requested on a previous node.
bool _popPolicyDataIfNeeded(TraversalDirection direction, FocusScopeNode nearestScope, FocusNode focusedChild) {
final _DirectionalPolicyData? policyData = _policyData[nearestScope];
if (policyData != null && policyData.history.isNotEmpty && policyData.history.first.direction != direction) {
if (policyData.history.last.node.parent == null) {
// If a node has been removed from the tree, then we should stop
// referencing it and reset the scope data so that we don't try and
// request focus on it. This can happen in slivers where the rendered
// node has been unmounted. This has the side effect that hysteresis
// might not be avoided when items that go off screen get unmounted.
return false;
// Returns true if successfully popped the history.
bool popOrInvalidate(TraversalDirection direction) {
final FocusNode lastNode = policyData.history.removeLast().node;
if (Scrollable.of(lastNode.context!) != Scrollable.of(primaryFocus!.context!)) {
return false;
final ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy alignmentPolicy;
switch (direction) {
case TraversalDirection.up:
case TraversalDirection.left:
alignmentPolicy = ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtStart;
case TraversalDirection.right:
case TraversalDirection.down:
alignmentPolicy = ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtEnd;
alignmentPolicy: alignmentPolicy,
return true;
switch (direction) {
case TraversalDirection.down:
case TraversalDirection.up:
switch (policyData.history.first.direction) {
case TraversalDirection.left:
case TraversalDirection.right:
// Reset the policy data if we change directions.
case TraversalDirection.up:
case TraversalDirection.down:
if (popOrInvalidate(direction)) {
return true;
case TraversalDirection.left:
case TraversalDirection.right:
switch (policyData.history.first.direction) {
case TraversalDirection.left:
case TraversalDirection.right:
if (popOrInvalidate(direction)) {
return true;
case TraversalDirection.up:
case TraversalDirection.down:
// Reset the policy data if we change directions.
if (policyData != null && policyData.history.isEmpty) {
return false;
void _pushPolicyData(TraversalDirection direction, FocusScopeNode nearestScope, FocusNode focusedChild) {
final _DirectionalPolicyData? policyData = _policyData[nearestScope];
final _DirectionalPolicyDataEntry newEntry = _DirectionalPolicyDataEntry(node: focusedChild, direction: direction);
if (policyData != null) {
} else {
_policyData[nearestScope] = _DirectionalPolicyData(history: <_DirectionalPolicyDataEntry>[newEntry]);
/// Focuses the next widget in the given [direction] in the [FocusScope] that
/// contains the [currentNode].
/// This determines what the next node to receive focus in the given
/// [direction] will be by inspecting the node tree, and then calling
/// [FocusNode.requestFocus] on it.
/// Returns true if it successfully found a node and requested focus.
/// Maintains a stack of previous locations that have been visited on the
/// policy data for the affected [FocusScopeNode]. If the previous direction
/// was the opposite of the current direction, then the this policy will
/// request focus on the previously focused node. Change to another direction
/// other than the current one or its opposite will clear the stack.
/// If this function returns true when called by a subclass, then the subclass
/// should return true and not request focus from any node.
bool inDirection(FocusNode currentNode, TraversalDirection direction) {
final FocusScopeNode nearestScope = currentNode.nearestScope!;
final FocusNode? focusedChild = nearestScope.focusedChild;
if (focusedChild == null) {
final FocusNode firstFocus = findFirstFocusInDirection(currentNode, direction) ?? currentNode;
switch (direction) {
case TraversalDirection.up:
case TraversalDirection.left:
alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtStart,
case TraversalDirection.right:
case TraversalDirection.down:
alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtEnd,
return true;
if (_popPolicyDataIfNeeded(direction, nearestScope, focusedChild)) {
return true;
FocusNode? found;
final ScrollableState? focusedScrollable = Scrollable.of(focusedChild.context!);
switch (direction) {
case TraversalDirection.down:
case TraversalDirection.up:
Iterable<FocusNode>? eligibleNodes = _sortAndFilterVertically(
if (focusedScrollable != null && !focusedScrollable.position.atEdge) {
final Iterable<FocusNode> filteredEligibleNodes = eligibleNodes!.where((FocusNode node) => Scrollable.of(node.context!) == focusedScrollable);
if (filteredEligibleNodes.isNotEmpty) {
eligibleNodes = filteredEligibleNodes;
if (eligibleNodes!.isEmpty) {
List<FocusNode> sorted = eligibleNodes.toList();
if (direction == TraversalDirection.up) {
sorted = sorted.reversed.toList();
// Find any nodes that intersect the band of the focused child.
final Rect band = Rect.fromLTRB(focusedChild.rect.left, -double.infinity, focusedChild.rect.right, double.infinity);
final Iterable<FocusNode> inBand = sorted.where((FocusNode node) => !node.rect.intersect(band).isEmpty);
if (inBand.isNotEmpty) {
// The inBand list is already sorted by horizontal distance, so pick
// the closest one.
found = inBand.first;
// Only out-of-band targets remain, so pick the one that is closest the
// to the center line horizontally.
