blob: d55fa38eca3902ea434433880dbb0179cecc37ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'navigator.dart';
/// A piece of routing information.
/// The route information consists of a location string of the application and
/// a state object that configures the application in that location.
/// This information flows two ways, from the [RouteInformationProvider] to the
/// [Router] or from the [Router] to [RouteInformationProvider].
/// In the former case, the [RouteInformationProvider] notifies the [Router]
/// widget when a new [RouteInformation] is available. The [Router] widget takes
/// these information and navigates accordingly.
/// The latter case should only happen in a web application where the [Router]
/// reports route changes back to web engine.
class RouteInformation {
/// Creates a route information object.
/// The arguments may be null.
const RouteInformation({this.location, this.state});
/// The location of the application.
/// The string is usually in the format of multiple string identifiers with
/// slashes in between. ex: `/`, `/path`, `/path/to/the/app`.
/// It is equivalent to the URL in a web application.
final String? location;
/// The state of the application in the [location].
/// The app can have different states even in the same location. For example,
/// the text inside a [TextField] or the scroll position in a [ScrollView].
/// These widget states can be stored in the [state].
/// Currently, this information is only used by Flutter on the web:
/// the data is stored in the browser history entry when the
/// [Router] reports this route information back to the web engine
/// through the [PlatformRouteInformationProvider]. The information
/// is then passed back, along with the [location], when the user
/// clicks the back or forward buttons.
/// The state must be serializable.
final Object? state;
/// The dispatcher for opening and closing pages of an application.
/// This widget listens for routing information from the operating system (e.g.
/// an initial route provided on app startup, a new route obtained when an
/// intent is received, or a notification that the user hit the system back
/// button), parses route information into data of type `T`, and then converts
/// that data into [Page] objects that it passes to a [Navigator].
/// Each part of this process can be overridden and configured as desired.
/// The [routeInformationProvider] can be overridden to change how the name of
/// the route is obtained. The [RouteInformationProvider.value] is used as the
/// initial route when the [Router] is first created. Subsequent notifications
/// from the [RouteInformationProvider] to its listeners are treated as
/// notifications that the route information has changed.
/// The [backButtonDispatcher] can be overridden to change how back button
/// notifications are received. This must be a [BackButtonDispatcher], which is
/// an object where callbacks can be registered, and which can be chained so
/// that back button presses are delegated to subsidiary routers. The callbacks
/// are invoked to indicate that the user is trying to close the current route
/// (by pressing the system back button); the [Router] ensures that when this
/// callback is invoked, the message is passed to the [routerDelegate] and its
/// result is provided back to the [backButtonDispatcher]. Some platforms don't
/// have back buttons (e.g. iOS and desktop platforms); on those platforms this
/// notification is never sent. Typically, the [backButtonDispatcher] for the
/// root router is an instance of [RootBackButtonDispatcher], which uses a
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver] to listen to the `popRoute` notifications from
/// [SystemChannels.navigation]. Nested [Router]s typically use a
/// [ChildBackButtonDispatcher], which must be provided the
/// [BackButtonDispatcher] of its ancestor [Router] (available via [Router.of]).
/// The [routeInformationParser] can be overridden to change how names obtained
/// from the [routeInformationProvider] are interpreted. It must implement the
/// [RouteInformationParser] interface, specialized with the same type as the
/// [Router] itself. This type, `T`, represents the data type that the
/// [routeInformationParser] will generate.
/// The [routerDelegate] can be overridden to change how the output of the
/// [routeInformationParser] is interpreted. It must implement the
/// [RouterDelegate] interface, also specialized with `T`; it takes as input
/// the data (of type `T`) from the [routeInformationParser], and is responsible
/// for providing a navigating widget to insert into the widget tree. The
/// [RouterDelegate] interface is also [Listenable]; notifications are taken
/// to mean that the [Router] needs to rebuild.
/// ## Concerns regarding asynchrony
/// Some of the APIs (notably those involving [RouteInformationParser] and
/// [RouterDelegate]) are asynchronous.
/// When developing objects implementing these APIs, if the work can be done
/// entirely synchronously, then consider using [SynchronousFuture] for the
/// future returned from the relevant methods. This will allow the [Router] to
/// proceed in a completely synchronous way, which removes a number of
/// complications.
/// Using asynchronous computation is entirely reasonable, however, and the API
/// is designed to support it. For example, maybe a set of images need to be
/// loaded before a route can be shown; waiting for those images to be loaded
/// before [RouterDelegate.setNewRoutePath] returns is a reasonable approach to
/// handle this case.
/// If an asynchronous operation is ongoing when a new one is to be started, the
/// precise behavior will depend on the exact circumstances, as follows:
/// If the active operation is a [routeInformationParser] parsing a new route information:
/// that operation's result, if it ever completes, will be discarded.
/// If the active operation is a [routerDelegate] handling a pop request:
/// the previous pop is immediately completed with "false", claiming that the
/// previous pop was not handled (this may cause the application to close).
