blob: fe3fa133b8f02a7a5bb1ee43db73256a92fbd48e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
class _ConsistentTextRangeImplementationMatcher extends Matcher {
_ConsistentTextRangeImplementationMatcher(int length)
: range = TextRange(start: -1, end: length + 1),
assert(length >= 0);
final TextRange range;
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('The implementation of TextBoundary.getTextBoundaryAt is consistent with its other methods.');
Description describeMismatch(dynamic item, Description mismatchDescription, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, bool verbose) {
final TextBoundary boundary = matchState['textBoundary'] as TextBoundary;
final int position = matchState['position'] as int;
final int leading = boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(position) ?? -1;
final int trailing = boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(position) ?? -1;
return mismatchDescription.add(
'at position $position, expected ${TextRange(start: leading, end: trailing)} but got ${boundary.getTextBoundaryAt(position)}',
bool matches(dynamic item, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
for (int i = range.start; i <= range.end; i++) {
final int? leading = (item as TextBoundary).getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(i);
final int? trailing = item.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(i);
final TextRange boundary = item.getTextBoundaryAt(i);
final bool consistent = boundary.start == (leading ?? -1) && boundary.end == (trailing ?? -1);
if (!consistent) {
matchState['textBoundary'] = item;
matchState['position'] = i;
return false;
return true;
Matcher _hasConsistentTextRangeImplementationWithinRange(int length) => _ConsistentTextRangeImplementationMatcher(length);
void main() {
test('Character boundary works', () {
const CharacterBoundary boundary = CharacterBoundary('abc');
expect(boundary, _hasConsistentTextRangeImplementationWithinRange(3));
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(-1), null);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(-1), 0);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(0), 0);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(0), 1);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(1), 1);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(1), 2);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(2), 2);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(2), 3);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(3), 3);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(3), null);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(4), 3);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(4), null);
test('Character boundary works with grapheme', () {
const String text = 'a❄︎c';
const CharacterBoundary boundary = CharacterBoundary(text);
expect(boundary, _hasConsistentTextRangeImplementationWithinRange(text.length));
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(-1), null);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(-1), 0);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(0), 0);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(0), 1);
// The `❄` takes two character length.
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(1), 1);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(1), 3);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(2), 1);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(2), 3);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(3), 3);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(3), 4);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(text.length), text.length);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(text.length), null);
test('wordBoundary.moveByWordBoundary', () {
const String text = 'ABC ABC\n' // [0, 10)
'AÁ Á\n' // [10, 20)
' \n' // [20, 30)
'ABC!!!ABC\n' // [30, 40)
' !ABC !!\n' // [40, 50)
'A 𑗋𑗋 A\n'; // [50, 60)
final TextPainter textPainter = TextPainter()
..textDirection = TextDirection.ltr
..text = const TextSpan(text: text)
final TextBoundary boundary = textPainter.wordBoundaries.moveByWordBoundary;
// 4 points to the 2nd whitespace in the first line.
// Don't break between horizontal spaces and letters/numbers.
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(4), 0);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(4), 9);
// Works when words are starting/ending with a combining diacritical mark.
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(14), 10);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(14), 19);
// Do break before and after newlines.
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(24), 20);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(24), 29);
// Do not break on punctuations.
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(34), 30);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(34), 39);
// Ok to break if next to punctuations or separating spaces.
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(44), 43);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(44), 46);
// 44 points to a low surrogate of a punctuation.
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(54), 50);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(54), 59);
test('line boundary works', () {
final LineBoundary boundary = LineBoundary(TestTextLayoutMetrics());
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(3), TestTextLayoutMetrics.lineAt3.start);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(3), TestTextLayoutMetrics.lineAt3.end);
expect(boundary.getTextBoundaryAt(3), TestTextLayoutMetrics.lineAt3);
group('paragraph boundary', () {
test('works for simple cases', () {
const String textA= 'abcd efg hi\njklmno\npqrstuv';
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryA = ParagraphBoundary(textA);
// Position enclosed inside of paragraph, 'abcd efg h|i\n'.
const int position = 10;
// The range includes the line terminator.
expect(boundaryA.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(position), 0);
expect(boundaryA.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(position), 12);
// This text includes a carriage return followed by a line feed.
const String textB = 'abcd efg hi\r\njklmno\npqrstuv';
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryB = ParagraphBoundary(textB);
expect(boundaryB.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(position), 0);
expect(boundaryB.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(position), 13);
const String textF = 'Now is the time for\n' // 20
'all good people\n' // 20 + 16 => 36
'to come to the aid\n' // 36 + 19 => 55
'of their country.'; // 55 + 17 => 72
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryF = ParagraphBoundary(textF);
const int positionF = 11;
expect(boundaryF.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionF), 0);
expect(boundaryF.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionF), 20);
test('works for consecutive line terminators involving CRLF', () {
const String textI = 'Now is the time for\n' // 20
'all good people\n\r\n' // 20 + 16 => 38
'to come to the aid\n' // 38 + 19 => 57
'of their country.'; // 57 + 17 => 74
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryI = ParagraphBoundary(textI);
const int positionI = 56;// \n at the end of the third line.
