Roll engine 08af410d4ab5..289c6b1a1c27 (1 commits) (#22869)

git log 08af410d4ab5..289c6b1a1c27 --no-merges --oneline
289c6b1a1 Revert "Revert "Use single_root_scheme when compiling platform (#6402)" (#6431)" (flutter/engine#6473)

The AutoRoll server is located here:

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff, who should
be CC'd on the roll, and stop the roller if necessary.
diff --git a/bin/internal/engine.version b/bin/internal/engine.version
index 4a9dfb5..2a46621 100644
--- a/bin/internal/engine.version
+++ b/bin/internal/engine.version
@@ -1 +1 @@