/// If the active operation is a [routerDelegate] handling an initial route
/// or a pushed route, the result depends on the new operation. If the new
/// operation is a pop request, then the original operation's result, if it ever
/// completes, will be discarded. If the new operation is a push request,
/// however, the [routeInformationParser] will be requested to start the parsing, and
/// only if that finishes before the original [routerDelegate] request
/// completes will that original request's result be discarded.
/// If the identity of the [Router] widget's delegates change while an
/// asynchronous operation is in progress, to keep matters simple, all active
/// asynchronous operations will have their results discarded. It is generally
/// considered unusual for these delegates to change during the lifetime of the
/// [Router].
/// If the [Router] itself is disposed while an asynchronous operation is in
/// progress, all active asynchronous operations will have their results
/// discarded also.
/// No explicit signals are provided to the [routeInformationParser] or
/// [routerDelegate] to indicate when any of the above happens, so it is
/// strongly recommended that [RouteInformationParser] and [RouterDelegate]
/// implementations not perform extensive computation.
/// ## Application architectural design
/// An application can have zero, one, or many [Router] widgets, depending on
/// its needs.
/// An application might have no [Router] widgets if it has only one "screen",
/// or if the facilities provided by [Navigator] are sufficient. This is common
/// for desktop applications, where subsidiary "screens" are represented using
/// different windows rather than changing the active interface.
/// A particularly elaborate application might have multiple [Router] widgets,
/// in a tree configuration, with the first handling the entire route parsing
/// and making the result available for routers in the subtree. The routers in
/// the subtree do not participate in route information parsing but merely take the
/// result from the first router to build their sub routes.
/// Most applications only need a single [Router].
/// ## URL updates for web applications
/// In the web platform, keeping the URL in the browser's location bar up to
/// date with the application state ensures that the browser constructs its
/// history entry correctly, allowing its back and forward buttons to function
/// as the user expects.
/// If an app state change leads to the [Router] rebuilding, the [Router] will
/// retrieve the new route information from the [routerDelegate]'s
/// [RouterDelegate.currentConfiguration] method and the
/// [routeInformationParser]'s [RouteInformationParser.restoreRouteInformation]
/// method. If the location in the new route information is different from the
/// current location, the router sends the new route information to the
/// [routeInformationProvider]'s
/// [RouteInformationProvider.routerReportsNewRouteInformation] method. That
/// method as implemented in [PlatformRouteInformationProvider] uses
/// [SystemNavigator.routeInformationUpdated] to notify the engine, and through
/// that the browser, of the new URL.
/// One can force the [Router] to report new route information to the
/// [routeInformationProvider] (and thus the browser) even if the
/// [RouteInformation.location] has not changed by calling the [Router.navigate]
/// method with a callback that performs the state change. This allows one to
/// support the browser's back and forward buttons without changing the URL. For
/// example, the scroll position of a scroll view may be saved in the
/// [RouteInformation.state]. Using [Router.navigate] to update the scroll
/// position causes the browser to create a new history entry with the
/// [RouteInformation.state] that stores this new scroll position. When the user
/// clicks the back button, the app will go back to the previous scroll position
/// without changing the URL in the location bar.
/// One can also force the [Router] to ignore application state changes by
/// making those changes during a callback passed to [Router.neglect]. The
/// [Router] will not report any route information even if it detects location
/// change as a result of running the callback.
/// To opt out of URL updates entirely, pass null for [routeInformationProvider]
/// and [routeInformationParser]. This is not recommended in general, but may be
/// appropriate in the following cases:
/// * The application does not target the web platform.
/// * There are multiple router widgets in the application. Only one [Router]
/// widget should update the URL (typically the top-most one created by the
/// [WidgetsApp.router], [MaterialApp.router], or [CupertinoApp.router]).
/// * The application does not need to implement in-app navigation using the
/// browser's back and forward buttons.
/// In other cases, it is strongly recommended to implement the
/// [RouterDelegate.currentConfiguration] and
/// [RouteInformationParser.restoreRouteInformation] APIs to provide an optimal
/// user experience when running on the web platform.
class Router<T> extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a router.
/// The [routeInformationProvider] and [routeInformationParser] can be null if this
/// router does not depend on route information. A common example is a sub router
/// that builds its content completely based on the app state.
/// If the [routeInformationProvider] is not null, the [routeInformationParser] must
/// also not be null.
/// The [routerDelegate] must not be null.
const Router({
Key? key,
required this.routerDelegate,
}) : assert(
(routeInformationProvider == null) == (routeInformationParser == null),
'Both routeInformationProvider and routeInformationParser must be provided '
'if this router parses route information. Otherwise, they should both '
'be null.'
assert(routerDelegate != null),
super(key: key);
/// The route information provider for the router.
/// The value at the time of first build will be used as the initial route.
/// The [Router] listens to this provider and rebuilds with new names when
/// it notifies.
/// This can be null if this router does not rely on the route information
/// to build its content. In such case, the [routeInformationParser] can also be
/// null.
final RouteInformationProvider? routeInformationProvider;
/// The route information parser for the router.
/// When the [Router] gets a new route information from the [routeInformationProvider],
/// the [Router] uses this delegate to parse the route information and produce a
/// configuration. The configuration will be used by [routerDelegate] and
/// eventually rebuilds the [Router] widget.