const int positionJ = 38;// t at beginning of third line.
const int positionK = 37;// \n at end of second line.
expect(boundaryI.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionI), 38);
expect(boundaryI.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionI), 57);
expect(boundaryI.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionJ), 38);
expect(boundaryI.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionJ), 57);
expect(boundaryI.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionK), 36);
expect(boundaryI.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionK), 38);
test('works for consecutive line terminators', () {
const String textI = 'Now is the time for\n' // 20
'all good people\n\n' // 20 + 16 => 37
'to come to the aid\n' // 37 + 19 => 56
'of their country.'; // 56 + 17 => 73
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryI = ParagraphBoundary(textI);
const int positionI = 55;// \n at the end of the third line.
const int positionJ = 37;// t at beginning of third line.
const int positionK = 36;// \n at end of second line.
expect(boundaryI.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionI), 37);
expect(boundaryI.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionI), 56);
expect(boundaryI.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionJ), 37);
expect(boundaryI.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionJ), 56);
expect(boundaryI.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionK), 36);
expect(boundaryI.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionK), 37);
test('leading boundary works for consecutive CRLF', () {
// This text includes multiple consecutive carriage returns followed by line feeds (CRLF).
const String textH = 'abcd efg hi\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\n\njklmno\npqrstuv';
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryH = ParagraphBoundary(textH);
const int positionH = 18;
expect(boundaryH.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionH), 17);
expect(boundaryH.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionH), 19);
test('trailing boundary works for consecutive CRLF', () {
// This text includes multiple consecutive carriage returns followed by line feeds (CRLF).
const String textG = 'abcd efg hi\r\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n\n\n\njklmno\npqrstuv';
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryG = ParagraphBoundary(textG);
const int positionG = 18;
expect(boundaryG.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionG), 18);
expect(boundaryG.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionG), 20);
test('works when position is between two CRLF', () {
const String textE = 'abcd efg hi\r\nhello\r\n\n';
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryE = ParagraphBoundary(textE);
// Position enclosed inside of paragraph, 'abcd efg hi\r\nhello\r\n\n'.
const int positionE = 16;
expect(boundaryE.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionE), 13);
expect(boundaryE.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionE), 20);
test('works for multiple consecutive line terminators', () {
// This text includes multiple consecutive line terminators.
const String textC = 'abcd efg hi\r\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\njklmno\npqrstuv';
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryC = ParagraphBoundary(textC);
// Position enclosed inside of paragraph, 'abcd efg hi\r\n\n\n\n\n\n|\n\n\n\n\n\njklmno\npqrstuv'.
const int positionC = 18;
expect(boundaryC.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionC), 18);
expect(boundaryC.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionC), 19);
const String textD = 'abcd efg hi\r\n\n\n\n';
const ParagraphBoundary boundaryD = ParagraphBoundary(textD);
// Position enclosed inside of paragraph, 'abcd efg hi\r\n\n|\n\n'.
const int positionD = 14;
expect(boundaryD.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(positionD), 14);
expect(boundaryD.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(positionD), 15);
test('document boundary works', () {
const String text = 'abcd efg hi\njklmno\npqrstuv';
const DocumentBoundary boundary = DocumentBoundary(text);
expect(boundary, _hasConsistentTextRangeImplementationWithinRange(text.length));
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(-1), null);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(-1), text.length);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(0), 0);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(0), text.length);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(10), 0);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(10), text.length);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(text.length), 0);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(text.length), null);
expect(boundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(text.length + 1), 0);
expect(boundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt(text.length + 1), null);
class TestTextLayoutMetrics extends TextLayoutMetrics {
static const TextSelection lineAt3 = TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: 10);
static const TextRange wordBoundaryAt3 = TextRange(start: 4, end: 7);
TextSelection getLineAtOffset(TextPosition position) {
if (position.offset == 3) {
return lineAt3;
throw UnimplementedError();
TextPosition getTextPositionAbove(TextPosition position) {
throw UnimplementedError();
TextPosition getTextPositionBelow(TextPosition position) {
throw UnimplementedError();
TextRange getWordBoundary(TextPosition position) {
if (position.offset == 3) {
return wordBoundaryAt3;
throw UnimplementedError();