mergeSort<FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) {
return ( - -;
found = sorted.first;
case TraversalDirection.right:
case TraversalDirection.left:
Iterable<FocusNode>? eligibleNodes = _sortAndFilterHorizontally(direction, focusedChild.rect, nearestScope);
if (focusedScrollable != null && !focusedScrollable.position.atEdge) {
final Iterable<FocusNode> filteredEligibleNodes = eligibleNodes!.where((FocusNode node) => Scrollable.of(node.context!) == focusedScrollable);
if (filteredEligibleNodes.isNotEmpty) {
eligibleNodes = filteredEligibleNodes;
if (eligibleNodes!.isEmpty) {
List<FocusNode> sorted = eligibleNodes.toList();
if (direction == TraversalDirection.left) {
sorted = sorted.reversed.toList();
// Find any nodes that intersect the band of the focused child.
final Rect band = Rect.fromLTRB(-double.infinity,, double.infinity, focusedChild.rect.bottom);
final Iterable<FocusNode> inBand = sorted.where((FocusNode node) => !node.rect.intersect(band).isEmpty);
if (inBand.isNotEmpty) {
// The inBand list is already sorted by vertical distance, so pick the
// closest one.
found = inBand.first;
// Only out-of-band targets remain, so pick the one that is closest the
// to the center line vertically.
mergeSort<FocusNode>(sorted, compare: (FocusNode a, FocusNode b) {
return ( - -;
found = sorted.first;
if (found != null) {
_pushPolicyData(direction, nearestScope, focusedChild);
switch (direction) {
case TraversalDirection.up:
case TraversalDirection.left:
alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtStart,
case TraversalDirection.down:
case TraversalDirection.right:
alignmentPolicy: ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy.keepVisibleAtEnd,
return true;
return false;
/// A [FocusTraversalPolicy] that traverses the focus order in widget hierarchy
/// order.
/// This policy is used when the order desired is the order in which widgets are
/// created in the widget hierarchy.
/// See also:
/// * [FocusNode], for a description of the focus system.
/// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together and imposes a
/// traversal policy on the [Focus] nodes below it in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order as the
/// natural "reading order" for the current [Directionality].
/// * [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin] a mixin class that implements
/// focus traversal in a direction.
/// * [OrderedTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order
/// explicitly using [FocusTraversalOrder] widgets.
class WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy extends FocusTraversalPolicy with DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin {
Iterable<FocusNode> sortDescendants(Iterable<FocusNode> descendants, FocusNode currentNode) => descendants;
// This class exists mainly for efficiency reasons: the rect is copied out of
// the node, because it will be accessed many times in the reading order
// algorithm, and the FocusNode.rect accessor does coordinate transformation. If
// not for this optimization, it could just be removed, and the node used
// directly.
// It's also a convenient place to put some utility functions having to do with
// the sort data.
class _ReadingOrderSortData with Diagnosticable {
: assert(node != null),
rect = node.rect,
directionality = _findDirectionality(node.context!);
final TextDirection? directionality;
final Rect rect;
final FocusNode node;
// Find the directionality in force for a build context without creating a
// dependency.
static TextDirection? _findDirectionality(BuildContext context) {
return (context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<Directionality>()?.widget as Directionality?)?.textDirection;
/// Finds the common Directional ancestor of an entire list of groups.
static TextDirection? commonDirectionalityOf(List<_ReadingOrderSortData> list) {
final Iterable<Set<Directionality>> allAncestors =<Set<Directionality>>((_ReadingOrderSortData member) => member.directionalAncestors.toSet());
Set<Directionality>? common;
for (final Set<Directionality> ancestorSet in allAncestors) {
common ??= ancestorSet;
common = common.intersection(ancestorSet);
if (common!.isEmpty) {
// If there is no common ancestor, then arbitrarily pick the
// directionality of the first group, which is the equivalent of the "first
// strongly typed" item in a bidi algorithm.
return list.first.directionality;
// Find the closest common ancestor. The memberAncestors list contains the
// ancestors for all members, but the first member's ancestry was
// added in order from nearest to furthest, so we can still use that
// to determine the closest one.
return list.first.directionalAncestors.firstWhere(common.contains).textDirection;
static void sortWithDirectionality(List<_ReadingOrderSortData> list, TextDirection directionality) {
mergeSort<_ReadingOrderSortData>(list, compare: (_ReadingOrderSortData a, _ReadingOrderSortData b) {
switch (directionality) {
case TextDirection.ltr:
return a.rect.left.compareTo(b.rect.left);
case TextDirection.rtl:
return b.rect.right.compareTo(a.rect.right);
/// Returns the list of Directionality ancestors, in order from nearest to
/// furthest.