/// Since this delegate is the primary consumer of the [routeInformationProvider],
/// it must not be null if [routeInformationProvider] is not null.
final RouteInformationParser<T>? routeInformationParser;
/// The router delegate for the router.
/// This delegate consumes the configuration from [routeInformationParser] and
/// builds a navigating widget for the [Router].
/// It is also the primary respondent for the [backButtonDispatcher]. The
/// [Router] relies on [RouterDelegate.popRoute] to handle the back
/// button.
/// If the [RouterDelegate.currentConfiguration] returns a non-null object,
/// this [Router] will opt for URL updates.
final RouterDelegate<T> routerDelegate;
/// The back button dispatcher for the router.
/// The two common alternatives are the [RootBackButtonDispatcher] for root
/// router, or the [ChildBackButtonDispatcher] for other routers.
final BackButtonDispatcher? backButtonDispatcher;
/// Retrieves the immediate [Router] ancestor from the given context.
/// This method provides access to the delegates in the [Router]. For example,
/// this can be used to access the [backButtonDispatcher] of the parent router
/// when creating a [ChildBackButtonDispatcher] for a nested [Router].
/// If no [Router] ancestor exists for the given context, this will assert in
/// debug mode, and throw an exception in release mode.
/// See also:
/// * [maybeOf], which is a similar function, but it will return null instead
/// of throwing an exception if no [Router] ancestor exists.
static Router<dynamic> of(BuildContext context) {
final _RouterScope? scope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_RouterScope>();
assert(() {
if (scope == null) {
throw FlutterError(
'Router operation requested with a context that does not include a Router.\n'
'The context used to retrieve the Router must be that of a widget that '
'is a descendant of a Router widget.'
return true;
return scope!.routerState.widget;
/// Retrieves the immediate [Router] ancestor from the given context.
/// This method provides access to the delegates in the [Router]. For example,
/// this can be used to access the [backButtonDispatcher] of the parent router
/// when creating a [ChildBackButtonDispatcher] for a nested [Router].
/// If no `Router` ancestor exists for the given context, this will return
/// null.
/// See also:
/// * [of], a similar method that returns a non-nullable value, and will
/// throw if no [Router] ancestor exists.
static Router<dynamic>? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
final _RouterScope? scope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_RouterScope>();
return scope?.routerState.widget;
/// Forces the [Router] to run the [callback] and reports the route
/// information back to the engine.
/// The web application relies on the [Router] to report new route information
/// in order to create browser history entry. The [Router] will only report
/// them if it detects the [RouteInformation.location] changes. Use this
/// method if you want the [Router] to report the route information even if
/// the location does not change. This can be useful when you want to
/// support the browser backward and forward button without changing the URL.
/// For example, you can store certain state such as the scroll position into
/// the [RouteInformation.state]. If you use this method to update the
/// scroll position multiple times with the same URL, the browser will create
/// a stack of new history entries with the same URL but different
/// [RouteInformation.state]s that store the new scroll positions. If the user
/// click the backward button in the browser, the browser will restore the
/// scroll positions saved in history entries without changing the URL.
/// See also:
/// * [Router]: see the "URL updates for web applications" section for more
/// information about route information reporting.
/// * [neglect]: which forces the [Router] to not report the route
/// information even if location does change.
static void navigate(BuildContext context, VoidCallback callback) {
final _RouterScope scope = context
.widget as _RouterScope;
scope.routerState._setStateWithExplicitReportStatus(_IntentionToReportRouteInformation.must, callback);
/// Forces the [Router] to to run the [callback] without reporting the route
/// information back to the engine.
/// Use this method if you don't want the [Router] to report the new route
/// information even if it detects changes as a result of running the
/// [callback].
/// The web application relies on the [Router] to report new route information
/// in order to create browser history entry. The [Router] will report them
/// automatically if it detects the [RouteInformation.location] changes. You
/// can use this method if you want to navigate to a new route without
/// creating the browser history entry.
/// See also:
/// * [Router]: see the "URL updates for web applications" section for more
/// information about route information reporting.
/// * [navigate]: which forces the [Router] to report the route information
/// even if location does not change.
static void neglect(BuildContext context, VoidCallback callback) {
final _RouterScope scope = context
.widget as _RouterScope;
scope.routerState._setStateWithExplicitReportStatus(_IntentionToReportRouteInformation.ignore, callback);
State<Router<T>> createState() => _RouterState<T>();
typedef _AsyncPassthrough<Q> = Future<Q> Function(Q);
// Whether to report the route information in this build cycle.
enum _IntentionToReportRouteInformation {
// We haven't receive any signal on whether to report.
// Report if route information changes.
// Report regardless of route information changes.
