blob: 1cb041c60bc9177b92b2a965d667bf72e468b53b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'mouse_tracking.dart';
/// Information collected for an annotation that is found in the layer tree.
/// See also:
/// * [Layer.findAnnotations], which create and use objects of this class.
class AnnotationEntry<T> {
/// Create an entry of found annotation by providing the object and related
/// information.
const AnnotationEntry({
@required this.annotation,
@required this.localPosition,
}) : assert(localPosition != null);
/// The annotation object that is found.
final T annotation;
/// The target location described by the local coordinate space of the
/// annotation object.
final Offset localPosition;
String toString() {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'AnnotationEntry')}(annotation: $annotation, localPostion: $localPosition)';
/// Information collected about a list of annotations that are found in the
/// layer tree.
/// See also:
/// * [AnnotationEntry], which are members of this class.
/// * [Layer.findAllAnnotations], and [Layer.findAnnotations], which create and
/// use an object of this class.
class AnnotationResult<T> {
final List<AnnotationEntry<T>> _entries = <AnnotationEntry<T>>[];
/// Add a new entry to the end of the result.
/// Usually, entries should be added in order from most specific to least
/// specific, typically during an upward walk of the tree.
void add(AnnotationEntry<T> entry) => _entries.add(entry);
/// An unmodifiable list of [AnnotationEntry] objects recorded.
/// The first entry is the most specific, typically the one at the leaf of
/// tree.
Iterable<AnnotationEntry<T>> get entries => _entries;
/// An unmodifiable list of annotations recorded.
/// The first entry is the most specific, typically the one at the leaf of
/// tree.
/// It is similar to [entries] but does not contain other information.
Iterable<T> get annotations sync* {
for (final AnnotationEntry<T> entry in _entries)
yield entry.annotation;
/// A composited layer.
/// During painting, the render tree generates a tree of composited layers that
/// are uploaded into the engine and displayed by the compositor. This class is
/// the base class for all composited layers.
/// Most layers can have their properties mutated, and layers can be moved to
/// different parents. The scene must be explicitly recomposited after such
/// changes are made; the layer tree does not maintain its own dirty state.
/// To composite the tree, create a [SceneBuilder] object, pass it to the
/// root [Layer] object's [addToScene] method, and then call
/// [] to obtain a [Scene]. A [Scene] can then be painted
/// using [Window.render].
/// See also:
/// * [RenderView.compositeFrame], which implements this recomposition protocol
/// for painting [RenderObject] trees on the display.
abstract class Layer extends AbstractNode with DiagnosticableTreeMixin {
/// This layer's parent in the layer tree.
/// The [parent] of the root node in the layer tree is null.
/// Only subclasses of [ContainerLayer] can have children in the layer tree.
/// All other layer classes are used for leaves in the layer tree.
ContainerLayer get parent => super.parent as ContainerLayer;
// Whether this layer has any changes since its last call to [addToScene].
// Initialized to true as a new layer has never called [addToScene], and is
// set to false after calling [addToScene]. The value can become true again
// if [markNeedsAddToScene] is called, or when [updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene]
// is called on this layer or on an ancestor layer.
// The values of [_needsAddToScene] in a tree of layers are said to be
// _consistent_ if every layer in the tree satisfies the following:
// - If [alwaysNeedsAddToScene] is true, then [_needsAddToScene] is also true.
// - If [_needsAddToScene] is true and [parent] is not null, then
// `parent._needsAddToScene` is true.
// Typically, this value is set during the paint phase and during compositing.
// During the paint phase render objects create new layers and call
// [markNeedsAddToScene] on existing layers, causing this value to become
// true. After the paint phase the tree may be in an inconsistent state.
// During compositing [ContainerLayer.buildScene] first calls
// [updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene] to bring this tree to a consistent state,
// then it calls [addToScene], and finally sets this field to false.
bool _needsAddToScene = true;
/// Mark that this layer has changed and [addToScene] needs to be called.
void markNeedsAddToScene() {
'$runtimeType with alwaysNeedsAddToScene set called markNeedsAddToScene.\n'
"The layer's alwaysNeedsAddToScene is set to true, and therefore it should not call markNeedsAddToScene.",
// Already marked. Short-circuit.
if (_needsAddToScene) {
_needsAddToScene = true;
/// Mark that this layer is in sync with engine.
/// This is for debugging and testing purposes only. In release builds
/// this method has no effect.
void debugMarkClean() {
assert(() {
_needsAddToScene = false;
return true;
/// Subclasses may override this to true to disable retained rendering.
bool get alwaysNeedsAddToScene => false;
/// Whether this or any descendant layer in the subtree needs [addToScene].
/// This is for debug and test purpose only. It only becomes valid after
/// calling [updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene].
bool get debugSubtreeNeedsAddToScene {
bool result;
assert(() {
result = _needsAddToScene;
return true;
return result;
/// Stores the engine layer created for this layer in order to reuse engine
/// resources across frames for better app performance.
/// This value may be passed to [ui.SceneBuilder.addRetained] to communicate
/// to the engine that nothing in this layer or any of its descendants
/// changed. The native engine could, for example, reuse the texture rendered
/// in a previous frame. The web engine could, for example, reuse the HTML
/// DOM nodes created for a previous frame.
/// This value may be passed as `oldLayer` argument to a "push" method to
/// communicate to the engine that a layer is updating a previously rendered
/// layer. The web engine could, for example, update the properties of
/// previously rendered HTML DOM nodes rather than creating new nodes.
ui.EngineLayer get engineLayer => _engineLayer;
/// Sets the engine layer used to render this layer.
/// Typically this field is set to the value returned by [addToScene], which
/// in turn returns the engine layer produced by one of [ui.SceneBuilder]'s
/// "push" methods, such as [ui.SceneBuilder.pushOpacity].
set engineLayer(ui.EngineLayer value) {
_engineLayer = value;
if (!alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
// The parent must construct a new engine layer to add this layer to, and
// so we mark it as needing [addToScene].
// This is designed to handle two situations:
// 1. When rendering the complete layer tree as normal. In this case we
// call child `addToScene` methods first, then we call `set engineLayer`
// for the parent. The children will call `markNeedsAddToScene` on the
// parent to signal that they produced new engine layers and therefore
// the parent needs to update. In this case, the parent is already adding
// itself to the scene via [addToScene], and so after it's done, its
// `set engineLayer` is called and it clears the `_needsAddToScene` flag.
// 2. When rendering an interior layer (e.g. `OffsetLayer.toImage`). In
// this case we call `addToScene` for one of the children but not the
// parent, i.e. we produce new engine layers for children but not for the
// parent. Here the children will mark the parent as needing
// `addToScene`, but the parent does not clear the flag until some future
// frame decides to render it, at which point the parent knows that it
// cannot retain its engine layer and will call `addToScene` again.
if (parent != null && !parent.alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
ui.EngineLayer _engineLayer;
/// Traverses the layer subtree starting from this layer and determines whether it needs [addToScene].
/// A layer needs [addToScene] if any of the following is true:
/// - [alwaysNeedsAddToScene] is true.
/// - [markNeedsAddToScene] has been called.
/// - Any of its descendants need [addToScene].
/// [ContainerLayer] overrides this method to recursively call it on its children.
void updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene() {
_needsAddToScene = _needsAddToScene || alwaysNeedsAddToScene;
/// This layer's next sibling in the parent layer's child list.
Layer get nextSibling => _nextSibling;
Layer _nextSibling;
/// This layer's previous sibling in the parent layer's child list.
Layer get previousSibling => _previousSibling;
Layer _previousSibling;
void dropChild(AbstractNode child) {
if (!alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
void adoptChild(AbstractNode child) {
if (!alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
/// Removes this layer from its parent layer's child list.
/// This has no effect if the layer's parent is already null.
void remove() {
/// Search this layer and its subtree for annotations of type `S` at the
/// location described by `localPosition`.