Iterable<Directionality> get directionalAncestors {
List<Directionality> getDirectionalityAncestors(BuildContext context) {
final List<Directionality> result = <Directionality>[];
InheritedElement? directionalityElement = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<Directionality>();
while (directionalityElement != null) {
result.add(directionalityElement.widget as Directionality);
directionalityElement = _getAncestor(directionalityElement)?.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<Directionality>();
return result;
_directionalAncestors ??= getDirectionalityAncestors(node.context!);
return _directionalAncestors!;
List<Directionality>? _directionalAncestors;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<TextDirection>('directionality', directionality));
properties.add(StringProperty('name', node.debugLabel, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('rect', rect));
// A class for containing group data while sorting in reading order while taking
// into account the ambient directionality.
class _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData with Diagnosticable {
final List<_ReadingOrderSortData> members;
TextDirection? get directionality => members.first.directionality;
Rect? _rect;
Rect get rect {
if (_rect == null) {
for (final Rect rect in<Rect>((_ReadingOrderSortData data) => data.rect)) {
_rect ??= rect;
_rect = _rect!.expandToInclude(rect);
return _rect!;
List<Directionality> get memberAncestors {
if (_memberAncestors == null) {
_memberAncestors = <Directionality>[];
for (final _ReadingOrderSortData member in members) {
return _memberAncestors!;
List<Directionality>? _memberAncestors;
static void sortWithDirectionality(List<_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData> list, TextDirection directionality) {
mergeSort<_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData>(list, compare: (_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData a, _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData b) {
switch (directionality) {
case TextDirection.ltr:
return a.rect.left.compareTo(b.rect.left);
case TextDirection.rtl:
return b.rect.right.compareTo(a.rect.right);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<TextDirection>('directionality', directionality));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('rect', rect));
properties.add(IterableProperty<String>('members',<String>((_ReadingOrderSortData member) {
return '"${member.node.debugLabel}"(${member.rect})';
/// Traverses the focus order in "reading order".
/// By default, reading order traversal goes in the reading direction, and then
/// down, using this algorithm:
/// 1. Find the node rectangle that has the highest `top` on the screen.
/// 2. Find any other nodes that intersect the infinite horizontal band defined
/// by the highest rectangle's top and bottom edges.
/// 3. Pick the closest to the beginning of the reading order from among the
/// nodes discovered above.
/// It uses the ambient [Directionality] in the context for the enclosing
/// [FocusTraversalGroup] to determine which direction is "reading order".
/// See also:
/// * [FocusNode], for a description of the focus system.
/// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together and imposes a
/// traversal policy on the [Focus] nodes below it in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that relies on the widget
/// creation order to describe the order of traversal.
/// * [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin] a mixin class that implements
/// focus traversal in a direction.
/// * [OrderedTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order
/// explicitly using [FocusTraversalOrder] widgets.
class ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy extends FocusTraversalPolicy with DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin {
// Collects the given candidates into groups by directionality. The candidates
// have already been sorted as if they all had the directionality of the
// nearest Directionality ancestor.
List<_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData> _collectDirectionalityGroups(Iterable<_ReadingOrderSortData> candidates) {
TextDirection? currentDirection = candidates.first.directionality;
List<_ReadingOrderSortData> currentGroup = <_ReadingOrderSortData>[];
final List<_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData> result = <_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData>[];
// Split candidates into runs of the same directionality.
for (final _ReadingOrderSortData candidate in candidates) {
if (candidate.directionality == currentDirection) {
currentDirection = candidate.directionality;
currentGroup = <_ReadingOrderSortData>[candidate];
if (currentGroup.isNotEmpty) {
// Sort each group separately. Each group has the same directionality.
for (final _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData bandGroup in result) {
if (bandGroup.members.length == 1) {
continue; // No need to sort one node.
_ReadingOrderSortData.sortWithDirectionality(bandGroup.members, bandGroup.directionality!);
return result;
_ReadingOrderSortData _pickNext(List<_ReadingOrderSortData> candidates) {
// Find the topmost node by sorting on the top of the rectangles.
mergeSort<_ReadingOrderSortData>(candidates, compare: (_ReadingOrderSortData a, _ReadingOrderSortData b) =>;
final _ReadingOrderSortData topmost = candidates.first;
// Find the candidates that are in the same horizontal band as the current one.
List<_ReadingOrderSortData> inBand(_ReadingOrderSortData current, Iterable<_ReadingOrderSortData> candidates) {
final Rect band = Rect.fromLTRB(double.negativeInfinity,, double.infinity, current.rect.bottom);
return candidates.where((_ReadingOrderSortData item) {
return !item.rect.intersect(band).isEmpty;
final List<_ReadingOrderSortData> inBandOfTop = inBand(topmost, candidates);
// It has to have at least topmost in it if the topmost is not degenerate.
assert(topmost.rect.isEmpty || inBandOfTop.isNotEmpty);
// The topmost rect in is in a band by itself, so just return that one.
if (inBandOfTop.length <= 1) {
return topmost;
// Now that we know there are others in the same band as the topmost, then pick
// the one at the beginning, depending on the text direction in force.
// Find out the directionality of the nearest common Directionality
// ancestor for all nodes. This provides a base directionality to use for
// the ordering of the groups.
final TextDirection? nearestCommonDirectionality = _ReadingOrderSortData.commonDirectionalityOf(inBandOfTop);
// Do an initial common-directionality-based sort to get consistent geometric
// ordering for grouping into directionality groups. It has to use the
// common directionality to be able to group into sane groups for the
// given directionality, since rectangles can overlap and give different
// results for different directionalities.
