blob: 0202e9507c29689ccd9c860f44e51987a931e3c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
class TestTextInputFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
const TestTextInputFormatter();
void noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
void main() {
TextEditingValue testOldValue = TextEditingValue.empty;
TextEditingValue testNewValue = TextEditingValue.empty;
test('test const constructor', () {
const TestTextInputFormatter testValue1 = TestTextInputFormatter();
const TestTextInputFormatter testValue2 = TestTextInputFormatter();
expect(testValue1, same(testValue2));
test('withFunction wraps formatting function', () {
testOldValue = TextEditingValue.empty;
testNewValue = TextEditingValue.empty;
late TextEditingValue calledOldValue;
late TextEditingValue calledNewValue;
final TextInputFormatter formatterUnderTest = TextInputFormatter.withFunction(
(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
calledOldValue = oldValue;
calledNewValue = newValue;
return TextEditingValue.empty;
formatterUnderTest.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
expect(calledOldValue, equals(testOldValue));
expect(calledNewValue, equals(testNewValue));
group('test provided formatters', () {
setUp(() {
// a1b(2c3
// d4)e5f6
// where the parentheses are the selection range.
testNewValue = const TextEditingValue(
text: 'a1b2c3\nd4e5f6',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 3,
extentOffset: 9,
test('test filtering formatter example', () {
const TextEditingValue intoTheWoods = TextEditingValue(text: 'Into the Woods');
FilteringTextInputFormatter('o', allow: true, replacementString: '*').formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, intoTheWoods),
const TextEditingValue(text: '*o*oo*'),
FilteringTextInputFormatter('o', allow: false, replacementString: '*').formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, intoTheWoods),
const TextEditingValue(text: 'Int* the W**ds'),
FilteringTextInputFormatter(RegExp('o+'), allow: true, replacementString: '*').formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, intoTheWoods),
const TextEditingValue(text: '*o*oo*'),
FilteringTextInputFormatter(RegExp('o+'), allow: false, replacementString: '*').formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, intoTheWoods),
const TextEditingValue(text: 'Int* the W*ds'),
// "Into the Wo|ods|"
const TextEditingValue selectedIntoTheWoods = TextEditingValue(text: 'Into the Woods', selection: TextSelection(baseOffset: 11, extentOffset: 14));
FilteringTextInputFormatter('o', allow: true, replacementString: '*').formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, selectedIntoTheWoods),
const TextEditingValue(text: '*o*oo*', selection: TextSelection(baseOffset: 4, extentOffset: 6)),
FilteringTextInputFormatter('o', allow: false, replacementString: '*').formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, selectedIntoTheWoods),
const TextEditingValue(text: 'Int* the W**ds', selection: TextSelection(baseOffset: 11, extentOffset: 14)),
FilteringTextInputFormatter(RegExp('o+'), allow: true, replacementString: '*').formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, selectedIntoTheWoods),
const TextEditingValue(text: '*o*oo*', selection: TextSelection(baseOffset: 4, extentOffset: 6)),
FilteringTextInputFormatter(RegExp('o+'), allow: false, replacementString: '*').formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, selectedIntoTheWoods),
const TextEditingValue(text: 'Int* the W*ds', selection: TextSelection(baseOffset: 11, extentOffset: 13)),
test('test filtering formatter, deny mode', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// 1(23
// 4)56
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: '123\n456',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 1,
extentOffset: 5,
test('test filtering formatter, deny mode (deprecated names)', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// 1(23
// 4)56
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: '123\n456',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 1,
extentOffset: 5,
test('test single line formatter', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// a1b(2c3d4)e5f6
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: 'a1b2c3d4e5f6',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 3,
extentOffset: 8,
test('test single line formatter (deprecated names)', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// a1b(2c3d4)e5f6
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: 'a1b2c3d4e5f6',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 3,
extentOffset: 8,
test('test filtering formatter, allow mode', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// ab(c)
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: 'abc',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 2,
extentOffset: 3,
test('test filtering formatter, allow mode (deprecated names)', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// ab(c)
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: 'abc',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 2,
extentOffset: 3,
test('test digits only formatter', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// 1(234)56
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: '123456',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 1,
extentOffset: 4,
test('test digits only formatter (deprecated names)', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// 1(234)56
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: '123456',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 1,
extentOffset: 4,
test('test length limiting formatter', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// a1b(2c3)
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: 'a1b2c3',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 3,
extentOffset: 6,
test('test length limiting formatter with zero-length string', () {
testNewValue = const TextEditingValue(
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 0,
extentOffset: 0,
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting the empty string.