// Don't report regardless of route information changes.
class _RouterState<T> extends State<Router<T>> {
Object? _currentRouteInformationParserTransaction;
Object? _currentRouterDelegateTransaction;
late _IntentionToReportRouteInformation _currentIntentionToReport;
void initState() {
_currentIntentionToReport = _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.none;
if (widget.routeInformationProvider != null) {
bool _routeInformationReportingTaskScheduled = false;
String? _lastSeenLocation;
void _scheduleRouteInformationReportingTask() {
if (_routeInformationReportingTaskScheduled)
assert(_currentIntentionToReport != _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.none);
_routeInformationReportingTaskScheduled = true;
void _reportRouteInformation(Duration timestamp) {
_routeInformationReportingTaskScheduled = false;
switch (_currentIntentionToReport) {
case _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.none:
case _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.ignore:
// In the ignore case, we still want to update the _lastSeenLocation.
final RouteInformation? routeInformation = _retrieveNewRouteInformation();
if (routeInformation != null) {
_lastSeenLocation = routeInformation.location;
_currentIntentionToReport = _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.none;
case _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.maybe:
final RouteInformation? routeInformation = _retrieveNewRouteInformation();
if (routeInformation != null) {
if (_lastSeenLocation != routeInformation.location) {
_lastSeenLocation = routeInformation.location;
_currentIntentionToReport = _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.none;
case _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.must:
final RouteInformation? routeInformation = _retrieveNewRouteInformation();
if (routeInformation != null) {
_lastSeenLocation = routeInformation.location;
_currentIntentionToReport = _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.none;
RouteInformation? _retrieveNewRouteInformation() {
final T? configuration = widget.routerDelegate.currentConfiguration;
if (configuration == null)
return null;
final RouteInformation? routeInformation = widget.routeInformationParser!.restoreRouteInformation(configuration);
if (routeInformation == null) {
const FlutterErrorDetails(
'Router.routeInformationParser returns a null RouteInformation. '
'If you opt for route information reporting, the '
'routeInformationParser must not report null for a given '
return true;
return routeInformation;
void _setStateWithExplicitReportStatus(
_IntentionToReportRouteInformation status,
VoidCallback fn,
) {
assert(status != null);
assert(status.index >= _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.must.index);
assert(() {
if (_currentIntentionToReport.index >= _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.must.index &&
_currentIntentionToReport != status) {
const FlutterErrorDetails(
'Both Router.navigate and Router.neglect have been called in this '
'build cycle, and the Router cannot decide whether to report the '
'route information. Please make sure only one of them is called '
'within the same build cycle.'
return true;
_currentIntentionToReport = status;
void _maybeNeedToReportRouteInformation() {
_currentIntentionToReport = _currentIntentionToReport != _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.none
? _currentIntentionToReport
: _IntentionToReportRouteInformation.maybe;
void didChangeDependencies() {
void didUpdateWidget(Router<T> oldWidget) {
if (widget.routeInformationProvider != oldWidget.routeInformationProvider ||
widget.backButtonDispatcher != oldWidget.backButtonDispatcher ||
widget.routeInformationParser != oldWidget.routeInformationParser ||
widget.routerDelegate != oldWidget.routerDelegate) {
_currentRouteInformationParserTransaction = Object();
_currentRouterDelegateTransaction = Object();
if (widget.routeInformationProvider != oldWidget.routeInformationProvider) {
if (oldWidget.routeInformationProvider?.value != widget.routeInformationProvider?.value) {
if (widget.backButtonDispatcher != oldWidget.backButtonDispatcher) {
if (widget.routerDelegate != oldWidget.routerDelegate) {
void dispose() {
_currentRouteInformationParserTransaction = null;
_currentRouterDelegateTransaction = null;
void _processInitialRoute() {
_currentRouteInformationParserTransaction = Object();
_currentRouterDelegateTransaction = Object();
_lastSeenLocation = widget.routeInformationProvider!.value!.location;
.then<T>(_verifyRouteInformationParserStillCurrent(_currentRouteInformationParserTransaction, widget))
.then<void>(_verifyRouterDelegatePushStillCurrent(_currentRouterDelegateTransaction, widget))
void _handleRouteInformationProviderNotification() {
_currentRouteInformationParserTransaction = Object();
_currentRouterDelegateTransaction = Object();
_lastSeenLocation = widget.routeInformationProvider!.value!.location;
.then<T>(_verifyRouteInformationParserStillCurrent(_currentRouteInformationParserTransaction, widget))
.then<void>(_verifyRouterDelegatePushStillCurrent(_currentRouterDelegateTransaction, widget))
Future<bool> _handleBackButtonDispatcherNotification() {
_currentRouteInformationParserTransaction = Object();
_currentRouterDelegateTransaction = Object();
return widget.routerDelegate
.then<bool>(_verifyRouterDelegatePopStillCurrent(_currentRouterDelegateTransaction, widget))
.then<bool>((bool data) {
return SynchronousFuture<bool>(data);
static final Future<dynamic> _never = Completer<dynamic>().future; // won't ever complete
_AsyncPassthrough<T> _verifyRouteInformationParserStillCurrent(Object? transaction, Router<T> originalWidget) {
return (T data) {
if (transaction == _currentRouteInformationParserTransaction &&
widget.routeInformationProvider == originalWidget.routeInformationProvider &&
widget.backButtonDispatcher == originalWidget.backButtonDispatcher &&
widget.routeInformationParser == originalWidget.routeInformationParser &&
widget.routerDelegate == originalWidget.routerDelegate) {
return SynchronousFuture<T>(data);
return _never as Future<T>;
_AsyncPassthrough<void> _verifyRouterDelegatePushStillCurrent(Object? transaction, Router<T> originalWidget) {
return (void data) {
if (transaction == _currentRouterDelegateTransaction &&
widget.routeInformationProvider == originalWidget.routeInformationProvider &&
widget.backButtonDispatcher == originalWidget.backButtonDispatcher &&
widget.routeInformationParser == originalWidget.routeInformationParser &&
widget.routerDelegate == originalWidget.routerDelegate)
return SynchronousFuture<void>(data);
return _never;
_AsyncPassthrough<bool> _verifyRouterDelegatePopStillCurrent(Object? transaction, Router<T> originalWidget) {
return (bool data) {
if (transaction == _currentRouterDelegateTransaction &&
widget.routeInformationProvider == originalWidget.routeInformationProvider &&
widget.backButtonDispatcher == originalWidget.backButtonDispatcher &&
widget.routeInformationParser == originalWidget.routeInformationParser &&
widget.routerDelegate == originalWidget.routerDelegate) {
return SynchronousFuture<bool>(data);
// A rebuilt was trigger from a different source. Returns true to
// prevent bubbling.