_ReadingOrderSortData.sortWithDirectionality(inBandOfTop, nearestCommonDirectionality!);
// Collect the top band into internally sorted groups with shared directionality.
final List<_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData> bandGroups = _collectDirectionalityGroups(inBandOfTop);
if (bandGroups.length == 1) {
// There's only one directionality group, so just send back the first
// one in that group, since it's already sorted.
return bandGroups.first.members.first;
// Sort the groups based on the common directionality and bounding boxes.
_ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData.sortWithDirectionality(bandGroups, nearestCommonDirectionality);
return bandGroups.first.members.first;
// Sorts the list of nodes based on their geometry into the desired reading
// order based on the directionality of the context for each node.
Iterable<FocusNode> sortDescendants(Iterable<FocusNode> descendants, FocusNode currentNode) {
assert(descendants != null);
if (descendants.length <= 1) {
return descendants;
final List<_ReadingOrderSortData> data = <_ReadingOrderSortData>[
for (final FocusNode node in descendants) _ReadingOrderSortData(node),
final List<FocusNode> sortedList = <FocusNode>[];
final List<_ReadingOrderSortData> unplaced = data;
// Pick the initial widget as the one that is at the beginning of the band
// of the topmost, or the topmost, if there are no others in its band.
_ReadingOrderSortData current = _pickNext(unplaced);
// Go through each node, picking the next one after eliminating the previous
// one, since removing the previously picked node will expose a new band in
// which to choose candidates.
while (unplaced.isNotEmpty) {
final _ReadingOrderSortData next = _pickNext(unplaced);
current = next;
return sortedList;
/// Base class for all sort orders for [OrderedTraversalPolicy] traversal.
/// {@template flutter.widgets.FocusOrder.comparable}
/// Only orders of the same type are comparable. If a set of widgets in the same
/// [FocusTraversalGroup] contains orders that are not comparable with each
/// other, it will assert, since the ordering between such keys is undefined. To
/// avoid collisions, use a [FocusTraversalGroup] to group similarly ordered
/// widgets together.
/// When overriding, [FocusOrder.doCompare] must be overridden instead of
/// [FocusOrder.compareTo], which calls [FocusOrder.doCompare] to do the actual
/// comparison.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// See also:
/// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together and imposes a
/// traversal policy on the [Focus] nodes below it in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [FocusTraversalOrder], a widget that assigns an order to a widget subtree
/// for the [OrderedTraversalPolicy] to use.
/// * [NumericFocusOrder], for a focus order that describes its order with a
/// `double`.
/// * [LexicalFocusOrder], a focus order that assigns a string-based lexical
/// traversal order to a [FocusTraversalOrder] widget.
abstract class FocusOrder with Diagnosticable implements Comparable<FocusOrder> {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const FocusOrder();
/// Compares this object to another [Comparable].
/// When overriding [FocusOrder], implement [doCompare] instead of this
/// function to do the actual comparison.
/// Returns a value like a [Comparator] when comparing `this` to [other].
/// That is, it returns a negative integer if `this` is ordered before [other],
/// a positive integer if `this` is ordered after [other],
/// and zero if `this` and [other] are ordered together.
/// The [other] argument must be a value that is comparable to this object.
int compareTo(FocusOrder other) {
runtimeType == other.runtimeType,
"The sorting algorithm must not compare incomparable keys, since they don't "
'know how to order themselves relative to each other. Comparing $this with $other');
return doCompare(other);
/// The subclass implementation called by [compareTo] to compare orders.
/// The argument is guaranteed to be of the same [runtimeType] as this object.
/// The method should return a negative number if this object comes earlier in
/// the sort order than the `other` argument; and a positive number if it
/// comes later in the sort order than `other`. Returning zero causes the
/// system to fall back to the secondary sort order defined by
/// [OrderedTraversalPolicy.secondary]
int doCompare(covariant FocusOrder other);
/// Can be given to a [FocusTraversalOrder] widget to assign a numerical order
/// to a widget subtree that is using a [OrderedTraversalPolicy] to define the
/// order in which widgets should be traversed with the keyboard.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.FocusOrder.comparable}
/// See also:
/// * [FocusTraversalOrder], a widget that assigns an order to a widget subtree
/// for the [OrderedTraversalPolicy] to use.
class NumericFocusOrder extends FocusOrder {
/// Creates an object that describes a focus traversal order numerically.
const NumericFocusOrder(this.order) : assert(order != null);
/// The numerical order to assign to the widget subtree using
/// [FocusTraversalOrder].
/// Determines the placement of this widget in a sequence of widgets that defines
/// the order in which this node is traversed by the focus policy.
/// Lower values will be traversed first.
final double order;
int doCompare(NumericFocusOrder other) => order.compareTo(other.order);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DoubleProperty('order', order));
/// Can be given to a [FocusTraversalOrder] widget to use a String to assign a
/// lexical order to a widget subtree that is using a
/// [OrderedTraversalPolicy] to define the order in which widgets should be
/// traversed with the keyboard.
/// This sorts strings using Dart's default string comparison, which is not
/// locale-specific.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.FocusOrder.comparable}
/// See also:
/// * [FocusTraversalOrder], a widget that assigns an order to a widget subtree
/// for the [OrderedTraversalPolicy] to use.
class LexicalFocusOrder extends FocusOrder {
/// Creates an object that describes a focus traversal order lexically.
const LexicalFocusOrder(this.order) : assert(order != null);
/// The String that defines the lexical order to assign to the widget subtree
/// using [FocusTraversalOrder].