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 0,
extentOffset: 0,
test('test length limiting formatter with non-BMP Unicode scalar values', () {
testNewValue = const TextEditingValue(
text: '\u{1f984}\u{1f984}\u{1f984}\u{1f984}', // Unicode U+1f984 (UNICORN FACE)
selection: TextSelection(
// Caret is at the end of the string.
baseOffset: 8,
extentOffset: 8,
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting two characters, with the caret moved to the new end of the
// string.
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: '\u{1f984}\u{1f984}',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 4,
extentOffset: 4,
test('test length limiting formatter with complex Unicode characters', () {
// TODO(gspencer): Test additional strings. We can do this once the
// formatter supports Unicode grapheme clusters.
// A formatter with max length 1 should accept:
// - The '\u{1F3F3}\u{FE0F}\u{200D}\u{1F308}' sequence (flag followed by
// a variation selector, a zero-width joiner, and a rainbow to make a rainbow
// flag).
// - The sequence '\u{0058}\u{0346}\u{0361}\u{035E}\u{032A}\u{031C}\u{0333}\u{0326}\u{031D}\u{0332}'
// (Latin X with many composed characters).
// A formatter should not count as a character:
// * The '\u{0000}\u{FEFF}' sequence. (NULL followed by zero-width no-break space).
// A formatter with max length 1 should truncate this to one character:
// * The '\u{1F3F3}\u{FE0F}\u{1F308}' sequence (flag with ignored variation
// selector followed by rainbow, should truncate to just flag).
// The U+1F984 U+0020 sequence: Unicorn face followed by a space should
// yield only the unicorn face.
testNewValue = const TextEditingValue(
text: '\u{1F984}\u{0020}',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 1,
extentOffset: 1,
TextEditingValue actualValue = LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(1).formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: '\u{1F984}',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 1,
extentOffset: 1,
// The U+0058 U+0059 sequence: Latin X followed by Latin Y, should yield
// Latin X.
testNewValue = const TextEditingValue(
text: '\u{0058}\u{0059}',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 1,
extentOffset: 1,
actualValue = LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(1).formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: '\u{0058}',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 1,
extentOffset: 1,
test('test length limiting formatter when selection is off the end', () {
final TextEditingValue actualValue =
.formatEditUpdate(testOldValue, testNewValue);
// Expecting
// a1()
expect(actualValue, const TextEditingValue(
text: 'a1',
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: 2,
extentOffset: 2,
group('LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter', () {
group('truncate', () {
test('Removes characters from the end', () async {
const TextEditingValue value = TextEditingValue(
text: '01234567890',
final TextEditingValue truncated = LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter
.truncate(value, 10);
expect(truncated.text, '0123456789');
test('Counts surrogate pairs as single characters', () async {
const String stringOverflowing = '😆01234567890';
const TextEditingValue value = TextEditingValue(
text: stringOverflowing,
// Put the cursor at the end of the overflowing string to test if it
// ends up at the end of the new string after truncation.
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: stringOverflowing.length),
final TextEditingValue truncated = LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter
.truncate(value, 10);
const String stringTruncated = '😆012345678';
expect(truncated.text, stringTruncated);
expect(truncated.selection.baseOffset, stringTruncated.length);
expect(truncated.selection.extentOffset, stringTruncated.length);
test('Counts grapheme clustsers as single characters', () async {
const String stringOverflowing = '👨‍👩‍👦01234567890';
const TextEditingValue value = TextEditingValue(
text: stringOverflowing,
// Put the cursor at the end of the overflowing string to test if it
// ends up at the end of the new string after truncation.