return SynchronousFuture<bool>(true);
Future<void> _rebuild([void value]) {
setState(() {/* routerDelegate is ready to rebuild */});
return SynchronousFuture<void>(value);
void _handleRouterDelegateNotification() {
setState(() {/* routerDelegate wants to rebuild */});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return _RouterScope(
routeInformationProvider: widget.routeInformationProvider,
backButtonDispatcher: widget.backButtonDispatcher,
routeInformationParser: widget.routeInformationParser,
routerDelegate: widget.routerDelegate,
routerState: this,
child: Builder(
// We use a Builder so that the build method below
// will have a BuildContext that contains the _RouterScope.
class _RouterScope extends InheritedWidget {
const _RouterScope({
Key? key,
required this.routeInformationProvider,
required this.backButtonDispatcher,
required this.routeInformationParser,
required this.routerDelegate,
required this.routerState,
required Widget child,
}) : assert(routeInformationProvider == null || routeInformationParser != null),
assert(routerDelegate != null),
assert(routerState != null),
super(key: key, child: child);
final ValueListenable<RouteInformation?>? routeInformationProvider;
final BackButtonDispatcher? backButtonDispatcher;
final RouteInformationParser<dynamic>? routeInformationParser;
final RouterDelegate<dynamic> routerDelegate;
final _RouterState<dynamic> routerState;
bool updateShouldNotify(_RouterScope oldWidget) {
return routeInformationProvider != oldWidget.routeInformationProvider ||
backButtonDispatcher != oldWidget.backButtonDispatcher ||
routeInformationParser != oldWidget.routeInformationParser ||
routerDelegate != oldWidget.routerDelegate ||
routerState != oldWidget.routerState;
/// A class that can be extended or mixed in that invokes a single callback,
/// which then returns a value.
/// While multiple callbacks can be registered, when a notification is
/// dispatched there must be only a single callback. The return values of
/// multiple callbacks are not aggregated.
/// `T` is the return value expected from the callback.
/// See also:
/// * [Listenable] and its subclasses, which provide a similar mechanism for
/// one-way signalling.
class _CallbackHookProvider<T> {
final ObserverList<ValueGetter<T>> _callbacks = ObserverList<ValueGetter<T>>();
/// Whether a callback is currently registered.
bool get hasCallbacks => _callbacks.isNotEmpty;
/// Register the callback to be called when the object changes.
/// If other callbacks have already been registered, they must be removed
/// (with [removeCallback]) before the callback is next called.
void addCallback(ValueGetter<T> callback) => _callbacks.add(callback);
/// Remove a previously registered callback.
/// If the given callback is not registered, the call is ignored.
void removeCallback(ValueGetter<T> callback) => _callbacks.remove(callback);
/// Calls the (single) registered callback and returns its result.
/// If no callback is registered, or if the callback throws, returns
/// `defaultValue`.
/// Call this method whenever the callback is to be invoked. If there is more
/// than one callback registered, this method will throw a [StateError].
/// Exceptions thrown by callbacks will be caught and reported using
/// [FlutterError.reportError].
T invokeCallback(T defaultValue) {
if (_callbacks.isEmpty)
return defaultValue;
try {
return _callbacks.single();
} catch (exception, stack) {
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'widget library',
context: ErrorDescription('while invoking the callback for $runtimeType'),
informationCollector: () sync* {
yield DiagnosticsProperty<_CallbackHookProvider<T>>(
'The $runtimeType that invoked the callback was:',
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty,
return defaultValue;
/// Report to a [Router] when the user taps the back button on platforms that
/// support back buttons (such as Android).
/// When [Router] widgets are nested, consider using a
/// [ChildBackButtonDispatcher], passing it the parent [BackButtonDispatcher],
/// so that the back button requests get dispatched to the appropriate [Router].