/// Determines the placement of this widget in a sequence of widgets that defines
/// the order in which this node is traversed by the focus policy.
/// Lower lexical values will be traversed first (e.g. 'a' comes before 'z').
final String order;
int doCompare(LexicalFocusOrder other) => order.compareTo(other.order);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(StringProperty('order', order));
// Used to help sort the focus nodes in an OrderedFocusTraversalPolicy.
class _OrderedFocusInfo {
const _OrderedFocusInfo({required this.node, required this.order})
: assert(node != null),
assert(order != null);
final FocusNode node;
final FocusOrder order;
/// A [FocusTraversalPolicy] that orders nodes by an explicit order that resides
/// in the nearest [FocusTraversalOrder] widget ancestor.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.FocusOrder.comparable}
/// {@tool dartpad --template=stateless_widget_scaffold_center}
/// This sample shows how to assign a traversal order to a widget. In the
/// example, the focus order goes from bottom right (the "One" button) to top
/// left (the "Six" button).
/// ```dart preamble
/// class DemoButton extends StatelessWidget {
/// const DemoButton({
/// Key? key,
/// required,
/// this.autofocus = false,
/// required this.order,
/// }) : super(key: key);
/// final String name;
/// final bool autofocus;
/// final double order;
/// void _handleOnPressed() {
/// print('Button $name pressed.');
/// debugDumpFocusTree();
/// }
/// @override
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// return FocusTraversalOrder(
/// order: NumericFocusOrder(order),
/// child: TextButton(
/// autofocus: autofocus,
/// onPressed: () => _handleOnPressed(),
/// child: Text(name),
/// ),
/// );
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// ```dart
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// return FocusTraversalGroup(
/// policy: OrderedTraversalPolicy(),
/// child: Column(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// children: <Widget>[
/// Row(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// children: const <Widget>[
/// DemoButton(name: 'Six', order: 6),
/// ],
/// ),
/// Row(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// children: const <Widget>[
/// DemoButton(name: 'Five', order: 5),
/// DemoButton(name: 'Four', order: 4),
/// ],
/// ),
/// Row(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// children: const <Widget>[
/// DemoButton(name: 'Three', order: 3),
/// DemoButton(name: 'Two', order: 2),
/// DemoButton(name: 'One', order: 1, autofocus: true),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together and imposes a
/// traversal policy on the [Focus] nodes below it in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that relies on the widget
/// creation order to describe the order of traversal.
/// * [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order as the
/// natural "reading order" for the current [Directionality].
/// * [NumericFocusOrder], a focus order that assigns a numeric traversal order
/// to a [FocusTraversalOrder] widget.
/// * [LexicalFocusOrder], a focus order that assigns a string-based lexical
/// traversal order to a [FocusTraversalOrder] widget.
/// * [FocusOrder], an abstract base class for all types of focus traversal
/// orderings.
class OrderedTraversalPolicy extends FocusTraversalPolicy with DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin {
/// Constructs a traversal policy that orders widgets for keyboard traversal
/// based on an explicit order.
/// If [secondary] is null, it will default to [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy].
/// This is the policy that is used when a node doesn't have an order
/// assigned, or when multiple nodes have orders which are identical.
/// If not set, this defaults to [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy].
/// This policy determines the secondary sorting order of nodes which evaluate
/// as having an identical order (including those with no order specified).
/// Nodes with no order specified will be sorted after nodes with an explicit
/// order.
final FocusTraversalPolicy? secondary;
Iterable<FocusNode> sortDescendants(Iterable<FocusNode> descendants, FocusNode currentNode) {
final FocusTraversalPolicy secondaryPolicy = secondary ?? ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy();
final Iterable<FocusNode> sortedDescendants = secondaryPolicy.sortDescendants(descendants, currentNode);
final List<FocusNode> unordered = <FocusNode>[];
final List<_OrderedFocusInfo> ordered = <_OrderedFocusInfo>[];
for (final FocusNode node in sortedDescendants) {
final FocusOrder? order = FocusTraversalOrder.maybeOf(node.context!);
if (order != null) {
ordered.add(_OrderedFocusInfo(node: node, order: order));
} else {
mergeSort<_OrderedFocusInfo>(ordered, compare: (_OrderedFocusInfo a, _OrderedFocusInfo b) {
a.order.runtimeType == b.order.runtimeType,
'When sorting nodes for determining focus order, the order (${a.order}) of '
"node ${a.node}, isn't the same type as the order (${b.order}) of ${b.node}. "
"Incompatible order types can't be compared. Use a FocusTraversalGroup to group "
'similar orders together.',
return a.order.compareTo(b.order);
return<FocusNode>((_OrderedFocusInfo info) => info.node).followedBy(unordered);
/// An inherited widget that describes the order in which its child subtree
/// should be traversed.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.FocusOrder.comparable}
/// The order for a widget is determined by the [FocusOrder] returned by
/// [FocusTraversalOrder.of] for a particular context.
class FocusTraversalOrder extends InheritedWidget {
/// Creates an inherited widget used to describe the focus order of
/// the [child] subtree.
const FocusTraversalOrder({Key? key, required this.order, required Widget child}) : super(key: key, child: child);
/// The order for the widget descendants of this [FocusTraversalOrder].
final FocusOrder order;
/// Finds the [FocusOrder] in the nearest ancestor [FocusTraversalOrder] widget.