/// This method is called by the default implementation of [find] and
/// [findAllAnnotations]. Override this method to customize how the layer
/// should search for annotations, or if the layer has its own annotations to
/// add.
/// The default implementation simply returns `false`, which means neither
/// the layer nor its children has annotations, and the annotation search
/// is not absorbed either (see below for explanation).
/// ## About layer annotations
/// {@template flutter.rendering.layer.findAnnotations.aboutAnnotations}
/// An annotation is an optional object of any type that can be carried with a
/// layer. An annotation can be found at a location as long as the owner layer
/// contains the location and is walked to.
/// The annotations are searched by first visiting each child recursively,
/// then this layer, resulting in an order from visually front to back.
/// Annotations must meet the given restrictions, such as type and position.
/// The common way for a value to be found here is by pushing an
/// [AnnotatedRegionLayer] into the layer tree, or by adding the desired
/// annotation by overriding [findAnnotations].
/// {@endtemplate}
/// ## Parameters and return value
/// The [result] parameter is where the method outputs the resulting
/// annotations. New annotations found during the walk are added to the tail.
/// The [onlyFirst] parameter indicates that, if true, the search will stop
/// when it finds the first qualified annotation; otherwise, it will walk the
/// entire subtree.
/// The return value indicates the opacity of this layer and its subtree at
/// this position. If it returns true, then this layer's parent should skip
/// the children behind this layer. In other words, it is opaque to this type
/// of annotation and has absorbed the search so that its siblings behind it
/// are not aware of the search. If the return value is false, then the parent
/// might continue with other siblings.
/// The return value does not affect whether the parent adds its own
/// annotations; in other words, if a layer is supposed to add an annotation,
/// it will always add it even if its children are opaque to this type of
/// annotation. However, the opacity that the parents return might be affected
/// by their children, hence making all of its ancestors opaque to this type
/// of annotation.
bool findAnnotations<S>(
AnnotationResult<S> result,
Offset localPosition, {
@required bool onlyFirst,
}) {
return false;
/// Search this layer and its subtree for the first annotation of type `S`
/// under the point described by `localPosition`.
/// Returns null if no matching annotations are found.
/// By default this method simply calls [findAnnotations] with `onlyFirst:
/// true` and returns the annotation of the first result. Prefer overriding
/// [findAnnotations] instead of this method, because during an annotation
/// search, only [findAnnotations] is recursively called, while custom
/// behavior in this method is ignored.
/// ## About layer annotations
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.layer.findAnnotations.aboutAnnotations}
/// See also:
/// * [findAllAnnotations], which is similar but returns all annotations found
/// at the given position.
/// * [AnnotatedRegionLayer], for placing values in the layer tree.
S find<S>(Offset localPosition) {
final AnnotationResult<S> result = AnnotationResult<S>();
findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: true);
return result.entries.isEmpty ? null : result.entries.first.annotation;
/// Search this layer and its subtree for all annotations of type `S` under
/// the point described by `localPosition`.
/// Returns a result with empty entries if no matching annotations are found.
/// By default this method simply calls [findAnnotations] with `onlyFirst:
/// false` and returns the annotations of its result. Prefer overriding
/// [findAnnotations] instead of this method, because during an annotation
/// search, only [findAnnotations] is recursively called, while custom
/// behavior in this method is ignored.
/// ## About layer annotations
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.layer.findAnnotations.aboutAnnotations}
/// See also:
/// * [find], which is similar but returns the first annotation found at the
/// given position.
/// * [findAllAnnotations], which is similar but returns an
/// [AnnotationResult], which contains more information, such as the local
/// position of the event related to each annotation, and is equally fast,
/// hence is preferred over [findAll].
/// * [AnnotatedRegionLayer], for placing values in the layer tree.
'Use findAllAnnotations(...).annotations instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v1.10.14.'
Iterable<S> findAll<S>(Offset localPosition) {
final AnnotationResult<S> result = findAllAnnotations(localPosition);
return<S> entry) => entry.annotation);
/// Search this layer and its subtree for all annotations of type `S` under
/// the point described by `localPosition`.
/// Returns a result with empty entries if no matching annotations are found.
/// By default this method simply calls [findAnnotations] with `onlyFirst:
/// false` and returns the annotations of its result. Prefer overriding
/// [findAnnotations] instead of this method, because during an annotation
/// search, only [findAnnotations] is recursively called, while custom
/// behavior in this method is ignored.
/// ## About layer annotations
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.layer.findAnnotations.aboutAnnotations}
/// See also:
/// * [find], which is similar but returns the first annotation found at the
/// given position.
/// * [AnnotatedRegionLayer], for placing values in the layer tree.
AnnotationResult<S> findAllAnnotations<S>(Offset localPosition) {
final AnnotationResult<S> result = AnnotationResult<S>();
findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: false);
return result;
/// Override this method to upload this layer to the engine.
/// Return the engine layer for retained rendering. When there's no
/// corresponding engine layer, null is returned.
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]);
void _addToSceneWithRetainedRendering(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
// There can't be a loop by adding a retained layer subtree whose
// _needsAddToScene is false.
// Proof by contradiction:
// If we introduce a loop, this retained layer must be appended to one of
// its descendant layers, say A. That means the child structure of A has
// changed so A's _needsAddToScene is true. This contradicts
// _needsAddToScene being false.
if (!_needsAddToScene && _engineLayer != null) {
// Clearing the flag _after_ calling `addToScene`, not _before_. This is
// because `addToScene` calls children's `addToScene` methods, which may
// mark this layer as dirty.
_needsAddToScene = false;
/// The object responsible for creating this layer.
/// Defaults to the value of [RenderObject.debugCreator] for the render object
/// that created this layer. Used in debug messages.
dynamic debugCreator;
String toStringShort() => '${super.toStringShort()}${ owner == null ? " DETACHED" : ""}';
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Object>('owner', owner, level: parent != null ? DiagnosticLevel.hidden :, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<dynamic>('creator', debugCreator, defaultValue: null, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('engine layer', describeIdentity(_engineLayer)));
/// A composited layer containing a [Picture].
/// Picture layers are always leaves in the layer tree.
class PictureLayer extends Layer {
/// Creates a leaf layer for the layer tree.
/// The bounds that were used for the canvas that drew this layer's [picture].
/// This is purely advisory. It is included in the information dumped with
/// [debugDumpLayerTree] (which can be triggered by pressing "L" when using
/// "flutter run" at the console), which can help debug why certain drawing
/// commands are being culled.
final Rect canvasBounds;
/// The picture recorded for this layer.
/// The picture's coordinate system matches this layer's coordinate system.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
ui.Picture get picture => _picture;
ui.Picture _picture;
set picture(ui.Picture picture) {
_picture = picture;
/// Hints that the painting in this layer is complex and would benefit from
/// caching.
/// If this hint is not set, the compositor will apply its own heuristics to
/// decide whether the this layer is complex enough to benefit from caching.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
bool get isComplexHint => _isComplexHint;
bool _isComplexHint = false;
set isComplexHint(bool value) {
if (value != _isComplexHint) {
_isComplexHint = value;
/// Hints that the painting in this layer is likely to change next frame.
/// This hint tells the compositor not to cache this layer because the cache
/// will not be used in the future. If this hint is not set, the compositor
/// will apply its own heuristics to decide whether this layer is likely to be
/// reused in the future.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
bool get willChangeHint => _willChangeHint;
bool _willChangeHint = false;
set willChangeHint(bool value) {
if (value != _willChangeHint) {
_willChangeHint = value;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
builder.addPicture(layerOffset, picture, isComplexHint: isComplexHint, willChangeHint: willChangeHint);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('paint bounds', canvasBounds));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('picture', describeIdentity(_picture)));
'raster cache hints',
'isComplex = $isComplexHint, willChange = $willChangeHint'),
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
return false;
/// A composited layer that maps a backend texture to a rectangle.