/// To make this work properly, it's important that whenever a [Router] thinks
/// it should get the back button messages (e.g. after the user taps inside it),
/// it calls [takePriority] on its [BackButtonDispatcher] (or
/// [ChildBackButtonDispatcher]) instance.
/// The class takes a single callback, which must return a [Future<bool>]. The
/// callback's semantics match [WidgetsBindingObserver.didPopRoute]'s, namely,
/// the callback should return a future that completes to true if it can handle
/// the pop request, and a future that completes to false otherwise.
abstract class BackButtonDispatcher extends _CallbackHookProvider<Future<bool>> {
late final LinkedHashSet<ChildBackButtonDispatcher> _children =
<ChildBackButtonDispatcher>{} as LinkedHashSet<ChildBackButtonDispatcher>;
bool get hasCallbacks => super.hasCallbacks || (_children.isNotEmpty);
/// Handles a pop route request.
/// This method prioritizes the children list in reverse order and calls
/// [ChildBackButtonDispatcher.notifiedByParent] on them. If any of them
/// handles the request (by returning a future with true), it exits this
/// method by returning this future. Otherwise, it keeps moving on to the next
/// child until a child handles the request. If none of the children handles
/// the request, this back button dispatcher will then try to handle the request
/// by itself. This back button dispatcher handles the request by notifying the
/// router which in turn calls the [RouterDelegate.popRoute] and returns its
/// result.
/// To decide whether this back button dispatcher will handle the pop route
/// request, you can override the [RouterDelegate.popRoute] of the router
/// delegate you pass into the router with this back button dispatcher to
/// return a future of true or false.
Future<bool> invokeCallback(Future<bool> defaultValue) {
if (_children.isNotEmpty) {
final List<ChildBackButtonDispatcher> children = _children.toList();
int childIndex = children.length - 1;
Future<bool> notifyNextChild(bool result) {
// If the previous child handles the callback, we return the result.
if (result)
return SynchronousFuture<bool>(result);
// If the previous child did not handle the callback, we ask the next
// child to handle the it.
if (childIndex > 0) {
childIndex -= 1;
return children[childIndex]
// If none of the child handles the callback, the parent will then handle it.
return super.invokeCallback(defaultValue);
return children[childIndex]
return super.invokeCallback(defaultValue);
/// Creates a [ChildBackButtonDispatcher] that is a direct descendant of this
/// back button dispatcher.
/// To participate in handling the pop route request, call the [takePriority]
/// on the [ChildBackButtonDispatcher] created from this method.
/// When the pop route request is handled by this back button dispatcher, it
/// propagate the request to its direct descendants that have called the
/// [takePriority] method. If there are multiple candidates, the latest one
/// that called the [takePriority] wins the right to handle the request. If
/// the latest one does not handle the request (by returning a future of
/// false in [ChildBackButtonDispatcher.notifiedByParent]), the second latest
/// one will then have the right to handle the request. This dispatcher
/// continues finding the next candidate until there are no more candidates
/// and finally handles the request itself.
ChildBackButtonDispatcher createChildBackButtonDispatcher() {
return ChildBackButtonDispatcher(this);
/// Make this [BackButtonDispatcher] take priority among its peers.
/// This has no effect when a [BackButtonDispatcher] has no parents and no
/// children. If a [BackButtonDispatcher] does have parents or children,
/// however, it causes this object to be the one to dispatch the notification
/// when the parent would normally notify its callback.
/// The [BackButtonDispatcher] must have a listener registered before it can
/// be told to take priority.
void takePriority() => _children.clear();
/// Mark the given child as taking priority over this object and the other
/// children.
/// This causes [invokeCallback] to defer to the given child instead of
/// calling this object's callback.
/// Children are stored in a list, so that if the current child is removed
/// using [forget], a previous child will return to take its place. When
/// [takePriority] is called, the list is cleared.
/// Calling this again without first calling [forget] moves the child back to
/// the head of the list.
/// The [BackButtonDispatcher] must have a listener registered before it can
/// be told to defer to a child.
void deferTo(ChildBackButtonDispatcher child) {
_children.remove(child); // child may or may not be in the set already
/// Causes the given child to be removed from the list of children to which
/// this object might defer, as if [deferTo] had never been called for that
/// child.
/// This should only be called once per child, even if [deferTo] was called
/// multiple times for that child.
/// If no children are left in the list, this object will stop deferring to
/// its children. (This is not the same as calling [takePriority], since, if
/// this object itself is a [ChildBackButtonDispatcher], [takePriority] would
/// additionally attempt to claim priority from its parent, whereas removing
/// the last child does not.)
void forget(ChildBackButtonDispatcher child) => _children.remove(child);
/// The default implementation of back button dispatcher for the root router.
/// This dispatcher listens to platform pop route notifications. When the
/// platform wants to pop the current route, this dispatcher calls the
/// [BackButtonDispatcher.invokeCallback] method to handle the request.
class RootBackButtonDispatcher extends BackButtonDispatcher with WidgetsBindingObserver {
/// Create a root back button dispatcher.
void addCallback(ValueGetter<Future<bool>> callback) {
if (!hasCallbacks)
void removeCallback(ValueGetter<Future<bool>> callback) {
if (!hasCallbacks)
Future<bool> didPopRoute() => invokeCallback(Future<bool>.value(false));
/// A variant of [BackButtonDispatcher] which listens to notifications from a
/// parent back button dispatcher, and can take priority from its parent for the
/// handling of such notifications.