/// It does not create a rebuild dependency because changing the traversal
/// order doesn't change the widget tree, so nothing needs to be rebuilt as a
/// result of an order change.
/// If no [FocusTraversalOrder] ancestor exists, or the order is null, this
/// will assert in debug mode, and throw an exception in release mode.
static FocusOrder of(BuildContext context) {
assert(context != null);
final FocusTraversalOrder? marker = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<FocusTraversalOrder>()?.widget as FocusTraversalOrder?;
if (marker == null) {
throw FlutterError(
'FocusTraversalOrder.of() was called with a context that '
'does not contain a FocusTraversalOrder widget. No TraversalOrder widget '
'ancestor could be found starting from the context that was passed to '
'The context used was:\n'
' $context',
return true;
return marker!.order;
/// Finds the [FocusOrder] in the nearest ancestor [FocusTraversalOrder] widget.
/// It does not create a rebuild dependency because changing the traversal
/// order doesn't change the widget tree, so nothing needs to be rebuilt as a
/// result of an order change.
/// If no [FocusTraversalOrder] ancestor exists, or the order is null, returns null.
static FocusOrder? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
assert(context != null);
final FocusTraversalOrder? marker = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType<FocusTraversalOrder>()?.widget as FocusTraversalOrder?;
return marker?.order;
// Since the order of traversal doesn't affect display of anything, we don't
// need to force a rebuild of anything that depends upon it.
bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) => false;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<FocusOrder>('order', order));
/// A widget that describes the inherited focus policy for focus traversal for
/// its descendants, grouping them into a separate traversal group.
/// A traversal group is treated as one entity when sorted by the traversal
/// algorithm, so it can be used to segregate different parts of the widget tree
/// that need to be sorted using different algorithms and/or sort orders when
/// using an [OrderedTraversalPolicy].
/// Within the group, it will use the given [policy] to order the elements. The
/// group itself will be ordered using the parent group's policy.
/// By default, traverses in reading order using [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy].
/// To prevent the members of the group from being focused, set the
/// [descendantsAreFocusable] attribute to false.
/// {@tool dartpad --template=stateless_widget_material}
/// This sample shows three rows of buttons, each grouped by a
/// [FocusTraversalGroup], each with different traversal order policies. Use tab
/// traversal to see the order they are traversed in. The first row follows a
/// numerical order, the second follows a lexical order (ordered to traverse
/// right to left), and the third ignores the numerical order assigned to it and
/// traverses in widget order.
/// ```dart preamble
/// /// A button wrapper that adds either a numerical or lexical order, depending on
/// /// the type of T.
/// class OrderedButton<T> extends StatefulWidget {
/// const OrderedButton({
/// Key? key,
/// required,
/// this.canRequestFocus = true,
/// this.autofocus = false,
/// required this.order,
/// }) : super(key: key);
/// final String name;
/// final bool canRequestFocus;
/// final bool autofocus;
/// final T order;
/// @override
/// _OrderedButtonState<T> createState() => _OrderedButtonState<T>();
/// }
/// class _OrderedButtonState<T> extends State<OrderedButton<T>> {
/// late FocusNode focusNode;
/// @override
/// void initState() {
/// super.initState();
/// focusNode = FocusNode(
/// debugLabel:,
/// canRequestFocus: widget.canRequestFocus,
/// );
/// }
/// @override
/// void dispose() {
/// focusNode.dispose();
/// super.dispose();
/// }
/// @override
/// void didUpdateWidget(OrderedButton<T> oldWidget) {
/// super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
/// focusNode.canRequestFocus = widget.canRequestFocus;
/// }
/// void _handleOnPressed() {
/// focusNode.requestFocus();
/// print('Button ${} pressed.');
/// debugDumpFocusTree();
/// }
/// @override
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// FocusOrder order;
/// if (widget.order is num) {
/// order = NumericFocusOrder((widget.order as num).toDouble());
/// } else {
/// order = LexicalFocusOrder(widget.order.toString());
/// }
/// Color? overlayColor(Set<MaterialState> states) {
/// if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) {
/// return;
/// }
/// if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
/// return;
/// }
/// return null; // defer to the default overlayColor
/// }
/// Color? foregroundColor(Set<MaterialState> states) {
/// if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused) || states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
/// return Colors.white;
/// }
/// return null; // defer to the default foregroundColor
/// }
/// return FocusTraversalOrder(
/// order: order,
/// child: Padding(
/// padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
/// child: OutlinedButton(
/// focusNode: focusNode,
/// autofocus: widget.autofocus,
/// style: ButtonStyle(
/// overlayColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith<Color?>(overlayColor),
/// foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith<Color?>(foregroundColor),
/// ),
/// onPressed: () => _handleOnPressed(),
/// child: Text(,
/// ),
/// ),
/// );
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// ```dart
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// return Container(
/// color: Colors.white,
/// child: FocusTraversalGroup(
/// policy: OrderedTraversalPolicy(),
/// child: Column(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// children: <Widget>[
/// // A group that is ordered with a numerical order, from left to right.