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: stringOverflowing.length),
final TextEditingValue truncated = LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter
.truncate(value, 10);
const String stringTruncated = '👨‍👩‍👦012345678';
expect(truncated.text, stringTruncated);
expect(truncated.selection.baseOffset, stringTruncated.length);
expect(truncated.selection.extentOffset, stringTruncated.length);
group('formatEditUpdate', () {
const int maxLength = 10;
test('Passes through when under limit', () async {
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue(
text: 'aaa',
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(
text: 'aaab',
final LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter formatter =
final TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(
expect(formatted.text, newValue.text);
test('Uses old value when at the limit', () async {
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue(
text: 'aaaaaaaaaa',
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(
text: 'aaaaabbbbbaaaaa',
final LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter formatter =
final TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(
expect(formatted.text, oldValue.text);
test('Truncates newValue when oldValue already over limit', () async {
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue(
text: 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(
text: 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
final LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter formatter =
final TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(
expect(formatted.text, 'bbbbbbbbbb');
group('get enforcement from target platform', () {
// The enforcement on Web will be always `MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds`
test('with', () async {
final MaxLengthEnforcement enforcement = LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter.getDefaultMaxLengthEnforcement(,
if (kIsWeb) {
expect(enforcement, MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds);
} else {
expect(enforcement, MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced);
test('with TargetPlatform.macOS', () async {
final MaxLengthEnforcement enforcement = LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter.getDefaultMaxLengthEnforcement(
expect(enforcement, MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds);
test('FilteringTextInputFormatter should return the old value if new value contains non-white-listed character', () {
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue(text: '12345');
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: '12345@');
final TextInputFormatter formatter = FilteringTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly;
final TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// assert that we are passing digits only at the first time
expect(oldValue.text, equals('12345'));
// The new value is always the oldValue plus a non-digit character (user press @)
expect(newValue.text, equals('12345@'));
// we expect that the formatted value returns the oldValue only since the newValue does not
// satisfy the formatter condition (which is, in this case, digitsOnly)
expect(formatted.text, equals('12345'));
test('FilteringTextInputFormatter should move the cursor to the right position', () {
TextEditingValue collapsedValue(String text, int offset) =>
text: text,
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: offset),
TextEditingValue oldValue = collapsedValue('123', 0);
TextEditingValue newValue = collapsedValue('123456', 6);
final TextInputFormatter formatter = FilteringTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly;
TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// assert that we are passing digits only at the first time
expect(oldValue.text, equals('123'));
// assert that we are passing digits only at the second time
expect(newValue.text, equals('123456'));
// assert that cursor is at the end of the text
expect(formatted.selection.baseOffset, equals(6));
// move cursor at the middle of the text and then add the number 9.
oldValue = newValue.copyWith(selection: const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 4));
newValue = oldValue.copyWith(text: '1239456');
formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// cursor must be now at fourth position (right after the number 9)
expect(formatted.selection.baseOffset, equals(4));
test('FilteringTextInputFormatter should remove non-allowed characters', () {
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue(text: '12345');
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: '12345@');
final TextInputFormatter formatter = FilteringTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly;
final TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// assert that we are passing digits only at the first time
expect(oldValue.text, equals('12345'));
// The new value is always the oldValue plus a non-digit character (user press @)
expect(newValue.text, equals('12345@'));
// we expect that the formatted value returns the oldValue only since the difference
// between the oldValue and the newValue is only material that isn't allowed
expect(formatted.text, equals('12345'));
test('WhitelistingTextInputFormatter should return the old value if new value contains non-allowed character', () {
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue(text: '12345');
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: '12345@');
final TextInputFormatter formatter = FilteringTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly;
final TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// assert that we are passing digits only at the first time
expect(oldValue.text, equals('12345'));
// The new value is always the oldValue plus a non-digit character (user press @)
expect(newValue.text, equals('12345@'));
// we expect that the formatted value returns the oldValue only since the newValue does not
// satisfy the formatter condition (which is, in this case, digitsOnly)
expect(formatted.text, equals('12345'));
test('FilteringTextInputFormatter should move the cursor to the right position', () {
TextEditingValue collapsedValue(String text, int offset) =>
text: text,
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: offset),
TextEditingValue oldValue = collapsedValue('123', 0);
TextEditingValue newValue = collapsedValue('123456', 6);
final TextInputFormatter formatter =
TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// assert that we are passing digits only at the first time
expect(oldValue.text, equals('123'));
// assert that we are passing digits only at the second time
expect(newValue.text, equals('123456'));
// assert that cursor is at the end of the text
expect(formatted.selection.baseOffset, equals(6));
// move cursor at the middle of the text and then add the number 9.
oldValue = newValue.copyWith(selection: const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 4));
newValue = oldValue.copyWith(text: '1239456');
formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// cursor must be now at fourth position (right after the number 9)
expect(formatted.selection.baseOffset, equals(4));
test('WhitelistingTextInputFormatter should move the cursor to the right position', () {
TextEditingValue collapsedValue(String text, int offset) =>
text: text,
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: offset),
TextEditingValue oldValue = collapsedValue('123', 0);
TextEditingValue newValue = collapsedValue('123456', 6);
final TextInputFormatter formatter =
TextEditingValue formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// assert that we are passing digits only at the first time
expect(oldValue.text, equals('123'));
// assert that we are passing digits only at the second time
expect(newValue.text, equals('123456'));
// assert that cursor is at the end of the text
expect(formatted.selection.baseOffset, equals(6));
// move cursor at the middle of the text and then add the number 9.