/// Backend textures are images that can be applied (mapped) to an area of the
/// Flutter view. They are created, managed, and updated using a
/// platform-specific texture registry. This is typically done by a plugin
/// that integrates with host platform video player, camera, or OpenGL APIs,
/// or similar image sources.
/// A texture layer refers to its backend texture using an integer ID. Texture
/// IDs are obtained from the texture registry and are scoped to the Flutter
/// view. Texture IDs may be reused after deregistration, at the discretion
/// of the registry. The use of texture IDs currently unknown to the registry
/// will silently result in a blank rectangle.
/// Once inserted into the layer tree, texture layers are repainted autonomously
/// as dictated by the backend (e.g. on arrival of a video frame). Such
/// repainting generally does not involve executing Dart code.
/// Texture layers are always leaves in the layer tree.
/// See also:
/// * <>
/// for how to create and manage backend textures on Android.
/// * <>
/// for how to create and manage backend textures on iOS.
class TextureLayer extends Layer {
/// Creates a texture layer bounded by [rect] and with backend texture
/// identified by [textureId], if [freeze] is true new texture frames will not be
/// populated to the texture.
@required this.rect,
@required this.textureId,
this.freeze = false,
}) : assert(rect != null),
assert(textureId != null);
/// Bounding rectangle of this layer.
final Rect rect;
/// The identity of the backend texture.
final int textureId;
/// When true the texture that will not be updated with new frames.
/// This is used when resizing an embedded Android views: When resizing there
/// is a short period during which the framework cannot tell if the newest
/// texture frame has the previous or new size, to workaround this the
/// framework "freezes" the texture just before resizing the Android view and
/// un-freezes it when it is certain that a frame with the new size is ready.
final bool freeze;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
final Rect shiftedRect = layerOffset == ? rect : rect.shift(layerOffset);
offset: shiftedRect.topLeft,
width: shiftedRect.width,
height: shiftedRect.height,
freeze: freeze,
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
return false;
/// A layer that shows an embedded [UIView](
/// on iOS.
class PlatformViewLayer extends Layer {
/// Creates a platform view layer.
/// The `rect` and `viewId` parameters must not be null.
@required this.rect,
@required this.viewId,
}) : assert(rect != null),
assert(viewId != null);
/// Bounding rectangle of this layer in the global coordinate space.
final Rect rect;
/// The unique identifier of the UIView displayed on this layer.
/// A UIView with this identifier must have been created by [PlatformViewsServices.initUiKitView].
final int viewId;
/// [MouseTrackerAnnotation] that handles mouse events for this layer.
/// If [hoverAnnotation] is non-null, [PlatformViewLayer] will annotate the
/// region of this platform view such that annotation callbacks will receive
/// mouse events, including mouse enter, exit, and hover, but not including
/// mouse down, move, and up. The layer will be treated as opaque during an
/// annotation search, which will prevent layers behind it from receiving
/// these events.
/// By default, [hoverAnnotation] is null, and [PlatformViewLayer] will not
/// receive mouse events, and will therefore appear translucent during the
/// annotation search.
/// See also:
/// * [MouseRegion], which explains more about the mouse events and opacity
/// during annotation search.
final MouseTrackerAnnotation hoverAnnotation;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
final Rect shiftedRect = layerOffset == ? rect : rect.shift(layerOffset);
offset: shiftedRect.topLeft,
width: shiftedRect.width,
height: shiftedRect.height,
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
if (hoverAnnotation == null || !rect.contains(localPosition)) {
return false;
if (S == MouseTrackerAnnotation) {
final Object untypedValue = hoverAnnotation;
final S typedValue = untypedValue as S;
annotation: typedValue,
localPosition: localPosition,
return true;
return false;
/// A layer that indicates to the compositor that it should display
/// certain performance statistics within it.
/// Performance overlay layers are always leaves in the layer tree.
class PerformanceOverlayLayer extends Layer {
/// Creates a layer that displays a performance overlay.
@required Rect overlayRect,
@required this.optionsMask,
@required this.rasterizerThreshold,
@required this.checkerboardRasterCacheImages,
@required this.checkerboardOffscreenLayers,
}) : _overlayRect = overlayRect;
/// The rectangle in this layer's coordinate system that the overlay should occupy.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
Rect get overlayRect => _overlayRect;
Rect _overlayRect;
set overlayRect(Rect value) {
if (value != _overlayRect) {
_overlayRect = value;
/// The mask is created by shifting 1 by the index of the specific
/// [PerformanceOverlayOption] to enable.
final int optionsMask;
/// The rasterizer threshold is an integer specifying the number of frame
/// intervals that the rasterizer must miss before it decides that the frame
/// is suitable for capturing an SkPicture trace for further analysis.
final int rasterizerThreshold;
/// Whether the raster cache should checkerboard cached entries.
/// The compositor can sometimes decide to cache certain portions of the
/// widget hierarchy. Such portions typically don't change often from frame to
/// frame and are expensive to render. This can speed up overall rendering. However,
/// there is certain upfront cost to constructing these cache entries. And, if
/// the cache entries are not used very often, this cost may not be worth the
/// speedup in rendering of subsequent frames. If the developer wants to be certain
/// that populating the raster cache is not causing stutters, this option can be
/// set. Depending on the observations made, hints can be provided to the compositor
/// that aid it in making better decisions about caching.
final bool checkerboardRasterCacheImages;
/// Whether the compositor should checkerboard layers that are rendered to offscreen
/// bitmaps. This can be useful for debugging rendering performance.
/// Render target switches are caused by using opacity layers (via a [FadeTransition] or
/// [Opacity] widget), clips, shader mask layers, etc. Selecting a new render target
/// and merging it with the rest of the scene has a performance cost. This can sometimes
/// be avoided by using equivalent widgets that do not require these layers (for example,
/// replacing an [Opacity] widget with an [widgets.Image] using a [BlendMode]).
final bool checkerboardOffscreenLayers;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(optionsMask != null);
final Rect shiftedOverlayRect = layerOffset == ? overlayRect : overlayRect.shift(layerOffset);
builder.addPerformanceOverlay(optionsMask, shiftedOverlayRect);
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
return false;
/// A composited layer that has a list of children.
/// A [ContainerLayer] instance merely takes a list of children and inserts them
/// into the composited rendering in order. There are subclasses of
/// [ContainerLayer] which apply more elaborate effects in the process.
class ContainerLayer extends Layer {
/// The first composited layer in this layer's child list.
Layer get firstChild => _firstChild;
Layer _firstChild;
/// The last composited layer in this layer's child list.
Layer get lastChild => _lastChild;
Layer _lastChild;
/// Returns whether this layer has at least one child layer.
bool get hasChildren => _firstChild != null;
/// Consider this layer as the root and build a scene (a tree of layers)
/// in the engine.
// The reason this method is in the `ContainerLayer` class rather than
// `PipelineOwner` or other singleton level is because this method can be used
// both to render the whole layer tree (e.g. a normal application frame) and
// to render a subtree (e.g. `OffsetLayer.toImage`).
ui.Scene buildScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
List<PictureLayer> temporaryLayers;
assert(() {
if (debugCheckElevationsEnabled) {
temporaryLayers = _debugCheckElevations();
return true;
// Clearing the flag _after_ calling `addToScene`, not _before_. This is
// because `addToScene` calls children's `addToScene` methods, which may
// mark this layer as dirty.
_needsAddToScene = false;
final ui.Scene scene =;
assert(() {
// We should remove any layers that got added to highlight the incorrect
// PhysicalModelLayers. If we don't, we'll end up adding duplicate layers
// or continuing to render stale outlines.
if (temporaryLayers != null) {
for (final PictureLayer temporaryLayer in temporaryLayers) {
return true;
return scene;
bool _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(Layer child, { Layer equals }) {
assert(child.attached == attached);
while (child.previousSibling != null) {
assert(child.previousSibling != child);
child = child.previousSibling;
assert(child.attached == attached);
return child == equals;
bool _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(Layer child, { Layer equals }) {
assert(child.attached == attached);
while (child._nextSibling != null) {
assert(child._nextSibling != child);
child = child._nextSibling;
assert(child.attached == attached);
return child == equals;
PictureLayer _highlightConflictingLayer(PhysicalModelLayer child) {
final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
..color = const Color(0xFFAA0000) = PaintingStyle.stroke
// The elevation may be 0 or otherwise too small to notice.