/// FocusTraversalGroup(
/// policy: OrderedTraversalPolicy(),
/// child: Row(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// children: List<Widget>.generate(3, (int index) {
/// return OrderedButton<num>(
/// name: 'num: $index',
/// // TRY THIS: change this to "3 - index" and see how the order changes.
/// order: index,
/// );
/// }),
/// ),
/// ),
/// // A group that is ordered with a lexical order, from right to left.
/// FocusTraversalGroup(
/// policy: OrderedTraversalPolicy(),
/// child: Row(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// children: List<Widget>.generate(3, (int index) {
/// // Order as "C" "B", "A".
/// final String order =
/// String.fromCharCode('A'.codeUnitAt(0) + (2 - index));
/// return OrderedButton<String>(
/// name: 'String: $order',
/// order: order,
/// );
/// }),
/// ),
/// ),
/// // A group that orders in widget order, regardless of what the order is set to.
/// FocusTraversalGroup(
/// // Note that because this is NOT an OrderedTraversalPolicy, the
/// // assigned order of these OrderedButtons is ignored, and they
/// // are traversed in widget order. TRY THIS: change this to
/// // "OrderedTraversalPolicy()" and see that it now follows the
/// // numeric order set on them instead of the widget order.
/// policy: WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy(),
/// child: Row(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// children: List<Widget>.generate(3, (int index) {
/// return OrderedButton<num>(
/// name: 'ignored num: ${3 - index}',
/// order: 3 - index,
/// );
/// }),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ),
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [FocusNode], for a description of the focus system.
/// * [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that relies on the widget
/// creation order to describe the order of traversal.
/// * [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy], a policy that describes the order as the
/// natural "reading order" for the current [Directionality].
/// * [DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin] a mixin class that implements
/// focus traversal in a direction.
class FocusTraversalGroup extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a [FocusTraversalGroup] object.
/// The [child] and [descendantsAreFocusable] arguments must not be null.
Key? key,
FocusTraversalPolicy? policy,
this.descendantsAreFocusable = true,
required this.child,
}) : assert(descendantsAreFocusable != null),
policy = policy ?? ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(),
super(key: key);
/// The policy used to move the focus from one focus node to another when
/// traversing them using a keyboard.
/// If not specified, traverses in reading order using
/// [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy].
/// See also:
/// * [FocusTraversalPolicy] for the API used to impose traversal order
/// policy.
/// * [WidgetOrderTraversalPolicy] for a traversal policy that traverses
/// nodes in the order they are added to the widget tree.
/// * [ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy] for a traversal policy that traverses
/// nodes in the reading order defined in the widget tree, and then top to
/// bottom.
final FocusTraversalPolicy policy;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.Focus.descendantsAreFocusable}
final bool descendantsAreFocusable;
/// The child widget of this [FocusTraversalGroup].
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child}
final Widget child;
/// Returns the focus policy set by the [FocusTraversalGroup] that most
/// tightly encloses the given [BuildContext].
/// It does not create a rebuild dependency because changing the traversal
/// order doesn't change the widget tree, so nothing needs to be rebuilt as a
/// result of an order change.
/// Will assert if no [FocusTraversalGroup] ancestor is found.
/// See also:
/// * [maybeOf] for a similar function that will return null if no
/// [FocusTraversalGroup] ancestor is found.
static FocusTraversalPolicy of(BuildContext context) {
assert(context != null);
final _FocusTraversalGroupMarker? inherited = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_FocusTraversalGroupMarker>();
assert(() {
if (inherited == null) {
throw FlutterError(
'Unable to find a FocusTraversalGroup widget in the context.\n'
'FocusTraversalGroup.of() was called with a context that does not contain a '
'No FocusTraversalGroup ancestor could be found starting from the context that was '
'passed to FocusTraversalGroup.of(). This can happen because there is not a '
'WidgetsApp or MaterialApp widget (those widgets introduce a FocusTraversalGroup), '
'or it can happen if the context comes from a widget above those widgets.\n'
'The context used was:\n'
' $context',
return true;
return inherited!.policy;
/// Returns the focus policy set by the [FocusTraversalGroup] that most
/// tightly encloses the given [BuildContext].
/// It does not create a rebuild dependency because changing the traversal
/// order doesn't change the widget tree, so nothing needs to be rebuilt as a
/// result of an order change.
/// Will return null if it doesn't find a [FocusTraversalGroup] ancestor.
/// See also:
/// * [of] for a similar function that will throw if no [FocusTraversalGroup]
/// ancestor is found.
static FocusTraversalPolicy? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
assert(context != null);
final _FocusTraversalGroupMarker? inherited = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_FocusTraversalGroupMarker>();
return inherited?.policy;
_FocusTraversalGroupState createState() => _FocusTraversalGroupState();
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<FocusTraversalPolicy>('policy', policy));
class _FocusTraversalGroupState extends State<FocusTraversalGroup> {
// The internal focus node used to collect the children of this node into a
// group, and to provide a context for the traversal algorithm to sort the
// group with.
