Roll engine f3482700474a..5467f6f63046 (37 commits) (#36521)

git log f3482700474a791dabe9c4783568ed0fe512b04d..5467f6f63046620b0ef1edc72ae06f9fad941cee --no-merges --oneline
5467f6f63 Roll src/third_party/skia bf1d4effe171..19547c91b983 (4 commits) (flutter/engine#9942)
15797da86 Roll src/third_party/skia de71a74fc40e..bf1d4effe171 (5 commits) (flutter/engine#9940)
db0839ab9 Copy over fuchsia dev key from buildroot (flutter/engine#9936)
934e22571 Build fuchsia artifacts from the engine (flutter/engine#9933)
9e0477643 Update the exception thrown for invalid data in the codec test (flutter/engine#9929)
678ce2e87 Fix reentrancy handling in SingleFrameCodec (flutter/engine#9931)
9bb1b89cb Update libcxx & libcxxabi to HEAD in prep for compiler upgrade. (flutter/engine#9906)
cad5cc296 Roll src/third_party/skia 3e6aa9f52839..de71a74fc40e (11 commits) (flutter/engine#9930)
5ed71f19b Handle decompressed images in InstantiateImageCodec (flutter/engine#9901)
ad5ae0f2d Update Buildroot Version (flutter/engine#9927)
f20e9350d Fix failure of the onReportTimings window hook test (flutter/engine#9923)
eaf1f33e5 Don't try to use unset assets_dir setting (flutter/engine#9924)
ae14f0461 Add the isMultiline semantics flag to values (flutter/engine#9894)
cf3fd6df0 Roll src/third_party/skia 83cfe4fa24d9..3e6aa9f52839 (6 commits) (flutter/engine#9921)
cf40c243a Removed unused method. (flutter/engine#9919)
7bd8fc317 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from GcUOj20BDDGW4Sz4cnsI4_Lf9qte_6OCgQBmDQLnGNcC to xNAaLqZJk8Bkz00BaHGzE8hCpiohggO7KabM3g2wdsQC (flutter/engine#9918)
68ae872e2 Made the persistent cache's directory a const pointer. (flutter/engine#9815)
8720043dc Roll src/third_party/skia a2e7d5e2b63c..83cfe4fa24d9 (3 commits) (flutter/engine#9916)
b28ccd8e1 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 9XAYIkrdh9JQjy22gyni7VbK2yYurszww1k9zRQ_jU8C to GcUOj20BDDGW4Sz4cnsI4_Lf9qte_6OCgQBmDQLnGNcC (flutter/engine#9915)
89a9a95af Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from lXCuLh2YGWM641A5Io3ASt3Uy70e_YGRKFLf46new08C to 9XAYIkrdh9JQjy22gyni7VbK2yYurszww1k9zRQ_jU8C (flutter/engine#9911)
c8f35b948 Roll src/third_party/skia ea6da6909624..a2e7d5e2b63c (3 commits) (flutter/engine#9910)
8704d61ec Roll src/third_party/dart 6bf1f8e280..63120303a7 (4 commits)
866d0570f Roll src/third_party/dart 0506882b37..6bf1f8e280 (9 commits)
72893549a Roll src/third_party/dart 8cb7e4c237..0506882b37 (3 commits)
d84b9385a Roll src/third_party/dart 41d3971e83..8cb7e4c237 (2 commits)
52b226cd4 Roll src/third_party/dart 2b3336b51e..41d3971e83 (3 commits)
cf4129bbb Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 0NcHg3_AYcxrkseoO6xmXrQ-GZ82gy8CE5NU-SDJq_QC to lXCuLh2YGWM641A5Io3ASt3Uy70e_YGRKFLf46new08C (flutter/engine#9908)
c2133b41a Roll src/third_party/skia d7639aff1001..ea6da6909624 (7 commits) (flutter/engine#9907)
ca91c66d7 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from JDPk4JFZX16IXpzzjQH5KFf0vRALbOtJYiMHCqFLFOQC to 0NcHg3_AYcxrkseoO6xmXrQ-GZ82gy8CE5NU-SDJq_QC (flutter/engine#9904)
fd2cb8150 Respect EXIF information while decompressing images. (flutter/engine#9905)
dd06cda54 Fix justify for RTL paragraphs. (flutter/engine#9859)
be3e2ed4c Fix fuchsia license detection (flutter/engine#9857)
b7b791b3f In a single frame codec, release the compressed image buffer after giving it to the decoder (flutter/engine#9825)
1af19ae67 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from PHtpiJGexJFgd7sgPTUbFphKES09fzotmtrO2kTHI08C to JDPk4JFZX16IXpzzjQH5KFf0vRALbOtJYiMHCqFLFOQC (flutter/engine#9892)
5d9f7b18e Log dlopen errors only in debug mode (flutter/engine#9890)
8f060b995 Add clang version to Info.plist (flutter/engine#9873)
0fcf3b3ef Roll src/third_party/skia e574f1e409aa..d7639aff1001 (16 commits) (flutter/engine#9889)

The AutoRoll server is located here:

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff (, and stop
the roller if necessary.
1 file changed
tree: bba1f145c6a95f54573fa6d406eccf6ffeaee593
  1. .github/
  2. bin/
  3. dev/
  4. examples/
  5. packages/
  6. .cirrus.yml
  7. .codecov.yml
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. analysis_options.yaml
  14. dartdoc_options.yaml
  15. flutter_console.bat

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About Flutter

We think Flutter will help you create beautiful, fast apps, with a productive, extensible and open development model.

Beautiful apps

We want to enable designers to deliver their full creative vision without being forced to water it down due to limitations of the underlying framework. Flutter's layered architecture gives you control over every pixel on the screen, and its powerful compositing capabilities let you overlay and animate graphics, video, text and controls without limitation. Flutter includes a full set of widgets that deliver pixel-perfect experiences on both iOS and Android.

Reflectly hero image

Fast apps

Flutter is fast. It's powered by the same hardware-accelerated Skia 2D graphics library that underpins Chrome and Android. We architected Flutter to support glitch-free, jank-free graphics at the native speed of your device. Flutter code is powered by the world-class Dart platform, which enables compilation to native 32-bit and 64-bit ARM code for iOS and Android.

Productive development

Flutter offers stateful hot reload, allowing you to make changes to your code and see the results instantly without restarting your app or losing its state.

Hot reload animation

Extensible and open model

Flutter works with any development tool, but includes editor plug-ins for both Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ / Android Studio. Flutter provides thousands of packages to speed your development, regardless of your target platform. And accessing platform features is easy. Here is a snippet from our interop example:

Future<void> getBatteryLevel() async {
  var batteryLevel = 'unknown';
  try {
    int result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod('getBatteryLevel');
    batteryLevel = 'Battery level: $result%';
  } on PlatformException {
    batteryLevel = 'Failed to get battery level.';
  setState(() {
    _batteryLevel = batteryLevel;

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