// Adding 10 to it makes it more visually obvious.
..strokeWidth = child.elevation + 10.0,
final PictureLayer pictureLayer = PictureLayer(child.clipPath.getBounds())
..picture = recorder.endRecording()
..debugCreator = child;
return pictureLayer;
List<PictureLayer> _processConflictingPhysicalLayers(PhysicalModelLayer predecessor, PhysicalModelLayer child) {
exception: FlutterError('Painting order is out of order with respect to elevation.\n'
'See '
'for more details.'),
library: 'rendering library',
context: ErrorDescription('during compositing'),
informationCollector: () {
return <DiagnosticsNode>[
child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'Attempted to composite layer', style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
predecessor.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'after layer', style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
ErrorDescription('which occupies the same area at a higher elevation.'),
return <PictureLayer>[
/// Checks that no [PhysicalModelLayer] would paint after another overlapping
/// [PhysicalModelLayer] that has a higher elevation.
/// Returns a list of [PictureLayer] objects it added to the tree to highlight
/// bad nodes. These layers should be removed from the tree after building the
/// [Scene].
List<PictureLayer> _debugCheckElevations() {
final List<PhysicalModelLayer> physicalModelLayers = depthFirstIterateChildren().whereType<PhysicalModelLayer>().toList();
final List<PictureLayer> addedLayers = <PictureLayer>[];
for (int i = 0; i < physicalModelLayers.length; i++) {
final PhysicalModelLayer physicalModelLayer = physicalModelLayers[i];
physicalModelLayer.lastChild?.debugCreator != physicalModelLayer,
'debugCheckElevations has either already visited this layer or failed '
'to remove the added picture from it.',
double accumulatedElevation = physicalModelLayer.elevation;
Layer ancestor = physicalModelLayer.parent;
while (ancestor != null) {
if (ancestor is PhysicalModelLayer) {
accumulatedElevation += ancestor.elevation;
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
final PhysicalModelLayer predecessor = physicalModelLayers[j];
double predecessorAccumulatedElevation = predecessor.elevation;
ancestor = predecessor.parent;
while (ancestor != null) {
if (ancestor == predecessor) {
if (ancestor is PhysicalModelLayer) {
predecessorAccumulatedElevation += ancestor.elevation;
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
if (predecessorAccumulatedElevation <= accumulatedElevation) {
final Path intersection = Path.combine(
if (intersection != null && intersection.computeMetrics().any((ui.PathMetric metric) => metric.length > 0)) {
addedLayers.addAll(_processConflictingPhysicalLayers(predecessor, physicalModelLayer));
return addedLayers;
void updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene() {
Layer child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
_needsAddToScene = _needsAddToScene || child._needsAddToScene;
child = child.nextSibling;
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
for (Layer child = lastChild; child != null; child = child.previousSibling) {
final bool isAbsorbed = child.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
if (isAbsorbed)
return true;
if (onlyFirst && result.entries.isNotEmpty)
return isAbsorbed;
return false;
void attach(Object owner) {
Layer child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
child = child.nextSibling;
void detach() {
Layer child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
child = child.nextSibling;
/// Adds the given layer to the end of this layer's child list.
void append(Layer child) {
assert(child != this);
assert(child != firstChild);
assert(child != lastChild);
assert(child.parent == null);
assert(child.nextSibling == null);
assert(child.previousSibling == null);
assert(() {
Layer node = this;
while (node.parent != null)
node = node.parent;
assert(node != child); // indicates we are about to create a cycle
return true;
child._previousSibling = lastChild;
if (lastChild != null)
lastChild._nextSibling = child;
_lastChild = child;
_firstChild ??= child;
assert(child.attached == attached);
// Implementation of [Layer.remove].
void _removeChild(Layer child) {
assert(child.parent == this);
assert(child.attached == attached);
assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(child, equals: firstChild));
assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(child, equals: lastChild));
if (child._previousSibling == null) {
assert(_firstChild == child);
_firstChild = child._nextSibling;
} else {
child._previousSibling._nextSibling = child.nextSibling;
if (child._nextSibling == null) {
assert(lastChild == child);
_lastChild = child.previousSibling;
} else {
child.nextSibling._previousSibling = child.previousSibling;
assert((firstChild == null) == (lastChild == null));
assert(firstChild == null || firstChild.attached == attached);
assert(lastChild == null || lastChild.attached == attached);
assert(firstChild == null || _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(firstChild, equals: lastChild));
assert(lastChild == null || _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(lastChild, equals: firstChild));
child._previousSibling = null;
child._nextSibling = null;
/// Removes all of this layer's children from its child list.
void removeAllChildren() {
Layer child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
final Layer next = child.nextSibling;
child._previousSibling = null;
child._nextSibling = null;
assert(child.attached == attached);
child = next;
_firstChild = null;
_lastChild = null;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
/// Uploads all of this layer's children to the engine.
/// This method is typically used by [addToScene] to insert the children into
/// the scene. Subclasses of [ContainerLayer] typically override [addToScene]
/// to apply effects to the scene using the [SceneBuilder] API, then insert
/// their children using [addChildrenToScene], then reverse the aforementioned
/// effects before returning from [addToScene].
void addChildrenToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset childOffset = ]) {
Layer child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
if (childOffset == {
} else {
child.addToScene(builder, childOffset);
child = child.nextSibling;
/// Applies the transform that would be applied when compositing the given
/// child to the given matrix.
/// Specifically, this should apply the transform that is applied to child's
/// _origin_. When using [applyTransform] with a chain of layers, results will
/// be unreliable unless the deepest layer in the chain collapses the
/// `layerOffset` in [addToScene] to zero, meaning that it passes
/// [] to its children, and bakes any incoming `layerOffset` into
/// the [SceneBuilder] as (for instance) a transform (which is then also
/// included in the transformation applied by [applyTransform]).
/// For example, if [addToScene] applies the `layerOffset` and then
/// passes [] to the children, then it should be included in the
/// transform applied here, whereas if [addToScene] just passes the
/// `layerOffset` to the child, then it should not be included in the
/// transform applied here.
/// This method is only valid immediately after [addToScene] has been called,
/// before any of the properties have been changed.
/// The default implementation does nothing, since [ContainerLayer], by
/// default, composites its children at the origin of the [ContainerLayer]
/// itself.
/// The `child` argument should generally not be null, since in principle a
/// layer could transform each child independently. However, certain layers
/// may explicitly allow null as a value, for example if they know that they
/// transform all their children identically.
/// The `transform` argument must not be null.
/// Used by [FollowerLayer] to transform its child to a [LeaderLayer]'s
/// position.
void applyTransform(Layer child, Matrix4 transform) {
assert(child != null);
assert(transform != null);
/// Returns the descendants of this layer in depth first order.
List<Layer> depthFirstIterateChildren() {
if (firstChild == null)
return <Layer>[];
final List<Layer> children = <Layer>[];
Layer child = firstChild;
while(child != null) {
if (child is ContainerLayer) {
child = child.nextSibling;
return children;
List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() {
final List<DiagnosticsNode> children = <DiagnosticsNode>[];
if (firstChild == null)
return children;
Layer child = firstChild;
int count = 1;
while (true) {
children.add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'child $count'));
if (child == lastChild)
count += 1;
child = child.nextSibling;
return children;
/// A layer that is displayed at an offset from its parent layer.