FocusNode? focusNode;
void initState() {
focusNode = FocusNode(
canRequestFocus: false,
skipTraversal: true,
debugLabel: 'FocusTraversalGroup',
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return _FocusTraversalGroupMarker(
policy: widget.policy,
focusNode: focusNode!,
child: Focus(
focusNode: focusNode,
canRequestFocus: false,
skipTraversal: true,
includeSemantics: false,
descendantsAreFocusable: widget.descendantsAreFocusable,
child: widget.child,
// A "marker" inherited widget to make the group faster to find.
class _FocusTraversalGroupMarker extends InheritedWidget {
const _FocusTraversalGroupMarker({
required this.policy,
required this.focusNode,
required Widget child,
}) : assert(policy != null),
assert(focusNode != null),
super(child: child);
final FocusTraversalPolicy policy;
final FocusNode focusNode;
bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) => false;
/// An intent for use with the [RequestFocusAction], which supplies the
/// [FocusNode] that should be focused.
class RequestFocusIntent extends Intent {
/// Creates an intent used with [RequestFocusAction].
/// The argument must not be null.
const RequestFocusIntent(this.focusNode)
: assert(focusNode != null);
/// The [FocusNode] that is to be focused.
final FocusNode focusNode;
/// An [Action] that requests the focus on the node it is given in its
/// [RequestFocusIntent].
/// This action can be used to request focus for a particular node, by calling
/// [Action.invoke] like so:
/// ```dart
/// Actions.invoke(context, const RequestFocusIntent(focusNode));
/// ```
/// Where the `focusNode` is the node for which the focus will be requested.
/// The difference between requesting focus in this way versus calling
/// [FocusNode.requestFocus] directly is that it will use the [Action]
/// registered in the nearest [Actions] widget associated with
/// [RequestFocusIntent] to make the request, rather than just requesting focus
/// directly. This allows the action to have additional side effects, like
/// logging, or undo and redo functionality.
/// This [RequestFocusAction] class is the default action associated with the
/// [RequestFocusIntent] in the [WidgetsApp], and it simply requests focus. You
/// can redefine the associated action with your own [Actions] widget.
/// See [FocusTraversalPolicy] for more information about focus traversal.
class RequestFocusAction extends Action<RequestFocusIntent> {
void invoke(RequestFocusIntent intent) {
/// An [Intent] bound to [NextFocusAction], which moves the focus to the next
/// focusable node in the focus traversal order.
/// See [FocusTraversalPolicy] for more information about focus traversal.
class NextFocusIntent extends Intent {
/// Creates an intent that is used with [NextFocusAction].
const NextFocusIntent();
/// An [Action] that moves the focus to the next focusable node in the focus
/// order.
/// This action is the default action registered for the [NextFocusIntent], and
/// by default is bound to the [] key in the [WidgetsApp].
/// See [FocusTraversalPolicy] for more information about focus traversal.
class NextFocusAction extends Action<NextFocusIntent> {
void invoke(NextFocusIntent intent) {
/// An [Intent] bound to [PreviousFocusAction], which moves the focus to the
/// previous focusable node in the focus traversal order.
/// See [FocusTraversalPolicy] for more information about focus traversal.
class PreviousFocusIntent extends Intent {
/// Creates an intent that is used with [PreviousFocusAction].
const PreviousFocusIntent();
/// An [Action] that moves the focus to the previous focusable node in the focus
/// order.
/// This action is the default action registered for the [PreviousFocusIntent],
/// and by default is bound to a combination of the [] key
/// and the [LogicalKeyboardKey.shift] key in the [WidgetsApp].
/// See [FocusTraversalPolicy] for more information about focus traversal.
class PreviousFocusAction extends Action<PreviousFocusIntent> {
void invoke(PreviousFocusIntent intent) {
/// An [Intent] that represents moving to the next focusable node in the given
/// [direction].
/// This is the [Intent] bound by default to the [LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowUp],
/// [LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowDown], [LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft], and
/// [LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight] keys in the [WidgetsApp], with the
/// appropriate associated directions.
/// See [FocusTraversalPolicy] for more information about focus traversal.
class DirectionalFocusIntent extends Intent {
/// Creates an intent used to move the focus in the given [direction].
const DirectionalFocusIntent(this.direction, {this.ignoreTextFields = true})
: assert(ignoreTextFields != null);
/// The direction in which to look for the next focusable node when the
/// associated [DirectionalFocusAction] is invoked.
final TraversalDirection direction;
/// If true, then directional focus actions that occur within a text field
/// will not happen when the focus node which received the key is a text
/// field.
/// Defaults to true.
final bool ignoreTextFields;
/// An [Action] that moves the focus to the focusable node in the direction
/// configured by the associated [DirectionalFocusIntent.direction].
/// This is the [Action] associated with [DirectionalFocusIntent] and bound by
/// default to the [LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowUp], [LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowDown],
/// [LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft], and [LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight] keys in
/// the [WidgetsApp], with the appropriate associated directions.
class DirectionalFocusAction extends Action<DirectionalFocusIntent> {
void invoke(DirectionalFocusIntent intent) {
if (!intent.ignoreTextFields || primaryFocus!.context!.widget is! EditableText) {