Roll engine 9cf13568e2aa..325f5b66dcc0 (9 commits) (#36610)

git log 9cf13568e2aa1f9ab37445037e2ef54ecb5146f8..325f5b66dcc0d32ed344a3d8555572c2fb995dc1 --no-merges --oneline
325f5b66d Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from i5kNl7ZKu6X9AqpFLP4d5vDqQ4k9CtaQIk3x3WLVFxMC to 8TNm8LtekvIJNYrWK9JBsM3qONKGYnyHufXhidbBKWsC (flutter/engine#9967)
fe0ffc7f6 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from LNYN3mEv2NJLUmZf6nGD5IWqOjDDiXpPeV2l4YWI0j8C to i5kNl7ZKu6X9AqpFLP4d5vDqQ4k9CtaQIk3x3WLVFxMC (flutter/engine#9966)
0ac94f75a Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from Hjo8G2HMO-S2RkQO8NOJNFH9t9QlspYq810NONDB8e0C to LNYN3mEv2NJLUmZf6nGD5IWqOjDDiXpPeV2l4YWI0j8C (flutter/engine#9964)
8fda1c99b Fix return type of assert function in gradient_test (flutter/engine#9961)
79bb7a583 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from yCNSGMzcBMQzda_aHXqXWoW1cLSen0AL64orTFH-qHcC to Hjo8G2HMO-S2RkQO8NOJNFH9t9QlspYq810NONDB8e0C (flutter/engine#9960)
736c28b35 Update Dart engine tests to check for assertion failures only when running in debug mode (flutter/engine#9959)
b56e1ad79 Roll src/third_party/skia 4a13119a60e2..be91f062d70e (3 commits) (flutter/engine#9956)
61e2ba1db Roll src/third_party/dart 63120303a7...a089199b93 (flutter/engine#9951)
da0fcf828 Updates to the engine test runner script (flutter/engine#9934)

The AutoRoll server is located here:

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff (, and stop
the roller if necessary.

1 file changed
tree: bf5ec72aed109bdccf3100ff6d2eef05120d8392
  1. .github/
  2. bin/
  3. dev/
  4. examples/
  5. packages/
  6. .cirrus.yml
  7. .codecov.yml
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. analysis_options.yaml
  14. dartdoc_options.yaml
  15. flutter_console.bat

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Flutter is Google's mobile app SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.


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About Flutter

We think Flutter will help you create beautiful, fast apps, with a productive, extensible and open development model.

Beautiful apps

We want to enable designers to deliver their full creative vision without being forced to water it down due to limitations of the underlying framework. Flutter's layered architecture gives you control over every pixel on the screen, and its powerful compositing capabilities let you overlay and animate graphics, video, text and controls without limitation. Flutter includes a full set of widgets that deliver pixel-perfect experiences on both iOS and Android.

Reflectly hero image

Fast apps

Flutter is fast. It's powered by the same hardware-accelerated Skia 2D graphics library that underpins Chrome and Android. We architected Flutter to support glitch-free, jank-free graphics at the native speed of your device. Flutter code is powered by the world-class Dart platform, which enables compilation to native 32-bit and 64-bit ARM code for iOS and Android.

Productive development

Flutter offers stateful hot reload, allowing you to make changes to your code and see the results instantly without restarting your app or losing its state.

Hot reload animation

Extensible and open model

Flutter works with any development tool, but includes editor plug-ins for both Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ / Android Studio. Flutter provides thousands of packages to speed your development, regardless of your target platform. And accessing platform features is easy. Here is a snippet from our interop example:

Future<void> getBatteryLevel() async {
  var batteryLevel = 'unknown';
  try {
    int result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod('getBatteryLevel');
    batteryLevel = 'Battery level: $result%';
  } on PlatformException {
    batteryLevel = 'Failed to get battery level.';
  setState(() {
    _batteryLevel = batteryLevel;

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