/// Offset layers are key to efficient repainting because they are created by
/// repaint boundaries in the [RenderObject] tree (see
/// [RenderObject.isRepaintBoundary]). When a render object that is a repaint
/// boundary is asked to paint at given offset in a [PaintingContext], the
/// render object first checks whether it needs to repaint itself. If not, it
/// reuses its existing [OffsetLayer] (and its entire subtree) by mutating its
/// [offset] property, cutting off the paint walk.
class OffsetLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates an offset layer.
/// By default, [offset] is zero. It must be non-null before the compositing
/// phase of the pipeline.
OffsetLayer({ Offset offset = }) : _offset = offset;
/// Offset from parent in the parent's coordinate system.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
/// The [offset] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of the
/// pipeline.
Offset get offset => _offset;
Offset _offset;
set offset(Offset value) {
if (value != _offset) {
_offset = value;
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition - offset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
void applyTransform(Layer child, Matrix4 transform) {
assert(child != null);
assert(transform != null);
transform.multiply(Matrix4.translationValues(offset.dx, offset.dy, 0.0));
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
// Skia has a fast path for concatenating scale/translation only matrices.
// Hence pushing a translation-only transform layer should be fast. For
// retained rendering, we don't want to push the offset down to each leaf
// node. Otherwise, changing an offset layer on the very high level could
// cascade the change to too many leaves.
engineLayer = builder.pushOffset(
layerOffset.dx + offset.dx,
layerOffset.dy + offset.dy,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.OffsetEngineLayer,
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('offset', offset));
/// Capture an image of the current state of this layer and its children.
/// The returned [ui.Image] has uncompressed raw RGBA bytes, will be offset
/// by the top-left corner of [bounds], and have dimensions equal to the size
/// of [bounds] multiplied by [pixelRatio].
/// The [pixelRatio] describes the scale between the logical pixels and the
/// size of the output image. It is independent of the
/// [window.devicePixelRatio] for the device, so specifying 1.0 (the default)
/// will give you a 1:1 mapping between logical pixels and the output pixels
/// in the image.
/// See also:
/// * [RenderRepaintBoundary.toImage] for a similar API at the render object level.
/// * [dart:ui.Scene.toImage] for more information about the image returned.
Future<ui.Image> toImage(Rect bounds, { double pixelRatio = 1.0 }) async {
assert(bounds != null);
assert(pixelRatio != null);
final ui.SceneBuilder builder = ui.SceneBuilder();
final Matrix4 transform = Matrix4.translationValues(
(-bounds.left - offset.dx) * pixelRatio,
( - offset.dy) * pixelRatio,
transform.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
final ui.Scene scene = buildScene(builder);
try {
// Size is rounded up to the next pixel to make sure we don't clip off
// anything.
return await scene.toImage(
(pixelRatio * bounds.width).ceil(),
(pixelRatio * bounds.height).ceil(),
} finally {
/// A composite layer that clips its children using a rectangle.
/// When debugging, setting [debugDisableClipLayers] to true will cause this
/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
class ClipRectLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a layer with a rectangular clip.
/// The [clipRect] argument must not be null before the compositing phase of
/// the pipeline.
/// The [clipBehavior] argument must not be null, and must not be [Clip.none].
Rect clipRect,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
}) : _clipRect = clipRect,
_clipBehavior = clipBehavior,
assert(clipBehavior != null),
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
/// The rectangle to clip in the parent's coordinate system.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
Rect get clipRect => _clipRect;
Rect _clipRect;
set clipRect(Rect value) {
if (value != _clipRect) {
_clipRect = value;
/// {@template flutter.clipper.clipBehavior}
/// Controls how to clip.
/// Must not be set to null or [Clip.none].
/// {@endtemplate}
/// Defaults to [Clip.hardEdge].
Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior;
Clip _clipBehavior;
set clipBehavior(Clip value) {
assert(value != null);
assert(value != Clip.none);
if (value != _clipBehavior) {
_clipBehavior = value;
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
if (!clipRect.contains(localPosition))
return false;
return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(clipRect != null);
assert(clipBehavior != null);
bool enabled = true;
assert(() {
enabled = !debugDisableClipLayers;
return true;
if (enabled) {
final Rect shiftedClipRect = layerOffset == ? clipRect : clipRect.shift(layerOffset);
engineLayer = builder.pushClipRect(
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ClipRectEngineLayer,
} else {
engineLayer = null;
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
if (enabled)
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('clipRect', clipRect));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior));
/// A composite layer that clips its children using a rounded rectangle.
/// When debugging, setting [debugDisableClipLayers] to true will cause this
/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
class ClipRRectLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a layer with a rounded-rectangular clip.
/// The [clipRRect] and [clipBehavior] properties must be non-null before the
/// compositing phase of the pipeline.
RRect clipRRect,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
}) : _clipRRect = clipRRect,
_clipBehavior = clipBehavior,
assert(clipBehavior != null),
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
/// The rounded-rect to clip in the parent's coordinate system.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
RRect get clipRRect => _clipRRect;
RRect _clipRRect;
set clipRRect(RRect value) {
if (value != _clipRRect) {
_clipRRect = value;
/// {@macro flutter.clipper.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.antiAlias].
Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior;
Clip _clipBehavior;
set clipBehavior(Clip value) {
assert(value != null);
assert(value != Clip.none);
if (value != _clipBehavior) {
_clipBehavior = value;
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
if (!clipRRect.contains(localPosition))
return false;
return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(clipRRect != null);
assert(clipBehavior != null);
bool enabled = true;
assert(() {
enabled = !debugDisableClipLayers;
return true;
if (enabled) {
final RRect shiftedClipRRect = layerOffset == ? clipRRect : clipRRect.shift(layerOffset);
engineLayer = builder.pushClipRRect(
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ClipRRectEngineLayer,
} else {
engineLayer = null;
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
if (enabled)
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<RRect>('clipRRect', clipRRect));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior));
/// A composite layer that clips its children using a path.
/// When debugging, setting [debugDisableClipLayers] to true will cause this
/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
class ClipPathLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a layer with a path-based clip.
/// The [clipPath] and [clipBehavior] properties must be non-null before the
/// compositing phase of the pipeline.
Path clipPath,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
}) : _clipPath = clipPath,
_clipBehavior = clipBehavior,
assert(clipBehavior != null),
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
/// The path to clip in the parent's coordinate system.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
Path get clipPath => _clipPath;
Path _clipPath;
set clipPath(Path value) {
if (value != _clipPath) {
_clipPath = value;
/// {@macro flutter.clipper.clipBehavior}
/// Defaults to [Clip.antiAlias].
Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior;
Clip _clipBehavior;
set clipBehavior(Clip value) {
assert(value != null);
assert(value != Clip.none);
if (value != _clipBehavior) {
_clipBehavior = value;
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
if (!clipPath.contains(localPosition))
return false;
return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(clipPath != null);
assert(clipBehavior != null);
bool enabled = true;
assert(() {
enabled = !debugDisableClipLayers;
return true;
if (enabled) {
final Path shiftedPath = layerOffset == ? clipPath : clipPath.shift(layerOffset);
engineLayer = builder.pushClipPath(
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ClipPathEngineLayer,
} else {
engineLayer = null;
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
if (enabled)
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior));
/// A composite layer that applies a [ColorFilter] to its children.
class ColorFilterLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a layer that applies a [ColorFilter] to its children.
/// The [colorFilter] property must be non-null before the compositing phase
/// of the pipeline.
ColorFilter colorFilter,
}) : _colorFilter = colorFilter;
/// The color filter to apply to children.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
ColorFilter get colorFilter => _colorFilter;
ColorFilter _colorFilter;
set colorFilter(ColorFilter value) {
assert(value != null);
if (value != _colorFilter) {
_colorFilter = value;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(colorFilter != null);
engineLayer = builder.pushColorFilter(
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ColorFilterEngineLayer,
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ColorFilter>('colorFilter', colorFilter));
/// A composite layer that applies an [ImageFilter] to its children.
class ImageFilterLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a layer that applies an [ImageFilter] to its children.