/// Useful when [Router]s are being nested within each other.
/// Use [Router.of] to obtain a reference to the nearest ancestor [Router], from
/// which the [Router.backButtonDispatcher] can be found, and then used as the
/// [parent] of the [ChildBackButtonDispatcher].
class ChildBackButtonDispatcher extends BackButtonDispatcher {
/// Creates a back button dispatcher that acts as the child of another.
/// The [parent] must not be null.
ChildBackButtonDispatcher(this.parent) : assert(parent != null);
/// The back button dispatcher that this object will attempt to take priority
/// over when [takePriority] is called.
/// The parent must have a listener registered before this child object can
/// have its [takePriority] or [deferTo] methods used.
final BackButtonDispatcher parent;
/// The parent of this child back button dispatcher decide to let this
/// child to handle the invoke the callback request in
/// [BackButtonDispatcher.invokeCallback].
/// Return a boolean future with true if this child will handle the request;
/// otherwise, return a boolean future with false.
Future<bool> notifiedByParent(Future<bool> defaultValue) {
return invokeCallback(defaultValue);
void takePriority() {
void deferTo(ChildBackButtonDispatcher child) {
void removeCallback(ValueGetter<Future<bool>> callback) {
if (!hasCallbacks)
/// A delegate that is used by the [Router] widget to parse a route information
/// into a configuration of type T.
/// This delegate is used when the [Router] widget is first built with initial
/// route information from [Router.routeInformationProvider] and any subsequent
/// new route notifications from it. The [Router] widget calls the [parseRouteInformation]
/// with the route information from [Router.routeInformationProvider].
abstract class RouteInformationParser<T> {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const RouteInformationParser();
/// Converts the given route information into parsed data to pass to a
/// [RouterDelegate].
/// The method should return a future which completes when the parsing is
/// complete. The parsing may be asynchronous if, e.g., the parser needs to
/// communicate with the OEM thread to obtain additional data about the route.
/// Consider using a [SynchronousFuture] if the result can be computed
/// synchronously, so that the [Router] does not need to wait for the next
/// microtask to pass the data to the [RouterDelegate].
Future<T> parseRouteInformation(RouteInformation routeInformation);
/// Restore the route information from the given configuration.
/// This may return null, in which case the browser history will not be updated.
/// See [Router]'s documentation for details.
/// The [parseRouteInformation] method must produce an equivalent
/// configuration when passed this method's return value.
RouteInformation? restoreRouteInformation(T configuration) => null;
/// A delegate that is used by the [Router] widget to build and configure a
/// navigating widget.
/// This delegate is the core piece of the [Router] widget. It responds to
/// push route and pop route intents from the engine and notifies the [Router]
/// to rebuild. It also acts as a builder for the [Router] widget and builds a
/// navigating widget, typically a [Navigator], when the [Router] widget
/// builds.
/// When the engine pushes a new route, the route information is parsed by the
/// [RouteInformationParser] to produce a configuration of type T. The router
/// delegate receives the configuration through [setInitialRoutePath] or
/// [setNewRoutePath] to configure itself and builds the latest navigating
/// widget when asked ([build]).
/// When implementing subclasses, consider defining a [Listenable] app state object to be
/// used for building the navigating widget. The router delegate would update
/// the app state accordingly and notify its own listeners when the app state has
/// changed and when it receive route related engine intents (e.g.
/// [setNewRoutePath], [setInitialRoutePath], or [popRoute]).
/// All subclass must implement [setNewRoutePath], [popRoute], and [build].
/// See also:
/// * [RouteInformationParser], which is responsible for parsing the route
/// information to a configuration before passing in to router delegate.
/// * [Router], which is the widget that wires all the delegates together to
/// provide a fully functional routing solution.
abstract class RouterDelegate<T> extends Listenable {
/// Called by the [Router] at startup with the structure that the
/// [RouteInformationParser] obtained from parsing the initial route.
/// This should configure the [RouterDelegate] so that when [build] is
/// invoked, it will create a widget tree that matches the initial route.
/// By default, this method forwards the [configuration] to [setNewRoutePath].
/// Consider using a [SynchronousFuture] if the result can be computed
/// synchronously, so that the [Router] does not need to wait for the next
/// microtask to schedule a build.
Future<void> setInitialRoutePath(T configuration) {
return setNewRoutePath(configuration);
/// Called by the [Router] when the [Router.routeInformationProvider] reports that a
/// new route has been pushed to the application by the operating system.
/// Consider using a [SynchronousFuture] if the result can be computed
/// synchronously, so that the [Router] does not need to wait for the next
/// microtask to schedule a build.
Future<void> setNewRoutePath(T configuration);
/// Called by the [Router] when the [Router.backButtonDispatcher] reports that
/// the operating system is requesting that the current route be popped.