oldValue = newValue.copyWith(selection: const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 4));
newValue = oldValue.copyWith(text: '1239456');
formatted = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue);
// cursor must be now at fourth position (right after the number 9)
expect(formatted.selection.baseOffset, equals(4));
test('FilteringTextInputFormatter should filter independent of selection', () {
// Regression test for
final TextInputFormatter formatter = FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('abc', replacementString: '*');
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue.empty;
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: 'abcabcabc');
final String filteredText = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue).text;
for (int i = 0; i < newValue.text.length; i += 1) {
final String text = formatter.formatEditUpdate(
newValue.copyWith(selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: i)),
expect(filteredText, text);
test('FilteringTextInputFormatter should filter independent of composingRegion', () {
final TextInputFormatter formatter = FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('abc', replacementString: '*');
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue.empty;
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: 'abcabcabc');
final String filteredText = formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue).text;
for (int i = 0; i < newValue.text.length; i += 1) {
final String text = formatter.formatEditUpdate(
newValue.copyWith(composing: TextRange.collapsed(i)),
expect(filteredText, text);
test('FilteringTextInputFormatter basic filtering test', () {
final RegExp filter = RegExp('[A-Za-z0-9.@-]*');
final TextInputFormatter formatter = FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(filter);
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue.empty;
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: 'ab&&ca@bcabc');
expect(formatter.formatEditUpdate(oldValue, newValue).text, 'abca@bcabc');
group('FilteringTextInputFormatter region', () {
const TextEditingValue oldValue = TextEditingValue.empty;
test('Preserves selection region', () {
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: 'AAABBBCCC');
// AAA | BBB | CCC => AAA | **** | CCC
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 6, extentOffset: 3),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 7, extentOffset: 3),
// AAA | BBB CCC | => AAA | **** CCC |
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 9, extentOffset: 3),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 10, extentOffset: 3),
// AAA BBB | CCC | => AAA **** | CCC |
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 9, extentOffset: 6),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 10, extentOffset: 7),
// AAAB | B | BCCC => AAA***|CCC
// Same length replacement, keep the selection at where it is.
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '***').formatEditUpdate(
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 5, extentOffset: 4),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 5, extentOffset: 4),
// AAA | BBB | CCC => AAA | CCC
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 6, extentOffset: 3),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 3, extentOffset: 3),
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 6, extentOffset: 3),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 3, extentOffset: 3),
// The unfortunate case, we don't know for sure where to put the selection
// so put it after the replacement string.
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 5, extentOffset: 4),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 7, extentOffset: 7),
test('Preserves selection region, allow', () {
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: 'AAABBBCCC');
// AAA | BBB | CCC => **** | BBB | ****
FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 6, extentOffset: 3),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 7, extentOffset: 4),
// | AAABBBCCC | => | ****BBB**** |
FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 9, extentOffset: 0),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 11, extentOffset: 0),
// AAABBB | CCC | => ****BBB | **** |
FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
selection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 9, extentOffset: 6),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 11, extentOffset: 7),
// Overlapping matches: AAA | BBBBB | CCC => | BBB |
const TextEditingValue(
selection: TextSelection(baseOffset: 8, extentOffset: 3),
const TextSelection(baseOffset: 3, extentOffset: 0),
test('Preserves composing region', () {
const TextEditingValue newValue = TextEditingValue(text: 'AAABBBCCC');
// AAA | BBB | CCC => AAA | **** | CCC
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
composing: const TextRange(start: 3, end: 6),
const TextRange(start: 3, end: 7),
// AAA | BBB CCC | => AAA | **** CCC |
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
composing: const TextRange(start: 3, end: 9),
const TextRange(start: 3, end: 10),
// AAA BBB | CCC | => AAA **** | CCC |
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '****').formatEditUpdate(
composing: const TextRange(start: 6, end: 9),
const TextRange(start: 7, end: 10),
// AAAB | B | BCCC => AAA*** | CCC
// Same length replacement, don't move the composing region.
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny('BBB', replacementString: '***').formatEditUpdate(
composing: const TextRange(start: 4, end: 5),
const TextRange(start: 4, end: 5),
// AAA | BBB | CCC => | AAA CCC
composing: const TextRange(start: 3, end: 6),