/// The [imageFilter] property must be non-null before the compositing phase
/// of the pipeline.
ui.ImageFilter imageFilter,
}) : _imageFilter = imageFilter;
/// The image filter to apply to children.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
ui.ImageFilter get imageFilter => _imageFilter;
ui.ImageFilter _imageFilter;
set imageFilter(ui.ImageFilter value) {
assert(value != null);
if (value != _imageFilter) {
_imageFilter = value;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(imageFilter != null);
engineLayer = builder.pushImageFilter(
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ImageFilterEngineLayer,
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ui.ImageFilter>('imageFilter', imageFilter));
/// A composited layer that applies a given transformation matrix to its
/// children.
/// This class inherits from [OffsetLayer] to make it one of the layers that
/// can be used at the root of a [RenderObject] hierarchy.
class TransformLayer extends OffsetLayer {
/// Creates a transform layer.
/// The [transform] and [offset] properties must be non-null before the
/// compositing phase of the pipeline.
TransformLayer({ Matrix4 transform, Offset offset = })
: _transform = transform,
super(offset: offset);
/// The matrix to apply.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
/// This transform is applied before [offset], if both are set.
/// The [transform] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of
/// the pipeline.
Matrix4 get transform => _transform;
Matrix4 _transform;
set transform(Matrix4 value) {
assert(value != null);
assert( component) => component.isFinite));
if (value == _transform)
_transform = value;
_inverseDirty = true;
Matrix4 _lastEffectiveTransform;
Matrix4 _invertedTransform;
bool _inverseDirty = true;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(transform != null);
_lastEffectiveTransform = transform;
final Offset totalOffset = offset + layerOffset;
if (totalOffset != {
_lastEffectiveTransform = Matrix4.translationValues(totalOffset.dx, totalOffset.dy, 0.0)
engineLayer = builder.pushTransform(,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.TransformEngineLayer,
Offset _transformOffset(Offset localPosition) {
if (_inverseDirty) {
_invertedTransform = Matrix4.tryInvert(
_inverseDirty = false;
if (_invertedTransform == null)
return null;
return MatrixUtils.transformPoint(_invertedTransform, localPosition);
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
final Offset transformedOffset = _transformOffset(localPosition);
if (transformedOffset == null)
return false;
return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, transformedOffset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
void applyTransform(Layer child, Matrix4 transform) {
assert(child != null);
assert(transform != null);
assert(_lastEffectiveTransform != null || this.transform != null);
if (_lastEffectiveTransform == null) {
} else {
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(TransformProperty('transform', transform));
/// A composited layer that makes its children partially transparent.
/// When debugging, setting [debugDisableOpacityLayers] to true will cause this
/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
/// Try to avoid an [OpacityLayer] with no children. Remove that layer if
/// possible to save some tree walks.
class OpacityLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates an opacity layer.
/// The [alpha] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of
/// the pipeline.
int alpha,
Offset offset =,
}) : _alpha = alpha,
_offset = offset;
/// The amount to multiply into the alpha channel.
/// The opacity is expressed as an integer from 0 to 255, where 0 is fully
/// transparent and 255 is fully opaque.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
int get alpha => _alpha;
int _alpha;
set alpha(int value) {
assert(value != null);
if (value != _alpha) {
_alpha = value;
/// Offset from parent in the parent's coordinate system.
Offset get offset => _offset;
Offset _offset;
set offset(Offset value) {
if (value != _offset) {
_offset = value;
void applyTransform(Layer child, Matrix4 transform) {
assert(child != null);
assert(transform != null);
transform.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy);
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(alpha != null);
bool enabled = firstChild != null; // don't add this layer if there's no child
assert(() {
enabled = enabled && !debugDisableOpacityLayers;
return true;
if (enabled)
engineLayer = builder.pushOpacity(
offset: offset + layerOffset,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.OpacityEngineLayer,
engineLayer = null;
if (enabled)
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(IntProperty('alpha', alpha));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('offset', offset));
/// A composited layer that applies a shader to its children.
/// The shader is only applied inside the given [maskRect]. The shader itself
/// uses the top left of the [maskRect] as its origin.
/// The [maskRect] does not affect the positions of any child layers.
class ShaderMaskLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a shader mask layer.
/// The [shader], [maskRect], and [blendMode] properties must be non-null
/// before the compositing phase of the pipeline.
Shader shader,
Rect maskRect,
BlendMode blendMode,
}) : _shader = shader,
_maskRect = maskRect,
_blendMode = blendMode;
/// The shader to apply to the children.
/// The origin of the shader (e.g. of the coordinate system used by the `from`
/// and `to` arguments to [ui.Gradient.linear]) is at the top left of the
/// [maskRect].
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
/// See also:
/// * [ui.Gradient] and [ui.ImageShader], two shader types that can be used.
Shader get shader => _shader;
Shader _shader;
set shader(Shader value) {
if (value != _shader) {
_shader = value;
/// The position and size of the shader.
/// The [shader] is only rendered inside this rectangle, using the top left of
/// the rectangle as its origin.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
Rect get maskRect => _maskRect;
Rect _maskRect;
set maskRect(Rect value) {
if (value != _maskRect) {
_maskRect = value;
/// The blend mode to apply when blending the shader with the children.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
BlendMode get blendMode => _blendMode;
BlendMode _blendMode;
set blendMode(BlendMode value) {
if (value != _blendMode) {
_blendMode = value;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(shader != null);
assert(maskRect != null);
assert(blendMode != null);
assert(layerOffset != null);
final Rect shiftedMaskRect = layerOffset == ? maskRect : maskRect.shift(layerOffset);
engineLayer = builder.pushShaderMask(
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ShaderMaskEngineLayer,
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Shader>('shader', shader));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('maskRect', maskRect));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<BlendMode>('blendMode', blendMode));
/// A composited layer that applies a filter to the existing contents of the scene.
class BackdropFilterLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a backdrop filter layer.
/// The [filter] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of the
/// pipeline.
BackdropFilterLayer({ ui.ImageFilter filter }) : _filter = filter;
/// The filter to apply to the existing contents of the scene.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
ui.ImageFilter get filter => _filter;
ui.ImageFilter _filter;
set filter(ui.ImageFilter value) {
if (value != _filter) {
_filter = value;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(filter != null);
engineLayer = builder.pushBackdropFilter(
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.BackdropFilterEngineLayer,
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
/// A composited layer that uses a physical model to producing lighting effects.
/// For example, the layer casts a shadow according to its geometry and the
/// relative position of lights and other physically modeled objects in the
/// scene.
/// When debugging, setting [debugDisablePhysicalShapeLayers] to true will cause this
/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
class PhysicalModelLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a composited layer that uses a physical model to producing
/// lighting effects.
/// The [clipPath], [clipBehavior], [elevation], [color], and [shadowColor]
/// arguments must be non-null before the compositing phase of the pipeline.
Path clipPath,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none,
double elevation,
Color color,
Color shadowColor,
}) : _clipPath = clipPath,
_clipBehavior = clipBehavior,
_elevation = elevation,
_color = color,
_shadowColor = shadowColor;
/// The path to clip in the parent's coordinate system.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
Path get clipPath => _clipPath;
Path _clipPath;
set clipPath(Path value) {
if (value != _clipPath) {
_clipPath = value;
Path get _debugTransformedClipPath {
ContainerLayer ancestor = parent;
final Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.identity();
while (ancestor != null && ancestor.parent != null) {
ancestor.applyTransform(this, matrix);
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
return clipPath.transform(;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.Clip}
Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior;
Clip _clipBehavior;
set clipBehavior(Clip value) {
assert(value != null);
if (value != _clipBehavior) {
_clipBehavior = value;
/// The z-coordinate at which to place this physical object.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
/// In tests, the [debugDisableShadows] flag is set to true by default.