/// The method should return a boolean [Future] to indicate whether this
/// delegate handles the request. Returning false will cause the entire app
/// to be popped.
/// Consider using a [SynchronousFuture] if the result can be computed
/// synchronously, so that the [Router] does not need to wait for the next
/// microtask to schedule a build.
Future<bool> popRoute();
/// Called by the [Router] when it detects a route information may have
/// changed as a result of rebuild.
/// If this getter returns non-null, the [Router] will start to report new
/// route information back to the engine. In web applications, the new
/// route information is used for populating browser history in order to
/// support the forward and the backward buttons.
/// When overriding this method, the configuration returned by this getter
/// must be able to construct the current app state and build the widget
/// with the same configuration in the [build] method if it is passed back
/// to the [setNewRoutePath]. Otherwise, the browser backward and forward
/// buttons will not work properly.
/// By default, this getter returns null, which prevents the [Router] from
/// reporting the route information. To opt in, a subclass can override this
/// getter to return the current configuration.
/// At most one [Router] can opt in to route information reporting. Typically,
/// only the top-most [Router] created by [WidgetsApp.router] should opt for
/// route information reporting.
T? get currentConfiguration => null;
/// Called by the [Router] to obtain the widget tree that represents the
/// current state.
/// This is called whenever the [setInitialRoutePath] method's future
/// completes, the [setNewRoutePath] method's future completes with the value
/// true, the [popRoute] method's future completes with the value true, or
/// this object notifies its clients (see the [Listenable] interface, which
/// this interface includes). In addition, it may be called at other times. It
/// is important, therefore, that the methods above do not update the state
/// that the [build] method uses before they complete their respective
/// futures.
/// Typically this method returns a suitably-configured [Navigator]. If you do
/// plan to create a navigator, consider using the
/// [PopNavigatorRouterDelegateMixin].
/// This method must not return null.
/// The `context` is the [Router]'s build context.
Widget build(BuildContext context);
/// A route information provider that provides route information for the
/// [Router] widget
/// This provider is responsible for handing the route information through [value]
/// getter and notifies listeners, typically the [Router] widget, when a new
/// route information is available.
/// When the router opts for route information reporting (by overriding the
/// [RouterDelegate.currentConfiguration] to return non-null), override the
/// [routerReportsNewRouteInformation] method to process the route information.
/// See also:
/// * [PlatformRouteInformationProvider], which wires up the itself with the
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver.didPushRoute] to propagate platform push route
/// intent to the [Router] widget, as well as reports new route information
/// from the [Router] back to the engine by overriding the
/// [routerReportsNewRouteInformation].
abstract class RouteInformationProvider extends ValueListenable<RouteInformation?> {
/// A callback called when the [Router] widget detects any navigation event
/// due to state changes.
/// The subclasses can override this method to update theirs values or trigger
/// other side effects. For example, the [PlatformRouteInformationProvider]
/// overrides this method to report the route information back to the engine.
/// The [routeInformation] is the new route information after the navigation
/// event.
void routerReportsNewRouteInformation(RouteInformation routeInformation) {}
/// The route information provider that propagates the platform route information changes.
/// This provider also reports the new route information from the [Router] widget
/// back to engine using message channel method, the
/// [SystemNavigator.routeInformationUpdated].
class PlatformRouteInformationProvider extends RouteInformationProvider with WidgetsBindingObserver, ChangeNotifier {
/// Create a platform route information provider.
/// Use the [initialRouteInformation] to set the default route information for this
/// provider.
RouteInformation? initialRouteInformation
}) : _value = initialRouteInformation;
void routerReportsNewRouteInformation(RouteInformation routeInformation) {
location: routeInformation.location!,
state: routeInformation.state,
_value = routeInformation;
RouteInformation? get value => _value;
RouteInformation? _value;
void _platformReportsNewRouteInformation(RouteInformation routeInformation) {
if (_value == routeInformation)
_value = routeInformation;
void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (!hasListeners)
void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (!hasListeners)
void dispose() {
// In practice, this will rarely be called. We assume that the listeners
// will be added and removed in a coherent fashion such that when the object
// is no longer being used, there's no listener, and so it will get garbage
// collected.
if (hasListeners)
Future<bool> didPushRouteInformation(RouteInformation routeInformation) async {
return true;
Future<bool> didPushRoute(String route) async {
_platformReportsNewRouteInformation(RouteInformation(location: route));
return true;
/// A mixin that wires [RouterDelegate.popRoute] to the [Navigator] it builds.
/// This mixin calls [Navigator.maybePop] when it receives an Android back
/// button intent through the [RouterDelegate.popRoute]. Using this mixin
/// guarantees that the back button still respects pageless routes in the
/// navigator.
/// Only use this mixin if you plan to build a navigator in the
/// [].
mixin PopNavigatorRouterDelegateMixin<T> on RouterDelegate<T> {
/// The key used for retrieving the current navigator.
/// When using this mixin, be sure to use this key to create the navigator.
GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? get navigatorKey;
Future<bool> popRoute() {
final NavigatorState? navigator = navigatorKey?.currentState;
if (navigator == null)
return SynchronousFuture<bool>(false);
return navigator.maybePop();