/// Several widgets and render objects force all elevations to zero when this
/// flag is set. For this reason, this property will often be set to zero in
/// tests even if the layer should be raised. To verify the actual value,
/// consider setting [debugDisableShadows] to false in your test.
double get elevation => _elevation;
double _elevation;
set elevation(double value) {
if (value != _elevation) {
_elevation = value;
/// The background color.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
Color get color => _color;
Color _color;
set color(Color value) {
if (value != _color) {
_color = value;
/// The shadow color.
Color get shadowColor => _shadowColor;
Color _shadowColor;
set shadowColor(Color value) {
if (value != _shadowColor) {
_shadowColor = value;
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
if (!clipPath.contains(localPosition))
return false;
return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(clipPath != null);
assert(clipBehavior != null);
assert(elevation != null);
assert(color != null);
assert(shadowColor != null);
bool enabled = true;
assert(() {
enabled = !debugDisablePhysicalShapeLayers;
return true;
if (enabled) {
engineLayer = builder.pushPhysicalShape(
path: layerOffset == ? clipPath : clipPath.shift(layerOffset),
elevation: elevation,
color: color,
shadowColor: shadowColor,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.PhysicalShapeEngineLayer,
} else {
engineLayer = null;
addChildrenToScene(builder, layerOffset);
if (enabled)
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DoubleProperty('elevation', elevation));
properties.add(ColorProperty('color', color));
/// An object that a [LeaderLayer] can register with.
/// An instance of this class should be provided as the [] and
/// the [] properties to cause the [FollowerLayer] to follow
/// the [LeaderLayer].
/// See also:
/// * [CompositedTransformTarget], the widget that creates a [LeaderLayer].
/// * [CompositedTransformFollower], the widget that creates a [FollowerLayer].
/// * [RenderLeaderLayer] and [RenderFollowerLayer], the corresponding
/// render objects.
class LayerLink {
/// The currently-registered [LeaderLayer], if any.
LeaderLayer get leader => _leader;
LeaderLayer _leader;
String toString() => '${describeIdentity(this)}(${ _leader != null ? "<linked>" : "<dangling>" })';
/// A composited layer that can be followed by a [FollowerLayer].
/// This layer collapses the accumulated offset into a transform and passes
/// [] to its child layers in the [addToScene]/[addChildrenToScene]
/// methods, so that [applyTransform] will work reliably.
class LeaderLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a leader layer.
/// The [link] property must not be null, and must not have been provided to
/// any other [LeaderLayer] layers that are [attached] to the layer tree at
/// the same time.
/// The [offset] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of the
/// pipeline.
LeaderLayer({ @required LayerLink link, this.offset = }) : assert(link != null), _link = link;
/// The object with which this layer should register.
/// The link will be established when this layer is [attach]ed, and will be
/// cleared when this layer is [detach]ed.
LayerLink get link => _link;
set link(LayerLink value) {
assert(value != null);
_link = value;
LayerLink _link;
/// Offset from parent in the parent's coordinate system.
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
/// The [offset] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of the
/// pipeline.
Offset offset;
/// {@macro flutter.leaderFollower.alwaysNeedsAddToScene}
bool get alwaysNeedsAddToScene => true;
void attach(Object owner) {
assert(link.leader == null);
_lastOffset = null;
link._leader = this;
void detach() {
assert(link.leader == this);
link._leader = null;
_lastOffset = null;
/// The offset the last time this layer was composited.
/// This is reset to null when the layer is attached or detached, to help
/// catch cases where the follower layer ends up before the leader layer, but
/// not every case can be detected.
Offset _lastOffset;
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition - offset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(offset != null);
_lastOffset = offset + layerOffset;
if (_lastOffset !=
engineLayer = builder.pushTransform(
Matrix4.translationValues(_lastOffset.dx, _lastOffset.dy, 0.0).storage,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.TransformEngineLayer,
if (_lastOffset !=
/// Applies the transform that would be applied when compositing the given
/// child to the given matrix.
/// See [ContainerLayer.applyTransform] for details.
/// The `child` argument may be null, as the same transform is applied to all
/// children.
void applyTransform(Layer child, Matrix4 transform) {
assert(_lastOffset != null);
if (_lastOffset !=
transform.translate(_lastOffset.dx, _lastOffset.dy);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('offset', offset));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<LayerLink>('link', link));
/// A composited layer that applies a transformation matrix to its children such
/// that they are positioned to match a [LeaderLayer].
/// If any of the ancestors of this layer have a degenerate matrix (e.g. scaling
/// by zero), then the [FollowerLayer] will not be able to transform its child
/// to the coordinate space of the [LeaderLayer].
/// A [linkedOffset] property can be provided to further offset the child layer
/// from the leader layer, for example if the child is to follow the linked
/// layer at a distance rather than directly overlapping it.
class FollowerLayer extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a follower layer.
/// The [link] property must not be null.
/// The [unlinkedOffset], [linkedOffset], and [showWhenUnlinked] properties
/// must be non-null before the compositing phase of the pipeline.
@required LayerLink link,
this.showWhenUnlinked = true,
this.unlinkedOffset =,
this.linkedOffset =,
}) : assert(link != null), _link = link;
/// The link to the [LeaderLayer].
/// The same object should be provided to a [LeaderLayer] that is earlier in
/// the layer tree. When this layer is composited, it will apply a transform
/// that moves its children to match the position of the [LeaderLayer].
LayerLink get link => _link;
set link(LayerLink value) {
assert(value != null);
_link = value;
LayerLink _link;
/// Whether to show the layer's contents when the [link] does not point to a
/// [LeaderLayer].
/// When the layer is linked, children layers are positioned such that they
/// have the same global position as the linked [LeaderLayer].
/// When the layer is not linked, then: if [showWhenUnlinked] is true,
/// children are positioned as if the [FollowerLayer] was a [ContainerLayer];
/// if it is false, then children are hidden.
/// The [showWhenUnlinked] property must be non-null before the compositing
/// phase of the pipeline.
bool showWhenUnlinked;
/// Offset from parent in the parent's coordinate system, used when the layer
/// is not linked to a [LeaderLayer].
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
/// The [unlinkedOffset] property must be non-null before the compositing
/// phase of the pipeline.
/// See also:
/// * [linkedOffset], for when the layers are linked.
Offset unlinkedOffset;
/// Offset from the origin of the leader layer to the origin of the child
/// layers, used when the layer is linked to a [LeaderLayer].
/// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
/// (as described at [Layer]).
/// The [linkedOffset] property must be non-null before the compositing phase
/// of the pipeline.
/// See also:
/// * [unlinkedOffset], for when the layer is not linked.
Offset linkedOffset;
Offset _lastOffset;
Matrix4 _lastTransform;
Matrix4 _invertedTransform;
bool _inverseDirty = true;
Offset _transformOffset<S>(Offset localPosition) {
if (_inverseDirty) {
_invertedTransform = Matrix4.tryInvert(getLastTransform());
_inverseDirty = false;
if (_invertedTransform == null)
return null;
final Vector4 vector = Vector4(localPosition.dx, localPosition.dy, 0.0, 1.0);
final Vector4 result = _invertedTransform.transform(vector);
return Offset(result[0] - linkedOffset.dx, result[1] - linkedOffset.dy);
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
if (link.leader == null) {
if (showWhenUnlinked) {
return super.findAnnotations(result, localPosition - unlinkedOffset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
return false;
final Offset transformedOffset = _transformOffset<S>(localPosition);
if (transformedOffset == null) {
return false;
return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, transformedOffset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
/// The transform that was used during the last composition phase.
/// If the [link] was not linked to a [LeaderLayer], or if this layer has
/// a degenerate matrix applied, then this will be null.
/// This method returns a new [Matrix4] instance each time it is invoked.
Matrix4 getLastTransform() {
if (_lastTransform == null)
return null;
final Matrix4 result = Matrix4.translationValues(-_lastOffset.dx, -_lastOffset.dy, 0.0);
return result;
/// Call [applyTransform] for each layer in the provided list.
/// The list is in reverse order (deepest first). The first layer will be
/// treated as the child of the second, and so forth. The first layer in the
/// list won't have [applyTransform] called on it. The first layer may be
/// null.
Matrix4 _collectTransformForLayerChain(List<ContainerLayer> layers) {
// Initialize our result matrix.
final Matrix4 result = Matrix4.identity();
// Apply each layer to the matrix in turn, starting from the last layer,
// and providing the previous layer as the child.
for (int index = layers.length - 1; index > 0; index -= 1)
layers[index].applyTransform(layers[index - 1], result);
return result;
/// Populate [_lastTransform] given the current state of the tree.
void _establishTransform() {
assert(link != null);
_lastTransform = null;
// Check to see if we are linked.
if (link.leader == null)
// If we're linked, check the link is valid.
assert(link.leader.owner == owner, 'Linked LeaderLayer anchor is not in the same layer tree as the FollowerLayer.');
assert(link.leader._lastOffset != null, 'LeaderLayer anchor must come before FollowerLayer in paint order, but the reverse was true.');
// Collect all our ancestors into a Set so we can recognize them.
final Set<Layer> ancestors = HashSet<Layer>();
Layer ancestor = parent;
while (ancestor != null) {
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
// Collect all the layers from a hypothetical child (null) of the target
// layer up to the common ancestor layer.
ContainerLayer layer = link.leader;
final List<ContainerLayer> forwardLayers = <ContainerLayer>[null, layer];
do {
layer = layer.parent;
} while (!ancestors.contains(layer));
ancestor = layer;
// Collect all the layers from this layer up to the common ancestor layer.
layer = this;
final List<ContainerLayer> inverseLayers = <ContainerLayer>[layer];
do {
layer = layer.parent;
} while (layer != ancestor);
// Establish the forward and backward matrices given these lists of layers.
final Matrix4 forwardTransform = _collectTransformForLayerChain(forwardLayers);
final Matrix4 inverseTransform = _collectTransformForLayerChain(inverseLayers);
if (inverseTransform.invert() == 0.0) {
// We are in a degenerate transform, so there's not much we can do.
// Combine the matrices and store the result.
inverseTransform.translate(linkedOffset.dx, linkedOffset.dy);
_lastTransform = inverseTransform;
_inverseDirty = true;
/// {@template flutter.leaderFollower.alwaysNeedsAddToScene}
/// This disables retained rendering.
/// A [FollowerLayer] copies changes from a [LeaderLayer] that could be anywhere
/// in the Layer tree, and that leader layer could change without notifying the
/// follower layer. Therefore we have to always call a follower layer's
/// [addToScene]. In order to call follower layer's [addToScene], leader layer's
/// [addToScene] must be called first so leader layer must also be considered
/// as [alwaysNeedsAddToScene].
/// {@endtemplate}
bool get alwaysNeedsAddToScene => true;
void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder, [ Offset layerOffset = ]) {
assert(link != null);
assert(showWhenUnlinked != null);
if (link.leader == null && !showWhenUnlinked) {
_lastTransform = null;
_lastOffset = null;
_inverseDirty = true;
engineLayer = null;
if (_lastTransform != null) {
engineLayer = builder.pushTransform(,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.TransformEngineLayer,
_lastOffset = unlinkedOffset + layerOffset;
} else {
_lastOffset = null;
final Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.translationValues(unlinkedOffset.dx, unlinkedOffset.dy, .0);
engineLayer = builder.pushTransform(,
oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.TransformEngineLayer,
_inverseDirty = true;
void applyTransform(Layer child, Matrix4 transform) {
assert(child != null);
assert(transform != null);
if (_lastTransform != null) {
} else {
transform.multiply(Matrix4.translationValues(unlinkedOffset.dx, unlinkedOffset.dy, .0));
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<LayerLink>('link', link));
properties.add(TransformProperty('transform', getLastTransform(), defaultValue: null));
/// A composited layer which annotates its children with a value. Pushing this
/// layer to the tree is the common way of adding an annotation.
/// An annotation is an optional object of any type that, when attached with a
/// layer, can be retrieved using [Layer.find] or [Layer.findAllAnnotations]
/// with a position. The search process is done recursively, controlled by a
/// concept of being opaque to a type of annotation, explained in the document
/// of [Layer.findAnnotations].
/// When an annotation search arrives, this layer defers the same search to each
/// of this layer's children, respecting their opacity. Then it adds this
/// layer's [annotation] if all of the following restrictions are met:
/// {@template flutter.rendering.annotatedRegionLayer.restrictions}
/// * The target type must be identical to the annotated type `T`.
/// * If [size] is provided, the target position must be contained within the
/// rectangle formed by [size] and [offset].
/// {@endtemplate}
/// This layer is opaque to a type of annotation if any child is also opaque, or
/// if [opaque] is true and the layer's annotation is added.
class AnnotatedRegionLayer<T> extends ContainerLayer {
/// Creates a new layer that annotates its children with [value].
/// The [value] provided cannot be null.
this.value, {
Offset offset,
this.opaque = false,
}) : assert(value != null),
assert(opaque != null),
offset = offset ??;
/// The annotated object, which is added to the result if all restrictions are
/// met.
final T value;
/// The size of the annotated object.
/// If [size] is provided, then the annotation is found only if the target
/// position is contained by the rectangle formed by [size] and [offset].
/// Otherwise no such restriction is applied, and clipping can only be done by
/// the ancestor layers.
final Size size;
/// The position of the annotated object.
/// The [offset] defaults to [] if not provided, and is ignored if
/// [size] is not set.
/// The [offset] only offsets the clipping rectangle, and does not affect
/// how the painting or annotation search is propagated to its children.
final Offset offset;
/// Whether the annotation of this layer should be opaque during an annotation
/// search of type `T`, preventing siblings visually behind it from being
/// searched.
/// If [opaque] is true, and this layer does add its annotation [value],
/// then the layer will always be opaque during the search.
/// If [opaque] is false, or if this layer does not add its annotation,
/// then the opacity of this layer will be the one returned by the children,
/// meaning that it will be opaque if any child is opaque.
/// The [opaque] defaults to false.
/// The [opaque] is effectively useless during [Layer.find] (more
/// specifically, [Layer.findAnnotations] with `onlyFirst: true`), since the
/// search process then skips the remaining tree after finding the first
/// annotation.
/// See also:
/// * [Layer.findAnnotations], which explains the concept of being opaque
/// to a type of annotation as the return value.
/// * [HitTestBehavior], which controls similar logic when hit-testing in the
/// render tree.
final bool opaque;
/// Searches the subtree for annotations of type `S` at the location
/// `localPosition`, then adds the annotation [value] if applicable.
/// This method always searches its children, and if any child returns `true`,
/// the remaining children are skipped. Regardless of what the children
/// return, this method then adds this layer's annotation if all of the
/// following restrictions are met:
/// {@macro flutter.rendering.annotatedRegionLayer.restrictions}
/// This search process respects `onlyFirst`, meaning that when `onlyFirst` is
/// true, the search will stop when it finds the first annotation from the
/// children, and the layer's own annotation is checked only when none is
/// given by the children.
/// The return value is true if any child returns `true`, or if [opaque] is
/// true and the layer's annotation is added.
/// For explanation of layer annotations, parameters and return value, refer
/// to [Layer.findAnnotations].
bool findAnnotations<S>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { @required bool onlyFirst }) {
bool isAbsorbed = super.findAnnotations(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
if (result.entries.isNotEmpty && onlyFirst)
return isAbsorbed;
if (size != null && !(offset & size).contains(localPosition)) {
return isAbsorbed;
if (T == S) {
isAbsorbed = isAbsorbed || opaque;
final Object untypedValue = value;
final S typedValue = untypedValue as S;
annotation: typedValue,
localPosition: localPosition - offset,
return isAbsorbed;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<T>('value', value));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Size>('size', size, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('offset', offset, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<bool>('opaque', opaque, defaultValue: false));